>>>/@RudoReels/845152695509921798 Oh this too This guy dug up the full thing of some Kurt Eichenwald thing I'd replied to before I even knew who he was
One thing I like about FEH is it makes you use some characters you wouldn't otherwise have used or known about. I never really paid attention to Setsuna in FEF and I didn't even know who Sheena was since she's from one of the ancient games.
Takumeme is like a raid boss. Everyone has to work together to take him out.
I lost a duel last night because I messed up my chance to kill a Takumi they had. Moved a cavalry unit incorrectly, which was necessary to tank Takumi's counter damage to get a kill on him. That really made me bitter.
okay I had to grind pretty hard, but now Setsuna and Sheena are both level 40. I am ready to start attempting the challenge map on my next tank of stamina.
She's on my short list of units to 5 star. She wasn't really capable of doing anything but tanking on Micky's map though. Setsuna killed the fliers, Lucina killed Micky and the heavy lance lance guy.
>>71915 something about her being the highest speed archer something squad with brave
weird sounds like you'd have to start with a 3* though her skills aren't good at all so you'd need to put insane work into her to put her at the level of klein or jeorge
My goals right now are to 1. Make a good flyer team (palla, florina, michilis) 2. Pimp out Azama (pain + poison strike + savage blow) 3. Make Olivia good at fighting.
i have minerva and florina but i use beruka instead even those she's four star because she's way cuter
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
Heyy It's the chiefffff You're the chieffff riiiight? Riiii~ght!
omg I just had a minor freakout I came home to a floopless apartment after searching everywhere i open the front door and there she is i can only assume she slipped out as I entered and somehow i didn't notice there's no poops or anything in the hall
the floops have flapped
chicken and crepes were good today
im bakin fish fillets breaded in panko and ima make sammiches anyone want one i got plenty extra
after eating chicken with waffles i can confirm that they were actually meant to be eaten together and that information was lost at some point in human history until recently
In Fire Emblem, magic users get 1-2 range. They just don't in Heroes because it'd be too imbalanced.
>>72037 well, marisa does blazing comet/star etc which is ramming at the opponent with a blast! >>72038 i know. also, magic users are usually super rare and have terrible gains.
bang's new computer
Marisa is also high speed, high power, highly retarded, welcome to jackass levels of dangerous And she collects shrooms in the FOREST OF MAGIC on her days off.
>>72041 As expected of your ordinary magician with no power whatsoever
My neighbors are throwing a really loud party tonight but it's kind of peaceful to listen to Because this way I feel like there's less likely to be a shooting tonight
>>72044 When it's a quiet night, my brain can freely think of all the bad things and bad people that could be out there But tonight it's just loud reggae
this is an old 3x3 of mine probably the only changes i'd make are to put Ano Natsu where School Rumble is, and Ping Pong where NGE is maybe swap Jinrui for Katanagatari
>>72066 Isn't it just that people are sensitive to night club shootings at the moment? One person was killed, 15 were injured. I bet there was a worse shooting in downtown Chicago that night, but that sort of thing isn't reported on.
bang's new computer
that could be it maybe night club shootings are trendy
You don't like the extra challenge that comes when your knight is in the back and your healer is in the front? Or when your ninja gets locked in the punishment room with lobster-onii-chan in that one map?
>>72288 yeah is this jango? April 22nd and 23rd Me and my friendo are going to go up there the night before and stay in a hotel i think It's at some raceway and it says Dallas - Ft. Worth, so i think it's actually in between them Tickets are like $130 but I don't know how much longer they're on sale
bang's new computer
would a lead developer really sleep in her pantsu at the office, even if all the employees were female seems unlikely
I might just be overreacting, but i constantly see them land on the roof from my window and do all sorts of aerial manuevers (i guess it is mating season) from my window just weird
someone will be like, "oh that person has ASD" like, fuck you faggot either he has acute stress disorder or he has autism spectrum disorder how am i supposed to know which you mean
Indeed guess who also liked and had sex HITLER that is who
im probably just going to sleep a lot and get out of the booze habit again
maybe a nice long bike ride in the rain and get out of the house do you have a finnish term for that the feeling when you're stuck inside for too long, too many days
Though it is etymology might come from "so crazy you bang your head against wall" or "so crazy you had to be chained to a wall" but no one knows. In modern use, it is oft used to mean becoming crazy from being cooped inside
>>72393 how long until yall go to philly? i might see if jan would like to go to the gulf
the trip would start may 5th and we'd arrive in philly on the 8th most likely
i would like one philadelphia steak and cheese sandwich, please
last time, we were driving through the countryside and stopped at a tiny restaurant and i ordered a philly cheesesteak with no cheese or bread #passover
i got banned from /sci/ with a ban message saying to call the suicide hotline it was supposed to be a one-day ban but i guess some other mod instant unbanned me before i even noticed all i got was the ban notice and then i was able to browse normally >>72399 at 2am every day i ask /sci/ what's the safest way to kill myself
I got banned from /sci/ once for making a thread about platinum using the naruto is a gateway anime of the worst type copypasta template and then using pictures of a monogatari character that periodically claims to be "platinum mad" that was like 2012 though or 2011
>>72400 we should coordinate shitposting more often holler when you get home and we'll drop a thread on ck about how do i make a philadelphia steak and cheese sandwich
i was one character short of being able to type thanks
>PAI manual warns that sometimes, people will answer questions like "I have never seen a building" figuratively instead of literally but this is very rare
who the fuck sits there in a test and is like "what even IS a building"
It is a national romantic thing to knife fight a bear
well bearizona is probably little black bears and stuff i dont think they have grizzlies there theyre the cute cuddly bears >>72433 this is terrible i wonder if frontier will take advantage of this
The suspect is believed to be armed and dangerous and may have shot at police, according to information from Bearizona.
The wildlife park is attempting to evacuate visitors as it is safe to do so. No one is being allowed to leave or enter the park.
>Bearizona is approximately 160 acres. Visitors will drive through more than three miles of Ponderosa Pine Forest viewing North American animals in natural habitats when they visit. More animals are exhibited in Fort Bearizona, a beautiful 20 acre walk-thru area, along winding paths which is more of a "zoo" type setting. we really should have gone
i had NO internet besides a shitty tablet that works for five minutes i wish i had more freedom to see what all was around bearizona sounds great
>>72436 no information presumably someone was shot at prior to the police being shot at this happened 30 or so minutes ago
wow so you know how that explosive device was found yesterday? now there was a (unrelated) shooting near me At the gas station I usually go to It's like a 30 min walk from me
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/03/27/police-50-swedish-joggers-molested/ Here's an example of breitbart being a bit disingenuous
Seeing as I'm Norwegian, I can actually READ the facebook post by the cops, which says >Undersökningen visade att över hälften av kvinnorna någon gång har varit med om att en främling kommenterat deras utseende, blottat sig, visslat, gett ett sexuellt förslag, antastat eller förföljt dem under en runda. Which means roughly that over half of women have, at some point in their time on this planet, had their looks commented by someone, been exposed to flashing, asked if they want sum fug, groped or followed
Notice how this list of somewhat disagreeable behavior is including having a stranger comment on their looks, and it's also covering all time. Granted, it may specifically be while jogging, but as long as having comments on their looks is in there, the others might as well fucking not
Kind of picture does that give you? What information are you really left with? More than 50% of Swedish female joggers might have been raped while jogging, OR they could have had someone they didn't know say "you're hot" while passing by
>>72449 I'm upset at the swedish cops for being retarded enough to think this statistic tells them fuck all, too But Breitbart is especially bad because they say molested Which COULD be the case, but there's no reason to think it is, and cat calling isn't molestation
>>72458 Sure but feminists are retarded so that doesn't count There's so much shit to pick from when poking fun at Sweden, don't use the least legitimate examples
How the FUCK do you actually share a DISQUS post? I hover over the share button, and a twitter icon and a link appears The second I move my mouse towards that link, it disappears because I'm not hovering over share anymore How do you USE THIS FUCKING THING
I could probably have edited that translation to make it less dumb sounding, but there's a limit to how much I can be bothered doing for people who hate looking at sources even when directly linked in an article
>applied for position as a professor's assistant because he told me he'd give me the position >he didn't i thought you were pretty cool you fucking nigger i work for him right now so maybe i won't work as hard anymore faggot
Oh shit dude Here's a very specific security issue in twitter
If you go to your settings and change something, it requires a password right? If you FAIL the first time it asks, the save changes button will gray out IF you put in the right password Without pressing enter
Like this ONLY if it's the right password
This means if you find some logged in twitter account, you can fish out the password without even sending requests
my cushy position was stolen from me and now I have to apply for this
>Duties: Provide assistance with professor’s ongoing applied research projects and involvement in Child, Applied Memory, and Law lab activities. Applied research projects are in areas of child maltreatment and investigative interviews with children and could require off-site tasks. Lab responsibilities mainly include coordinating and managing undergraduate members of research team, attending team meetings, recruiting child participant sites, and conducting and coordinating study sessions with child and adult participants. Additional responsibilities may include support for classes as needed during the semester and assistance with setting-up, organizing, and working major events related to children’s advocacy and undergraduate research.
>>72479 It's double weird because it's asking you for the password and the only time it won't let you submit is when it's the right pa- Wait if the browser can do that
It's probably hidden in some way But my browser certainly HAS the information right now, unless it spams twitter with requests every time you type a new symbol into the box
I'm guessing it gives you the password hash or something, and the INTENT is for it to gray it out when you have the wrong password But that's just as bad This is a security problem
I'm not even gonna tell twitter about this because I don't legitimately give too much of a damn Besides I could use it myself sometime if I ever get into programming >make a thing that opens up twitter settings, changes something, and then just bruteforces the password box until the button grays out Free password of anyone who leaves their twitter logged in, which is like 70% likely to be their email, meaning you now own their entire fucking life
I need to become bigger on twitter so I can dogpile WRONGTHINKERS with a huge amount of followers like quote something with "look at this faggot" and about 100 followers show up to tell them they're shit I need this power
Yeah The problem of course is that only about 1% of your followers give a shit what you tweet at all I have like one guy who sometimes goes through my profile and hits that like button on stuff Periodically
I think I know who it is too He has a Tomoko avatar, and the stuff he's liking reminds me of this guy on /v/ whose TUMBLR I stalked once It's unlikely, but I choose to believe we found eachother again through the internet
>>72516 All religion counts as bronze age myth Well abrahamic anyway
>>72517 The whole thing is over, it seems, but I noticed it in my notifications feed
>>72518 Well oldest traces of some form of judaism can be traced to around 1200bc but that is pushing it especially when christianity came around about 1000-2000 years after iron had been in use
I think oldest scrolls are about from 1000 and many old testament stories are between 1000 and 500 bc But there are mentions to older events and peoples in the bible for that matter. But once again, the whole religion has been around in some form, but can't really be traced when it became "judaism" I mean, Jahve at one point had a wife and a son even... atleast some speculate there was a branching of that sort.
Coincidentally, if the findings and stories of fleeing from egypt are true, about 50-200 years before it is thought to have occured, in Egypt ruled a pharaoh called Akhenaten, who tried to turn egypt into a monotheistic religion dominated society. Replacing all gods with just Amun, the one true god. Or was it Aten? I think it was Aten Yup aten
anyhow, after he died, the pharao after him and his priests practically erased the dude from history the best they could. Didn't work since we know of him and his attempt at converting egypt
>they seem to all be race related Not even one way or the other, because this guy's somewhat balanced I guess anything that isn't communism will be demonitized
And of course anyone following Atenism, was persecuted and force converted back And since supposedly the exodus from egypt happened sometime after his reign of "monoteism" When a monoteistic people fled from egypt
>>72534 I doubt that's gang violence That's just Paris Paris is like that
Cause they have slums close by on the outskirts, and boy do the people who live there like throwing molotovs around in the streets of actual Paris Boy do they ever
>>72539 Congress is House of Representatives and Senate. So your description is correct, you're just mixing up Congress and House
>>72538 You may be sarcastic, but you're not actually that wrong in saying it's brave Very rarely do people speak out against anti-semitism They're more than happy to rail on anti-semites, but not against the anti-semitism itself Because the current left is built on dividing and they're anti-semitic too
>>72552 Huh WHAT is causing it here then Cause it's consistent
>>72553 was the first attempt a mistype or did you type in a previously used password
>>72554 Mistype I tried it again now on a different browser I edited my username, hit "save changes", typed complete random shit in the box, hit save It threw an error I went and pressed save changes again Typed in right password Gray
under https://twitter.com/settings/account right?
Is it still not doing it?
nope cannot replicate i'm using chrome
Hm Lemme open an incognito window and see if it works there
>>72541 OK but the senate already voted on the internet bill I thought they only voted if it already had gone through congress? Is it the other way around?
Bills can originate in either part of Congress
Oh, so it just has to go through both, in either order?
Ah, naruhodo I watched that "I'm just a bill" cartoon and it lead me to believe it was a one way hierarchy
There's also the fact that the trump watch thing has congress on the left and senate on the right so it looks like it's a one way street, since it conforms to what I already thought
well house Congress is house and senate I guess I thought congress was house
>One of the biggest honours for Southend News Network came when the Acting Bureau Chief of the Associated Press London Office got in touch by email to ask for more details about a ‘story’ where a mother was arrested for accidentally calling her baby ‘Heroin’ instead of ‘Hermione’ (*4) – they have the emails to prove that this actually happened and may even use them one day!
so wait you mean the APL took them seriously then?
Southend News Network was originally started in October 2015 with no real aims or objectives in mind other than to add a satirical/spoof-like touch to issues that people are passionate about in Southend On Sea. Above all else, SNN is all about having the occasional ‘dig’ at the powers that be, as well a slightly bigger and more frequent ‘dig’ at certain elements of local media!
As the self-declared Chief Reporter of Southend News Network (the single person who makes up the Southend News Network ‘team’), he has chosen to keep his identity under wraps for now. However, this may change in the future! Contrary to what a lot of people believe, the Chief Reporter is a ‘born and bred’ Southender who actually loves his home town, and he loves nothing more than getting local residents talking about the issues that matter to them the most.
>>72575 yep Or so it says on the about page of SNN
>In February 2016, the unthinkable happened! Two senior media officers at Southend Borough Council (the main target of most Southend News Network ‘stories’) invited the Chief Reporter to a meeting at Civic Centre, and they conceded that the success and following of Southend News Network on social media meant that they could no longer ‘afford’ to not engage with their own residents through this ‘news service.’ At the time of writing, SNN’s weekly reach for Facebook posts alone is between 150,000 and 250,000 users.
>During the meeting, they even admitted that their call centre has to deal with a significant amount of enquiries from irate local residents when a more controversial ‘story’ goes live, such as the Halloween EXCLUSIVE when SNN revealed that all Southend Trick or Treaters would need to apply for a licence and undergo training and evaluation before hitting the streets
This is fantastic Local satire journalism is the bes
I still really enjoy how comments about Clinton's hair apparently became a talking point about sexism during the election They even asked Sanders what he thought of the situation, it was kind of a big deal
Meanwhile, she's running against America's number #1 target of hair-related jokes, bar absolutely none, and it's a man
WEll sweden is PC and shit as fuck, but they aren't really cracking down on free speech in terms of legal changes just societal pressure they aren't like germany who are going full authoritarian to keep the "diversity is strenk"
Oh yeah funny hting finnish phone companies might be practically forced to raise prices, now that EU passed the deals that make all companies capable of providing internet services in member countries with no extra fees. Well not funny but... "go EU" Always making things worse for those who have it good.