the long jump seems to be the most popular with a 100% pick rate on /moe/ so far I wonder if people are underestimating just how high a super high jump would be >>92175 all friends will high five you, not just the ones you jump you get SIX high fives no matter your choice
You get five high-fives instead of just one. That's not something so easily ignored.
>>92182 The interviewer was talking about how her research pertained to factors that can affect understanding of statistics and things like that, so I was talking about how small unnoticable factors can change people's perceptions of things and I used the trolley problem as an example. She got really excited about the trolley problem because some of her past research had dealt with other thought problems (although I didn't know that when I mentioned the trolley problem)
and while I may have the least kills and the lowest farm in the entire game as a TEAM PLAYER, by building full tank and not taking any of the gold away from the carries, I assured my team the win.
it's all about understanding the game on a higher level.
wait ghost and shell dont rhyme am i fucking stupid
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
they do if you pronounce it like shost
i didn't get fuckin PAID today i was supposed to get paid today i waited all day just waiting for the pay to come through so i could go shopping and it never came through and nothing happened all day and i'm so hungry and i want booze
Like when she told me to kill myself for missing the Sona ult at point blank range she was just trying to protect her fragile heart from being hurt again.
>>92374 I don't know how much league of legends you've played, but sona's ult is like half a screen. To be missing you have to aim it in a direction that's like completely away from what you're trying to hit.
>>92381 it sometimes doesn;t hit things that are right in front of you up close and half screen is exaggerated
That's the magic of direction. If you're close to something that shoots a wide beam, the safest place is actually the closest point to them. Because it's the point at which you can move away from it the fastest. That's why close range becomes "weird". You're at the starting boundary of where it opens. Rather than worrying about width, it's all hitbox placement and current rotation. So my point stands. >>92376
If you want to get better at Sona, come back after you've played Tank Veigar.
I'm pretty sure the only reason I started playing sona in the first place was because 90% of the time I was playing League I was hungover out of my mind and skillshots were too much for me to handle.
>>92653 stop wasting your life playing that garbage
Now for manners use has company believe parlors. Least nor party who wrote while did. Excuse formed as is agreed admire so on result parish. Put use set uncommonly announcing and traveling. Allowance sweeteness direction to as necessary. Principle oh explained excellent do my suspected conveying in. Excellent you did therefore perfectly supposing described.
I really haven't been sleeping well lately and its starting to wear on me. The worst part of me not sleeping well is that it usually ends up with me increasing the time I spend in bed trying to sleep so on top of sleeping poorly I'm also wasting time.
Isn't that the kind of problem that fixes itself? Eventually you'l l be exhausted and sleep a lot.
I think my natural instinct to trying -to try and sleep more on the spot is damaging my chances of it fixing itself.
Also the way it would fix itself is that I would go to bed earlier instead of sleeping in, since I'm already at the point where I'm staying in bed longer. Which would make me miss out on stuff which isn't fun.
>>92725 I can say that this isn't really the case for me. I think the way I sleep comfortably is bad for my sleeping and is causing me to have bad sleep. I think I sleep better on my back but if I lay that way I'm less comfy before sleeping.
the W O R L D S version of flicker is definitely my favorite that version of The Seconds is also really good but the original might be better
the worlds version
oh but that isn't the song i'm actually about to listen to it's this >>>/watch?v=qfy2xxvzp9c the synth in the chorus is so FUCKING good DJ's that modulate volume properly get me fuckin hard, jesus Porter's super good at it does it on nearly every track
>>92751 This might be the first time I've heard Flicker in full. Usually when I hear it, it's just mixed into something. It's nice. Video is suffering though.
>>92763 the video is the raw of the visuals that play behind him when he's live or rather the visuals they did play during his WORLDS tour they're not really meant to be watched as they are and usually the setup at live events involves multiple screen
Wasn't it really obvious it was him though? Maybe some people couldn't tell him from tilde I guess. Well, Tilde always uses proper capitalization and punctuation so he is pretty easily discernible from Floop. I guess Ika is anon right now too though.
When you have an identity you can shitpost without shitposting. How many times have I said something that would be completely innocuous if an anon said it but it was elevated because I said it?
Only four of us are watching anime. I am a namefag so it couldn't have been me. Tilde uses capitalization and punctuation without fail so it couldn't have been him. So that leaves Ika and Floop. I had to check that Ika was anon, didn't he have a name recently?
do you want the hookup i can give you a link to all the stuff you need >>93195 i just have not played it a lot i don't play monster hunter by myself often
>tfw you're the best one at monster hunter this doesn't make sense I remember when I was having trouble with a velocidrome at that point you guys had way more experience my worldview is shattered
My problem with Monster Hunter is that I kind of burn out pretty hard on it. I don't have persistent stamina for pretty much anything. I get to around the middle of high-rank and then the grind gets too much. Which is a shame since I never get to experience the peak of the game, but man. Maybe I'll G-rank DoubleCross or GG or whatever the fuck the G-rank Generations game is.
i just like playing with other people and that's all i only clocked like hundreds of hours in p3rd and MHFU because i had a consistent group that was online almost every day playing together
>>93196 melee netplay is actually really good though there's a dedicated dolphin build for it and everything 100% acc to console
Yeah but it's one of those things that are definitely a lot more exciting for other people than me. Fighting games aren't really anything close to a passion for me.
i // >>93209 special build for melee netplay that reduces input lag used to be bullshit for discord losers only now its a real thing for real people
DL that and set up your stuff and connect to 78ffe24f ill be right back
>>93214 oh perhaps you were just hanging out then i just knew you were going drinking with "friends"
Yeah I've already seen it like a bazillion times in various iterations but this is the first time I've gotten to see it like that. The sound and image quality alone was so good. There's actually a lot of smaller sound details I never picked up on because I guess I don't put my sound up that high on my PC. And also maybe because the sound quality wasn't that good in the rips and airplane version.
>>93221 I went to see it with my imouto since she's a bit of a weeaboo too. She'd also seen it before but she really enjoyed the theatrical quality too.
>>93224 you have the melee iso right? setting it up is the same as setting it up for normal dolphin you might have to move the iso to the new folder though
>>93222 Did you hear it's overtaken Spirited Away for highest-grossing anime film now? I think Spirited Away might still beat it out specific to Japan, but it reigns supreme on the international scale.
I wouldn't be surprised if saggy pants have gotten at least one person shot Though on the other hand, running away, I dunno if they'd think you were pulling a gun
certainly wouldn't be surprised to find it had some influence
Cause I mean If you're running AT the cop, that's already aggressive enough he might shoot you
>>93252 If I was American I'd likely have joined in to stand as defense for the one side that at least before didn't come to fight Based Stick Man is a hero to me He did what was right, showed up prepared to fight defensively if needed, but not to be an aggressor That's the right way to do things
Because if both sides come with that intent, there won't be a fight
>>93256 It just takes one guy with a rock to start a fight
if you do i'm actually sorry but it won't make sense until the very end anyways it's one of the few things i think you should experience completely unaware of the consequence of your actions same goes for the original game tbh
Turkey's having a referendum on whether to make Erdogan essentially a dictator I voted yes for it at the Global Vote I heard about through a TED video on it Because that website asks not whether it's a good idea for the people IN Turkey, but whether the international community would benefit from it, and that's a clear yes. A dictator is way better at fucking up terrorism that fucks with him than a government with checks and balances on use of power and such
>>93273 hell yeah motherfucker let me see if i have the image for it then i restored from my usb drive because i've been through this shit before i aint gettin tricked again
>>93271 Naw, I might check it out at some point, but I'm not too worried about spoilers I just know there might be other moes who are planning to play it
>>93277 plus i wanted to see every quest anyways even beyond getting that sick plat no way i could have completed the game twice in time for P5 to drop >>93279 wow well you should really play it tbh it's a masterpiece actual spoiler 2B is actually 2E and the E stands for Eliminator she is designed to destroy any model android that is too curious for their own good >>93281 what kind of specs do you have
Radeon HD 7900 series somewhere I think quad core 3.2GHz? I got enough ram, that's definitely not an issue. Worst case I could plop in 8 more gigs I have here somewhere
It's just old, is all, so it doesn't run everything too well anymore
>>93283 oh you're probably fine then gpuboss says that the 7900 is only a little worse than the 1050ti i've got and that's more than enogh enough* you only need to install the community patch to fix the fucked up resolution ala dark souls and you'll easily get 60fps
I get like a little under 120fps on CSGO I think It's not exactly a powerhouse
>>93286 either way if a PS4 can run it at 60fps@1080p I'm sure your PC can do it npnp just make sure to install that community patch >>93287 do it RIGHT NOW MOTHERFUCKER it's seriously one of the best games this generation
Some of my letters will seemingly at random give me doubles c and v in particular It's weird, I wonder if it's my keyboard or the finger I use to hit those two. They're next to eachother ater all, it could be I'm just getting localized PARKINSONS
I only use my pinky for tab,caps,shift and ctrl >>93302 More like video games has been SUCH a huge part of my life Dude I LIVED in TF2 for like a year and a half I played Half Life while I was still living here, so I wasn't even 9 yet
>>93302 hey man I type like a normal every day person types
>>93303 don't fucking talk to me about living in a video game until you can prove that you have over 19000 hours in one game i can literally log on to WoW RIGHT NOW and give you my /played for each character its AT LEAST over 20K now
>tfw i've played world of warcraft for almost two and a half years of my life >that is to say two and a half years worth of time in 12 years >i've spent at least 2 hours and 10 minutes >every SINGLE DAY >FOR THE LAST 12 YEARS OF MY LIFE >playing one game
where is marsh i have to apologize to him for the trash i talked about league earlier
>>93318 I'm just glad I grew up with the internet and not after the internet There's a lot of shit online now that NOBODY growing up today will ever truly understand And the 4chan demographic of just poking fun at shit and fucking with things is getting political power. And that group can't be understood by anyone who didn't grow up with them.
Also I get to know what a normie is Normies can't understand what a normie is, because understanding what a normie is, is to cease being a normie
>>93320 I wonder what our lives would be like with no internet
>just poking fun at shit >getting political power The group that just wanted to poke fun at shit is not the group getting political power The ones vying for political power are gay moralfaggots If you care about the outside world or anything other than having fun then you are a faggot shitcunt
Politics is a large, fun thing to fuck with If you just don't care too much about the consequences, getting Trump anywhere near electable is fucking hilarious
>>93324 >It was just a prank bro! >But don't you DARE critiscise muh god emperor
i get to engage in political \ c discussions with my customers rather frequently nowadays i preferred the days when we talked about stupid bullshit like local construction or whatever
>>93328 it really is today even i had some stupid fucker tell me trump was finally "bringing the fight to them" with the MOABs we dropped over the middle east i asked him what he thinks about the escalation of global warfare no doubt brought upon by the aggression we are displaying while our president chills out in europe on vacation and he didn't even care he just thought it was good we were bombing shit fucking this is what people who voted for trump are they don't care they don't think they hear something was bombed and they're like aight
I like talking shit about politics, but I wouldn't wanna touch the subject with a customer, someone I have to provide a service
>>93328 I am so sorry to hear that you have to deal with that
>>93329 To be 100% fair a large amount seem to regret the bombing bit I mean one of his selling points was isolationism
and yet it's still not the dumbest fucking thing i heard today there's something else that takes the cake >>93333 THEY DID on top of that THE SITUATION WE'RE BOMBING IS O U R F A U L T we sold those cunts the guns and bombs they are using in the 80s and 90s wtf how can anyone be proud of this shit how can anyone support this fucking tragedy that we incurred i hate everyone that supports this country so fucking much >>93332 a large amount should actually do something about it i didn't vote for him i'm willing to impeach the son of a bitch and yet there is no movement who will start it? who can tell? is anyone possessive of the fucking balls to actually stand up for America? Is anyone really willing to do it when his cronies are just going to usurp his place?
I dunno if I said this here or not, because I get things mixed up, but I think if Trump isn't impeached in the next like 3 months, he's not gonna be no matter what he does He's already gone against a lot of what his own supporters supported him for He's obviously viciously hated by the democrats
>>93337 I think they should try to impeach him with all the effort that they can muster. If they can't, then democracy is at work. This is in fact the system our country is based upon, and if it's not delivering the ideal for the people who live here they should just move elsewhere. Soon enough we'll see if he can even last four years without some sort of ridiculous scandal. >>93336 I don't think that's true. Nixon was impeached close to his second year of his second term, right? It's not how fast it happens. It's what you do, and how the american public reacts. Theyr'e a bunch of crazy motherfuckers, that american public. If you do something truly ridiculous, you are in danger. That's how most of our recent presidents have acted. Scared shitless of the public. Trump isn't like that. But on the other hand, he's not like that for a good cause. He's like that because he doesn't give a fuck. While we're bombing people on the other side of the world and he's having a nice little vacation in the Scandinavian countries, our people are fucking suffering. He's penning laws that fuck the lower class up even more whilst enjoying his bourgeoisie siesta in finland.
I even got some politics shit from this hitchhiker I picked up, like I don't give a fuck nigga.
>>93341 if i wasn't getting bullshitted he was in sweden last week i'm sure he's since moved on to other european countries however i haven' heard anything about him being in norway, finland, or denmark
>>93344 maybe it's because the greatness is bullshit thrown upon the face of the american public and he doesn't intend to do jack fucking shit for anyone who actually lives here maybe even obama cared at least a little more than he does about the welfare of the people he rules MAYBE HE DOESN'T CARE THAT I HAVE TO PAY ALMOST $280 EVERY FEW MONTHS FOR MY MEDS FUCK
it's like $276.74 for a 90 day supply without obamacare and i can't even apply for that shittt because of that fucking fake ass toupee wearing bleached blond son of a bitchhh
not that big pharma wouldn't find a way to fuck me anyways hell my grandma had to switch from a blood pressure patch to a blood pressure pill because of them the patch she used to prescribe to people all the time because it works for a whole 7 days regardless of maintenance has just recently (effective march 28th) shot up from a vendor price of ~$80 per 90 days to $768.00/90d i'm not fucking shitting you i promise medicare (obamacare) doesn't cover it now because it's so prohibitively expensive AND YET THE EXACT SAME MEDICATION in pill form is lesss than $20/90d its the SAME FUCKING SHIT except a pharm company decided that the dermal patch was so popular they could fucking cash in on that shit and bought the rights to the formula for subdermal application of the medication and raised the price by almost 800% so they could make some money off insurance companies irregardless of the human lives they are putting at risk with such horrifically insensitive behavior
i was actually going to buy my grandma her meds for her when she asked me until i learned exactly why she couldn't afford them despite getting about $800 a month from the government now i'm waiting to see if her doc will prescribe the alternative pill form of the same fucking shit so i can save almost $750
the only difference between the dermal patch and the sublingual pill is that one requires you administer it daily and one requires you administer it once a week over $700 more per prescription to not have to take the pill or administer the pill every day this is clearly aimed at gouging hospitals and people in hospice because they would do practically anything to continue the convenient and efficacious care of their patients with little regard to those who self administer
so to summarize my drunken rant about two months ago a medication that was delivered by nurses and doctors around the country for decades (it was introduced in '67) is now seven or eight hundred dollars more than it was before for no reason literally no reason same shit different vendor now it's like $800 more
thats a pretty good sucy im like the only one here tho and im like 3 and a half 40s in after ~ 2 hours err ~3 hours i guess now i don't give a fug anymore so i don't think you'll get a lot of discussion about your cute sucy
This is actually one of only two things I know about Blackstreet As in this image and one other thing are the only two times I've seen them mentioned Ever
>>93370 it's easy to stumble into millions just deliver some kind of service people need and yet can't render the effort to produce and bam just like that you're a millionaire startup
Why all of these DayZ clones are set in russia is beyond me Why not stand out a little, use a different are a of the planet
>>93372 because only russians play that garbage seriously that's why
>playing rs5 coop >boss fight against glasses guy and brainwashed former partner >tn you take the girl, I take the glasses guy >kay >TIME TO KICK SOME HOE ASS >5 seconds later >mission failed: you killed brainwashed partner
my friend was quite amused But it was kinad brutal execution I just tossed her to the ground and took out my strongest gun and loaded afull clip to her head
Forgot to tell me that we were supposed to save her.
It took us about 6 tries because I kept killing her fucking glass bucket >>93386 We switched at 2nd try but I still kept killing her she just jumped infront of shotgun blasts and shit
Why'd he tell you to deal with her if you're not supposed to kill her?
Oh also You know that global vote thing I linked a TED about? I went to their site and voted earlier, on a new amendment to their law that would essentially make Erdogan full dictator
Because I was thinking of the world at large, not Turkish people, I of course voted yes. A strong government in Turkey would do much to keep the rest of the world safe, what with ISIS and shit probably getting a lot more opposition from him at that point
new jack is out wikipedia also has a one line synopsis for every episode of the season now
I plan to go along with it and I'm gonna visit and 'vote' on stuff from time to time If enough likeminded people do, we can easily show how fucking ridiculous the concept is, and how bad it will be for everyone
The only reason democracy can be valid is that it's the people voting who are also the governed You can't have non-governed people be the ones voting, they have NO interest in the governed
>what kind of demcoracy is it when nation's own people get to decide what they do So what about corporations? No one elects them, no one governs them directly, but they affect people in every nation if they are big enough SHould we force elections on them too?
>>93408 Communism is one of several vehicles for globalism There's a reason the US was scared of the soviet union Communism expands by its nature
>>93408 The free market and the invisible hand will solve things ;)
>>93401 >one we always electis never the domestic elect yeah big supprise I am a pickle
>>93411 Yeah gee people like living in countries that aren't shit for the people IN THEM
>>93419 Those are the nuclear launch codes OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Why the fuck is it your business how the US manages the US' stuff?
>>93422 >We deserve a say in how the U.S is run because it affects us >wtf why is the 2 billion chinese now voting in a party that is advantageous to them and their countrys trade
We're not talking hitler here, but "if hitler showed up, I wouldn't mind"
If elected grand emperor of Norway, I will guarantee free healthcare to every American, or at least try Watch as I win by sticking an IV tube in my own people to drain them and ship their resources to the US
What? It's what the world at large preferred So it's the right thing to do
Well he didn't actually believe in establishing global vote, just "hey look how people around the world think, maybe you shouldn't be bigoted and only think of yourself you selfish entitled pricks. Do I need to come overthere and slap some sense into you?"
>>93431 This is the uillitarian toption. The holocaust benefited millions of Germans rat the expense of just a few jews
Oh the holocaust was fucking fantastic for non-jew Germans So many new job openings Entire industries left open to Germans But that was nationalism gone fucknuts, not globalism
Same idea though
>>93432 Yeah well if it was too dumb //// too hard for me to get then it's too hard for the rest of us dumbdumbs to get
>>93432 I actually tweeted his video >>>/@koumeposter/852976658000691200 The one like of me saying he wants to have that be the reality is his coworker So I think it's safe to say that's what he wants
How does Jacob have insurance? They live in \\ Oh right this is a Canadian show
It's a thing that's a thing because it's a thing Rich white people golf because other rich white people do And they in turn golf because other rich white people do And it's good for making connections
It could have been absolutely anything else, but it is golf
>>93452 Yeah, but that's a result of rich white people golfing
That reminds me I was talking to Mr. Fish last week and he mentioned he got an invite to Mar a Lago Someone he assumed was from the trump admin contacted him and was like "good investment opportunities there!" But Mr. Fish hung up on the guy
Just slowly fill his head with communism to see what happens The dude is not very bright, I think you could convince him of anything, given a few weeks
>at nomination ceremony claim that black lives matter
>>93469 ¨Well I don 't really care about why the fight is going on and who wins and how the media tries to spin it I am just saying about "escalation of violence"
The guy in the clip actually is a white supremacist though, apparently Which is notable because he's the first correctly identified white supremacist from the left in at least a few years
Haha wow
Self-identified, from what I understand I saw someone post the video but I was still in bed so I didn't watch it And I forgot to send myself a link
I wish someone would, as a jok, go out into the streets and pretend to "scare" people with quotes from the koran But have it actually be quotes from Mein Kampf, and then see as people try to explain away the quotes about the Juden Cause they think it's Islam, not Nazism, so they have to defend it
>>93484 People can talk tough online and still not intend to actually go through with it It makes it more likely but there's no clear evidence of aggression from her
>>93500 Yeah basically They were designed to sound like artillery fire
The only possibility I see for the Trump side would be if Antifa was being so aggressive, the only safe thing was to forcefully remove them, and the cops refused Which, since it's Berkley, is a valid possibility, even if unlikely
Did you do that thing where you can steam designs on eggs, except you steamed naked girls on them or something? Or did somebody shoot easter eggs out of their butt?
I don't know how you could make such a holiday vulgar.
>Jesus comes back to life >Oh boy can't wait to see what everyone is doing! >someone's shooting Easter eggs out of their butt >the eggs are painted like naked women >end of the world
In typical persona fashion, the second boss is a lot harder than the first boss. This would be a lot easier if I'd known ahead of time I need physical attacks that can hit more than one target.
>turkish erdogan referendum: just before closing, the election board announced "unstamped votes to be counted too" hhahahahahha Now it becomes a question can erdogan bullshit his way through, or do the opposition parties manage to find enough fraud votes to deny him.
does it even matter if they find them
『sk』 ALTERNATIVE media
>>93669 dnno but the margin of the vote was 51, somethin% so you wouldn't even need that many forgeries to win Which is why I think they did the Unstamped thing
Sucy is nothing like Koume though. besides the bangs over one eye. >>93687 well, if you include "morbid taste" it's a different form of that. koume is like spooky cute and sucy is spooky
Oh, I see. I don't smoke so I don't really know the difference menthol makes in the taste of the cigarette. It's my understanding that they have more of a kick.
>>93699 i have a friend whose sister has a vapor vapor pen but she doesn't smoke and just vapes water i don't know what the point of it is i think she's just doing it to look cool maybe you could do something like that the smoker group is usually the most well-connected group it does ya well to be included there
or you could buy the herbal cigarettes they use in movies and film so they don't have to smoke all that tobacco
Allegedly this guy has killed 13-15 people or something He claimed 13 but someone said it was 15 now
>>93712 lol trucks of peace and dat shit never happened before
Yeah the thing is this kind of shit may have happened, but it was in the US Europe has generally been safe from random acts of mass violence
i'm getting text messages from people all with phone numbers very similar to mine with texts acting like i am spamming them and saying to leave them alone or "who is this" is this some new sort of spam thing where people just buy up a bunch of used numbers and set a system up to sms everything nearby number-wise i dont get it
Does the guy have any motive, or is he just insane? He seemed to say "this is because of (a name?)" in the gramps vid
oh it's a fucking group chat someone made a fucking group chat of everyone with the same first 8 digits of my phone number the 100 that span from 00-99 why would you do this and since i'm on a burner phone i can't leave the group oh no and everybody is using reply all to ask "who is this" oh god no
>>93719 She cheated on him, allegedly, and he snapped And now he's killing random people and it's "her fault" in his mind She made him do this
I'm b o r e d and I know its my fault for not being an interesting person and not having the gumption to do something fun and create my own fun and that makes me feel s a d
>>93737 You can still dance with them even if they're big!
>>93741 that simply is not true also when I say "they" i mean "she" and she's definitely not a dancer and I definitely don't want to dance with her >>93743 she wouldn't be cool for any activity like that
The other night when I was out with my normie friends I thought I was fucking shredding it out there on the floor
and this chick turns to me and says 'what the hell are you doing?'
>>93770 listen m8 if you have normie friends that makes you a normie reee
>>93770 OOOOHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO That really is the worst possible feeling One time I thought I was shredding it and then I slipped and fell on some spilled beer I had to immediately feign a heart attack in order to avoid embarrassment (not really but that's what I should have done)
>>93792 one of them is a nice married girl >>93793 Erika is Hispanic with really curly hair and she's about five feet tall She lives next door to campus She likes to drink margaritas at a place downtown that I've never been to I think she has a dog
>>93824 I've definitely taken the worse of the abuse here Also the (You)s I've just gotten all in a row Immaculate
>>93825 They didn't want to wait until the end of the performance to show appreciation And clapping/cheering is too loud So they brought in snapping so that you could show support during the poem without interrupting them
>>93820 That's nice. I'd ask if she cooks but if she's on campus she probably doesn't out of time and space reasons
>>93829 Looking retarded is unimportant when you're in a crowd and clapping loudly is worse
>>93822 One time I was watching a wheelchair kid recite a poem about his condition and he had a pretty sick line >I've learned to laugh at myself, like how people laugh at stand-up
I was in awe several seconds late
I've never seen people use the replacements for clapping.
>>93834 This is actually what I'm more accustomed to. And sometimes they have to double back through lines.
>>93835 These kids man How much of a bum are you Memorizing lines isn't rocket science I was a theatre kid bad in the day with some lengthy monologues and memorizing lines is the first thing you should do before any other part of perfecting your performance >>93838 Oh Well that's an issue too But I've watched some people literally just straight up forget their poem halfway through, and people are really encouraging and supportive (as they should be) but to me it's like... come on, son
>>93830 Oh, she's in a private apartment It's just next to campus As far as I know she cooks but I don't know how well
>>93836 It's not about memorizing lines. It's about the house getting so loud that a line gets obscured or cut off by applause.
Like you're not expecting an applause break and then suddenly midway through your next statement everyone's inspired to make noise so you gotta wait a little
>>93837 ask erika if she wants to meet your friend in philly
>>93846 It's kind of a generic crime I think It's not THAT bad unless you're shoplifting from a small business which can seriously harm it Places like Walmart don't even care about shoplifting up to $50
>"i'm just a normal girl" >exactly, all girls are thots
I don't know why that always makes me laugh. It's just so great
I think its really cool how you can see what % of people did what each day sometimes i dont know what to do
if you want to completely fill everything I'd recommend focusing on your social stats first your confidant ranks won't carry over to NG+ but your stats do
I don't condone thievery but if you do want to do it it's pretty damn easy
>>93882 I wonder, have you been named? Maybe I should bully you by giving you a name.
Don't let her break your spirit anon. Fight the good fight.
I'm in a constant state of wondering if my IP has changed over the years >>93886 This is a pretty good idea
Maybe we should name him Bang
>>93883 I remember a while ago you higher class people talking about how posters have "tags" that you give them and that it's more fun if they don't know what their tag is and i agree
Blind Pick is more like one of those H mangas where everybody starts fucking on the street at random.
I played this random guy at the gym in basketball today such a claud He was taller than me but he was clearly less coordinated so I was crossing him up but every time I got past him, the dude was just stiff-arm me, practically shove me, and clothesline me and I couldn't call a foul on it because I know it's just gonna be "no that's not a foul" from him, and we're not gonna get anywhere then when I do the same thing to him he calls a foul on me fucking lanklets
i waited all weekend to get paid so i could do something nice for myself and relax and i'm not gonna get paid til monday when i wont have time to do anything and relax and it just made me stressed out all week i'm pretty sad
>>93919 can you opt out of taking these people on as clients again?
ive had them for over a year and they're a major source of income the issue's at the present anyway it doesn't matter what could resolve it in the future
They're like "what anime do you watch' and I'm like 'everything from first *fist of the north star to Ichigo marshmallow' and they're like then we'll call you 'mashmallownigger' or something like that.
and here we are almost five years later and it still sticks
only the cool part stuck though none of that mallownigger shit
>>93932 A story I read on 4chan once >beginning of middle school >social circles and cliques haven't formed yet >kids are all eating lunch at random tables >one kid at my table pulls a plain piece of bread out of his lunchbox >say "heh, just bread? hey everybody, we should call him 'bread' " >kid says "no, we should call YOU bread" >everybody proceeds to ball me bread for the rest of the year
laaaaaaame move to give rika a new name move to give ToN a new name >>93936 yeah kinda could also be a salt marsh which isn't really a swamp just a really big tidepool >>93942 move to change blue back to blue
>>93955 well THIS one isn't that bad I don't know about your other names though I remember you tried to name my pokemon character once and it wasn't a good name at all >>93961 would be a cool anime too
im renaldo moon but people stuck to the moon part over the renaldo i dunno why only moe does it everyone else still uses renaldo
>>93964 I'm just saying you don't have a 100% success rate >>93965 that is pretty interesting I'd guess it's because moon seems more like an online name than renaldo since the latter is an actual human name for people but if everyone else is using that over moon then I dunno
>>93965 Renaldo doesn't really fit in too well with the rest of our names, if you think about it. Our names are mostly weeb names and on the soft side.
Our names are all pretty short, too!
>>93966 My success rate is pretty high! Especially when it comes to people.
listen you ita looking ho ive been doing this a lot longer than you and i know what's cute those replicas are garbage and clean up your fucking room before taking a selfie you look like a child