>>82246 it's certainly kicking my ass at SL120 >>82247 i got it automatically because i bought it like a year ago i still have P5 though i don't like DaS3 that much honestly
it's alright but I don't really want to play it more than once
the PvP seriously pissed me off too >magic is worthless >pyromancy has one spell that does any damage >miracles aren't even good in PvE >straight swords and fast weapons are the meta >you get stunlocked all the time >it's all just meme reading your opponent they took THREE STEPS BACK all the way to the horseshit that was Demon's Souls PvP
the fun thing about das pvp was that there were a lot of gimmicky ways to meme people with now everything is so strict and freedomless that you can only play fair and square and unlike DaS2 where everything was kind of balanced there isn't approximately 800 types of weapons and magic to play with
>>82262 I agree with the pvp part nut not the other part
if the netcode was actually tolerable it might have been a fun pvp game and if there was a pvp game mode with BALANCE and SYMMETRY too but really the pvp was designed to be what it is - one-sided noob-stomping fuckery which is fun but also garbage because you're only the fucker sometimes and most of the time you're the fucked
there's pvp game modes with balance and symmetry in DaS3 and decent netcode but it just isn't fun at all
>decent netcode do you mean, "netcode that is a lot better than the other titles but still so bad that it's unacceptable to play with" then you might be right
>hyperarmor through someone's carthus curved sword spam >nail them with that sick 700+ AR profaned greatsword weapon art >do a WHOPPING SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DAMAGE >he gets back up >hits l2 >hits r2 >with dork blade up >1755 damage >you're dead WHAT NOW
>>82271 Why do so many games still use p2p? Only fps and strategy seems to consistently have their shit together
>come across a player dressed as a samurai using the uchigatana >he parries me and one-shot stabs me
>fighting game online >eurpservets dead due to night >go play usa/japan >2 second lag on inputs
>>82279 Customers should demand moar hmm i guess that is partly why all strat games have 200000? Cosmetic dlcs and usually 5-10 content dlcs too "Games as service" or whatever EA said
>>82276 legit that was me eastern set mix with dragonslayer set all day
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
are there any good modern turn-based games people play?
so you get a few soldier guys with different combat capabilities some of them acquire targets faster at different ranges and have different strengths and it appears rng but everything is determined by distance and time
you give them all orders and the other guy gives them orders and both of your guys carry them out simultaneously and whoever thought more steps ahead of the other guy usually wins
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>82285 very clean i wonder when the Switch Pro will come
less than a year certainly
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>82294 mindgamez i was playing town of salem the other day to satisfy this urge heh i suck
looks neato burrito
>>82294 this game should have ESP around it. All dat metagame...
this guy only has a few releases on monstercat from the past year so he's pretty new but i get the feeling he could be big if he markets right >>>/watch?v=ycgtC0EDOfk hope he tours ever
the right mix of chiptune antics and EDM HYPE >>82310 oh shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
jyubi dekita wubwubwub
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm seeing porter robinson in a couple weeks and let me tell you, i am fucking HYPE
In finnishnyou can ask how are you doing as "mitä kuuluu" which also means "what are you hearing" I just realized i havn't ever answered that question with "your voice" God what missed opportunities
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
haippu desss i on't have any concerts coming up ... gonna see bill burr in a few months that's about ti
>>82319 when the melodic part kicks in like 30 or so seconds in, it feels fucking great
i need to see a show i missed a chance this past tuesday i'm going to the festival in two weeks, but that feels so far away at least next week is Cashmere Cat
The initial popularity of the name derived from its association with the goddess Isis of the Egyptian pantheon. Her strong character has subsequently been adopted as an axiom among feminists.
However, from 2014, the name Isis has decreased in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand due to the name sometimes being affiliated with the Islamic terrorist organization Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Since then, there have been name changes made by women with the name.
>>82337 >feminism Why not name your kids hera at that?
Hera is 3,277rd most popular name in US in 2017 apparently
there is a character in p5 that is exactly like rika and rika doesn't know it yet but she immediately liked that character it's amazing teacher working as a part time maid and super lazy
>>82345 Great again for Europe is just socialisms but more
European countries don't need to be great again because they're already great
Comparing the rural council electipns to capital >here everyone is highly educated, usually upper middle class >there: woodcutter wally for mayor! I think i'd trust the latter more, though Less suited for the job, but atleast i'd trust him to actually do what he promises
Sk phone
Sweden does need to become great again But that's one of very few where the phrase makes much sense
Germany should probably not become great again, that never works out
Oh yeah saw this tagline too made me laugh a bit >more than campaign promises
Sk phone
Campaign lies, more or less than promises? Are threats more?
Yeah to me it seems like "i will lie even more than the average guy" Especially coming from a coalition politician
Sk phone
>coalition Not even promises Wishes Ideas
>>82354 National coalition, right leaning party, i'd call them market liberal or right-centrist
Where's Jan so I can say we should jolly cooperation together to get him through the dlc
I support bringing down shitty regimes like that, I just don't wanna be involved in it Like you guys knock yourselves out for all I care, as long as Norway isn't dragged into it
Which is probably how most of the US sees it too Except you know, not Norway, but the US
>>82367 No You fon't bring down a regime with force without dire consequences Need i remind that the whole syrian mess and all dat shit Only exists because saddam was brought down And prior bringing ghaddafi down, there were no refugee boats And hell libya was a good place for most people
I mean you can argue that the Swedish king wasn't really sovreign in that it was, you know A democracy of a kind, so his veto right is like now completely fucking worthless But he was on paper the sovreign and he gave up Norway without a war, so it counts
And ever since, the word "union" when not referring to labor unions has made Norwegians sick to their very soul, so when the EU showed up we were understandably a bit fucking hesitant, and it turns out it wasn't a bad thing to be a little skeptical there
Like >you just got out of Sweden's claws, only to be taken by the Germans >do you wanna join in on German's new reich attempt volunatarily? I think naw I think we're good, dude, you do you though
Also I think people give the EU too much of the credit for sustained peace in Europe I'm more on the side of it being due to a more modern democratic system being adopted across Europe, and people just generally don't like going into 20th century war The nature of 20th century war is way different from what it was before that, which is likely why most governments just can't fucking get away with starting shit without really really good reasons
Dude what the fuck is this season There's so much good shit to watch
Also isn't salaryman a little bit of a dehumanizing term? It sounds like an office equivalent of a mercenary They just receive salaries, that's what their job is
Not even sarcastically, I can't think of what one of those would do
It's usually a role in a school services team that helps people with concerns for being LGBT towards the future. Like, you can probably see them trying to demonstrate their adequacy for the role in the poster.
>>82404 Are you trying to be snarky here or is there a modicum of compassion in this post.
>>82403 Let's see Sure a postl ike that could be needed or rather is needed but why not have it as general "psychological help" etc LGBT people are a tiny minority anyhow, and to have an office to just cater to their needs, seems like a waste of resources. And LGBT just happens to be the topic now, but I'd say the same for any kind of minority, that is tiny, that gets an office to handle their needs and cares, eventhough they are a tiny minority.
Universities and colleges do often have a psychological help department, staffed by actual professionals. Considering this is an elected position from presumably the student base, it's likely a position less for professional help and more person-to-person dealings.
I bet there already is, but it has some more PC title Minority Protection officer etc somethign that is PC and authoritarian at the same time.
Cultural minorities can often feel underrepresented in school situations too. A lot of schools, in a need to cater to the lowest common denominator, will put the interests of its minorities on the back burner. So officer roles like this can also be a way for the minorities to find a voice in the organizational infrastructure of the school.
>>82412 I have no fondness for catering to the lowest common denominator, but there is just no way for schools of thousands of students to cater to the individual needs of the student in this modern era.
>>82411 There is no way and there is no bloody need to I understand in compulsonary education and high school and similiar levels BUt in University/college, the students are already adults Sure you offer and make help available easily, but there is no need to save every individual and keep babying them like they were children The unversity is there to teach them about life and arm them with knowledge to help them survive in work and day to day life of an adult, where help is nowehere to be gotten.
I strongly, strongly disagree with that. I don't think you need to go all the way and personalize the education down to the minutiae per student. But acting like a blanket education method is ever the right option is just as incorrect.
>>82416 No, but when you cater to the need of one tiny minority, the others will want that same treatment too and eventually that will result in a situation wehre the minorities are well treated but the majorities are left neglectant THat is how it is here
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well that's the last time i post a silly image with the letters LGBT on it
Terry's hitbox channel is removed someone had hacked into it whenever and he'd just been streaming to it do you know his twitter or anything to see if he plopped up a new one somewhere
You and I guess SK both follow some weird stuff at times Though I guess SK brought the guy up
it's pretty fascinating i read all of francis dec's old scribbled rants and also some of his legal work before the schizophrenia hit, but that was all in the days of manual typewriters and hand scribbling to get to see it real-time from the person's brain really closes out a lot of those barriers we imagine are there i can logistically see his brain moving from one thought to another, and when things get out of control and how his compulsions arise from trying to capture a thought that's fleeting and he has difficulty controlling it's incredibly human and connectable on so many levels to what i or anyone already does it's just that he's distressed enough that these thought structures become shelter instead of crutches instead of just using it as a guideline to calm yourself down, it's the only mental reality he can exist in for most of the functioning day
and that makes drastic changes about realization and that layer of shelter that prevents us from accessing the external conceptual world too much
He sometimes has lucid moments where he shows signs of knowing he's delusional
>>82479 Have you watched him do that real-time? It doesn't feel like a fearful paranoia by any means it feels like it's an acute sensation that comes when he's had too many stimulants, and somewhat tied to an ego that he feels worthy of persecution he's usually emailing messages like that to somebody he's trying to impress, too >>82483 i just feel like the paranoia isn't tied to the schizophrenia. i think it's an acute symptom when he's chugged down his 20th cup of coffee for the hour
Paranoia doesn't have to be fearful Paranoid schizophrenia isn't a real diagnosis anymore, it's now schizophrenia persecutory type, to reflect that
SK says he believes he's in a CIA jail and that he's constantly being watched by CIA and interacted with by CIA
well he IS constantly being watched just not necessarily by the CIA he wrote a threat to the CIA last night but i bet the CIA gets those all the time
Yeah but his delusions would make him persecatory type That's all I'm saying
he seemed a little distressed last night so i emailed him cats playing with cute robot on youtube i barely had seen him smile before that point other than in self thought but man he couldn't stop laughing at those cute cats it was so heartwarming
Does he have negative symptoms or is he just stoic?
i mean everyone's pretty stoic when they're on the computer alone when he's doing templeos stuff he's actually pretty talkative and that's good but when he's doing obsessive things he doesn't really do anything mutters a bit when he's got doubts. He's paranoid that every youtube link you send him is a screamer, but i mean that's a pretty justified paranoia since half of them are. he never reacts to them or even flinches. he'll laugh at funny things >>82489 thanks rimmy rim
>>82490 yeah half was an exaggeration but he's fully aware that his viewers send those to him sometimes i try sending him videos, music, or pictures that i legitimately think he'd like
his twitter suspension is like 115% likely to be completely justified Just saying
Yeah he knows it's the viewers sending most of it But he also knows the viewers are CIA
is there any news on the syria strike recoil? i am working and can't spend much time checking just a one sentence summation or something would be helpful thank you sorry
Curious how it is "Assad used chemical weapons" though atleast obama didn't go all "bombs away" immediately when he had the chance. Though the situation was different back then.
This stockholm thing is scary though I knew it was coming eventually, but it actually showing up spells bad days ahead for the left in Europe, espceially here Look I want the right to get the immigration stuff, but the balance has to be there or they FUCK the welfare state, too
Yeah truck attack just hits so close if it was shooting or bombs you could just shrug it to swedistan but vechiles of peace...
>>82498 Yeah but thep roblem now isn't migration but rather migrants who pretend to be refugees How is //good thing norway isn't tied to EU open borders, though
I'm not worried about terrorism other than for the fact it makes the right way more powerful than what I'm comfortable with
for a quick rise in politics if you time it right and stick to the right crowd Thoough I wouldn't want to rise to political relevancy through a right-wing nut party thatw ill stick forever
And leaping from party to party is also etchy to me
Starting my own party would be an appealing possibility if I actually had you know some level of social status
Refound the PANSCANDINAVIAN PARTY time to kalmar union thisb itch!
In the west lies lebensraum rich oil, fertile waters, mountains full of untapped resources, minerals beyond belief and the eky to controlling the Baltic sea's traffic Rise my brothers and sisters and those who fall in between the rainbow coloured middleground Let us take what is rightfully ours DOWN WITH THE GERMANIC OPRESSORS
>>82510 The manga was kinda crap though The first anime was good and that got kinda silly and not int he amusing way with its butler wars in the end.
I loved it up until the end of the manga's first "serious" arc, Athena's arc. After that it kind of drifted off into senseless gag after senseless gag and parodying endless Japanese culture and the actual characters got pretty much no progression whatsoever. I tried to keep up with it for a while but it was just not gripping any more.
Cause if you go too serious,you can't just ignore it and go back >>82518 Dnno I never really read the manga the anime never went serious except for maybe moments and even that felt like Excell-saga serious...
I mean if you want to say that then Hayate was digging its own grave since the super early arcs even. A lot of the stuff in the Athena arc was a culmination of foreshadowing and serious moments that had begun from even early on. But that was a major reason as to why the Athena arc was so GOOD. It was engaging and you finally felt you were getting a payoff for all the little details from previous parts of the series. I kind of wonder if that was supposed to be one of those moments where the mangaka goes "and then I wrap up the series here" and the magazine staff go "BUT NO YOU DON'T" a la Bleach. Or Hitman Reborn probably. Either way once you expend all the foreshadowing you previously established you need to start inventing up new sources of plot prompts and that is HARD for people that also need to pump out weekly chapters.
Yeah I kinda wonder about bleach the series was pre
The series was pretty much over with aizen dead and yet it kept going and going Thouhg I think the quincy and juhabach thing was always ment to be the end, but... I think there was quite a lot of filler to keep the series going inbetween which finally ended up kicking itself in the knee, and forced kubo to end it way too quick
I actually think the Bleach situation was a bit different where Kubo had a different idea of what he wanted to do with the Hueco Mundo arc but that was also at the high point of Bleach's popularity and the staff heavily pressured him to prolong and modify the story arc. Or change stuff of some manner either way.
Bleach always felt like a series that had huge amount of potentional, but kinda got sidetracked by stuff I mean the world for example was quite thought out.
Well it felt weird that hell was brought up once, and never again.
>>82522 I think a few of them actually have very loose editorial control. One Piece, at least in its modern iteration, I believe has very little input from the editors of Jump. In part because they actually need to FORCE Oda to take breaks on working, so he has some sorts of bargaining going on.
Hunter X Hunter I think generally gets to write how it pleases because Jump screwed its mangaka over during the age of Yu Yu Hakusho and for some reason they're still repaying that.
But if manga and anime that satirize manga magazine editorial departments are anything to go by, the editorial staff generally have a heavy hand in how a chapter can turn out if they don't like it.
Cause bleach movie that had barely kubo as part of it
No i think it was in the manga as well, something about hollows who were murders while human don't get to go to soul society. And the whole people in soul society are living like shit got dropped as well.
One of the best shounen stories I read a while back, was where the mangaka was pulled inside his story, that was about to get axed in few months Man it simulated the feeling of an axed series way too good It actually felt like the series was axed and ended abruptly, eventhough IT TOLD THE STORY completely. So meta, yet so shounen series
Also annoying how small bankai aren't uncommon and people started getting them in one week or less.
I mean it was said outright >without soulking the three worlds will merge >soul king dies they start merging and collapsing >juhabach becomes new soulking >it stops >they kill him >what now bitches?
What the fuck was the soul king anyway?
That too
His son is out to get him, hir right arm is there helping him out. Is he a literal son? What's the deal with the guy that named everything so many things that don't quite make sense.
And the royal guard do they actually servet he king or contain him? cause the king kinda looked IMPRISONED
Swords are extensions of your soul. Lol jk i can make all the swords Here are some blank swords sleep with them or something and they'll awaken
>>82541 actually it was said in the early chapters that all shinigami get a blank sword initially and they then make that their own so it wasn't complete asspull
WHich kinda begs the question, was ichigo's sword then a shinigami sword and bankai at all but rather something prior to swords like the Scary Monk Guy
Ichigo didn' but i guess he never was using shinigami powers all along! Zangetsu being bach was stupid.
And zangetsu's bankai form looked more like ichigo anyhow
Hollow, shinigami and quincy? Ah yeah quincy i thought for a second fullbringer but that didn't make sense.
Real talk though I think Kubo is actually pretty good at laying malleable loose ends for future foreshadowing. I wonder how good his writing could be if he wasn't pressured by the weekly release schedule that comes with Jump.
I had a nice laugh when he finally received his true weapon Which was a pair of swords Since he always thought with a two handed sword having to switch to dual wielding seemed really dumb
>>82548 Considerign how good the series was before arrancars... yeah
Yeah thatw as prolly just some random asspull he threw out as a joke. I mean, "0" and all he still got pwned eaaaasy Well the 0 was more like "unlimited potentional" since as he grew, his reiatsu grew too but... If you get killed quicker than you can anger...
And fuck I would've loved to see Ulquiorra actually take on non-mc people in his true form...
>Unlike others i have focused on regeneration ablities >Cut in half oh well can't heal that Pretty weak Should have taught the others that there's an arrancar bankai thing
YEah, he was pretty much "Hollow-Renji" we already had "rival character who then kinda befriends the MC and then becomes an ally" with him. The Espada were quite good characters, though
Bleach power levels are kinda dumb since some abilities are clearly retarded if used correctly.
And how some characters just are "popularity strong"
Like jesus, a sword that doubles the weight of things it hits and stacks as well, or the finger blade that kills anything that it strikes twice in the same place.
Maybe shouldn't tell your enemy how your ability works outloud I mean, byakuya didn't do that but just once
You can throw exposition by thinking ya know...
I think he made a comment on how he can control it better if he moves his hands.
He thought it didn't say it
He only said when he did the "sword box" thing and then went "because pride I will now use just one sword to beat you up" Eventhough, he could've just went all "1000 swords go inwards and stab" and of course then the finale where he fused all the blades into one sword
I wonder a bit what's the deal with the mask. Surely if he went hollow pre byakuya someone would notice. But it's just the mask randomly showing up on his body adter blacking out.
Yeah that was bit weird, though it was explained as "hollow part throwing it there to protect him" but... it doesn't really add up
Also the bankai stealing was never really explained like what was the point even, when the sternritter kicked MORE ass when they had their true powers unlocked after they lost the stolen bankais...
If you steak a bankai, surely you can just steal the basic ability too I guess it's based on bach powers And how the hell did ice boy get older It was probably pure fan service but still It was fun to hear him say that he hates himself Was the thing where he shared a sword with a guy non canon?
>>82573 if it was a movie thing, it is noncannon none of the movies are canon
What about anime filler? Not all that many died really, poor dogman
filler is not canon
well bounts were I guess, since they were referenced in canon story but aside that always when a filler arc started, they went with a "sorry we gonna do something different next week" which was always fucking amusing in the omakes
best part of bleach was omakes and next ep narration
Oh bounts are a thing as well goddamn And then the guys with artificial weapons powered by eyes?
The bount filler was actually kinda good the villain was likeable for example. and it had quite good fights too But it did drag on and had some idiotic character portrayals that didn't fit in like whole quincyboys part in it
Yeah, but he is kinda a one track character just out there like zaraki or byakuya Though it was amusing how he was in max-security prison and eventually became captain
Oh cool I didn't know they had a New York location. I'd visited a location of theirs in LA's Little Tokyo when I was in California years back. They have pretty good selection.
Well still less asspulls than its main rival, Naruto. Also... >zabuza got word-fu'd >gaara got word-fu'd >pain got word-fu'd >obito got word-fu'd >>82611 Tobi was a great character His motives in the end were bit meh, but the whole twist and how it was the obvious choice in the end was just perfectly pulled
Naruto's last good plot twist was Obito being Tobi. After that there was a total lack of engaging story and character progression.
Naruto gave me a nice laugh when sharingun just became plug'n'play
Yeah the Uchihathing that started about when sasuke sliced snake-oro into pieces just never got good or reasonable or balanced And then the author had to retcon the 1st hokage into living god, so that he could match the power of Uchiha he had suddenly invented
Only good uchihas were itachi and obito both were solid characters with pretty much solid stories though the "the villain is naruto, if he had stepped wrong" was WAY TOO USED I mean gaara, nagato and then Obito three fucking times!
Naruto too didn't really have any deaths just neji and at that point he was like "who?"
Guy should've died when he used the gate thingy, but noope
The jitsu copying seemed really good at the start but ended up being the weakest thing really you can pull off with the eyes
Yeah it was NEVER used really... >>82620 And even mangekyo sharingan was kinda lame since there were just amaterasu, tsukuyomi, the armor thing, and then teleporting Like, could've had more variety in the abilities...
There's also izanami, the thing the medic kabuto was it got stuck in Teleportation is unique to a specific set? Yeah having the eyes also have unique abilities just added to how retardedly good they are.
Izanagi was kinda cool and how danzo used it but izanami was kinda asspull...
I feel it kind of operated on the logic of "well if Izanagi exists therefore Izanami must as well" and then Kishimoto decided that meant a free card.
>>82622 Yeah that was the thing with Obito they implied each sharingan gets unique abilities but then sasuke and itachi had the same shit and madara only threw the susanoo thing around
>>82624 But the izanami explanation didn't really work, since izanagi was a 2 use technique How do you abuse it really, without killing off your family left and right?
Oh and the explanation was izanami was great as well It's a counter to the ones that get power tripped on izanagi But using izanagi kills your eyes forever Wow what a power trip
And without senju powers, you could only do it for a short while like obito with senju powers and being pure uchiha, could do it for quite a long time but any normal uchiha could just do it for maybe few seconds?
Pea soup with a bit of curry powder and some other seasonings is really nice. Nice and hearty and warm. All good things in food.
Byakugan is so trash
>350 vision and ability to see chakra veins ookay what else? oh nothing you got the short stick and it was implied originally to be MORE powerful than sharingan HAH
Well the gentlefist was quite op tech, since the user could kill with just a touch so there is that
Though being less developed as a racial trait makes a bit of sense since it was the precursor to other eye traits.
Is the rinnengan even better then the uchiha eyes of ultimate power
But really since rinnegan gave you cool vision powers, ability to control multiple bodies, and all dat shit and then sharingan kinda derivates from that and has special sight and special chakra and special abilties and byakugan >special vision Real short stick
Then how did orochimaru ever bind the 2nd who INVENTED the whole jutsu to his will... fucking ass pulls Atleast when madara came back to life, he didn't have his eyes it was a good detail that the author acutally remembered
No that was actually his Plan A before getting an uchiha body He ment to take the boneguy as host before going against the hokage that ability owuld've proven useful
But man the bone guy was imba My favourite character to play in the fighting games, he is practically unbeatable if oyu know what you are doing and EVERY game nerfs him... There hasn't been a single entry that hasn't made him weaker and he still is stronk as fuck But I think he was finally balanced in the last game I played, as you could lose with him But his plain old combo-moveset still allowed 50% hp long combos to be chained, if you had full chakra and his awakened form was still 100% death if you caught the enemy without teleports.
Were the complex elements bloodline limits? Surely that would be better
>>82637 >>82639 I don't know why I said sunday, it's been a long week.
>>82649 What is more baffling, is how he didn't have any good spares if sasuke or kimimaro didn't work >okay dying what now >prisoner royal battle and see what happens seriously... Should've had some good spares lying around or just cloned himself or shit
>The game will follow an original story different from the original work. The protagonist, Kazuma, puts on a cursed ring that steals the underwear of those around him. The following day, Kazuma finds in his possession a large amount of underwear, and he doesn’t know who owns them. After asking Vanir for his expert opinion on the ring, Kazuma learns that a vast sum of money is required to lift the ring’s curse. From there, a new adventure begins to gather the funds for Kazuma’s cursed ring.
>The game features an “underwear judgment” system, which consists of judgments to disclose who the owners of the underwear that Kazuma stole. If you can safely return the underwear, a reward event will occur. But if you make a mistake, there will be a punishment event.
Still kinda weird how they all are over can't really get into new shounen, since I find most of them way too dumb nowadays Though I do like this new thing "Doctor Stone"
cordelia's not doing too hot
>>82662 Well you wouldn't have the childhood nostalgia of all those old big shounen with the new ones! You're looking at these new series with a fresh, older lens and it's not as glamorous anymore.
Doctor Stone is a collaboration between the author of Eyeshield 20 and this Korean artist who's name escapes me. The artist used to work on this really pretty but fucking stupid plot-wise martial arts manga. So I guess its good for him to finally get an author that kind of knows his salt along. I might catch-up with that series once it gets half a year in or whatnot; the opening premise was kind of neat but not quite gripping me.
Also I kinda feel like modern big shounen stuff is bit different from when the Big Three were running.
I feel like the big three was sort of despised in a way, by many mangaka because of how long they ran and how typical they were Everyone wants to be as different as possible from them now, they don't want to just have a generic shounen story
Trigger got a ninety-eight-page special in a Japanese magazine recently that talks about their creative works. There's a focus on LWA, which kind of makes sense since it's airing, but it looks like they go into all the Trigger works.
>>82669 those weren't even running at the same time yo
i guess baki and yyh were
that's about the tame they were airing in the US though
time fuck
oh we're talking about manga one piece, naruto, and bleach
But if Shippuuden wrapped up, I guess I could finally go see if they animated the fights well Even the legendary "road runner" pain fight was quite good, though comical at fuck at some points
P5 has so many good characters. A bunch of great confidants with interesting stories and good party members. I can hardly pick three to keep with me Although I guess I can switch out backups and starters now
They did a really good job with the protagonist this time too. I know I already commented on him being a good midline between the 3 and 4 protag. But they did a really good job with him. He looks both cute and cool. And the opaque glasses effect he gets is really cool too.
flipping through takagi-san makes me smile The first chapter of this one is the timeskip one.
>>82706 When he's Joker modo and he does that smirk Kyaa It's so good
>>82708 yeah based NTRcanceling Saved all the threads from shitposting
People still try to act like it's actually NTR confirmation though. They'll push their narrative no matter what the actual truth is.
Those people are in far shorter supply than before the chapter getting canonically btfo makes it better especially since you don't have to wait for the series to end to get it
It was dubbed for this showing and it wasn't a bad dub so that's good.
Yes yes yes I know all dubs are bad but you have to know what I mean by now.
I'll be honest the main reason I want to steer away from Kimi no na wa's dub is that they got RADWIMPS to re-write all their original songs from Japanese into English and they don't sound good.
They weren't awful, though I haven't heard the originals, and there's only like 3 or 4 so it isn't the worst thing ever I'd think.
They're kind of played at focal moments of the movie though, hah hah. It's probably not a big deal but I'd fallen in love with the original songs before I even got a chance to watch the movie, so I guess I'm stuck.
Happy endings pull on my heart strings and yeah that movie tugged at my heart.
I had to go to the bathroom super bad near the end though, so that was the only unfun part.
The joke goes is if you want to see a typical Makoto Shinkai movie, just stop the film after that last snowy scene at night before the train scene at the end of the film. Because that's pretty much for par how Five Centimetres per Second ended.
The fact that this one ended happily was really charming for me.
Wow someone's been going after the original songs on YouTube. It's impossible to find anything that isn't a cover. I guess that's what happens when shit's popular.
My left knee has been unhappy with carrying weight. Today was a special lesson in my own posture.
Carrying weight isn't a problem for me but if I walk a lot some times my thigh joint starts to twinge with pain as it moves. It's only walking too; I can bike for hours without it acting up.
>>82768 I already have one that splits three ways for that particular traffic jam. It's in a part of my room that I don't want a bulky power strip anyway.
I guess there's a point where joke-gay-flirting with Kirara goes a bit too far.
Well I think in any situation where flirting turns to rape insinuations, it has gone a bit too far. And by a bit I mean you've knocked the ball so far out of the park Mars has a new orbiting satellite.
Gotta get a beach body to give myself a reason not to feel inferior to everyone around me
FUCK I had to solve 4 different puzzles in a captcha just now What's the fucking point I know you get more if Google thinks you did one incorrectly BUT THEN WHAT'S THE POINT OF ASKING ME IN THE FIRST PLACE
>>82874 In case your incorrect puzzle was a one-off and you're not actually a bot trying to get past the captcha, proving your humanity with additional puzzles is a far more reliable way of determining that you are a human bean. 'Cause there's always the chance a bot may guess the correct answer to a puzzle just by clicking random icons. But guessing several puzzles correctly in a row? Much less likely.
I don't think it works like that. Even if he is three boyfriends ago, he is your ex-boyfriend.
An ex-ex-ex boyfriend would be someone you like broke up with started dating again and then fell into an alternate dimension or something so that he stopped being a boyfriend in a more literal sense
/jp/ should have kana captchas
Why? Knowing the kana is not a necessarily tool for observing otaku culture.
The best way to help the atmosphere is if 80% of the people browsing /a/ explode.
>>82886 I believe in a barrier of entry. If you ain't willing to DEDICATE yourself t o the Jay, then getout
>>82890 But 4chan is a public site that isn't gated in any other function. Why should /jp/ get some special treatment just because there's elitists on the board that want it that way.
>>82891 /jp/ should be treated in a way that suits /jp/
>>82892 And you're the highest authority on what way suits /jp/?
>>82894 No, it's just my personal opinion. Others may disagree with it. This is why we have an admin to overrule people like me.
But then what is the way that suits /jp/ then? How can something be treated in a way when there is no definitive way. Your way, other peoples way, are all entirely subjective.
>>82896 We can try to reach the definitive way, but we'll differ on what the way is >entirely subjective Yes, yes it is.
I'm tired of being not perfect /moe/ why are we born into normal lives of human existence
>>82897 So again, if there is no definitive way, you can't really treat /jp/ "in a way that suits /jp/".
>>82899 I ammend that statement to "/jp/ should be treated in a way that is suited to jp, although we have no definite answer on what suits jp" The point of the statement is that every board is different
>>82901 Every board is different but they all share one common platitude of being accessible to those who are uninformed on the board culture. To gate /jp/ would place it on a different platitude than the rest of the boards.
>>82906 While they are technically accessible, they have rules. For example, an uninformed person making a recc thread on /a/ would be banned and have access cut off
Oh so you didn't actually believe you were perfect all along. Wow what a relief.
>>82909 No board rule actively restricts incoming users from utilizing the board though. Having to know the kana to post on /jp/ would undeniably restrict incoming users. And I don't give two whits if you'd rather it be that way; it goes against the unrestricted nature 4chan has had since its inauguration. Unless not posting in Japanese while on /jp/ becomes a bannable offense, I can't see any way in which a kana captcha works in a reasonable way for /jp/. And even then that's still pretty stupid because otaku culture extends beyond the Japanese language.
>>82917 These are some good points I had not considered Instead we should have a kana captcha, but only for aprilfools at most
>>82918 If they want to incorporate a kana captcha into /jp/ in an optimal way, I'd say give users the option to test themselves on it. If it wasn't forced on you I think a lot of people would see it as a convenient way to get some kana practice in.
But still, I think a lot of the problem with text-based captchas (including kana and kanji) is that computers have developed to a point where they can crack it. And fundamentally the point of captcha is to catch robot posts, remember. There is no point in incorporating a captcha that is evidently fool-able.
>>82920 That's a reasonable point I don't have any good response to. But instead I'll say that it may restrict incoming users, but it does so on a universal level across 4chan. And therefore is as restrictive a function as someone not knowing the URL to the website.
>>82922 I wouldn't mind that but with kanji and words as an option It would be like doing flash cards while posting
>>82924 I expect my friends to not be cunts That's it
Do people have standards for friendship?
What does it take to end a friendship?
Apathy and disinterest.
You can take many paths.
would you be friends with a murderer?
Depends on the murderer.
>>82930 Cold blooded murder for lulz. Spent 15 years in prison, now on parole. Also happens to be a millionaire Wd u be mates?
Hey /moe/ I have something I need to let you know Will you listen to me?
I only have good ideas So please listen to them sometime
jk What I reall really want to ssay is I really do like each and every one of you You're all people that have helped shape me lover the last few years, even if only a little bit I guess that's why even though I usually feel a little alienated here I keep coming back You're good people
I don't know what to do about the alienation but I'm glad you keep coming back Roc. Please keep coming back. I'll be sad if you stop coming back.
The alienation is most likely just my own feelings more than actual alienation really I get the feeling no one wants me to leave but sometimes it feels like I don't completely belong amymore Thanks for being such an easy person to get along with tilde
Yeah, totes. It would be incredibly dangerous if the truth actually came to light. So it's something that needs to be kept under the utmost wraps at all times.
yeah, that's another thing I should do, finish the LN I never got around to it because I have a real hard time sitting down and reading Rather, I wanna read it
I guess, but the whole point of these dayz-like things is to stay out of sight, and I don't like that the game mechanics let you both stay hidden AND see the other guy I think it cheapens the whole game >>83328 No my problem is that I can see someone else while they CAN NOT see me, no matter whether they're aware of me or not I don't like that at all
It's fine in games not involving gun fights, but if you're gonna have ranged instant death there shouldn't be an option for being completely hidden yet retaining 100% information about everywhere around you If you wanna look out the window, you should be forced to accept that the guy outside the window can see you, too
You can still stay hidden with 3rd person but it becomes a bit harder
>>83327 I mean it rewards awareness? I do find the idea of constantly having to spin around the view annoying though.
Basically the idea is you shouldn't be able to see someone's eyes without them seeing your eyes
This is all personal preference though It's not like there's a real objective benefit to it
Can you bring up an example of that not being the case? I'm not quite sure what you mean.
If you go prone in a building in third person, you can see out the window cause the camera is outside you But obviously, nobody can see you through that same window because you're on the floor
I mean here's an example right here If there's a guy at that tree to the left, he has 0% chance of seeing this player >>83333 Deciding whether there will be a moment of shooting or not is huge though You can just wait for him to start walking away cause he CAN NOT KNOW you're there, and then he will lose 99% of the time because you shot him 5 times in the back before he could physically react
I guess you can kinda get the jump on them, but at the moment of shooting both see each other? It just seems like a less impressive sneaking up on someone
>>83332 In these types of games aren't you usually inclined to check building though Why would you walk away?
You're inclined to check it, but there are many reasons you wouldn't You might be going somewhere in specific, you could be low on time getting to a different place in time Maybe you just pass it cause you figure there's probably nothing good
But you should be also be aware that buildings are a dange r since you don't know what's inside
Maybe you can if you move the fov slider to insane levels but not really the point
You can not possibly retain a 360 degree vision of your entire surroundings I think that if you're looking at the guy when he decides to check if you are there, you should see him Being able to see through walls one-way is fucking retarded
The other player should expect there being danger though?
Which IS what he's doing right now He's essentially wallhacking >>83338 Yeah but he should expect there to be danger in absolutely every direction With 0 possibility of seeing the guy who sees him, he has no control There is no action he could take if he's running along that mountain in the screenshot where he would conceivably get the first shot off
Other directions are a bit less relevant if they are flat and any danger would need to show up on the horizon first The house is close however And the is kinda limited with windows so you can expect attacks from a specific place
>>83340 There are trees everywhere People could be hanging out
Imagine instead that the player was in ONE of these houses And you need to pass this city
Like what the fuck are you supposed to do? You don't know THAT there is a person He KNOWS you're here, WHERE you are >>83345 Again, this will lead to a loss because HE KNOWS YOU'RE COMING
Get in a house?
I don't see this much of a problem since in my case im so bad that even if someone popped out of a window for a moment in this case i wouldn't notice
My problem is just that if you're gonna be able to see something, that something should be able to conceivably see you I don't like games where you just make one player better than the other in every way because they're abusing the camera >>83348 Yeah, in Battlegrounds that happens
Maybe they can see your gun clip through the wall
That's not really every way And 3rd person shooting is probably shit?
You go into first person to shoot, if you wanna But yeah, third person shooting is pretty awful in this game it looks liike
mukashi mukashi
Unless you always strike first switching camera can be hurtful to your fight
>>83352 You only need to swap camera when you decide to shoot Which you can do when the other guy is looking somewhere else for a short while because he has to keep tabs on every single direction You need to handle like, the door, which you'll hear, and the window >>83354 Yeah, there are cars
You can run past town, sometimes The blue zone forces players together over time though
Are cars in the game Can you just run past town Then there
Here's another good example of the player having COMPLETE overview, yet a near 0% chance of anyone even considering he might be there, and even if they look... there's nobody there and also there are HOUSES EVERYWHERE they have to keep tabs on
i think the rock blocks quite a lot why would you not think that someone is behind the rock?
The rock blocks like 50 meters ahead o him, and he can just swerve the camera up to get that too >>83356 Because it's A rock in the mniddle of a fucking forest There's like 4 of them
Anything that's large enough to hide behind is good enough?
Yeah, but that's my problem I don't think it should be the casee to begin with It leads to bullshit stalemates too Both people are protected, they know the other guy is there, and they KNOW the other guy will win if they themselves decide to peek first because now they have less information than the other guy
Like if there's a guy behind that tree, and both players know of eachother there is no way either can peek and also potentially win the fight Because the other one will KNOW they just peeked, and which side Whereas the other guy will only know the other guy is still behind the tree, but there are two potential sides he could peek from
can't he swtich sides after peeking also the shadows could give it away?
>>83361 Yeah, but peekinbg in this situation is only done to engage a firefight because why else would you? The problem is you don't have an advantage in the firefight whatsoever by peeking, resulting in neither person peeking
I've watched so many of these things, and nearly every time both just sit behind the tree until the blue zone RNGs one of them to death
The shadows can't give away what you're going to do in a second or two Peeking from that tree is an action that takes less than a second
like you just hit D or A and there you go
But now you're in the open, and the other guy can peek from his tree and pop you because he already knows where you are, and you don't know where he'll come from
Whatever I just don't like TPS I had these same complaints with DayZ I have this complaint in all third person shooters, but some are fine because they don't have legitimate hiding
Hello kannagi Enjoying the weekend?
Oh yeah, hey kannags
Heya! I woke up an hour ago, still a little sleepy. How are you all?
doing good here gonna watch kemono friends I think
My twitter feed is spammed with it all the time
Trying to find out what's good this season
This season is so fucking good
Which really just means there's more than 2 shows I wanna watch
I've only played P1 and P3 and some smt P3 is kinda really lacking since tartarus is boring and threre are just so many times i can fight random objects with different colored masks attached P4 looked a bit more creative. I also feel like something should prevent in P3 from me going to the highest unlocked level in one night and then forgetting about combat and playing the VN part till a new full moon
>>83487 I dunno if I think that should be impossible But I think it isn't fine if the illness you're sick because of is a direct result of something you did in service of your employer
actually in service of his country lol it's his old army injuries that led to this
>>83490 Well that's not something the employer should be required to be responsible for The US not taking care of its vets is genuinely fucking disgusting though
yeah but losing your insurance shouldn't be possible for someone like that he basically acts like he has dementia now it's gotten really bad
>The decision noted "probable cause" that Debbie Stevens' former employer, Atlantic Automotive Group of West Islip, engaged in a discriminatory practice by firing her from her administrative assistant position after she offered a kidney to then-friend and supervisor Jackie Bruscia, 61, in 2011, the New York Post reported Tuesday.
>"Something was very different when I got back," Stevens, 49, said, noting when she returned to work Bruscia badgered, demoted and fired Stevens.
This is just so fucked up At least the gubermint stepped in
>>83538 But that's... not what the tape shows though? It's very poor for a demonstration video if it doesn't even show the objectionable behavior
shows? they're audio tapes
>>83540 Yeah And that's fucking shit for a goddamn training course in a workplac e
how so
>>83542 Which of these is gonna demonstrate the bad behavior best? Option 1: You have an acted out scene where a guy whistles at a woman in the workplace Option 2: You have no video, but the guy mentions to another dude without the aforementioned woman present that he once whistled at her
Like which do YOU pick for your training course here?
I'm not even defending the behavior discussed, I'm saying the audio tapes are an unfit tool It's like using a spoon to dig a hole when there's a shovel nearby You CAN do it, sure, and it's not like it's not gonna get the job done somehow, but holy fuck WHY THOUGH
Also I feel like using a more realistic scenario would be far more helpful You don't drag out the "don't outright rape your coworkers" training course in an office sexual harassment seminar You go with something like "don't make comments about their boobs and try not to assume less of them because of their gender" Nobody at fox conceivably thought that just grabbing a coworker's genitals out of the blue was a fuckin' alright decision, it's retarded
>explaining why the tape shows harassment, the report said. Also there's this part
The tape doesn't show a thing other than Trump talking to this other guy in a crass and likely hyperbolic fashion There's nobody, NOBODY, during the election who heard this tape and went "Yes, and? Him grabbing women by the pussy is perfectly fine and normal" The split was almost entirely, and I only say almost because you can find maybe like 100 people across the US who are in a weird third category of "yeah that's OK you should just grab their genitals because men are the superior sex", between those who think he was making shitty jokes and those who thought he actually did what he said
There's no need to describe to anyone why randomly grabbing someone's genitals is sexual harassment Because they can see that one fairly fucking clearly
This is the workplace equivalent of taking a bunch of kids into a room to see a video of one kid beating another with a baseball bat and going "OK class, can anyone tell me if anything bad happened in this video? No bobby, it's not that the bat is wooden, it's that beating people within an inch of their life with a baseball bat is wrong!" Like the kids get that And people working at Fox get that you don't just grab people's genitals as some alternative form of greeting, or so I should certainly hope
Anyway that's enough of me ranting about this I dunno if I make too much sense, but that's how I see it I just think it's a retarded practice to put people in a room to tell them something NEARLY 100% of the country agrees on without any reservations
Look, I know the news in the US are a fucking wasteland, but I thought there'd be SOME standards of integrity Honor among thieves kinda shit
Having a child read a script to further a political agenda is honestly something I placed below CNN Mistakenly, evidently
they didn't write the script usually it's an effort within the local refugee community to kind of uh, what's the word try to push the same message outward as a community so the mom or the group tells kids to say stuff like this but yeah it's obvious to the media that it's scripted but they still use it anyway
As in, her brain isn't developed enough yet to even handle the scope of this fucking conflict It's not that she's dumb, but her views are just not gonna be able to account for more than a sliver of the situation, so they're really not worthwhile
Like, 2 years ago she couldn't tell the difference between two piles of cookies, one with 2 and one with 5 cookies, but now we care what her views on one of the most difficult international political issues of the time? Really, humanity