>>678689 Today is just pregaming for da big one, you're right Tomorrow I will make fajitas and make merry with herradura After work, anyways Maybe my neighbors will cook me food again too!
>>678695 maybe she mastered the fucking ripple and she's 135
>>678683 you know, i always wondered how image drop worked here and after seeing it here i started seeing it for google attachments and imgur and all that stuff. i always figured it was something special but no it's really cleverly simple i love checkin out the innards
Jojo references go over my head hard, so unfortunate. Hey, wanna see two people have short term memory loss? >>>/@Solariij/1124893681800994816 no way you're as slow as these fucks like you beat the l1 game before me
>>678732 IT CAN BE OPTIMIZED idk though i forgot about that shit i'm waiting for Nioh 2 info for all i know its not even in fuckin development yet >>678733 i never forget if I've seen a show or not i might forget what the fuck happened but i remember what i did and didn't watch at least
>>678733 Maybe if the name comes up without any other real association. I'm generally pretty good at triggering a memory given a bit of content to jar my recollection
>>678736If If I remember watching it I'll be able to tell you one or two things about it. Like the name will bring to mind some characters or the artstyle or maybe one scene that particularly stuck with me. My brain runs on association; once it's remembering one thing about something it's way easier for my -me to chain together other things I remember.
If I remembered watching it I can usually squeak out a sentence or so of summary I guess it might be a little irreverent based on what I remember being funny though
Playing a game like that 15 hours a day 7 days a week? More likely than you think!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
the fuckin' dream.
8 minutes of enjoyment during the 32 minutes of full torture all donwe // done by your own team that ratio tho I'd rather leave when the euphoria ends instantly
A game set up so that after it's clear you lost and the fun is over you have to stay and keep trying for another 20 minutes because your team won't majority vote surrender
But imagine if you dedicated your whole life to mastering the game. And then a buff midget who's famous for 1-tricking Draven and being toxic on stream starts earning more money
No fueled as in you use drunks instead of gasoline
Tadaima Fuck new firefox I thought I had autoupdate off. On the bright side my other install of firefox finally works since it disabled whichever addon fucked it up so bad I couldn't use it.
it seems like it was pretty uncomfortable for them when they realized they fucked up, according to the article haha
>rumoured 350k ransom that is something the media shouldn't confirm, since knowledge of "kidnapping pays" is bad
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
although that might be the one were navy seals killed all the pirates by sniping them from boats miles away and killed them all within seconds which makes me want to never kidnap someone because what the fuck
"Kentucky Derby post-time favorite Maximum Security pulled away down the stretch to take first place in the 145th Kentucky Derby on Saturday at Churchill Downs, but the finishing order was dramatically changed following lengthy post-race investigation into a controversial mid-race move by the winning horse.
In the final turn, Maximum Security was leading the pack near the rail, but made a slight movement toward the outside and changed lanes, causing War of Will to check up to avoid a collision. There was an objection called to the result, and after the race stewards reviewed the video, Maximum Security was disqualified from the race, handing the victory to 62-1 longshot Country House.
Maximum Security’s disqualification marked the first time in history that the win was stripped due to an in-race foul. The New Orleans Saints, no strangers to controversial finishes, had a perfect reaction.
" make out of that what you will
Kirara 🍄
i don't know anything about horse racing but a lot of people were calling it bullshit and saying it was rigged and im all about assuming things are rigged so works for me
who knows
Kirara 🍄
>>>/@CarsoniPH/1125028240144457730 it's amazing to me that people are so passionate about horse racing or maybe they just won on it or something
well that horse had a quite impossible betting odds so yeah it does seem fishy
Kirara 🍄
it's hard to trust anyone when everyone stands to gain or lose money based on the decision
and then after overruling the goal, they gave USA a penalty for well nothing "okay we screwed you over, here have powerplay for 2 minutes" like hwat the hell referees?
>>678987 always just makes me feel that the footage audience gets and the footage referees use are two different things like they are watching some 128p recording of it from an anlge that tells you nothing when audience gets a fucking 2048p 360 VR view
Kirara 🍄
>>678989 yeah ref decisions often don't make sense but the ones that don't make sense are coincidentally on game-making events usually
you could technically fine a penalty for the goal keeper but no one on the US side touched the puck before the goal was scored so the game wouldn't be stopped and penalty given
so... it is clearly a goal robbery Guess finland doesn't pay the referees enough
and if the collision with the goalie would have happend in the goalkeeper area, the blue circle then it would have been interfering from the finns but she was outside the area
so there really is no reason to overrule it except referee game I t happens too much, especially in the actual big games when russia is playing
>>678991 tweet at the end is from our president "overruled goal to the yankee net and a yankee penalty? Does not compute"
Kirara 🍄
always refgame
Kirara 🍄
referees have too much power and not enough oversight
>>679000 How did the quote go... "there are two things infinite, stupidity and the universe" '
remember when flinching made you lose 1.50 in coke purchase now you get zepped to desth
imagine getting into NYCC
Did you?
I had my personal link open since 830 the queue started at 10 it's now 11:30 and about 30 minutes ago, they declared that 50% of Weekend tickets and 50% of Saturday tickets have been sold out So I've got another 45 minutes of this before I can just close the tab and stop caring.
wanna watch me play Wreck it Ralph: Trigger Ediiton?
i'm tired as a cloud in the sky a perpetual yawn moving through space yet still I rise
well I'm gonna steram it anyway come on vamanos https://www.twitch.tv/nilixblue/
>>679024 as someone who watched them as a kid, since they were only thing running on tv post 00 here on weekdays I kinda fail to see a large entertainment value on them, aside "sheer ridiculousness" of them but all of them are also so formatized they all follow a similiar script tht you could prolly edit 10 different shows into one episode anda side from the people appearing on screen, the hosts that is, switching constantly, you wouldn't be able to tell a difference
Kirara 🍄
I don't see the appeal in them, either. But they seem to be popular. I'm sure people like them for all kinds of reasons.
paranormal is fun, but there are less brainless methods of enjoying it
the thing about "paranormal" and "supernatural" as words always amuse me since if the phenomena is actually real it isn't any more beyond normal it is actually "normal, just rare" like a ball lightning it isn't something that isn't part of nature, but just a natural occurance thus if you find something "supernatural" it instantly actually becomes natural just a rare phenomena or object
So it is just semantics in the end, but basically you can say that "supernatural doesn't exists" by simply stating, that if it exists, it is part of "nature" and therefore it is just an unknown, undiscovered thing and not something beyond or above nature.
It's a little more nuanced than that. Nature/natural in this case refers to being able to explain the thing in question, like we can explain pretty much anything in the natural world. Something super/paranatural therefore is something that is contrary or beyond the understanding we have of how the natural world works.
yes >>679030 by that logic, anything undiscovered and not fully understood by science is supernatural
Yes, that is literally true.
and therefore once observed, measured, explained, it becomes natural so therefore, you can't actually discover anything supernatural, as once it is discovered and understood it becomes explainable therefore natural see it is a silly logical statement, but it is amusing shortcoming of the words
You're assuming an equivilancy that isn't there. You can discover something without understanding it, and you can understand something without discovering it. Something is super natural if it is discovered without understanding how it works, para natural if how it could work is contradictory to assumed natural laws.
>>679040 Things that can't think don't see those as problems, they just do what they're coded to do and if they survive, they survive, and if they die, they die. It's not a problem because they can't evaluate the situation to determine a problem.
Who decided that was the purpose of all life? Weren't they thinking when they decided that? Starving became a problem because they thought they had something to attain, which was life.
But they had life all along, and death is part of that. They created the problem by thinking.
https://clips.twitch.tv/SucculentSmellyGnatDoggo This is a good game.
purpose of lude us shit *of life is shit everythung you do is just to produce shit >eat->shit >fuck->offspring->eats->shits even whrn you die you jyst turn into bug and worm shit
A purpose is only a problem because we think, too. There may be a purpose, but why do we have to think about it? If we just live, isn't that enough? If we're hungry, we can eat, and if there's no food, we might starve, but that's also living, even if we die.
a non thinking might as well be a machine of flesh
Why would it be a machine? You don't call a tree a machine of wood, do you?
A person can be both thinking and not-thinking. It's true that thinking creates problems, but why is it a problem to have problems? Isn't it because we think?
hmm impatient huh. you aren't impatient with our threads here though Just imagine that for this thread, since it's sink of the mayo or something let's say i started this thread with the base thread of May 5, 2014 and real-time, probably on the right-hand side in a dual thread which we dont use anymore (i will for the next thread) we have May 5 2014's posts rolling in real time on the right with our today's posts on the left normally, with full interactability
it'd be like an interactive museum
case two, let's say i get a strange urge to watch jitsu wa watashi wa for some reason it's old as fug nobody wants to watch it with me i can pull up the watch thread from july 14, 2015 and watch it right alongside you and rika and rook and ika and pretend that i have friends
maybe more applicable would be if jan shows up too late, he can watch alongside when he gets home from work pretty neat huh
if you were just viewing the thread for reference or exhibition, you obviously wouldn't have to watch it go in real time. you could just view the ending state of the event, which would be the whole thread
i personally would really have fun watching old stuff happen anew alongside everyone remember the way things uuuused to beeee
I wasn't imagining it as integrated as you were. I thought it was just like a projection of the thread replaying in real time. Which eventually would find me impatient and tab out to do something else while enough of a read buffer builds up,at which point why don't I just go read the archived thread. Kind of like how I'll tab out while someone's writing something out or if I don't have anything to say and I'm hanging too long on whatever the most recent post is.
I also don't really have much of a drive to revist old and finished threads, like ones that have already been moved to the archive. But that's definitely my own thing.
haha i had one game where i had already kanned twice my kami cha already has two dora from that, kans and gets another three dora from that kan he drew whatever that tile is that he has three dora from so he kans that and the game just ends haha he was probably so mad but didnt know what happened
>>679076 Hahaha that's beautiful just killing his own hand He thinks he's about to a rinshan kaiho and extra dora and the hand just ends
that was actually on tenhou though ive had a TON of games on mjs end from kans though
/moe/ is anyone going to see the new code geass screenings
>>679078 I haven't seen it on mjs yet I swear it takes half a year of play to actually know all the rules. Like, I didn't see nagashi mangan until I was on tenhou for 6 months
i learned about that super early but i misunderstood and could never figure out what it meant it's not really something you can particularly try for too hard but i do try when possible
i found the game. it's not as i described. it's way, way, way worse hahaha how do i link a tenhou replay
>>679080 go to the replay and just yeah like that let's say if it'll open on my phone What hand? Yeah it's not working on my phone
http://tenhou.net/0/?log=2019043007gm does this work or is that only for me frostexe is the one to watch oh you're on your phone you can wait it's not important 2nd round
oh he doesn't have any dora at aall oops well whatever i remembered wrong