Yeah. Hopefully the Evergarden movie is close enough to finish that they don't need to delay it much while people grieve.
I imagine the rest of their projects are delayed.
Though since the studio that got set on fire isn't one they do much animation in these days I think they still have the equipment they need to do their work. But I hope they don't expect their employees to do work for a while.
>>719585 what is evergarden about? i read the wikipedia summary and am still confused
It's about a girl who, after fighting in a war as a child soldier, struggles to find her place in the post-war society. A friend of her deceased commander offers her a position at his agency for writing letters and other missives for people that can't write or can benefit from a ghostwriter. The series explores Violet's struggles with stunted psychological development and PTSD, as well as the complexities and emotional burdens of trying to communicate with others.
It's also a visually gorgeous series. Would definitely recommend.
why isn't moe the default shit you start with SAMMY instead of >>719597
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>719594 sounds dark for a kyoani series is there violence too?
>>719602 Not explicit, but not really avoided either. Violence is a part of war, after all.
Those parts of the premise might feel dark but the series is mostly about the wholesome side of human communication. It has its dark moments and it has its light moments.
The thing with the void eyes was in my dream again last night It just kept repeating "Yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yesterday yestderday" etc
i had a dream that a man with voids for eyes poured a thick black liquid out of the voids into my mouth until i couldn't breathe and said "I will grant you sustenance" a few nights ago
Every now and then a dub swings and hits a home run.
Kirara 🍄
i ain't even mad is the only thing that hurts that otherwise masterful performance
>>719792 hmmm i had something like that with birds, i think like i was driving on those rural missouri roads and i passed some birds with what i could only really call void eyes that followed me home and waited at the door i instructed everyone to NOT OPEN THE DOOR but they started phasing through the door anyway
those dreams never give a direct sense of terror but they usually give a slow lingering unsettling chill they always stick with me like the whole day after i wake up and i can't shake it unless i take valerian root valerian root has always had the effect of instilling the cold stillness but without any sense of being unsettled or fearful so it's a physiological state of comfort when i can't shake those other affects
that >hey gurl i see you that line would feel really cringey to me if it were a spoken line of dialogue but since it's internal it's like kinda normal haha
i wonder who her english VA is the voice actress actually is pretty good herself, but what's awkward about this and most dubs is the pacing and the dialogue everything feels so crammed like that first clip she's trying to make these rushed sentences of racing thoughts but the sentences are constructed in such an awkward way that you'd only see in like written form probably so it just sounds weird there's no way to inflect that stuff right
i mean just look at what western cartoons do for their original dialogue, nothing sounds awkward there
>>719802 i dont recognize any of those roles i mean i know the shows and characters but nothing ive heard before in english she sounded familiar
>>719803 they're using some really awkward echo filter for internal monologue too that makes it worse, at least in the first clip and it's all full of internal whining and moaning people don't make whining sounds to themselves in their head when thinking like that doesnt happen
english anime dubs always sound incredibly awkward the writing is so stilted but also the voice actors are usually bad you can tell that maddie morris has potential, her range is good and she seems talented, but it's like trying to meet the awkwardness of the other characters they're talking in an unrealistic tone of voice
Kirara 🍄
maddie looks pretty new to voice acting she's only like 26 and it seems like she only started a few years ago so she hasn't had any major roles until now being in anime dub probably doesn't help since anime dub voice actors are usually regulated to anime and video game dubs
i wouldn't mind doing voice acting tbh i dont know if it'd be a good career move, probably not because i don't really like performing under that stressed, rushed setting but i would enjoy doing personal projects
we can just do old stuff that's not licensed like the original dororo series
or if it's parody works then it's probably fine depending on the scale of the work i don't think parody is that interesting though honestly in terms of actual vocalization if you throw away the necessity for it to sounds natural and fluid then there's no platform for your work to be appreciated
any satire or parody should be done within those constraints in order to be relevant i think
imagine being a paid content writer and writing salty neck mountains i feel like i have to have misheard it there's no way that just slides through an entire production company, from the writing to the recording and all the cast, the post-processing and sound design without anybody saying "wait what"
this is pla rad prik it's a thai dish with crispy fried fish in a tamarind sauce i like to use a little bit of coconut milk and peppercorns with it you make slices in the fish and the skin gets crispy and really tasty as it cooks the head and tail contain the best meat on the entire fish
it contains a lot of dangerous fish bones so normally whoever is experienced with fish handles it and serves it. you just serve it section by section throughout the meal, little bits at a time, and not just plop a bunch on plates and go
it's one of my favorite dishes and i haven't made it in years i really want to make it and have a fishy dinner with people
i keep seeing random career applications for various companies' websites i visit and i click on it and think about applying just for the hekl of it but i get to "attach resume" and realize oh wow all ive done is type sounds into word documents for the past decade and deride the mathematics community for being pretentious cockwalls
i gotta maoe // make calls to like 7 clients today to schedule stuff
Usually we have two students during the fall and spring semesters. I was going to be one of them. But apparently we're not getting anyone new for Fall so it's just gonna be me, which is fine, but I was hoping I could share my evaluation work with someone since there's so much.
Irvin Yalom has a deidentification exercise where people write down roles they fill that make up their identity and then try to imagine who they are without that role. The goal of the exercise is to allow clients to be more open to feelings of existential isolation than they usually are so you can address that.
For my mindfulness class on Tuesday, I did something similar, but I had them examine how many labels for their identities they thought of were solely in reference to other people and I wanted to encourage them to cultivate an independent sense of self to underly the normal sense of identity that we use that's based on other people. I was worried it might fuck people up a little because stuff like that can trigger existential crises but apparently people gave my clinical director feedback that it was really good.
I want to talk about how the self we look at exists only as a shadow of our actual selves but I worry that could also mess with people Maybe I should just trust that they won't have existential crises
why would i say that >>719863 i remember thinking about something like that in like early college years like i was saying how i wanted to be a parent and a surgeon but i didn't like saying it that way, that i didn't like the labelling of things as who i am because what would happen if i stopped being a parent or a spouse or a sibling, or retired from my occupation (or failed to achieve the occupation) then i'd be really fucked up because i chose to identify those things as who i am
my ex said it was really annoying and stupid and she went to eat lunch alone at the university that day
>>719868 Just frame it in a positive way. Instead of pointing out to people that their identities mean nothing, Point out that the roles they fill and other peoples' perceptions don't really make up the core of their being. they're similar ideas but one sounds a lot more positive and is easier to take.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
And now bedtime because I really am 2sleepy goodnight, internet friends.
Oyasumi, nerd.
Kirara 🍄
>>719867 yeah there's nothing wrong with identifying that way as long as you have something under it they're not your bare self
>>719869 it's positive, but for lots of people, realizing that the foundation of what they perceive to be "them" isn't Them can be really stressful
yeah, i said i wanted to understand the parts of myself and identify with my form which isn't susceptible to change i could be a mom or dad or doctor or proctor or lover or fighter or whatever, but if those things cease to be then im not really those things. or at least i have to learn how to not be those things in order to keep moving forward
so i wanted to understand myself separated from the transient environment she was so mean to me
I'm partial to chocolate glazed. Though I'd take an apple fritter or danish over a doughnut any day.
i ain't even mad
>>719881 i would count an apple fritter as a donut in the scheme of going to a donut place to get a box of donuts, fritters are going to be one of the main options usually
i like those cherry donuts, the ones with the red dough or whatever. they're not overly sweet. everything else is like double glazed, cream-filled, and then has icing on top. thats way too much stuff going on. i dont know how youre even supposed to eat those without taking a shower afterward
Moes! Are you juggling your mom issues and social isolation? Have you shaved your beach zone? Is it okay to be a person? Remember to smile—people like smiles!
mollywhopped sounds like you took a bunch of a certain drug now that I that I think about it
>Oh this is nice >You either have a chance of Strength Up, Crit Up, Defense Up(which gives me Strength up because of my other skills), and HP Up >That's a 75% chance to increase damage. Let's run it >HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP HP UP
Samu 💺 !KW2DbpWwls
why are people are so obsessed with money/wealth?
s/are s/s/ .
doing what you want to do in life requires resources
>>719916 if i am hungry and i want food, but i dont have any food, im going to convert the chemical potential energy in my cells into mechanical energy so i can perform work which i believe will acquire food, like stalk prey or forage for nuts and berries
all that money stuff is just a very accessible resource. we can't give other people our chemical energy very easily or something, but we can give them money and they can give us something we want being focused on money is just an organizational thing really to position yourself for more accessibilities so you get a better deal on things than having to invest your precious chemical energy to get them. you can use that chemical energy for more personal wants like raising your children or studying or whatever
i dont really understand what you mean wants are directly related to the resources we have available. we want things based on our physiological inferrence about what resources we have and what we believe we can attain through their usage if you like mathy stuff, it's called the free energy principle of action and perception through active inference you can look it up and read about that stuff if you want
Kirara 🍄
>>719916 i want a sandwich but i don't have the resources (time) to get one
Kirara 🍄
an intuitive AR environment in which i can manage my schedule while walking around would make my life a lot easier i could call clients to make appointments while working on getting food
>>719920 this is pretty possible if you don't need visual information voice commands are pretty trashy though i want something that's just one-hand controlled with intuitive audio feedback for navigating and reading back text aloud like to your bluetooth earpiece i mean
Kirara 🍄
I actually know someone working on getting a grant to build such a thing but I think they've been trying to get it off the ground for a few years now
a grant you say ive thought about making my own a couple times but realized im probably not going to be doing any long distance biking again and will just work from home so i dont really need to
i have a few things that would be fun to do if i could afford patents but they're stupid expensive bad time and financial investment unless youve already got money
Kirara 🍄
grants seem like pretty solid ways to fund something
who funds stuff like that? i understand research academic and nonprofit grant seeking i dont really understand private development grants though
i have a lot of stuff i'd love to have funded i kind of had in mind getting some proof of concepts underway then maybe doing business props or something but i'd still need a lot of up front effort done
maybe i should start leaking a little bit and see where the water flows
Kirara 🍄
government agencies are probably the biggest source of grants but sometimes trusts and charitable organizations or think tanks will offer grants some professional organizations also offer grants
im not sure the logistics of why they offer the grants though probably tax breaks or something
this isn't blackmail right, what would it be called? hypothetical: i have information that some government would want exclusive access to i tell them "hey if you dont fund this im sure china or russia will" but it's not incriminating information or anything like that, but say vulnerability reports or information that would render security infrastructure obsolete
just was curious
>>719927 would you know where there might be a fairly comprehensive list of false positives in drug screens im finding some meh stuff but nothing seems like official in any capacity, like from an authoritative source
Kirara 🍄
This is the article I show clients who have concerns about false positives Obviously it's not authoritative but there are some citations at the bottom that might get you on the right track this is the article our psychiatrist gave me about it
yeah i'm not quite finding anything like what i want ive been looking for a few weeks
the articles are always pretty low level stuff that i dont care about the citations have been pretty credible and all but it's always just arbitrary studies or case analysis
somewhere there must be at least an attempted comprehensive, objective list (objective just in that it's purely information and unaccompanied by a narrative like all this shit in the image)
i just have a hard time believing im the only archivist out there who cares about this stuff there's usually enough of a demand for such things that there's at least good resources and there's always people who just collect information and put it in its appropriate place
everybody is getting so lazy i can't tolerate this laziness im almost done with work im gonna watch the rainmaker tonight
Kirara 🍄
well it's hard to archive it all because it's so decentralized and there's so much conflicting information someone without the body of knowledge necessary to parse the material can't identify what's worth keeping and what isn't
aw I can't ask you guys everyone on this board is far too DEEP IN THE GAME.
I need to go find a normie.
>>719955 If someone was watching some real life footage of badminton they wouldn't pay any attention to a girl's chest bouncing around as she's moving around the court. I mean I guess some people would but you get what I'm saying.
Especially with Hanebado! I'm pretty sure they used either actual footage of players or rotoscoping for the animations of the badminton players so yeah, I do think the animators deliberately ignoring a normal motion of the body in action would have been weird.
I don't think Marsh's girl friend would be accusatory of real life badminton players for the jiggles of their breasts. I mean maybe she's not even really accusatory she's just remarking on it but whatever.
The only reason it bothers me is that I deliberately tried to pick something innocuous. So if I tried and failed that means my perception of Standards is off.
I know the retort you're going to use here but whatever. I would agree that Hanebado! is pretty innocuous. It's a hot-blooded sports anime. The cast is a bit female-heavy but there are male characters that have good character arcs.
>>719958 Nope. I haven't watched much anime in ages now. >>719957 I just found it amusing that you used those words to make it sound normal.
I don't think she'll care much unless it is overt fanservice and be honest if she has watched any anime she'll probably be exposed to fanservice If she hasn't watch any anime before, I mean if she wants to watch more anime she gonna encounter some strong fanservice eventually
Well Bringing the cat would obviously be a bad idea. But in of itself, hanging out with female friends when you're in a relationship isn't particularly inappropriate. Its only that Fish gets jealous easily. And I think that's something Nvm
>>719978 Yeah. That's good. You need to start off resisting a bit so you can be mindbroken later.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hey mister kirara I have no illusions that you'd sit and watch this in its entirety, but here's a video with the eye tracker thing >>>/watch?v=V9QELTF4-8Q
>>>/watch?v=cSqi-8kAMmM The Netflix The Witcher series looks like it might be pretty fun. It's based off the books so it'll probably be a good bit less Geralt-y than the games. But the setting'll be interesting.
Kmart sells plain black polo t-shirts for $15 David Jones sells plain back polo t-shirts for $70
Is there a difference?
From what I've heard, yes, but very marginal outside of specific concerns , sourcing of materials, and for those who are really THAT into /fa/ aspects like how the cut of the shirt lines up with your torso. If none of that is something that applies to you, the cheaper shirt is probably the sensible option.
i wouldn't even pay $15 for a plain polo or tee to be honest there's tons of them that have never even been worn at secondhand stores for like two dollars >>720005 yeah i wouldn't spend $10 on a plain tee or polo either
for a cute blouse or a nicer fabric tee or something maybe ok
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That's like 10US
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Eew. Gross sloppy seconds
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Nah. It's a good point I should have checked out a few thrift stores
In Funland i got this baller, high quality jacket that i wore all across Europe for like 3 euros
I guess I should say I wouldn't pay $10 or $15 for a k-mart tee shirt or polo like how do you even still have k-marts that entire store is one giant red flag imo
i would probably pay say $30 for a pack of three simple tee shirts, i guess that's not bad $15 seems okay for a polo too honestly, it was just the kmart part that threw my shopping senses off like if im gonna shop at a k-mart then i'd rather go thrifting probably but i dont think kmarts even still exist here
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Plain black kmart t-shirt is $4au
And that's like 80% of what i wear I own about 10 of them that i cycle between with a couple of pairs of jeans.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>720008 An Australian company paid to use the branding a few decades ago but it's run as its own business
Kmarts in Oz might be not as terrible as the ones in the States too. Like how A&W is (as I've heard at least) pretty terrible down there but the Canadian branch operates independently and is a more enjoyable experience.
i had three packages come in from amazon today! any guesses what they might be? im happy they arrived i feel a lot more pleasant now that they are here
Is one of them the new headphones you were thinking of getting. I think I've seen you report in getting all the stuff I was around to see you talk about ordering.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Did you finally get a triangle shaped dakimura for your back pillow?
i didn't buy any headphones. ultimately i couldn't find an internal agreement there. i wanted the cat-ear headphones but i knew they'd actually suck as headphones, and i couldn't justify the price point right now for nicer headphones when there's still a chance some handmedowns my come in
>>720014 very close! one of the packages was two microfiber-satin pillowcases (peach)
i got "PREMIUM Gel Pillow Loft (Pack of 2) Luxury Plush Gel Bed Pillow " they were on sale on prime day so i got two nice pillows for $25 i had two cheap bamboo pillows before ($6 each from familia peso) which had NO PILLOWCASES so they were really becoming unfun to use ive been telling myself i need some real pillows and clean pillowcases as soon as i had money so i finally got some
between them and my incline pillow i have $75 of pillows on my mattress that seems like kind of a lot but with how much time i spend here working it's def worth
>>720016 i got a case of Soylent for 45% off, so $20 they're like $38 or something for a case of 12 normally it was a huge deal if i signed up for monthly shipments so i figured i could try it and end the monthly thing if i don't enjoy having them around.
i do not believe in the Soylent product journey. i think it's ridiculously unhealthy and it's not nutritionally balanced like the person who designed them WHO IS NOT A NUTRITIONIST BUT JUST A BORED SILVAL GUY wants them to be seen as
but they are pretty good and handy to have around as food-related frustrations and wasteful spending seems to be one of my common recurring mood triggers they're pretty tasty but they use sucralose for some stupid reason don't use sucralose for anything ever there's no reason for it
Extra pillows and thick pillows are also great insulation for when the weather turns cold. Some times in the deep winter when the corner of my room that my bed is in gets cold late at night I'll be sleeping under a duvet, a wool blanket, my bathrobe, and a couple pillows piled on top of my feet and shins. It's a nice bit of heat retention.
i really want to get a boxless bedframe because im litterly using a mattress on the floor right now but it's ridiculous how much we have to spend just to lift a mattress of the floor 100+ dollars for a bed frame, then buying a box spring too? its ridiculous
i have to still relocate though by march so i dont want to waste money on a bed frame im going to have to leave behind i left my nice bedframe and stuff in tennessee when i moved and im still really upset about that.
what i can invest in now though is bed linens and a mattress topper i have some plain shitty linens that came with the mattress but i want like, you know, a real bed set like a pink or maroon bedset with silk or at least satin sheets and a big duvet comforter thing
but not yet maybe next time i dont really like this mattress a lot either. i think when i can i might want to get a twin mattress and have it be out of good material instead of some shitty spring queen i dont need or use all the space of a queen. it gets in the way.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>720015 If you were going with princesses, personally i would have gone with rosalina over peach but to each their own.
>>720019 I've slept in a twin my whole life at home and I'm generally happy with it. I don't think I need the space of a larger mattress either. That said I do kind of wish I had a softer mattress. I know a lot of people like their mattresses firm, but the one I've got has always felt a bit too tough for me; I'd like something I can sink into a bit. But mattresses are kind of expensive and the one I've got gives me nice enough sleep anyway, so. It's just something I keep in mind for when I'm looking for a bed in a place of my own.
>>720021 yep, i eventually want one of those special mattresses like Nectar or Purple or Tuft&Needle or, uh what's the other one Casper
i'd like one of those, but a real mattress is so expensive that i have to settle for very cheap in the meantime and i have to make sure im going to stay somewhere otherwise im buying a 800-something dollar mattress that im going to have to leave behind which is awful
i dont really like memory foam mattresses a lot though. they have nice qualities but they're overrated i think i need to check what all the good mattresses offer again maybe i'll start keeping my eye out for promotional coupons or something
I think I keep seeing Casper ads on the subway here with a promo code. Not that it's probably something you can take advantage of. It's them and some other mattress company I think that keep buying out whole train cars with promo advertisements.
>>720038 you can carve out a burrow in the lower recesses of it, it’s quite tall might be a noisy tenant above you tho
That noisy teen ant being you? You didn't strike me as a noisy sleeper.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
lots of nocturnal activity i don’t sleep till the sun rises
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
god bless the switch portable mode
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
this bar has a drink called a phoenix down i’ve probably said this on /moe/ before
the cursed dejavu posts
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
i don’t have a long term memory at all it’s one of my many greatest weaknesses just a warrior and his tempered steel phone, livin in the moment
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
btw i dont buy from those heavily advertised mattress companies i just buy a cheap Zinus off amazon it’s a really firm mattress. probably not as comfortable as most but i like it this way it could use a lil more airflow tho
nothing much I was just meditating on my post there today I'm just being a layabout it feels good since yesterday was a bit of a stressful day at work what have you got lined up for today?
>>720047 yeah i woke up like two hours ago this is my morning >>720054 hey whatsup
>>720059 I guess there's a plenty of it for now at least it was a bit worrying a while back probably just a slow period
>>720061 yeah, it comes and goes a lot of it depends on me too. i have to find my work if im not putting the effort in to find work then i'll be receiving much less
>take your position, rook I'm not rook
there's no way they expect me to believe falling that high is survivable
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Still not Huge But progress, progress Squat 100kg x 5 Decent depth and form
The fact that the movie adaptation of Cats is insisting on staying true to the original by having all the actors go full anthropomorphic cat is kind of interesting, but all -also fuck, it's kind of terrifying.
The isekai aspect is played off pretty ironically. I think it's the funniest show this season by far, though. Episode 1 had me laughing the entire episode.
(I was hosting a Grande that was almost dead, nothing to worry about)
Geralt on Netflix The Witcher looks hot asf
Henry Cavill is a handsome man. I took a better liking to seeing him in motion than I did the still promo photos for The Witcher.
Like I now want to play the games because of him
They're pretty fun games. Though the earlier ones are kind of mechanically clunky; the trilogy is kind of CD Projekt RED's refining of the gameplay mechanics until they get to a healthy balance of straightforward and depth. Wild Hunt is also the only one where the world really is open-world-y; the first two are kind of large scale instances that the story plays out in. Er, sets of large scale instances.
Kirara 🍄
I wanted to play Witcher 3 but it's got like 100 hours of main story and 100 hours of side content which means I'd end up needing 100-150 hours on it.
>>720131 Yes, when I worked 20 hours a week. Now I work 40-60 hours a week.
You played Origins LOL
Witcher 3 would prob take me like a week to finish if it's super immersive sick of games not nailing that factor fr, getting bored after 20 minutes is no bueno
And Origins is probably only like a fifty to sixty hour game even if you go after the side plots.
>>720136 You're never going to get the experience you're looking for. You're just gonna get some randos playthrough. >>720137 Let me see your video gaming portfolio.
>>720138 I have the entire Zero Escape trilogy sitting in my Steam library completely unplayed. Having never touched a previous edition of the game ever. Also having made sure to keep myself impecably unspoiled on the contents of them.
Enan no Shoubutai didn't air this week, I don't think. Probably because of the KyoAni fire. It would be kind of disrespectful to air an anime about people fighting fire monsters with fire powers immediately after that.
>>720154 That probably likely. They do delay programmes when disasters happen.
you can do that all you want it's the underlying assumptions you're making about what's going on or why im distressed and the snide commentary that's not welcome
you hadn't even bothered maybe to ask me what's wrong or if there's stuff i need to talk about youve just been making an assumption and treating me i think rather unkindly with attempts to prod me to do something to fix an issue that doesnt exist
i don't know. i have access issues and that's one of the things that place is supposed to help me with i don't have the capacity to function to do any of that stuff i don't have my meds, i can't cope, and i don't have a support system in place i really don't know what to do. i have no idea which direction is forward and im afraid to do anything
yes therapist i need help figuring out what is expected of me and managing my expectations and coping in general i don't have anything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara this fish is PISSED
My music festival got canceled I got in for free but bought my best friend a ticket (for $105) and I'm furious They've kept it open during worse weather There's no refunds and no reentry for normal ticket holders Allegedly they might be reopening later but im still going to be pissed if my friend can't come I get reentry because i work for an organization involved with te festival
Kirara 🍄
>>720199 What'll happen if you don't have a therapist before PCP?
>>720202 one thing that would happen is i would be in a compromised state for the appointment and would not be able to use the appointment to address things which need to be addressed if i don't bring things up, the doctor won't know it's an issue
>>720203 wings are a SCAM they've managed to convince the world that the least edible part of the bird is somehow appealing to sell off their foodscraps.
I'm getting some big use triggers this evening I'm craving some lean I wonder why
>>720204 Had you gotten into the therapist on the day you had intended to originally, you'd only have had, what, one appointment other than the intake by now? Maybe two. I'm not sure a lot would have been able to happen by now. Usually there isn't a treatment plan until the second or third session, so I dunno.
What about spending some time writing out what needs to be addressed before your appointment to help you convey it?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>720206 LEAST edible? what the fuuuck chicken breasts are inedible that leaves what thighs? those are aight but there's nothin like that stringy tasty wing meat + spice
>>720207 i dont know that the therapy would or will help either, but i dont have anything else to hope for at the moment so im investing what little i have left in the hope that it will
i don't have the capacity to do what you've suggested in the last line there's a very complex tapestry of things there that are difficult to navigate and organize, and making any progress towards organizing that is going to cause a lot of racing thoughts in the best case and traumatic response in the less desirable cases i already am not able to cope at base level and i definitely don't have the resources to manage a large task like that without logistic help and social and emotional support systems
it's not laziness, it's not apathy, and it's not me shirking obligations to coordinate my own care it's me trying to get through things one day at a time. the last two months have been progressively more difficult to get through one day at a time, and each day has been getting less manageable i dont know what to do anymore
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>720201 sorry to hear it brew is it the heat wave?
>>720213 On a Saturday, I dunno in terms of pursuing those goals. Trying to relax is really the only thing I can think of right now. You said you were going to watch a movie this evening, right? Or was that yesterday?
that was yesterday after i finished work i watched francis ford coppola's the rainmaker there aren't a lot of realistic law movies, at least semi-realistic, so that was ok
i don't really have any desire to do more of that though i really want to not feel alone
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>720216 i wonder where that 'no purpose no meaning' sample comes from?
now my phone is bricked so i can't even try to call or text them i can order a replacement battery but it won't get here until tuesday and it may not be an issue with the battery even
this happened with my old one too, it stops charging or booting and it's just dead the last one i got a replacement battery for and it was the same issue so i had to replace it getting it repaired wouldn't have been cheaper
so i replaced it and that's happening again, but this one hasn't been overheated at all like the old one so im fairly confident it's a battery issue i need it in order to set appointments and also use lyft to get to my appointments if i dont get it working by my next appointment it's going to cause me a lot of trouble
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
sorry to hear about your phone bro
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
you might be able to call/text on your computer with a service like Google Voice
>>720230 that's a good question. is your roommate around? do you have any neighbors? can you call someone with google voice through your computer? or text a crisis hotline and they can send someone for you
Wouldn't a female Thor replace Hemsworth though? Or could the two work in tandem?
Kirara 🍄
in the comics there are a ton of thors these days a thor is just someone who has a mjolnir and asgardian armor with thor's wing helm basically there's a horse thor, female thor, etc all at the same time sometimes so hypothetically there could be two thors
The Mjolnir's been shattered though, though also I guess if Nick Fury isn't lying or wrong in Far From Home, the MCU's begun to enter the multiverse of Marvel stories so there could be more Mjolnirs about.
I mean I'd be fine if they wanted to replace Hemsworth, well, not fine, exactly, since Hemsworth is possibly one of the best actors for the role they could have gotten. But by now of the old guard Avengers all that remain are Thor, Hulk, and Hawkeye, who's passing the torch soon anyway. And I wouldn't be surprised if they just soft-retire Hulk. So it would make sense for them to do a send off for Hemsworth or something.
Also the next Thor's coming after GotG 3 I think, so maybe that'll open up more cosmic avenues for him to go down.
it is probably a bad idea to get 80 dollars of bourbon
>>720257 You'll drink enough to last tonight and tomorrow you'll feel awful about it and probably feel tempted if not actually to pour it down the drain. So never mind that it won't improve the situation at all it'll almost certainly be a waste of eighty dollars that can go towards something far more positive. Don't buy the bourbon Moon.
bourbon tastes like ass, gt something good instead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
bold of you to assume I hate eating ass
you would
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in all reality man that would not be my kind of time
Really? Natalie Portman tried out for the Eternals I think. That's cool.
There's a few other weird snippets, like Scarlet Witch and Vision have a television series, Wandavision, coming out. But it apparently takes place after the Infinity War movie? And it'll also tie into Doctor Strange 2, of which Scarlet Witch is set to play a role in. Whether it's a good role or evil role.
Black Widow will be cool but idk why they'd include captain commie
Taskmaster is the coolest, though. That'll be fun. I wonder if Black Widow can beat him, though. Even Cap or Spider-man struggle with Taskmaster. He's one of the strongest.
Apparently there's been a bunch of Ten Rings easter eggs sneaked into the Ant-Man movies.
It's the kind of news release that you read and think "Oh yeah, of course" though. They were probably brainstorming ideas for the Fantastic Four before the Fox deal even got confirmed.
Kirara 🍄
I dunno, I'm a little surprised. It's hard to try to reboot a series with two previous reboots that were complete and utter failures.
>taking all the wrappers off chocolate bars and putting them in a ziplock so you don't need to do it when it's freezing and windy and you're wearing gloves and you're exhausted
I think I just got a legitimate life tip from anime
>>720356 Take a sketchbook with you while you're spending your whole day dodging the heat in a train car and draw random passengers. Then make a blog of it.
i don't wanna draw random people in the train because then people will want their portraits taken
Just carry some business cards with your commission email and pricing then.
what really sucks is that Astral Raids are only available during the weekend. and you've got a limited amount of Astral Raid specific stamina so after about 12 successful runs, you can't listen to it in game anymore.
my mom has spent like three hours talking about how great she is and how awful everyone else is even though this is supposed to be a celebration for my birthday which i said I didn't want to do but i was harassed into attending
she did a great job at making you who you are todahahahaha
she gave me toys for my birthday like a gimmick model kid that /// model kit that you get at a museum gift shop and a blanket a really thick blanket with a really scratchy texture
A thick blanket feels like a questionable gift to a Floridian.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
thick blanket is basically 'please have heatstroke'