>>677822 Yeah I have noticed Tenhou doesn't track that I'd be interested to see what it qualifies as "defense" or "luck" though. Like does it notice when you're engaging in betaori or folding? Or does it just calculate based on how often you deal in
>>677825 I haven't looked at the stats screen in English. I just know it exists since I used to use majsoul when it was Chinese only
>defense is based on number of hands you dealt into That's kind of useful. Might be able to use these sorts of stats as indicators of what I've been doing wrong over the long run. I remember tenhou definitely tracked call rate
you didn't read that? defense is based on number of hands you dealt into over the past 100 games luck is based on number of dora yaku in the last 100 games speed is winrate ATK is based on average points at the end of a match it tracks all of your yakus too which is really neat you can go look and see how many of each yaku youve gotten. also a bunch more in-depth stats like call rate, tsumo rate, avg rank, riichi rate, for both one- and two-hanchan sessions
I don't track
>>677824 i think it'd be possible to track something like betaori it wouldn't even matter whether you're consciously trying to avoid playing certain tiles out of safety, your concept of the game is still such that you feel safe playing it so some of that defense would be just built in to your playstyle so to speak
i think just counting the deal-in rate would be the most reliable thing though. or at least the most simple
>>677827 Counting deal in rate would be the most simple, but there's a few factors that would make it ideal to be able to track when I was actively defending or not. Sometimes other people will deal into the hand or they'll tsumo, or I might complete my own hand instead. I think it might be useful to track when I'm actively defending and this stat doesn't necessarily reflect it. Of course this is something that would be pretty hard to do and I wouldn't expect the majsoul devs to even attempt it
i actually don't think it would be hard to do, but the same way this current thing doesn't reflect some extra stuff like that, doing that doesn't reflect a whole bunch more things it starts to become a convoluted stat at that point since it begins involving things the other players are doing more and more as it is, it's pretty straightforward and doesn't claim to do much more than it says
i will say though that dealing into hands can still be defensive like in that game we played last night, someone's hand was progressing really fast so i started building my own hand around the tiles that would make it into a mangan or higher in my own development of my hand i had a tricky tile, 6 sou i think, that i knew wasn't safe, but as the dealer i wasnt gonna take apart my tenpai because of my defensive plays in not letting them have other yaku, my deal-in with that 6 sou was minimized to like a 3900 point hand instead of a mangan the tracking will only see it as dealing into a hand, but im pretty sure it doesnt care how heavy the hand you dealt into was
the same goes for when you deal into someone else's tanyao intentionally just to change dealers or to block someone else's big hand, or even to prevent yourself from potentially dealing into someone else's monster hand
>>677829 That's true, dealing into smaller hands is a valid strategy. Sometimes defense will need to prioritise avoiding some hands over others. Although personally I think I'd be willing to take apart a mangan in that situation. I don't remember the context of it, but I'd rather not score anything than risk dealing in, even if it is only 3900 points. But I guess that's beside the point. A defense stat can't track a players thoughts
i didnt have a mangan it was like a tan yao i think
i wish there was a stat that tracked how many times you had a hell wait riichi that was in the dead wall
At least we have Officer Moon-kun to clean up these dirty streets.
>>677837 way better than the like, six hours or so before you became a mod it kind of bugged me when we had spam up for so long when it easily could've been fixed
yeah it's just that everyone's too busy the only reason it's like that is because im a degenerate with nothing better to do so im always here yuu works really hard and is always tryin her best so i dont want it to seem like she was slacking or something our mods are really good mods im just basically doing janitor work to help them out
fairy nuff it's okay I am also a degenerate imageboard user
>>677862 would you pay for a premium video sharing website that didn't harvest data and didn't sell you ads if it was like $5 a month? I might. I think that would be preferable. >>677863 it's like an open-source chrome based browser. seems pretty gud it's doing everything I need it to do.
yeah but does it suck your dick
>>677864 you can opt out of personalized data, and if not opted out, you can opt out of whether specific data is used for which purpose as long as the data allocation is responsible i dont mind having ads that are more useful to me rather than less useful
the frontpage looks a bit intimidating, but iunno, I suppose a open source chrome is a neat proposal, considering how long I've used chrome on the basis of it "just werking"
>>677867 you're doing it by choice if so turning off personalized data means only aggregate data is collected, which occurs whether advertising is done or not they have no obligation to (and couldn't anyway) release what aggregate data theyve collected from you
>>677869 what about the argument that "free" reduces the quality of content when it's all based on hits things quickly become reduced to click-baity type productions that people can mass produce
well youtube isn't based on hits it's based on average session and commitment ratio and stuff
but I guess I was just thinking about free digital content in general
they can also tell if an ad was on-screen versus like minimized in another window in the case of an 8-hour music mix or something but yeah
idk really im not sure i have an opinion on that matter i wouldn't pay $5 a month because im extremely broke i think there are also obstacles that come from content being behind a paywall if im not there for entertainment for instance but trying to engage discussion of ideas or learn something, like watch a videon from anton petrov or astrum just talking about space news or giving a narrative about what information we've gained from some space mission or another
this kind of social contribution shouldn't be behind a paywall, especially when it limits the exposure which helps them get support from their viewership if i had money i would much rather contribute each month to the channels that are important to me through patreon, but since i can't afford that i am happy to allow advertisements
i turn the data personalization on personally because i get ads which are actually tangential to my interests, and if im going to do web searches which i know will affect my personalized data then i will use an incognito window so that it doesnt attach that data to my account and start spamming me with ads i dont like. for instance if im trying to research how to repair my electric space heater, i'll open that in a new incognito tab. otherwise "space heater repair" is a big adword trigger opportunity for retailers to offer you new space heaters since yours is broken. in fact thats the prime time to aggressively advertise because the more you see it, the more chances you'll have to think "eh i'll just get a new one instead of wasting the time"
in fact thinking like that is something i'm really good at and i've thought about doing CPM conversions as a job through adwords but i don't have enough money to invest in doing that independently if you've got 10,000 dollars sitting around you're looking to invest let me know
>Are you at a point in your life where doing something challenging, meaningful and fun is more of an urgent concern for you than compensation? lol companies tryna offer "volunteer positions" and make it sound like theyre doin you a favor
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>Are you at a point in your life that you're so desperate that you'll work for free just to increase your possible job prospects for the future
i really have wanted to work adsense and adwords for a while though i did it for a recruiting thing and it was fun but recruiting is not sales so there wasn't any monetary gain to it gosh why is stuff so hard to do though
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. It does seem like something you'd be good at.
what i'd really like is something that's not on a company budget and isn't direct employment, but is just raw conversion commission or engagement commission like a company or warehouse that just has products that need selling and if you can guide people there to buy something, you get a commission for it not using their money or their rules but just as an independent opportunity i dont know if that exists gosh i wish i had seed money
i think the closest thing to that is just dropshipping but that's got a lot more investment in it hmmm
>chiinya! This cat's so goddamn high pitched it makes me jump every time
>>677884 East is the worst dude Don't even bother. It's borderline random >tfw can't tell if my connection is lagging or the other guy is just taking a long time to decide
maria im so tilted from these east round games i get edged out just barely and then when im finally dealer like my discard pile lookes like this: north wind, west wind, one pin/riichi third turn riichi, three way wait on 4/3/3 possible tiles 13 rounds pass and nobody deals into it, someone else calls richi on that 16th turn same turn the tile i auto-discard because im in riichi is their tile which is a closed wait they only get like a couple thousand points but it moves me from 2nd to 4th
ive had like four games in 4th in a row due to ridiculous things like that im so tilted
and in south rounds i keep getting people who deal in once and then disconnect once they're down in one game, two people disconnected do you know how much it ruins the game to have leavers it is true random at that point
>>677884 I just had a game where the two people who were WINNING disconnected Not even rage quits. They were in second and first but they disconnected anyway It's ridiculous how often people rage quit on Tenhou though. I'm not sure about here I haven't played enough yet. I don't understand why. At the very least wait until your east round is over before you give up.
>13 rounds pass and nobody deals into it, someone else calls riichi on that 16th turn, same turn the tile i auto discard is their tile which is a closed wait I hate this. It's the worst. I've once had a double riichi that dealt into someone else
>>677892 Nah I wish lol I think it was someone on /v/ Awful board but I've enjoyed their majsoul threads a lot
>>677894 yeah she's got nothing This gif is hilarious if you've played the Chinese version
there's no yaku there is there? 123 222 234 222 i thought maybe that was a representation of our game yesterday haha that's why i asked if you drew it since it was cat girl doin that and i was boob lady
>>677911 tbh it might be better to just stop playing for the day if you're tilting If you lose lots, I personally find I get frustrated and start making worse decisions than I would otherwise. Instead of thinking "this is the best and safest move" I think "I NEED first to make up for that fourth"
look where i riichied (no calls had been made) and look what info i spent prior to that that round ended in an exhaustive draw a couple turns after i took this image there was absolutely nothing to indicate it i got 3000 points for the exhaustive draw and that's the only thing i got out of both east and south sessions despite going into tenpai in every round besides two
im not tilted but im too exhausted to focus any more and i think it's just china hours right now i should play during my evening and play the westerners >>677937 did you read your mail in your event tabs? it was given out along with other stuff for being part of the opening release it's 9am here >>677937 yeah i know the draw points was probably more so im not upset about the fact that that happened but just how there's no way they can all three play that defensively
>>677936 That's unlucky and you definitely made the right move riiching I bet one guy was hoarding the three pin >riichi and no other yaku tbh getting the 3000 points might have been better than getting a ron or even a tsumo
Also how do you get the primal fire tag? What time is it where you are? I got the mail with the primal fire reward but it doesn't apply for some reason. Do I have to click something else to apply it?
>just how Look at the person on your left. They aren't even defending with that call
it's an unfortunate day! i woke up 2 hours later than i expected which threw off my whole schedule and now i can't take my medication or i wont be able to sleep tonight which will fuck up my schedule for tomorrow and i can't do the work i was gonna do today but it's okay because i'll just have fun instead! how is your saturday morno
oh, well at least you get to have fun mine is ok ive been talking with maria about mahjong and playing mahjong most of the night
it helps me think about things. i wanted to ask you something
do you think it's significant, or maybe worthwile is better wording, to reach out and make amends/express regret and apologize for transgressions youve made in the past or should the past just stay the past
i would intuit that of course it's good to apologize, everyone appreciates that but upon thinking about it more, it can be really selfish to bring up the past and force serious engagement on an issue from someone who has already moved past it and has new daily stressors, just so you can feel better yourself does that make sense? what do you think
Kirara 🍄
if it's something that happened recently or if the person is still distant to you following whatever, i think it's normal to want to apologize if it's something a long time ago and there aren't really any problems between you in the present, i don't think it's really necessary to apologize and yeah it's probably a little self-centered to do so but i don't think it's necessarily bad to do it if it makes you feel better too i think it's really contextual as to whether it's worthwhile
well it's been six months now of being sober there have been a few times i have tried to slip up but the slip ups themselves failed so im not sure what that counts as and ive had about four months now of taking benzos only for infrequent panic attacks to quell my frantic episodes
there's some things ive been recalling lately that im extremely ashamed of, both on my own part and feeling really really empathetic to some individuals who had to endure my provocations and relentless, relentless vindictiveness at times i dont know whether it was from the alcohol or benzos, probably not directly but im sure it made it worse. i probably thought it couldnt have been because i wasnt drunk at those times, but that's not really how that works. it's the upticks of the nerves that are so bad
i really want to try to make things right by people but i dont think they stand to gain anything by that, but still would have to endure supporting me through a moment of emotional distress, even if the goal of it is to apologize so i suppose it comes down to whether or not a person gains anything from the apology individually i dont want to ask it of anyone just on my behalf
a more concise wording may be that trying to bring the past up to someone, even to apologize, shows that i still don't respect their time, sense of agency, or emotional space especially if it's a relation that's only significant to me and they dont care about possibly they wouldn't care about because of the transgression
im just kind of thinking out loud here, you don't have to provide any further feedback necessarily i appreciate the response >>677942 here which was the main thing i wanted to ask
Kirara 🍄
hmm, i think you could show respect for their time/agency/space if you offered them the apology but accepted it if they were kind of dismissive like just saying "don't worry about it" if you ask for permission to apologize fully
I don't think it'd be accurate to say you had a bad temper or were vindictive, but I think there were a few times where you started acting in a confusing way and got upset. Or at least, I thought it was confusing.
i had some psychotic breaks due to extreme stress from trauma, sometimes family duress, dysphoria, delusional paranoia from the internet the alcohol dependency just made things worse there are a lot of things i wish i could undo gosh
yeah, i understand I try not to become too attached to the past, personally. I used to be really attached to it and I was miserable all the time. I've felt a lot better since I started remembering the past without too many attachments to it. I don't want to let the past become the present anymore. I want to live in the present.
That makes sense. There's still a lot of things I think back to about the past and it hits me with a pang of cringe or shame or discomfort. I dont mean the traumatic stuff, but the general stuff, behavior and interaction and how I treated people.
I know I got unreasonably angry at you and tilde more often than was appropriate, and in tilde's case I remember being really vindictive. but we all sort of had that problem of unreasonability with each other sometimes so i don't feel too much strain there. blue, sam, and rika are the ones i really feel bad for.
actually going back and looking at a couple instances in the archive though, the painful stuff is still there, but there's also a lot of cool stuff im somehow not letting myself remember. im a little bit compulsive and annoying at these occasions and just trying to respond to everything i can with some attempt at wit, which falls flat a lot but sometimes it hits. im seeing myself also be really apologetic and do exceptionally well at making amends for these things at the times they happened or shortly thereafter, which i didn't recall being a thing. and im seeing those aggressive spikes in behavior are happening on abnormally stressful occasions, like the anniversary of my dad's death, which also coincides right around valentine's day too. i think im being too harsh on myself in my own account of history.
im also seeing myself talk so freely and confidently about my gender, which is really cool i dont remember having done that and i still dont do that now
im seeing myself get drunk and yell at SK for being a dummy, and apologizing for being harsh about stuff, but at the same time it was sometimes helpful stuff that needed to be said
Yeah I'm certainly no saint on that matter hah hah.
still though. blue and ton were always completely innocent and never deserved to be lashed out at rika tried helping me so many times when i was distressed and i thanked her by saying such terrible things and relentlessly laying guilt or vindictiveness into her without yielding i think it's so cruel, i dont know why i ever would do that poor sammy just tried to run an imageboard and pop in for innocent fun
gosh i was such a miserable person. more recently i had given you guys a lot of grief for not giving me emotional support during the trauma and recovery, but i was lucky to even have this group of people as friends after all i did and i didn't give people credit for what they did try to do i really want to apologize to yuu for trying to make her feel bad but i dont think it's even worth bringing up. i dont know. >>677951 3-gatsu
>>677962 it's common for anyone gender non-conforming to have turbulent social lives there's really no solution that i know of a lot of people turn to activism
>>677965 i think im doing better these days when i was younger i mistook it for MPD, which i know isn't a thing but i didnt know that then but there wasnt hard dissociation so i got really confused. sugoi would actually even remember me talking to him about that a long time ago i had a lot of hard turbulence with /moe/ until i kind of figured it out but i think things are smoother now that's probably why i cling to this community so much since it took so much struggle to get over the hurdles
>>677964 Yeah the sheepig is familiar to me. Maybe not in those exact words but probably the same premise.
Oh shit right MOGRA's monthly anisong matrix is today.
im sposda go to my cousin's graduation paati tomorrow he got his bachelors in scamming old people he's been workin for a company that scams old people for like 4 years now and now he has a bachelors in business so he can get a managerial position there
>>677973 this makes me want a cheese burger not because it's a good looking burger but because it's such a horrible looking burger that it makes me think of what a good one looks like
>>677974 that's the basis of that heinz advertisement a big billboard of crinkle cut fries salted and lookin tasty but dry you're supposed to think of the ketchup that's not there instead and want some
>>677977 Tabun. If I go, I can get a good meal from a decent restaurant and someone else will pay for it. But I might just immediately leave after I eat. It's one of my favorite restaurants and it's a little pricey. You need reservations, too.
>>677975 psychology of marketing pisses me offffff
>>677976 some guys and a girl from vrchat invited me to a discord call to watch black mirror with them and when they were settin it up in rabb.it im like what do yall think of the new fruits basket // err are yall enjoying the new fruits basket and like the instant i finished that sentence the girl starts screaming, bewildered thought i was joking. none of them watch anime but i guess she saw it when she was a little girl and freaked out hard so she demanded that we go watch that before black mirror. the guys were so confused haha that made me happy
>>677979 i was thinking maybe affiliate marketing would be a good option for me i can't just go right into certifying for systems stuff. i'd probably be really good at adwords and getting affiliate engagements or conversions that might be a good opportunity for me to use my gambling skills and marketing systems insights to make real money, if i can somehow get seed money
>Fruits Basket into Black Mirror Talk about a tonal shift.
I knew a few girls that would probably get excited like that if they knew about the Fruits Basket new adaptation. Hell a few of the girls I reconnected with last year were super excited over the new Cardcaptors anime when it was airing.
Kirara 🍄
im not watching the new fruits basket i might marathon it when it's done though idk
ah i just realized a big downside to affiliate marketing for someone like me without much seed money as an affiliate i'd only be earning a tiny bit from each sale or conversion, like say 20%, versus direct advertisers who are working with the whole sale amount minus inventory overhead for their margins given similar strategies, they'd always have the winning ad bid over me because of higher margins i didnt think about that
>>677986 are you gonna come eat beaver tails with me and tilde up at his cottage
It's pretty much just lightly-fried dough, hah hah. Kind of like crepes though its a great base for just about anything you could contemplate putting on it.
beaver snails?? gosh, the people's kitchen is only open from 7am to 3pm and my roommate will always be asleep during those hours they won't be doing delivery either
>>677992 oh. i thought we were talking about a real beaver's tail
Hah hah I thought that might maybe be the case. Actual beaver tails probably don't taste that good. The outside is all scaly and it's probably mostly muscle.
>>677994 i was. i was planning on getting up early enough to hunt a few and then make real beaver tails and surprise tilde now the surprise is spoiled though
Hah hah that's such a tourism trinket. How adorable.
There's a bit of a beaver population up near my cottage. I mean they're probably all around that watershed region that makes up a lot of Central Ontario but you can definitely see the effects of beavers in the vicinity. If you hike the backwoods every now and then you'll come across a pond that's clearly only there because a beaver family built up a dam. It's incredible to see the environmental effects of a couple beaves on a stretch of land.
>>677997 they are really good supposedly uh one of the prod companies i used to transcribe for had a show about hunting and they did a beaver episode and talked about // not just talked about, they did prep it and eat it i wanted to try it
you can't hunt them up in canada though right? it's cool kirara just make a pitstop here in michigan first i want someone to eat at The People's Kitchen with anyway and i dont think i'll ever get to >>678003 haha no it was formally known as street kitchen, just a big food truck, but they -just- opened an actual building establishment now they got really cool stuff
you have no idea how good this stuff is im not joking when i say having this food was a big factor in getting me to stop drinking like the flavorscape is built so amazingly well that it's incredibly stimulating in a good way i had been eating like trash for so long because im always broke, not cooking anything nice for myself and not getting to eat anything really good i forgot how stimulating food could be until i had their stuff after experiencing that again i stopped wanting to shut down my senses so much, although there were other factors too, but it made me want to start seeking flavor instead of alcohol after i finished work each day
i want that rhubarb chutney so bad i like how they call the kid's menu lil squirrels
I forgot to take my SSRIs today appropriately after eating and accidentally waited too long. It's a pretty unpleasant experience without food. But the effects of that are finally going away now.
got leadbelly? i only had the venlafaxine but christ on an empty stomach it was horrible
>>678009 Hm leadbelly could be a way of putting it yeah. It's like of like the stomach acid burning up my throat as my body's preparing to vomit but with none of the actual bile or really even nausea. And a bit of headcloud.
>>678011 im really thinking about requesting a switch back to SSRIs im not sure though im doing pretty well with the SNRIs comparatively to the past few years but some of the feelings are too intense you've noticed how much im having long, serious, introspective monologues SSRIs might let me just be a normal person and enjoy things properly
idk though it made me feel creepy things when i took it before
>>678012 Yeah for you. My Internet's shitting itself right now and can't even manage the stream ;_;
I wish it were warm here. I mean hot would be better but I'd take warm.
Its raining Im in the park N no one is here Give m e a reason not to dance to mogra with this umbrella in my hand
dance like no one is watching
>>678018 I'm not gonna give you a reason for NOTHING man.
>>678013 I don't think I've had any particularly drawback effects from the Sertraline I've been taking, aside from obvious mistakes on my part like forgetting to take it with food. There was a bit of time a while back when I was taking it at night that it got me really excited in some ways laying in bed and was making falling asleep hard, hah hah. It's the main reason I switched to taking it in the mornings.
On the other hand I haven't exactly found it as effective as I would have hoped. I think on top of the apathy and lethargy of being a depressed sack I've also got an issue with attention and focus, especially for things that don't tickle the input /output cycle that my brain loves so much. But I don't know how much of that is genuine attention deficit or more of a discipline issue of not just crunching through that tendency to disengage from things that don't specifically tickle my brain matter.
Really though Hedonism isn't about doing what you want but doing what's most pleasurable/enjoyable.
>>678020 for me, disengagement always came externally it wasn't an inability to engage with the material, but an apprehension of my focus that wouldn't relinquish so that i could commit to that one activity like if i sat down to try to study coding, for instance, i'd digest just one bite-sized piece of information then feel a recoil response that i have to pull my focus back and gauge my surroundings and make sure im safe not necessarily "safe" safe, but that there's not something else that's going to need my attention it felt as though there was always a kettle boiling on the range, causing it to whistle at you that it's ready, and then you're trying to sit there and ignore the kettle whistling at ear-piercing levels i just couldn't do it, even if i wanted to engage some other activity, even if that activity was stimulating to me
that is where valerian root, kratom, and benzodiazepines came into play for me they shut off that apprehensive anxiety that always made me feel distressed by my surroundings such that i could fully immerse in one thing i presume that probably came from growing up in my hell family though, so that might not be the same thing you experience it's also possible though that it's the dopaminergic COMT val158met polymorphism that causes that hyperalertness to the ambient environment, as there's not a clean pathologic distinction between engaging in an activity and engaging in no activity some people can shift between those phases with more committal because the brain moves to a very different state in order to start engagement, but for people like me and you, the brain pathology is in that engaged state by default all the time, and engaging an activity is only a slight nudge in where the dopamine is going
im not sure if i explained that clearly. but it's like trying to keep two things totally separate with no separator
I wish Bongo Stray Cats was a little less serious. It takes itself way too seriously sometimes.
>>678028 A lot of that feels like it rings true for me. Though for me it's less about external pressure and more external attraction. Like I'm trying to page through search responses for a topic I need to do research on or read a particularly dry philosophy essay. In the moment I'm conscious of needing to take care of it but it's just not working -not cooperating with my attention and enthusiasm and my brain disengages from the activity. And then because I'm mentally not really doing anything any more and I'm not really paying attention to what I'm doing anymore I drift towards an activity that attracts me far more naturally, e.g. a game or Internet-supplied trivial information. The "apprehension of my focus" isn't really the emotional one for me but rather the applied one. I just can't fully stick on to something that's not properly encapsulating my attention and so I just end up returning to things that do because I'm bad at doing literal nothing.
does it feel like by exiting that thoughtspace for a little bit to tend to something else, that you're kind of clearing out a task so that you have more room to work, or no kind of lying trying to clean up your desk so you have more workspace to draw (as a metaphor, not as a potential distraction activity)
like "oh i cant focus because i wanna do this. if i go do this then i can stop thinking about it"?
Some times, yeah. I mean your original metal four of the cleaning the desk is definitely something I've used. Though I think a lot of it is less a conscious rationalizing like that and more a straightforward reaching for the best thing for satisfying my need to do something that's anything not what I'm feeling apprehensive about.
>>678039 i dont know if ive talked about precipitate consciousness to you before or not, and this is just some of my crackpot ideas, but sometimes more noise is the solution to that kind of problem our brains are built around signal isolation and interference having more noise to isolate the range of stillness can make that stillness easier to focus on sometimes, depending on what it is you're trying to focus on if everything is still then we have to hold some intention or meaning behind focusing on that arbitrary thing, and holding that sense of meaning throughout the whole duration of focus can really be cumbersome as you're trying to engage with different concepts within that activity i, uh, don't really like metaphors for this one but i guess // no i wont even try that brings more misinformation to it by trying to use an analogy
>>678042 Yeah I try to do something like that with music or other ambient sound. I've found sites like A Soft Murmur to be useful for flooding my awareness. That can help when I'm doing things but often enough it's hard to get myself into that position to be doing things. Which I think is the discipline side of things fuelled by my kinda fatalistic and anxious nature.
oh i think i got it it's uh like trying to listen on the phone during an automated service and having to type in a long sequence of numbers but you can't punch in the numbers and hear it at the same time so you gotta like pull away and miss some stuff
I'm surprisingly awake today, considering I woke up at 07:30 or so after maybe three hours plus change of sleep. Melatonin seems to do weird things to need for sleep.
Kirara 🍄
> [HorribleSubs] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 05 [720p].mkv aoo
Luckyyyy. I'll probably want to wait until tomorrow night to get to see it.
Yeah but I do enjoy watching things with people. Also Squid's usually ducking out if she's -she or Jan aren't around. If they're both around tonight I might run a couple shows but Yaiba is one Rika's pretty fond of so I'd feel kind of bad for ditching her on it anyway.
It's so engaging that I kinda want to read the manga.
I might check in after the anime wraps up. It'll be a two-cour adaptation so it's going to cover a fair bit.
I hope Act-Age gets an anime adaptation soon. Someone was dumping it on /a/ for a while and I was following along for a bit. It's got some really good characters and its second major arc is fucking fantastic.
why are all firefox addons dead?
certificate expiration that allows extensions to function
fucking mozilla kill yourself
I think they're doing a decent job of that letting the certificate expire, hoh hoh hoh.
Kirara 🍄
If you want a good browser, you'll have to make one yourself
>>678068 i know it’s reddit but reddit had a workaround i got to work you go to like about:settings and load temporary addons by locating the extensions in your profile folder and turning them all on that way
also i love that we live in such a wonderful time that I can say anal queen and without fail people know who i’m talking about it’s great
Why are you upset at Nier getting called an anal queen, anyway? Being good at anal is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, someone with high skill in such a thing should be proud.
>>678111 I dont really like anal in my 2d that much tbh
But it also implies Nier is a loose woman which is already a thing people associate with her character so it frustrates me by proxy
You did. You brought it up by talking about anal. You're clearly interested.
talking about anal doesnt mean i want to have anal
I think I have an arguement for not being interested in that it literally took Blue waving the character in my face for me to remember that dumb nickname.
That doesn't make it any better! You're supposed to say you wouldn't have sex with her because she's a child!
How old is she anyways?
like 12 prob
Jesus Christ yiu gguguyguys *you guys
let’s not introduce you to the cinderella girls meat likes that arent mayu*
this happen to you on android or is this just a huwaei bug
when someone calls you, the phone sometimes for a time flashes a previous caller ID instead of the actual one so you think the number is someone else for a while
>>678159 my favorite idol is yayoi who is best friends with iori and i can not have a conversation about yayoi without someone eventually talking about it out of proxy And now, I go back to video games.
Actually, I guess my favorite is Arisu now. VIDEO GAMES
>>678166 naw 15 or 16 I think those are youngest you can actually work proper in japan and also being most common "anime/etc age"
>>678215 when is your wedding was there a date i dont remember
Quite a few Touhou hijacks in MOGRA today.
It's cause Touhou rocks.
I normally don't like black tie weddings because for most of my life I never really cared enough about the people getting married to offset the pain of getting dressed up but now that I have a nice suit I'd love to dress up for yours kirara.
Kirara 🍄
>>678218 there is not currently a date it will probably be after i have my internship so maybe 1-2 yeard
oh okay that's a relief i was thinking it was close that gives me time to get a dress i'd like to make one i havent done that in a long time
Are you going to have a bachelor party? Also if you are I'm super stocked because I don't know anyone else aside from you who I think would have a dry one.
>>678229 It could literally just be /moe/s hanging out with no one else. It doesn't have to be a party in the traditional sense.
>>678229 oh i got dropped it was supposed to say is jam gonna be your best ma'am or are you gonna have two made of on hers i guess it's a long ways off though
>>678242 Do we have to buy our own? Does everyone need to be a different soecies? I'd legit be up for that as long as the venue has good air conditioning.
>>678240 Then don't do a bachelor party Do a /moe/ party.
Because I never get to go on any /moe/ get together s and i think it would be a nice fun thing for kirara >>678253 Okay yeah sure I mean I never get to go on any of the trips where /moe/a hang out
i was searching for switch games the other day and of course that would pop out at me especially after watching the Moero Chronicle H trailer. You might like Moero Chronicle, ToN. If you have a ... actually nevermind. But yeah, you might enjoy Moero Chronicle.
Characters have moe traits in that game. Like Thigh highs Cute butt and they do things. I'm trying to remember Oh yeah, Cute Butt gave you an Atk bonus if your MP is low or something. I didn't see what Thighhighs gave you.
Ah yes, when i find myself strapped of mental strength. I remember cute butt, and gain the strength to fight on for one more battle
Oh Moero like as in Moe - Ero combined
apparently it is from same studio that has done neptunia games so your favourite shit
Uh while i love neptunia for its characters and charms the gameplay is kinda just ok
like i was playing neptunia vii and it was kinda hard but manageable but then i got ti a fight late game and was demolished and the enemies in the area didnt give enough exp to seem like i was underleveled so i just bought a dlc weapon for my favorite i had access to (because you have most of your oarty gone for that fight) and won that way
Unfortunately, yes. Once I had an entire ... nest? Colony? What do you call a swarm of baby leeches? Once I ended up with a whole bunch of that all over my legs with the momma leech attached on between my big and second toe on one foot.
I had singular leeches once or thrice on top of that but that was by far the worst and most memorable.
Kirara 🍄
Do you just pull them off?
Nah, you coat them in salt, which kills them and releases their bit on your skin. I mean you could just pull them off but especially with the mature ones they bite in hard and it's both difficult and makes the wound worse to tear them off. And salt's so commonplace it's really hard to not be prepared for one.
>>678311 we still use leeches though.... what is his point? also people in early medicine didnt think of it like that... it wasn't about anything being settled. it was about there not being any better choice you got an infection, youre gonna die if we dont amputate that arm
>>678336 ive been reposting this one for a long time i still laugh at it every time and yeah red is smirking like that aroused perverted satisfaction but yellow is just smirkin like yeah it's cool everyone likes cum in their m&ms
it could be worse they could have had green m&mup there
hmmm maybe ah mogra is ogra do I play games or do I sleep oh wait, I'm going to be with the superintendent today again, aren't I? ugh fuck, I"m putting in for days off this month I'm already tired.
>>678371 speaking of meds i have ten add her alls left id have to go back to saint louis to see my docta to get refills in like two weeks im cool without it i dont need it right away but shit i dont wanna go back to saint louis like really badly dont
i did call blue cross today and ask where the hekl my card is though and they said they'd send a new one out in 14 days but they said it still showed i have CIGNA insurance which was the company that fucked me last year so they'd have to open an investigation on that idk what that means probably cigna is gonna fuck me two years in a row somehow literally $4,000 in health insurance and they couldn't cover a single prescription and saved me 60 dollars on my psych visit that's all they did, then reported me to the credit bureau for not being able to afford their ridic premiums anymore and tried to bill me another $1,000
It's easy to walk without eating. It's comfortable, actually, I think. Well, it's comfortable to do any kind of work other than running without eating.
But once you eat anything, it's all over for you. You'll get hungry!
>>678377 It means they'll just have to verify with CIGNA that you're not insured with them anymore. I hope it goes smoothly, though. Did Blue Cross send you a temporary card? They should be able to email you one. In case you need it sooner than 14 days.
then again, this is with location on so it's def inaccurate
>>678382 i'd be pretty cross if i couldn't find my phone too it's ok
>>678385 no but they did give me my member ID number it's fucking may, im not gonna have my card until June which grants me health care coverage for the 2019 year christ
when i called the automated system they wanted me to provide my member ID number which "can be located on your member ID card" they said i could request a new ID card online, and going online to register for the site requires my ID number which can be located on my ID card lmao do you hekling SEE why i hate making phone calls and doing logistics it makes me so disdressed
Yeah I can't stand all the beauracracy and multi-step procedures involved in getting anything done. And once you've done it it's some unique access or procedure so you forget how to do it in like two months because everything else requires the same mental resources and it just keeps overwriting the old stuff.
Kirara 🍄
it's really a mess
lady asked me who my primary doctor was too i about lost it I DUNNO WHO IT IS BECAUSE I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO GET HEALTHCARE THIS WHOLE YEAR BECAUSE I DONT HAVE A GOSH DANGED CARD >>678392 yeah i said i dont and she said "it says on here doctor ____" says on where? blue cross? or cigna from last year? i dont know because i wasn't able to use them man it's probably not so bad really but i had just called home too so i was super on edge idk why im getting into complaining now oops
i just wanted to let you know that i got a health card comin and made that call last night was good news i just got carried away
Kirara 🍄
i just tell them i don't have a primary care and they say okay usually
>>678391 They don't give you some kind of short-term paperwork that can act as a heathcard until your proper one arrives? When I had my healthcard replaced a couple years back they gave me something like that to use.
my member ID number yeah i should be able to use that to register on the site and either collect the relevant information or get a short-term printout or something all the card does is have the numbers on it, i just needed the ID to register online
my next step is going to be finding a doctor. i guess i need to cancel my appointment in saint louis. oh gosh photo ID that's a good point. i still don't have a michigan license/ID. i dont really know how im supposed to get one.
Ontario healthcards are photo ID so they've got to snap your picture and that gets added to the card before they send it to you. I think the temporary paper license they give you says something along the lines of "this person should have a proper ID at X date". The move to photo ID was only a few years back I think.
That said despite being photo ID and having your birthdate on it (I think?), places like liquor stores and similar establishments are a little reticent to take them as proper ID for age verfication, hah hah.
and everyone knew it was a problem so they invested a whole heap of time and money to pay for an official investigation headed up by an ex-High Court judge and he released a full report with like 74 recommendations on the way things could be improved
Anyway, Royal Inquiries are a joke it's just a way of the Government of the day to look like they're taking an issue seriously and doing something while actually doing nothing at all.
>>678506 idk there's a different kind of bright shit it's like the normal bright shit but way brighter and it only lasts a second it's like doing charge attacks or something
sounds like an entropy type pokemon maybe you can catch it by surprise
Kirara 🍄
entropy? that's like the top of a forest, right? i don't think there would be those here
no kirara youre thinking of a cantaloupe
idk why not i think it's fine if he wants to
Kirara 🍄
huh?? cantaloupe is when you can't run off and get married
im gonna elope with whoa-kun to japan well maybe not i think he was joking but maybe
Oh we just talk there, we don't drink first we fight then we drink good luck
Some game developers and publishers are starting to turn down Epic exclusivity deals specifically because they're worried about the damage to their brand in doing so, hah hah. I mean I would rather they have scruples like the Factorio devs but at this point I'll take the wins I can get.
depends on the environment it'll be in. it'll be perfect for like a slightly sporty look while wandering outside in nature, or something similar. I wouldn't see it at a party.
Oh yeah, just have to count every single person who put a bet on it. Look at what they bet, approximate what they earned and it just goes from there. heh
>>678589 i dont know where you got this from but please don't post pictures of me online that's really invading my privacy
if caffeine competitively binds to the adenosine receptors removing those adenosines from their bindings they were already in to remove sleepiness that's going to increase the concentration of unbound adenosine and more heavily saturate the regions with unbound receptors that caffeine has not yet bound to right so it's going to hit those unbound receptors and fill all of them up with the higher saturation of adenosine for those regions than if the adenosine hadn't been unbound in the earlier regions is that why we get a wave of sleepiness whenever we drink caffeine and it takes a while to stop feeling sleepy
like me in 50 years i'll still be a drunked dumbass guiding robots out to kill swathes of people by //my future anyway. Wonder if I can get a programming job inbetween to avdance killer A.I. weapons platforms I'd be like their mother
>>678605 oh no is this implying that they haven't made Titan Fall 3 in the future
>>678607 i dont care if youre a dumbass but you should prolly slow down on the drinkin get some kratom you'll love it it's way cheaper than all the money youd end up spending on alcohol anyway it's not gonna stop you from enjoying games
and I can just ask the guy next to me like "ay gimme a tablespoon of that kratom you got right there litty" maybe when I get a good structure going and not jus the same old alchy house ish I got right now, that will begin I'll probably get on that if I can get a prescription. Far as I know, no way to get it over the counter here in conservative city
You don't get it over the counter but there's sellers that ship out of B.C. It's legal to sell in Canada so you're not even playing it sketch like pre-legal weed days MOMs.
yeah there's nothing stopping you from buying it online or even in head shops they just arent allowed to market it for ingestion they can't say "PUT THIS IN YOUR BODY" and then commercially sell it, but it's not a controlled substance
I know there's also sellers that ship out of Quebec but if my guesses are correct B.C.'s more in your neck of the woods anyway.
Those kind of look more like some kind of green eye charm than a meditation pose.
Oh it's just straight up illegal here thank you NDP and now the fucking united conservatives
Aw shit that sucks. Come move to Toronto we're where all the haps are anyway.
Yeah, I totally got a bunk with a total tsundere there if I wash up on the river shores anyway Easy living space obtained then it's like 2.4k a month budgeting ooch
>>678618 idk where you're seeing this is it // it's legal in all of canada original harvest looks like they'll ship it anywhere
every physical store in my city gets raided by SWAT online stores will track my debit and keep a line on both my identity and my spending habits big ooch
Buy pre-paids and you're almost untraceable unless they're like hellbent on getting you.
Imagine if the government ever let me heal myself with something natural except weed but like they got a stranglehold on that ish and it's fucking 13$ a gram average UGLY
>>678622 im not really seein the issue. you can't get in trouble for it nor can the physical or online stores but i wont badger you about it any further it's ok, just was suggesting
>>678624 Man they really aren't giving you a good hand out there eh. There's like a dozen options on the OCS that are under ten dollars a gram.
I've been meaning to go check out the Tokyo Smoke shop that's opened here; a boyfriend of a friend works there and I said I'd swing by.
the >>678629 the 29% thc ish is like 14.99 a g and that's my minimum to get a good mood else I'm like somewhat functional if it's weaker garbo for real
the kratom-THC combo is really good imo it takes away that nasty self consciousness overload and you can FEEL the information flowing through you i did systems modeling and topological stuff in my notebook for like a whole week straight and then i ran out of THC
normally i have a little trouble gripping a mathematical concept long enough to articulate it into a proof or formulation but it helped my thoughts stay real sharp without feeling stimulated or hyperfocused
yeah it takes away the feeling of "what am I and why am I, what is the POINT" and it's like there's infinite points out there self, get a fucking grip boyo then you open yourself up to more possibilities, more methods and more perspectives ESPECIALLY big galaxy brayn factor
im having a lot of troubles at this point though trying to communicate those concepts to other systems it's real slippy since it's all sustained from its own foundations the work now is just translating and it's a really long chore
well, life is just a game. sometimes playing the same day over and over again is safe, doesn't make us fear for anything lol deep i'm just getting fucking headshot to shit right now
>>678642 i'm drifting in and out of sleep sorry not right now maybe later