Idoly Pride Episode 10-12 Log Horizon Episode 8-12 Show By Rock Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 8-12 Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Not really much new today, just the last episode of Log Horizon We should see one or two new shows filter in before the weekend, but other than that this week is mostly cleanup
slime log horizon 8 idol price 10 design-bu 8 show by rock
Tomorrow won't be much better, with only the Shaman King remake starting up But there'll be 3-5 shows that might be good for watching airing over the weekend, and then stuff should probably begin in earnest next week
It's a big moment And since this'll be a split-cour season it's probably the last we'll see of it for a season
Thought things were just back to normal when Rimuru started talking normally Since at the end of the last episode it sounded like his Great Sage skill talking through him instead when he was reviving everyone But it was just a flashback
Oh the rest of them evolved too
Benimaru sure is having fun with these circumstances
Maybe being a demon makes ihm better at stuff like that.
I wonder why Milim wants to wage war with Carrion She's the kind of person who it's hard to tell if she's just being dumb or if she's actually planning something
Too bad Carrion's gonna job Because he's pretty stylish Oh Milim's got a battle mode too
They sure kinda did him dirty there at the end though He probably would've lost to Milim anyway, so just sneaking up behind him to kill him feels unnecessary and humiliating
I am curious about what this guy's deal is. He seems really strong.
Maybe it's just in demon nature to want to serve someone stronger than themselves Rimuru's given him a name now too That always seems to always make people evolve Though he kinda looks mostly the same!
Oh looks like he can finally get the dragon from the start of the series out of his hammerspace body
>>932005 Oh This show has actually been getting interesting lately will be a long wait
Well it's just like Higurashi Gives summer a very lot of incoming excitement I should finally be moved in to the place I should have to myself by then too
I don't know about that! Mushrooms can be dangerous to eat and might induce after-effects which make matters worse!
Sasuga Shiroe You presented that idea to the princess so politely but you just want her out of the way while you repair the diplomatic relationships she kinda messed with
Yeah I was thinking These two seem more animal than person
It feels like these two are NPCs a lot of the veterans know from the game Shiroe and the cat in particular seem to recognize them.
They really are ponkotsu sisters Though it kind of sounds like even as NPCs the two were weirdly personalized Or maybe it was a cruel trick of the devs to mess things up regardless of which sister you gave the scales to Effectively making the quest require you to do it four times over to actually complete it
There's still three episodes of this eh They're kinda getting close to a climax but it feels like they'd have to drag things out a bit at the pace they've been going
Oh yeah Rika have you had a chance to get into Rise at all yet?
I've played a little, yeah. He made the smart decision and waited for me and we've been playing. He doesn't like the low switch framerate though.
>>932029 Yeah, the ghost fading stuff started a few episodes earlier than one would have thought.
I've only been playing the game on my Switch, no television, so I don't really notice the frames Aside from the wings of the Remobra when they're in the distance, which always seem to be going at like 6 FPS
I've been enjoying it a lot though The free mobility of the air grapple makes moving through the game so satisfying
Oh she's fading again The boost she got at the end of last episode didn't last long
For an idol show, there hasn't actually been a whole lot of on-screen performances And a lot of them have been credits roll stuff or slideshows
Both the big idol shows this season haven't really been pure idol shoes shows
Well it's a bit refreshing
They've been using the ghost girl's seiyuu for the orange-haired MC so far I guess her actual seiyuu gets to sing now that she's no longer using Mana's voice
Unsurprisingly, they're going to the finals Now I wonder if they'll go with the predictable route and have the other side of their idols make it or throw one last twist at us
I like the sound they picked for this trio though It's got that bubbly, poppy synth that's just kinda nice to listen to.
This is probably my favourite not-favourite show of the season As in, of all the stuff that wasn't like, a smash hit great show to watch, this one leads the pack It's just fun and the animal trivia is always interesting
>>932043 The episodes are good pointless enough to be comf but meaningful enough to not be boring
The characters are all personable and unique And I think it does a good job of assigning them the kinds of animals you'd expect a personality like that to create
i will definitely watch slime before summer
>Bones as weapons Isn't that basically just Uh I guess elephants tusks aren't bones, not really.
Well freestyle in any language is always kinda goofy It's pretty hard work to think up lyrics that fit a beat and syllable limit on the fly!
I like how Japanese sounds in the rap format much more than I like English Though that definitely might be the allure of not knowing what the words mean
Oh I've seen frogs that do this before They flex their back legs to show off how strong they are Frogs are really funny creatures
oh dark monsters mentioned for the first itme in dozens of episodes
Yeah This giant one that's floating in the sky did show up at the start of the series But they were absent from the Mashumaireshu season To be fair I think they "beat" what was creating them in the second season, so it kinda makes sense
Don't you kinda want to party so hard your soul falls out though? It sounds like a fun experience
It's kinda funny that this kind of music is what Japanese considers "emo" Though it does make sense, if anything, this kind of emotional, sentimental tone is definitely more "emo" than what you get from the genre in western music
Oh they've got the whole cast singing their song That's nice