>>660677 you can probably learn to drive a big rig pretty easily if you've driven smaller trucks too tbh not sure if you'd be able to get the documents to legally do so if you drive in another country idk how that works
it seems pretty daunting though no one man should have that power though I could properly judge that if I had ever actually rid in a big rig
is fun to ride in a big rig
>>660682 is definitely not for the faint of heart remember Uncle Ben with great tonnage comes great responsibility
with great tonnage comes awesome crashes
it better be awesome because it's probably the last time you'll get to drive one here haha
tl;dr site has + points called "benis" and it implimented benistrator 3000 gambling machine yesterday and people have gsmbled all their benis away site has been for 30+h now just "gib benis 4 benis" memes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
site is free acess, but since last year or so, you neef pr0mium account to post content, so apparently the whole shtick is trading + for membership months
florida man would still give him a run for his money
the ultimate showdown the slaviest slav vs peak america
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
does poland have something to rival crazy train probably not
spiritus i dunno poland is a fun country, would live in if the language made sense
only country in eu that took ukrainian refugees
so just a quick dump badically thete were already domethinh like million refugees in poland, when merkel came knocking "take more but from south" the answer was quite obvious at that poimt eben if thete hadn't been a right wing party in power
weird I tried to take a screenshot on my phone and it blocked it saying "cannot take a screenshot due to personal information" wasn't even personal
i like how there is a station with a "shory platform, please be caregul when getting off"
so i onetime was "how short can it be" it is maybe 20m and isn't even a platform just sand plot no concrete or anything
i guess it isn't important enough to get built proper, but used enough to not be decomissioned
james woods was good in hercules too bad he's a alt right weirdo an
motherfuck why is it so hard to just charge my phone cords keep breaking or the charger does thought my phone was charging the whole time and instead it went flat
they moved the images to the top hand right and added a delay to scrolling through pictures so it plays out like a slideshow both annoying changes
i still love how we have an actual communist worker's party
there was a socialist party when I went to vote just one of the usual never get in parliment parties
i kimda wanna vote a literal protest party their sole thing being remobing or refotming party politics an issue i care about, but there are lot more important things to tackle atm
it was only a state election, but that was the first time I voted environmental party mainly because they seem to at least have a chance of getting in and they are a more savvy to things like asylum seekers and technology not that they don't have room for fuckup but still better than major left leaning party imo labor recently callled them "virtue signallers" because they don't want to sink boats lol
there are few commies in helsinki council lol
lol there is also finnish communist partu aah, younalways bave multiple ones
i wish we could import our greenparty somewhete where they could actually affect their issues lot of them are damn competent and not ideologs though the other half are the ecact type you expect an european green party to be
i do know who i'd want to vote, but he is rumnimgmin helsinki and not the province
you can see whenever there is frost damage on the road from my typing
oh here it is I guess it's saved in cookies or cache or whatever because when I switch browsers it goes back to the old layout does the same in incognito
there's one guy who's the main meme option he literally shitposts and because he's a billionaire? he can shell out money to advertise everywhere he just runs on ol' fashion values or whatever cons love here also he wants to make Titanic 2?
kepu pettää aina central always crooks
>>660738 seems like a stupid thing to caast doubt on
finally got youtube to actually turn horror film trailers off for my personalized ads even though i've used the "stop seeing this ad" feature every time for over a year and still got them fug
well that's good though there's a lot of jarring ads on there there was post I saw where a company sent out an email to let you opt out of their ads I wish more companies did stuff like that
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>660768 how did you manage that? i don't want to see booze ads
thankfully booze ads are illegal viski
>>660770 >>>/@TeamYouTube/1111853107548430336 following that link they shared to me there's like a big thing of active factors and disabled you can disable from the active ones but sadly you can't add new things that you -would- like to be weighted hire strangely like i want more enchantimals ads but oh well
i have like 40+ things there it looks like stuff like action films , shoes, books, computers, different genres of music, investing, outdoors, "women's interests"
idk if this is visible there's, uh, a lot of weird shit on here lmao babyfeeding?? i guess they're tellin me i need to be a mom by now i dont even know what buffalo jackson trading co is taco bell idk i probably made one purchase there so it's like super weighted
CLOCKS just CLOCKS haha what
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh yeah, i had parenting
how many clock videos do you watch per day
and even though it says clocks it has a picture of a couch im loosing it help
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i watch nothing but clocks
is the baby feedin icon a candle am i supposed to feed my baby candles
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wax babby
i would probably feed my baby pramiracetam stacks and valerian root thats prolly why i dont got one
were you able to turn off the alcohol i have miller lite in my disabled one but i didn't see overall alcohol that's what i mean about not bein able to add in something specific
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah i don't see any for alcohol
next time an ad comes up for it click the little i in the bottom left and say stop seein this ad maybe that'll help but it really doesnt most of the time
You guys sould block ads. They're bad for your brain.
>>660795 I've never done it, but I thik // think if you change the DNS to adguard's then it works, but that probably requires super user privs.
There's also a hacked version of the YouTube app with ad blocking that doesn't require su priv, but I'm too paranoid to install it.
It's called ``YouTube Vanced''.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you can't block ads on all devices there's no effective way to block ads on your phone which is where i see youtube ads i don't see them on my computer
yeah yt app doesm't really allow adblocking
i think ads now are good for understanding how the trend of personalized data is moving along i really don't care about the ads themselves or what the content is im just looking at it from the curiosity angle because i wanna think about how that data steers to me it makes me more conscious of leakage and how i am interacting with the information landscape we're moving into but sometimes i do get an ad for like taco bell's new rattlesnake burrito and think huh maybe i should check that out not that i ever really do fast food but i might to try somethin out
lol no
absolutely not lmao how the fuck does that get here
speaking of information are any of our lurkers around currently possibly a sugoi there's some information stuff i kinda need to talk to you about but it's really not that important it concerns me not you, just to not make you paranoid but you might have seen something
who better to moderate than one whose passion transcends all notions of lewd and worksafe
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
blue 4 mod 2020
"this is a blue board" vote one blue 2020
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you know what sucks about my habit of watching anime and then stopping for no real reason I got Owl to watch Samumenco with me and it suffered that fate
that it takes away from your time // oh nevermind i dont actually get to guess
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](553 KB, 867x1100, 09.png)
>>660857 ive been sticking mainly to academic reading, or at least some publicized version of it it's nice because it lasts longer than the piece of reading itself you get to think about it plenty afterwards it's more value out of it
I have several times been in places that had tons of exotic fruits available, but fuck if i remember what all I ate there
>>660868 i love persimmons there are big asian ones and the tiny ones on our trees here they're both amazing and i really like the persimmons here when you're on a hike and pass a bunch of persimmon trees and they're everywhere you can just snack on em while you go
I have had umeshu and other persimmon alcohols, tho
wait umeshu was made from a different fruit
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](249 KB, 720x795, 02.png)
>>660871 They look like tomatoes. Are they pretty similar?
not at all they're like something between an apricot and a passion fruit like squishy and jammy but way sweeter than a tomato
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](60 KB, 640x640, 03.png)
Are they seasonal? I wonder if I can find some here.
Well, I'm always lazy during winter because SAD gets me. But now that spring is getting back to it, I'm feeling a lot more energy. I just hop on the treadmill and run for 30 minutes, I don't really worry about distance. Lately I've been doing about three miles in 30 minutes or so.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](542 KB, 750x750, 01.png)
>>660891 Neat. I haven't run in a while. I'm kind of learning how to walk again in my special shoes.
Oh right, you have to have special shoes. That's got to be a pain. I'm glad I have normal feet.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](139 KB, 452x700, 03.jpg)
>>660893 Yeah, it's rough. They change the way I walk a lot. There are muscles in my thigh areas that keep getting sore like I've never used them before. And it feels like my left foot impacts on the ground weirdly when I walk, and I can feel the impact in my knee, which worries me. But it's hard to figure out how to change the way you walk when you've been walking the way you walk for more than 20 years.
i dunno if it sounds stupid but i find than backwards running helps alleviate impact stress a lot on my knees it'd only really be feasible on treadmill tho
>>660894 Yeah, suddenly changing something like that is bad. I would worry about my knee too! Maybe you should get a brace for it just to be safe.
>>660895 I don't think I'm coordinated enough to run backwards.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](174 KB, 480x600, 04.jpg)
>>660896 That's what I was thinking. I have a cheap brace that I'm going to try today when I walk. I've been walking about 4 miles a few times a week to try to get used to walking. It's really weird. I almost feel like it would be simpler to just get surgery to correct my feet, but who knows, that might keep me out of the game even longer than this.
>>660895 I could try it, but I won't get my meditative benefits out of it and it'll probably stress me out.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](543 KB, 570x880, 05.png)
My flexible flatfoot syndrome has progressed to the point where I need special shoes to exercise or I'm going to do irreparable damage to my feet. So I'm basically learning how to walk again because the shoes change the way my body walks.
>>660902 There was one day a few years ago that an osprey flew over my house. I was in the water at the time and it was the loudest thing I have ever heard. It was flying pretty low. It sounded like ten helicopters all stacked on top of each other. I thought a nearby building was falling into the pool and onto me before I got my head out of the water and looked up and saw it.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](625 KB, 1000x748, 06.png)
>>660905 Deshou? It's ridiculous that I should have to listen to it all day for multiple days in a row.
>>660897 yeah i thought running outside might be important for you when i used to run miles i would switch to backwards for like 20 or 30 seconds to let some muscles rest for a moment without slowing down it's probably straining on the lower calves and tendons though for long sessions but i like using all the muscles instead of just some
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](619 KB, 671x880, 07.png)
>>660908 For me, it's not necessarily being outside that's important. The important thing is that I'm moving forward. The only time life is simple for me is when I'm running because the only thing that exists is the path I'm on and I'm not plagued by extraneous thoughts. It's the only time I can tunnel vision and ignore most of my surroundings. Moving forward is also significant to me symbolically, which is probably a big part of it. I could run inside if I had a path that I could move forward on. Treadmills just don't give me that meditative outlet.
>>660909 that makes sense for me i gotta be outside to exercise while im normally pretty cozy indoors and like small spaces, when im exercising i get claustrophic even like in a gym the echoes, the sounds of shoe soles squeaking against the floor and echoing, the contained smell, the stuffiness all make for a discomforting sensory environment that adds to my anxiety it makes my thoughts restricted bein out in the open with wind and animals and lots of natural noise makes my thoughts move so freely and not collapse inward in apprehension
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](587 KB, 519x880, 02.png)
>>660910 Sufficiently advanced VR, probably. I don't think the VR that's accessible right now is enough.
>>660911 I don't really like those sounds, but I always run with music on.
It would need to be advanced enough that you could look down and see your feet. Running without being able to see your feet would be weird.
I always run with music on. I run on a treadmill so I just let what I'm seeing get filtered out and listen to the music.
>>660912 i dont think ive ever tried running with music ive only ever had big clunky over-ear headphones i guess so i never really take em outside i oughtta get some earbuds and try that
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](288 KB, 525x983, 06.jpg)
>>660914 It would be weird, but I dunno, I don't look down when I'm running. I just look ahead.
aah own bed best bd though was bit annoying i had left changing sheets and othrr bed stuff to present me damn you past me
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](528 KB, 749x1000, 08.png)
I have a job interview on Thursday. I've been doing research on my potential boss, and so far I've gathered that he's pretty pretentious and tends not to think very far in advance or do his research before acting. He has a failed television show that only got a few episodes.
I'm trying to decide whether I should watch those episodes and use it to flatter him or not. I don't know how he'd take to flattery. Some pretentious people love it, and others identify more readily with other pretentious people. Maybe watching them will give me a better idea of who he is, though.
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](739 KB, 1000x921, 03.png)
He has a master's in theology as well as a doctorate in psychology
He also wrote a book on how stress is bad for capitalism
What's his show? Some fiction narrative? A reality television piece? Some kind of documentary/educational work?
Kirara, the Baseball MomSearch [iqdb](638 KB, 866x1000, 04.png)
It's a "reality talk show" It has 6 episodes
One about stress, two about marriage, one about "listening to god", one about weight loss, and one about perfectionism.
The show aired in 2008, though.
>Listening to god Well okay.
It sure feels kind of like some random topics, having something loony stuck between weight loss and marriage.
My question is what kind of religious person is he. Well, what kind of Christian is he, rather. I have a bible-related story that I can use to explain my substance use philosophy, but if he's an anti-semite, then revealing myself to be Jewish would be bad.
Yeah I could imagine. It's too easy to find some kind of plausible deniability regarding someone refusing to hire you for your religion that you couldn't really challenge him on that.
He's also the vice president of some company that does a sort of scared straight program, it looks like? But it's run by a "reformed felon" with a "troubled past" who is now an honorary police officer and has spoken in state congress So I bet he'll be receptive to my "i'm a recovering alcoholic" stuff
>>660931 I'm trying to decide whether I should watch those episodes and use it to flatter him or not.
i'd be creeped out if a potential hire was doing this much digging on me
>>660939 On his profile on the clinic's website, it talks about how he's the host of a "ground breaking" tv show and even gives the name of it. It wouldn't really look weird for me to have done cursory level research on my potential employer, especially if my employer is pretentious and egocentric
>>660941 Yeah, my impression is that he thinks he's some kind of savior.
I also know that he hates my current supervisor because they got in a fight when he tried to buy the clinic I'm currently at but failed because we had already become incorporated into a really big health nonprofit here. He tried to hire my current supervisor from this clinic after he found that out and she basically told him to fuck off, and he doesn't like her now. She said I shouldn't even mention her name.
So one option is to explain the things I don't like about my current clinic and how I think the way his place does it is way better.
I'm most likely going to get this job because there are only three /// two other people interviewing for this position, and I not only have more experience than them, but specifically more substance abuse experience than them. And one of the two of them is incompetent. The other one is pretty competent, but she doesn't have the experience or the background I do.
Now that I think about it, if he chooses the incompetent over me or the competent girl, I could use that as evidence of anti-semitism if I had to, because competent-chan and I are both Jewish. I doubt that would happen, though, and I don't plan to make a big stink of it, especially since I'll probably get the position.
>>660947 I definitely will. I just have to figure out which stroke is most appealing to him and be prepared to follow through.
>>660946 i don't think it is to yoyr benefit to get a troublesome-employee tagged to you early, unless there really is a case and not just perceived one
I'm good enough at people and have high enough charisma stat to get probably any job position I'm qualified for and some that are slightly above my qualifications. As long as I have time to prepare.
>>660952 Yeah, that's true. But at this point in my psychology career, nepotism is essentially impossible outside of cases where a professor is the clinician running a site.
maybe should watch it shounen are just so time consuming unless you pick em early
It's one of the better shounen in recent time. The first anime season is kind of wonky but the second and third runs are excellent. The anime also has a consistently excellent OST.
If your life were set to an OST which would it be?
I'm liking the music from Urusei lots right now.
I've got to go up against Papa Owl next and I'm not sure I'm ready. But the only other boss options are mini-bosses like Shichimen and the Headless and those are terrifying too. I guess I could grind skill points but that's not an entertaining prospect.
I think one of the most important things you can do is upgrade your prosthetic tools, when you have a boss that you're not sure you're ready for but aren't sure what else to go fight. Of course, you also get skill points while you're doing that, which is nice.
ToN and I are at the same place now. We have an optional boss, and then (presumably) the final boss left. But I have probably twice the skill points that he does and I also have all the prayer necklaces I can get. I think he probably has most of the upgrades I have except for the final tier ones, maybe? He might have one of those. I have one of the final tiers right now. I have all the upgrades except three of the final tiers. Anyway, you can definitely do it without too much grinding. I just like to explore and wanted to grind out skill points to see some of the cool combat arts listed under the Munshin arts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Demon of Hatred is good and infuriating and awful all at once and I hate it
Also I fought through O'rin last night and that was a pretty fun fight. Was fairly easy after I got the knack of her pattern down though.
umbrella is god tier the only way to beat this guy is using it you are fucked without it or at least extremely likely to die
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
i just got a steam friend invite from this frat boy with a picture of him smokin outta a bong as his steam avatar profile and has 330 hours played in dota over the past two weeks eeesh
That's literally six hours of the week that he did not have DotA open. There's no way he was playing for the entirety of that time.
playing, no, but queueing maybe above 5k, 3-4 hour queues is totally normal on weekdays what most people do is just start a queue and go work out if queue pops it's time to take a break from their routine
or nap
I dunno man, maybe you know that culture far better than me, but by far the simpler answer to me is he just keeps the client open. I've seen people doing that before, just put it open and then idle in the client for hours on end. Like not even queueing, just inactive.
hey tilde, i was thinkin we might need a new daytime mod since rika is very busy i think it would probably be either me or you blue and ton have work compromises i think. blue certainly can't be managing and deleting illegal content from the train's networks that's a liability, prob same for ton what are your thoughts on that? would you have any interest i certainly am around the most and don't mind but i think there might be some opposition for me you're probably the most neutral
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that might be one of the hardest bosses in souls
>>660976 yeah but i think leaving it open 24/7, while common and ive done it, says a lot about their playing patterns it's prob at least 50 hours a week he's playin
>>660977 Yeah i saw the talk about it earlier. I don't know about interest but if we need one I can do it, probably. The biggest issue I'd guess at is that I'm in school and I rarely bring my laptop with me, not that I should be deleting questionable images and site links using a university's network for the same reasons. But I do bring my phone and I could do stuff from that just using my cell network, but also, I tend to not look at my phone when I'm literally in-lecture, which might put me out of commission for an hour or two at a time.
I'm also hopefully getting some thing to do for work over the spring/summer break and that might keep me busy during the day, but who knows.
Like I said though if we need one, I can be the hands we need.
does anyone else even think we need one? or does stuff seem to be getting handled fine / not an issue i suppose it should be a community decision
I think some of the stuff could get handled at a better pace. That's not necessarily a requisite for another mod but it is definitely a simple solution to the problem. Whether or not it's the only solution would be dependent on Rika and Samu and as far as the evidence indicates, it does favour having someone who can be around during the day.
I don't think there's typically much work for a mod to do, but I also don't think it would hurt to have one for when there is.
Yeah, there have been times I've seen something and thought "oh this needs reporting" in the morning before going into class for the day and then coming out later in the early afternoon and seeing it still there and going "oh I guess a second report on this couldn't hurt". I don't think it's been too bad in the immediate timeframe but it was definitely starting to get pretty regular a while back. I guess someone came through earlier today I saw the threads are all out of line.
>>661003 you missed out on a lot, huh i didn't do the surgeon's quests though, i don't think i can i'm like 99% sure it's impossible to do every character quest in one playthrough
>>661001 his + version you might run into later is way stronger and has crazier moves and also a magic fire owl
>Kill your foster father >Emma still remarks on how your brow looks less furrowed than before
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>661005 oh yeah definitely you can't do kotaro spirit and surgeon and shopkeeper bodyguard because there are two people to split between all three.
wheres samurai
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
by the way this fight is some shit
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661007 there's someone else you can use for surgeon but i did his quest instead of sending him
There better be a DLC where we get to meet Tomoe through a memory or something Hopefully she'll be an NPC and eventually a boss >>661019 the charge is what usually gets me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you run left predicting it a little you canusually dodge it
More than anything I hope we get another Sekiro-poi game in the future. These are some really great mechanics and concepts they've designed, would be a shame to only put them to a single game.
>>661021 >lightning waifu is just a ninja Gaiden character
>>661022 yeah it's the timing that i can't get down right
>>661024 tomoe is really cool she just fucking autismed while looking at lightning and practicing her sword skills until she could use lightning that's what i've surmised at least from what they've said and her two combat arts you can learn
i want to play Sekiro god dammit work is GAY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my arms hurt
Let's all quit our jobs and become JAPANESE SHINOBI.
not heart attack just sore I've been playing sekiro pretty much all day
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
like muscle soreness in your wrist and hands?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's oxygen in my muscles but they're tired
>>661028 i would love to be an immortal shinobi killing people for my Lord
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
anything that requires jumping to avoid fucks me up 90% of the time i'm the fucking worst at jumping i can time basically everything except for a jump
I'm pretty good at it but there's a strange timing that you need for jump accordance avoidance jumping doesn't happen instantly but you do get invincibility like a dodge when you jump it's kind if weird and i can't quite pinpoint the frames you're invulnerable during
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes there's a move in phase 2 that either requires fan or jump to dodge consistently
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i wonder if fan will protect me from the charge
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661036 huh you def don't get any i frames when jumping there are so many bosses that punish you for jumping
i have avoided several mooks swinging through my characters model with it like multiple guys attacking me at once from different angles such would be impossible without some iframes bosses have larger hitboxes that linger though, so it's probably much less effective there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this guy's got two different follow up attacks to end the same combo on one is a sweep and the other is a stab whew
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661040 no, the only time there are i frames is during a deathblow according to people who studied the frame data
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
my umbrella has betrayed me and got me killed oh no
i am just a little disappointed in this one i feel like they could have made the boss more in-line with the rest of the gameplay punishing you for playing it like dark souls and then having an endgame boss be a dark souls boss is a little silly
all of the other bosses were really hard but i had a lot of fun dying to them over and over but this one and gyoubu just aren't fun to die to
I didn't have all that hard a time with Gyoubu. You can clean up all his little minions and then run off to reset his aggro, sneak up behind him and knock off one of his Deathblows, then chase him towards the ally.
>>661050 Isn't Gyoubu the Drunkard the guy in Hirata Estate?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
huh what minions ally??
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
gyoubu is the horse guy
Oh I see. Names are hard.
Horseguy wasn't all that bad. The worse -worst part was letting him get to far away from you and him starting up the swinging spear. He was a lot easier to deal with if you constantly keep on his ass.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Amusingly enough I like both Gyobu and DoH. I guess it's because I still like darks ouls
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
probably my favorite bosses in souls and bloodborne were the human ones micolash and stuff
but at the same time like non-humans in this game have been pretty fun except for gyoubu and DoH
>>661052 he's probably not that bad but he's also not very fun
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
like in terms of gameplay design, gyoubu is easily the most boring he doesn't really bring anything to the table he's just a loser running around on a horse
>>661064 it's basically unlimited healing it's good for minibosses too since you get them to start walkin away
It's also only really feasible if you get the Hidden Tooth hah hah. Bite Down is way too rare a find/drop to use it effectively. Not that the tooth is a hard find but some people might not put the two and two together to unlock it.
i think another thing that would improve this boss is to make it a shorter fight if they really want a dark souls boss in the game it shouldn't have three phases imo
i guess i'm just upset because i've been having such a great time until now this boss just doesn't make sense for the gameplay mechanics
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I definitely know the feeling. i.e. me with Granny
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
like you can't even deflect 70% of this boss' attacks without taking damage
what's the point
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i wonder if there's a way to zoom the camera out a little
I'd neglected to revisit Hirata after clearing Mibu. There's some merit to doing so.
I have not. I ended the game with 8 I can go and get them if I want since you can hold off on NG+ >>661118 that would make zero sense
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
im not sure if it matters now i think damage scales with your vit? which is weird but attacks seem to do proportional damage no matter how much hp i have, certain things deal the same percentage of damage, ive noticed
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh the guy who was doing the 0 upgrades run finished the final boss and >the fight is 50 minutes
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
holy shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he also did uh NG+7 Ludwig fight in Bloodborne
at blood level 4 with only fists
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
how do people even have time for that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
his job is streaming video games so I imagine that helps
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
living the dream i guess
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh hang on he has gourd upgrades wow INVALIDATED
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
does he have hp upgrades?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
"No Leveling/Skills/Upgrades/Prosthetics" and no, his hp bar is teeny tiny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
doesn't even have the resurrection upgrade
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
do hits one-shot him?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I didn't watch the run but so far he hasn't gotten hit I'm watching the video upload of the final boss
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
O-oh it // he did an 8 hour stream just for this boss it would seem.
Oh I see this isn't as terrible a thing as I was expecting.
I'm having a hard time because even though I was smacked around like nobody's business I actually really like DoH. It's the Ebrietas situation. Beat me up for four hours and I'll go 'you're my favorite'
i want an enemy that's on equal footing with me but better than me i want another human with the same capabilities as me that's the only thing that will satisfy me\
>>661151 i won't let DoH be the last boss i fight i can't end it on a sour experience
there are still some skills I want but I honestly have no idea I will probably leave Sekiro alone for a little bit.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
wow so you can take burn build up while you're doing a deathblow even during i frames
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that sounds pretty common for from soft games since that's how even stuff like bleed and whatnot went
Yeah because a lot of fire damage will -fire build-up will accumulate even if you're not taking damage. Like try guarding against one of those losers with a torch. You won't take (much) damage, but you'll get the fire all the same.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
yeah but i frames are different from blocking if you're deathblowing someone and someone else throws fire at you while you are, taking fire build up seems weird the fire can hit you but people's blades can't?
Well like Tony said, there is precendence for status effects having build up even i f the damage isn't. And really, it's logically more sensible for you to get lit on fire if someone sticks a torch in your face regardless of what you're doing. That said, FromSoft does try to generally make enemies recoil from you when you do a deathblow, probably as to not have ridiculous situations like this arise.
idk what kind of data they're mining but this is obviously clearly ghosting through a hitbox his sword passes directly through me i take no damage and no poise damage and no blood
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>661176 do you have any idea how annoying it would be to try and kill thigns you would just get knocked out of every kill
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661178 maybe im not good at seeing things but i don't see the sword passing through you maybe my eyes are too slow
makes me wonder if some kind of hitbox magic is going on when you jump? does sekiro not have legs?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661182 huh interesting maybe it's counting his legs as being in a different position than they actually are because sweep attacks hit you if they hit that part of your legs and im 100% sure there are parts of your body that take damage even during jumping
Wow this sure is a way to get to the Palace.
>>661184 after playing around with this guy i can at least confirm 100% of the time that you get NO invulnerability or any way to avoid his regular swing by jumping in place but jumping in any direction at full walking speed lets me dodge it even if the sword passes through my character jumping at walk speed does not work it seems to be just as effective as jumping in place, i simply take damage in midair
Hm, my load times in and out of this cutscene are pretty long. I was worried when it was loading that my game might be crashing.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661186 i have taken damage while jumping in a direction many many times so idk
>>661188 yeah same i think the amount of iframes you get from this and step dodge are so miniscule they aren't applicable to a lot of the enemies this guy's sword attack is only active for like 5 or 6 frames. so a tenth of a second or so parry is active for way longer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>661189 congrats that's one of my favorite fights
man I can't believe we're going to fly through space and do magical garbage
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
ill just do brain stuff
i'm going to be space ghost come on my talk show
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>it's just ghost voices but in space
i think after looking at the video frame by frame it probably gives you about 6 or 8 frames after the initial jump the duck that sekiro does before jumping takes 7 frames so it's 7 frames where you're vulnerable then a small window where you're invulnerable then you are vulnerable again for the rest of the jump (~80 frames) probably just to make it more fluid in making you feel like a ninja i don't recommend trying to dodge things by jumping through them
it would look pretty stupid if you took off from the ground for like a split second and got 3 inches into the air before getting slapped by a sword after all
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can do that to enemies though
enemies aren't supposed to look cool unless they're a boss
then again you can do it to butterfly hm
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
knocking an old granny on her keister is all in good fun though
so what do i do with this holy chapter infested thingy
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you can give it to divine child-chan
i only know divine lord-kun right now i got it from some guy who isnt here anymore in senpou temple before i killed tomoe-kouhai
he told me to give it to the divine heir but my lord doesn't care
"Victory or defeat is a matter of chance. Avoiding shame is a different matter. Simply be prepared to die. Even if you see no chance of prevailing, just attack."
>>661223 yo my mom called me and was like "hey it's the end of the month i know you're prolly pretty broke did you want me to wire you like 50 bucks so you can be sure you have what you need, energy drinks and beer and stuff" like wtf i appreciate the sentiment but ive been telling her for months ive stopped
yess i got him but there's still boss health left wtf
Hah hah hah I thought that might be the case for you. I was waiting for the confusion.
one of the monkeys is missing at the front? HMM
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
or is it
>>661225 that sounds annoying i hate when people do that
Yeah I think he follows you around the map hah hah. I think he was the first or second monkey I killed. Was getting fed up chasing the other losers around and I realized I was hearing monkey footsteps following me around. And then I finally clued in on what the yellow footprints I was seeing were.
>hear no evil >speak no evil >see no evil
>do no evil i killed the good monki :(
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
he was second for me too
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661234 now get ready to meet best girl rise and grind, jan, time to get that rice
>>661247 The Divine Child is such a nice girl. She's just so happy to see how much you love rice.
purge the heretica
i look so cool with this odachi on my back
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
divine child, orin, and emma are all perfect and i want to protect them
>>661251 Yeah it really completes the look. You're not a real Shinobi until you've got THREE (3) swords anyway.
man where do I get more scrap iron? i think i messed up and tried leveling too many subweapons i have a lot more magnetite than iron now
A lot of low-level samurai from Ashina Outskirts/Castle will drop it. Pop one of those balloons that give you item drop boosts and go to town on them. You'll probably also still find some laying about if you look into nooks and crannies.
Also if you tell the looter-turned-merchant what it is the samurai want I think he expands his inventory to contain unlimited purchasable scrap iron and black gunpowder.
>>661256 ah domo i used one and killed all the samurai in the front of ashina castle and got like 5
It's pretty omni-directional. You just have to be on-level with the ledge you're trying to grab. I guess they probably could have fine-tuned it a bit better, but there's a couple platforming segments in the game that probably would have been way more frustrating without the leniency permitted by how you can pretty much be facing whatever direction.
Yeah no Tony the rematch with this guy is a way worse fight than the original.
It really doesn't. That added move it gets in the second phases -phase is just lousy, there's literally nothing you do but hold block until it's done. It's a total time-waster. The slimmer arena is a little frustrating in its own right, but what's worse is the bridge can literally be side-stepped off of into a bottomless pit. The camera gets wonky when you get close to the walls which can make trying to fight a huge pile of lard a real nightmare. And while the third stage is a return to fun, it literally will kill you out of reincarnation like 20% of the time.
Honestly drop that second phase and just go straight to the third phase and I probably wouldn't have been so particular about it. The rest of the detractors are negatives that still make it less fun than the original fight but that second phase is just pure garbage.
monk-chan is kinda bloodborney yeah but she's honestly a little too easy imo i would have preferred no second phase, just first and third, but more moves in each phase as it is, you can just deflect and get her easily for the first and second phase for the most part
monk was a good design and i enjoyed the fight but i was disappointed at the difficulty of it i felt corrupted monk was actually a little more difficult but maybe that's because it was my first time meeting her
well baturally it feels easier because you have literally fought a lot of that boss previously its like when you fight bball boy again, i was like “oh heck yeah” because i had expectations on what to deal with with anticipation for what new moves they would get
slam jam was easier the second time on one hand because he took so much more damage but on the other hand the arena was a lot smaller so i couldn't bait out his easy to counter or evade sliding slash
though there is a different set of bosses that would prevent me from fighting that regardless siding with the iron code gets you a sooner ending with a different final boss it seems
I had a feeling that would get you a quicker ending. You probably get cut down by Emma or Isshin or something. You probably become a Shura from 2much killing.
>>661290 judging from the boss list you fight both, and the associated endjng is called the Shura ending
Kuro died in yours, right? Emma told me I had to learn about Hirata estate so we could find a way to prevent Kuro from dying when we severe the ties of immortality. But Divine Child wants Kuro to sleep within her cradle, and I don't know if that means Kuro will die, but if it makes her happy, I'm all about it.
>>661294 Sekiro kills Kuro with the mortal blade to sever immortality, then goes and sculpts buddhas like the sculptor. Emma gives him the prosthetic to give tk another Shinobi it for when they need strength
aside from the ones ive talked about, there are two more endings which you might even have both the conditions fulfilled
I suspect there's a choice because my two options right now are to give him dragon tears and one of two items
>>661297 mine was dragon tears, the you can also give the aromatic flower from owl in hirata or the frozen tears from rice-chan to get two different endings on top of that
No, I haven't played since last night. I'll play again in an hour or two.
>Grants the ability to exchange Skill Points for Attack Power Oh shit.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
takes 5 points though
considering i have only unlocked like 75% of the skills and skill points take like 23k xp to get, i probably won't ever be able to use it unless you get tons of xp in NG+
obviously the best way for me to familiarize myself and quit getting jan and tilde mixed up is to play tabletop games with both of them in a couple months
I wish I could re-spec my skill points in Sekiro. Most of the end combat arts are really bad because they use so many emblems. My favorite one, Spiral Cloud Passage, ends up using like 6 to 9 of them depending on how long I attack. Shadowrush uses like 4. Ashina Cross uses 2 which is certainly not bad, but it's still a lot.
The only end CA that doesn't use emblems is High Monk so it ends up being the best one, I think. I've spent probably 20 skill points on all these CAs that are barely usable
Maybe I can re-spec in NG+ somehow
It took me way too long to find the way to get to the Pot Noble in Fountainhead Palace. Like, I could see the cliff right from the get-go but the route to get there was impossible for me to see for like, five hours, hah hah.
Which I guess is just a consequence of how the game handles damage. There are sweet and sour spots for a lot of enemies, but enemies are all so small that they don't need spots like that for dealing damage. Bosses that are 3x the size of other enemies end up one-shotting you if they bump you with their foot quickly because of that. It probably would have been difficult to add sweet and sour for damage, especially if it's only relevant for one enemy.
For example taking past examples with Dark Souls the scaleless dragon had a spot on him, whereh e could only attackyou with the AOE ground attack nothing else I just rushed there on accident and zerged the fucker
The simplest solution would be to just not have a large boss, but I guess it wouldn't be a modern FromSoft game if they didn't have at least one boss that was 3-4 times your size.
It's called Demon of Hatred. It's kind of like the Lawrence Cleric Beast from Bloodborne, but it's a bit more aggressive and you can't abuse i frames with it. Blocking many of its attacks results in damage because it's on fire. The most difficult part of it, though, is that it spends a lot of time pushing you away and then spamming fireballs at you that deal tons of damage, as well as a charge attack that's difficult to avoid and does about 75% of your HP.
>don't become a beast lawrence >okay >few days later: ROAAAAAAAAAAAR t first vicar
I think I'll skip DoH if I don't beat him soon since he's not particularly fun. I can get him in another playthrough when my skills are better. I spent a lot of time getting skills that turned out to be more-or-less useless and skipped some skills that would really help out here, but it would take an hour or two of grinding to get enough skill points at the point, since I have so many already.
It does lower your HP, but it does it by lowering your max HP to half. So when it wears off, you're at half HP, but during its use, you're at full HP unless you take damage.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I wonder if anything happens if you beat genichiro in the first fight
current system here for bank and online verification is that you have a bank account number, a 8 or so number and then you have a one use 4 number pincode that you use to log in the traditional system, is that you get a list of 80 one time use, used in numerical order starting from 1., that you use to sign in when it is exhausted, basically you use 60th, the bank mails you a new one in a week or so
so Eu made a directive about Online identification and payment that requires that fulfill 2 of the following 3 conditions >1. it is something that the user knows (ie. pin-code or a password >2. it is something the user possesses (ie phone app or a separate password machine) >3. it is something the user "is" (ie. fingerprint or face recog) so the argument is that the password lists don't fulfill the 2nd condition as in you can EASILY JUST COPY IT
you have to either steal a wallet or break in and find wherever the person in question ahs hidden their pincode list and even then it is 100% useless, as you need to KNOW which pin code to use next and also crack their 8+ bank account pin code
For fucks sake a PHONE APP is more likely to break the 2nd clause, since phones are so easily lost or stolen and many malwares could break in and target these kinds of services specifically, especially in the future wehre they are the norm.
Fucking pile of brüssel shit that hates reason and logick
Using this same logic your fingerprint is easily copyable you can just chop off someone's arm
god I hate needless bureaucracy and rules ment to make some shithole countries get up to digital standards of others, that just actually inconvenience everyone involved, who actually have better systems in place already
>reform was made so that stolen credit cards couldn't just be used to buy stuff online without 2 or 3 step verification welcome to fucking finland 1995 fucking 24 years lagging behind us
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
i wonder if lilac umbrella will protect from mortal draw it's easy to evade but i'm curious
oh, i only did it once so far i stopped to activate my new debit card because i forgot the other day it'll be easy since i got him to 1/2 hp on first try died because i was testing his mortal draw and his new grab
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh ok
>>661358 did you know that the kidney is more uniquely identifiable than a fingerprint
hey kirara does human lexical reasoning and the brain's process of language encoding and decoding fall under psychology since it's mind stuff or neurology since it's brain stuff or what's that if you know
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
kirara the ending I got is already completable in one hour
yes that is not the actual menu, just the sign out front so ppl know what's there today their prices are always about the same though 7-8 dollars for smaller items, 12-14 dollars for larger items
yes they don't have very high overhead being a food "truck" it's not an actual truck but it's like a small thing with the outdoor tables and that awning or whatever it's called, prop-up roof that covers the area meant for quick stop by, order, eat and stay nearby or go not saving a table and waiting on a server and all that nonsense so they can make good food quite reasonably priced but the downside is a lot of people, if they're not going to a sit-inside place, will probably just go to fast food for cheaper and quicker meal but less good they either want cheap and meh OR expensive and great but don't really see a point in the middle ground so there's trade-offs
haa, I wish when I had a food stall right next to my appartment in suvela... was so fun to just go grab a damn good burger or something whenever cooking seemed a chore and it didn't even cost over 10€
>>661393 I wish we had more street food permits nowadays luckiyl are easier to get, or you don't even need, aside the general food and hygiene ones But unfortunately, our lovely home isn't that hospitable for street vendors for around half of the year
i think that it is still a proper establishment, but that it's just designed to give the feel of street food it's not actually street food i think i havent been there in person, just had ordered food from there oh okay it is an actual truck that can go around neat i like those
Wow, someone gave me a new client. They scheduled this client on Friday afternoon for tomorrow morning. I'm supposed to start individual therapy with this client, because their intake is already done, but I know nothing about the client and there's no information in our records about him. So I'm supposed to go in tomorrow and ask someone who the fuck they are and why they're here tomorrow. Moreover, it's court mandated treatment for 8 sessions? Knowing nothing about him means I have to waste one of those sessions actually figuring out who this person is. I'm also not supposed to be taking new individual clients right now because I'm possibly leaving this clinic in May. I'm trying to extend my time slightly, but that's not set in stone yet, so why am I getting new clients like this? What a waste. Totally irresponsible by the admin assistant who threw me this client without even telling me they existed.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
oh god i jumped off a cliff trying to avoid a sweep and died
I can almost get through the first part without taking damage now. And phase 1 is getting easier. I'll have to stop soon, though, because I have to run out and get some groceries.
my mom just called to tell me there was a shooting near me about 4 hours ago at the gas station that's a short walk from me but there's nothing online about it anywhere i wonder if she's just making stuff up again
Things keep distracting me from Sekiro. I've only managed to fight the final boss like five times in the past hour or two! He sure is exciting, though. I'll probably have to finish him off tomorrow.
I'm getting close, though. Almost finished phase 2. If I'd had a resurrection node full, I would have gotten through it. I should have anticipated that.
How does death work in the game? in ds you just reset at a bonfire and undead are immortal anyhow or something in bb you just reincarnate in the house and then enter the eldritch dream over and over again
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
if you resurrect, you just stand right back up if you get a true death, you go back to the last idol you rested at
naw I was thinking more like the story behind it
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
you've been blessed by the blood of the Divine Heir who carries within him the dragon's lineage. those who are blessed by the blood will never die there are others who have an imperfect immortality, they're called infested
>blood of a creature wait >who have imperfect immortality are infested and also monsters? or something
what if sekiro is actually related to bloodborne lorewise?
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
definitely not, the blood doesn't work like that at all
yeah there's really no way they're connected there's only one time someone becomes anything other than human and they don't have any kind of immortality
the blood isn't something that's an important part of the story it's part of the context but you never really talk about it or read about it or anything they mention it to set up the story and establish sekiro's immortality also, only the Divine Heir can bless someone with true immortality
Mmh, but would have been amusing if they had hidden some stuff there that would tie the story of yarnhams blood healing to whatever is in sekiro and then make bloodborne 2 a sequel to both games
i would like to see other games set in the universe of sekiro but the gameplay is very geared towards being a shinobi so outside of Japan would probably not work unless you changed a lot but that's fine im fine with other gameplay styles as long as they're as good as sekiro sekiro is a big improvement over all of the souls game imo and it takes everything great about bloodborne and builds off it
other historical settings could work for similar gameplay at least it'll probably get old if everyone just has a prosthetic limb though lol
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
know what other game has tons of prosthetics?
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
mada mada
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>661454 speaking of history is THAT GUY having a rapid-fire pistol legitimate
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661457 no, but they also had rocket shotguns and portable flamethrower cannons etc, the ashina clan had some anachronistic tech in general, maybe due to immortality
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's fine since it's cool as hell at least. regardless
just noticed my computer hadn't realised it is dst go windows I guess
https://mangadex.org/title/29280/339-years-of-penal-servitude check this manga mats 2 chps out, but completed in terms of publication, but the basic scenario might be fun to check out
ive been thinkin a lot about how sensory input informatically affects the pattern of processing information and how the body's biological drives play a part in how we mitigate large data structures that occupy a lot of processing space, limiting the stimulation potential to acute sensory signals and how the ability to foster those needs, both in minimalizing excessive unpleasant stimuli and in offering the freedom to fulfill drives as needed, would allow for more processing space during early developmental years that is something that people socially and financially well off have an advantage for in child rearing and the intelligence potential in the child
i mean it's not a new idea that IQ demographics are driven mostly by socioeconomic factors but having a really concrete model of the informatics of that is a lot more interesting than what's often perceived as the reasoning i think people think about that in terms of social systems, like being well networked and have financial access to better schools and more social opportunities that's not to say those don't play a part but it's that top-down view between the person and the society as opposed to the bottom-up from the sensory quanta to the internal processing
any thoughts is that clear and communicable i think i need to clean it up a bit
go advertise it here https://meguca.org/all/
>>661469 most likely isn't on any public tracker then you could pop up and see if LV can get it for you, he is on many private stuff
>>661473 The board culture there is very different than the culture here and other places you're advertising. Yo // You can see why that might not work?
You could try 8/pol/ or one of the incel offshoots since that seems like that sort of place.
also what is with that cancer of a link looks more like virus.ru
ah is an onion link ofc yeah definitely not going there
I think any board that requires onioning, isn't somewhere anyone posting here wants to be so why not stop advertising here before you get banned and so on no one is intrested, so why not be a decent person and leave us alone, you mormon preacher
>>661485 They have a tribute thread to that chch shooter, so that tells you everything you need to know.
Your board very well may be a good board, but we are unfortunately not interested. We would appreciate it if you did not advertise it here. We are a small, tightly-nit community and we consider stuff like this to be disruptive. I hope you'll understand that and leave us be.
anyhow you have received the polite refusal now, if you too are inclined to be polite, pls leave us alone
you realize it's just nezi being passive aggressive and trying to call us a sekrit club from feeling hurt that nobody listened to his childish outbursts
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
Thank you. We appreciate you understanding and agreeing to honor our wishes by not advertising here again. I hope you have a nice day.
in the 20% chance that you're legit and you're not trying to lure people to virus then you can understand me being worried about my friends randomly visiting onions that are posted here you use tor yourself you know what to watch out for and what's suspicious so it's a safety risk
>>661498 viruses that try to take your shit hostage to sell back to you
>>661472 >i think i need to clean it up a bit uhh yeah I kinda get the jist? of it, but it bit jumps even within sentences to a different thing. might bej ust my english not being up to standards, but dnno
>>661499 then i give you the honest feedback that if you want to advertise to other boards consider a normal url nobody wants to click on that you'll probably have more visitors
>>661502 no that's okay, that's valuable still not all of my peers are native english so i need to consider that too
naw is more that one needs to read it few times to fully internalize it in the end, no matter what you do your brain is "programmed" in your first learnt language and especially most used so words with multiple meanings can be confusing
reminds me of an essay from soem 1970s english professor of theology during english course in university, that was picked up to translate JUST BECAUSE it was 100% science jargon the person in question didn't write it intentionally so, but because of the culture in that particualr university at the time, many people used "big word" and complicated structure and so forth, in order to make their work seem more impressive than it actually was.
I think the most impressive was a sentence of some 30-40 words that all translated essentially to the same one word was hard to believe it wasn't a satire of the "posh professor".
do you think my post had a lot of jargon obviously it wasnt formal since i didnt even break it into sentences
and yeah, "programmed in your first language" is kind of what a lot of this is based around linguistic entropy a big part more than the biological sensory functions (sight smell etc) would be the linguistic sensory functions in the lexical processing of the brain storage of how sounds form to words with meaning
not necessarily to the intelligence point from before, but it envelopes or shapes how we structure information and those structures require different amounts of attention, holding capacity of received information (how much you have to keep in active memory until it's a whole structure, like how long or how many parts of a sentence there are) so the impulses and the biological responses to them are all gonna be different and by biological drive here, not big drives in this case like hunger or sleep, but "microdrives" i guess, like trying to mimic a sound you hear with your own voice when young, or the drive to nod your head and say "mm-hmm, mm-hmm" when listening to someone talk to show you've received that information fine and are still following along
is just more of the word usage processing followed by drive as in say "need to eat", referencing "biological drive", confused me for a bit as my brain thinks of it with "processing - computer stuff, drive okay computer stuff again"
>>661506 but how would you build a model of any kind for it and what would its usage be I guess an obvious use is to somehow work it to child bearing and educational facilities, kindergarden and schools and so on, but it wouldn't really affect the private life of families, unless you somehow manage to inform everyone of it or something.
you dont have to respond if it's a chore, i appreciate the feedback youve given thanks for takin the time
>>661509 right right this doesnt make any judgments about humanity, just a statement about it or a statement about a model of it it doesnt mean we need to change things, other than our understanding about how we view intelligence there are other things that matter besides intelligence in the development, and they're all tailored to the kind of life that child needs to prepare for in their own individual life.
i would build a model by just building a system using this idea so i can show that such a system can exist from there somebody more psychology-based can build systems they can use from their knowledge im not concerned with how these systems trace to reality. i am intereted in if we can use these systems to make our own processes and applications, // i got nothin more
god there is a character named arlock in this manga and I keep reading it as Airlock
>>661511 NEat did got me thinking about somethign else, though Basically our school system. In all tests and such we always if not #1 are in top 5 in world scores for our basic education, but however despite - if you can say so - having the brightest school age kids on the planet, our universities aren't that well represented, even if you scale it down to population and so on Ie. of course well funded academies in much bigger economies will produce more stuff logically and not only employ their own brightest, but also brightest moving there from elsewhere, after either better research facilities or just better pay.
Our basic school system is indeed good, and atleast from personal experience from my time can attest to it being an overall pleasant experience, so if good environment and allowing kids to flourish well helps intelligent development as it does, damn when you go on tangents you forget what you originally were thinking about quick
But anyhow, someone recently did write about this disrepancy between our university level and our basic education level and said something should be done about it, to which another more rooted person wrote back "let's not even try to challenge the top universities of the world, we simple lack the MONEY"
Taking the universities out of the picture and trying to return to the ghist I think in terms of allowing kids to develop the best, atleast during their school hours, we have that model down at a decent level, which is why our basic education scores are as high as they are, but that doesn't still produce the "geniuses" you'd expect or something like that. It just leds kids develop as best as they can and I bet elswehere if similiar system and similiar amount of resources was applied, the results would level out to the same.
Still does make one think, does our university/higher education level have some reforming to do, or do we just get taht bad brain drain?
>>661517 why is the first pic "give me your human rights" pic? *response
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>661515 >damn when you go on tangents you forget what you originally were thinking about quick i know right maybe the accomodations provided to allow for more intelligent development involves exclusion of knowledge it'd otherwise be spent on like dealing the unpleasant things that were trimmed out for more space dealing with* so maybe you guys just aren't as globally aggressive about your knowledge as other places because you didn't have a success measure based on aggressive competition, as youve got good education systems that are more easily accessible
i think that can be a good thing for a culture as it demands less energy on application to prove something and can spend that money on developing its knowledge spend that energy* not money
I think that the moment we decided to enter the global stage, we began to get fucked up as a society A sort of happiness comes from a limited isolation if you ask me. A kind of a how you want your home to be your home and the outside world to be the outside world you don't want to invite the latter to the former, atleast on permanent basis and it would be dull if the outside was the same as inside similiarly, the world can be the world and the home can be the home.
Still we are supposedly the happiest nation on the plaent.
Also it is kinda amusing how while competition in general is good, but aggressiveo ne alteast if you ask me isn't as that kinda implies that some will resort to not so pure means to win if it is a competition of merit, then sure, but once it starts to involve other means, it won't ensure that the best wins just the most aggressive one or well successful aggressive tactics
well when i was thinking of aggressive competition in terms of knowledge i mean how much resource they're willing to invest in proving itself to other countries like china is all about proving itself, so they invest so much of their knowledge and academia into application and production, making things and engineering type stuff they dont invest hard in pure academia in comparison, like much of europe does by not being competitive i think you get to dictate what's important to you instead of always slowing down and compromising
Definitely speaking of education, I don't really see the point of trying to highly educate everyone, atleast in universities what is the point of a hundred doctors or engineers, if none of them know how to build a road
or if even if they do, lack the strenght to work those shovels
>>661524 or how to build their own homes with plumbing and running water that's the tradeoff you get, when you remove the need to learn that stuff in order to learn other stuff someone else now needs to do that
I remember this one depunkle of a debate from mayeb 10 years or more ago it was some politicians talking in the parliament or in a talk show can't remember the deets BUt overall the shtick was first topic being "we need to imrpove our higher level education system" and so on and so forth and then the very next topic was "we are lacking in people willing and capable of doing the basic jobs" and the person, I think it was the Minister of Education, somehow didn't see the ironic humour of their previous comments about universities and then "wonder why we are lacking in manual labour" comments ofc their solution to the latter was the obvious one, but let's not get into that
But I think in europe there is a general over valuing of education, well high level education. >>661529 paint yourself coloured if you aren't and proceed
are they in need of manual labor can i visa in and get a job there
>>661528 is that a phrase of some origin or are you saying become an ethnic minority
latter BUt in all seriousness, it is amusing how in the past it was basically buyers market, well not entirely there was still competition for jobs, but basically you could atsome level CHOOSE what kind of summer job or part time work you could do as a student, but nowadays after some "increase in labour force" there is actual strict competition for those jobs. which has led to more and more students having to fund their education with debt instead of jobs
dripped a bit of spicy curry on to my beige sheets
it's not coming out, sorry.
my whole futon is just becoming a collection of curry stains
rip curry doesn't come out
Samu 🥃 !KW2DbpWwls
food on da bed who could have seen it coming
litterly unpossible
i shouldn't be allowed to exist unsupervised
downloading memories of matsuko to rewatch, it's been like 10 years, but i loved it
have you guys seen it? it's entry level but can recommend
Philippines has 100M people living there must be damn packed
weekend's almost up what a drag
>>661558 to answer your question earlier a little more clearly modeling a system by processes is a lot more accurate than modeling a system by cause-effect so breaking down the sensory perception into processes would give people in other fields a bunch of new tools for examining the structures they know a lot about (and i know little about)
or do you believe in sins of the ancestors and that jazz
Well she's not her grandfather. I'm a little surprised she got elected but maybe Italy was able to look past her ancestry. Or maybe they voted her in for her ancestry I don't know Italian culture.
Either way nothing about being her grandfather's granddaughter should inherently disqualify her from election.
Well she has quite much pure meme potential at the very least
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661570 if she's not her grandfather, she should stop acting like him she's a far right pseudo-fascist
which anyone with a brain could have predicted
Predicted on what, her grandfather? Even two generations out people can be drastically different humans than their bloodline.
I mean she probably showed tendencies of stuff like that beforehand but that's something that should be attributed to her as her own person not as "Mussolini's granddaughter".
She later was a candidate for the post of mayor of Naples, but was defeated by Antonio Bassolino. Her relations with Gianfranco Fini, leader of the Alleanza Nazionale, never were very good, she announced; she then later withdrew, resigning over differences with him at least once.[12] She unsuccessfully challenged him for leadership of the party when he withdrew support for Benito Mussolini in a television interview in January 2002.[13][14]
Mussolini suddenly left National Alliance on 28 November 2003, following the visit of party leader and the Deputy Prime Minister Gianfranco Fini to Israel, where he described fascism as part "the absolute evil" with regard to the Holocaust as he apologised for Italy's role as an Axis Power during the Second World War.[15] Mussolini, however, defended the right of Israel to exist and declared that the world "should beg forgiveness of Israel".[16]
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she literally founded a neo-fascist party in 2005 and she's still an elected official it's fucking bizarre
But seriously mats, you are going "sins of the father" here even if in this case you are right, saying >>661572 is basically saying "anyone with evil parents is likely to be evil"
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
no, im not saying they are likely to be evil im saying that power dynamics are passed down through families. this is an empirical fact. the fact that she behaves like her grandfather in regard to power dynamics is completely predictable these things are literally passed down through families
im not saying she should never have been given a chance. im saying she's openly been her grandfather's granddaughter for like 20 years and yet she's still an elected official and behaving like her grandfather
on a read of her wiki page she is a quite curious case
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
she seems like a pretty typical case to me she's a generic fascist
Mussolini then formed her party and organized a far-right coalition named Social Alternative. That was a surprising move, as Mussolini, during her political career, had always taken social progressive stances on many issues, including abortion,[3] artificial insemination,[4][5] gay rights[6][7][8] and civil unions.[9][10] She has been an outspoken "feminist".[11] and has been described by conservative commentators as a "socialist"[12] and a "left-winger"[13]
this thing just gets cited over and over
seems more like, while who knows her actual beleifs, that she did a political switch to gain well more political credit and power, but i bet she does worship her grandfather on some level
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
fascism has always in every instance co-opted left wing "progressive" ideas they do it to trick workers into giving them power this is a very well documented phenomena
Yup and she even deserted to USA during the cold war
>>661566 you would be ashamed from an insect seeing you naked ??
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661587 >>661588 this doesn't change anything im talking about power dynamics, not being evil people with authoritarian power dynamics can be good or evil just because the hitler family is essentially committing suicide, it doesn't mean they don't have authoritarian tendencies ofc it doesn't mean they do, either it depends on how much they were socialized by their parents and such things
this phenomena has been widely accepted for decades, it's weird that you guys are trying to deny it in a case where we can clearly see those dynamics were passed down
But you just said it can or can not happen depending on they were socialized by their parents. The fact that she evidently turned out that way therefore doesn't eliminate the possib//sorry no this isn't right. The fact that she's Mussolini's granddaughter therefore doesn't neccessitate that she would end up an awful person, even if evidently she inherited his authoritarian behaviour.
But at the start of this discussion you just dropped her as "Mussolini's granddaughter" without any context as to what she was like, but evidently had a negative opinion of her. So without any other information it looks like you were disparaging her for being his granddaughter, which is what prompted PK's "sins of the father" and my questioning on what was wrong with being Mussolini's granddaughter.
I don't stay informed on world politics, I don't -want- to know every little detail on what's going on in countries I can't even have an impact in. That's way too much information for me to handle. I didn't even know this woman was in the political sphere.
Makes you think what kind of parenting she had were they super against mussolini, which caused her to rebel and be pro or were they, despite having lived through ww2 and had their parent be one of the major players in it, who mind you was lynched by a mob, still idolize him? Or did she just decide to use "mussolini" as political capital later on when noting else worked?
Italian politics is populism on all sides, btw, guys literally invented it afterall
seems a little weird to go all-in on defending someone you didn't even know existed are you sure you're not just trying to disparage me for something because you misunderstood what i was saying?
give me your skin fleshie
>>661594 Neither of us went all in we just reacted to you just posting >>661567
Yeah, pretty much. Then it gets followed up with "as anyone with a brain could have predicted" where the only information given so far is that she's Mussolini's granddaughter. As you established, can potentially result in her having his power structure tendencies but isn't a guaranteed causation.
I'm not defending her I'm defending my original point as not an unjustified place of confusion that you were saying we should have predicted her authoritarian tendencies because of her grandfather.
In terms of "having an infamous world wide near real life cartoon villain" as a grand father, I'd think it would cause you to be LESS like them more likely to be like them
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
>>661597 i also explained her history of association with fascism in fact her political career began 20+ years ago with a fascist party and she even established fascist parties herself yes, it was absolutely predictable that she would turn out to be a fascist
it seems to me like you were just ignorant about her and it led you to not understand me even after i started clarifying
Well believe what you will then. I should have just ignored this topic as I normally do.
So I guess "sins of the father" is a real thing good to know when eliminating enemies, that you will have to eliminate their entire family and their butler/maid/whatever
Hmm I wonder what is the view of italy towards ww2, when you think about it. Sure they did go to war, but they didn't have their hands that red in any massacres or genocide
Mussolini got more italians killed just through plain incompetency of the army than any purges or the ilk never really studied this topic
didja ever check out the epilogue it's pretty dense to flesh through but man it's actually so overwhelming
No, haven't managed to yet. I'll try to remember to look in on it after I'm done with the semester. I'm coming up on the end of it and things are starting to get a bit heavy. And I've been doing enough running away from it all recently.
yes of course it would be that time of year i suppose are things looking like theyre gonna be okay any trouble classes
I'm not entirely sure. As opposed to last year where I -last semester where I pretty much just abandoned one class to definite failure I've kind of ended up distributing my apathy and difficulty with engaging to all my classes this semester. Which means I'm at least putting work into all my classes but I'm also not really doing great in any one course. I've also been even more scatter-brained and having a hard time with schedules this semester which has been messing me up too.
The result of which is I'm probably in a bit of danger in most of my classes, which is kind of a worry. I'm thinking of doing a gauntlet of my professors this week to maybe talk about my standing and if there's something to be done.
>>661617 That's a really disheartening message. It goes from being worriesome to outright scary with how they're dancing around something they can't/don't /aren't able to talk about.
>>661619 Yeah, thanks. It's all stuff I feel I should have under my belt, introductory philosophy stuff and literature. If I was just a little more focused and able to manage my time I don't think I'd have any major issues.
Talking about the stuff I've had to read for some of those courses with you has been a help at least. I've noticed I tend to have a much more content-focused analysis of the texts, where as professors tend to approach it from what I can consider a more meta-analysis in the lines of what you come up with. I don't think I need to really change that but it's an interesting parallel perspective.
I wonder what goes into the opinion of whether an era name is good or bad. It might just be the social environment in the country going into a new era.
>>661623 The Kanji in the text for this Tweet is an incorrect spelling isn't it? Even the Kanji in the picture is different from it.
>>661626 Oh boy this gives something to look forward to in ... eighteen years. I guess.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
It's weird to think it's the end of an era. Heisei ends in just a month.
Yeah, I was thinking this when that Comiket Heisei book was announced. Anime, manga, games of otaku culture; all this stuff basically took form and caught on as a cultural force all within the Heisei era. Like everything in that cultural sphere can pretty much be limited to that historical era. And now it's just ... ending. It's a bit of a melancholic thought.
I hope it will be a good era. Some Japanese commenters on the NHK tweet about it were calling it authoritarian according to google translate, but that could be them joking. People generally seem pleased with it.
Kirara, the Baseball Mom
I think we're still waiting on Abe to explain the reasoning behind the name.
Yeah people keep writing it as the "ima" Kanji for "present" or "now" or I dunno I'm not a Kanjiexpert. It's clearly a different Kanji in the posters and images though.