>>566807 There are magic stones that are incredibly powerful and Thanos wants them and everything has basically revolved around a bunch of superheroes unknowingly carrying them around and accidentally bringing them together.
>>566809 Oh I have heard a little about that. This'll be interesting!
Eyepatch is Thor and the other guy is Loki. Prior to this, Thor's planet of Asgard was destroyed and all the Asgardians are on a ship looking for a new home.
Black guy is Heimdal, he runs the Bifrost that allows for transportation.
Oh shit, he's pretty awesome. that guy rainbow magic
Dr. Strange is a super powerful wizard who wields that cool sentient cape and an artifact called the Eye of Agamoto which contains the Time Stone. He used to be a surgeon until a car accident destroyed his hands. He ended up learning magic to restore his use of his hands but ended up becoming Sorcerer Supreme.
I thought they'd given Strange like, a different thing to do during this specifically because he would own Thanos?
Dr. Strange defeated an interdimensional god by trapping him in a time loop where the god killed Dr. Strange over and over and over and the only way to get out of the time loop was to fuck off So Dr. Strange is like hundreds of years old because of that time loop
The cloak is awesome.
Stark, why wouldn't you be happy Peter's there? Peter with your suit is literally just so far superior to you, it's nuts
Kirara 🚗
because peter is like his son and tony is afraid of everyone he loves dying
I'm not convinced that's true Also there's the part of his argument, applied by humans is rarely about a sudden, abrupt halving of the population, but eugenics
He's weird sense of empathy is kinda scary. Like he cares for the universe but he has absolutely no problem killing as much as needed. like that isn't a new suffering he has introduced to replace the one he was trying to remove
But I'm not sure why he's halving specifically Does he intend to somehow arrive at a sustainable rate of consumption this way? Because his central thesis is exactly that no such thing can exist in a meaningful way >>566939 How he arrives on the maximum acceptable rate of consumption is mysterious though By his own worldview, he can't actually solve the problem, just make it take longer
Kirara 🚗
his plan is probably to cull the universe periodically as it grows
won't some planets have advantages over others when everyone is halved.
Kirara 🚗
>>566938 he can always adjust it as necessary but yeah all he can do is make it take longer
technically he should be able to increase the number of resources but he hasn't chosen to do that for some reason
Yeah but resources are finite, he can't stop it So how many more years added to life in the universe is enough?
You can make more resources with all those stones?
Kirara 🚗
presumably if you can snap and eliminate half of the universe's life which is what he plans to do, you can probably create resources or you could use the time stone maybe?
Imagine if during that speech, Thanos made a change, like he used a different word, from how it is in the one timeline they ddn't all die Being Strange at that point really blows You can't just go "OH, fuck, fellas. We lost already", but he also knows they have
imagine having the reality stone and getting angry and accidentally fucking up everything
Kirara 🚗
they all managed to get used to warping around with Strange's magic so fast
they probably practiced C
Kirara 🚗
thanos kills them and does fortnite dances
why take his arm off or his armis like too strong?
Kirara 🚗
how are they gonna cut his arm off
This is a guy that took hits from the Hulk and didn't even bruise. Maybe his skin is pretty tough.
can't they use dr stranges portal cut off his arm
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah good point maybe
Kirara 🚗
i'm sure there's a timeline where they tried that and it worked though
Does it actually count as a crossover when they're all canonically in the same universe anyway? >>567054 I guess? Aren't they the same franchise though, really?
i wish marvel's prop people would make me an awesome suit
I've freaking love to have one a nice suit.
Kirara 🚗
seriously though thanos is somewhat attractive
I do not see it
Kirara 🚗
very few people do idk what it is
Kirara 🚗
tfw you trade lives
does thanos not have the ability to just leap to the stone. why fight through them
He has a thing for theater
Kirara 🚗
thanos has a weird sense of honor where he wants to give everyone a chance to stop him
Kirara 🚗
fuck cap is so cool fucking badass
Kirara 🚗
scarlet witch is incredibly powerful in the comics she once genocided every single mutant
Kirara 🚗
he's so gentle in the weirdest way
OK so why didn't they uh Destroy the time stone instead, since that's literally the only one destroying has any effect on?
Kirara 🚗
i don't think they could they could only destroy mind stone bc vision told them how to
Fair enough
The Mind Stone is essentially a Big Bang turned into a supercomputer. Which then got stuck in the body of an android. Probably the only situation where it could analyze itself for its own weaknesses.
it's probably the most disturbing thing i've ever seen in a superhero movie
God this like a nightmare
Kirara 🚗
it really is
OH FUCK. This wow
Kirara 🚗
i don't feel so good
Apparently that bit was entirely improv by Holland.
Kirara 🚗
and it was so fucking emotional too
So does Banner count as one or two people?
Kirara 🚗
there's only one hulk so banner is probably safe because you can't kill banner without hulk and you can't kill half of a species that only one exists of
The only way to beat him is to let him succeed?
One body I'd assume.
The Snap really tore up the Infinity Gauntlet too. Kannagi mentioned earlier that he seemed conservative about using the Stones and I just wanted to point this out as maybe a reason why.
Kirara 🚗
this scene is apparently thanos back on titan in the past or something
No I mean like They categorically lost in every way, and they had no chance of winning either
That's not something I think I've seen before
Kirara 🚗
if they had traded lives, they probably would have lost
if humans hadn't been so fucked up, they probably wouldn't have lost either
traded lives would have won* i mean
To be fair the Asgardians also left the Stone that can manipulate reality with an eccentric old man with seemingly little capacity to defend it.
Is there another one after this?
>>567133 But they did do that, and then Thanos just reversed it
Kirara 🚗
>>567136 Ant Man and Wasp came out after this, but takes place before it Captain Marvel comes out in March and takes place 20 or 30 years before this Then Avengers 4 comes out and is the direct sequel to this
Kirara 🚗
>>567137 if they had done it earlier, thanos wouldn't have been able to reverse it without reversing his acquisition of other stones, probably
Oh I was expecting a part 2 where they fix everything. That is like my expectations with super hero movies.
Kirara 🚗
that's what people are expecting that the snap will be reversed we know some character will come back to life but not all
it's looking like time travel will be the key which is why people think something fishy is up with the time stone and Dr. Strange
Rumor has it that those who died outside the Snap are dead for good too though. So RIP Loki I guess. It's also weird that this would include Gamora but now that GotG Vol. 3 might be canned I guess it doesn't matter much anymore
>>567144 I've read that there are some really powerful characters in marvel universe like the-one-above-all
Kirara 🚗
yeah but most aren't in the MCU at least not yet
they may add Fantastic Four into MCU now maybe to replace the guardians since guardians got canceled
>>567144 Strange outright turns to Tony as he's turning to dust and effectively apologizes for pulling the wool over Tony's eyes. There's totally a gambit there.
Maybe he's programmed the time stone in advance with a spell
Kirara 🚗
>>567149 one theory i saw is that he sent the time stone to the future or to the past to effectively create two at once which is part of why the gauntlet exploded, because he had a redundant time stone we also know there is some time vortex tomfoolery with Ant Man and everything coming up
Oh wow, I really enjoyed myself. Thanks for inviting me to watch with you guys.
Hm, I think the Time Stone in the Gauntlet doesn't have to be redundant. I think the Gauntlet getting wrecked is a -getting wrecked because of the intensity of the Snap is a good enough reason.
After all Strange does bring the Stone back to give it to Thanos. He could have sent it into the future and brought it back. Even if it was only gone an hour or so in his time, it could have been at that unknown point in the future for who knows how long.
Perhaps the saved Strange is even the one that sent it back to him, creating a nice stable time loop. You can't lose when you've got stable time loops on your side
Wouldn't it be kinda like something where Thanos sees how his plan will play out and eventually works to undo everything or something like that. Superhero comics to me have some pretty predictable plots
Kirara 🚗
i bet captain marvel is on another planet or something
>>567162 i doubt it thanos is consistently a bad guy in everything and he's literally the mad titan
Well isn't she kind of affiliated with the Nova Corps?
Kirara 🚗
ehh in the sense that every galaxy level hero is
Kirara 🚗
i hope they make a nova movie though nova is SO COOL
I only know very popular stuff, The comics I enjoyed when I was younger and still now are The Sandman comics, Tank Girl, Transmetropolitan, and some I've forgotten the name of now.