Back in the days our parents used to take care of us Look at 'em now, they even fuckin' scared of us Calling the city for help because they can't maintain
tilde you've got some free summon scrolls in the mail you should
Thanks, you're pretty on top of that. I'd checked in this morning and there was some stuff int -in the mail but these are new.
yeah, with the new mom out ive been watching some people on my friends list already have her bonded im so jealous
i saved up 13 summon scrolls over months and didn't get her (or anyone) i got some decorations though and riichi tracks
there's a fun event too a lot more interactive than the previous events where you just collect event items and exchange them it's a cute ichihime board game, and you get dice to roll for the // as the event items
it's a small change but it makes it a lot more fun for me
should i watch this tiger king show\ everyone tells me to watch it
if you aren't doing something better, maybe i haven't watched it yet, but i also have more friends telling me to watch it than i've ever had tell me to watch something
it was pretty entertaining, I think you would like it all the main characters are horrible people actually there are only like 3 good people in the whole show it's a good circus
i am checkin it out but i dont really get too into true crime stuff so i'm not sure how much i'll really like it
all the main people they focus on are uniquely shitty, I think you'll find it fun
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these folks really love cats
I've heard Tiger King really skews the narrative of the circumstances though, to heavily implicate someone kind of unfairly. Like the documentary was made with an intended villain in mind and the actual facts are a bit warped because of that. Or things are intentionally left out to ensure the constructed narrative remains strong.
Netflix seems to have a habit of doing that with their true crime documentaries. I think Making A Murderer had some similar adjusting of the narrative and obsfucating stuff to draw conclusions in it.
When it comes to true crime I think the only time a documentary should draw conclusions is if the crime is actually already resolved. Otherwise you risk muddying the situation and messing with the facts. These crimes tend to be ridiculously fascinating stories in the first place I think there's more than enough shock and wow material in just presenting the unresolved, unconcluded details.
>>834188 they definitley did, but that person is still uniquely shitty in there own way not as shitty as others but hardly a squeaky clean person
wtf i refuse to believe that this guy didnt do drugs i'm lookin at him he lives in florida he does meth
>>834188 also I would argue that nearly everyone is the intended villain you get introduced to one as the real main character, but he's the villain too all the major players are shown in a terrible light
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>In November 2019, Universal Content Productions announced that they were adapting a Joe Exotic podcast for television, with Kate McKinnon portraying Baskin.[29] In March 2020, Baskin was featured in the Netflix documentary Tiger King.[30] She later spoke out against the series, calling it "salacious and sensational", and criticized directors Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin.[25] Baskin stated that the filmmakers lied about the nature of the series when they approached her about it, claiming that they told her that they were going to be making "the big cat version of Blackfish".[25][31] hmm
Somewhere along the line I stayed up twenty hours. But now I'm at my functional limit. It's really annoying how one poorly taken nap can throw me off my whole sleep for days.
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sweet dreams
adios goodbye
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>I sleep with an AK47 under my mattress gonna have to lift up your mattress and shit those are unwieldy
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>A reporter asked Trump if he'd pardon Joe Exotic from 'Tiger King,' and Trump said he'd look into it
>>834201 why would you sleep with the ak47 under the mattress instead of like, next to it If someone breaks into your house you'd have to lift up the mattress to get it, wasting valuable time
yeah under the bed is much more reasonable obviously you dont want to sleep next to a loaded firearm that's extremely dangerous under bed makes sense bc you can roll out of bed and grab it
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but really there's no reason to keep an AK-47 - loaded - under your bed not if you're just a zookeeper if you're afraid animal rights activists are going to break into your house and come after you an ak-47 is really not the weapon you want
>>834205 why not the ak specifically? would a shotgun be better?
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a shotgun is a lot better for fighting in close quarters especially for self-defense really a fully automatic weapon is completely pointless in that setting and even if you do want a fully automatic weapon the AK47 is not a particularly fantastic rifle
yeah I think he's more attracted to the image of the ak than anything else
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he could get a better AK like an AK74 or something or even a good AK derivative he's just a loser that doesnt know what hes doin UNLIKE ME
do you own a gun
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i was taught to shoot by FBI agents and then i'd just use my mom's guns and then i didnt have a gun for a while bc my apartment complex doesnt allow them but now i have one again
does your landlord ever like search your apartmnet for things that aren't allowed Like if you just hid the gun under your mattress are they going to look under there
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my landlord is a faceless corporation but the employees including property manager cant enter my apartment without 24 hour notice according to my lease and they've never checked my apartment for anything i was doing it out of respect for a while but i really dont care anymore
no respect for real estate corporations
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it was more out of respect for my property manager with whom i have a very good relationship
and then eventually i stopped caring but i couldnt afford a gun and then my mom freaked out and bought me one when coronavirus started so i have one again
>>834217 oh yeah that lol just shoot the virus dude
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
more to shoot looters and stuff
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but to be fair i'd be one of the looters probably
Well a gun isn't a bad thing to have on you while looting is it?
i wouldnt really go looting with a ruger 10/22 rifle maybe hunting small game it's a nice comfy rifle that's fun to shoot but it's not really good for assault or defense and with looting the goal isn't to kill people generally you want to loot things that arent defended
Maybe not for killing but surely for the intimidation factor at the very least Have you looted before? I've never seen it happening in person
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, i haven't looted i've taken stuff from condemned or abandoned buildings and i know people that i have looted i've never lived somewhere that is really set up for looting, that's more of a city thing
carrying a gun when you're doing stuff and using it for intimidation isn't really a good idea especially not a rifle when people raw //// rob banks and stuff they don't show off their guns a kid might show off a gun when robbing someone but that's not how most successful people do it carrying around a rifle makes you obviously dangerous and also extremely stupid unless you're like in a war zone or something
>>834224 Oh yeah I guess marking yourself as a giant high priority dangerous target isn't a good idea
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but real life isn't really that way if you see someone with a gun you're more likely to shoot them if they show hostility at all it's just as simple as that nobody is really making judgments and evaluating targets it's usually just chaos
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they do seem to be making this about carole instead of being about all of this animal abuse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hi hi
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im turkey soup
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup im good woke up late ate something now i have the rest of the afternoon to do something hopefully productive
>>834234 Absolutely. It enriches your soul Thereby making you a better person.
>>834234 Yeah Everything else is just a means to watching anime
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
productivity is a bourgeois notion designed to stop you from enjoying life and force you to make money for capital anime and video games are as productive as anything else it's all bullshit
So Kirara here's the plan We go to a bank And I'm gonna get out a gun and tell the cashier to put the money in the bag But But You pull some sick kungfu and dis arm me And I'll say "wow, with moves like that, your wife must be a very lucky woman" and then you'll loudly say "actually, I'm single" and all the women there will think you're super cool and strong and want to go out with you
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>834261 ah yeah i think I've seen that documentary
Dr. Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>834273 alright but how about i disarm you after they give you some of the money then you'll say you're taking a hostage and i save the hostage you say the line and then i respond and you leave then later we split the money
okay next plan we'll be on an airplane together and I'll pretend to have a heart attack then the person sitting next to me says "Help this man is dyinng! Is there a doctor on board! " And that's when you stand up and say "why yes, yes I am a doctor " Then you just pretend to push a pressure point and I'll say "Wow, you saved me, what an amazing doctor you are! Your wife is very lucky! " And you say, "Actually, even though I am in fact a doctor, I'm actually single" and I'll say, "What! No way! How can you be single, when you are in fact a doctor who I'm sure is well paid"
You don't need to specify what your doctorate is until after the wedding
im playing trials of mana :) theres two real cuties
My Greek neighbours are having some kind of backyard party. I guess not even a pandemic can keep these doofuses from doing their clan get-togethers.
Though well it might just be the nuclear family out there I can't really make out distinct voices with the music playing. Still it's almost 23:30 at night I can't imagine it would just be the four of them.
it's all greek to me
>>834289 it's the end of the world call the family over let's party
herd immunity parties
Tabletop RPG session sucked tonight I didn't get to do any combat And an incredibly obnoxious character was rewarded for their obnoxious behavior in game and out of game
The biggest problem with turnips is where to store them all. When you're buying then in magnitudes of like eight or ten thousand that ends up being a lot of individual lots of a hundred turnips. I can fill my entire basement and still have like twenty or forty lots I need to accomodate.
>>834327 It's really funny how poetically similar this is to the thing it parodies, eh.
>>834335 You can only buy turnips on Sunday mornings. Waiting for them to drop in price that far could literally be a months-long procedure. My turnips were 90 Bells a piece last week and that's the first time in playing since the DS game that I remember seeing sub-100 prices. I generally know what the arc of selling prices looks like on a week at large so I know when it's best to fold to not risk taking a really painful loss.
>>834336 This ain't my first time 'round the Stalk Market. I'm not discovering anything new here.
so how does the stalk market work? rng? or something awesomea s every player online influencing it?
did Nintendo have some breach happen recently
RNG, I don't think there's any conceivable way they could pull that sort of data from players without the ones that jump around in time throwing everything way out of whack.
Because of time travellers and glitches, there isn't really an economy to be able to shape turnip prices off of anyway. It's so easy to earn Bells in the game that any attempt at modelling an economy would quickly end in a mess as the already-present superinflation goes into overdrive.
So yeah turnip prices are RNG, but they also generally follow a price arc throughout the week, starting mid-low on Monday and rising as the days go by, usually peaking around Wednesday or Thursday before sharply declining on Friday and Saturday. There are abnormal peaks and valleys the prices can reach, but even these usually fit into the appropriate days per the price arc.
I don't know if there's a week-to-week pattern in the function that determines prices, but it would be interesting to me if the highs and lows you get in a set of weeks could predict if you'll get an exceptionally good or bad, or normal selling price in a future week.