there is kinda for example the big head monster from chapter 1 having >>899647 yuri bacgkround sol with this girl
Man my phone data is at an absolute crawl today I thought I'd hit the point where the normal-speed cap had rolled over but maybe not. Or maybe the sleet storm we had this morning messed with some infrastructure.
It's not even really like I'm hungry, it's more like "I could fit more" But food lasts longer if you eat some each day rather than a bunch at once, right?
I do believe there is a legitimate exhibit for them here in the Toronto Zoo They're an important part of our continent's ecosystem! Both back before we fucked everything up and also now
>>899678 That's not really true for more modern zoo institutions. Modern zoos are more places where the activities of animals can be studied and they can be examined in close-up fashion in a way you can't really do so in the wild. There's a lot of zoological research that goes on in zoos. Of course this does favour animals who are endangered or otherwise difficult to find live in the wild in the geographical location of the zoo, but that's no reason to exclude native species if possible.
I guess American zoos are more intense than Norwegian ones Our zoos are like \\\ Actually, the biggest zoo we have in this godforsaken country, it's nearly ALL exotic animals We've got SOME native fauna, like wolves (which statistically are like fucking 10% of the wolves in this country because FUCKING FARMERS, but that's a separate subject) But most is like, exotic stuff Giraffes, monkeys, apes, sub-equatorial birds You know, exotic stuff
We don't have like, housecats and shit Or porcupines We don't even have uuuuh, what are those black\white creatures that supposedly bite until they hear your bone snap called? We don't have those in that zoo, afaik, even though it's rare to see one
I mean you even unaware touch on one of my points three. There's plenty of native species even in Europe, or North America, whose populations for one reason or another are in decline or problematic numbers. A zoo's important responsibly can (and I'm of the belief should be) to safeguard some of that population if possible and research ways to improve breeding and reintroduction back into the wild.
I used to go to a really cool zoo where they have all the animals in open ranges that you drive through. Like an imitation safari. I remember I was there once and an ostrich came up to the car and started slamming its face into the window and it scared me.
>>899683 We don't have those I checked, I was talking about badgers
I've only seen ONE badger my whole life
And there are badgers around here I know cause I seen one
>>899685 Wolverines are basically just bigger angrier badgers.
>>899684 I'm a bit iffy on the notion of public safaris really Like in terms of open space for the animals to exist in they're literal miles better than a zoo, of course. But having visitors be free to drive their cars through the area is just asking for chaos I feel. At least rangers would understand how to safely drive around the grounds.
I think the animals should have big spaces with options for privacy where they can hang out and not be gawked at I don't know if that's even something animals care about, I just think it should be available for them just in case
If they can't hide from audience sight, I don't think it's right
I've only ever been to the Toronto Zoo but they're pretty good on giving a lot of the larger animals open grounds and places of privacy. Though we also gave up all the elephants a few years back to have them relocated to proper elephant sanctuaries since there's like no feasible way any zoo can ethically keep elephants. They just need to live in herds far too large on grounds far too wide to be happy.
my colleagues are so weird messaging me like "a client found a amphetamine on a chair and brought it to me" the fuck you mean a amphetamine do you have any idea how little that tells me in trying to figure out which client's pills it is is it addy? is it vyvance? whats the actual pill
>>899693 No you gotta understand we're talking extermination like, 1 wolf on the country's landmass is 2 too many wolves for a lot of people here
Wolves are beautiful creatures and it's really amazing what them being involved in an ecosystem can do. There's an account of like, a handful of them, maybe a dozen at most, being reintroduced into a nature reserve or park in the States, and with two years ecologists had seen this amazing flourishing of natural life all across the spectrum of flora and fauna as the wolves integrated into the food chain and butterfly effect'd like, every-fucking-thing
she wouldn't refer to it as "amphetamines" then, no But, if she uses adderal, I mean Chances are she's somewhat familiar with other amphetamines? And she doesn't wanna be too open and tell you what exactly?
I had to do a 12 hour day even though I was expecting 4 hour day. Had to escort a murderous war criminal (maybe) pedophile out of my sober house. Had to see his cock rings. Then my boss resigned and the clinical director became my boss.
>>899713 You'd be surprised. I think I have 5 or 6 war criminals in my housing right now. We have maybe 10-15 in our program.
I've had some pretty great war criminals. Child killers, prisoner killers, stuff like that. People who have done some crazy stuff.
>>899717 No, we just have the dual diagnosis program which is civilian substance use and mental health, and then we have the veterans program which is, well, just vets.
feeling a little annoyed you'd question the internal consistency of my convictions taking a sales job when you're out there helping fucking war criminals tbh
Hahaha, helping war criminals is well within my convictions. These are people who were indoctrinated into doing the things they did. They're perpetrators, but they're victims too. And most of them are suffering for their crimes every day.
I mean, if you want to be really strict about it, even my zen teacher might be a war criminal.
Like, I probably wouldn't help Obama. But a soldier? Sure.
It's more complicated than that. There are people who are trained to live in fear of the children they shoot. Of course they kill these kids, they are terrified that the kids are going to kill them.
I had a war criminal a while ago, my favorite, who beat a guy to death with his fists. He couldn't even look at ground beef because it reminded him of what he did to the guy's face. He liquified the guy. He saw the victim sodomizing a child in a village they were occupying, and he lost his shit and blacked out, beat the rapist to death with his fists. Turned the guy's head into ground beef.
>>899729 You don't have to crush a skull to do that. And crushing a skull is pretty easy anyway. Skulls are weak.
he crushed his skull with his bare fists`? bullshit
>>899730 Sure you can. Even I've seen people's faces reduced to such a state.
>>899733 You underestimate how much gore comes out of a face when you pummel it. Believe me. It's a lot. And again, the skull inevitably breaks because it's weak.
it's just skin and veins!
I mean I guess I've never actually tried to literally kill someone through facial trauma
After he killed the guy, he internalized the belief that he was a monster. It was hard for him to deal with because he was a combat medic. He wasn't supposed to be in that situation but they threw him in without any training for it.
He couldn't even look at his own children without seeing the victim of the guy he killed.
>>899738 It is a war crime. To kill a civilian as an occupying force is a war crime.
If you're training in the army you've probably got pretty good punchin' muscles honestly. And if you've got the guy pinned down against a packed dirt or even asphalt/concrete surface, you'd be surprised how easy it is to seriously destroy any part of a person's body.
Yeah, that black and white. That's what war law is like.
It's the own country's responsibility to prosecute and punish their own criminals, not you and your big shiny army war toy.
american war criminals are like a dime a dozen anyway though, I feel like if what's keeping you up at night is you brutalized a rapist, you're probably alright
I had a guy who killed a bunch of prisoners. Certainly it's bad and a war crime, but he was trained to be like that. These guys had just killed his friends, and he legally had to take them prisoner because the enemies didn't die. So eventually he was so resentful that, when he had an opportunity to, he got revenge for his friends.
Hence why Kirara has a few in his sober houses!
The real criminal here is almost always the army anyway. Armies are garbage. Just throw them all in the trash.
>>899746 Yeah, but given what happened to them, and the way they were indoctrinated, you can understand why they did it, even if it was wrong.
>>899749 Yes, but you're forgetting that the American soldiers have been indoctrinated to believe that they're there to protect themselves. They believe that if they aren't there, Americans will be killed.
but they gotta be able to understand that the """enemy""" will do the same, right? Like if you point a gun at someone and they shoot you, I don't get to be mad at them beyond like, making sure they don't hurt anyone else? Cause like Obviously they'll shoot you You were pointing a gun at them
you don't get to be mad at someone following the same doctrine as you are
Most of these people never woke up one day and said they wanted to be war criminals. They were turned into war criminals by a system designed to do it, a system which has been refined in its ability to do it over the past 70 years.
I see them as victims and consider them worthy of helping. I've done some pretty bad things too. There are people who have died because of my actions. I have no right to judge someone else in that context. Once they're not hurting anyone any more, and aren't going to be in a position to hurt anyone anymore, I have no reason not to help them. They don't want to hurt anyone anymore. They want to be happy, like everyone else.
I mean I'm not goo at life and death stuff cause I don't value life
I rally against systems, not individuals. What do I get from refusing to help someone in need? A sense of self-righteousness? An ego boost? What good do I have for that?
But if I help them to live their lives, then I give them a chance to atone.
Also usually helping someone who actually needs it is way more of an ego boost anyway
I mean it's more like, any one of these people are taking up a spot that could go to literally anyone else Like Up to me, any priority list for help, American soldiers aren't at the top, that's for the sure
That's a misinterpretation >>899763 I mean my life
Then I still find your claims baseless because I have a very limited value for my own life and I still find it more sensible to help people rather than rate them.
there's just no shortage of people who need help is all I would just rather the people who haven't like, killed POWs to be prioritized over those who have, even if that means none of those people ever get any help
They're not being prioritized. We don't know what brand of war criminal they are until we have them in our program. But almost every veteran is a war criminal. So all I know is that they've probably done a war crime. But even if I did, it's not my job to judge. I don't have room to do that.
>>899767 Why? What right do you have to judge who is deserving of help and who isn't?
I don't have any rights other than that's what I think' And I think the guy who's depressed for random normal reasons should get help before the fuckstick who's sad because he waterboarded someone and it turned out they weren't al quaida
yeah, that's fair but that's still what I think though
I'm not the president, I'm not evene american My right on this shit is "I think so", and that's it I just think it's fucked people who are fucked up for reasons outside their control are on the same level as people who absolutely are just sad because they followed orders and committed a fucking warcrime
Were you not paying attention to Kirara earlier. Orders in the military are absolutely, on a psychological level, outside your control. The whole point of the military training operation is to make you entirely compulsively follow orders. You are a non-person when you're in the military you're just a piece to move about.
nobody fucking ordered whoever the fuck it is to beat that guy's face into a pulp nobody ordered that other guy to put a round in a kid's head
The reason you want to put them against the wall is the same reason they killed those people. It's the same thing.
Besides, it's not like I necessarily wouldn't have done the same I just want it to fucking stop, and getting a round put in your dome when you do sure as shit might, more than any bullshit that's currently happening (nothing)
shit if the military had conscripted me at 18 I'd be a wholly different person
That's not particularly special to you though. Almost anyone would be a fundamentally different person if forcefully entered into military training at that age rather than be free to make their own choices.
Telling your therapist about it is different than openly admitting it. Clients tell me things they won't even tell their wives about the things they've done.
Especially the special operations guys.
Alright that's fair I guess But like, their participation in this shit is either ON RECORD, or COVERED UP by other soldiers The Wall might make that a little bit harder, is all I'm saying
>>899785 No, most of the time in war, when you kill someone, you haven't been ordered to kill someone. The exception is for special ops who sometimes do assassinations.
Most of the time in war, you kill people that you end up unexpectedly encountering and unexpectedly fighting. Nobody tells you to kill those people, but you do it because if you don't, they will kill you. That's the reality of war. It creates a situation where you have to kill. There's no choice. Kill or be killed.
I don't think removing states would entirely resolve this issue.
War is war, state or no state. If a people's militia goes and kills some cops, it's the same shit as a war between states. War is war. Those people are going to be just as traumatized after doing it as anyone else.
This is what I mean. You hate the individuals. You're not rallying against the system that is hurting people, but the people that the system is using to hurt people. Cops are victims of these systems, too. And even though they are victims, they are also perpetrators.
>>899808 They're just unlucky that they never got exposed to something that helped them break that conditioning. It's all luck. So I can't hate them. It's sad that they are what they are. It's a tragedy that these people, who could have become such wonderful people, instead were shaped into tools of a system used for oppression. It's so sad.
>>899813 Don't forget that I was independently contracted by the FBI and groomed to be a special agent, but still broke the conditioning. People can change.
>>899815 Would you love a girl with a face like that
no I'd laugh
Wow Rook I can't believe you'd be such a bully.
dummy got her face stuck
>>899816 Ditdya kill anyone? didya strikebreak? didya launch a tear gas nade?
I was lucky that I had experiences that helped me to see that what was happening was wrong. Not everyone is that lucky. So how can I condemn anyone when I'm only in a position to condemn them because I was lucky?
So I can't condemn the individual cops. I don't hate individual cops. I don't even view them as my enemy. It's the systems that turned them into pigs that I despise.
In the end, I fit in pretty well with military culture. Special operations guys tell me a lot that I probably would have been successful in spec ops if my body weren't fucked up lol So that's another reason I can't condemn it all. I'm not really much different.
Your perception may be that I'm better than others, but mine is that I'm equals with everyone. Sometimes I'm even able to experience a lack of separation between myself and others. But I don't really think I'm better than anyone because I've experienced that.
I tend to be overconfident but I don't think I'm arrogant.
>>899868 I'm not doing anything. You're the one trying to lower yourself to be below me.
Is rather people who are better than me act the party than pretend they're my equals
Well then get off your own inverse high horse nerd. We're all equals.
I'm not your equal, I'm garbage in every measurable way
Yeah I'm garbage in every measurable way too but I'm still equal to Kirara. And then by transitive mathematical properties that makes you equal to Kirara too.
Innsats nettet than me
I've just demonstrated how that's mathematically false.
I'm alright kinda going stir crazy staying in my apartment since work is shut down and the weather isn't good for walking around but I don't have too much to complain about I guess made some nice soup
Everyone is like "you're OK" FNs ørner bullshit But I'm not I'm a disease Everyone just avoid me
>>899885 the other day i bought a large chicken soup from wawa
The only real soup I like on the reg is split pea soup. Or miso soup does that even really count as soup.
>>899888 Well if we want to call tea soup then I hella love soup.
I alle allow anyone to love meb I'm disgust I don't b I don't saunas see 2021
Font Garbage people
Putting to me
>>899886 the other day I saw a video of a guy losing his pants in a fight inside a wawa maybe that's where you got the soup, it was in florida >>899887 I think tea is close enough to soup
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>899890 one time i saw a guy get knocked out at wawa he was on meth or something and pushed this big weightlifter lookin guy and then the lady gave me a large mango peach smoothie and i only had to pay for a small >Cute girls playing ice hockey PK PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKAAAAAAAAAY
>>899901 If you're not bad for any reason you're not bad for wanting to die. If anything it's a sympathetic struggle for a lot of us I think.
>>899904 Go drink some water and go to bed. Drink Gatorade too if you have some.
Ask already lots water
But I don't wanna anymore
It's been like 12 years
But still Worthless
UB sint Wanna live as a drain on my non
But everyone is better than me And all u have left us ending it
Cause I not good ankh and it doesn't mate why
Fuck that I'm not better than anybody.
Brevet than me.
I've neve had a real job ?
Cause shit
What constitutes a "real job"? One that you want to do? One that pays well?
man getting a paycheck won't make you feel like you're worth something trust me
Fucking Looking down moon me like I dunno what employment is
Listen here you have a track record of making broad accusations without understanding yourself the metric by which you're using to judge
I'm 28 and I've Benn p asjd for 3 nomgtbs total of my lifetime work
More paycheques aren't going to ratify your own sense of self-worth mate.
But they're gone make me not Berg my mom for help every fucking month
Fixing enjoyment v fucks
Thing I'm just winning into the vthe void like I'm not in real pain
Sc only wines when she's drunk don't worry is not real she's just a scumbag attention whore
No you're putting words in our mouths again. >>899929 Yes you are
No I'm not you don't believe me you think it's fine you think I'm just fine you think I'm weighing døtre no reason
I only write when sju drink cause soberv has DIGNITY
I think you're far too drunk to process any conversation more complex than drink water and go to sleep. That has no bearing on the fact that these kinds of self-loathing >>899933 No I'm insulting you because my patience ran out hours ago. Unlike Kiara I don't have the grace of ages. I don't disagree that your situation is psychologically painful and I can empthize heavily with the lack of self-worth and pessimistic despair at your own inability to get moving in life. But I'm also fed up for the time being that your response to people trying to talk with you about it is to insist they're all lying to you and to start putting words in their mouths.
I understand you just give but you're just blaming me!
That's all i Needed to hear
Nobody is trying to talk with me It's v all codling or blaming
Everyone is telling me it's not my fault, or I deserve it z it's is natural Jovisst cats orc anything is just a event
>Jovisst cats orc anything is just a event No see THIS is why people are telling you you're drunk and to drink water and go to bed. Because it's fucking impossible to have a dialogue with someone who can't string together a coherent sentence.
I'm sorry I can't spell when drunk But sooner in to stoic
Nobody cares about sober sc cause sober sc pretends everything is OK
Then sudden Felagund there swaying, Sang in a song of staying, Resisting, battling against power, Of secrets kept, strength like a tower, And trust unbroken, freedom, escape; Of changing and shifting shape, Of snares eluded, broken traps, The prison opening, the chain that snaps.
Caring what happens to me, for øne Not his friend Not b really
so do you consider yourself matt's friend or not?
No I consider him my friend Not the orgs array around
He knows I'm not his friends he's mine
then ask himn to be your friend
7 like innsats but he doesn't like me
. Cause like Why would anyone 8 only exist as negativity Nobody can like me Nobody is allowed to live me 8 won't let them I'm just me nobody can be closer cause I lost control
Fuck you mom you don't get to tell me what I can and can't like
Nobody likes me anyway Best i can do is be tolerated
Just look at how I am You can't *like *! Me
You Sony like me You tolerate me! But you lie! You pretend to like!!
Like I said, fuck you mom you don't get to tell me what I can and can't like.
J wish imats would like me But nobody v can
Cause garbage human
it's wait no
Don't Tell Imats
I don't wanna be a creep
Already enough problems
Hurts just to say
Any do i even past when I know it's all just proof I'm garbage every part i make
It is a lotta alcohol though
It just hurts to hear is all cause of the alcohol
Cause you v drink to
You know what I'm saying is based in my real feeling
Maybe stonewashed by alcohol but real.
But you pretend I'm lying Our schizophrenia Our something
Cause you think I'm OK
But I'm not ok I'm only on control when sc gets drunk
You are not fucking in control right now.
8 am Emma 8snt
Doesn't mean k can spell though
No you might be the one typing the words but by no means do you have any control right now.
I'm the pnr in control! But sober is Different person Shes not supposed to be in control
Why not
Cause I'm the one who's stopped to be in control
She cares to much she stop trying when anything is in the way I'm supposed to be in control because I try anyway
But she had control
And Weeks PSSS Hby Without a job
SCUM She's gonna kill us With train
Nobody fucking believes me anyway
I'm wasted but the wasted part of my brain wants to put its neck on a railroad hours do you explain this
Just an attention whore Just take
Bound of it matters until I did, except to me, but I'm the one who differs
>>899992 Alcohol literally amplifies emotional impulses like suicidal ideation and similar thought patterns so the explanation is pretty fucking by-the-book here.
But why is ute å different ringtv Why is it not me why is it sunrise else
>>900003 why not just pause a while to gather your thoughts alltogether?
>>899998 I don't really want to die either. But some times when I'm stressed and waiting for the sub >>900002 Okay here's the only warning I'm giving you. Let me finish my thoughts before interjecting. I'm already having to fucking WORK to translate your drunken garbled sentences.
Yeah no we can all see that. Like it's not even a matter of whether people empathize with it or not. Like we'll insist again we do, regardless of whether you believe us or not. But even that aside, it is objectively obvious you're in a bad spot.
A part of you is entertaining thoughts of suicidal ideation, a part of you isn't. That's pretty normal for people struggling with these instances of intense depression, struggles of identity and self-worth.
>>900005 And one person can hold conflicting thoughts. That inability to set aside two thoughts that move in entirely opposite directions from each other, is pretty fucking human.
why do you think your drunk self or your sober self would really get that much difference in behavior
when I the fucking weekly drunk person always rowdy making trouble insulting everyone drunk
am still here and not hated
Cause I'm Shit
Sover or not
Is not normal to not invite us you wanna die for real 8 thing
It's unhealthy, but it's far more prevalent than not. Like how small of a percentage of the human race needs to not think -needs to think that way for it to be not normal?
Yo not know If you wabba
Sorry the aurociiee r ct jts fucking things up
People who kill thermals know they wanna abs people who don't, don't
But I'm in the middle
I think that mindset is far more normal than you want to believe.
I've never met above who tried, at least
Even I tried one time and I'm a coats Viwatd Coward There we go
Your online friend! I dint know you and you don't knote!
So I am your friend
>>900028 No one has any real friends then. There's literally no actual difference in the people you know in real life and the people you know online. In both cases you only know as much as they're letting you know.
>>900034 No, you are who I know. And I am who you know. That just happens to be different from the person other people know. No one's the same person to different people.
tell me your address then SC I'll come touchy you then
Bullshit I am sin
And so is everyone But nobody knows online
you thjink I wouldn't touch you?
>>900039 when did you turn uuh well some catholic faith
>>900046 anglouhh whatever british protestant church whatever anglican is what I call them but yeah
Is it even to hard to believe I'm degenerate Already trans Probably bad person
What's degenerate about being trans?
Won't voice Wrong body Wrong face Everything
I'm 28 if it was real is have dine something sooner in fake I'm a fucking disease I'm why are not tajeb seetiirsbt I hurt people by wxustimg B ut i csby think straight that's egu
If it was up yo ritalin me ie be dead aotrafy
It's very normal to struggle through something feeling something is wrong and not knowing the solution. And even after realizing the solution it's another thing entirely to
>>900053 Strike two Let me finish my words please.
it's another thing entirely to act upon the solution. Change requires an INCREDIBLE amount of psychic energy on a person's part, energy they probably don't have because they're expending it trying to live. That you've taken to twenty-eight to make the change isn't an indication of fakeness or a trivializing of your problems. It's human to not be able to make the changes you know you need. The fact that it's a struggle for you is PROOF of your humanity, not a dismissal of it.
But I knote the solution
St least 0ut an p er and out so I know when your done
>>900055 Also please go at least get one glass of water right now.
I appear have enough water in not dumb
I'm probably stupid but I'm not dumb 8 knote I dots drunk water
Don't worry we're all stupid here. When I go into anxiety overdrive I definitely get tunnel-visioned and will just sit at my desk for hours on end. So for me these kinds of problems often end with me not getting nearly as much hydration as I should.
I've been stunning washer while drinking alcohol I'm on no worry.
I'm just Mad
Caus Everyone thinks I'm joking
And you treat me luke å pet
Week not you Yours been OK Trashed me like a person
Like You get it Out doesn't meg to relate if I can understand
You know?
>>900060 so you have got me and tilds here just for a joke for this long have you?
I dunno what you mean
>>900063 Actually this time I'm having a hard time parsing Out doesn't meg to relate if I can understand Oh I missed the green arrow RIP
No I mean I meant to >Out doesn't meg to relate if I can understand Because I can't translate this line hah hah
No u mean. Usually when I get to be here people just talk past me but you understand
I don't need to relate, I don't need you to relate If you understand
And you understand It's painful
Relating is the basic level of empathy though. I wouldn't understand if I couldn't relate.
Relating to others isn't something I can do is what I mean
I can unstated But I can't like Vel they pain Our whatever
so what do you atually state
Well no, no one can feel another person's pain. Pain is entirely individualistic. The best we can only ever do is understand that pain sucks ass. All pain sucks ass. There isn't really a pain that doesn't.
Yeah u can imagine their pain But that's it
Yeah! But that capacity to imagine pain and parallel it with our own pain and mutually understand that pain sucks ass is empathy.
But most people can feel the pain of others if they unstated it
Nope, not really. Like fundamentally every person experiences pain differently. Even the exact same kind of physical pain, imparted on two different people, will be received differently. And psychic pain follows the same rules.
I can't feel your pain, you can't feel mine. But since I can feel my pain and know pain sucks ass, I know your pain probably sucks ass too.
>>900084 And even the people I know in real life are just electrical impulses firing off in the brain cells in my head. They're no more real than the digital words on the Internet.
You keep giving me strikes but jts cause you aay stuff rgat doesn't make awbse
Its mean
Well it's mean to me that you interject and on two of the three occasions have literally cut in with what I was just writing about. And if you'd waiting like all of ten seconds it would've been covered.
I guess but jy feels like you drag on maybe I'm impatient
Your all people, I know that much
I just feel ignored a lotta the file, that's all
Well speaking from the other side, it's frustrating for me personally because it feels like all I -can- do is talk past you. It's an uphill climb to voice my personal philosophy on things and have it be countered by "no that's just wrong". After a few times I just lose motivation and start shitposting a bit. I do think you're a bit stubborn on stuff -- and that's not a critique, I'm exceptionally stubborn myself -- but that does get turned up to eleven once you get drunk. So this kind of "ignoring you" or talking past you, is going to happen because we're just two people who will inevitably end up in that situation!
I don't have nearly the energy it takes to sadistically string you along for hours only to pull a "gotcha I was lying all along" on you Suicide is a fucking waste of time don't do it.
I'll make fun of anything and everything like when I make jokes about "where's my cat5" because some dude I played // the dad of some dude I played WoW with hung himself in a closet before I met the guy using a cat5 cable
I've c9sidrred trucks going the other way on the highway, but chance of survival is too high
>>900190 It's absolutely traumatizing for the train driver. You'd make that person carry that memory for their whole life. Don't be an absolute fuckwit like that.
Denim pants and hoodie cause j look like a dude because I vsnt get on hormon es xause u look lilike a x se and j don't have a job vand this bumlkshir c I I unity yF vfufrudufyfudtghhytyucggihuhuiyygh
thight or loose?
thight or loose pants?
Lilith d issue vedehikn pants I dunno etat if there looise or tights they fit kr i dont fucking tl noe It's hard tkbrsd0indcikn jystvhabfryb Wngr7
Okay SC I shall come and give you a hug when I can
what say you about that
Hoi fucking eont is ehsf I say
The idea of Byone on this godforsaken planet contracting one muscle for my sake is laugh kW
I'll get arrested if I have to dig you up
>>900234 I've been contracting muscles all night here nerd. You think I just telepathy my words into the text box
Airtight typing into the fucking computer box is enrolmentb An idea not like your doing that for me, let's be honest
I've been trying to be fucking honest with you and you just shut your ears and go "lala lala I'm not listening" I don't care for that kind of sadistic play.
Because you came! Ca can't!
You don't knote me, so you can't care about me either
That's not DUMB!
I HAVE been being fucking honest with you, sorry. I forget some times I need to be more literal or there's assumptions you make in translation.
>>900239 I can care about whoever I fucking want regardless of how much I know them or not. >>900241 Bitch I care about fake people more often than I care about real people.
You can't care about fake people!
All people as you know them are fake people anyway. You never know someone in the realest way, you only have an impression of how you know them from what you see of them.
Yeah but that's no part of me you know it's real at all
Worth anime toy know is all a. Sorry A story But I'm A leader Liar LIAR You can't onoe me because you can't know what's true
Unfortunately for your insistence on that matter, I'm very good at picking up lies people write. Even in text I can usually tell when people aren't being fully honest with me.
And even if I'm wrong, I'd rather trust my assumptions are true rather than not.
Never valued me out on a low that's for sure And knowing ! Les means you know I'm cancer
Nope. Because you don't get to decide my opinion of you. That's my right and my right alone.
You're not trash Of you could "" "" "sense" "" my lies. You'd hate me
Cause I'm a threat
to whom?
Hm, nope. It takes a lot more than some people lying to me to make me hate them. I don't even think you're lying to me really.
It's not "that jm lying "
So you're not lying then? So there's no lies to sense. So why would I hate you for lies that don't exist?
It's omission And compensation
As someone who personally employs omission all the time to avoid lying to people, yeah, omission isn't lying. My brain is wired to do shit like that as a survival strategy, it's almost compulsive for me.
Lying by omission is a reason thing
If anything it would only serve to make me more empathetic here since I understand what it's like to use it.
I lour goo as a survival thing that doesn't kran it's k to do that
I don't agree! One's survival is paramount. You gotta do what you need to do to survive.
Yeah no shit you're paranoid I told you you were like hours ago. I've literally broken friendships I have had with people because I couldn't stop being a paranoid shithead. It sucks but it's something that has to be worked with. I dunno if you can even work through it I'm still a paranoid shithead.
Aowa6s I avous truth Anyone knowing me is a yeah Thrwatg Trwath Treath
So Vague
Want to be confronted, but don't wanna say outright t
It's the other way for me hah hah I'm a coward and don't want to fight. So any time I'm risking a confrontation I'll be evasive and try to escape the situation.
No I mean right now I'm telling you you shouldn't trust me because I'm Scum but I don't tell you details
>>900263 I mean sure you're not outlining specifics here but I'm not stupid. Well. Kinda. But I'm also smart enough to pick up on circumstantial details and, y'know, you kinda have talked in detail about why you think of yourself that way.
No, I don't, that's the thing So all I can think of is you accusing me of being ashamed about liking ryona or something
that ain't a hobby as in hating your likes
... Was that ducking ut?
I'm not gonna just say that outright that's be
I'd never be å or to vome vavk EVERYONE would hate me
He was asking if you had an activity hobby, not what your hobby tastes are. Because there's generally a correlation between practicing a hobby and making progress in it and it helping people move past psychological roadbloacks. Not that I've really ever had much success with it.
I can tell you with certainly that whatever fucking depraved sir it is in your head, I'm not "fixing". It
We don't care what your fetishes are mate We're literally talking about hobby hobbies. Like going on biking trips or birdwatching or music practicing.
I don't fucking know what keeps anyone going other than the visceral fear of death
Well I can attest to the general indifference to the continuation of my existence being good enough to keep me going so far. It's too much effort to start or stop so I just keep drifting along the path of least resistance.
Certainly not healthy or productive but it keeps me alive.
Cool for b you but indifference is on its last legs gwre Here
>>900288 This keeps me going
What keeps me going is like Shane And bullshit sense of duty