maybe like a ginger beer or a cola I'm trying to think of something that isn't sweet but I think most sodas are
i got a dr pfeffer it's very sweet but that is ok for now
haa android is designed to annoy you whenever updating apps, to say "OH YOU DON*T HAVE ENOUGH SPACE" eventhough you do to make you buy a new phone I hate commercialism
Get an sd card and put all ypur media on that. *your
Kirara, M.S.
go no phone
go no phones
Kirara, M.S.
no go phones
Phone no goes
delicious caffeinated phone treats
Kirara, M.S.
delectable decaffeinated deg doogs
Kirara, M.S.
don't worry im sure you'll be fine but eventually everyone runs out if time
>>585365 domo that's the stuff I was stuck between two different songs and needed to clear that out
I've been really drowsy during the day the past week or so. But napping is s hard to do correctly. And it's not like I haven't already spent a lot of time in poor-restfulness sleep already today.
>>585371 yeah i bought some cbd oil it's really helping my brain out so i can sleep and eat properly really making me not frantically paranoid and neurotic
it's helping my bone pain a lot too but i think that might be indirectly from getting more restful sleep and partially anxiolytic properties reducing nerve traffic
>You are reading a translation of Jun from Please read this chapter on the original site or on patreon(translatorjun) if you wish to show support to us. You may not read the actual translation if you don’t. >You may not Heh, try and stop me.
They also delay their releases but make them available to patreon supporters early. Which is kind of scummy and also puts them in a more risky legal spot since they are accepting payments on the translation of works whose copyright they do not own (or have not been licensed).
so question could you feed a dog cereals and milk?
no the dog would be fine most likely but might throw up if it had too much milk or if it was a sugary cereal
kay was thinking about it since in John Wick he feeds is dog initially a bowl of cereals looked like some health type with high fibres low sugars
replace the cereal with dry food at least
>>585396 dogs can eat pretty much anything, and will they're pretty resilient >>585399 i think chocolate is bad because it contains caffeine but i have seen dogs get into boxes of fudge and eat most of it and be fine you shouldn't feed chocolate to a dog though just on principle
isn't it like chocolate and something that is bad for them
cats had lots of things they can't eat, but they generally don't eat it either milk can give them indigestion
Man I love toblerone why don't they sell big toblerone here only in tax free
>>585407 how many toblerones can you fit up ur ass
Only winer nougat/mignon eggs are better than toblerone when it comes to chocolate or some very good belgian choco, but those are a very different kind of treat
I wish I had bought more than 1 toblerone when I came back from hungary
carbonated water is really common in the old world especially on the continent here not so much vichy is more common when it comes to carbonatedw ater that has salts and shit in it
>>585418 Carbonic acid does actually have a flavor.
i can't do blindfolds personally the touch feel of them on my face is more stimulating/distracting than the visual field for me
i do like to cover my head in blankets or sheets though
Yeah, that's more comfortable for me than something like a blindfold. Though I generally prefer to keep my head out in open air, I know it's unrealistic, but covering my head completely in bedsheets starts getting me a ltitle panicky about asphixiation.
I have my bedside blinds to keep all light out so any hour of day is dark to me
my blinds allow even the smallest amount of light in blindfold is much cheaper than new blinds and there are positive mental health benefits as well to me wearing a blindfold
in john wick there is just one again that one scene that always kinda dumbs down an action movie the bad guy has the main lead in their hand and then doesn't just shoot them I mean he orders his death and they start to suffocate him but WHY didn't they just shoot or stab him
kind of a plot hole
>>585449 asphyxiation is more like a hope than a fear for me
btw does any movie actually have a realistically long death by choking scene? where mc or baddie chokes someone to death, so that you know tehy actually do it so long that the person does die
I said movie I mean even game of thrones has that dany chokes his husband to death and that fucking is a long scene
JW has it a lot, but they usually do it 30-180 seconds too little but I guess it would kinda be boring to watch and take movie time but I think in some scenes it would serve to deliver the brutality
I was washing one of my favourite oven/soup bowls, dried it and placed it on topshelf, and then it dropped on my head all helmet like hurt a bit, i panicked and it dropped on the floor and shattered into pieces
>>585478 Yeah. She came over once because she needed to borrow a resource book, but now she always talks about how she wants to come back to play with my cat. She has actually been obsessing about my cat.
my only mistake is spilling too much paprika seeds into it it became too spicy and then having coffee with the meal
>>585487 I made some tikki -tikka masala last week. That was a really satisfying meal. My mother always goes into a cooking storm the week after Thanksgiving though so mostly I've been eating what she's been making this week. She makes a really good turkey curry casserole though.
i ordered food an hour ago and it's not here yet i'm gonna kill someone
i thought about ordering food i saw an ad for chipotle and saw they were delivering now so i got excited given the visuals in the ad but i checked the website and the ones here do not deliver and they are not on grubhub for third party delivery either so they just made me look at avocados for nothing, assholes
a client was offering me avocados the other day it was that one who got drunk and came and yelled at the secretary i said i wasn't able to accept gifts and he said he'd leave them on the ground outside the office for me?? and i said please don't and he said he'd give me papaya
it's not a gift it's an avocado you psychologists don't understand anything
>meet enemy caster >fire backlash on them >their spell explodes on their own face >shoot curse of silent on them >drain their mana while they are stunned >prepare another backlash >repeat it is so fucking cheap
I can combine it with a "link two targets to take damage when other is harmed" and "take 30% of hit point dmg for 2 secs" for almsot an instant kill or just hit the backlash once, quick cast the 30% dmg and then cast an "instant kill living who is lower than 30%" hp spell man you can do weird shit with illusion and RESTORATION
That aired for tonight so not yet. Probably has a good chance of getting watched though. I think both Rika and I really enjoyed it. Squid might've not been as enamored by it though, if I remember correctly.
Gosh that's super adorable. Mine never does the biting, even as a plaything though. She'll sit at the foot of my bed and whine like that until I get up though. That's a super good cat though.
>>585767 Hey Blue were you gonna check out the Conception anime? I know you only played the second one but I figured it might be in your sphere of interest.
There's always a burst of creative energy and interest in doing -something- that comes for me late at night, but it's within the hour or so that I need to wind down and head to bed. It's a really frustrating experience to try and fall asleep to.
>>585791 that's what you get for watching anime you god damn nerd
Koi, MFA
Last week: >Hi, there's a bug with Midgardsormr. He's not stunning when he should be. To compensate for our failures, we are giving you all Wyrmite. Today: >Hi, there's a bug with Midgardsormr. It seems we didn't fix the bug with the stun. So instead we're just removing the stun together and calling it a fix. To compensate for our failures, we are giving you all Wyrmite.
Kirara, M.S.
episode 2 of zombieland was amazing
Runescape let me change my name to Semen Princess. That's also pretty amazing.
Lel >calling to a pizzajoint about payment that went but didn't get food >we don't speak that good finnish, but our business guy speaks swedish >soz I don't speak swedish >when kebabas speak better swedish than me
yeah you wouldn't get much profit, but if you say promote the design and then do it on base of orders basically "you order one you buy one" kind of deal with the customers and the manufacturer you can get profit out of it
Kirara, M.S.
we only make like $5 per sale on our shop unfortunately
I stillw onder why only me and another got those if all 10 of us had gotten them, they'd have been like 40-50€ per person the back design would have been uniformal and text infront would have been custom for each person I had my personal bible motto there
Koi, MFA
Hoodies are expensive to make custom
>>>/watch?v=X_aX1JaJ34o Perhaps because it got overshadowed by the rap battoru later in the episode, I feel not enough praise has been given to this show's also great OP.
Apparently more than just her seiyuu being ??? in the credits, the Zombieland Saga team has been going all out with keeping who's voicing Densetsu Aidoru Yamada Tae-chan a secret. Even the Japanese that are following the series are left guessing.
>>585849 do report if the gameplay is actually different noticably when you switch genders
never played ME as female, does that have any effecto n it aside romancing partners?
american cheese is actually the worst cheese in existence
Anything you want from American cheese you can get from some type of cheddar. Except for tasting like the plastic it comes wrapped in, and even then, I bet you could find some cheap-ass cheddar that does that for you.
I think is cause the first few were small and of course perspective
>>585913 also this one looks like something NYDP might deploy during a riot
I came to my university campus to check out a book on comics for one of my courses (unfortunately checked out), but while checking the surrounding shelves I was a little surprised to see a fair number of books on manga and anime in the topical region. I wish I could do reearch -research on that instead of these boring-ass comics.
Kirara, M.S.
anime research club
There's already an anime club or organization here, hah hah. They've got flyers up on the postboards advertising a "sports night" for the club, complete with a cute, topically mascot animal girl character in gym clothes.
The only good thing about American cheese is that it melts very evenly so if for some reason you decide that you don't want leave a burger on the grill with good cheese for like an extra minute to melt it right you can use American instead.
especially if it isn't processed cheddar and in it soriginal form
>>585937 Because American cheese is fake cheddar Therefore white American cheese is fake white cheddar. Q.E.D.
american cheese is not fake cheese why do people get american cheese confused with the cheese byproducts and processed cheese? there just happens to be processed cheeses that are american cheese style, but they also make those in swiss you folks are very confused about cheese
FormerRei@mobile >American cheese is a type of processed cheese.
>Today’s American cheese is, by law, required to be manufactured from at least two types of cheese. Because its manufacturing process differs from "unprocessed" natural cheeses,[1] American cheese cannot be legally sold under the name (authentic) "cheese" in the US.
mother fucker hou are so wrong i want to string you up thank good moon is here there js shit like velveta which is fake and the cellophane cheese is usually fake but there is a decent kind of american cheese out there christ
>Even though the term "American cheese" has a legal definition in the United States as a type of pasteurized processed cheese, and is actually something different, products called "cheese product" are by no means identical.
how about we just greentext the whole fucking page
People refer to it as "fake" or "not real" cheese because its processed.
>As a result, some varieties (e.g., "American cheese" and "American processed cheese") bear remarkable similarity to traditional/unprocessed cheeses, while other varieties (e.g., "American cheese food" and "American cheese product") are much more like Velveeta or Cheez Whiz.
>The processed variety of American cheese is sold in three basic packaging varieties: individually-wrapped cheese slices (which are not sliced from a block of cheese, but rather slabs of processed cheese which are formed from a viscous processed cheese which only solidifies between the wrapping medium); small, pre-sliced blocks of 8 to 36 slices; and large blocks meant for use behind deli counters. >the processed variety of american cheese >processed variety >variety
i hsed to eat the processed shit as a child but now i dont
there's also the step down from that even to the cheese flavored products that's what's actually not cheese, and contains no cheese the so-called government cheese man i've had to eat that sometimes and it's nauseating it also doesn't melt when you put it in a skillet
>>585947 >However, the term "American cheese" has a legal definition as a type of pasteurized processed cheese under the American Code of Federal Regulations. >a type of pasteurized processed cheese I guess the Wikipedia article contradicts itself.
>>585957 Nowadays many animes have basically a... SHIT border there is 1-2 pixel "tall" border that is just crap around the frames and then as can be seen here >>585954 the coloration and shading changes so much on thep an *pan it doesn't even matter if you take like 100 shots, unless you really go for a frame by frame shot and maybe even then you'd have those weird shading stripes running there
Speaking of old was better >spotify in the past with own songs >transfer to phone >it recognises them >adds them to playlists that had those songs on your desktop playlist >could transfer over usb connection >could transfer over wifi Now >can only transfer over wifi >most of time it doesn't work
well atleast it is better than it was when they implimented that sytem >spotify randomly fucks over playlists due to it starting to keep playlist information on cloud system and not on your machine
But even now there is an annoying feature WHERE EVERY PLAYLIST I HAVE ON MY COMPUTER is on reverse order on myphone so if I have a say hour long block in a playlist on "play the next song" setting it will be reversed on my phone and there is no option to change that
oh and when transferred, the song is in spotify format, so you cant even play it with native or installed players on your phone
two full weeks without work at this point starting to become very nervous and agitated
nap successful dreamed about getting caught in a terrorist attack with my dad and jan was also there and we barely got away i let some old lady die to get jan out of a car that he was stuck in
>>585976 quite realistically gone dream instead of some big heroes thing
Kirara, M.S.
yeah haha at one point there were tons of batteries and a lighter around and my dad said let's make bombs with these and jan was like "this isn't a video game haha fuck"
>>586010 yeah right it makes sense of course that'd happen to me but it didn't, thank God
well you just post "pic of car crash with text jfc" and then another blank pic even if it wasn't you, that is what people would think that it happened to you
Kirara, M.S.
yeah i guess
Kirara, M.S.
the trend of turning every corrupt populist into trump lately is already getting old
>>586031 procrastinating via mahjong gonna gamble for cute girls in this shitty chinese game
>>586034 It's alright but I worry about deadlines Sure the deadline is a few weeks away but if you let yourself get complacent then it'll just rush up on you and by you I mean me
>>586036 As soon as I grind this rank up It will become the time for work Deadlines aren't that certain. You never know if someone will try calling in a bomb threat the day it's due
Kirara, M.S.
... that's still not a how how are you doing maria what is the feeling please
>>586039 Also they want a hard copy for some reason I don't understand why it's so important it's a hardcopy and not an email, but that's what they want
>>586040 Yes, she thinks we should break up this time, but won't elaborate. So I'm going to have to cancel my plans tomorrow and go deal with whatever her problem is now.
the novel for the slime, dunno if it is just the translation or the actual quality, but... uguufgh >>586066 same the manga for it is amusing read too
Kirara, M.S.
the first two episodes of slime have been amazing idc about the novel
>>586065 >>586066 Isekai with overpowered mcs has been done to death already.
This a genre I really like and whats its become in recent years feels like a monkey's paw wish. I sincerely used to want more isekai, but not like this.
I would be happy with more isekai where the female maou is also a love interest. Or like post isekai like hagure yuusha. The anime that sold poorly because the mc was too alpha.
Sharp cheddar Or maybe smoked cheddar Which I literally only ever thought to try because of the Nyoron Tsuruya thing.
>>586115 rotten stuff I generally prefer blue cheese the most
>>586115 Depends on what I'm eating it with. Havarti's my favourite sandwich-y cheese. Cheddar's great for grating over chili and for burgers. Mozzarella because pizza, lasagna, and etc. Parmesan for pasta.
>>586123 Because it's white american which you're just going to say "ITS THE SAME HERHEHGEHGEHGE"
Kirara, M.S.
i was gonna say yikes actually
>>586120 Probably a well-aged white cheddar. It's good for on crackers, and works on chili even though I prefer orange for that. And it's still cheddar enough for burgers. All around flexible cheese.
>>586133 >American cheese is a type of processed cheese. It can be orange, yellow, or white in color, is mild, salty, and faintly sweet in flavor, has a medium-firm consistency, and has a very low melting point.
wew how intrusive are all the dlc and microtransactions?
Kirara, M.S.
imagine if there was a game that had absolutely no dlc or microtransactions it's like that the microtransactions are completely irrelevant and you never see them unless you look for them
wow I'd have expected ubi to have a poppup there constantly skins and grind avoidance I hear it was mostly
Kirara, M.S.
that's how Origins was too
The microtransactions can serve to reduce grind. You can get boosters for experience, drachmae, and the resources you need to upgrade your ship and equipment.
>>586142 Were that's not it, we were arguing something regarding the legal definition. Like what can and can't legally be sold as chocolate or something.
>>586151 that just means they designed the system so that it in the end encourages some to buy into that
>>586155 Grind is a matter of taste. I don't entirely agree that they didn't design the game to be a little grindy. But they do reward you for engaging in the activities of the grind with quests and aesthetic rewards for adventuring off the exact path of the game. I don't find the game grindy but I can recognize the game model here.
i haven't experienced any necessary grinding it's an rpg there are quests that you do that's it
>>586157 Games that have skill progression that don't involve grinding are weird, at least in the context of RPGs.
>>586159 Because you're part of the subset that enjoys the questing and exploration in the game. I would say I am too. But I think for the majority of people the side content isn't enough of a pull away from the main quest, which if you are -strictly- following, you'll probably hit challenge walls if you're playing on Normal difficulty or above. I believe Ubisoft is fully conscious of that, and reckons there's enough people within the general populace that will shell out money for the boosters to not do what they'd consider grind, to make the microtransactions worth it.
Which I don't fault Ubisoft on, if people want to pay money to make their life easier, all power to them, it's their money. s
Oh yeah speaking of RPGs I'm basically on call for wacky D&D hijinks My friend has a dm who is a huge douche so he's going to be texting me and asking for advice on stuff.
If game has microtransactions it is designed so that it encourages some to buy them simple as shit
I don't get why people would pay money to buy a game, then pay even more money to play the game less. That defeats the purpose of buying the game in the first place.
I have no issue with mts on free to play or cheap games but a 60€ triple-a game...
Kirara, M.S.
>>586163 so if people with first-hand experience don't believe that's the case, then your theory trumps their experience because it's a Law of the Universe?
>>586163 What if the microtransactions are just an afterthought that's inserted after the game has already been designed
I could see that being somewhat the case. Maybe not literally an afterthought but it is definitely designed to have the completely valid argument of saying they're completely unnecessary.
Either way there is no drawback to playing on lower difficulties, as far as I can tell, beyond insult to personal pride, which will also help deter the necessity to upgrade things and keep good leveling. There are a lot of options for doing exactly the thing the microtransactions are providing, so it's really just what you choose.
Kirara, M.S.
plus you can actually get the drachmae and xp boosts for free with the ubisoft rewards
>>586169 You see this?
Also I was at my friend's house and we were watching Crunchyroll on his ps4 and got an ad for "stop democrats in Minnesota" I wonder if I should make a thread about it on /a/. Well probably not cause I'd likely get banned for shitposting.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>586175 that sounds like it'd be a godawful thread
Jamie Lee Curtis did a review of the Noah's Ark theme park.
Kirara, M.S.
>Ham has previously blamed multiple factors for the underwhelming performance of the attraction. From local business owners to atheists. But is there a simpler explanation? Is it possible that people don’t want to visit the Ark because it sucks? haha
>Once you're outside the Ark, you can go to a zoo area with zebras and camels and some petting-zoo type animals like donkeys and goats. There are, of course, signs—this time explaining why each animal disproves evolution.
>>586183 haha oh yeah that 100m well invested whish they had just given me that money
>>586188 Reminder that it was only technically not payed for by taxpayer money.
Kirara, M.S.
>All people who volunteer or work at the park are required to sign a “statement of faith” which explicitly prohibits them from employment if they’re gay, bi, or a person who has “attempt[ed] to alter [their] gender by surgery or appearance.”
>>586190 I'm pretty sure thats a violation of federal law. For now
Kirara, M.S.
yeah it absolutely is lol
Kirara, M.S.
you can discriminate against trans people but not gay or bi people or whatever
Christ I hope Kavanaugh gets cancer or something. Like in the pancreas
only western country with //developed country that conscripts everyone, and not selective draft like in say china, is israle that has men and women drafted
well I will prolly watch the final capaldi season and the special that kills him and then see the shedoctor I had hoped they had done the "gender bendering" earlier and not during these times
welp that was exorcist a very good classic not really scary, but you can definitely see why it was so scary back in the day the director cut is too long, though, can really see why these scenes were cut as they didn't really serve the story at all
though they did give some more screen time to the two priest characters
Hard to tell. There's a lot of stuff on the list and I'm not sure what Rika likes to get to first yet. Definitely a chance of it, I think both Rika and I are excited about it.
There's also JoJo to watch too.
Ah fuck New index is this season It's going to be really hard for me to talk about it without spoiling stuff Since the lns covered this season a while ago.
well, if i'm still around when you guys watch anime, i might join in for index it's hard for me to watch alone, haha or at least it will be until they get to the accelerator stuff
Well It's not really a spoiler to say that its the world war 3 arc.
Anime's hard in general for me to watch alone. I probably wouldn't watch nearly as much as I do if I didn't have the nightly watching sessions. Which probably wouldn't be too much of a loss since it would probably reduce down to the best stuff, but still. What's fun is good.
>>586338 Well Rika did say she'd probably be pretty late tonight, so I'unno if you should hold out if you're feeling like going to bed. If we do watch it's a good fit for a first up show too though, so could also get it out of the way quickly.
>>586338 Accelerator is going to be important in s3. There should be several episodes with him.
Kirara, M.S.
i know, i've read the novels
>>586342 Have you read the one where he and the US president go shoot a bunch of people together?
>>586345 On /a/ its your fault for not reading the source material.
Err "your" as i the hypothetical person who is watching the anime but didn't read the lns despite having plenty of time to have done so since s2 aired. Or s1 Which was like Almost ten years ago
I've got to head back to the campus library and also try to figure out what I'm supposed to do for my proposal for a research paper. I really don't want to write something on the scope I'm limited to by my course. So I've got until midnight Mon/Tues to put something together, or I dunno. I could still drop out without academic penalty I think.
I have to go figure out why Fish is breaking up with me tomorrow
You can usually withdraw from a class without penalty for like 10 weeks here What class was this?
Drop out of the specific class I mean, not my program overall.
Yeah, I've been keeping abreast of your situation. I hope things go well.
I'm pretty sure the withdrawl without penalty is some time in November here, so I'm near-certain I'd be safe. I'd only get a partial refund though. The class is Advanced Research Methods, which, at least with this professor, uses a particular foci over the whole semester to teach, well, research methods. Except in this case the foci are these issues of WWII-era Canadian comics that are just ... terrible. They're poorly written, the art's inconsistent, they're full of ridiculous shit like disparaging people from Africa or the Japanese. Everything about them is just trash.
On top of that I deliberately avoid any kind of class that explicitly involves WWII history because I'm thoroughly disinterested in learning more about it than I already have, so I'm particularly annoyed at not being able to have that information regarding this class before picking it. Of course any time you have to do an in-depth analysis of something from that time period it's impossible to disentangle it from the whole World War II so I feel roped in to something I really don't want to engage with.
I've tried to disengage from the war material where ever I can but I feel there's a certain inevitability here and that just makes me even more frustrated against it. And it's just hard to get passionate about something I hold so much disinterest or negativity towards.
Yeah, I'd need it to graduate. I'm already ahead a few classes despite being in year one because of my night school classes, so I could "afford" to not take it this semester. But it would be nice to graduate on a slightly faster track than the standard four years, considering how late I've started. And who knows if taking it in any different semester or any -with any different professor would actually be a more enjoyable experience.
I'm even considering just taking my greviances to the professor and seeing if she's aware if it's done differently elsewhere but I really don't want to get lectured on "some times you just have to do things you don't want to do" or "if you'd started on time and not put things off you wouldn't be having such a hard time" since I've already gotten that nonsense from my parents about this.
okay well it's bang's bedtime now so have a good night and stuff
Try and rest well, Bang.
It's interesting how well the body and mind remembers some times. I haven't played TWEWY in nearly a decade and everything's ridiculously familiar to me all the same.
my memory is messed up. These 2 weeks have gone by so quickly