There's a short essay I need to do for my philosophy class on compatibilism between determinism and free will. The prompt starts off "supposing" God exists and is omniscient. So therefore if everything is known by God you can't ever do anything that is a free choice because it was already known it was going to happen. And we need to provide a compatibilist objection to that argument.
The professor pretty much tells us how to give the example but the whole thing is dumb to me. Never mind that time don't real and you literally can't know what will happen regardless of whether you're God or not.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
"leiwa" is trending on twitter along with reiwa for some reason
>>661661 haha i was just sbout to say "look into christian philosophy that view is tight in their book" *right
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
it's a weird argument to me that knowing what will happen in advance is a refutation of free will assuming Abraham's God, there's no contradiction in the idea that He knows your choices before you do. knowing what you'll do is different from making you do things Knowing in advance does not imply it was "determined"
>>661664 Yeah, pretty much. The material for the section talks about the Principle of Alternative Possibilities which sets that if it's not up to a person whether they perform an action freely, and could not have done otherwise, then that person did not perform that action freely. Which is what the argument in the prompt is relying on. We need to dispute that principle, which the professor gives us in the material and even sent out an email saying "we are looking for a PARTICULAR answer in your objection". It's basically just an assignment to ensure the students understand PAP and the Frankenfurt objection to it, which is all material we were clearly given in the class.
lol a particular answer to a philosophical question that's so silly. if that's what they want, they should ask you to write about it, not to write from a perspective you might not agree with
>>661666 seems bit silly assingment to me or rathet futile
>>661667 There are less-important components to the paper where we need to provide an objection to the objection (which is still writing from a perspective you might not agree with but at least more free-form in your response), and a final component where we need to remark on whether the compatiblist or the determinist gets the better of the dispute. That final bit is the least important part but it's the part that someone's personal perspective will factor most heavily into hah hah.
>>661668 The content is dumb but I can appreciate the straightforwardness of the assignment. As opposed to demonstrating your ability to argue well or formulate a well-evidenced stance like most university papers I've had to deal with this one is just making sure you understand the course material. Like a test or quiz really, just in long-form style. Kind of a welcome relief from the complexity of everything else I need to deal with.
I don't really think there's a point but not everything needs a point. And jokes in good fun are enjoyable. Definitely some people take it too far or are too asinine about it but generally the stuff that comes out of Japan's creatives is enjotable.
God April fool manga releases are so obnoxious Sometimes they're pretty funny but usually they aren't.
would you drink coffee cola
No I don't like coffee. If I did though I would try it.
i want to drink coffee beer
also happy april fools
how are you guys doing btw
i am coming down from a few beers and falling asleep a bit
my big three oh is coming up had something of a timer set and im so far away from anything successful or making progress so im pretty bummed out too
Yeah I know how that goes. I'm still a few years off but the prospect of it coming up is a constant churn of anxiety and pessimism for me. What ever happened to the things I wanted to do.
i havent done any birthday things for probably a decade people keep saying like "oh what are you gonna do? you gotta do something big to celebrate" and i dont have anyone to celebrate it with i might go get tacos with my roommate or something at most
It's hard for me to not do any birthday things. Even if I wasn't living with my parents I'd still probably be with family for Christmas, and it's not like I can say "can we not do any celebrating on Christmas this year". But it's been quite a few years now that the date has been more joyous than melancholic for me.
there's a cheaper student version which involves class verification and it only is for use with that class material so i guess it's not providing everything i dont really need it or anything that's what my brain is for but it would be pretty fun
I got to use a bit of Matlab back when I was trying my hand at mathematics. I wasn't terribly enamoured by it but by that point I think I was sliding headfirst into total apathy anyway and the stuff we were using it for was never really a particular fascination for me anyway.
Some of the material for my philosophy class references a thought experiment with a character called JoJo in it and man that has totally different connotations for me than it probably does for this author and the usual reader of the text hah hah.
i do need to acquire some sort of software the myelin sheathes must be bein attacked by the immune system and dyin down cause i can't hold onto all the thoughts long enough to work through them without distraction i need to actually be documenting and organizing as i go with some sorta interface
Yeah I can get that. There's a lot of stuff I know pops up in my head that I should really record somewhere because I don't really hold fully-formed thoughts solely in my head for that long before letting them go back into the creative ooze. But I've never really gotten into the habit of doing stuff like that so I don't really know ,,, how to.
yeah with maths it can be particularly tricky because you gotta hold these concrete concepts in your active memory while trying to be thinking abstractly about problem solving i'll get to a concept i want to build upon, then do some problem solving to the next step, but can't quite recall what the original end-goal was it can all be so formless, which can be good or bad letting it dissipate still helps recognition and conceptualization
I always forget how great white noise apps are for helping me zone in on things. Music can be nice too but some times I get distracted by it. But something like the sound of rain and thunder and murmuring people is weirdly hypnotizing.
for stuff like this i tend to put one long song on repeat that's mostly similar throughout for a long time i'll start playing another song from youtube or something without realizing it until like a couple minutes because i get so used to it noise is so good for focus as long as it's not real targeted noise or hostile noise or distinct language that you can't -not- listen to because it's words
i gotta stop talking about this all the time im being so overbearing and making this space feel unwelcoming and unappetizing it's like i moved in and am using this board for my home and it makes the commons feel cramped im too needy and im gonna be 30 and i shouldnt like this such a gosh damned child i ought to go space things out for a while
a there goes my train of thought >>661823 like the speaker? maybe they put a hex on them in the factory Im surprised at least one of my sides hasn't broken since it has happened in most of them that or the cord goes to shit
have you ever used wireless headphones? the pair I have now are pretty decent even through the dog chewed the padding >>661828 just don't get airpods a lot of poor people wear Beats so you'll probably sit in some of middle ground
these are ones I use not a fan of the way they look but the milage I've got has been pretty acceptable I just wish the Bluetooth was a bit better too >>661831 well admittedly they were a gift and picked up from another country so therefore cheaper but Amazon says around $60
though I'd say it would be best to shop around since they're probably dated a bit now
wireless stuff has always seemed kind of pointless to me if I'm using it I'm always close enough to the computer that it doesn't matter if there's a wire there or not.
Then again - if that's what keeps breaking maybe it's time to INVEST
there's always those wired headphones that allow to swap out the cord too
the only problem would be finding aux cords that don't fuck up always reminds of shitty aux cords and car stereos reminds me still not really that much of a problem I use a lot of three dolla woolies cords and they do just fine if not better than some aux cords just lack in length
>>661838 ok here's another one >>661837 be gentle tranquilo just kidding i throw them around literally they're just too dumb to die
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
in the last two years I've gone through like 6 pairs of headphones and most of them were of half decent quality too I dunno what I'm doing that other people don't
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
do you guys use soap when you take them into the shower?
>he showers bro ur washing the gamer grime off youll never be grandmaster top 500 now
>>661893 I'm blanking on the details at the moment, but I'm pretty sure there is a studio that does just this. Well, they maybe do other press stuff otherwise in the year but April Fool's is consistently a day for legitimate announcements for them.
>>661896 I find it amusing how the guy found ito n instagram, posts in on twatter and then the dude who originally created it and posted it on twitter comes around "hey my stuff" would be more amusing if it had a longer chain
>>661897 blizzard used to do this, doing several jokes and one or true legitimate thing
There's a dude at a local martial arts place that was trained by a dude that was trained by Bruce Lee When you think about it, it sounds very impressive, but when you write it down or say it out loud, it suddenly sounds unreliable somehow
I show up about an hour late for class and it gets called ten minutes later because the lecture room has no heating, hah hah. There's easily a ten to fifteen Celsius difference between the hall outside the room and the room itself. Maybe even fifteen to twenty I don't really know what feels like what. Honestly I didn't find it that cold but a number of students had on their winter coats. Not that I feel like that should really be an issue with taking in the class but I'm not really going to quarrel with the professor about something like that.
>>661905 Number of reasons. We don't have regional or distanced-metered fares like London or Japan does, so you can literally take the transit from one side of the city to the other for that price. We also have a system in place that lets you change from subway line to subway line to bus line to streetcar on the same fare, where as in most metro lines that would require paying a new fare, so that cost is incorporated in. It's great if you need to do a long transit with a number of steps but it also kind of sucks if you're only doing like, three stops, hah hah.
Additionally we have a somewhat high cost of living which naturally adds costs to any service localised in the city.
As well it is ridiculously hard for the transit commission to obtain government funding for its services, let alone expansions or service improvements. The city government has people that try their darnedest
to obtain funding for it but a lot of the city council are elected by people who don't want their taxes going to a service they barely rely on as mostly car drivers. Which is a microcosm of the provincial level struggle as a lot of people out in not-Toronto Ontario see Torontonians as self-centred and love to see us get chips off our shoulder and petition their elected officials to not support provincial finding for Toronto-only services like transit. Our current majority provincial parliament is even dangling the threat of privatising the city transit which would be a nightmare and likely awful thing for Torontonians in the long run.
So with it hard to get better subsidisation for the transit and the need to improve service and expand routes as our city has long since outgrown in population what our transit can comfortably service, the only recourse they have is to pull income from their userbase. It's all around a frustrating situation.
And to be fair the nuance does run deeper than that; the transit commission wastes money in the implementation of new services as unexpected complications arise, and line expansions always run over budget as government-contracted projects are want to do.
I would argue those are simply unavoidable concerns in the face of the benefits gained by improved transit service but maybe that's my Torontonian self-importance showing through.
>>661912 >>661913 Sometimes it generates some concepts that make no sense together but other times it really knocks it out of the park for random generation.
>>661914 As far as I know it's a bot, yeah. There's a handful of "Somewhere X a Y does Z" type frames the bot pulls from and fills out with nouns and other suitable concepts. This makes a lot of the posts just nonsensical but a lot of them are pretty interesting too.
>Nine theologians imagine a labyrinth into existence.
Yeah the "X persons imagine a Y into existence" frame can really generate some great set-ups.
I also really like the "Somewhere in <Location> there is a <Object>. It is <Action>." ones and the "A <Person> closes their eyes/goes to sleep. In that time they live a life as a <Thing>." too.
>By using this mechanical device, you can reach another world. It is filled with Siamese cats this sounds like smethign written by DOuglas Adams
youc ould prolly use MRB as a world building aid
another 4am wakeup 6am start
>>661921 Yeah totally. I've definitely looked at some of the stuff it's generated and gone "oh I can work something out of this".
murderer realises he doesn't exist is already something that could be a decent story
the nine theologians imagine a labyrting into existence is like an entire origin story for a location
Kirara, the Baseball Mom >In Study 1 (n = 137), the more participants believed that Princess Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered. In Study 2 (n = 102), the more participants believed that Osama Bin Laden was already dead when U.S. special forces raided his compound in Pakistan, the more they believed he is still alive.
i beg your hecking pardon what
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
apparently the beliefs predict each other in a hierarchical regression idek ill look at the full article when i get on my laptop in 20 minutes
i aint payin 36 bucks to read that but i am curious
hey kirara can i ask you to read something later today and tell me if it's just out of perspective i know ive been really overbearing lately with demanding people's time and i apologize im going to try to get some local therapy soon so i wont have to do that anymore hopefully
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i do not have access through my uni
>>661930 I would be happy to Later, though, I'm about to start class
I feel a little irritable today. Everyone at the shop annoyed me to no end. They were blocking the aisles, moving slowly, cutting me off, and then I got stuck behind someone trying to figure out which of his credit cards actually worked. I don't usually get so bothered, but it really got on my nerves today.
People really should endevor to avoid inconveniencing other people when possible.
Jesus the doubleshotgun is not balanced against the Cyberdemon it does almost as much damage as BFG9k due to all of the hits hitting the big boy andit not having any large armour reduction from shotgun dmg
well doubleshooty is the best gun anyhow >>661937 I often find that doing groceries can restore your hatred of humanity quite efficiently nto to mention shopping for clothing or something
>>661937 i can sympathize with the guy with the credit cards it's the first and he prolly didnt get paid yet and is trying to just get stuff that happens to me , or has caused me concern anyway when you got literally no food and you go try to buy milk and bread or something and you got 4 bucks on your card
actually it happened with my meds the other day. didnt get prior auth so i had to pay in cash, it was $59.20 and i had $58 on my card had to actually dig out change and pay a dollar 25 in change before swiping the card and i had been a week without them already like people look at me and judge me or scoff when that shit happens but have a heart life is hard
the lady // cashier lady said like three of them were expired
i do feel for people in that situation and it shouldn't exist and maybe i don't understand because i've never used a credit card? but it feels like you should know how much you have available on your credit card, especially if you have like 10 of them
well mine is paypal debit but yeah i dont have any credit cards okay i need to stop
maybe i'm irritable about work it turns out the dude who left and fucked everything up was told he had to leave because he did a fraud and him leaving is causing a lot of trouble for everyone because he didn't upload his intake material to any of the client files so nobody knows anything about his clients that they're not being given and he apparently is just going to try to get a job at another clinic and probably fuck things up there too he's the guy that got kicked out of our graduate program for fucking everything up too and it's not just we the clinicians that are suffering from it, all of his clients suddenly get a new clinician that they've never seen before and who know nothing about them. it's so bad for the clients.
i almost want to call the place he's trying to get hired at and warn them because i know he's just going to cause trouble for more people and probably fuck up a lot of clients' progress, again
it's also the dude that used to flirt with me all the time even though i explicitly told him i wasn't interested although he's got a boyfriend now (with the same name as his dog's name lol)
I can probably find the energy to call and warn them. I'm just not sure if I should do it or not. On one hand, I feel ethically obligated to protect the people he would be harming. But on the other hand, maybe I'm trying to sabotage him because I don't like him. That might be a part of it and I don't realize it.
there's the possibility of perception too if you could be at risk of looking like a saboteur then that may be worth considering people remember facts all wrong in a few months, and all
fasting on weekends has turned out pretty useful if you suddenly have to do three days it's like no trouble ive been fasting weekends for almost a decade it seems normal now still not happy about my work not having paid me yet today but at least i dont have to feel slighted
I really fucked up last time. I didn't prepare properly before it, so when it came, I got sick and passed out and failed to turn in a report and missed class, which resulted in a lot of trouble. But I've prepared properly this time. I don't have any obligations that day.
Yeah I remember now I also remember that the fasting on yahrzeit is a tradition you do on your parent's yahrzeit and that you are endangering your health intentionally in an effort of penance.
I'm not doing it out of a desire for penance. Of course, on Yom Kippur, that's about atonement, so that's different, but I'm not punishing myself for Saku's death or anything. And it's not endangering my health.
I distinctly recall you saying otherwise. >>661967 You passed out though.
Of course nothing I say will prevent you from doing this.
>>661968 I used to do it as punishment, but I don't anymore. >>661968 I passed out because I didn't prepare. I didn't drink enough water prior to starting it and hadn't been able to eat because something kept me out late, so I was already about a whole day of no food. No food for two days and no water for one day made me pass out. If I prepare properly, I can handle a 24 hour dry fast. There are a lot of benefits to dry fasting, anyway.
i think fasting in general is good people always thought i was anorexic or something unhealthy when id do it but it was nothing like that im well nourished and just fast a bit
what are the benefits to dry fasting? ive never done it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>661970 After you move are you goinng to start going to synagogue?
>>661971 Dry fasting is good for resetting the body in a lot of ways, but more importantly, it helps strengthen your constitution and stuff like that. It helps build discipline, as well. In general, it can be good for your mental health as long as you approach it properly. And it really helps you re-orient yourself to your needs, which is important sometimes.
>>661972 No, I don't want to die doing something like praying.
Besides, I'm not even really religious at this point. I wouldn't get anything out of going unless I was in New York City or somewhere with a big Jewish community.
Is that guy that did the shooting still alive I didn't actually find that out
>>661975 I thought that guy lived He didn't even have his own gun though he just picked up the shooters gun
Well, in any case, the good guy with a gun thing is kind of a myth. If a guy comes in with a shotgun and an automatic weapon and starts attacking everyone, I'm not going to take him out with a handgun from across the room. He's got a lot more ability to kill me than I do to kill him in that instance.
So what's the solution? Easy. I just won't go places where I'm likely to get mowed down.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>661980 Then move to chicago and go to the synagogue with super high security that's a block away from Obama's house. Christ you're paranoid.
>>661981 haha paranoid? do you know how often synaogues get shooting or bomb threats? you probably don't pay attention to that stuff, or you're too afraid to actually admit to yourself that it's a dangerous time to be doing those things
the synagogues here have now put locks and /// on the doors which they lock during service why? because they know there is a legion of unhinged losers with the desire and means to kill all of us
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>661983 peoplec make threats all the time rarely do they follow up Its slightly err somewhat more dangerous to go to synagogue than it used to be
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if you don't feel a sense of danger, i don't know what to tell you man most jews i know definitely do feel that sense of danger and 90% of jews i know are pretty worried about it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>661985 that's because you live in fucking florida
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
most of the jews i talk to are people i've connected with online and they live throughout the country
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I think its dangerous but not dangerous enough to stop me from going to synagogue.
>>661991 I'm not particularly observant. Like I said, I'm not really religious at this point. I haven't actually been religious in any capacity for over a year now.
>>661992 Cocoa isn't that bad. It looks worse than it is. Mostly because it's in between Rockledge which is kind of well-off and Merrit Island/Cocoa Beach, which are super well-off.
WPB is cool, but I've only been there once or twice. It's not really my style.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Hi Nezi
>>661994 I really want to know who that is. I need to.
>>661995 Yeah, Cocoa Beach is like that. It's the beach that is always advertised as the beach area near Disney, so it's a big tourist trap. They've got Ron Jon's and stuff up there. It's a nice place to walk around, although last time I was there, I was meeting a /moe/ and some of his friends who were here on vacation, and I said I'd pay for their lunch because they were like 10 years younger than me, and it ended up being $50 for guacamole and chips because it's Cocoa Beach.
Ugh, the client that got transferred me that I have to see tomorrow isn't even a substance abuse client, I don't think. His only diagnosis in the system is major depression? But there's also a note that says he has trauma? Unfortunately, I have no way of learning anything about this client before I meet him because of that asshole who got himself fired and didn't complete his notes. It looks like it's court ordered treatment related to custody agreements? There's a note in his file saying a report will be completed on him within four weeks, but there's no report uploaded. Am I supposed to do the report? It's scheduled as individual therapy.
Yeah, I'm just gonna make sure that asshole doesn't get another job. He really fucked shit over.
1st try spiderbrain the hard or ultra violent wasn't even that hard a difficulty
>>661996 What did they do again? I can't always keep up with who's a pos.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>662007 They're really really obnoxious and will sperg out and accuse us of uhh shit I forget something to do with someone named kori who doesn't post here but he accuses us of hiding him or some shit like that
Only critique doom gets from me, is that it was bit too short 13h play time according to steam, I spent some extra time hunting secrets and collectibles and found maybe 80% of them and that still includes alt+tab, bathroom pause etc time added to the total chunk
I dunno, the game can prolly be done in 6h or something without rushing anything
Same issue as with Singularity I want MOAR
Oh yeah, I guess that was them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't even like Kori in the House
The person obsessed with Kori was a Sakura poster from somewhere in Brazil. That's (probably) a different person.
>>662005 i would say the court might have precedence to reset that deadline but that's problematic in multiple ways still fucks up everyone's court dates and schedules potentially makes your place look bad as the holder of the contract for court-ordered stuff
I think the report might have been completed? Because I found another note that says "Client recommended for 6 sessions of individual treatment" Ugh, I don't know. I'm not doing a report, though. I'm not keeping this client. First of all, I don't take non-substance clients, and second of all, you can't resolve childhood trauma in 6 sessions. Third, one session is apparently already completed, which would leave 5 sessions, which will be 4 sessions because I would have to basically do an intake with my first session with them. There's no way for me to do this.
I actually told the people scheduling things that I'm not taking new clients right now, and they added this client to my schedule right after I told them that today.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>662013 oh then nezi is just toxic he lives in Florida and doxed himself
>>662013 Ah well, Sakura was the pedo and >>662016 was true too, so either way they're not people I want to interact with
>>662015 you mean that refuse was taking childhood trauma clients then just abandons all responsibility disgusting
I got to sit down and talk with my professor for Modernist Literature today. I'm a little bit concerned with my academic standing in the class and I got to talk with her about some of the struggles I've had. I think I got to her that I wasn't missing out on stuff because I didn't enjoy her class and even mentioned being remiss that I missed opportunities to discuss things I enjoyed.
The talk also pivoted towards my major paper and it was really useful to get some preliminary input from her on it. I had some broad/vague concepts in mind and talking with her gave me an avenue to funnel those into a narrow, better concept for a paper and solidify the ideas better.
>>662020 He was taking a lot of different types of clients. He had to leave effective immediately because he basically committed fraud. His options were to resign immediately or to take a hit that would prevent him from getting licensed for a while.
So he decided to resign and try to get a new job at a newer clinic that really needs people.
Now I get it my reaction to startign the final boss fight was "oh wha already" basically the game lacked that final build up a boss rush like in dmc games or some giant gauntlet of monsters
like a metal song that lacks a guitar solo or something it just jumped to the finale without a crescendo
>>662021 nice bet that feels like a little weight off or at least more optimistic about the task
Yeah, pretty much It's the class I'm probably third-least worried about though so there are more pressing worries I have, but it's the only class of mine that had professor office hours today The biggest worry is coming up tomorrow so I'll have to see how that goes.
when my life starts getting derailed I also stop watching anime not because I don't enjoy it but I can't bear falling into the stereotype of being a fat autistic weeaboo
so when I'm gaining weight and losing my social skills anime also has to go
>>662031 happy birthday for in a few days. >>662037 I've always thought you were pretty fruity!
>>662043 biology and some psychology and whatever studies have rpoven that men, who are atleast perceived to be successfull start tog et more attractive to women post 30 or something and it doesn't end untill they really look like senior citizens ofc if you aren't a looker, then you won't be a looker unfortunately
i'm never gonna look like a senior citizen because i perpetually look young people think i'm 30 right now because i grow good facial hair but if i get rid of it, i look 15
I have quite good genes from my father's side in terms of "gets better with age", though there is the baldness but I did inehrit blond hair from my mother's side and men in that family have hair on their head on death bed
I wonder what old blond even looks like? does it just turn white or grey? orw hat?
finns have a high lifespan on average, when you remove unhealthy lifestyle related deaths, btw even factoring out the "very good health care" it is still higher than average
same thing runs with many slavics too the 200 year old babuska from siberia
haa I want to shoot moar demons this is jsut like singularity the game ends just when you get super comfortable with the enemies, your guns and your abilities and before you get to do anything really cool with them, blam over
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](43 KB, 557x720, amen.jpg)Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh no, I just realized Wan Panch s2 is JC Staff instead of Madhouse. What's with that?!
Animation studios don't get to choose what they adapt, aside from some very select exceptions. For whatever reason the production committee behind the One-Punch Man anime decided to go from Madhouse to J.C. Staff for whatever reason. Maybe money factored in, maybe Madhouse literally had too much work on their plate and the committee didn't want to wait until they had resources.
J.C. Staff is also doing the KonoSuba movie instead of DEEN. I think the creative heads are still working on the project so i don't expect much to change, but maybe the grunt animators won't have the same lackladasical approach to animating.
I don't // I'm apprehensive about JC Staff but I hope it will be okay.
I'm pretty much at the point in Sekiro where I've exhausted all the things to do aside from grind out the thirty-one -twenty-nine skill points I need to unlock every skill or fight DoH and the last boss. All the questlines have run to completion or are uncompletable.
I didn't get a chance to beat the final boss yesterday. I might tomorrow. If not, I'll have to wait until Thursday.
Although I guess I might have an hour or two before work today.
I gave up on DoH because he's not fun for me. The final boss is easily the most fun boss in the game, though. Truly a gift from my beloved Genichiro-sama.
I've given a stab at both fights to see what they were like but only really went skin deep. I'm hoping the fire-proof shield will help with DoH.
For a while I was running around scouring corners because I ended up with nine prayer necklaces and a
lone extra prayer bead and that was confusing to me. But I can't find any others so I guess I must have shut off a chance to get more.
>>662160 Yeah looks so. Not that I'm going to figure out where the heck that final bead I could get is, especially with how pointless it would be to chase it down.
is there any benefit to giving the hefty child the white flower instead of the red and white i sent him to the shopkeep
Kotaro is a pure boy who just wants to be happy, so you should do the right thing and give him the pure flower. Doing gives you the Taro Persimmon which I think you need for a certain quest
well i thought his headache would get worse if i gave him the white flower so i sent him to the shop he seems pretty happy, being a battlefield scavenger for the thief, honestly.
>>662164 Any persimmon fulfils the requirements for that quest, it doesn't have to be the Taro one.
>>662166 Are you sure? I'm pretty sure she needs multiple ones, and one has to be that one. If you didn't need that one for it, it would be weird for it to have special dialogue and a separate option. I dunno, it seemed important when I did it.
>>662165 He's in the illusory hall with all the invisible kids, for me.
i have FOUR persimmons but waifu doesn't do anything but give me rice right now i guess
>>662167 You're right that it's weird that there's special dialogue and a selection option for it, but it seems for actually progressing you can just feed her normal persimmons. Maybe it's a bit of an incorrect detail they didn't fix up or a design change they modified at the last minute or something. aLl //All it ends up being is just some extra flavour text and warm feelings for making such a good girl extra happy.
the lady near the ashina castle said that the divine child should "eat one, maybe two... more is better" or so but i can't give her any of the fruit then i found out something COOL happens if you deactivate the demon bell next to her
neat she gives you stuff if you pop mibu balloons near her too
>>662174 did you see the old lady stabbing all those nobles after you open that door in the palace?
Yeah, I triggered her moving to the room shortly after opening the door because I was doing a lot of fast travelling around. Or maybe I just died shortly after, hah hah.
I found her still standing before the nobles' courtyard, still asking me to find her dad, after she died killing those nobles. I'm not sure if it's a glitch or if it's a different lady or not.
>>662178 There's two old ladies in Fountainhead, the one in the Mibu Manor that asks you to get her dad to stop serving the Carp, and another one standing on the roof of a mostly-submerged building out in the middle of the lake. The one that goes stabby on the nobles is the one on the roof.
oh, i thought they were the same person does that mean i'm supposed to kill the guy by the carp feeding idol? to save him? or i guess now that i think about it, i haven't visited him since i killed the carp
carp guy dies naturally if you finish the carp quest. pay him a visit
>>662180 if you can track down where the carp's body lays dead, there's an item you get that you'll be able to give to the man.
In the usual fashion of things I cut some of my nails way too close to skin trimming them earlier. How annoying.
Ubisoft has entered an agreement with Epic Games to have third-party exclusivity for Anno 1800 solely through their store. Come the hell on Ubisoft. Next you know they'll releasing Assassin's Creed games only through them and uPlay.
At least all pre-orders of the game through Steam will be fulfilled, and you can purchase the game through Steam up until the game's release but that still means ... pre-order or buy through a different store. What an annoying predicament.
>>662187 epic games sure is sniping a lot of games
I wonder how long it'll take for Valve to implement a clause saying if you are looking to publish a game through Steam, that game can not be removed from the store for X period of time. As it stands these developers are just using Steam for marketing and buzz building and then ditching it before they actually have to start paying Valve money. I can't imagine that's making them particularly happy.
I'll probably buy the game a day or two before release in this case. At the least it means if the game is shit I can argue for a refund through Steam.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
maybe epic games will fix their problems if people complain enough (haha)
Hah hah. Or just look at the money-printing machine they've got named Fortnite and go "eh, why bother."
Apparently Epic's head even said after the Metro Exodus situation that they weren't going to snipe games on Steam that had pre-orders up anymore. So, well, they've established they are fine with boldly lying, which, sure, corporations, nothing new. But evidence instead of assumptions carries a far heavier weight.
i figured out what was wrong with this green maeng da it's just maeng da i remembered it being different before because i had green kapuas before but thought it was maeng da gotta go back
wow vape stuff is way more technical in variety than i thought im lost! i think i'll do one of these suorin things because they got good product design so that must mean it's a good product right
>>662230 eliquids, i guess the nicotine salts? im figurin this out as i go im looking for a replacement to real cigarettes which stink up the indoors and gives me migraines from the smell
we dont have recreational dispensaries here yet for thc products but it is legal just michigan is super reluctant to approve anyone for an actual retailer outside of medical supply not too worried about that though waddya know any tips
cigarettes are way too much nicotine anyway you get no control you gotta light up a whole one and either waste most of it or take it all at once very bad design
tobacco pipes are better in that respect but smell terrible and are messy
>>662232 i just use juuls decent hit on the throat and refills are sold everywhere probably not the most economical option tho and damn that is a lot of nicotine
i ended up getting a suorin vagon it looks like a vibrator lmao i'll just buy nicotine salt liquids and i'll actually be spending way less than on cigs probably like 1/4th the cost
>>662263 >slope I jumped. The reason I bought this is because they previewed a Kokoro at wonfes I needed the Koi to go with it and once it comes out I'm grabbing that too.
>>662281 It all started when I realized wow work fucking sucks. How can I get out of doing this asap and then I remembered just how many unethical ways of making money there were So here I am, preparing myself for the dividend life
anyone have ida what the HID compliant devices do actually just apparently found out they cause huge fps issues in atleast FEAR when left on on modern windowses
soon as my computer gets goin i gots a story this dude straight psychotic and that dumbass who had to resign who fucked everything up didn't even realize that this dude was psychotic even though he thinks ppl tryna sacrifice his son to satan
Hi Rika! I guess you missed my rant yesterday, so I'll recap. My coworker, the one who used to flirt with me even though I told him I wasn't interested and who got kicked out of our doctoral program, was forced to resign from our clinic after (I think) fraud. I might know more about why tomorrow. But anyway, he didn't do his clinical notes or complete evaluations or intakes, so everyone else is just suddenly being transferred his clients and none of us know anything about them.
So I got one today, and I looked through the unfinished intake to figure out why the guy was even coming, and he's sad about losing custody for his kids. It seems like a whatever case.
I get in with the guy and he's full-blown psychotic. I was // ask him why he's coming, and he explains that he has been accused of many crimes "illegally" by "the organization". So I ask what the org is and he tells me it's an anti-narcotic unit that wanted him to be a snitch for them even though he's never had anything to do with narcotics. He told them to "fuck off" so now they, who apparently have cops and a state attorney in their pocket, are accusing him of crimes he "cannot legally be charged with" and he has gone to jail for them.
He further explains that his biological son is another guy's legal son because he was fucking that other dude's wife, so somehow that makes him legally the other dude's. Now, this other dude, let's call him Crip. Because Crip was apparently a Crip in Alabama, where he originally began to worship Satan. Alabama is home to the "Seven Gates of Hell" he says (although google says that's in pennyslvania). He snitched on some other crip to the feds and then fled to Florida. Now the local crips (there is no crip presence here) found him, so he moved to Baton Rouge, which the client very emphatically explains, is the "home of voodoo" and thus more proof that Crip is a satanist. Crip reportedly wants to steal the client's son so he can sacrifice him to Satan in order to punish the
the client for "treating his wife better than he did". He believes Crip's wife, who the client was fucking, set the client up so he would be charged with neglect so Crip could steal the kid for the purpose of sacrifice. Crip and Crip's wife haven't spoken in over a year and she's allegedly homeless now, despite that.
Also, he believes his brother is in jail for crimes he didn't commit (which is possible and maybe not a delusion).
He was incredibly intense and had very pressured speech and cycled through a lot of different affects, from red-faced rage, to sobbing.
Somehow that dumbass who had to resign completely missed all of these delusions despite doing a bio-psycho-social evaluation on him and doing one individual session with him.
Anyway, that's the story. It was really crazy and I thought I might have to fight him a few times.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
so whats the difference between being psychotic and having paranoid schizophrenia? cause I think I might mix them up a bit
Psychotic refers to a type of symptom which is generally characterized by thought disorders, hallucinations, etc. Active schizophrenia is generally psychotic. However, not all psychotic presentations are schizophrenic, even when there's paranoia. For example, there's delusional disorder, which is typically paranoid in presentation and is basically a case where everything is normal with someone except for the presence of a strong and dysfunctional delusion. There's also brief psychotic episode, which is basically just a psychotic break and can be triggered by stress.
For this client in particular, I didn't see the presence of the symptoms I would expect to see in a typical schizophrenic presentation, so I'm going to diagnose delusional disorder. Until a full evaluation is done, at least. He may very well just be an atypical presentation of paranoid schizophrenia. My supervisor would have diagnosed with schizophrenia based on what I told her and said delusional disorder was the most conservative diagnosis I could do when I said that's what I wanted to diagnose. But I'm pretty conservative with diagnoses and schizophrenia diagnosis will follow you for a long time, so I'm hesitant to give it without more data. However, I will probably list it as a rule-out.
On one hand, I'm lucky to get to see that because you very rarely see such psychotic ideation in an outpatient mental health setting, but on the other hand, I have to do some extra documentation, and we're going to have to do a staffing to see what we're going to do because he's probably not suitable for treatment.
I'm definitely going to report that guy to the place he's applying to after this.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
You think inpatient would work for him? the client i mean
Hmm, I dunno. I think he probably needs antipsychotics before he can benefit from treatment. At least to stabilize him. Apparently he did a psych eval somewhere and he was diagnosed //// where he was prescribed abilify. But he said the abilify was for depression. And couldn't tell me any information about that psych eval.
I'm assuming another professional thinks he also needs antipsychotics, but I don't know. As things are, I think this person has the potential to become dangerous, based on the rage he showed me in the session, and a situation he described in which he was ejected from the courthouse because he was going to attack Crip and he threatened a bailiff or something.
>>662311 >i rarely see such psychotic ideation in an outpatient mental health setting >usually i gotta wait til i get home for that
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I used to take abilify I gained a lot of weight on that actually I think that was the thing I gained weight on that I didn't lose after going off of it
Abilify is a weird drug. It's used to treat like 5 different diagnoses and they all have only marginally similar presentations, so I don't really trust it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
yeah ocd, autism, depression, bipolar and schizophrenia
Haha, the referring agency said they thought he had childhood trauma that was the problem.
This guy's kids were found walking along the freeway on multiple occasions, aged 3 and 4, with diapers so full of urine, that they touched the ground, and without shoes. The police report says the home they were living in had no food in it whatsoever, but the sink was full of dirty dishes, and the home hadn't been cleaned in so long that there were cobwebs everywhere. They also didn't have AC. But he cried and cried and cried about how his son is the only thing that matters to him and he needs his son back.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
huh the first digital pill approved by the FDA was abilify.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>662319 does he have two sons or a son and a daughter?
He has a son and a daughter. Kind of. The daughter is biologically Crip's and his wife's, but the client raised the daughter for like 3 years because Crip didn't want to get involved until now. He's not really concerned with getting his daughter back. The client isn't. The daughter is currently with Crip over in the home of voodoo and the son is in foster care in our county.
>>662329 It can be kind of difficult, but I've gotten used to it. I think it's better on /moe/ than on lots of other sites. And it's easier than sitting with my laptop all the time, since I usually have a cat or a fish taking up laptop space on my lap on the couch
just stuff and things i've been fortunate to have a friend that i get to go out and do things with it's nice to leave the house there was a good while where i was in a really bad place and posting on /moe/ can sometimes make that worse so i was absent recently i've been fine though, just out and about
>>662338 It's an urban legend. America has tons of supposed gates to hell. In fact, that haunted campground I stayed at was supposedly a gate to hell, although I didn't realize that until later when someone told me after I told them about that night.
Speaking of weird, I told my colleague that I was going to try to make gyudon, and I showed her the recipe I was going to use, and it said to use thinly sliced beef. And she said "how do you get that?" is it weird to know how to get thin cuts of beef
back when i was drinking heavily every day i would have just ignored it and pretended i never saw it if they brought it up next time i saw them
of course that's obviously not a very healthy way of doing things
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
well I got it over a week ago so up till now that's exactly what I've been doing. But I don't have all that many friends I don't want to burn my bridges
there's always the safe response that you've just not been feeling well because that's not a lie although they'll probably take it as meaning you're physically ill
usually saying youre dealing with a problem gets people an acceptable message i sometimes say im doing emotional maintenance which i think people can understand
I can feel the sadness in the DoH track and it's part of why I like it.
So I was asking my friend who us *is super into gross horror movies if she had seen 120 days of sodom and then my other friend put her hands on her ears and said "no spoilers". I'm not sure which surprised me more.
i've been forced to acknowledge that i'm evil and bad how do i go forward in life, in terms of making friends and creating close bonds? do i just never tell them, or tell them and hope they don't leave
>>662394 Even watching that I was starting to feel stressed from all that heckling. I can't imagine what it would have been like for the woman running through it.
Is this what the game show is normally like? I haven't ever seen it in action before.
oh, the audience always helps that's part of the show yeah some people already know the prices themselves but a lot of people play by looking to the audience everyone comes in big groups so they check what their friends have to say and then other people who seem reputable the show is always like that but lmao this girl i mean she won and she seemed pretty pleased with herself the whole way through
Maybe she wasn't explained the rules to it all too clearly. Sure it's straightforward at the start but the complexity builds as they move up the digits especially with having to use all five at the end.
i // it looked like performance anxiety to me she wanted to change it a lot but felt pressured byt the time i think
I've never really had a particular interest in going on a game show but seeing this really drives it home hah hah. I like games but man that looks like a beyond unpleasant situation to be in.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
heh I thought this guy's IGN sounded like a pornstar's name so I checked and it totally is.
Remember how I was anxious about using my card with the chip for the first time? And everyone said it's impossible to fuck up? I put my card in the wrong way. Twice. But luckily I figured it out and the cashier didn't even notice because the conveyor belt wasn't working and he was trying to fix it.
it is definitely not impossible to fuck up I've put my card in upside down and backwards I've stuck my ID card in all kinds of stuff
I'm learning a lot and it's weird because I thought I'd have gotten bored or annoyed by all this reading that I'm doing by now. But it's actually pretty fascinating. Finance is a game. Filled with cheat codes and shortcuts. At least in this realm anyway. I think that's what makes it weird.
I haven't even branched out yet. I've just been trying to understand this dividend game and it's just a bunch of basic things and some elite hacks. Like they actually have THIS REALLY EASY TRICK TO MAKE GOOD MONEY and it works most of the time and it's so I'm reading it with a face like this.
I guess this is why people spend money on their charts and graphs
Some number keeps calling my cell almost daily. I don't recognize the number and there's never any voice on the other side and it hangs up like the moment I pick up. So I guess it's someone that keeps caling the wrong number? If it keeps up I'm just going to add the number to spam so I don't get calls in the middle of class for no good reason.
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
i keep getting these robocall “your SSN has been suspended call this number NOW” schemers
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I get 1-2 robocalls a day now. I block them, but new numbers call. It's gotten really bad over the past year or two.
>>662554 there's a few reasons for these none of them are worth answering and most of them are leaky so you're good to just ignore that garbo
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
who even calls without texting first
There is a zero percent chance I would know that's the norm or not.
a lot of those calls are just pruning mass dial and see which numbers are active dont really even need to answer but idk if they use the information that you did or not
There's this Japanese cheese tart place that p opened up downtown recently. A friend and I went in yesterday. The mango one I got was really tasty, the whole thing was kind a cheesecake, only ... tartier.
oh wow that sounds good wonder if they have strawberry rhubarb?? probably not
Sam I found a really good article.
Huh My friend was born on 4/20/1969
>>662564 They did have a strawberry daifuku one, but no rhubarb, no. I would have definitely given one like that a try if they had it, strawberry-rhubarb is a delii combination. Delicious even. They had an apple cinnamon one that caught my eye too, I might visit again in a week or two and try it out.
>>662569 rhubarb is one of my favorite things even just rhubarb pie without strawberry is great but yeah they complement each other so perfectly
Yeah I've had just rhubarb pie and rhubarb crisp before and if you get some rhubarb when it's at peak condition it's delicious. My mother's also made a raspberry-rhubarb pie before on occasion and that's really good too.
im not sure but i think strawberry is so often the pairing because they both harvest around the same time i want to grow some acorn squash this year but i prolly wont
Strawberries start coming to fruition in mid spring and run most the summer. Apparently planting them in like February if the ground isn't too frozen still is good because they benefit from the frost or something. Rhubarb start being harvestable in mid/lateish summer into the fall, so it coincides well with both berries. Plus they all freeze decently which doesn't terribly impact the use of them in baked goods like pies so you can really use them year-round.
I realized that the only real character left to get to know more closely is like Takumi that I'd care about so >>662601 yes for midnight shifts, for about 2-3 hours starting at 10
Maybe I'll finish up FE7 or start FE6 Or do english EO5
>>662574 oh you know your crops, handy i thought rhubarb was an earlier spring thing but it looks like youre right you do kinda wanna use what you got if you can before freezing it though so if you got strawberries getting ready to go in the icebox but you're comin up on some rhubarb it's an exciting chance to use em
>>662611 At both houses we've lived at we've kept a raspberry patch and a rhubarb plant, among some other fruits, so I'm a little bit knowledgeable on them. The strawberry thing is something I picked up from playing Maxis' old SimFarm game, hah hah.
Uncooked fruits are definitely best fresh but the prep involved in cooking usually gives you a bit more leniency with the quality. We usually end up with a couple freezer bags worth of raspberries by the end of harvest season so they just get stored and sometimes made into things if my mother has time. I wonder if there's any use I could find for them, I like raspberries.
You guys hear about this?
>Due to the overwhelming amount of white people and white opinions present on BPT, we are now restricting access to this sub for black folks only.
>>If you are white, you may be afforded access if you appropriately apologize for your whiteness . Whites will be admitted on a case by case basis.
>>662613 i used to defrost the raspberries or blackberries just slightly so they were still cold and then pour milk and sugar over them like a sweet breakfast kind of thing kind of desserty or yogurt if not milk
that will make it a lot better I havn't kept it with since ep2 or 3 due to just being bad at weeklies but stuffing the story into 12 eps felt like rushing I mean the original is just 3 vols, but it is "old manga" it packs a lot of stuff per page compared to modern manga
curiously also a trend in older western comics too, the capestuff atleast having more story per page, but less visual stuff like take example jumping back to manga, one punch man's "a chapter of a robot landing on a rooftop"
I don't trust people who say all this shit like >it's ok guys. gg, we'll get them next time >nice try it seems so disingenuous they just want my ENDORSEMENT for sportsmanship
Your attempt to disrespect the disrespected dead man disrespected him further the deadman tries to smack some respectfulness into you #d20+11 (8 + 11 = 19)
also you are no longer dazed
>>662680 there isn't a single respectful bone in my body rolling to diss deadman online and post a screencap of him saying something dumb #d20+6 (5 + 6 = 11)
>>662678 Take it from someone who's maxed out on Purple
Not everyone has what it takes to be a Good Teammate.
you didn't get signal in the dungeon despite your attempts the deadman is further disrespected by your attempt nnetheles #d20+13 (9 + 13 = 22) as he whacks you with his disrespected bones you are dazedand take 9 damage
damn service sucks attempting to find signal with two concussions #d20+6 (14 + 6 = 20)-4 >>662683 i think my endorsement wheel is pretty even
your attempt to damage his disrespected self esteem made him further disrespected the deadman swings insults at you (md) #d20+15 (17 + 15 = 32) You take 15 psychic damage and are 5 ongoing psychic damage
nah was updating overwatch so i could actually take that screenshot >>662688 jesus am i staggered? i took like 33 damage and im only level 4 roll to retort with no u #d20+6 (9 + 6 = 15) damn save for sick burn #d20 (7) im gonna fuckin die
>>662699 Deadman is too disrespected to even notice your retort, but he still takes disrespect at the attempt #d20+17 (1 + 17 = 18) as he smacks you in the head again the deadman misses and stumbles flatly on the floor
>>662706 ah right #d20 (12) okay this is it my final attack rolling for CHA bonus #d10 (9) 19 CHA what kind of fucking class am i with 14 dex and 19 cha at 4
ok rolling to confess feelings for deadman #d20+8 (1 + 8 = 9) LOL
>>662711 deadman is flattered at your fumble of a confession, but still feels a distinct lack of respect for him #d20+16 (14 + 16 = 30) to teach you how to confess he starts a presentation on seemingly tactics learned from bad visual novels to teach you better how to confess your hot passion you feel like he isn't one to talk about this sort of thing nonetheless
also escalation die is now at 5
>>662714 rolling to just hold hands instead #d20+8 (1 + 8 = 9) this really isnt working out
the deadman is amused at yourattempt to hold his hand he then starts a presentation on signifigance of hand holding and how to do it proper #d20+15 (20 + 15 = 35) you now fully know how to hold hands, gain permanent +5 to any hand holding rolls also you are confused
>>662720 wait how much damage did the hand holding and confession lessons do you only listed 10 dmg after i was staggered i can survive like two hits am i able to coup de grace myself >>662724 oh yeah so 27 dmg CON lvl #d10 (6) 3 con at level 4 and 2 dex hmmmm
yeah i had like 50 hp im downed rolling to save against death from embarrassment #d20 (5) #d20 (4) #d20 (12) #d20 (16) YES
the lessons did 0 dmg also you took 17+9 dmg
gonna do it anyway bicht #d20 (15)
do what?
>>662723 The deadman notices you got back up, he had began to calm down from the disrespect, but is now very disrespected as you disrespected dying by not dying he engages you
wait i forgot to roll recovery #d8 (7)*4 oh that didn't work right #d8 (7) #d8 (6) #d8 (2) + 4 con so i have 17 hp left now >>662730 i scream NO MEANS NO and slap his hand #d20+6 (7 + 6 = 13)
the deadman has finished building up disrespect power #d20 (12) and explodes within #d20 (1) feet everyone takes #d20+20 (17 + 20 = 37) damage >>662742 yup
I tossed it together on the spot, but that was the strat +2 disrespect per turn of further disrespect +4 if any hit landed -1 per turn if no disrespect is done, untill at beginning disrespect (9 in this case) -2 for respecting to -4 depending on LEVEL of respect at 0 deadman stops fighting as he is fully respected
at 20 he blows up or if 16+ on death save EVOLVES
on natural odd he deals 9 and dazes you, 16+ and it weakens you on natural even he deals 9 and grabs you, if you are grabbed he tosses you with another natural even for 9+2d10 fall dmg on 16+ he just deals 18 dmg on natural even >>662748 you escaped
>>662768 fucking this except they look more like this also those look better and cost like 3% as much