Thread #87798
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Osoi yo
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Sorry! My body didn't want to stop napping.
fukumenkei noise oushitsu haine akashic records shuumatsu
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What even are these show.s Which one is the comfiest?
Haine was that fujobait harem with the non-shota professor. Akashi Records was that LN series with the hideous female uniforms. Shuumatsu is an LN adaptation. Fukumenkei Noise looks kind of off-kilter to me.
probably the Haine one the rest seem battley I think Shuumatsu might be edgy
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I don't like fujoshit as my end of anime comfy. I think the best last onf is either the harem or haine.
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Let's start with the potentially edgy one. Shuumatshu okay let's start!
I was anticipating this one; it had a nice PV.
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this one might be fun i hope its not black bullet bad though
Oh they're using the song from the PV again. It's a really nice song.
There's a lot of beastkin shows lately.
this guy looks like guren from that bad vampire show
Asking if organs are intact is an oddly specific query.
get out normie
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This show looks like it could be comfy but also that it could be edgy.
the first minute was pretty edgy
Cute hat though.
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So this is one where the furries hate the not-furries.
Hah hah what. Scarborough Fair? I mean shit I love this song any time I hear it, but what's it doing here.
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Shows that lull you with comfy and then hit you with edge can be the most edgy.
I don't care about any of that as long as I get good high fantasy. Adventure romance fantasy is the best genre.
He really looks like Guren when he's got that unamused expression on his face.
he has the same voice too right
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That goblin is pretty nice. Unless the job is really a bad job though.
>>87828 Wrong
This girl feels a bit like Koume. I wonder if SK would like her.
Geez what kind of name is that for a maid.
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>While I may be a troll >a troll
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This maid knows how things work.
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>A troll
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I think the sense in which she wants to eat him is a little too literal though.
Why not both.
These fucking brats.
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wait what was his mission again hes in the military to do something to them right
Keep them safe I think?
All these names are really kind of clunky. Like it made sense for the troll lass but even the (more) human ones have weird names. Aside from Wilhelm I guess.
they are the weapons dundundun
I mean if you think about it, any military mage is pretty much a weapon.
this ending is too happy theyre all gonna die
>526 years ago Okay that's WAY too far back of a flashback.
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Yeah, this show definitely may be surprise edgy.
>Definitely maybe And it'll certainly probably rain tomorrow.
The art for this is pretty cute.
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>>87854 This show is definitely a candidate for false comfy/surprise edgy. Is that word choice a little more palatable for you?
Hardly. I can't snark at that.
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I'm glad we resolved that and I accept your apology. Let's watch Haine.>>87862 ehhh I want to get this out of the way though. Noise looks like it could be a good shoujo.>>87862 but I have an idea as to what it could be like! okay let's haine! let's start
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ok>>87861 no lets do the new show Noise the rest are ep 2s>>87861 we dont know what it could be likeee ok fine
That implies I have intent to change. You know as well as I that ain't happening.
stupid prince smart prince pretty prince violent prince?
I have my money on the grumpy one being misunderstood and just really shy or something.
We've got one new show but it's a shoujo/jousei show. There's also a battle harem LN adaptation but it's already on episode two.
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I hope this show gets a little more interesting. The first episode was just them talking in a room.>>87872 fukumenkei noise Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records
>>87873 i'm fine with skipping an episode i can always watch the first later
Then get the shows Rika posted, we'll be ready in about eighteen minutes.
Subarashii Haine-sama
Anonymous Noise? unavailable in my region on crunchyroll so i just won't watch it too lazy to set up MPC-HC right now
Hah hah hah. I think Amazon might have the rights to it or something like that.
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Wow, what a raw deal!
This guy had a real face-heel turn.
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Hah hah wow.
18 minutes? i'll just start ep 1 and see how far i get
Oh dear we might not even have you for episode two then. Hoh hoh hoh.
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We'll do the harem last. We'll do the shoujo next. That way we'll be ready for bang on episode 2.
these school uniforms>>87899 they're not horrible they're just really really slutty
They're HORRIBLE, aren't they. Like the most garbage you've ever seen.
>>87870 Called it.
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okay let's watch fuku noise! okay let's start!
Oh I think I saw the PV for this actually. It both looked kind of interesting and not at the same time.
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Shoujo often deserves a second look because of how relatively uncommon it is.
this is a music club right
No clue. I just know it's got stuff to do with music.
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Wow, it's persona 5 guy!
These character designs at least look better than the ones in the manga. They were like, REALLY jousei-y.
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I guess this girl has the singing auts.
Cut short.
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She's kind of a weirdo.
they make her look kinda ugly while shes singing
Geez she's not daunted so easily.
He's kind of bug-eyed too. Like the other guys are kind of normal but he's pretty bug-eyed.
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He just has girl eyes.
And a hamster's head.
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this shows a bit weird but i dont hate it
It's a bit thick for me. Would be more bearable in manga format i think.
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it feels really weird
Oh I guess blondie has some weird eyes too.
p5-kun is gonna cuck this kgu guy**
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He deserves to get cucked for being so tsundere.
Who the fuck gets traumatized over Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
and why are they singing that in choir
It's an easy song to harmonize to.
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I don't really like it either.
She's gone crazy.
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Wow, she's gone berserk.
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?!? r o c k
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I like rough voices like that though.
so both p5 and tsundere are her childhood friends?
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This looks like it could be good.
the singing part was pretty cool so like tsundere was a replacement for momo in a way he came after oh wait momo is the tsundere wait what momo is p5
Momo is the Persona 5 MC.
im rooting for p5
I'm rooting for them to both crash and burn.
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Persona 5-kun is definitely best boy. He's also clearly going to be the winner. okay bang are you still watching the thread?
I feel he's got the more likeliness to be that kind of cunty, possessive shoujo romantic interest. And I know you two slobber all over it but I can't stand that kind of character.
tsundere is a soon-to-be-cuck shes only thinking about momo right now ahh
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Tsundere is a) presumptuously possessive and b) short. Girls hate that sort of thing. He's really just set up to lose.
In lieu of anyone less terrible than P5-kun I prefer the tsundere. Maybe I'll just dark horse this shit and cheer for Drummer-kun. He seems like a fun guy.
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Momo may not be that bad. We don't even know him yet.
Yuzu may not be that bad. We don't even know him yet. We're in episode one Rika, don't be stupid.
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Momo hasn't been really introduced yet though.
okay i'm bang and stuff now
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I enjoyed the song, too bad it was so broken up by exposition. okay we are ready for akashic records. Did you watch the first episode, bang?>>87977 I liked the purple haired girl. okay everyone is ready let's start
this show was sort of fun smug cat ear girl
If they keep up antics it'll be enjoyable.
orenji i like the blonde girl she's a good girl smug girl is kind of too bitchy teacher-kun is quite the scumbag i wonder if he becomes a better person oh also megane-kun is best-kun
These uniforms enrage me so much.
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Wow, he just nailed the book to the chalkboard. wow that purple girl is cucking him out of teaching completely. Look how smug she's being.
wait i was wondering who you meant by purple-hair she's CLEARLY silver-haired
It's a lilac colour you're both wrong.
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>>87984 She's vaguely purple colored.>>87985 Yes, she's best described as a light lavender or lilac.
>Just the slightest bit of motivation How dangerous. Nothing is more dangerous than the smallest bit of motivation put towards something.
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Is he just being edgy or is he really good at killing people with magic?
The latter.
>>87988 both
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I kind of thought that might be the case.
blonde is going to help him be a good guy
Somewhere along the way he lost his wai.
i guess maybe he's just pretending to be retarded
Or maybe he's some kind of savant when it comes to magic.
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It's really obvious he was pretending to be retarded or was holding back. There's a reason he picked a non-lethal spell for his competition!
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>when the mysteries unravel just right
Oh he's asking interesting questions.
Yeah he's totally the savant kind of genius.
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I think she has better chemistry with him than the actual heroine.
I think she is the actual heroine.
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I would be okay with that.
i think she and the orange girl are both the heroines
Do you people just have terrible colour tints on your monitors or something.
YOU don't get to talk.
That's not silver damn it it's lilac.
it's silver with a slight hue to it but there's not lilac-colored hair anime stereotype she's the silver haired girl
hes so poplar
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You boil hair colors down to the basic eight!
>>88017 There should be. Out of all the pastel colours, lilac is one of the few tolerable ones.>>88019 But you haven't mentioned blue, red, yellow, green, indigo, or violet at all.
cecilia is understands his sense of humor
Oh boy I hope he gets to autistically wreck shit with his magic.
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I guess he's going to ruin their evil plan!
uh oh
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His methods may be evil, but tsunderes really are the best.
Pft. Sensei please.
>>88034 haha
Oh wow he's The Fool.
Hot damn this guitar.
>it's a small!
>>88044 >>88044 >>88044
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he kicked
>That's the part that makes it magical
Okay he's actually amazing.
i had a feeling they were going to do something like this there was no way he could really be so damedame
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He's a muscle wizard.
>>88052 That part was obvious. The exciting surprise was exactly how non-damedame he is.
battle mage
tbh i wasn't expecting her to get almost-raped that kind of thing is reserved for much edgier series usually
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He was just appreciating the charm of a tsundere. I'm sure he would have stopped before he did it.
I will never get tired of seeing people feint a move by calling out what it's not.
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>>88057 you think he was that kind of a guy?
>>88065 mystletainn kick
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>>88066 He seemed to understand the appeal of tusnderes!
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>>88070 that doesn't mean he was just going to be like "haha gotcha, you can go back to class now"
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>>88075 You never know!
Well we should be glad sensei showed up so we don't have to find out