There's also Re-Creators that is released by Amazon. It's a reverse isekai written by the author of Black Lagoon.
Start with maidragon?
Oh there's also Saenai. That harem show about the harem trying to make a video game with the heroine based off a really boring but not actually boring girl. It has its 00th episode out tonight.
The one saying it's on Nyaa. Which I guess it doesn't hurt to remind you a second time just in case. While you're there you can also get the Re-Creators pilot episode.
>>82960 iPhones are by far the dominant smartphone in Japan. It's so easy to find repair shops and shops selling cases for multitudes of iPhone types. But its really hard to find anything similar for anything but the most popular of Android phones.
>>82962 We already have four shows racked up for tonight so I may just wait for those to appear on my list. At the rate we're going it will probably take us all of our time to get through four shows anyway.
she keeps wearing the scarf
Well it is cold outside.
>>82964 Saenai is something I'd much rather watch than some of the other shows that aired tonight.
Wasn't he saying how they weren't allowed to interfere with this world like two seconds ago?
If anything has been pretty obvious over the course of the series, dragons are actually really bad at keeping to the whole "we can't interfere with this world" thing.
>>83099 I may decide I don't want to watch Hinako tonight if it's going to be watched out of order. I haven't decided yet.
Then if we don't hit any snags I guess we can also do Twin Angel? There's a lot of shows out from tonight and I don't know how much will be flowing in tomorrow.
oh no he triggered the kabuki nerd what show is next?
I'd be fine with doing Twin Angel Break into Saekano. There's still a lot of time left in the night.
Ok sounds good.
I wonder if the five-student requirement is something pulled from reality It's so ubiquitous in anime I feel there's got to be a basis for it.
being his friend must me hazukashii
the guy with the two toned hair looks so bad
He reminds me of a rooster. It's a funny image.
Why this.
The MC is really reminiscent of a shota Suzaku.
this fells like a really mediocre show
I've never met a drama club that put its members through exercises like that.
this looks more like some yuri cult
this show isnt clamp enough
we need to go longer
Please no. Have you been looking at this girl's body. It's already on the end limits of long before it becomes lanky.
Wow really.
kyaaa how bold wow
wow don't show that aaaaaaaa
Is he gonna be Gappy for the rest of the series now.
please stop dental damage is too unpleasant
a rabbit hairpin
ok the theeth are back
What a rough and tough guy. He probably tripped and fell or something.
It always makes me a little curious why they go for Canada instead of just America. Maybe because they don't want to portray the stereotypical American-Japanese character.
Maybe they are just mildly upset about the whole nuke thing
That logic doesn't really float when you consider all the American and American-Japanese characters.
>>83130 Aren't the american ones often kinda comically stereotypical?
No i mean in a way that it doesn't make the US look good unflattering
Yeah, so if they don't want to do a character they feel should act that way, they cast them from another country. Like Canada. Or so I'm guessing because it's fun.
Twin angel?
>>83140 yeah, don't really feel like seeing it again
Would you be good for two more shows? >>83138 By that does that mean regardless you're just going to tune out and be uncommunicative for another show or two straight.
>>83149 Just because I know how you guys are. We'll see how the epixode is and we'll see how you guys react.
So yeah it's just one of those "I want to feel special" things. Saying something like "it was subtle enough" is kind of the same as saying "it's just too deep for you to understand.
>>83151 If that's how you want to be, it's fine. And no, that's not what I was saying. The first Twin Angel was retarded, but it was the kind of retarded that was funny. It was a subtle version of Milky Holmes, if you didn't look deeply into how absurd it is you would have called it stupid. Which is something most moes do. I don't think anyone but me would have really enjoyed the first one.
that camera is massive
i cant see the show being worse than kabukiclub
>>83154 Polaroid cameras needed to be clunkier because of the photo printing software. I'm pretty sure I've seen kid's Polaroid cameras that look like those before.
wow she swiped that picture fast very yuri
the black one is a chuuni
she has cool hair
oh a trap
This school is pretty lax with its students.
>>83153 See that's more of a reason than "I'm special and you guys aren't". As someone who's watched a lot of /moe/s drop shows I think something like that strongly depends on the person's feelings when watching the pilot episodes. I've seen people drop shows that I'm pretty sure if it had aired a season later or before, they would have happily watched it.
The first season had retarded side characters too. There was one girl that was always drinking milk no matter what the setting was. Or was it eating eggs. I can't remember.
She was doing something like a cat's posings while talking about hammers of justice.
Oh shit it's a morningstar now.
these weapons
Fun fact, shamisen are traditionally strung with catgut. So it's likely that's what she was wrapped up in there.
Oh DAMN that's a naginata. Best girl.
Plus she's got her hair in a loose-ponytail combo. That's a pretty high-level hairstyle.
Yeah, this Saekano is season two. You're only seeing 1-12 because while Saekano is the shortened version of saenai heroine, there is also a show actually called saekano. I do not recommend it though.
Not horrible. Not unlewd either. Not horribly lewd, I mean.
>>83206 I would be fine with continuing watching it. I'd also be fine with not watching it I guess. There's a lot of shows you people were really sour on from the pilots season that I was indifferent on.
this isn't the best first impression
ill keep at kabuki ep 2 next week to see
They did a similar thing in the 00th episode of the first season for Saekano. Had all the girls trashing the show through a thin veil while they relaxed in a hot spring.
>i just want to have fun talking about anime with everyone
>>83210 that pilots show was dumb if it went full 3d from teh start i mightve not totally hated it it lied to us
>>83216 I don't really care about that detail at all. I don't like 3D CGI that much and if it gets bad enough it might turn me off the show for good. But there really wasn't anything in the first episode that made me feel like it was worth dropping.
hmm what was that other show where they made a game
The all girls one?
not new game, the one where they were in a club as well no not stella
He's not even got good chemistry with Megumi. He just kind of randomly picks her because he thinks she's cute. He has great chemistry with Utaha and Eriri.
This is an especially servicey episode. I guess they decided to go all out in ep 1.
Here's Utaha. She's tied for best with Eriri.
It's in the same vein as the first season's 00th episode. If anything the first season's was even more fanservice-y because they were all totally naked.
>>83248 He wants to bone the normal girl. He has a troubled history with both Utaha and Eriri and he's too big of a wuss to work through it and seal the deal with either of them.
>>83248 He's a once happy-go-lucky otaku with no eyes for 3D girls. But then he fell in love with ME GU MI and started making a video game and then a harem accumulated.
>>83252 The boring one that hasn't done much. She'll probably get a scene at the end.
What are their game dev roles
Utaha writes the script, Eriri draws the characters, Purple-hair does the music, Megumi models the heroine and keeps everyone from each other's throats and the MC just struts around acting self important like any good director.
Wow so tsun almost like rika
Also this busty loli is a sort of rival for Eriri; they're both artists.
>>83260 Since you kind of went total AWOL and SK dipped too, we renegotiated a new schedule. They don't intersect anymore. Cthulhu ends around an hour and change before anime starts.
kinda wanna sleep early to wake for Your Name early noon next week we wont be saving Hinako Note saturday
>>83264 ;_; I wanted to go see Kimi no na wa but the only showing left is one at 22:30 on Sunday. Which is way too late since I was also thinking of roping my imouto into going with me. Maybe it'll still be screening next weekend and won't be totally sold out by then.
Also like I said earlier I'm fine with shuffling around Saekano's upcoming episodes, so Hinako won't get delayed by that.
Dunno about Tony or Rika but I've had back-up characters floating around for a good while now. And I'm pretty sure it would have been easy to float in new characters if need be. All your efforts to be disruptive would have more or less been in vain.
>>83270 Explosives haven't worked out amazingly for him so far, hah hah. ...Mostly on account of him flunking almost every single important roll he's needed. It's great you've been missing out on something truly hilarious here.
oh no i've been missing out on fun rip
Yeah! It sounds like you need a considerable dosage of that in your life right now.
i wanted to join back in at some point but then the time moved to 4 am so that didn;t work out and now im just on bad terms with ton and kirara so screw it anyway
Well I can apologize for that part since I was the driving factor in arguing for a time change.
BUT it did get changed after you starting spitting and fussing and whatnot with Kirara so it felt, to me, pretty likely you weren't going to be back in any reasonable timeframe.
i wanted to pop up unannounced at the mansion when you made the return
I feel there's definitely opportunities in place where returning is still factorable into the story. There's already been two I thought up in like a moment, hah hah. But I feel you're probably not too motivated to work for that, eh.
I mean if you were interested in coming back I'd be willing to move the time to something more accommodating. There was just no reason for it to stack with anime when no one needed it that way.
if you want to make up with them then do it fixing the time should be easy
As far as I can tell from their side of the story you're the driving aggression in the situation. So saying something like that makes it feel like you just want to be mean.
yeah that is the case not sure i get the second line
Well you're saying "I'd rather [me being the driving aggression] stay as it is". So from what I understand-
Oh I see I got context messed up.
I meant not participating in the game I'd feel bad if the time was moved for me again And i doubt i can get a long with ton and kirara in a game
Again? It was moved for ME the first time around you dork. If not for Kirara's weird sleep schedule and two Europeans I would have put forth a more EST-centric time from the beginning.
>>83292 No listen here you self-absorbed rabbit. This was all because of ME. I took advantage of you dorks leaving to get a better time slot for myself.
Well not for me but because of me Being the cause of some inconvenience
>>83290 Isn't it just more conviniet for us people in general? ton likes his sleep a lot
Rika doesn't care and Tony will put up a stiff upper lip for any chance to make his fruitcake of a character flirt with crazy old professors. He also doesn't watch anime so the fact that they conflict is irrelevant to him. From an absolutely rational and logical standpoint moving it to 22:00 EST makes sense but most people on /moe/ are far from rational and logical people.
I spearheaded the time change because I wanted to be selfish and enjoy anime without juggling a bazillion distractions at once.
i have a problem where i can't read most of your posts without imagining it being in a tone of sarcasm or smug superiority
Don't get me wrong; I say a LOT in a dry tone or in a bit of a sarcastic fashion. There's just traces in my writing habits that seem to carry a bit of a stuffy or elevated opinion of myself. I guess combined with my stubbornness that can add up to superiority.
>>83302 Oh yeah, you've listened in on me talking once or twice. I think people who get a chance to listen to how I talk verbally have an easier time translating my "text voice' accurately. But that's really probably true for most anyone.
Have you ever heard him chatting casually, or do you just mean the recorded stuff he does?
He was in a discord once and it was not hard to see why he might get called a robot
Well I guess I have a bit of a different frame of reference, hah hah. I think he can be stiff at times but there's definitely personality there. Someone without personality can't go blasting down the highway in the middle of the night belting out Queen.
I'd describe it as monotone and dead inside
You can describe it however you want, but I think you can understand if I take it with a grain of salt, eh.
Either way it's late and I want to tuck in. So see you later some time. I hope you feel better soon.