Thread #617516
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Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya --Episode 10-12 Irozuku Sekai Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Sora to Umi no Aida --Episode 10-11 Zombieland Saga
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oh sorry was sick to my stomach. I wonder where Ika is. Let me try to find him.
Oh no have you caught a winter bug?
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okay banana fish irozuku juliey zombieland sound good?>>617528 nope, was just feeling a bit constipated~
... Well I'm glad you've passed that through.
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okay banana fish! okay lets start!
I wonder how worse things can still get.
banaman squish
>>617533 boop
Oh yeah no I started on time.
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I feel like things can't get any worse and they need to improve a little so that they have some room to get bad again.
Well he's not dead yet at least.
i had to get up during the op what'd i miss
Eiji is in the hospital, still alive. Ash tried to shoot Blanca but he couldn't bring himself to aim straight. The bowl-cut Chinese guy is all upset that his gang shot Ash and Eiji.
Be caaaarefullll what you wish for Ash.
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i feel like blanca has a more fucked up past than these kids and he's just trying to help
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He was a mercenary so he probably saw and did some messed up stuff.
>>617543 i like him
The faces in this show sometimes really reveal the older style of the manga it's adapting. It's neat.
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the art in general is great the show has a really nice unique style
MAPPA putting all those fujobucks from Yuri on Ice! to good use.
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good cinematography too
>>617548 they found they cash cow fujo shit
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The money has been in fujobucks for awhile.
Eiji has some kind of god-tier constitution man.
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ah, there we go. It's been awhile since we've seen anything on the banana fish side.
I hope Max comes out of this all right. He's had it rough too.
Should just kill him Aaaasssshhhh.
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I assume he has a good keikaku.
I do too, but I don't think any keikaku he's got will be good enough for the storm that's coming.
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rip okay irozuku okay lets start!
Karasu The potential romance disaster that was incoming for this show was pleasantly avoided for the most part.
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>>617560 yeah rot in piss you old fuck
Well hopefully these two can patch things over quickly.
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looks like they already did best buds forever
Nothing like getting mad over a dumbass crush to seal friendship for life.
Yeah this guy is a brick.
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It's sometimes easy to forget magic is a thing.
It's a very low-impact magic. Like aside from the time-travel magic there's been like no major world impact.
Wow she's got a whole flock of paper airplanes now.
Well now they've gone pretty fantastical.
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painted world of ariamis
Nothing's been trying to kill them. Yet.
>>617575 what if someone tears the picture
Well then something may be trying to kill them. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Wow his subconscious has littered this painting with some weird things.
Or well maybe it's something added by Hitomi. Maybe when she magicked them all in she had an impact on the painted world.
River of BLOOD
Hah hah hah. She's suitably being very kiddish about it.
Oh I thought her mom died.
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>>617582 yeah me too i guess she's just deadbeat
I mean she wasn't really sent with a purpose. Her grandmother kind of just went "lol I know what will make you stop being so depressed all the time go meet me when I was your age dear".
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>>617584 yeah but she was fucking right young gram gram is a fun gal
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okay juliet!>>617587 more like just in time for the weekend okay lets start!
the list is almost defeated just in time for the next season >>617586 just watch the backlogged stuff tomorrow while im at work and save the good stuff for me VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED
I know it's a glorious feeling.>>617587 Yeah but the reason we've had such a terrible list this season was because we went into this season with a bunch of backlog already. If we can go into a new season with an empty list odds are things won't be so terrible. Though the holidays will probably complicate that anyway.>>617589 Oh yeah I bet you're excited for this.
I wonder if Nii-san's twist will be that he's crushing on one of the prefects from the White Cats.
i hope so i want a brofist this episode
Hazuki being the ultimate best fri- HAH.
fucking char
Wow sasuga Onii-san.
Wow he's a superhuman.
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>>617596 he's a super lolicon
Persia doing her damnednest to not be incompetent.
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She's having trouble with that cooking stuff. well maybe she's finally pulled through.
She's a true ojou-sama after all. Cooking never comes easy to them.
Wow he's got a soft spot for kids.
Hah hah holy fuck that punishment.
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He's supposed to be the strongest guy on the black team but he gets pushed around a lot.
I think he's a big fish in his pond.
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i feel like this is an /a/ meme
Yeah, that line gets put up with Kurisu from Steins;Gate next to a whiteboard.
Inuzuka's gonna be the damsel in distress being rescued by Persia.
This is some intense music.
super sibling scuffle
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Seems like onii-san is testing him.
Wow his brother is pretty evil.
>the good ol' days
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Nevermind, he just beat the crap out of him and locked him in a shed.
the punishment shed
Wow he's doing keikakus upon keikakus.
if it's true love you're willing to get beaten up by your brother and locked in the shed for it
Oh I thought she'd break up with him for the stinger.
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I was expecting that too. I guess since we didn't get that kind of cliffhanger, he's going to talk her down. Otherwise they'd have played that card at the end.
Well that's an endcard.
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zombieland! okay lets start!
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>>617620 of course it's an endcard what else would IT BE KONO BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKA shit i was trying to post necroducer>>617623 i feel like a lot of this show's end cards were like that>>617623 yeah i know you've said it a lot that's why i was trying to be a smart ass
>>617622 Not baring so much ass.>>617622 >You thought it was Necroducer but it was in fact ME, SAKURA >>617622 Yeah a lot of them are pretty lewd. I've used that one line two or three times for the show alone. There was an endcard by Akasaka Aka that wasn't as exciting as the most extreme ones have been though.
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oh yeah shit was going down
now she REMEMBERS the 21st day of september
the twenty first day of septembaaah
Looks like we've returned to episode one.
Aw Densetsu no Yamada Tae was just worried about her NAKAMA. All these squishy sounds hah hah.
I wonder if she's a zombie and just thinks she's human again. Or if she still has the make-up from before on.
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this face
>>617632 I guess she HOLY SHIT TAE she remembers what it felt like to get a poker stuck through her head.
Now Sakura's out of human make-up and Cornflakes is in human make-up. How confusing.
Looks like Sakura when she was alive was stuck inable to believe in herself.
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Yeah, I guess losing her memries gave her the gusto to become a mover and a shaker.
Hah hah oh wow.
I really feel Sakura's spirit right now though.
They're all coming up with an interesting lie to come to Sakura.
Wow she's HARD depressed.
wow that's a sharp star
Junko was so excited to see her dressed up like that. And Sakura just bails on her. Poor Yuugiri.
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>>617643 i wonder what densetsu yamada tae is looking at though
Well she gets distracted easily. Probably a squirrel or something.
Wow circumstances have really made things rough for Sakura.
Hah hah hah oh no. It's the Favaro policeman again.
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This guy has good timing.
Here comes Necroducer to save the day again?
i'd say he probably has awful timing
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Necroducer is inspiring in his own shitty way.
Looks like Sakura's too deep in the trench of depression to be saved by his words. It's easy for me to relat AH HAH HAH This fucker.
>I've got this big and impressive ... THING I bet you do Necroducer.
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I wonder if she'll get all her memories back next ep.
What does it even mean to live? Oh I forgot my arrow. But yeah, good question Sakura.