Thread #655310
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I've got my anime joose where are the anime ladies
Thanks Jan!
Bermuda Triangle --Episode 4-8 Boogiepop wa Warawanai Domestic na Kanojo Dororo Egao no Daika --Episode 7-11 Grimms Notes --Episode 3-8 Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka Mob Psycho 100 Pastel Memories Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken To aru Majutsu no Index W'z --Episode 5-11 Kakegurui XX
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domestic mob dororo slime hmm lack of comfy things pastel
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Sounds good to me. Wherefore art thou, Ikak
Also this. More Slime isekai next year.
>>655317 >52 episodes of slimeboy and the gobbo gang Not something I expected
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Crew assembled. We're going on patrol bois. I am still ready in case anyone is wondering
Hey ho let's watch these cheaters go
RIP Rika
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domestic okay lets start
Doramatikku>>655325 Correct.
DomESTIC this is ep 10 right
Wow dude how do you fall that ridiculously.
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He needs to get over that sensei. She's danger.
Rui is best anyway.
>>655329 I disagree completely
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Oh I know how this goes in my doujinshi.
>Would have had a hard time
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Oh shit buuuusteed
This guy is a bit too spoiled by Hina. I mean she's enabling it herself but he could do with being a little more independent.
It's totally yup. This sure is a clusterfuck of drama.
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>Are you in love with Hina-nee You only just realized that now Rui.
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go the harem route! mob okay thats everybody lets start!
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>i'm so fucked up I've been waiting for this for a whole WEEK Thinking about it I feel the same way about this show like every week, though. Is it really that good?
Mobbu>>655341 If you're thinking about it that often it's probably really that good for you.
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Ritsu is such a fucking man If Ritsu had Mob's powerlevel nobody would stand a chance
He's going to get his shit kicked in this fight though.
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>>655348 Yeah, he's going to get fucked up good and proper. But if you're afraid of getting your proverbial shit kicked inwards, you'll never be able to protect your ability to have a fun life.
>Don't use your physic powers against people Yeah don't dare be a PHYSICIAN
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ooh this may be a good one
Aw yes we're getting some more Mob sakuga.
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This fight is SO COOL
Matsuo ends up being as incompetent as he was in the first season.
Ah I guess he had this yeah. I forgot her pocketed the super-evil spirit from his arc.
This guy seems to be a bit of an all-rounded like Mob. All-rounder even. Guess that'll make for a good rasuto bossu fight.
>You rely too much on your powers Teru's been learning from Mob.
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God this fight is so COOL
Reigen you fucking madman.
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>tfw you live the rest of your life in hiding because of one sentence
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Mob is so cool.
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Looks like reigen is going to be cool next ep dororo okay lets start
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>>655364 Um excuse me Reigen is cool every single episode He's the coolest
Doro roro ro rorororo
Oh man that's a decent bit of CASH
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These old-fashioned Japanese towns are always so charming. I love the design of being centered around the river.
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Yeah it's a good aesthetic.
Well Hyakkimaru's old man knows he's alive now. Guess he'll have to be on the move ever more to avoid getting killed by his soldiers.
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love this guy's face he's like OH FUCK
He knows what he's done.
Oh this are some COOL bakemono.
Dororo's pretty gutsy, giong -going up against magic fox spirits with nothing but rocks.
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yeah this monster is gonna be a two parter
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Oh looks like it got away.
Oh this'll be exciting next week. Hyakkimaru and his father face to face.
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yeah it will be wild slime okay lets start
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ok L@dy
Last Suraimu of 2019>>655388 I'm pretty sure the title at the end of the last episode was clear it was more or less one.
Slime I heard this is liek an OVA episode
Oh I thought that was Rimuru for a moment. The fur line on the coat threw me off.
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I guess we get to learn more about this girl.
>Please calm down but we're holding you here against your will until you agree to fight in an extremely dangerous engagement
This demon guy "kuheh heh heh"s a lot.
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This seems like a guy who does have a name.
Well he needs a hand more importantly now.
>Such a being wouldn't come here Oh but he would.
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It's weird having a protagonist like her since rimuru's power was basically infinite.
I bet the Blue Wings were the two at the start of the episode which one of them summoned Noir. Yup.
Oh cool another gaiden episode. I didn't expect to get more than this week's episode.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
pastel memories hmm is this not a jan show? okay then well let's start and jan can catch up if he appears okay lets start~!
Pay stell Oh hah hah I thought it was Jan that was oranged. Sorry Ika. He's watched it in the past, I think he's enjoyed it.
A ki ha ba ra~
>World-famous anime Hmmmm
Is it Evangelion then? The robots don't look very Eva-poi though.
Okay yup hah hah hah. Definitely Evangelion.
Oh I just realized the Tiger's Swamp (Toranouma) is a spoof off Toranoana.
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This ep seems a little QUALITY or maybe it's just the art?
Well this show's always a little QUALITY. I don't think it's particularly worse than usual.
C'mon Shinji get in the fucking robot already.
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There's not going to be much left to save.
RIP Neo-Tokyo.
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we saved the city
Well It'll probably magically be fine after they win the fight.
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well thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.