Thread #72863
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trickster idol jihen gabby
Yeah, not much tonight.
there's one good show there
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How long are you going to be around Jan?
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a while probably i have tomorrow off. i shall return for gabby i am assuming it is last
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okay let's start with trickster are you here, ika?
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trickster okay let' s start
I figured Kobayashi would play a part in the saving of Akechi, since the original Kobayashi in Ranpo's Akechi stories was the main lackey of Akechi. So this was a bit of a surprise.
Oh he might be going up anyway.
His hands look awfully okay for having weaseled out of his cuffs.
He's getting slapped around a bunch this episode.
i do really like this song at least.
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I'm still here and watching but there was a disaster and I'm cleaning up.
Sounds fun.
no i want to die
happy endo
>>72883 Sounds fun.
this show was a 5 at best
I found it fun enough until Hanazaki went emo. Then it kind of just got sluggish. The final arc was kind of engaging again though.
Rika daijoubu?
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I need a minute.
Uh oh
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okay idol jihen okay let's start
All right.
Maybe this series would have been more engaging if there had been more songs or something. Instead just seeing -hearing the same two or three songs the whole series through just made it boring.
>Crowd surfing
it feels so cheap when they reuse the opening over and over
Yeah, it's pretty much just been the OP song, and that one other song. And then maybe a song from whichever enemy idol group they were up against.
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It seems like in the end they fixed all their problems with singing and dancing.
Man this series was absurd. But even that couldn't make it particularly enthralling.
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okay is Jan still around?
I was playing nier
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looks like you are still around let's gabby okay let's start
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hai haii
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We haven't met an angel yet that isn't msesed up. So I'm sure Gabby's onee-chan will be messed up too.
Well she's voiced by Sawashiro so she's already a contender for best girl.
Why did she shut Satania away instead of just sending her home.
Poor Master-san.
Satania is kind of pretty strong. Physically.
imouto power is truly terrifying the sway they hold on you is terrible
Hah hah hah.
>>72942 They don't have any power over me. Years of heated battle have left me immune to imouto charms entirely.
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Gabby's whole plan fell apart.
It wasn't even working from the get-go though.
Oh she reverted back into proto-Gabriel.
I wonder if proto-Gabriel was responsible for hooking the dog on Satania's melonpan.
Aw I kind of figured this was how it was. I think it would have been more terrifying if onee-chan had actually remedied her.
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The drama arc took about 30 seconds to resolve.
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raphi bes
Is she gonna lose her pantsu again.
Close enough.
>tfw your hardass older sister moves in and ruins your frathouse
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 309x662, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
That was a pretty good series. Thanks for anime!
>>72954 I don't have an older sister ;_;
Search [iqdb] (602 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
gabriel is my spirit animal thanks for anime
theres a special we can watch tomorrow
>>72960 I don't Won't be available, so watch it without me, okay?