Lemoney Snicket's a somewhat logical series of events
Pochi-Goya has a ridiculously adorable laugh, gosh. I put on one of her old Minecraft streams for ambient sound and there's a moment where generation makes something silly happen and she laughs for like a minute straight and it's a really, really good laugh.
Everytime he transforms or BUILDS APPU, there's this voice that says like, RABIT TANK, BEST MATCH! YEAH! or COMIC NINJA BEST MATCH STEALTH ENTERTAINER in english It's so fun
There is a weeb festival coming up in a few days nearby I'm thinking of seeing what it is like. I've never been to one before.
I went to Japanese matsuri in London a while ago and it was just selling art and artbooks anime and manga related stuff was so high priced, it must be pretty profitable to sell them at that mark up
>>715363 Is the cafe haunted with cat maids, or are the cat maids working at the cafe haunted, or are the maids working at the cafe haunted by cats?
>>715366 Meidos are haunted with cats from a cat cafe.
Kirara π
ghost cats, ghost maids first it was a cat cafe but they were all brutally killed then maids took over and they were brutally killed now it's haunted
Spooky meows from the beyond and ketchup broken hearts on omelette
That guy screaming about his height on dating sites in a cafe is painful to watch,
Kirara π
i haven't seen that
https://www.newsflare.com/video/303419/crime-accidents/short-man-has-epic-meltdown-in-nyc-bagel-shop hard to find the straight video >Shut up you are not god, my father or my boss. The holy trinity
That was pretty aggressive but then again that guy wasn't leaving the store aggressively stepping up to people screaming his head off. He had a youtube channel were he was pretty angry on, he is super angry man.
he begins a verbal argument saying negative statements about women
>>715360 Apparently the build that I use is a very popular one. They are nerfing it. very badly. It's not even all that crazy. I just don't get why they're doing it. No one does. Holosmith is one of the Engineer's Elite specializations. You have this secondary weapon called the Photon Forge which you can equip and do a lot of damage in. As a drawback, once your heat level (which increases over time and with every Forge skill you use) reaches maximum, you're forced out of Forge mode, take a large hit of damage and then take even MORE damage over time. It's called Overheating and when you overheat, you can't get back into Forge mode until heat drops to zero. Now, people were all fine and good with this 40-50% damage self-nuke because you got to do a lot of damage. So ArenaNet said: >we're also slightly increasing the penalty for holosmiths overheating, as it wasn't commensurate with the level of power granted by holoforge mode. Okay sure! Hit me with the penalty, what've you got. MOre self damage? Nah. >Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration. Because we're doing all this damage, overheating (they typo'd with overloading) will now gut you out of your toolbelt skills. And this is really bad because a lot of Holosmith builds are "Forge -> Skill Unload -> Overheat Explosion -> Toolbelt skill unload" So to penalize the damage spec, they gutted our damage.
some clients were talking about asmr the other day so i told them the story of when blue hooked up his weird japanese hair cutting asmr to the aux cord in Philly on the high way
I do not like green eggs and smut I do not like you Sam the slut
This is also part of that build. It lessens the damage you take from the overheating and deals damage to your opponent instead. You also get a 15% damage buff that usually only exists while you're in Forge mode. And that's part of the whole thing. You overheat, get that explosion onto your opponent, and then drop a bunch of toolbelt damage on them with 15% bonus. But now you don't have access to those. Oh, and they're also changing the Laser's Edge buff to dynamically scale with your heat level which is probably going to suck a LOT because after you overheat, it just drops.
And just when you think >Damn that sucks, I'm going to play the other Elite Spec instead you realize that this patch was mainly for that other E.Spec. The first nerf is gutting Holo damage and utility. The rest is to COMPLETELY change the other E.Spec traits.
Blue, check this out, it looks cute. https://mangadex.org/title/39167/oniyome-wo-metotte-shimatta
and it's just... why all over the place. >This trait no longer increases damage while you have barrier >Instead it converts 15% of all outgoing strikes into barrier and reduces vitality by 300 Okay, so we have 3k less health *off the bat* but we're constantly gaining psuedo health. But at least we still have damage right? >Mass Momentum: No longer grants power based on toughness >Perfectly Weighted (which used to give 10% extra damage to Hammer skills): no longer exists >Kinetic Stabilizers: Changed so that you don't get 10% damage from stability, which has been moved to Object in Motion but only grants 5% for the stability All the damage stuff is gone, vitality is lower, and you have to keep yourself alive via attacking with an even lower damage output.
>>715407 But it wouldn't explain PvP and WvW, which is like the ACTUAL basis of their changes. like some of these trait changes would be nice but ALL of them changing and a lot of things getting removed is killing me. Good thing I started building my Mirage. Lots of mesmers are sad that Chronomancer is getting hit with nerfs while Mirage is just living it up with ungodly amounts of confusion damage. and I like the ungodly confusion damage.
Maybe when i return to playing it, they will unleash a giant centaur boss that'll explain all the nerfs because they want people to feel my pain with centaurs.
my veins are really lush and ripe i have to wear long sleeves when i go outside because im afraid people might see what nice veins i have and try to take advantage of them
Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of Skylab crashing into Australia.
I just had steam music library show up behind my game. I didn't realise that a cutscene wasn't playing weeb music. I was like oh man this is so good. then realised the music kept playing when the cutscene was over. I'm dumb.
so you want better or more stable regulation of your neurotransmitters? good diet and exercise are good ways to do that. eggs are a good source of choline, and proper choline levels are crucial for the proper functioning of most other brain chemistry alpha-GPC is also a choline supplement that's pretty helpful if you're able to get ahold of some but i can never find any at pharmacies or anything. have to order online
exercise just naturally shakes up your brain chemistry so whatever problems that are there can't really stagnate there's a lot that goes into a good diet, but just eating consciously is a good and impactful decision
Oh, i see what you mean about neuroplasticity now then. yeah. just familiarization. people freak out because they have a hard time doing something they used to do easily and i go through those cycles all the time i also have those periods of oversaturation where i can't stop focusing on certain ways of thinking and it's hard to deal with
getting your mood levels right and your brain chemistry right takes some patience and good diet and exercise, but don't wait for that to start learning stuff start getting familiar now even in a weakened state and building those neural pathways with what youve got, and it'll be a lot easier later when you take your training weights off and can think clearly
Confirmed Anyone with "Doctor" "Mister" or "God" in their name is a little bitch
Doctor Mister God knocks on your door.
>>715429 I wanted to make a joke but it was done already and the cancel disappeared. I work at a place with plenty of doctors around, and I was told, sure doctors are bitches, but the bitchiest bitches are the people who work around doctors in other, actually insignificant positions. Like they want to rake in the dr. streetcred while done none of the uni crap or something. So I was told these persons are even worse
Wait, who the fuck has actually god in their name
godfrey zygodactylous oligodendrocytes
all i can think of atm
>>715422 Neuroplasticity is just an excuse for losers
Replacing alcohol with coffee is going well as in my skin is vibrating and there is NOTHING to do at this hour Might as well work in a volunteer shelter at this rate. Maybe I should do that cause I still got a warrant for my arrest and about a $3000 fine Step by step, need to think things through.
>>715442 Doctor Octogon or Doctor Ocular? we should consult twitter to find out
>>715443 That's not good is it a bad warrant or is it for something like missing a court date and you'll have some community service hours to tend to? it's probably better to get that sorted out sooner than later if you plan on dodging it forever then you def shouldn't post about it here
My last scheduled court date was June 12 2018 hahaha they have a fake address and phone number too but my real name so I'm probably done for eeeeehahahhaaa
>>715443 be careful not to ingest a fatal dose of caffeine with your coffee google says your average cup has about 95mg of caffeine so try to avoid drinking more than 110 cups of coffee within one hour
>>715447 i had to work this morning from 4am to 1pm but i kept falling asleep so i had a 200mg caffeine pill and a red bull in like one gulp and couldn't stay awake through a single sentence, so after 20 minutes of microsleeping at my laptop i took another 200mg pill and another red bull and fell asleep for two hours and had to sludge through the next 8 hours of work while microsleeping it was terrible
>>715446 i don't really want to know details about this stuff but you should try and figure out a plan
if you start getting strong urges to drink or need to take an edge from from the coffee, you should try valerian root it's a CNS depressant just like alcohol but it doesn't cause intoxication and oxygen deprivation to the brain so you dont get stupid drunk and it has GABAergic properties so it should help your brain feel ok about stuff
i often pair it with caffeine just specifically to not get nervousness or agitation from the caffeine
>>715450 yeah caffeine is so fucked like it might help wakefulness, but not really for me because im me ever since i was a teenager i'd go out and by BAWLS energy drinks at like 11pm past curfew for a 14yo go buy a shitton of caffeine at 11pm because i needed to get to sleep
when rockstar pomegranate came out i was drinking those a lot because they were great id get antsy from GAMBLING and wouldn't be able to sleep so id throw on venetian snares or mono and chug two rockstar pommys and like fall asleep by the second track of Songs About My Cats every time
>>715447 I drink about 11 cups of coffee in on hour so I got a 10% chance of a cardiac arrest Good odds
>>715448 that's kind of funny 600mg of caffeine doesn't do much to me other than make my chest hurt after a few hours >>715449 i was talking about caffeine toxicity, not cardiac arrest. you can suffer a heart attack brought on by the stimulant effect of caffeine anywhere from 500mg-2.5g depending on your body but 12g or more of caffeine can just kill you otherwise.
there was a guy in australia who put pure caffeine powder in a protein shake instead of protein powder, a few days ago. one teaspoon of pure caffeine is about 23 grams of caffeine. he was found dead in his bathroom two hours after posting to his friends that his "protein shake tasted awful!"
I actually can obtain Valerian Root at any shoppers drug mart. Hmmm, thanks for refeshing my memory. And no, I won't have cravings // well I will have cravings but it should be easier for me to ignore them, I mean. Easy peasy.
yeah valerian root is great at just about everything the only thing that sucks is it's got kind of a low threshold like normal dose of kratom is 2 grams and i can take 30 grams in a day and it's no different and no adverse side effects
valerian root is 400mg doses, and you can take like five of them, like 2 grams, but any more than that and it fucks your stomach up so bad and causes nightmares and visual fragmenting i still honestly like valerian root better even now that i take kratom but i don't take valerian root anymore really. i have some but i havent taken it in a long time
>>715453 yeah i like it too the first time i ever got it i made tea with it and im like oh it's got an earthy smell to it, it smells kinda nice and my ex thought so too because she was thai and a normal person and not a weird white person who complains when things smell or taste natural but everyone else we showed it to, like having her sister's boyfriend over and putting tea on with them it's always like wtf smells like cat piss i never noticed it at all until other people started complaining about it
it was funny though because when we made the tea the first time we got it, our cats were like rubbin all up against us and jumping up onto the stove to try to smell the teapot and we had no idea why they were actin so weird other than just being weird cats
valerian root tea tastes like mushroom tea i kind of like it
well don't overdo it. caffeine has a disappointingly short duration of action and it has an exceptionally rough crash for how little it actually does i generally avoid caffeine because it's not really worth it but i dont want you crashin from it in a few hours and having a fit
>>715457 i dont need shrooms to see through the veil
>>715452 mushroom tea is better cause after you drink it you start seeing through the veil and your mind is expanded >>715455 the guy that died had come home drunk and wanted to make a protein shake as some kind of hangover cure thing but he grabbed the wrong packet of powder i guess
i think caffeine makes you sleepy because it aggressively binds to adenosine receptors, forcing adenosine OUT of the receptors (which is its method of wakefulness, occupying those receptors so that adenosine can't get into them to make you sleepy) but when it forces all those adenosines out of their receptors, then there's more free-floating adenosine in your system that binds to the remaining receptors that caffeine isn't occupying because the concentration is higher
so you get hit with a sudden intense wave of sleepiness as that concentration goes up until youve slept enough to lower the concentration of adenosine in your system to where the caffeines can take over
>>715460 it wouldn't matter how far i could see since i wouldn't be grounded my grounding is my perspective and where i give meaning to form that meaning can lay framework to understand what i can't see so even if i go where i can see those things, it doesn't mean anything because i already know what's there, but in a hallucinogenic state i probably won't realize that those are the forms that i know because ive lost my grounding it's not that im seeing more, it's that i'm knowing less, so it gives the illusion of seeing more
>>715458 i'm not aware of any other kind of mushroom tea! >>715456
imagine how far you could see if you drank mushroom tea
because first i was called the king of pee but then there's also a woman called the queen of pee and that would suggest we're married so they said i was emperor of pee but it doesn't make sense for there to be a queen and an emperor prime minister is more reasonable
>>715474 kirara the therapist lady tried to call me back and left a voicemail but the only place i have a signal is if i walk out to the end of the driveway and stay there so i do that to go make the call twice every day and havent been able to get through and i will never be able to receive a phone call apparently unless i stand at the end of the driveway and wait
why do things become unnecessarily complicated i feel like nobody else has this specific reception problem why have i had it everywhere ive lived for the past six years
id have to call her and leave a voicemail telling her to try reaching me at a different number and then keep that phone on me and assume she's going to call, and it's friday so probably not
i left a text saying i'll make any appointment if she picks one and tells me when but i look like a dbag for missing the appointment then missing / not answering phone calls it looks like im making shit up because the circumstances of my life are too obnoxiously unreasonable for anyone to believe
it's just an ongoing pattern hopefully the text will suffice
>>715479 let's launch a secondary line branded as lite pee with 50% less calories and charge 50% more for diluted pee
im gonna help this lady get her disability restored from 50% to 80% and im gonna help her find housing and stuff well help her get into housing, she'll finf /// find it on her own some other stuff too but those are the big things
i ought to talk with a disability lawyer sometime >>715505 do you have a good sense of what to expect from the drug lab and what information to get from the rep? >>715508 yeah at my PCP appointment will be the first time ill have been seen by a doctor since my stay at the reynold's army hospital there might be some grounds for me to follow up with their medical negligence there and get some determination for VA benefits from my heatstroke and the following care it wouldn't be anywhere near that amount though
Kirara π
>>715507 she gets $1100 a month at 50%, said it's $2200 at 80 but it's military disability, she has VA disability and stuff
>>715507 yeah, i am probably the most knowledgeable at work about that stuff i know the ins and outs of what we need and how much we're paying currently and all that so they wanted me to talk to the rep and make sure everything seemed good for us stuff like specific cut-offs for lab testd they're also going to provide us with cups for our in-house UDSs so i had to make sure their cups meet our needs
the rep used to be a rep for big pharma but he was open and showed me what i needed to see
>>715507 that would be good she has abdominal and spinal issues as well as PTSD they dropped her to 50% without her knowledge
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
heh you thought you'd won but I was only fighting you with 50% disability now watch as I disable my limiter and reach 80% disability
>>715509 that's awful to just drop someone without letting them know my lumbar issue is a direct result of an injury while training, the lowest vertebrate is all fucked up. i will hopefully get some path of care to see how fucked up it is with xrays and stuff but hopefully it's not too bad.
there's a likelihood that my attentional issues and other emotional issues are a direct result of the brain swelling from the heatstroke though and the damage that can do to my dopaminergic pathways. i def had really bad attentional issues as a kid regardless, but i generally managed to get by and stuff prior to that time that's when i really started to lose it and have delusions and stuff
i don't think there's gonna be any hefty disability payouts for me or anything but my VA uncle said if i can get the hospital to release my records and if i fight enough with the VA that i should be able to get something even like minimum payout of a couple hundo would be a pretty big help. i wonder if they do back pay 8 years of back pay or no it's been 9 now wow
more accurately she was dropped without her knowing we don't know if she was communicated with about it and she doesn't know either because she wasn't paying attention to any of that for a long time due to her addiction problems
>>715513 hmm yeah it's all kind of complicated, but the issue i had was getting any records from the army hospital i tried to request it from the website but they had a bunch of protocol like you fill out the paperwork and your CO has to sign it and submit the formal request which obviously i dont have a CO because im not in the army and something else i dont remember where id have to be there in person to personally request the files otherwise, that they wouldn't be mailed or something
i didn't have any doctor at that time though so that was just me. i imagine a doctor can request that information if i sign a release and all that, but I think the VA has to be involved somewhere in there and all the red tape stuff is really difficult for me and my brain damage to sort out
there // this wasn't a proper diagnosis or anything but my psychiatrist said the heatstroke probably fried my brain a little bit and made my already inattentive ADD problems into functional issues that's why she prescribed me the adderall, that it was functionally pretty bad id like to say my heatstroke caused brain issues to the point i can't function without amphetamines though since that would probably be accurate i lost like 20 something iq points after that hospital stay but that's probably just because i was older and scores are always awkwardly high when you're not an adult
it's been almost a decade now though and most of it without medical care so i think there'd be issues connecting any current conditions decisively to records from reynolds army hosp i think that'd have to involve any hard records they have there indicative of something at the time, like a misready // misread imaging thing or my blood protein measurements
Kirara π
yeah it might be possible to get disability but getting it through the VA might be hard at this point although you were medically discharged, right? medical retirement? or just discharged?
nope it was an uncharacterized discharge because i hadn't been in there six months getting anything through the VA is hard but it's possible to get some claim or even give my discharge overturned to medical if i fight hard enough unfortunately i have no idea how to manage red tape or the VA and stuff like that makes me incredibly anxious unless i have my meds, which i dont but even if i did i probably wouldn't want to deal with it because it's really emotionally taxing to get your hopes up
If you collect 100 points in the Tetris 99 event, you get a Splatoon skin I'm at 30 points after two games so this should be easy to finish when I come back home >>715546 oh I'm sorry It's a Splatoon skin for Tetris 99 the music and the stage looks different not a skin for Spla toon
idk i randomly got hypersensitive skin in the past that's happened when i get a fever but i don't think i have one and i haven't felt that in a few years
do ya got any silk or microfiber you can lay out and snooze on i wanna snooze it's friday night time to party in dreamland
Kirara π
i got microfiber bed sheets but it's still weird it feels so uncomfortable even my shirt is painful i took it off but now the sheets on my futon couch are hurting me haha
yep that sounds familiar it's extra bad if you have hair and any movement like shifts the follicles and it really hurts but shaving it would really hurt too from razorburn
Saw this at kinokuniya. Will upload any second now My data is being throttled Hrrrrrmmm I might have to wait until i get home to upload this
Kirara π
I wonder if it's a histamine reaction hmm i had some beef with soy sauce and mirin and a lime jarritos soda none of that should be giving me a histamine reaction bas // based on my recent experiences with all of those
>>715600 anything else about the beef? the times ive had it happen have been concentrated around wasabi or game meat in my diet, like buffalo or antelope and you're not using any kratom or anything so
Kirara π
>>715601 i dont think there was anything else about it normal stuff i mean usually i don't eat beef without onion and shit like that this was the first time in a while that ive had just beef you know used too much soy sauce
well it's probably something that'll pass on its own you could take some antihistamines or something though if you don't have to be up early
the psychiatrist at my PHP was trying to prescribe me hydroxyzine for anxiety lol i told her i didn't need antihistamines or anything else for anxiety and she's like "how do you know what hydroxyzine is" they think everyone else is just so stupid i can't stand it
nope, no non-alch beer i got some 3% juice tropical-flavored beverage instead everything is so sweet why don't they just have some unsweet beverages
i really wanted some barley somethin or other so i thought id maybe get some non-alcoholic beer but those always taste like coins anyway
Kirara π
maybe I'll take some Benadryl
Kirara π
i should get one of those 20lb blankets
yeah those are great
Kirara π
i bet it would be comfy i haven't used one before
I sorta engineer a similar experience by sleeping under a duvet, an old large knit blanket courtesy of a grandma, my bathrobe, and a couple extra pillows down by my feet. It also has the advantage of being quite warm in the winter.
like sensitive to the fact that my skin is touching them although i presume that's psychological
I've been ridiculously sleepy tonight. Pretty much slept the whole evening away. I don't even know why this is the way it is. Not like I woke up way early in the morning or didn't get much sleep the sleep before.
some people i know wanted me to go to a protest today but like i had work and the protest aint gonna do shit
they wanted to make it too awkward for the CEO of some company that owns an immigrant camp to come out so he'd have to spend an extra few hours at work they got so fired up about it like five fuckin people doing a protest
What they really ought to do is build a fasimile of one of the prison camp cages around his house so he gets to enjoy exactly what the kids do. Which is nothing of course.
yeah that's pretty pathetic you're just hurting your cause at that point making your cause look pathetic learn to choose your battles
i went ti a protest there like a year ago, we had like 40 people and made the front page on the local newspaper that was a victory, it was coordinated well but look how much good it did
i told them how to really hold those people accountable, but they don't want to do anything that will actually work
it's so dumb you can't do anything without being organized and having clear plans "we'll show up around 4:00"
i told them they could borrow my megaphone any time they want to and they said they would but then they never followed up so they did the "protest" without even the power to make people hear their voice the area it's in gets maybe one pedestrian an hour everyone else is just driving so nobody sees it or cares
hmm sorry for the quick finish did you want to go again since that was short or is it all good
yeah just gonna grab a drink real quick
start us with 100,000 points and minimum to win is 200,000
How about start with 100,000 points and the only way to win is to kill someone
Don't kill anyone.
did you want to play tilde you can have my spot if you'd like im kind of in-between right now
I'm okay right now. Are you guys even playing on Mahjong Soul/
did you get anyone to bond 5 yet maria once you do,, you start getting a bond stone every time you get a chest which can be used to boost someone else up, or donated for 5 dusts so if you were going to grind out dusts, you're a lot better off 5'ing someone first
>>715656 Nah. I stopped playing for a week when I didn't have a laptop Very interesting though I might start donating gifts
>>715659 I mean donating the gifts to the girls I can't into english right now You see the new boys they added?
>not ejecting the five sou and going for an all greens yakuman there
i could have won off the 5 pin but it would have turned my souankou into a shitty hand so i decided not to
scary stuff
the thing is, even though i had sou ankou setup because the triplets happened to be 6/7/8 pin i had a four-way wait so even if i got it, it wouldn't have been a yakuman unless i drew it from the wall and tsumo'ed
but i declined the 5-pin and was in furiten for all four waits there were so many condition rules going on there that i lost track of what was going on im on autodeal now btw im so tired
>>715666 Always chase the yakuman no matter what Doesn't suuankou always require tsumo?
>>715667 Not always. it requires tsumo if you have a dual wait on the pairs to form a triplet it does not if you have a single wait for the pair. that's because you have four concealed triplets if/only if you are waiting on the pair. your wall draw counts as part of your hand though, so that's the only way it counts if it's a wait on the triplet.
this changes according to regional rules though it also (i believe) does not count as a sou ankou if you have waits to complete other configurations of your hand, such as if you had 33344455566677 that's also a regional rule that's really complicated to explain and i haven't been able to figure out if mjs incorporates it or not but in that case, if it is in place, it's regarding ron and not tsumo
>>715668 That is a lot to take in Regional rules complicate things. If I ever went to a parlour, I'd always be worried about breaking some weird obscure regional rule and embarrassing myself
i forgot how shit it is to work until after beer shuts down people get more insane the closer the clock gets to that hour i swear
Having time-limited sales in a store that is open longer than that time limit is a particularly stupid concept to me. Especially since alcohol is limited county to county, right? So it's not particularly hard for someone to just drive to a nearby county that still sells alcohol past that hour.
it's hard limited to a state ordained time and some counties have tighter restriction, none have looser regulation than the alcoholic beverage commission allows. so most places, either it's open as long as they can legally sell it, or it's just not for sale at all, like how my county used to be regarding liquor. some places you can't sell alcohol at all in any form, actually, think there's like 2 counties in the state like that?
i can't imagine how awful it would be to sell alcohol all day and all night the alcoholics here are already too fucking stupid it hurts me to watch if they could buy it overnight too they would literally never stop drinking and i don't think i could handle that on my conscience
i feel like this is a dumb question but does jp have a discord im sure there are unofficial ones but is there a more unanimous one i feel like kannagi would know
I would be doubtful of there being a board-wide Discord in any official status. >>715679 Yeah sorry that's what I was getting at still.
There's probably a pile of various Discords for different board topics like Touhou nerds, kigurumi, Comiket stuff, Mahjong, VNs, and some other stuff I'm too lazy to keep listing. But a centralized, agreed upon "main" or "official" server? I'm still doubtful.
right, not official, but community official you know how jp is i haven't been there in so long it's probably awful anyway
>>715676 i used to drink nonstop sometimes it really is a gross feeling to do but ive done it i'd buy like a handle of captain morgan's long island iced tea, two of those rum cannonballs, some bourbon, and some beers or coolers and just drink until i fell asleep, and start again as soon as i was up for three days
i was a pretty bad alcoholic and i couldn't keep it up longer than that, but some people just never stop
>>715676 That's kind of one of the things I don't have an issue with at our provincial liquor and beer stores. They all close at nine, which sucks for some people probably, sure, but it's consistent and the employees don't have to deal with people trying to get their fix past closing. Kind of like with the hassle we had to deal with in Philly, hah hah, except when you live with it you learn to work with it. There's definitely some other dumb shit that comes with our government's pretty bureaucratic way of handling alcohol but the actual liquor stores seem sensible to me.
>>715678 yeah i just was wondering if i'd be able to find some people i haven't seen in a while if there was a jp-populated discord server that wasn't like a discord for a mobage or something, then i might be able to check the member list and see if they're in there somewhere i can't really just check the userlist on jp and see who's been visiting in the past six months
// im glad i dont drink anymore though, regarding this other conversation i dont think it had an exceptionally bad impact on my behavior or quality of life, but i just don't enjoy the feeling at all i dont have any urge for it and i get kinda queasy thinking about drinking, or even smoking cigarettes for that matter
i miss the barley flavor, and i miss the wine-cheese flavor pairing, but moreso the cheese than the wine as i haven't been able to acquire any nice cheeses lately cheese can also pair with pears though, and i think alcohol dulls the taste senses a lot anyway
I think it might be fun to have a small community board with the theme of having the BOARD RULES change daily, and are procedurally generated by AI and everyone has to follow the rules set and thread topics generated for the day
>>715684 yeah i got home about 20 mins ago but i chugged a tallboy of malt liquor and i'm working on the second can so you probably don't want to hang out with me
running this stupid Main Story Quest roulette with some friends in XIV the cutscenes in these dungeons take literally 25-45 minutes depending on which of the two dungeons you get and they are unskippable because people complained that skipping cutscenes and speedrunning them wasn't nice or fun for people doing the dungeons for the first time
Praetorium literally takes 27 minutes and 43 seconds of unskippable cutscenes + however long it takes you to kill the stuff in there ends up being 45ish minutes vs the 15-20 mins it used to take to run
>>715456 Lmao@this nonsense If you do caffeine well, you can overdrive your body to the point you get sick. Try adding a little sugar here and there hun
>>715692 the way you word that distresses me... i hope you don't think that's how i feel i mostly just try not to bother you but im flopping in and out of sleep right now anyway and hope i don't have to spend much more time awake things are difficult inside tonight
>>715695 i never told you to stop drinking. i said i'd like it if you went easier on the drinking because i worry about you a lot. and we even had a long, good discussion about what i meant when i said it's difficult to be around people who are drinking, specifically about how i feel like a buzzkill when im sober and i get kind of insecure about my communication problems you're painting it out like i look down on you or like you annoy me ive been extra careful to make sure ive never said anything in that way because that isn't true
>>715696 and this is kind of what i mean. as a sober person im kind of autsy, very solemn and serious about stuff to people who are drinking and relaxing, i come across as up tight and nagging, even judgmental at times (like now how ive been interpreted) i run the risk of ruining others' fun and, for people that im close to, run the risk of hurting them and creating discomfort i have a habit of ruining people's fun and being a downer, so i make a point not to get in the way of people trying to relax and unwind.
i run the risk for myself of feeling misunderstood or dismissed which are hard feelings for me to cope with i can't really communicate with people who are drinking unless im drinking too. there's just not the same baseline and it's hard and it makes me feel even more lonely despite being with people.
we had this discussion before, just a week or so ago as i was setting up my desk in the early AM i dont really know what to do. it seems like if i try to spend time with you i hurt you, and if i try to leave you alone i hurt you, and i don't really know what to do but ive been nervous about it and you call me in the mornings and stuff sometimes but you just put the phone down and walk away while im trying to talk to you and i dont know what that means other than that you decided you didn't want to listen to me >>715701 which one time? the time you were being self-destructive? of course i'm going to be harsh with words when you're drinking in harmful ways like that i don't look down on you or anything. i know communicating is hard so im not going to be upset that you thought that or anything, i understand how that stuff comes up and im really paranoid too, but please don't think i think of you like that it's okay to sulk a bit but i think, or at least hope, you know that i care a lot about you and would never look down on you, even if there's things i want you to stop doing out of concern for you
>>715696 maybe i'm just imagining things based on what you said to me that one time well not maybe probably more like obviously my memory is really bad nowadays but i've kind of felt like you did look down on me and felt bad about it
>>715700 nah it was recently i havent hurt myself in a month or two
ahh i dunno i probably just imagined a bunch of shit that never happened
>>715700 I can really fall into that problem too, of being a bit too serious or solemn about things. If not ruining others' fun I definitely think I come off as uppity and autistic when I try to socialize with people that are more cynically careless and see my attempts to be serious and introspective as pretentious. It can make me withdraw from a social scene because trying to fit just ends up being a losing game no matter how I try to play it. But I'm pretty comfortable being kind of introverted and not socializing so it doesn't drain on me that much, and regardless it's still a far better alternative to being belittled and mocked for just trying to be part of the conversation.
>>715702 oh, you're talking about when you said you were having headaches? yeah i told you that you should stop consuming alcohol among other things but that was all in the clinical context of headache management and sleep performance
that wasn't me passing judgment on you as a person, but just directing the kind of thinking towards getting your biorhythms on track. but since you work swing shifts that's extra hard, and that's why your melatonin balance needs extra attention, because it's even more fragile.
i didn't think about that at all in terms of crticizing you or being judgmental. you should know by now how autsy i am, and when you ask me about biology stuff im just on a totally different plane and disconnected from the rest of life. that's how i function. i dissociate from the world to focus on the interactions between systems. that's how i cope with the difficult world, and that's where most of my identity is. it's completely disjointed from the grounding of reality though and managing interpersonal relationships.
have you been dodging anime because you feel uncomfortable around me?
without alcohol use, im eccentric bordering on autistic and i dont really know how to organize things socially. if you don't ask questions or communicate, i'll end up assuming you understand how i feel, because i don't know what kind of things need explaining until im made aware of them
so feel free to reach out to me a little bit more directly. if you imply stuff or are trying to signal something with evasiveness, im simply not going to understand that and im going to think you're doing what you want to do and i should leave you alone.
one issue that we both share is that we're very negative towards ourselves, too
so when somebody else comes along and gives encouragement about something "you can get through this" or "you don't need to drink to cope, you're capable of stopping" or any other sorts of well-meaning words i think our minds twist that into the framework of how we talk to ourselves, so we interpret it to mean "you should be able to get through this, so what's wrong with you that you can't?" or "why are you drinking? "
all these things that are meant to be supportive sentiments become divisive and we feel like people are pointing out where we're failing to meet standards and expectations that's how it is for me often times, anyway, and maybe that's relatable for you. im not sure.
ive been asking for some advice from someone by email every once in a while the past few years and i always manage to make myself feel bad in the process. if i mention my health concerns and fears of maybe not being able to work in the future, they might suggest i need to talk to a disability lawyer to get some help with things like that. im somehow completely incapable of hearing that and simply thinking it's useful advice and appreciating it. i immediately feel insecure about not knowing what things i needed to be doing, and feel like the advice being offered ot // to me is them pointing out how poorly adapted i am to functioning in the world because i dont know the steps that im supposed to take.
it's irrational but it's how i talk to myself, so my mind has a hard time not seeing other people talking to me that way. it causes me a lot of problems over times, and has cost me some friendships when i mistakenly thought people were judging me and looking down on me. i did that to rika a lot, and sammy too, and i still do it to kirara all the time.
and in all of that i forgot to simply say that im sorry i made you feel that way i didn't mean to and never wanted to
Man it's four in the morning and I'm not remotely sleepy because I napped the whole evening away. I've been a little irresponsible with my sleep schedule lately and it got particularly upended earlier in the week because I was distressed about my imouto.
At least I'm finally getting around to doing the laundry for clothes and bedsheets that hasn't been taken care of in ... really an absurd amount of time. I can't even remember. It's so hard to get things done when they need to be done and it's especially hard when it's just difficult to care. How the fuck do people do routines I can't understand it.
yeah here it is unzipsanotherglock >>715707 yeah routines are hard I've been having broken sleep all week and there's just a bunch of shit I still need to do and it still won't get done for a while
jan please read those i spent like 40 minutes scrambling to find meaningful words and stuff to say what i felt was important please and thank you
>>715708 I wish this cute girl would come up to me and shoot me in the face. That would be cute
Re-stuffing a duvet after washing its cover is such a miserable experience. Hell, making a bed after washing is generally also a miserable experience. Every time I do it I remember in part why it's hard to get myself to put it through cleaning in the first place.
all ya gotta do with a duvet is turn it inside out (the cover) put your arms in and grab each corner and then grab the corners of the blanket through the cover and shake it until fits
last night i dreamed one of my teeth fell out but it was attached to a string so it didn't go too far i shoved it back in but it was still loose hard to get it back in because i had so many teeth, all the teeth, there wasn't any room every time i dream of losing a tooth, it's the same exact tooth
I had a really vivid dream last night too. I dreamt I somehow had an amazing colourful tattoo around my neck and chest and I was trying to go to Japan and then I woke up before it got interesting
oh that's good if you get ten teeth dreams in your life you ascend to demigodhood
i guess it's summer but i always envision TN's residence as blanketed in 15 feet of snow it is difficult for me to imagine snowless finland in my head
Kirara π
>>715748 this is my third they're all connected last time i was told i had too many teeth to put it back in this time i already knew i had too many teeth
>>715749 look at our summer retreat well my friend's
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
do you ever come back to the same dreamscape there's a house... really a facility or town area that i've been back to, and it isn't based in reality at all, but i feel like i know it
>>715752 yeah man shit's trippy especially when it doesn't happen until halfway into the dream and i end up returning to another dream
Kirara π
>>715752 for me it's an underground bunker and a field above it if you go up a ladder and outside there's a skyline in the distance but it's all overgrown with plants
>>715753 It was such a pretty tattoo that I woke up really tempted to get a tattoo then I looked up tattoos and none of them are like ones in the dream that were unrealistically bright, colourful and also like LCD screens for skin.
>>715755 Is there any dream analysis in your clinic? I wonder what that would look like, I guess if it is traumatic dreams of an event that'd be PTSD or something
i'm training /// trained in freudian dream analysis i had like 6 hours of training on it i'm probably the only one at my clinic with it because it's pretty weird
>>715759 oh thats interesting! Gimme the freudian new doc. Is the ciggerette a penis? or just a dream?
what does fraud say about me if sometimes i like dudes but i can't figure out why like i know the traits that i find attractive in females and i can like figure out why i find certain people attractive like i know that when females are artistic, i like that but with males i like don't get it what about the ones i like that makes it so
>>715779 i can appreciate a good lookin guy without -- nvm yeah idk exactly it's typically that they're pretty in a more feminine way i think idc about big muscles and shit
Kirara π
>>715779 freud said that men who find any attraction to other men are narcissists he didn't really get it
but i think it's normal to just like what you like it deosnt gotta be a big thing with labels
i used to think pretty different thoughts about things definitely made fun of the term pansexual at points in my life beign raised mormon by a conservative father was rough but i think pansexual is most likely the accurate term for me, except that i typically lean towards andro females tendency towards artistic and musically-oriented people i prefer spending time with people who are quiet in public but animated in private that's just in general though
sounds like somethin g a teenager would say when their weed is confiscated but actually i just haven't smoked in so long that it's at her house in her stash
oh i don't think i told moe yet but i had the weirdest thing happen to me a couple weeks ago
i received a phone call from an unknown number and when i picked up they said "hey ivan i think you're really cute and i think we should hang out sometime" and i was like "hey, i'm sorry but i must not have your number, who is this?" and they said "this is chelsea" and my response was "who the fuck is chelsea" i haven't known a chelsea ever in my whole life
fuck no dude who the actual fuck is chelsea and why do they have my number and know me by name
Kirara π
chelsea is a cute anime girl who got your number from your dreams
i don't give a fuck how cute this person is, they are not on my "please call me because you have my phone number" list
Kirara π
poor chelsea got rejected
she responded with "uhhh, i'm sorry, oh my god this is embarassing" and i said "yeah"
then i asked people at work if they kne w a chelsea or if one worked at target and they all said no
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
note to self: introduce myself before asking out someone on a cold call
Kirara π
Dear Ivan,
My name is Matthew and I am a potential suitor who was referred to you by Jan. I think you are cute and I would like to meet up with you to hang out. If this arrangement sounds amenable to you, please respond.
Thanks, Matthew
oh god that galaxy is so big
how do you do big text?
>>715838 you have to think REALLY POWERFULLY when you're typing in the moji
it's too big brain for me tho i can't get the good ending
>>715855 >>715854 i want to play it but i need to wait until long enough that i forget that i've been spoiled
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
π¦ tilted towers is gone π¦
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
or so i hear idk i haven't played since last year when i played with my qt lesbian coworker
yeah i don't know either man i don't play fortnite lmao
i did hear about tilted towers dying or something
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>715847 do you think that fraternal twins always commit uncontrollable twincest when they simultaneously hit puberty because that is my 100% model of the world
alright so if you have decent headphones and like the idea of "sonic texture" the final part of this song is actually fucking mind blowing but if you aren't into this kind of shit you're going to hate it
i've had about fOURTEEN standard us dranks in 4 hrs or so and i gotta werk tomorrow fuck am i doin >>715898 look here that movei was fucking great though
my dad won tickets to a concert with Sevendust performing and wants me to go but it's like early sept and idk about asking for days off right after asking for days off in august i like sevendust though i wanna go
Kirara π
guys, i am really fucking buoyant right now
>>715923 there's only this timeline for us though there aren't any better friends if i thought you were a shitty friend i just wouldn't hang out with you
>>715928 rezz is fkn great have you listened to this album or song >>>/watch?v=4F8N4hwD5E4 i havea PERMANENT HARDON for this shit >>715925 nah there's definitely better friends out there and i definitely believe you'd try and help the shit friends who do nothing but disappoint you
here's something i haven't shilled in a while >>>/watch?v=4BkRjWGPrSQ french RPGMaker games this one has a great OST i streamed it for /tano/ one time but only aska stayed past track 13 of 40 something and he quit around when the sounds got too depressing said he just couldn't handle it that night hmm
>>715936 urianger is so great ten out of 5 him and y'shtola should just make some fucked up elf cat babbies already fkn i wanna fuck thancred tho hes husband material
>>715940 everything everthing is pretty great zero pharaoh and schoolin are some other good tracks that stand out the meds are kickin in now though so cya
yeah it's your boy bang and he's here to say "fuck it "
>>715952 im in bed on my phone fuck you gonna do cya later though >>715950 what did you do >>715951 shit he got the moves >>715953 deny as fuck i got too many discord notifications to receive none of this shit mane
>>715957 nah let's do the dance of a successful person thinking of the future growing to the point he accepts clinging to failed beings stuck in a cycle is unhealthy and stops fucking saying he's my friend and allowing my bullshit
>>715964 i'm not real sure honestly it's been done quite a few times in a thread but i couldn't possibly tell you which one i can barely remember what happened yesterday most of the time
>>715963 is that animation endorsed by the original character's author?
>>715958 there's no such thing as a failed being growing up allowed me to accept that fact im not some high society weirdo my friends are my friends whether they work at a gas station or as a doctor
>>715969 i don't mean what i do i manage a gas station, i make ok money now, but that's irrelevant i am just not fit to be in this world i don't value what people value, what i want isn't what people should want these days i want to hunt and survive and that's not normal anymore as far as this society goes, i can't survive with what i want i don't belong here it's fucking annoying and what my fellows concern themselves with seems ridiculous if i can't connect with people in this society then obviously i've failed somewhere
you always belong where ever you are other people have nothing to do with that you're not normal but normal is bullshit you can connect with people, you connected with me we're connected I cant connect with most people but i connected with you you're just afraid so you're denying what you have and what you can have
>>715971 Let's say some other people exist closely to where you are, and they behave with effect that you are hurt considerably. If we assume that "you always belong wherever you are" is as well applicable to them as to you, and assume second point "other people have nothing to do with it", we now have that you belong in a place where you are hurt, without a relation to sources of disstress . Is it a contradiction?
>>715971 it's ridiculous to say you belong wherever you are oil doesn't belong in water normal isn't bullshit either it's the yardstick to which everyone is measured these days and i'm not sure i could even say we're really connected anymore there's so much bullshit i don't key anyone in on if you still feel connected to me that's impressive cause i don't i feel deranged and stupid
>>715973 you're not oil, you're a person, and you belong wherever you are there's nobody who can decide you don't belong somewhere (metaphysically) wherever you are, you're right there, and that's just how it is normal is bullshit. every single being has a different conception of what "normal" means. there's no universal yardstick. there's nothing but innumerable subjective standards most of which are at odds with each other in some way. and even then, normal isn't a hard and fast rule. everyone is fucking weird in some way and everyone makes exceptions for that in some area.
i know that you hide a lot from me, you've been doing it forever, but that doesn't matter because i still feel connected to you connection isn't about sharing information or anything like that connection is about acceptance and love and i accept and love you and i think you feel the same way about me so i still feel connected to you and i don't think you're strong enough to sever that connection because i dont think you want to sever that connection because you feel connected to even if you don't want to admit it
I bought a two-liter of wild cherry pepsi and I keep pouring it into a glass of ice then the ice melts before i drink any of it and it gets watered down, so I go pour it out and get new ice
i don't think ive actually had any of this two-liter bottle but it's already almost empty
my chili mangos are a little spicier than i expected they're pretty sweet too
i took a jar of peanut butter that was like 95% empty and put some mangos inside of it and then poured milk into it and mashed iti all up and shook it up and put it back in the fridge it's like a sweet and salty dessert now
i in fact get my daily consumption of carrots already the family-owned citgo across the street sells carrot sticks for some reason so i always buy them they're like a dollar.99 it's so cheap
Pistachios would also be good by me but those can be a bit pricey at times.
water yall doin can i get a link to the, uh, campaign resources is there like a handbook or something
the core rulebook is the main thing im guessing? >>716062 i'll still check those out because it sounds fun the bestiary and loot
the upcoming session is not related to the stuff you guys have been doing up until now right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why yes indeed there is! check the resources part of the discord for the rulebooks in the Mega link of mine. Kirara posted some decent lore information. When looking over the main rulebook, you can kind of ignore all the main-book icons since Kirara made his own. Race is up in the air too. But you might want to just do some reading-reading without thinking about a character first.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ye core rulebook is most important 13 true ways is an expansion and not nearly as important bestiary and book of loot are basically just for gm
the 2.5 campaign is loosely tied to the other campaigns canonically but only in that it's in the same universe, for the most part. you wouldn't really need anything.
Episode 1: A group of adventurers go out and save the world from the lord of demons except one of them becomes Satan and they all die except not really.
Episode 2: A group of randos get dragged into two games between immortals and one of them becomes so powerful they eat the world.
i expect to see every monster in the bestiary at least once, originally and then for them to be resurrected at the end for a hard mode journey back to our home kingdom
Kirara π
im not sure you'll see anything from the bestiary lol im homebrewing a lot
oh cool i don't have any expectations really im easy to please with stuff like this i played dark heresy with doc and sugoi + 3 once and i played MAOTC with yall MAOCT*
then i was asked to DM some thing at a new years party with a bunch of normies who never played before we went like 15 minutes before some girl's boyfriend got bored and pissy and wanted to play smash
Plain damage to all allies. Damage dealt is based on difference between Justice and Astraea's HP (Damage cap: 99,999)."
Kirara π
a sinner has been revealed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
" Remembrance OD TR
Multi-hit Water damage to random allies. Deal 50% of Max HP as plain damage to all allies affected by Status Unrighteousness.pngUnrighteousness , otherwise No effect. Justice and Astraea take 99999 plain damage if affected by Status Unrighteousness.pngUnrighteousness ."
Kirara π
i guess i will try again tomorrow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
f were you using earth
Kirara π
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara π
scales were at 7% and she was at 27% so she did 30k damage
>>716113 this isn't something she can actually fix is it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rika is the queen of fixing images
Kirara π
>>716121 she knows how to reset the server or whatever it is that fixes images
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the nearest hardee's is like 22 miles
Kirara π
wow i can walk to one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
in contrast the nearest wendy's is like 3 minutes walking
Kirara π
wow id have to walk 40 minutes to get to the closest fast food
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the wendy's is part of the hopsital!
Sasuga America.
Kirara π
damn shame
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait is hardee's not fast food?
>>716123 im not sure i believe you this sounds like something that it happened to fix itself and she took credit for it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but she fixes it every time
does she really i never noticed i guess i wonder what it is
Kirara π
>>716134 no, she definitely does she says she's going to, then everyone drops, then when /moe/ gets back, it works
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it just works
oh okay neat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara did you ever log onto the roll 20 so I can give you the persimmons
Kirara π
Kirara π
let me know if you have questions about the campaign, moon
okay thanks
How many moons are in your campaign?
Kirara π
the normal amount
i really wish i had my freaking meds i can't get any momentum going for anything two months without the meds i need to function and i have extra responsibilities going on
my phone literally just bricked as i got a text message and was trying to see who it was it was probably the therapist girl texting me back about an appointment schedule and my phone bricks as i receive it can't make this shit up
like it's a black screen, won't power on or off, doesn't respond to being plugged in, can't hard reset it
/moe/ i have a missed call from a number that i dont recognize and when i google it i can't find anything about it and if its the wrong person, then I'm fucked if I answer it.
but I also might be fucked if its the right person and I do answer it
but say that im someone else
are you in trouble with someone
>>716172 ? Is someone trying to track you down? Just call and ask who it was Then if it was the wrong person say that you don't recognise them If you can't afford them knowing your number get someone else to call and ask
i need to talk to someone but i don't know what to say aaaaaa
>>716185 Sometimes I call back a student because it's more convenient for them than having to wait 20 minutes and get a different operative But half the time they don't pick up Like come on you were all "OH MAN PLEASE CALL ME BACK MARIA" and you can't even pick up the phone to discuss your free government money
oh right I didn't give that a listen richaad is great
>>716028 it's good but I've never played this game ToN wtf is with the difficulty spike in triangulum They start you off with ten grand in macca but all you can buy is low level demons Then you do one timed event and you can buy mid level demons but you've already spent the ten grand
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>716195 I inherited some of my 1st playthrough 1 demons so I was fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also I'm aware you've never played that game since it's something I'm telling you to play
>>716196 wait you can do NG+ from septentrione to Triangulum?
>>716199 No I thought that sep NG+ just applied to Sep And that Triangulum was its own NG+
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>716198 did you not NG+ you have to NG+ from sept to trian to unlock the new ult boss my guy
>>716203 I got up to the fight against denebola I might just continue through then do NG+ later when I wanna do a different route After cheating and looking up Ronaldo and Yamatos endings because I can't be bothered loading an older save, I fail to see how ROnaldos new world isn't perfect in basically every way, despite the man himself being a massive piece of shit