>I don't get why this thing says we've been friends since late 1969 These guys hang out with NL a lot, and NL is a programmer by profession as far as I've gathered Shouldn't they know about Unix time?
It's also really amazing how the CPU is programmed to scatter when you have Savage Blow Like, this can't be coincidence. They will shove and do all kinds of things to keep everyone out of range. But it just makes things easier at times.
you might think your matthew is pretty strong but have you witnessed the hector cannon
>the two Afghani immigrant children who raped a woman on a facebook stream are going to be allowed to stay in Sweden Yep, it's definitely time for me to go to bed Fuck this, man
>>88808 its probably the same thing i use the skill that lets you swap to the other side of an ally and use it on effie then make effie push hector and hector has vantage so everyone attacks him and dies INSTANTLY
I really hope they don't come out with any seriously good seals. These are nice and all but I'm worried what will happen when they decide to get creative.
>>88821 I hope that the seals they offer do an effective job of letting you cover some of the weaknesses of your lower tier heros while not beeing too useful for further overpowering the set of overpowered heroes everybody uses. That sounds like it would be difficult to tune though.
Maybe there will be a seal that causes Takumi to explode.
>>88825 >Just your common variety weeaboos! There is clearly something more sinister going on here.
I gave Takumi the HP + 3 more damage from Vengeance
Is there anything more clearly sinister than weeaboos though.
I think tsunderes are great so there's no reason to be shy about it!
>>88810 I forego all of the assist skills in exchange for positioning ones they're so good everyone's either got swap/reposition/draw back or else they've got smite and then the lunge skill i'm gonna teach to my effie
>>88854 >i'm not very tsundere >he said, while posting a girl blushing so much her ears are red
>>88862 When will we be able to battle friends i would do that over the arena crap even if it was just selecting from your teams to play against or something and not true multiplayer i want to battle moe
>>88847 they're super good i think i still have nowi or tiki using her bonus defense thingy whichever one is the one that can buff defense i think nowi i have them both at 5* so i forget who is in my party a lot but everybody else has something like drag back
>>88870 a frozen dessert made with almond milk or something like that
>>88870 Also, different from actual dairy-free ice cream, you can get "ice cream" which is actually labelled as frozen desert. Which is still made from milk products but not actually the way you make ice cream. I really don't like that stuff.
>>88905 >warmth too warm so your pocket capacity drops by 5 fold >shorter nights why do you love light? sun is fucking annoying >no snow okay that I give you but do you know what else doesn't have snow? Autumn!
>>88904 Oh please, do you think I'm poor? It's a private pool.
>>88906 The sun is lovely. Napping in sunlight with a warm breeze drifting through the window is so nice. And if the light is too much, then all I need to do is close the blinds. Never mind the biological human dependency on sunlight. Long nights are miserable, and for people working regular hours during the week, means they might not see the sun for five days of the week in the dead of winter. And you live in the arctic so you know exactly how depressing that is.
>>88950 High thirties (this time without going a half-degree higher) and high humidity are pretty common in the dog days of summer here and I still manage fine in those too.
>>88978 no it is literally impossible to survive long term at anywhere from 95F to 117F depending on the humidity of the air regardless of access to cool water
>>88988 I dunno, marocco, algeria, tunisia, libya and egypt have quite much coast al regions with still average temperatures during summer hitting your "can't survive"
and of course as a finland man you know you can survive in extreme ambient air temperatures for short intervals but that's quite different from living and trying to function or work in those temperatures you can even survive temperatures up to almost 250 degrees F for under 5 minutes easily
>>88986 i can't find anything confirming this on google
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
even found an article explaining how people can survive in 165f weather
That might be a bit uncomfortable by that point.
Of course they don't go do their heaviest labour, if possible, during the hottest time of the day but they still live and to some extension prosper in your 35 and above is death temperatures.
A New York appeals judge was found dead in the Hudson. It's really strange to see a photo of a place you walked by less than a week ago just show up. >>89011 Yeah.
No signs of obvious injury. Possibly an accident. But it's not certain yet. Seems to have been found while it was still daylight but the news is only catching up on it since two hours ago. Probably the time they ID'd the body
I am not going to do ANYTHING just stay inside after stocking enough food cause this is the first time since october, when I have some place all for my self for more than 5 hours
>>89050 I was watching Hinako Note and it had a bookstore and cafe built into each other. I have decided to leave the 3D realm to seek the 2D plane of existence.
just go to ylilauta it is cancer though I don't post on finnish imageboards aside from apo Think the shitposters on 4chan and such, and imagine them runnng a site. That is finnish imageboards
>>89085 No, my interest in space and astronomy can only be characterized as amateur level. Even an amateur knows that you can't have two celestial bodies in such close proximity, though. The gravity from each would tear the smaller body apart.
>>89091 the cheapest you can get a 6 pack of 12oz cans, which is about the same size, is like $7.49 but you can easily get more than 12 oz of beer for $0.90 if you buy more economical sizes like a 15-pack of budweiser or 30-pack of keystone
a 15 pack at the grocer of 16oz (~0.5l) ends up around $0.86 a can but you can only get up to $0.10 refund for the cans in select states and $0.05 in the majority of states here
>>89100 That's a shot from space, though. The Death Star could still be quite some distance away.
For something like >>89082 the Death Star would have to be very very close. Definitely within geosynchronous orbit, which is too close for another large body to be.
ever since i found out there's a ghetto store near me that sells malt liquor 40oz bottles for $2.39~$2.49 that's what i do i just grab one or two of those after work like every day
>>89108 i have so much clothes i can probably wear a different outfit every day for the year but i only can keep so much in my closet and i end up wearing my favorite stuff always anyways
>>89115 I like to think everybody has the issue of having tons of clothes that they just never wear
>>89112 And now I found some similar items of the same brand and style BUT THEY'RE OUT OF STOCK TOO REEEEEEEEEE
>dropped i could definitely use to go to the salvation army with some of my lesser used articles though i'm sure someone out there could be getting some kind of use out of them
a 24 pack of beer has 8litres of beer. beer is heavier than water so it weighs more than 8kg + add the weight of the cans. so say it weights 9kg, then the 100beer box would be something around 35kg at the very least. Maybe even 40kg That is some weightlifting if you carry it home alone
Do you guys mind if i use you for market research about market research for myself
let's assume hypothetically i ask you to do a short interview survey, about 15 minutes long (which i'm not proposing to any of you i'm just asking for a baseline) about how much reward would make that worth your trouble and time would a gift card of some value be worth it? would it need to be cash? how much?
Definitely not cold calling. People who've volunteered to participate in an interview survey. Regarding the setting, you tell me. I mean, if it was with anyone on /moe/ i'm confident i could do the 15 minute interview through the message board or messenger but for regular people, 15 minute phone call or something? it wouldn't just be an online survey because that's different than the research i'm looking at would a series of emails be more convenient? that seems messy
hmm Emails would be viable depending on the length of the email. If it were something I could do in 10-15 minutes of partial attention, I'd consider doing it for 10-15 bucks.
For a phone call I don't know if there's anything you could pay me to do it, unless I was doing it as a favor for a friend. Maybe 15 bucks for a 10 minute phone call. Maybe it 15 minutes and I'd want more like 20 bucks.
So that's a "probably not" on the 15 minute phone call kind of thing what if it was a one hour phone conversation that was more detailed and in-depth? >>89135 Does that format seem more motivating to you than the "15 minutes for just a few scrap bucks" format then? you'd rather it be a big in-depth thing than a pesky survey?
Yeah, that's one point of my considerations to me, it's not even about compensating for their time. from my perspective, i have to make it motivating enough to get a meaningful distribution of that subject population it would be bad research if i only researched the portion of, let's
dropped portion of, let's say, the people that read a certain news source but only did the portion that were lower income
>>89139 That's one potential motivating factor for considering 15 minute calls That's something they could do with much less commitment, perhaps on the transit home but the stipend would // honorarium would be less >>89141 But you'd rather do one hour for more dollars than 15 minutes for less? assume your incentive per minute was equal, which seems more motivating to you?
Professionals would be far more likely to spring for it if they could fill out a 10-15 minute something and get a decent lunch delivered to their office.
>>89140 No, I'd rather do something short than lose an hour of my time. But if I were to lose an hour of my time, it would be pretty expensive. And I'm pretty cheap! In a few years I'd want more like 150-200 bucks for an hour of my time.
>>89143 I see! That's very impressive. The pricing I was looking at would be maybe $35 for a 15-20 minute phone call, or maybe some sort of email survey + follow up questions in some format or like $135 for an hour long thing I wasn't sure if maybe amazon gift cards or something would be a motivating factor as opposed to cash, as that would be more convenient on my end and also allow me to compensate a little more value
the calls would basically be the tone of conversation like our last few posts just generic market probing and letting people speak their mind
Thank you for your participation in this survey. You've been very helpful. Have a nice evening and we'll get in touch with you by email regarding your honorarium.
milkis is kinda good
If I develop dementia in my later years /moe/, I want you to remember me as I was.
>>89324 The first episode is kind of underwhelming but there's some kind of neat stuff in the second episode. At least if grammatical laws of magic is as interesting to you as it was to me.
oh wow that's really bad magical grammar might be cool but I'll wait to see how you all feel about it later on I don't have as much time to devote to anime
Wanting to make an anime but not having the resources for a full season on their own "Oh I could just work for all of this, why would I even bother trying the easy method?" Like who does this?
>>89342 No anime studio except for a very, very select few have the resources to make a full show on their own. This is why most studios don't actually chose what they work on, they're pretty much contracted out by production committees.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>89342 trigger kickstarted a second ova when they didn't have money for more
>>89345 Why would they do that if they thought the season would do well? This is not true
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
They could have just gone through a million hoops instead to raise the money with sponsors, why would they even consider an easier option?
what point are you trying to make
>>89349 I'm making the point that >>89341 this is a retarded stance "They could just get to make the anime a more difficult way with a lot more work, what would drive them to make ONE episode to pitch into a competition?"
I don't think you comprehend the amount of work even a single episode requires. Never mind the money.
All I'm saying is anime expo with a chance for a full season for the winner would be cool, and you're just like "BUT WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO WIN?" We already have anime expo WITHOUT a chance for a full season, what the fuck is it about getting a shot at a full season that will make people go "Oh I don't wanna compete anymore now"?
You don't seem to understand how anime gets made. The studio rarely ever actually chooses what it animated. Animates even.
>>89354 I know that, but that doesn't make it impossible Studios do make original anime It HAPPENS
A lot of original anime is still formed the same way. Production committee forms a pitch, story draft, and then contracts a studio to animate it. Very, very, very few studios are the Trigger way of developing original works entirely internally.
And the ones that do usually make movies instead, like Ghibli or Makoto Shinkai's studio.
I think it would be neat to inspire drive and passion in an industry that has become heavily standardised and methodical. But studios are often not in comfortable e enough financial positions to take a risk. Even if a studio produces an anime that becomes a runaway sales hit, very little of that sales profit makes it to the studio. They just don't have the financial security to put aside reliable contact work to plan a gamble.
How much does it usually cost to make a 1cour anime anyway? Maybe they could make it so you gotta donate like a dollar to vote on your favorite contestant A dollar isn't much, otaku blow WAY more on DVDs and shit
Maybe that could fund the animu
Japan has a huge population, after all
>>89359 if you keep making that face it'll get stuck that way
>Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
>Most good programmers should be able to write out on paper a program which does this in a under a couple of minutes. Want to know something scary? The majority of comp sci graduates can't. I've also seen self-proclaimed senior programmers take more than 10-15 minutes to write a solution.
comp sci grads are a nice meme on /g/
>Apparently, FizzBuzz style screening is required to keep interviewers from wasting their time interviewing programmers who can't program.
https://blog.codinghorror.com/why-cant-programmers-program/ Here's the whole thing I've been slamming the stumble button on stumbleupon for a while now
are you really sanitized to have that make you think the world is scary
>>89381 If most people who apply for programming positions are at roughly my level of programming ability, that makes me worried Because that's not a high ability
What if it isn't just programming? What if this is the case with a TON of stuff?
Like imagine if 99 out of 100 people who applied to be truckers didn't even know which way to turn the key? That'd be INSANITY
it's probably the case with lots of things
I mean actually even I could probably make a fizzbuzz, if I had a few minutes And I know VERY little about programming, I've got like half an online tutorial and 25 pages of introduction to C++ under my belt
>>89388 You can? I can't remember any possibility for counting while I was messing with batch as a kid, and I'm sure I would have looked into it Cause that's useful
>>89390 i = 1 while i < 101 if i%3 print Fuzz if i%5 print Buzz i++
>>89391 Shouldn't you first do "if dividable by 3 AND 5"?
>>89393 if it's divadable by 3 this will print fuzz if divadable by inly 5 it will print buzz id by both it will first pring fuzz then buzz so it works
>>89397 Well yeah, I have a rough idea how to do this in general It's not a very difficult task, the main issue I'd have is I don't know enough about the syntax involved
I really wanna learn a language so I can do dumb stuff, but man I am bad at sticking to stuff
syntax is just minor details
life is minor details
>>89401 Important thoguh knowing all the commands only gets you so far
Oh the judge Blue mentioned last night that was found in the Hudson was apparently the first female, Muslim judge
Oh no
you know what that means
Likely an honor killing?
>>89403 well i guess what i mean is yuo should know it in general but not be too concerned with remembering it if you need just a second to look it up just in case
probably not, that's not too common here IT WAS THE RUSSIANS
Yesterday some people were talking about how the diversity committee only has presentations where marginalized people get to talk so I started arguing that they should invite nazis because nazis are super marginalized and my professor was like "6 million and one"
He wrote a script that waits 17 seconds, then hacks into the coffee machine and orders it to start brewing a latte. The script tells the machine to wait another 24 seconds before pouring the latte into a cup, the exact time it takes to walk from the guy's desk to the coffee machine.
And his coworkers didn't even know the coffee machine was on the network and hackable.
>Politiker har varit bra på att skydda sig själva, men nu måste de även se medborgarnas behov av säkra miljöer. Politicians have been good at protecting themselves, but now they must also protect the general public and provide safe environments
Oh In march the Swedish minister of environment or whatever, you know pollution and what, said that the Swedes have to reduce the amount of cars as a matter of equalizing the genders Not because they're pollutants or anything, but because most drivers are men
I'd link you the breitbart translation of it, but I'm gonna confirm it's accurate first
Oh, she does mention pollution too, at least So she's not COMPLETELY lost But holy shit this isn't a meme When TN and I talk shit about Sweden, it's not European dickmeasuring, Sweden is an actual hellhole politically
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/03/10/sweden-car-feminism-driven-mostly-men/ Anyway here's the breitbart article They seem about right
See the thing is, Sweden's political class doesn't want equality of opportunity They want equality of outcome And the only realistic way to achieve that is to force people down, because you just can't make people who are bad at a thing do better by force You can, however, make someone who's good at something do worse by forcce
The US may have the most laughable and easily mocked president in human history But Sweden has taken it the extra step and made it IMPOSSIBLE to mock the government Because you can't... make something up that's more bizarre and far gone than something they come up with
Oh, update about the carban because terror That's an editorial, I think
Swedish is a little different from Norwegian so I miss a few words here and there, and some stuff I basically have to guess at, but I'm almost certain that's an editorial now that I've looked at it a while
The gender thing is government official saying it though That much I'm 100% certain about
>>89452 Is she OK? >>89455 Environmental Minister said, last month, that Sweden has to reduce car use because men are the ones who drive cars most, and thus giving space to cars is coming at the expense of women
What's even the problem if it's standing still 97% of the time on average? That's already mission accomplished, dude
so in short >cars take space by not being used ever >this space is roads and parking spots >those spaces should be converted to space to be used by women as all drivers are men
I'd like to see how sweden works after trucks can no longer drive anywhere
This is just equally retarded as the green party and leftist parties are here in the big cities >we need to turn roads into bicycle and walking streets and then how do the businesses in the city centre stock themselves, when no car/truck can drive there? we already have reached peak limit on the roads leading to and from our city centre... And they want to cut further from those, sayign it will all work fine as the cars can now drive further away from the city centre And then when those said drivers have business in the city centre >wellt hey can park at a metro station and use a metro clapclapclap
I don't even entirely disagree with cutting down car traffic, but it's got 0 to do with neither women nor terrorism
If you close a road down to make the city greener, you need to plan also what happens to all the traffic that used to drive there. Something the car haters never do. They don't drive cars, they don't get stuck in the traffic. They don't know jackshit, they just virtue signal about saving the world.
>>89468 But the problem is that the anti-car crusaders never have solutions for the actual issues Just idiotic propositions, they think save the world and make life better for them. They can't think outside their little bubble, where everyone eats organic and drives a bicycle.
Because every 4 years they propose the same idiotic plans OVER and OVER again and they always get shot down, because anyone with 2 braincells can see how idiotic they would be, and how much they'd ruin the traffic in the capital area. And yet millions end up being wasted on project planning and shit like that, as they usually can get the project started, but not finished. Sometimes I think it is just a scheme from the green-left to keep their architecture and whatnot friends employed
We've got in Oslo a tax or fee on each individual person car, i think Or some such
Which encourages collective travel
And I think that's fine, as long as people who actually live there aren't hit too hard You don't really need to drive OUT of Oslo ever If you're in Oslo you're basically set It's fucking Oslo
Yeah atleast here it is motivated atleast by want to save the world and shit. And not by "muh kvinnorna"
I'm so fucking glad I live here rather than a few miles east, man I can't imagine having to be Swedish right now
“My career is over now. It's the consequence what I did, and I take it,” Syaf said in a Facebook post that has since been deleted.
“Please no more mockery, debat [sic], no more hate… In this last chance, I want to tell you the true meaning of the numbers, 212 and QS 5:51. It is number of JUSTICE. It is number of LOVE. My love to Holy Qur'an... my love to the last prophet, the Messenger... my love to ALLAH, The One God."
-Artist that included antisemitic and antichristrian symbolism in X-men comic
>>89476 Killing Christians and Jews is love Sounds pretty communist
Islam is like the bastard hellspawn of communism and nazism
It will just be glorious if it happens. Gotta remind the world, why it is called Europa Universalis eventually.
>In the past, Paradox lost their Common Sense and allowed The Cossacks to loot our pockets in their Mare Nostrum of DLCs, making us lose our Rights of Man. Now, they really think they got a Mandate of Heaven to simply demand from loyal fans 20€ for this DLC
so i'm nine days off alcohol and ive tapered down to a quarter of my benzo dosage -- half every other day that's a taper on the alcohol too i was doing day on/day off, then third day, then one week 2x without my ID it's probably easier just to stop altogether that's great and all but i'm starting to think this is a bad idea i can't control sober me very well sorry, i blog about this a lot
is fun to watch cartoons from your childhood at times this movie is almost as old as me even. I don't think it aired more than few times in the tv and was only available for rental in libraries
HAHAHA and it is fun to now notice that I've seen stuff in fancy parties, than what happensi n the finale of this cartoon too bad the movie is only in swedish and finnish no other dub exists
that doesnt very anime
name an anime whose final scene ends in Nobel Party?
You can finish it in like 2 hours if you know what you're doing and you're not fucking around, but we're just trying to saturate every conveyor belt Which makes us have to expand forever It's fun
>>89580 It took me a really long time to discern what brand this was i see now that it's the globe but that was not easy. way too much clutter i suppose regulars would recognize it by heart, but i don't like that design at all
>>89582 Is Radio Shack going under or is it just that one.
i'm guessing just that one, or that chain of them usually one person owns a chain, like maybe 15 radioshacks in the area to distribute risk, and they just close off the ones that are consistently bad performers or that are just wasting real estate if it's not making its own cost, they'd make more money renting the unit out to another retailer
I mean I get that part of business. It's just HMV Canada recently had a total shutdown of its franchises cross-country, so I was wondering if Radio Shack was experiencing similar problems down there.
I mean I guess it has to be legal, since there's no way a law exists against it
it would depend (right now) probably on whether it was A. Malicious and B. Intentional Being intentional and non-malicious is probably not an acceptable promotional practice, but i doubt that's currently illegal >>89591 one isn't, but doing it nation-wide, say with a superbowl commercial or something could seriously tilt google's algorithms in a non-organic way that could threaten another company or threaten advertising revenue stability
It was definitely intentional But I mean a google search isn't exactly malicious It is hijacking people's devices though
Malicious needs to be defined for me to be able to have an opinion here Because I'm not sure I see how the quantity of something determines whether it's malicious
well i'm workin so i'm not gonna do that right now just think about how mass searches could be malicious towards market stability, competitors, or even individuals
Throwing a Skittle into your neighbour's yard probably isn't malicious. But dumping ten million Skittles into your neighbour's yard probably is malicious.
>not just united, but Chicago is getting sued too Oh fuck I'm loving this
>>89593 >>89594 I guess that makes some sense I'm still not really sure whether I see it as malicious But I'm also not sure it should be legal, I just dunno exactly how that law would be formulated
your search history is acceptable evidence that can be used against you in the court of law there's no inherent search that immediately lands you into trouble, it's with context of the crime you're being charged with (for instance, i was doing a transcript of some explosive specialist and i had to look up the names of all these explosive compounds so i'd know how to spell them) that probably means there's some responsibility held on burger king's end for intentionally forcing those searches on people's devices
>>89605 Yeah I don't think the security was called in because someone wouldn't move and when they arrived they mentally went "Oh he's asian, I'm gonna beat him within an inch of his life"
>Can you describe the gentleman who robbed your convenient store? >Well, he was tall. he had brown eyes, short hair. about 6'4", 170 pounds maybe. >He wore a red sweater, white shoes, black trousers. He ditched the sweater as soon as he left >Was he white, black, asian? >I don't see how that's relevant.
>>89606 I mean you're free to be certain of that belief.
>>89607 We're not trying to identify this man, we already know who he is There isn't a nationwide search for the guy whose ass got beat for staying in a seat he had a ticket for
Maybe he got beat up over politics You don't know I don't know I think we should assume it was politics actually, because worldwide political differences is like the main cause of violence
He was chosen at random
But if the security staff had been called in and seen if looked like a normal, Caucasian man, would they have resorted to the same level of violence? Would they even have possibly been called in, in the first place? I don't know if the answers to these questions are anything certain.
I think him being a MALE is like 900 times more relevant as to why he went to the hospital More than his race in any ccase
>>89610 YEah They pretty much went "haul seat 12, 20, 44, and 69 out"
>>89611 Sure, but that uncertainty is exactly why it doesn't matter
>>89614 But there's a possibility So we should just assume it's why
That's not what I said but okay.
>>89609 that's not the point i was trying to illustrate it's just organically one of the first things you notice about a person, and it's distinguishing in the event people will still reference to the native american on the greyhound bus stabbing, or the vietnamese kid in the school shooting because that's more human-relatable than the name really even if people don't care what ethnicity they are, they still tend to do that
Well duh, but unless you see racism fucking everywhere like some sort of schizo, or you actually ARE a racist, you don't jump to race as the main thing to explain every event you witness in life
Schizophrenics probably don't see racism everywhere
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
A weight has been lifted.
hi samu
>>89619 Is racism something they don't have delusions about?
>>89622 Generally Schizophrenics are distant and have difficulties identifying the intentions of others Sure, they CAN have delusions like that They may have persecutory delusions that they are being attacked due to their race But this is very rare
>>89624 Now I'm interested Is there some kinda mental illness that makes you do that? See things like racism where there is none? Or not seeing it where there is racism?
Actually I guess you answered the second one
>>89626 Have excess of capital and invest in the stock market.
I saw where journalists were FREAKING OUT because the journalists in North Korea had been sequestered and told that there was a big announcement coming and everyone was going oh wow this has never happened before this is going to be HUGE and then it turned out they were just having a ceremony because they were opening a new bridge
The media was freaking out about that today. So much so that one of the other girls came in talking about it. The MOAB is old news though. I guess you can leave it to normies to not know about anything.
why bother with nukes when u can help africa? corea is dead anyways at least afrika has blood diamonds
Yeah I kinda wonder why does NK even bother to exist anymore We, as the world, should just end it the bloodshed that happens will be less than North Korea kills its own citizens directly and indirectly yearly
theres literally miles on the border of north corea and south corea with UXO youre not supposed to walk there or else BOOM
im gonna request corea when i reenlist you get extra pay
Also reminder that Korean War is techincally still on going.
um lewd? also yeah thats why you get hazard pay in corea also there are juicy girls in corea where theyre at the bar and theyre like buy me a drink 20 USD and then they ask the bartender for OJ
moe i'm working on a series of very elaborately woven shitposts on somewhere that is not here and i need your help because i dont know weird stuff like this is NTR gender specific? is it called something else when it's the girl being NTR'ed or is it the same i literally dont know anything about hentai
Kirara, Rook, ToN what would you guys expect in terms of compensation for volunteering one hour of your time for a phone interview for market research it's hypothetical i'm just trying to get a figure
A whole hour by phone? 100+ certainly, I don't get paid much but that sounds like a hassle to be honest I'd be reluctant to participate even with compensation
I wouldn't even consider it for less than $80
I guess it would depend whether it was a cold call or if this was set up beforehand And whether I not I'm familiar with the company >>89742 Oh right I read good
No, like I said, you've volunteered for this Like straight up for me to ask you questions for an hour and it's not monotonous, like a survey it's a few broad questions and you give your in-depth opinions, and I find spots to probe for more questions then write up a report based off all this information
you'd set up the time let me put it this way first you'd already be invited to do this, then you'd accept, then i'd email you to confirm and ask you to set a date and time at that day and time, if it's still convenient for you, i call you up for an hour and send you on your way with an honorarium would it have to be cash? what if it was an amazon gift card worth slightly more? Is one hour too inconvenient? What if it was a 15-minute phone call, or half an hour? What is 15 minutes of my probing worth
Worth mentioning i guess is that amazon gift cards could just be digitally emailed to you so you can use it instantly cash would have to be mailed by cashier's check and take some time and be an extra errand to run that doesn't seem like a lot, but that's 15 minutes of your time just going to the bank right there
>>89746 No, you volunteer and then you're invited Like you've already put your info in on a site that finds participants and they contact you if there's something that fits your profile, whether that's due to income, age, smoking habits, whether you drive an automobile, whether you wear jewelry/watches, et cetera and then it informs you that X research is enrolling
or in a less complicated manner, i ask you (i being me and you being you and not hypothetically) and say "Hey kirara want to do an interview for about an hour? ill pay you for it" since my initial scope is really small i'm probably going to vet out participants and only do like five or ten interviews, probably mostly people i know if it were science that'd be bad but it's market research and i can select the demographic i'm probing there's no problems with that
>>89742 >>89748 oh I see I think I'd be more willing to accept amazon gift cards over cash mostly because of the reason you mentioned, they can be emailed/delivered with way less hassle on everyone's part I'd also be more willing to accept a shorter ~15 minute call for much less incentive I would accept a simple 5-10 dollar gift card for that setting aside 15 minutes is much easier than setting up an hour long appointment so I don't think people would ask for so much
>>89760 i had a song for you now i don't know if i can still find it anymore you fucked up ya blew it you idiot why do you keep doing this you shouldn't have started a post in the first place
It would be hard to come up with something that would make me give up an hour of my time. I'd be much more likely to do 15 minutes or fill out an email survey.
I know that's a big ask -- an hour I won't say what I'm planning on, but it's helpful for me to know what to expect This is really about writing up a proof of concept so i can know, within reason, what to expect >>89765 no sorry that was me talking to myselves i'll go find it hold on do you even want a song maybe you don't even like songs why did you get him a song for christmas you fuckin idiot why didn't you get him something cool like the mummy 2: scorpion king on bluray
i wouldnt mind baha either i guess since baha hade s can be a thing but hades hades is the best celeste baha isnt bad though but i want to be the strongest