
Thread #92179

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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
cthulhu ic thread
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ic thread >>92184 →

last time
the group arrived in wyoming where they met a bunch of cowboys and learned about disappearing people
but surprise people aren't disappearing
their blood is disappearing
the group found the shriveled up body of the sheriff

last we saw they were getting ready to go meet Bloody Mary at the saloon
Felicity Davis
Tossing the keys back to the man who'd given them over, I leave the sheriff's office and head towards the saloon.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas follows Felicity!
Thomas O'Neil
"I wonder what kind of person this uh... bloody mary person is. Do you think that's a nickname or are we dealing with some kind of odd ball here?"
"Likely unpleasant. That seems to be a common theme in this place."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The saloon sits next to the sheriff's office. It appears to be quite busy. Horses are stationed outside in addition to several horseless carriages (cars).
Thomas O'Neil
"Look at all those horses and horseless carriages."
Thomas O'Neil
"Ahem. I guess we should just head on in? And, who wants to do the talking? Last time I did that things went kind of south."
Felicity Davis
"Well maybe if you're lucky, Bloody Mary will be endeared towards your meandering awkward dialogue than Sicily.
"Come on, let's go find her" I say as I step into the saloon.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas follows in and gives a good look around as he enters.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Felicity steps through the swinging doors and straight into a large balloon of a woman. Intuition tells her that the woman is Bloody Mary. She has more rolls than a dinner feast and her hair is as red as blood, likely where she got the name.
She gasps. "Surry there, dearie! Didn't expect ya ta be comin through!"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas stands firmly in place, stone faced.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She glances at Thomas and her heartbeat accelerates. She wonders if it's love that she's feeling, or if it's her obesity.
Felicity Davis
I breathe for air after separating myself from her numerous folds.
"No worries ma'am, I should have kept my eyes ahead of meself."
"Do you run this waterin' hole, or just a regular member of it?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"I own it!" she proud states, puffing out her chest and sending her masses of flesh into motion, jiggling like a plate of jello. "I'm Mary. They call me Bloody Mary, the Wicked Witch of Wyoming!" She laughs. Her flabby neck seems almost unreal.
"It's very...rustic. Precisely what one would expect."
Thomas O'Neil
"Why do they call you the wicked witch of Wyoming? Bloody Mary is pretty apparent."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She's not sure if she feels hot because she's so fat or if because Thomas is talking to her.
"Folks like ta joke that I done ate the fella that owned this place before me. Cooked him up in a stew!"
Felicity Davis
"Well considering your avid patronage you must have done a fine job of cooking him up. Or do they all just come here because you're the only saloon in town."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas feels shivers down his spine, and is extremely uncomfortable for a reason he's not entirely sure of.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Little bit of both!" she says with a hee-hawing laugh.
Felicity Davis
I laugh along with her for a moment.

"Now Mary, as the proprietress of this here place, do you keep an eye out for the new faces that come by? We're on the heels of a man--a sort of benefactor of ours that has gone ahead without giving us much to work on--and we're trying to find him."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"What's he look like?"
Felicity Davis
I give her a thorough and precise description of Archibald Hamlin.
"Also he should have been accompanied by his manservant, a boisterous man who, while awkward, is generally quite pleasant.
Thomas O'Neil
"Certainly an odd one."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"I remember them fellas. Came through a couple a' days ago!"
She watches Thomas out of the corner of her eyes.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas shivers again. He wonders if there's a draft in the room. Which would make sense given the doors.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas senses danger
#d6 (5)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
A sense of dread assails Thomas. Something very dangerous - in a sexual sense - appears to be watching him.
Thomas O'Neil
"Um, excuse me, where's the restroom in this saloon?"
Felicity Davis
"You wouldn't happen to have heard any peep from them on which way they may have went 'round these parts?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Her massive, flabby arm swings up and she extends her sausage-like index finger towards a red-skinned gentleman. "I reckon you might wanna ask him. Your friend gone into the Res."
She turns to Thomas with a gentle smile. "Want me to take you there?"
Thomas O'Neil
"No, no thank you, just curious."
VV smiles.
"It may be good to take a guide along."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Her heavy hand is lifted and brought down on Thomas' shoulder. "I won't bite, dearie."
Thomas O'Neil
#d20 (9)
thomas turns green.
"No no really I'm fine."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"You don't look fine, sweetie! Let me take you there."
She attempts to lift Thomas with her one, flabby arm.
#d6 (6)
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas O'Neil
#d20 (12)
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas struggles.
spending 2 athletics
#d6+2 (2 + 2 = 4)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She carries Thomas outside to a small box. "This here's the outhouse."
It smells terrible. Thomas can't figure out if the foul stench is the sweat of the cow woman carrying him or the outhouse. She sets him down, winks, and heads back inside.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas curls into a ball
Felicity Davis
"Erm, thanks for the hospitality, Mary. Also you wouldn't have happened to see a young woman about yay tall," I gesture Sicily's height, "around just half an hour or so past?"
Thomas O'Neil
The sound of bile being emptied barely penetrates the saloon.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She nods with her gelatinous head. "Saw someone new 'bout that height talkin' to the Redman over yonder." She points to the man again.
"It seems like we have a good idea of whom to talk to."
Felicity Davis
"Yeah, looks like finding all of them again goes hand in hand." I sigh, and nod appreciation towards Bloody Mary. "We'll see you around, Mary."
Turning away, I walk over towards where the red-skinned man is in the saloon.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas returns, coated in sweat and worse for wear.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The Redman is dressed similarly to the other people in the town - like a cowboy. He's got a cigarette in his mouth and seems to be gazing off into nothingness. As Felicity approaches, he pushes up on the brim of his hat without making eye contact and waits for her to speak.
Thomas O'Neil
"I wonder if there's a city where everyone dresses up like scientists." Thomas ponders out loud.
VV snickers.
"Not in America."
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh, so they have them in Britain?"
Felicity Davis
"Good day, sir," I say to the Redman. "We're on the trail of a few people--all of which seem to have talked to you previously. A woman, an elderly gentleman, and his manservant. Could you help us in finding them?"
"You'll find a great many scholars and other learned people at our many universities, yes."
Thomas O'Neil
"But a city with 70% or so scientists? Wow, maybe I should go back with you to Britain."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Many people talk to me, friend. I have not seen your face before; you are looking for other new faces, I am sure? I have seen three new faces recently. A man and servant wished to be brought to the Reservation. I did not bring them but did provide them with direction. As for the woman new face , she wanted information on obtaining arms. I provided her with that. What is it that you wish to be provided with, friend?"
Felicity Davis
"Directions in the way of the Reservation would help us greatly, friend. We're looking to be of assistance to the two men you brought there. As for the latter, just knowing where she is, is more than enough."
"Is there a library or a record house in this town?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Didn't we get laughed at when we asked that earlier?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"If you wish to reach the Reservation, I will guide you there." He removes his cowboy hat, fully revealing his face. He has a long, black ponytail with some beads in it.
"But it is too late now. It is dangerous to travel at night. If you wish me to take you there, it will have to wait until morning."

He turns to VV with a slight frown. "There are no sources of information here. There are books at the church on the Reservation if you are interested in reading material."
Thomas O'Neil
"Guess we'll need to find a spot to settle down for the night then. Any recommendations?"
Felicity Davis
"I'm sure we can get Bloody Mary to put us up for the night. Does anywhere else in town offer rooms or beds?
Thomas O'Neil
"I-... Is there anywhere else...?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Upstairs, I have a room. It is room 6. You may stay there until morning comes. There are two beds."
"That's one room for the ladies. Perhaps you can stay with the proprietress, Thomas."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"I will arrange for a second room for the boy." He stands up and walks over to Mary. After a moment of conversing, he returns. "Room 5 is free. The boy is free to use it."
Thomas O'Neil
"VV I'm sorry if I've offended you recently."
Felicity Davis
"You're a good man, sir. Surely we can repay you for your kindness."
Thomas O'Neil
"Also thank you, sir."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"I do what must be done. There is no need to show your thanks." He nods once. I will leave to prepare. At sunrise, I will come to wake you all should you not be awake already. "My name is George, by the way. George Under-the-Mountain."
Thomas O'Neil
"That's a very nice name, if you don't mind my say-so."
Felicity Davis
"That's more than suitable. Until then, George."

"I'm going to see if I can find Sicily. She ought to sleep with us if she hasn't found other arrangements."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
As if on cue, Sicily walks into the saloon. She's now dressed like a cowboy with a revolver holstered at her side.
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh no she's been assimilated."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
George takes his leave.
Felicity Davis
"I guess you've been getting into the spirit of things," I say as I look her up and down.
"We got a room for the night, you need a place to stay, or you got something else in mind?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Are you guys going to the res with the Indian guy?" she asks.
Felicity Davis
"Yeah, that's where our benefactor--the codger that vanished from the mansion--seems to have gone off to. "
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She fingers her gun with a grin. "I'll tag along. Mind if I sleep with you tonight?"
Felicity Davis
"As long as you're good for splitting a bed."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Fine with me." she nods.
Felicity Davis
I nod before heading upstairs to room six.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsugumomo - 01 (…).jpg)
the sun goes down, the sky grows dark, and the group is awakened by a blood curdling scream at 1am
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas checks to make sure he's not the one screaming.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The scream sounded like a woman's scream. It came from downstairs.
Felicity Davis
My eyes snap open and I bolt out of bed, probably jostling Sicily a fair bit.
Grabbing the gun from the mansion, I throw open the doom and look around.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas opens the door to the hallway or whatever is outside his room and glances both ways
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily mumbles in her sleep, undisturbed.
"mmm....I wonder if that was Thomas screaming."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Some bangs come from downstairs.
Thomas O'Neil
"I guess we should go check it out huh." Thomas says to Felicity, rubbing his eyes.
Felicity Davis
"No shit, brainiac."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
A cynical titter can be heard from downstairs.
Felicity Davis
Taking a moment to compose myself, I slow down and move stealthily to avoid making more sound.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas is going to follow Felicity, but noting her stealth he keeps a small distance to try and not ruin it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
As ///
VV follows the group downstairs, sleepily.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
As the trio heads down the stairs slowly, they find the saloon area illuminated by a single, dim candle. On the floor is what appears to be the shriveled body of a large woman, almost like a pile of nothing but fat, clothes, and hair. Standing above it is almost impossible to see. Straining their eyes, they can make out only a blood-red outline of a beast seeming to lack form, yet it has a form nonetheless. A mocking titter escapes it as it fades into the darkness.
VV peeks around the corner, sees a bad scene, and hides back on the safe side of the corner.
Thomas O'Neil
"... Maybe we should assume it may have no t left..."
#d6 (1)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everyone roll stability
Felicity Davis
#d6 (2)
#d6 (5)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
felicity and thomas lose one stability
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas grips an explosve // explosive in his pack tightly.
Felicity Davis
My eyes dart about the room and the shadows that cover it, straining to see any movement in the darkness.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas is going to sense danger.
#d6 (2)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It feels pretty safe to Thomas.
Felicity fails to see anything.
Felicity Davis
(Sense Danger #d6 (6) +1)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Felicity does not sense any danger. She innately gets the sense that the beast has gone.
Thomas O'Neil
"Hey boss, do you think we're uh... safe... for now?"
Felicity Davis
I relaxed my tensed shoulders.
"I don't...I don't know. Probably. Maybe."

Giving the banister a hearty kick, I moan, "why does this always have to happen at night. What's wrong with getting a damnable good night's rest?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily quietly sneaks up on VV who is still hiding near the stairs. She softly blows into VV's ear.

Thomas O'Neil
"Hopefully these are easier to kill than those Stikini."
#d6 (3) sense danger
VV looks somewhat startled, but more annoyed than startled.
"Do you need something?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She whispers. "What's up? Aren't you a little old for hide-and-seek?"
Felicity Davis
I gesture towards the shriveled-yet-blobby mass in the saloon area. "Never to old to be hiding from something that can do that to a person."
"A youthful outlook leads to a youthful body. But in this case, there's a grisly scene around the corner."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily peeks around the corner at the mess. Interested, she walks over to it and pushes the remains with her foot. With a grin, she looks up at the group. "I guess she's not so bloody any more!"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tilts his head and just sort of stares at Sicily with one eyebrow raised
Felicity Davis
I get up from the hiding place. "Bloodless Mary doesn't ring quite as well though. Poor woman." I sigh and look around.
"First things first let's get this room lit up better. Then we can see if there's an acting sheriff or someone with half the brains to be an authority 'round here."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Everyone's probably asleep," Sicily moans. "Let's just go back to bed and deal with this in the morning."
"I think that's the best course of action, as well. It's not my duty to clean up the businessplace of another. Back to sleep."
Felicity Davis
I give them both a dull look before turning back to lighting the candles throughout the saloon. "Sleep if you want but I want to give this woman some respect."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tries to help light the place up without disturbing the general scene of the suckling.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily shrugs. "Suit yourself. Don't complain if you're tired when we leave in the morning!" She heads back upstairs.
Felicity Davis
Having lit the saloon sufficiently, I head outside and go to the door of the sheriff's office, knocking heavily on the door.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas follows along since there was literally just a blood sucking demon thing about.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There is no answer.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks around to see if anyone else nearby stirred from the screams.
Given the location and the open nature of the saloon, it's possible he supposes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The streets are empty. In the distance, there appears to be a small fire burning.
Felicity Davis
"Hello?" I shout out. "Hello? There's been a murder at the saloon!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Nobody answers.
Thomas O'Neil
Is the smoke above the fire some sort of signal? Does it look more than an ordinary fire //
Smoke does not work well at night.

"Hey Felicity, does that fire over there strike you as odd?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's night time. You can see a fire.
Felicity Davis
Hesitantly, I approach the fire.

"No stranger than anything else that's happened in this town. If anything it feels normal.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas shrugs and also heads towards the fire.
"Should we really be walking around out here in our pajamas with monsters about?"
Thomas O'Neil
"BUH VV jeez you startled me. I thought you went back to bed?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
At the fire is a tent. George is likely inside.
"It would be troublesome if you two died out here while I was sleeping."
Felicity Davis
Stopping a respectable distance from the fire, I call out--not too loudly--to the tent. "Excuse me, I know it's late, but there's been a murder at the saloon."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas turns to respond to VV but can't find the words.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
George exists /// exits the tent holding a crude spear. "Let us go. Lead the way."
"Wait, now?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Just letting you know, it sort of disappeared and we're not exactly sure where it would have gone. Do you want to look at the scene or do you have somewhere in mind?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"What did you see?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Not much. A sort of shadowy near-invisible thing. Sort of a blood-tinted outline? It was dark but this thing was hard to see even with that in mind. And it drained that Bloody Mary miss of blood, judging from the look of things."
Felicity Davis
"It was if its form was not entirely separate from the shadows around it. But it was definitely some creature of sorts. Just not one I have any familiarity with. And its laugh-" I shiver remembering it. "It's laugh was malicious and twisted."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He relaxes. "I see. You can go back to bed. It is safe for the night. Tomorrow will be long - I recommend sleeping as much as you can."
Felicity Davis
"Do none of you care that there are people about town dead, drained of blood? Is there no law enforcement we can find to address this situation?
"As I said, sleeping was the proper course of action."
Thomas O'Neil
"I imagine that there's nothing that can be done in // at the moment, and that George is suggesting we take care of things tomorrow."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Law enforcement can do nothing. But you - you are here to stop it. I am here to aid you. We must all play our part. I am playing mine."
Felicity Davis
I narrow my eyes and march up to George. "And in the meanwhile bodies pile up and everyone sits on their thumbs. Let me make one thing very clear--I choose my own part to play. I will trust you this one time, but if this indifference brings harm to anyone else then I am through with it."
Without another word I turn on my heel and stalk off.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
George returns to his tent, smiling under the shadow of his hat being cast by the fire.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks up to the starlit sky and sighs. "See you tomorrow then, George."
Thomas follows and tries to keep pace with Felicity.

"Hey Felicity, real quick, do you, uh, trust me?"
"So, sleep. Coming out here just to go back and do what I was going to do in the first place was worth the trip."
Felicity Davis
Back in the room,// scratch that.
Felicity Davis
"You can be a blithering idiot but your intentions are good. I trust you to do your best to help. So yeah, I trust you."
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh, good. Because you see, sometimes during my studies I found I really needed some decent sleep, so I messed around in the chemistry lab and made something that both tastes like a warm cup of tea and helped put me right back to bed. I happen to have some of it on me, and figured you could use some. Though it is, you know, home made chemical nonsense so I figured I should ask first before telling you to drink it."
"You threw a bomb at me once."
Thomas O'Neil
"I threw a bomb NEAR you once."
Felicity Davis
"I appreciate the sentimentality but I don't feel like anything like that tonight."
I quicken my pace on the return to the saloon.
Thomas O'Neil
"Uhhh.... you want some, VV?"
Felicity Davis
Back in the room, I sit back down on the bed, lay back, and wait for dawn.
"You won't even admit that you threw a bomb at me. I'm going to sleep."
Thomas O'Neil
"It was for the other guy I swear!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg)

The sun begins to rise, illuminating the world. George knocks loudly on the door to room 6. "It is time. Come."
Felicity Davis
Rousing from the uneasy sleep I had fallen into, I blink wearily and stretch my stiff body.
I leave the room.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas gets up and sighs, and does the same.
"Don't forget to bring plenty of supplies! I'm sure this will be as horrible as it was the last time."
Thomas O'Neil
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
George heads outside and stands near a large carriage with two horses prepared to pull it. "Room for supplies and you four."
It appears Sicily has woken and followed the group out.
Felicity Davis
Before leaving the saloon, I do a quick look behind the saloon counter, looking for any firearms or ammunition.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
There is a shotgun behind the counter but there is /// there are no shells for it.
VV looks around too, for anything vaguely weapon shaped.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily sticks her hand into the blobby remains of Mary and pulls out two shotgun shells.
Felicity Davis
I take the shotgun and toss it to Sicily. "I'm none too familiar with these. You want it?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She catches it in her free hand. "I'll take it."
"I saw an axe in the Redman's cart, too. Maybe we can use that."
Thomas O'Neil
"Are any of us particular good at axeplay?"
"I'll hold onto it since I don't have anything."
Felicity Davis
Satisfied, I get into the carriage.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Sicily also jumps into the carriage. George sits at the helm, ready to take off any time.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas hops on in.
VV follows.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The carriage takes off down the road.
An image of the entire party fades into the screen. "Our battle is just beginning...!"
cue credits
"season 2 confirmed"

