do you guys ever put on summer tires or all-season tires in finland
or just leave the snow tires on
>studded tires year long nah no one does that hmm I think the legally forced winter tire season is november to march or november to february but you can and nothing will come of it, drive year round with winter tires frictiontires and such have gotten some attention here, but it is 90% still studded tires or whatever you anglish call them
>law requires to use winter tires december 1st to february 28(9)th >studded tires are allowed from november 1st to march 31st
Nah north of texas is still like mediterraen might get snow, but nothing that would really force people to mind
Speaking of size, is always weird to think that for example germany is just slightly bigger in landmass than filand. *finland Or that france is almost twice the size of germany. Maps are weird that way
No matter how I think about it how does the war portrayed, atleast in Youjo Senki anime, come to a standstill the Empire in the series is germany+austria-hungary in about size so let's say it has about the economical power and the population of both historical empires. Combined, the two fielded about 6 million soldiers at the beginning of the war and total over 20 million men
France had about 2-3 million at the start of the war, but quickly pushed to 4 and totally fielded almost 9 now let's say the scandinavian nation has about population of modern skandinavia, a large overestimation so maybe 20 million people, of which a 2 million up to 4 at maximum could be fielded in a war
So you have about 5-13 million soldiers from the france+scandi alliance and then over 10 up to over 20 million from the empire. in terms of pure manpower, the empire should've won easily, of course modern war don't work that way
And this is where the latest episode comes in THEY HAVE TANKS MODERN TANKS TANKS THAT ACTUALLY MOVE The main reason that western front and few others stuck in trenchwarfare, was because at the time of ww1, the defensive capabilities of armies largerly dwarfed the offensive. Machine guns, artillery, mines, etc etc it was just impossible to breakthrough. Tanks and airplanes didn't develop enough to help breakingthrough substantionally and artillery while effective, wasn't that well understood too.
sometimes i sleep in jeans on the floor granted, jeans aren't work clothes, but you know when i'm super tired sometimes it's easier just to sleep less comfortable that way i'm not as picky about being a little warm or a little cold and tossing about during the night
>>67383 However in youjosenki, they have flying tank helicopters in form of the mages. they have modern tanks their artillery is sharp enough to fire AT the mages and the german empire has way more war capacity than her allies. So, how exactly is the war a standstill?
In the actual Great War, the standstill was because the central powers fought a two way war, where the other party was france who nearly matched germany in war potentional alone and the other party was Russia, who while wasn't economically and military technologically so advanced, had enourmous territory and endless supplies of manpower. So from the very outbreak of war where it was just france and russia vs A-H and germany, they were outmatched in manpower and armysizes. And add to that how large the russian front was to boot and also how shitty the austrians were at waging the whole war. The stalemate kind of situation was inevitable, eventhough the eastern front was in constant flux and didn't ever develop into long trenchwarfare like the western front. Add to that how the British joined the war early on too, you had the entente powers having about 1,5-2x the armies of the central powers, even after ottomans joined the war.
And yet I am to believe, a superpower of 1million square kms, about 110 million people and waging war against just alternate france and alternate united scandinavia, with about ww2 era tanks and flying mages, has become a standstill that they can't just Punch through with superior numbers and production.
Man, what a farce of a setting when you analyze it even a bit
please support my friend's music with a like and/or subscript
oh wait that's not even their channel that's third party oops
bang's new computer
>>67391 it depends on things space is really big, it turns out if you stay near areas where players are, you'll see a lot of them they tend to congregate in politically important areas and economically important areas but if you want to go where no one is you can do that too you can also play in group instances or solo instances if you don't like people
bang's new computer
generally i don't find a lot of people, maybe one or two people in a few hour session but i also go pretty far off the beaten path i used to do political power stuff and fought with/against players a lot
it comes a lot down to skill a skilled combatist is going to do it faster and easier than someone else it also depends on the ships heavier ships tend to do more damage and are slower, so are better suited to fighting heavier ships smaller ships can kill anyone but take longer to kill heavier ships sometimes heavy ships can get away if you don't do certain things
i don't have a simple answer for this, i'm sorry it's rather complicated
has anyone on /moe/ ever killed someone?
bang's new computer
i guess the best way i could put it is that you want to have people with you if you're going to do violent things
>>67405 Can you make up for your lack of skill by being meand and clever and prepared? I'm not particularly skilled at anything but I am an effective bully.
>>67408 being prepared is absolutely the name of the game the way your ship is outfit is the second largest determiner of the outcome of the battle, almost tied with skill but the way this works out is that if you are properly prepared and also know what you're doing, you can disable important parts of the enemy ship, forcing them to face you in combat or potentially bricking them temporarily
remember though, that players can do this to you and if they aren't equipped to fight back, then they may be equipped to run i would say that when i was pirating and ganking that i only succeeded about 30% of the times i interdicted someone, with the other 70% being mostly one of us running away and about 20% of the cases resulting in death it's not worth it to die unless you have a cheap ship that was alone though if you pair up, your chances probably double, and if you have 4 people (the maximum in a wing) it's practically impossible to lose against one ship
also remember, that the areas well trafficked by lucrative enemies (trade routes and political hotspots) are also well trafficked by hostile threats (groups of protection-oriented gankers and affiliates of factions) when i was with a group ganking for political power play, there were often wings of enemy commanders looking exactly for gankers like us
PDAnet which i am using to stabilise the usbtethering, is just weird. I can do 8MB/s dl on torrents watch streaming anywhere else do all kinda crap
But then on some sites it constantly disconnects and youtube man It just stops all other connections when loading a youtube video I don't get this app and how it works. Also, why doesn't USB tethering just work NORMALLY without needing any extra apss for that matter... fucking phone companies or service providers sneaking sikrit limiters into hardcode or shit.
bang's new computer
the only thing really worth doing if you aren't going to play with other people is probably economy stuff or bounty hunting nps npcs or like political stuff that is essentially economy stuff well i guess that's not objective, that's my opinion game is full of stuff
Breath of the Wild for Switch is 15% off on Amazon. I don't even have the console yet but this is the first game I'd be getting for it but I don't have the console yet but
The desire to save money is attacking me on both fronts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I could get teh consoleaj but I mean I can wait I have a backlog
>>67445 i don't want to skew my selection to the point of bias, but i do want idols who are personally reading and using their twitter accounts, not PR/social media reps
>>67449 You can usually tell by looking at uploaded media If they have selfies or food pics, they run their own Twitter If the pictures look like professional promo shots and are reposted several times, it's a PR team running it
Net idols often can be found if you find a cosplay photographer too
>>67450 being /cgl/ scum i know that's not the crew i want they do none of their own publicity stuffs they just show up and get paid to do photoshoots this has been helpful information thank you
I mean more like the Comiket ones that take pictures of people and then post them on Twitter and @ the cosplayer No problem
oh good idea >>67454 you havent logged in today have you oh boy your owl's gonna hoot at you
time to make an unbeatable team of four 3* arthurs by exploiting inherit skill
I love Arthur's art. Everyone looks like they're anime and he's this fucking super hero dude.
His art is great but it's just SO contrasted i've only gotten 3 starthurs so i haven't bothered to play him or hear his lines to know whether it's intentional or the artist who did it just didn't mesh with the rest of the game
There probably isn't a "coherent" art style to it. Gunter also stands out. His feels more like it belongs in a D&D Manual about Knights
why beruka so cute i just wish she was GOOD
She's good for giving away Defiant Def to people.
She's good for giving me a girlboner
Now that I have suffered through Ursula's garbage all the way to Level 40 at 3*. I can upgrade her to 4* and do it again.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Every time I look at Arthur I want to punch him
You wouldn't punch a kid with glasses would you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can see I can fight
>>67468 did you ever see the episode where arthur and buster are playing on the computer and break the keyboard and arthur's mom gets pissed and shit they were fighting over who gets to play the computer game or whatever and ruined her computer it's not a complexly animated show, and i wish i knew enough about animation to alter the scene i wanted to make a scene where they're fighting and after the computer breaks instead of them thinking, "Uh oh" and forgetting the fight, Arthur flips his shit and yells at buster, blaming him for it and rips off his rabbit ear and pins him to the ground and whacks him in the face with the keyboard
and then revert back to the scene where his mom comes back in for a much less severe sin and he's just like "Uh oh, i'm sorry. i won't do it again"
I feel like I remember such an episode but I don't exactly remember it.
>woo, finally got Death Blow 2 and Threaten Res 3 on Ursula. >Let's level her up >Starting Stratum: Axe, 2 Green Tomes >First Stratum: 4 Axes, Lance >>67471 Flipping your shit can take a lot of effort depending on how you want to do it. But throwing a keyboard at someone is simpler
I don't have that many 3*s that I like so I don't upgrade many of them.
I don't have many either. But I have upgraded 3s to 4s just so I can put Level 3 versions of their skills on other people. I raised Lon'qu to 4 so I could give Vantage 3 to Ryoma.
>>67478 i have little interest at this time in making a 4* into a 5* with that many feathers i'd rather take my 3*s and make them into 4*s for 1/10th the cost so that they get the skills i want to inherit onto my 5*s i'd rather minmax two characters to hell and back and have a sappy 4* +3 olivia and anyone with rally speed than four 5*s
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'd like to be able to say that but the difference between the stats of a 4 and 5 are pretty crazy
It is. But I feel like it'd be faster for me to simply roll for a 5 than to save up for one.
>>67482 stats don't affect movement distance or assist skills but also i'm not at the stage where my arena is filled with four 5*s every time i'll eventually minmax four 5*s, but i'd rather prioritize my strengths and let the assists function as they are for now >>67485 i really wish you could locate friends in the arena i don't know why this isn't a thing
>>67486 >not circling/cornering an enemy with your 5*s and letting the cleric 5* hit it over and over until it's got two HP and then bringing your 4* in for the finishing blow
It really depends on the character but yeah. My Ursula was 3* and >>67444 this fight is tenth stratum. It's fucking dumb up there.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>67488 eventually you come up against enemies with such high RES and DEF that your 4* isn't going to be damaging it and your ninja/maid/butler can't lower the enemy unit's def/res anymore without killing it
there are some amazing 4*s that don't have that problem but tons of them do
Not to mention that it HAD to be close enough to be affected by Threaten Res (so I couldn't just run away outright) but far enough that she wouldn't be able to hit me after. Something you can only do with both a Knight unit and a Dancer. Teleportation is a convenience but depending on terrain, you wouldn't be able to manage it without it.
I'm having a real difficult time with making decisions in this game as far as characters go. I don't want to use Catria, and she has nice skills to give away, but WHICH SET, and TO WHO. She has Armored Blow 3 at 4* as well as access to Luna
Well the lower hit rate is quite realistic, but higher naah not really Shield is still better than swordbreaker, but you didn't really carry a shield and armour and whatnot in cities, but a sword and a dagger with holes to catch a sword yeah no one questioned that
But thing about parrying daggers, bucklers, swordbreakers they aren't battlefield items and that game is supposed to be actually about fighting in the field, aye? So yeaah... They were more like dueling or civilian weapons, not huge formation weapons
you might have it on you, but it would be pretty much your THIRD weapon with pike or spear being first with usually shield, then sword or something and then finally grab the dagger if you can and need
it's just a skill name in a video game dude
>Leveling Ursula >4 lances This can't be bad >All Pegasus Knights fuck this shit
just wait until you join me in the hell that is attempting the all flyers tenth stratum challenge
hmm, now that I have Michalis that doesn't seem TOO TERRIBLE except that I'd have to level Shanna and Palla. And Cordelia
I upped my michalis to 4* and I can confirm I want to die
What still surprises me about this part of the city, is how quiet it is during the night Always lived in tye vicinity of big roads and intersections so the hum of the city has been there so far, but here Nope, despite largest cargo port being just a click or two away
sheena leads effie by 15 in res, by a lot that is lacking in everything else that's more important for an armored unit compared to effie though i think effie's got a better base skillset too but that's not pertinent since it can be changed
Boop pah doop
Dr Strange is really cool
All the chinese cultural appropriation though!
>>67528 good night kannagi hope you get a good rest for work tomorrow
I was looking at the FE wiki guide for free to play, apparently you are unlikely to get more than 2 5*s but I have four! I am always super lucky in mobages. F2P all the way
>>67532 just an aside, but do you see a doctor regularly? they can probably give you something to make your sleep more restful not necessarily to make your // you sleep longer or be more tired, but to make better use of the time you do sleep ive been using trazodone on occasion for that. i sleep about six hours but it knocks me out pretty fast and it's pentacyclic, functioning to cause sleep in the first stage, promote sleep in the second, and cause wakefulness in the third stages about 6-8 hours later depending on your liver the fourth and fifth stages are non-NRI antidepressants lasting all day sometimes distracting, but it's easier personally for me to control being distracted than control being tired
>>67535 My doctor isn't likely to give me anything, they'll note stuff down and then tell me to do things to see if there is any improvement by doing these things and then tell me come back 6 weeks later or something. It is a pain in the ass to get appointments
>>67536 Have you told them about your narcolepsy? over there you can probably get modafinil or armodafinil prescribed over here it's so patented that i'd have to pay $1200 a month to get the prescriptions for it i can order generics from india for $80 but they're generics
I have but my GP didn't do much about. I got x-ray and blood test done and apparently that was all fine so that was that!
>>67539 you gotta tell them that it's inhibiting your ability to function with work or function in other respects if you don't do that, they have no reason to believe it's a problem doctors spend about five minutes reviewing your file before seeing you for 15 minutes. You live with yourself all day long They rely on you telling them what's wrong if you don't, as cynical as this sounds, they don't feel obligation to provide treatment. If it's inhibiting social/work function, they have to.
If your GP won't do it, ask him to refer you to a psychiatrist or something you might not really think it's a big enough deal to bother with, but i think that's because that's the only data point you've been living your life by step out of that realm and you might see how much difference it makes
i guess i'm not a shining example to be preaching though
>my husband is an illegal immigrant and I voted for Trump because I agree with his immigration platform >I didn't think he'd deport my husband Why? Why though?
>>67638 Jim is a bit... obnoxious with his over the top I guess "anti anti SJW" thing It's not like it's offensive or anything, I just don't really see a lot of the things he sometimes bitches about I'm not really sure what the dealio is, but he seems to think there's this huge portion of the gaming population who just actually HATE IT when women do anything at all Which is weird cause the only evidence I see of that is people bitching about and fucking with female devs who produced a garbage product, and they do those same things to male devs who produced a garbage product Like look at No Buy, that guy got a LOT OF SHIT
>>67649 You wouldn't happened to have finished Long Riders! yet, would you have?
I might need to. But it's not really a good time of the day for that.
For Honor -17% on steam That's still way too expensive considering the issues it has This is the kind of game I'd like to try for a week first Then if I like it, I'm fine with a high price, I just need to know it's the kind of game I'll play for a while and won't be bothered with the issues of
I'm a bit tempted to roll on this banner because I want Ninian. But I know if I roll I' I'll probably just get one of those healers and I don't need another healer.
>the judge Trump wants on SCOTUS once ruled that if a company tells you to die of hypothermia, you do so, or they're in their rights to fire you This timeline is insane
>>>/@EnergyCitizens/844650550004191232 >promoted I think this is the "group" that tried to trick Floridians into signing away their right to benefit from excess solar power $$$ Or rather, tried to get us to vote to lose that right While claiming it would give us that right (which we already have)
funny that they're climate change deniers saying their opponents are ignoring science though
I don't even know why the person dropped out. She never even told me. I heard about it from a colleague. Kind of frustrating. It's too late to get a new partner, though, everyone else is already working on stuff with their groups.
>>67734 I think Floridia bay is probably filled with weird florida men and women so that might be too much of a punishment.
The problem is that I don't know what I need, I just know I have deficits that I need help with. I need someone who can figure out what I need! It's kind of unreasonable for me to expect anyone to figure out what I need if I can't, though, haha.
Fish isn't really good at stuff like psychology anyway. She wouldn't be able to help me to not miss details. This stuff has too much ambiguity for her. I tried to teach her some of it but she didn't really get it.
I used Azura/Seliph/Klein/Anna and got it first try this morning. I couldn't do it during the early one. Once I added in an archer, it was really easy.
Bad enough that I dropped it three times. The series is unbearably bad. It has nothing.
Tilde says the movie is really good but I probably won't ever watch it.
Tamako Market is one of the shows that came out in that period of time where KyoAni wasn't able to put out anything good.
the movie is better than the anime probably its really boring though the anime
There's no probably about it, the movie is better than the anime by a long shot. And I even found the anime enjoyable too. The movie is just an excellent self-contained story.
I don't know if the premise really gripped me all that much.
>Ringed City DLC isn't until the 27th/28th >Patch is downloading now Why are you teasing me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just play nioh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need to clean my backlog first Actually completely completing DaS3 as a result of the DLC would count towards that.
Plus I want to see DaS3's last attempt to wow me. I'm pretty easy to please but I hope this DLC is better than the previous, which was good but 4 hours long.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
*2 hours
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just wait for das3 scholar of the last blood to come out
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that IS coming out but I already have the DLC because I got the special edition so
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but you don't have scholar which is a different game e.g. das2 and das2 scholar are different games >>67806 uhh
das2 and das2 scholar are different games with different enemy placements and new bosses and stuff that isn't in the first game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Except A team isn't THAT retarded
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I know I know that DaS2 and DaS2 Scholar are different you don't have to tell me
But DaS3 Ashes of Fuckboy just has the DLC
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't understand your point then
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's like Prepare to Die
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow how2not get money
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They have a hard time pleasing their customers as is Doing that would be retarded.
You're starting to upset me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just another way that das is worse than nioh i guess
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nioh's NG+ is a real new difficulty mode with new enemy placements and enemies do new attacks in it
>>67813 cool Maybe I'll see that when I buy it Later
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>67814 poor jontron my twitter feed this morning was full of shit about how he's being removed from a game he provided voices for because he's a NAZI and tons of people want refunds because they removed jon from it and they're getting banned for requesting refunds
>>67823 I don't know about that. I think it's reasonable to want a refund on a game that's being used as a political statement that you don't agree with, especially if it wasn't a political statement when you purchased the game. These people no longer are willing to support the devs and also >>67829
>advertise game as containing x >remove x after getting preorders >it's stupid for people to want a refund, we only advertised it'd be there and then took it out. WE think it's not a big deal, that's why WE knew advertising it would make money This makes perfect sense I agree
The people asking for refunds on it are making a mountain out of a molehill here. The voice acting is barely even a feature.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're getting banned just for asking for a refund i think it's completely reasonable to be upset about the way this is happening
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They're still allowed to ask for a refund And they're getting banned for it.
>>67831 That's a different matter than what I'm talking about. I agree with that, but that still doesn't change my opinion that I think they're making a mountain out of what's a very tiny detail in the grand scheme of the game.
>>67836 I don't think it's the "no longer has jontron" that is making them want refunds. They want refunds because of the way Jontron is being treated and vilified by the devs. The game's being turned into a political statement they don't agree with, and I think it's within their rights to be upset about that. Even if the voice acting is only a small part of the game, it's the idea that a /// that this guy who did nothing wrong is being vilified and attacked that's spurring these people to being upset.
The devs could have handled this a lot better, but their bad handling is what's caused this.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need to go to work
>>67845 Don't return any eaten candybars or used games
How is JonTron a Nazi?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's not he talked to a nazi in a stream though well, a "nazi" he did a livestream with someone that is called a nazi (even though he's not) and jontron happened to share a slightly controversial opinion there he was then called a nazi and vilified
>>67848 Jontron also happened to say some actually racist things on another stream, which is what this is likely a reaction to I don't think anyone gives a shit about the sargon memes anymore Destiny is the new hotness, and oh boy there are scandals EVERYWHERE
>>67855 He made vidya game videos on youtube and now he's making movie videos on youtube He's fun, you should watch some
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>67850 didn't he only say he hates PC culture and doesn't like blm?
>>67858 He said a lot of shit on that stream, dude It's an hour of verbal diarrhea with statements spanning from reasonable to "why is this now the topic?" to "Oh, ok Jon, slow down this is getting a bit racist. Rich black people don't commit as much crime as poor white people, you know that."
I really get fed up with people who outright say they hate PC culture though. There is really no reason that having a decorum for politeness and decency in professional settings is a bad thing. YES, there are ways that it can go overboard, and stifle discussion and essential conversations. But that doesn't mean we should disregard decency and devolve into manner-less dialogue.
>>67860 i think that hating PC culture is about that overboard part of it it's reactionary to that, at least people that are like, anti-PC can be pretty crazy, though, like people that attack someone "just because they can"
i'm not trying to be funny but i legitimately thought you were saying he commented on hating PC culture like personal computer culture like pc gaming instead of consoles
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's probably reasonable given this guy was just a game dude until he was revealed to be a nazi
i don't really see why anyone would have issues with BLM though someone's got to protect the wild horses and feral burros in public lang
>>67857 There's a lot of things that are fun out there to do though. There really isn't any particular reason I should go out and watch his stuff.
>>67865 I hate it because I don't think Black Lives Matter. What about that?
See, it's easy to imagine someone hating anything.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>67865 yeah, BLM does some good stuff out there the bureau of lives that matter do some really life-saving work
public land
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>67867 why are you making this about black people, we were talkin about the bureau of lives that matter
>>67867 i dont think the bureau of land management passed any policies about protecting black lives just horses and burros
I expected a bigger fallout though Jon hasn't been dropped by anyone else yet And it's been a while
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i have to go to a seminar on diversity and respect today
i had to go to one last semester and it was REALLY GOOD ' i hope that this one will be even half as good at the last one, i went in so upset about having to go, but left super hype
Yeah webm is kinda the 4channy format Imgur doesn't use it either They use mp4, but hide it in a link they end with .gifv .gifv isn't actually a format, though, it's not even their own actual extension of the filename
Webm just isn't popular outside of the chanosphere yet.
what is the reason for webm's success in that sphere? what does it provide
>>67886 Great file size to bitrate ratio on the video formats it can contain Also HTML5
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
webm is a lot smaller in terms of file-size than mp4 and other video formats, it's pretty simple to make, it's FREE AS IN FREEDOM, and gets pretty good quality
I remember Samu talking about how Webm is basically just .mkv computer magic'd into web formate. Format even. Where as .gifv is the same for .mp4.
>>67892 you would do it if it's an indicator word but when it's just a standalone noun it dont need it e.g. file-size viewer a tool which views file sizes i still wouldn't because it's dumb though
>>67895 i am pretty inconsistent with words like that sometimes i'm just wondering if i always write it as file-size or if sometimes i say file size or filesize
i'm pretty sure everybody fucks those things up without thinking about it and i get paranoid when i'm conscious of it because i start to get confused on what's correct but in transcripts a lot of times i have to go with what's not correct, because it becomes incredibly vague and difficult to read if it is done correctly so i just lowball it and make it as coherent as possible
oh, that reminds me in like a year and a half or so, i have to do my clinical evaluations to get my master's degree and one of the things i have to do for it is to provide a video and transcript of a therapy session i do with one of my clients it'll be like 50 minutes long and it's hard for me to do 20 minute transcriptions haha i might try to pay you to do it for me
>Jafari was first revealed to be playing a minor character in the game in February 2015 >The game's funding project was announced on Kickstarter on 1 May 2015.
>>67904 I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure they always expected to easily hit their funding goals. You don't carry around the legacy of Banjo-Kazooie lightly. And even if the crowdfunding failed, I think they would have been able to find an investor or funding elsewhere.
>give someone money to make a thing with x in it >they agree >they later decide not to put x in it But they could have probably gotten the money anyway, even if you didn't give it to them so tough shit dude
Then make a point instead of stating abstract facts.
>>67910 If he was reimbursed for his money spent, then yeah, tough shit, dude. Ultimately it's a private project, they alone hold the right to choose what goes into the game and what doesn't.
>>67917 I always see stuff I'm like, "I want to post this on /moe/ later" so I like it to keep it for later when I have time to post it, but then I always forget.
I MASH DAT LIKE BUTTON on YouTube aa lot but not Twitter
>>67917 Yeah, when the sole detraction from the product is an absolutely minor amount of sounds of one man going "ooh ee ah oh" into a microphone. I will unabashedly think they're making a mountain out of such a small detail. But they are free to pursue the refunds they want.
we should write an anime about a ghost that does advertising by commission and haunts people with bad advertising until they go out and buy it fishin for a commission
>Jafari also claimed that ... Irish and Italians were always considered “white” in America (they weren’t)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know about the italians for sure but i know the irish weren't considered white always
>>67934 yeah people are so weird about race like, even if you're Caucasian, sometimes you're not white because apparently it's not skin color but it's still skin color? like people think a jew can't be white because being a jew excludes you from consideration? i don't really understand it
there are even books like this
How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America Paperback – October 1, 1998
first name that popped in my mind i'll come up with something better later
I mean you're as white as I am in my eyes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i mean,
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i mean, i joke around, but i look white and i consider myself white i don't think being white excludes me from having experienced feelings of marginalization which seems to be the main point of difference with people of color who think i'm nonwhite because i've been marginalized i'm not exactly sure the logic white supremacists use to exclude me from being white though
>>67936 Lots of people consider jews white, though Like it's another type, I guess, like if you particularly dislike SLAVS for example you make a note of it But they're still white A slav's a slav, but they're white
>>67940 Well you'd consider yourself Jewish first, white second, wouldn't you? Maybe they take issue with the conflict of interests, hoh hoh hoh.
i kind of see it like, there's a big circle with "white" and then "jewish" is inside it like white is a big general attribute that stuff is contained in so even though i think my experiences as a jew are more prominent than my experiences as a "white person", the "white" experiences are just generic experiences to me it's the jewish ones that stand out because so they're the ones more prominent in my mind most of the time
but i don't know
Wouldn't it be more o--wait this is completely unrelated since it's about you. Scratch that.
Even leader of the alt right and milk drinker extraordinaire, Richard Spencer, doesn't have any sort of genetic view on it To him it's mostly emotional, which is really what it is at the end of the day There are demographic differences, but holy shit man >>67965 It doesn't, no, but why's a white dude on it at all?
>>67959 signing a birth certificate doesn't mean you biologically fathered the child
>>67964 probably because they got married or something, i don't know >>67967 i can't and dont know the actual reasons behind it i could think up potential reasons but there are so many that i dont see the point
So do we just take the word of someone who clearly is building their career around 'being black' when there's a buncch of evidence counting against it? I mean OK, it's completely irrelevant, but if we're gonna sit on an answer for ourselves at all, we might as well try to make it the correct one
Like none of his friends even considered him black, which is strange for a mix
>>67971 i don't think that has anything to do with his career i think his writing is why he has a career
As someone speaking "for the black community", it's definitely impacting it
i think you might have a slightly skewed perception of the racial divide over here i know you keep up on things, but you're just getting the media feeds being black isn't a prerequisite for speaking for black equality or talking about social activism
Maybe? I wouldn't know if I did, that's the issue
I've seen people get shit for attempting to speak for demographics they're not part of, though And those people are usually white men
I dunno, I just think it's weird either way
that's a different issue than it sounds like that's more that someone's speaking on their behalf who doesn't understand the situation well enough to be speaking on behalf of it, like with white legislators or something there's a big level of distrust in that regard if someone says they don't want white men speaking for them, they're not really talking about skin color that much even though it's explicitly in the language knowing the situation intimately is a prerequisite for being meaningful and socially active in whatever sphere you're speaking in people just dont want to be represented by someone outside of that sphere who's going to marginalize or dilute their concerns, even if that someone is trying to be helpful
Yeah, what Moon's saying. if you're someone entrenched in a culture and you speak for it, that's a different matter.
bang's new computer
tohru is clearly the best dragon
You spelled E L M A incorrectly though.
bang's new computer
no i spelled tohru correctly, and she's the best dragon
Somehow Tilde being an elmafag just makes too much sense. It's like this, "That's so Tilde" feeling.
Grigori is the best Dragon
>>67982 She's JUSTICE and has a weakness for tasty food. Plus she's got dark hair and I really like her overlaying outfit motif.
>>67985 I'll let you in on a secret that might shake you to your very core. Destroy your entire faith in the rational world around you. I don't have any particular exceptional affection for maids.
The series was cancelled in the United States due to declining ratings in the spring of 2002 after only 40 episodes, with Eddie still a dog and only 60 deeds done. However, the series is such a hit in Europe that it was released on European Amazon Video platforms, like France's
>>68016 it's not a band but i'm happy youve listened to them before
>>68013 jesus christ they are so dedicated i'm amazed they must spent forever on this
>>68014 That was a piece good for relaxing. If I wasn't already in a state of relaxed it would have relaxed me, probably.
The art in the video also reminded me of an artstyle and OC of a friend of mine. But it's an OC of the creator and then that got me wondering if their two paths have ever crossed on the Internet.
>>68021 They hired a professional actor for their hour long essay on the pipestrip too
The amount of prep and dedication for all this, for no monetary compensation, it's beautiful
they're actually getting up and re-shooting the shot for each door-knock it's not just cycling i just got up to Chett this is pretty hilarious
>>68024 The clock hands also move and you can see it slowly changes to night
>>68027 I love the attention ot detail in this The background is JUST LIKE in the comic, and it's even at the same height AND it changes from a slant to horizontal
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i might watch it later i don't have time right now unfortunately
yeah me either but i'm gonna keep going on it for a bit
did you follow that big wikipedia war about garfield's gender
no I did not but I'm intrigued
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like last month, there was this big wikipedia editing war that started regarding garfield's gender people started coming through every comic strip looking for confirmation of his gender, talking about Word of god, etc It got so big that someone in Congress edited the page
>>68036 supposedly at one point they got a bunch of people to email in asking Jim Davis for breakfast with Garfield
Isn't the guy who made Calvin like some sorta asshole who won't sign anything just so it can't be sold on ebay? I heard something like that once
>>68040 haha, this sex survey results is actually what sparked it all from including that quote wow this discussion rounded the tangents back into a circle real quick >>68047 i'm sure he has directly, when speaking about garfield and the characters in the strip do
Has John literally never referred to Garfield as "he"? Like really?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think the autists eventually found a strip or two where Garfield was referred to as a he
Right? His entire life is a cat and a dog, and he's dating a vet, or trying anyway There's a 0% chance he hasn't said "he" in reference to his cat once or twice
>>68053 I don't think I've seen that cat outside the movie Then again, Garfield doesn't run in newspapers here so I haven't read a whole shitton of garfield
>>68055 i dont think she shows up often in the three-panel comics there's lots of her in the book collections though >>68058 i loved them when i was a kid i'm sure some would still be funny if i read them today but i dont remember
Seriously I've mostly read garfield from a few christmas specials
Is there a single garfield strip that is genuinely funny on its own?
Garfield isn't actually bad at all I dunno why somehow people think it is It's just not a fucking masterpiece
>>68061 Post a good garfield strip and I'll enjoy it
What am I, Jim Davis? I don't keep garfield strips around
>>68061 i love garfield there are a lot of bad strips that fall flat and lack any passion but that's what happens when you do newspaper comics pump something out every day even when you're tapped dry
>>68064 Yeah The christmas magazines are all good cause they tell a cohesive story in essentially a western 4koma format
like, i seriously can't imagine lasagnacat putting this much passion into doing what they do just to mock a bad comic, if that's what they thought it was i'm sure they have to love garfield on some level in order to be so... whatever the word is >>68069 yeah. it's like garfield minus garfield. it pokes at how ridiculous jon's actions are in general and really plays off bad writing but jim davis likes it
I assume lasagna cat likes garfield a lot, but also enjoys poking fun at the dumb strips a lot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's an abstract kind of love
Lasagna cat probably read this strip a ton as a kid and grew up to be a fucked up adult like the rest of us but with an affinity to Garfield
every american grew up reading a ton of garfield it's part of the culture
>the smocking rat with a similar name was impotent I thought I knew where it was going but then it was about the pipe
>>68072 this one actually had me laugh it's pretty good it doesn't need the last panel though. it's a buzzkill panel that explains the absurdity
I remember when I was ten I read so much garfield that I thought Lasagna was the best thing ever. Then during school they gave a presentation on multiple sclirosis and the teachers got mad at me because I claimed lasagna could cure it
>>68070 It's not that abstract, it's very common to mock what you love
I mean just look at pewdiepie he makes fun of nazis all the time
>>68076 haha that's great why are they giving 10 year olds a presentation on MS
Cause it's just an entire episode of lies Aku tells children to make them think Jack's a bad guy I mean I guess him doing so is canon, but most of the episode is the stories The final one being one where Samurai Jack defeats Aku
I don't remember what episodes are in what order, I last watched the show when it was airing at like 4:30 on the entertainment box
>jack gets eaten by a sea worm >the episode moves on to him being in a forest and meeting some machines that end up eating eachother cause they eat metal >then it skips again to jack climbing a tower and freeing a fairy What the heck was this episode There are two unresolved stories here
So here is the deal for jack to go back and change the past he will remove the moment he travelled back so yeah I wonder how the show will deal with time paradox, if it will even allow jack to go to the past
The show already has continuity errors, so it's not a problem
Just a little but not that much also like s1 and maybe good part of s2 they didn't really build that much on the hting I doubt they didn't even make aku's origin solid untill they aired the birth of evil episode
But still travelling to future is easy past is the hard
Alternate timelines Problem solved
it is just a cop-out to me always also it is quite clever to train female assassins jack has always been bad at killing girls
Dude the show has actual magic, time travel skipping across timelines is fine
Also literally the only person Jack has ever killed was a girl, so I dunno dude
yeah but even aku flies with wings he doesn't float
This season seems like it'll be episodic, but more tied together too Like I think it'll have a sort of actual story arc Maybe they intend to close off the story with this season and have Jack go home
Hell, maybe he goes home, but he's not able to go ALL the way back so he has to deal with Aku 20 years after he sent Jack to the future The possibilities are endless Sending him back to the past but not ending the show could be interesting Samurai Jack in human time
I kinda think jack will kill aku in the future and we never see the past even if he enters a portal
That'd be an awful ending It's not over until he beats Aku in the past
Apparently when making Samurai Jack, they made the story boards first, and THEN the script And that's why the visuals of the show are so much more in focus than the dialogue
fifth and final
wait, it's confirmed the show will truly end with this season?
Maybe he's not able to find jack without the sword, cause it's magic or whatever
He can see in his major cities because he's got a lot of influence there, so it's got 'him' all over it basically
Yeah that might actually be it he can't find jack, but he senses the sword
yeah, I think that'd be the most reasonable explanation they can give if they do give one Of course, it's mostly because they just needed it to happen so it was that way
His sword is super magic, too Just now in the episode I'm watching, he powered it up by praying to his ancestors
forged from human spirit of good by the three supreme gods >>68184 I don't think he gains, he just has powers and regenerates And over time he grows bigger and bigger
No no there's definitely some sort of mechanism, because his first move after enslaving Jack's people was put them to work mining crystals to, I think the show outright says it, increase his power >>68187 Possible But it's odd to be so quick about that
Oh maybe yeah In the past he had to control everyone with minions, which were part of himself, so he wanted machines to do it instead That's why he was weaker in the first fight, too, because he had minions all over the world ensuring shit was happening during it
YEah lik he had just DEMONGO as a minion that he created in the future who was insanelyp owerful if he could create beings like that, why not mass produce them? BEcause clearly it weakens him or spends too much of his power.
>>68189 But I really like the visual of the sword at first it just cuts, but then it evolves to cut and burn and they even explain it halfly with the "ancestor power up" though in the origin episode the sword also cutburned aku, but then again it was freshly forge back then So it might've lost some of its power over time.
And also Aku is evil and the sword is supposed to be justice So of course it'd burn Aku
I mean real explanation is they got a bigger budget and improved the visuals, but they still kinda wrote an explanation for the visual change.
I'm on the episode after the powerup, and it still doesn't burn I guess it does later
But I wonder can the sword kill aku? >>68194 I think it is S3 onwards change
It'd be a real fucking dick move if the sword couldn't kill Aku The whole show would be for nothing then Especially when they reboot it after a long time, it'd be a really shitty thing to do to the fans
I mean jack's father sealed him away and jack never did kill him
But I think the sword itself doesn't have that much power and most of it comes from the wielder
Hm, maybe? That would mean only a pure person could beat Aku though, and while Jack certainly is that, it'd be a really poor design for a sword >>68204 Oho that's a good point By the very nature of being a ruler in a feudal system, he was likely not very pure But Jack is, and he's never strayed from the path because he only HAS one goal He can't be a ruler, he has to go home He doesn't have time to use his skill for evil or conquest, he has to go home
Yeah basically would explain why the old shogun couldn't kill aku he wasn't dedicated enough. He could defeat him, but couldn't kill because he wasn't pure and just enough
and why also jack has so far failed he has been lusting for revenge and shit, so he couldn't actually completely kill aku and aku always survived
But if that's the case Ultimately it was a good thing that Aku didn't wait to show up Because by then, Jack might have assumed the role of a ruler, and then he wouldn't be pure enough Possibly
Actually, Aku just always manages to run away In the first fight in the past, Aku was actually pinned down, so I'm very sure Jack's just not been able to do enough damage so far, is all
>>68207 No can do Aku betrays people who work with him because he's evil He does it consistently He explicitly avoids ever keeping his end of any deal
the mafia episode is ironically closest jack has come to kill aku
We don't know how the fight after the jumping tribe actually went though He could have gotten really close
"I'll be back samurai" remember jack was in AKU's LAIR no where to go from there. every other fight is in the field, where aku can run somewhere but fighting in his lair yeah hard to escape anywhere else
I wonder what the ruleset on throwing people into the future is You'd think Aku would just keep doing it as maintenance "Once every 5000 years or so, I do a magic spell and keep going on with my day"
oh come on jack it is just a little stab you've been through worse and fought
oh wait maybe that was the sword powering him up?
We really don't know how powerful Jack is without the sword In the show, he takes insane beatings with a cartoony ability to just shrug it off He falls down 50 meters with a huge rock strapped to his back, and he's OK But he has his sword It might be really, really powerful
I think the fifth season has been bit more realistic he took damage, but always had armour to help him but when he got stabbed, he was all weak like a person would be
But it would be fun, that when he recovers the sword, he goes back to near immortal and we get to see just how powerful the sword actually is
Yeah, that'd be cool I want them to do that, if nothing else to explain how he's so more susceptible to damage in the one season they're allowed to go gore mode
Also >Jack Remembers the Past This episode This can only be done if you have a lot of balls and a boss who trusts you The whole episode is completely meaningless to first time watches watchers*
It's like 5 minutes of regular Samurai Jack things And then the rest is him walking through his village remembering his childhood In near complete silence
To fans and an older audience, it's interesting, but CN is a kid's network A kid whose first exposure to Jack through this episode They'd think the show was super boring
It's like having a long running monster of the week show, but one episode it's just one of the heroes going about their day without anything in particular happening Not the kind of show you eat your breakfast cereal to if that's the first thing you see of it, yaknow
best episode of dexter's lab was the dead lightbulb episode
I don't even remember much of dexter's lab
that was just so good episode it had no dialog or anything just him going around to new areas to new people and shaking the dead lightbulb and making a slight sound and then everyone is always AAAAA DEAD LIGHT BULB face
>>68231 They're great, but only for the fans For people who haven't seen the rest, they have no investment in any of this
I dunno I never saw the episodes in chronological order, just the order they popped up in cartoon network which was mostly random it was a lot later when i actually watched the series in episode order
Yeah it is though He even sharpens it on both sides
what episode
Jack Tales In the part with the robot people, he's sharpening it on the dull side S2E2
No he is sharpening the edge the point of view is odd, but only sparks fly from the actual edge
Huh I guess I was mistaken then
what do you mean jack tales have no endings in the first one he realises there is no magic worm and gets depressed over it and most likely a bit later cuts his way out killing the worm in the second, the robots then eat eachother and jack continues his travels
>>68242 I guess the second counts, but the first one doesn't tell you what he does from there If it was as easy as cutting his way out, there'd be no reason to pout, he's not one for delaying this kind of thing
He has a sword that can cut anything... and he is inside a worm that doesn't dissolve you that easily, and everyone else is UNARMED
>>68243 He pouts because the worm couldn't do magic and he is searching for magic to travel back to the past
I wonder if Jack would be hated for appropriation of others' cultures if his training aired again His entire childhood is a long series of a rich man visiting foreign cultures and appropriating them
Holy shit this episode has BGM from Worms Armageddon
man I was supposed to go photgraphing and all this shit but damn does it hurt when I wear anything but my good boots. good thing I didn't go yesterday trecking
Like these are the things I wanna see as traditional Japanese tapestries
ba ba bang
I'm early to work. Wtf do i do for 30 minutes
watch chinese cartoons
ba ba bang
But no headphones
Why would you need that
ba ba bang
I'm a manager. My image isn't just for vanity, there's a practical importance behind it.
man if I had bought veggies yesterday, my dinner today would've been just "stuff into steamer and press start" I could just eat plain rice but... guess I'll make a sauce for it
hmm I do have some soystuff I could use
>soy protein is a wasteproduct of extracting soybean oil I love it when a wasteproduct becomes a big product...
Wow that is cool the DScan be used to just destroy a part of the planet but makes sense it was used to blast just ships into pieces, so there must have always been a low power mode but still
man the blind guy is awesome is bit stereotypic for him to be casted asian, though
wow vader constructed hsi home at mustafar... that is kinda weird
like I dunno napoleon building a castle at waterloo or shit