Thread #57384
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need to download yesterday and tonights hsows what is there
I was kind of hoping you'd know. I have no clue what's been watched and what hasn't.
Listen man
LWA x2 Gabby Hand Shakers Trickster
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trickster LWAx1 3gatsu gabby how does this itenary
Ready. Oh hah hah hah. Yeah that order's fine by me. Still ready.
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orange for trickster everyone is orange let's start
Geez that's a soulless stare if there was ever one.
ba ba bang 2017/03/15 (水) 06:19 No. 57397
I'll be home in about an hour. Omw from Dallas
What do you even watch? Gabriel?
ba ba bang 2017/03/15 (水) 06:19 No. 57399
You're probably good for time then.
ba ba bang 2017/03/15 (水) 06:20 No. 57401
Is Jan here
ba ba bang 2017/03/15 (水) 06:20 No. 57402
>>57395 Nice meido
Oh huh, Noro came out of hikki mode last episode? She was never with the rest of the group before.
>>57402 Natsumeido
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20 faces plan to frame him is kinda dumb When you frame someone for your crimes, you have to stop once they're in jail or you'll prove them innocent.
Well Twenty Faces only commits crimes so that Akechi chases after him. The concept of Twenty Faces doesn't need to exist if Akechi can't chase him.
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Those are really tolerant cops, not firing a round after they beat a bunch of them up and stole weapons.
I guess they're decent enough to not shoot at kids. Though a kid with a gun is still dangerous.
>throwing a gun
The whole chained thing here in these segments is a bit much for me. Oh well I guess that remedies it.
theres actually a negative chance suzaku is dead
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that episode was dumb in a lot of ways okay let's watch LWA episode 9 okay let's start!
>>57415 Well they weren't exactly at the blast center, but a lot of shattered glass did go flying at them. It wouldn't surprise me if one of them hit him.
Professor McGonnagal is such a killjoy.
The OP has Akko riding a broom, but she still has yet to actually learn how to do it. I wonder if that's what the first season climax is going to be.
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Looks like they accidentally made a zombie.
They probably made a tidy profit off that.
Oh shit this guy makes a return.
He seemed like an awfully affluent man to be a bell ringer.
I figured the daughter was the headmistress. But the TWISUTO came as a surprise.
I wonder what sort of punishment they'll end up in.
i bet headmaster will dismiss it maybe
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This is the kind of thing you should be punished really bad for. I guess they're getting a light punishment though.
Yeah, this is pretty much what I expected.
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3gatsu okay lets start'
They do both look like generals in their own right.
This is kind of cool though. How they're making it some big, almost theatrical thing.
Shimada is a really warm character for being such a weary, pessimistic ojii-san.
Strawberry daifuku are kind of nice. Though the ones I had were just mochi and strawberry.
Asking a toddler a question like that is just begging for something incomprehensible.
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It's been awhile since we've seen so much of the girls. Protagonist-kun still isn't really interacting with them though.
It's also been a while since there was something not shogi-related. There was a really heavy shogi streak for a while there.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
We're down to the last few episodes of the season, I wonder what sort of thing they'll do to cap off the show.
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gabby okay let's start!
gabu vigne is best waifu
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I guess we get to see a bit of the demon's side this episode too.
i miss good gabbu will she ever come back?
She's fallen too far man. There's no redemption for that.
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>>57470 cuck
wow she has a little sister and she still is the way she is does she have no sense of responsibility
I mean I have TWO little sisters and I sure as hell have no sense of responsibility.
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I thought she would put on appearances while in Heaven but it seems like she's not trying too hard.
i've done 1001 on a pogo stick but i can't fucking juggle 3 objects
I can do two kind of fluidly but three escapes me entirely.
her imout o is cute
I guess this explains why Satania is so fucking out of touch with everything. It runs in the family.
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chuuni family
oh god
this poor kid
He'll endure it and become the straightest straight man to have ever lived though.
but what if he likes dudes
Then he'll be the straightest straight gay man to have ever lived.
i believe the proper order is the straightest gay straight man
Oh wait no, it's actually the straightest manly straight gay, isn't it.
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chuuni bakers I wonder if Vigne's family is really nice.
no it's straightest straight man (gay)
Oh true.
Also straight has been typed so much now it's starting to look weird to me.
I bet her parents are super evil
wow they're such nice demons
Maybe they cooked it up once it got nice and fat.
no wonder vigne is such a good girl, she has a good family
ruh roh
She should have named it Clifford instead.
fuck you
oh nooooooooooo
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Vigne is having a tough time this episode too.
What a cute Charizard.
holy hell
that was funny alexander is cute
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I expect Raphi's family to be twisted.
wow raphiel has the fucknig oujo life
Looks like she keeps busy, too.
fanservice angel
How did she open the window. The ladder was leaning against it, it should have fallen down when she opened it in the first place.
the real question is why didn't she use her wings
Apparently Kernel Sanders is a high-up in Heaven, eh.
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Gabby's sleep to serious technique is really good.
raphi's fucking face
Poor Principal.
gabbu and raphi really don't // actually gabbu is just lame wait WAIT RAPHI'S EYES WEREN'T EVEN OPEN
oh no gabbu has an evil plan here
she's gonna have satania smuggle in video games to heaven
and raphi wants satania here because she's her sole source of entertainment
It's a win-win situation. Since it's a win for Gabriel and it's a win for Raphiel.
no it's not a win for satania if heaven kicks her out again
Yeah but we've already got two wins so worth.
and vigne's gonna end up having to gomenasai x 500
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I want to meet the rest of Gabby and Raphi's families. thanks for anime
me too
hey Yuu can you watch more anime with tilde pls
>>57535 Do you need to head to bed or do you want to do an episode of Gundam.
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Nope, I'm done for now. I'm going to relax a bit and then nap.
ika is the best fujo on /moe/
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what did he mean by that?
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time in china mm44m4m