Hawaiian pizza is god tier related >Despite its tropical name, Hawaiian pizza is actually a Canadian creation. The pineapple-laden pie is the brainchild of retired cook, Sam Panopoulos, who first served pineapple on pizza at Satellite Restaurant in Chatham, Ont.
is anyt food item named after a region or people that is in the US actually from there... like take "danish pastry" or whatever, which is actually from austria
>>5399 All good. I'm not sure if you'd be interested in a proper position with the company, but recruiting time is coming up soon. somethin to think about
>>5399 A proper poutine is cheese curd, not cheese.
>>5402 I don't even know if we can be considered famous for it. Sure half the people you meet associate it with Canada. But the other half go "what's poutine?"
He's a big threat
I guess that's probably true, like I said I didn't know about it either. Maybe it's more of a local secret
>>5432 I can never tell if this image is edited or not. It looks like one of those gifs where part moves and part doesn't.
but hummingbirds are really fast.
i dont know that guy is known for his videos using a very very fast slow mo camera to show science-y stuff so maybe it's real he showed a fly fixing itself midair after he shot a donut with a gun and the fly just happened to be near the donut
>>5440 >>5438 I saw this clip The effort that goes into this stuff must be incredible How they're able to get all these angles I bet some guys are out there just all the time waiting for something neat to happen
>>5447 Yeah, Mass Effect Andromeda I haven't really checked out the trailers though.
>>5448 I'm sure they were on the verge of climax I make shitty videos with a friend and we get extremely excited when we see our shot and it turned out really well I would literally die if I caught something like that SNAKES scene on camera
>>5449 I don't know anything about it other than that it exists.
I know some people were freaking out about some bad animation or something a while back I'm not interested in anything bioware makes though so I haven't followed it
Disgaea 2 is coming to PC soon, that looks interesting. Seems like they're adding some stuff, I may get it even though Iv'e already played it. That Fire Emblem mobile game looks fun too.
And I have to finish my current playthrough of FE:Fates, Atelier Shallie+, and Gravity Rush 2.
Oh shit nioh is out on the 7th I haven't been aware of this release date at all
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
mission completo
Fuck why are video games so expensive
>>5446 They apparently have cameras with amazing zoom capacity. So a lot of these shots actually come from way, way out of the actual action zone. Of course they probably have hidden cameras in the nature too, but the moving shots come from way afar.
I watch my life disappear out of my hands damn, how did I get so chuuni
I watch as time keeps on slipping slipping
I watch you
Alright well your time would be much better spent watching a good film Perhaps something like lala land
yeah something like les miserables you should watch that instead
both movies have singing so they're the same right?
pretty much I can probably only name a few musicals but apparently lala land has quite a few nods to musical theater or something
I've never gotten too into musicals I like fiddler on the roof a lot though
My old theatre teacher once gave my class a big talk about theatre and the reasons why people can't have their phones or cameras out to record or anything, because you're suppose to experience it fully in the moment But years later I'm forgetting what my first musical was like. It's slowly slipping from my memory, and it's not giving me the same emotional ping when I think about it And ill never be able to re-live it or refresh my memory because it WASN'T FUCKING RECORDED REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I liked the serial killer millionaire episode the most
i think it was BILLIONaire but yeah that one was good was it obvious that it wasn't the same girl that was at his apartment, prior to her showing up i was really curious about that because i couldnt tell, but then again, you know faces
I thought the girl who showed up to the apartment was the same girl who was in the intro bit
it was obvious the apartment girl and the girl at the end weren't the same though
Now I wonder which girl they actually used for the intro hmm
>>5512 the daughter? yeah i had no doubt about it whatsoever i'm pretty sure they used the real daughter in the intro and watson at the therapist at the end of that episode pssshheweww they got me hook line and sinker on that i felt just like how watson looked
haha same did not see that one coming
and you watched the finale i'm sure right
seemed like a sloppy episode for their standards
I enjoyed it but i tend to agree with that seemed needlessly convolued
was great worldbuilding leading up to and including "touch the glass, sherlock" that was great but the rest of the episode was poop
I liked the redbeard reveal but the rest mm
in terms of direction still solid-ish plot yeah the plot was good, but the format and they fuckin just close out the show like it's all fine without ever coming back to molly that was really fucked up i thought they'd close that off
don't worry she'll just be scarred for life when he goes back to being cold to her like nothing happened
He's just walking around in circles, alone. "I hope you're having a fine morning. That hot chocolate gave me some energy to finish the night with a bang, thanks."
internet people really need to try to stay up to date on internet culture or they're gonna look DUMB
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i haven't even heard it before if i were there i'd just give the man a zucchini
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i haven't heard zucc before but i've heard succ and it's pretty clearly an evolution of that i hate that cc thing so much
I have memes for friends so It's pretty hard not to be to date
i had a guy report me and ragequit in Town of Salem because he request meme themes and i typed in that boy with a TH and an I he was so fucking pissed off calling me an idiot who doesn't even fucking get it
>>5783 how do you even get mad at something like that
>>5787 i don't even know what dat boi is. i didn't know that was even a thing enough to be a meme i mean, saying dat boi outdates the current meme it refers to by a long time i've been using it with doc since like 2011 and it was ironic back then
this guy has been chanting for legitimately 40 minutes straight on this stream
chanting what?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"He will not divide us"
>>5793 this reminds me of that time when everyone was having hissy-fit about there being a clique on /moe/ that was rejecting everyone else and the only ones who believed in it were the ones who felt oppressed by it but they were really just too awkward to socialize normally
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
haha i remember that shit there were a few instances of that
it's the same shit the only people dividing anyone are the ones who say they're being divided well that and george soros
im roughly 14 hours in, 9 hours left of work sleep dep is already kicking in i'm on a deadline so i can't afford to sleep, but i'm scared of the idea of taking another stimulant today adderall was pretty easy because it didn't have a kick but i'm not doing so well with other attempts
What about a short power nap Just 15 minutes or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what's the deadline?
4 o clock, so eight and a half hours i'm moving super slow at the moment because my job uses a lot of language processing and pattern recognition stuff to piece together what they're referring to when i get sleepy i just start typing what it sounds like is being said, and that can sometimes be totally off the mark because i won't make an obscure connection that comes up out of nowhere i should probably just take a half-hour nap in the shower that way i'll probably wake up when the water gets cold
or you know... an Alarm clock.
i doubt i'd wake up to an alarm clock when i'm this much past due
I had my first shift back today. I'd forgotten how fat all our customers were.
>>5818 During the Holocaust, Soros worked for Nazis Even though he was Jewish, he worked to rob Jews of their belongings while sending them to camps And doesn't feel remorse
LaBeouf takes up running, posting pictures of his daily routes on his Twitter account via his NIke+ running app. The routes all form individual letters, spelling out the word "metamarathon".
A bearded LaBeouf dons purple spandex leggings and a green vest to run 144 laps around the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. The actor remained silent throughout his "marathon", but Hendrik Folkerts, public programme curator at the museum, said the run - undertaken by LaBeouf and two other performance artists - was a performance art piece, staged to mirror a 12-hour art conference taking place inside the building.
According to BBC News, Mr Folkerts said: "As we are having a 'marathon' conference inside the Stedelijk, we also wanted a reflection of that outside. Nobody can do it better than Shia and the other artists at this performance."
LaBeouf debuts a new performance art piece entitled "#IAMSORRY at LA’S Cohen Gallery. According to the Hollywood Reporter, visitors to the gallery are asked to choose either a whip, a bowl of Hershey's Kisses, a pair of pliers, a bottle of Brut cologne, a bottle of Jack Daniels or a bowl of folded up notes - each bearing Twitter comments about LaBeouf. They are then led into a room where “LaBeouf sits at a small wooden table, the now-famous paper bag declaring "I am not famous anymore" placed over his head.” Occasionally, LeBeouf removes the bag from his head and silently cries.
LaBeouf chases a homeless man, demanding he hand over his McDonalds. A video of the incident is later released. A witness tells Page Six: “He really wanted whatever was in that bag. He had so much focus… If there were French fries in the bag, maybe he really wanted to eat them.”
LaBeouf is later arrested for causing a disturbance during a Studio 54 theatre performance of Cabaret. According to Page Six, the former Transformers star was “annoying other theatre goers by slapping random people on the behind and on the back of the head”, and had to be given a mask when he refused to stop spitting at people. But it’s not all bad news for LaBeouf: Liza Minelli’s agent, Scott Gorenstein, later sent him a DVD of Cabaret, telling the Hollywood Reporter: “I figured he may want to find out how it ends.”
>>5878 some woman tried to grab his junk in this one
>>5881 If you're poor and weird you're crazy If you're rich and weird it's artistic.
Shia LaBeouf has returned to his anti-Trump performance art protest after his arrest.
The actor and activist, 30, was arrested in New York after getting into an altercation at a performance art project critical of President Donald Trump.
He promptly returned to the project at the Museum of Moving Image on Thursday and continued to chant the phrase: "He will not divide us."
LaBeouf was released after being charged with misdemeanor assault and harassment, the police spokesman said. He is scheduled to appear in court on April 4th.
holy shit that asian guy is still there
What the fuck He's been there since 7pm he said
oh shit he's taking a break
He lives in New Jersey
For what oh shit
>I like to ride a tight rope >I like to stay on the fence
all these people trying to start their own thing though this it's kinda sad
If you want to cash in on twitter RTs, just make an webcomic edit.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>5968 Oh yeah, about that Koishi thing, there is an android app that does that with Touhou characters. Its been around for a while.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Anyone seen sam recently? I want to bug him about potential features for /moe/. Like adding LaTeX support, or at the very least Math Jax.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh yeah, does anyone want a five hour long mp3 recording of a radioshow special event where they almost exclusively play music from the 80's? Its from my friend's radioshow, he does this special about twice a year with another radio show host.
>>5973 Are you back from work? I thought you were heading out then I checked the time. I've literally been working since you dozed off last night and was working 8 hours before then too
>>5974 I still have some travelling to do, I gotta head out to the shops I had a busy day today! sounds like you need to take a nice rest! you are always working long hours! don't ruin your health working.
>>5976 Well go do your shopping! I still have roughly an hour of work left, final stretch I'll see ya when you get home and you can tell me all about your busy day and what fun things you bought at the shops >>5975 i haven't. i'd want to rewatch kino first.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>5977 It'd probably be a better idea to read the first 6 or 7 Kino novels rather than rewatching the anime, or read all of them (I have not personally read every main series Kino book).
I keep checking that Shia stream every once and a while and lo and behold, the same losers are there For hours and hours, just loitering around It's almost like they don't have jobs or something!
theyre a cult
>>5981 the protestor earnings gap is a clear demonstration of trumpatriarchy trying to systematically oppress those who oppose him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe trump should create a new agency the Bureau of Protestors Soros will lead it and make sure they all get paid plenty
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
when you think about it i'd probably have made more money hourly protesting for soros than i did working the hotline
nah, the time you have to hunt for one-time gigs is ridiculous to begin with it's all diluted to the volunteer movement level, where nobodys working for nobodys are just doing HR through craigslist with sketchy looking ads
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That reminds me, I was running errands a little bit ago and I saw a sign that says "CEO earnings potential from home? Call xxx-xxx-xxxx! don't believe it? It's true!" maybe i should call i want CEO earnings from home
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well after having panic from failling to install more ram and having a computer that wouldn't turn on I'm going to wait until I have help.l
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That was really spook
>>5987 >CEO earnings that's some vague ass shit it's probably propping you up on a small business and making yor YOUR OWN CEO keep 20% of all your small business profit the first five years of business >all small businesses lose money for the first X years >>5992 yeah obviously, but even then that's retarded and who the fuck thinks they deserve to be getting paid like a CEO anyway do any of these motherfuckers have any idea what being a CEO entails you have literally no life
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
right? i bet it's a pyramid scheme or some shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
next time i run out i should get the number and call it
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
hey /moe/, I might be getting a table for boardgames and stuff which do you think would be better this one http://www.menards.com/main/home-decor/furniture/tables-accent-tables/pdg-reg-4-rectangular-resin-folding-banquet-table/p-1444450876373-c-7726.htm or this one http://www.menards.com/main/home-decor/furniture/tables-accent-tables/pdg-reg-4-rectangular-resin-fold-in-half-banquet-table/p-1444450875827-c-7726.htm
not a dang clue i do all my games on tabletop assimilator
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
I'm only asking because these tables are almost identical and they are what I've narrowed down to in terms of availability in stores nearby. In the long run I'll probably get a 6 foot one but I need a table tonight.
This is gonna sound rude, but if you have it narrowed down to two and can't narrow it down further on what you'd like how you gon' expect us to know what you'd like
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>5997 I'm only having trouble now because they are made by the same company, cost the same, are at a store nearby and are almost identical. >>5999 yes actually also nice digits >>5997 Also its not "what i'd like" so much as which do you think would be better in terms of function. It doesn't really matter that much though. I'll just pick at the store.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>5998 i dont know anything about the boards sorry bud
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's a table.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Like If they're identical And your worry is function It's a table. It functions as a table.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>6002 Actually one of my friends just pointed out why the first one would be objectively better. > I think the first one would probably be better for our purposes, since it would be easier to sit at all 4 sides of The legs on the first one prevent chairs from //second one prevent chairs from sliding under neath on the ends.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
So the only difference between them that I can see is that one of them folds in half?
>>6005 i can show you something that folds in half
those guys he's talking to are pretty chill though they look like they're listening
>>6028 earlier when i was typing and decided nevermind, i was going to say we should start a countermovement showing that soros is dividing us but i just stopped caring i thought it would have been fun to feed the stream into a stopsoros domain or something but i didn't have any actually good ideas
That reminds me. The other day in class, my professor mentioned that homosexuals used to be called "inverts" and then clarified it as "sexual inverts" And it made me think of the scene where patemafag finds out he's the invert, only with invert meaning gay, and I almost started laughing hysterically in class. All patemafag's meth faces he'd make and stuff.
>>6038 I said this last night too. Let's rewatch Patema Inverted some time.
Patema is a really interesting thing in perspective. Who is to say what is up or down but the society you live in? Was Patemafag really a SAKASAMA the "whole time"? Or did he only become one once it led to his demise?
I think gravity is a pretty good condition for what's up and down. The fact that they lived a life of deceit is a different matter.
What is the value of deceit when your whole life is lived with inverted gravity? Gravity is just a reference point to your surroundings. The world you learn and experience has more value over the big picture in terms of living. Even when you "learn the truth", your position in the world changes.
>>6041 Well, he was the one with reversed gravity, so he was inverted the whole time.
What if gravity is all a lie. everyone is upside inside out.
Livin' la vida loca
>>6044 You're the one that brought up the question of "who is to say what is up or down". And natural gravity is pretty much the absolute reference point there. Sure what "matters" to a person is the smaller details, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a real way of up and a real way of down. And that answers only to the absolute reference point of the planet.
>>6049 It never mattered, but it is the way things were. He was inverted, but it didn't matter for his entire lift until the /// life until the end of it. Being inverted doesn't have to be a bad thing. It's just a characteristic.
Good and bad isn't really what I'm wondering about. It's who calls these shots. Even if the literal ground is taken from under you, with enough work, you can still end up as "the normal side". Dig yourself a hole and start an underground society where the sky is fabricated and you're walking upside down. But everyone else is too. That's life, right? They carved that out. Humans built that. And after enough time, even the concept of gravity shifted in their favor.
Who decides good or bad?
Living doesn't depending on truths. It just changes the values on which your living is conducted.
That's what bothers me a little. That truth can change. up is up and down is down until up is down and down is up This is the importance of science. To educate, inform, and detail the truths of existence so that living does not have to go through sudden drastic changes. Or I guess that's the importance of it to me, anyway. But what about the rest of the world? What about the things that science hasn't answered? What about the things that science "can't" answer? The irrationalities of a human being. Of society. The world can go on FULL-TILT and everything can get fucked up and we might not realize it until the ground cracks at our feet and reveals that it's actually the ceiling.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you explain what you're paralleling it with in the real world?
>>6054 Truth can't change. But people can believe incorrect concepts labelled as truths.
No truth can change, it what things are can't just magically change but the value we attribute to those things can change, truth values we assign can reassigned.
It all comes down to descartes I think there for I am experiment. the only thing you can truely verify is your own thoughts, that they are truth and real.
Truths exist independent of human definition. Whether or not you believe the world is flat or round as the truth doesn't change the physical nature of the Earth.
>>6058 You have no idea how true those things are. For example you have no idea if we are all living in a simulation. or that you are in fact in a coma and this is an exceptional dream.
That's not important.
>>6059 Those aren't really important either. You have to pick and choose your frame of reference. If you want to believe that everything is a simulation or a vivid hallucination then you step outside the boundaries of what you can perceive anyway.
>>6060 But it is important! Even if we are surrounded by objective truths, they are subjected to the lenses of interpretation of humans. We're flawed. We lie, bend, stretch, and get things wrong. There was a time when people thought an object that's heavier would fall faster than one that was lighter. These beliefs and assumptions change the way that we handle reality.
>>6061 I think the awe is in the fact that these truths are not necessarily unmovable. That we live our lives trusting in a reality and the why in which we function as human beings doesn't allows us to live a life expecting life to fall apart. *reality to fall apart.
>>6065 I would question if anything exists outside of human definition.
>>6062 Not really. The fact that objective truths are subject to the lenses of humanity is not important to the fact that truths exist independent of human definition.
>>6064 The universe will keep on spinning and doing things happily if every human in existence perished. You can question it all you want but that's what would happen.
>>6061 Not knowing things isn't relevant to 'that' post but it's the hinge of my thoughts. What you know and don't know constructs a personal reality. We are blessed to even have such a large amount of scientific knowledge about the world but there was a point in time where a lot of these ideas were flat-out blasphemous in different societies. A // We see certain things as being "how reality works", and we're really good at finding that out. But if those things change, it can be calamity.
>>6066 But I don't it would be the "universe" or "spinning" anymore without humans, our definitions and perspectives are all >>6069 Not really but I don't really want to get into a discussion with someone who just dismisses others by calling them pedantic and that what they are saying has no point.
Well that's all moot anyway because the universe doesn't spin in the first place. Now you're just being pedantic for the sake of no real point.
>>6068 Because you're arguing this notion that without human language things have no definition. Which is fine and all but things will continue to do actions regardless of whether they're defined or not. The Earth was a molten hotbed of activity and chemistry, evolving into a myriad of biologic progression and development, long, long before humans could even conceive the phrases to describe the activity.
That is only useful for what we put it to // Rather I was only arguing that existing is an instrictly human thing, that all our experiences are defined in human terms. >>6072 For the fact it can be observed in someway or inferred through observation is existing. All sorts of things could exist but without observation I cannot know that they exist. When // I am not really the best at arguing these points, it has been argued by better and smarter people. I am probably making mockery of those arguments.
Yes but these things will continue to do what we describe as existing regardless of whether we are there to observe them as existing or not.
>>6067 I think that new information can change how we look at the world, but it doesn't change us. When we find out something is wrong and replace it with new information, I don't think it has anything to do with causing calamity. It's only indirectly related to calamity. Calamity happens because we as humans want it to happen or need it to happen.
If we learn that we're inverted tomorrow, nothing should change because we've always been inverted. But things will become chaotic because people can make it chaotic and want it to be chaotic.
>>6071 Well if you struggle with all that doubt, you should put your trust in my certainty that they would exist.
>>6075 I think you're overwhelming yourself by thinking about complicated things. Break it down and figure out which parts matter and which don't and tackle it in tinier bits instead of just looking at it like everything is whatever.
Don't let your mental health deteriorate just because there are complicated problems. Just find simple solutions and build on those.
>>6080 My health doesn't deteriorate over this question. I think it's just an accurate gauge of my paranoia. I feel like I have stumbled onto the multiverse. Where despite the abundant existence of objective truths, the meaningful parts of my reality are constantly changing and I am reevaluating all of the things that aren't defined strictly by the sciences. And I don't want to do it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Watch me flail in comp as rein twitch.tv/samurailalc >>6085 persoja button at top
Samu do you intend to ever give us names back.
You need the Evangelion names/
>>6084 Oh I see. I thought that was the mod stuff or something.
>>6081 An observer can define reality but not create it. Like I said earlier, truths exist independent of human definition. If two people are watching that tree fall and one is deaf, the tree still makes a vibration of energy through the air that reaches both people. But only one of them will hear the sound because they are not deaf.
I've never really liked that thought experiment because I feel it leans too much on the contemplating person subscribing to solipsistic beliefs in the first place.
I think I have always had a tendency to solipsism, I have always thought in terms of an inherent distrust of what is happening around me. when I was younger I used to think that outside of my room everything was gone, nothing existed outside of my observation like in computer terms it was just stored in memory and deconstructed and on moving my field of observation I was reintroducing that world. Those people I met just froze and no longer existed until I met them again.
There's that wave/particle experiment thing where you observe it and it's a wave, but if you don't it's a particle I don't remember the details of how that worked though.
>>6092 I don't find myself to be a very principled person. I have thoughts. Beliefs. I don't really stand for much of anything though. And I don't think I'm doing good for myself because of it. If I can't trust myself to follow through on things that I believe in, I don't know if I can say I believe in them. But then what do I subscribe to? Unlike being a filthy sakasama, there are more than two directions to move in. So I don't know where I'm really going to land without asking myself more questions and getting more things done.
>>6095 I think you can believe in something and not be able to trust yourself to follow through on them. Whether or not you follow through on it is determined by a large number of factors, and belief is only one of those factors.
I think that if you can't decide on a direction to go in, it's better to just choose one and follow that path for a while instead of waiting and looking at the options. It's okay to just pick something and let it be simple like that, I think.
That's what I had to do. I used to be too indecisive. I fixed that by deciding to stop being indecisive. Now I follow my heart and let my brain advise it. Even my decision to go to graduate school was like that. It's simple and it gets me to where I need to go. It won't get me to my end goal, but it gets me closer to my end goal than waiting around and trying to pick a path would, and faster, too.
We're behind on Gundam because Ika doesn't watch it so it's me and Ika. It's hard to hold Tilde down long enough to get him to watch a lot of anime these days. Well, not that hard but he's absent a few nights a week so lately we've only been clearing what we have in common with Ika.
>>6124 I was kind of disappointed in the size of the Mobile Armor. I expected it to be HUGE. I mean Gundam are already kind of big so the fact that it was larger than a Gundam goes for something I guess, but it still felt kind of underwhelming for me. After all, a giant robot taking down an even gianter robot is the kind of thing that romance is made of.
Oh my sister and her friend are at Oingo Boingo in Stardust Crusaders.
>>6129 I expected bigger, too. I thought it'd be like three times the size at least. >>6128
>>6128 Well, I probably won't have much else to do in the mornings so I'm sure I will be there
>Titusville break leaks 14,000 gallons of sewage into Indian River Lagoon Thanks Titusville Why do you even exist Everything you touch dies
It's going to be like 40-50 degrees in my house in the morning.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how horrible.
Oh yeah Rika, I know my complaining about not getting a lot of PTO was odd since you don't get any paid time off, but the thing is I don't see any other indicator of vacation time for me so that's why it worries me.
>>6182 Oaky then. lets trade. I'll scrape ice off my windscreen and you can sweat through your t-shirt thirty seconds after you step out the front door.
It's a good season for comfy in general. Comfy seasons are the best.
>>6198 Ninety dollars Your slave owners are generous
Season is good but lwa is stealing it for me
Resident Evil 7 looks kind of poorly textured from what I've seen of it. Maybe it's just compression from being put on YouTube but it really doesn't look that good to me.
A streamer I watch was dogging RE7, he said it was bad. I don't follow RE at all though so I have no idea.
I guess the indoor textures look better but all the foliage and outdoor textures look kind of all the same. It brings to me -to mind for me Fallout 3 and how everything just blurred together into grey in that game. I find it hard to enjoy games that don't employ a good colour palette.
Unfortunately that kind of thing is hard to pull off and she was a chubby teenager. So everyone just shot that "she's wearing something ridiculous" look back and forth. That look gets used a lot
Good luck. She's using the blankets. I left the windows open so it'd get cold because she gets pouty when I do She hates the cold but she falls for it every time
Apparently people from /pol/ have been going during the day to shout PEPE and stuff like that. Shia keeps hitting them or threatening to beat them up, though.
I got paid to do nothing once. Partially because the company messed up and we couldn't do our work. So we got sent home but were allowed to keep that day's pay.
It's kind of ambiguous. When I was a kid I kind of liked Shaggy's "Wasn't Me" even though I had no idea what the connotations of the song were. And that song isn't even vague or ambiguous.
rose-tinted depression
that song's actually about his music career which also heavily involves drugs
>>6557 A bunch of licensing companies have been really trying to keep up with subbed simulcasts and provide dubbed variations of the shows. I'm not really sure why they don't just work in tandem with the studio and get early scripts of the show so the dubbed audio track can be available same day as the subbed version.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Even Zesty got dubbed pretty closely to the Japanese anime release times
>>6585 I mean if you think about it, they've had a translated script for the first episode for three weeks. That's enough time to put together an episode of audio.
It's enough time, but usually they wait for the finished product before they start dubbing and releasing it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Not anymore. It's been like it is now for a few years now.
Yeah, times are a-changing. They understand that people who watch anime don't wait around for a complete show anymore--not that they ever did, really. So if you want to compete with fan produce you have to offer your product as fast as possible.
Granted I don't fully like this philosophy for dubbing because voicework is a lot more complex than putting together a subtitle script, and I don't think that coincides well with rushing out a product as fast as possible.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Also dubs are pretty low quality so I assume they rush through them
>>6626 Being a twitter master doesn't mean you have to have many tweets. It's about being able to make masterful tweets and to manipulate Twitter to your desires!
Oh, that reminds me of that time Prime Minister Abe released that press thing titled "Shine, women!" And he meant shine like in English, but shine means "die!" in Japanese. That was a few years ago now haha
>Your package is going to be 6 days late to arrive FEDEX DIE HOLY SHIT
Some of the textures in Resident Evil 7 are actually pretty decent. A lot of the furniture and structural stuff. But the detailed textures are kind of messy and hard to discern.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Apparently you can order HOUSE CLEANING on Amazon now.
Besides he could have just used a japanese word Unless it was just another one of those jap things where they use an english word to mean something more than its translation
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/japanese-prime-minister-shinzo-abe-accidentally-tells-women-to-die-9563004.html >The post goes on to use the Japanese word for 'shine', 'kagayaku', so the sudden jump to English at its outset will strike many readers as 'Die!' rather than the very antithetical intended meaning, the first line essentially being: "Die! All Women, to a Sparkly Japan."
Jesus fucking Christ
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That loser asian kid is back on the shia stream he's hanging out with the jetstream sam fanny pack dude and a bunch of /pol/ guys
>a bunch of pol guys >3 people on stream
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
They just left after I said that Jetstream Sam put on a lizard mask and walked away
A bunch of cucks!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
now they're introducing the weird asian loser that has no idea what's going on to their faggot discord servers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're surprisingly friendly for /pol/ autists
I think pol guys are usually just memers and not actually bad people
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah but I think they're also autistic so it's surprising to see them socialize to well
>>6787 America is a really cool setting For a fucking dystopian scifi novel
Tfw brave new world
Reverse Animal Farm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>6790 that's pretty much what i mean >But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>rusted out factories scattered like tombstones i really like this that conjures some really cool imagery
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.
It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.
We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great American flag.
it's like a video game villain speech i really love it
Also >We stand at the birth of a new millennium You're SEVENTEEN YEARS LATE.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world. >But that is the past. And now, we are looking only to the future.
It really is an evil sounding speech but it's really great.
Never mind that the douchbag completely condoned the leaving of factories until it benefited him to say otherwise.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it's going to be only America first, America first.
it makes me think of when that moderator at a debate asked Trump if he was a comic book villain version of a president
You know as a foreign observer. Even if I don't like him from the getgo. That's a fucking asinine thing to say. >America first, America first Like how fucking self-obsessed do you need to be to champion a fucking country-wide "ME FIRST ME FIRST" childish tantrum as a part of your introductory platform.
How can someone claim to be a free market capitalist one *on one hand, but then be opposed to companies taking cost-saving measures (like hiring overseas workers) to increase their profit on the other. It seems contradictory.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>6812 day after inaug he went to the CIA and had a hissy fit to the CIA that the media lied about how many people attended it
>>6813 Because we don't know what we're doing and we're bad at everything tbh
>>6813 That's an argument I tried to use with Rika in the past and she was just "well he'll do things differently once he's got presidential responsibilities."
>>6813 Free market within the bounds of the nation Because Trump is a nationalist
Aside from some minor details I don't think Resident Evil 7 is that bad of a game. Because for the occasional minor detail failure, there's another three really nice detail exceptions. The dialogue is really funny for a start. Throughout the game you've got crazy immortal American South rednecks chasing you around trying to kill you. At one point they charge into their dining room and smash the dining table to pieces, which prompts the dialogue "god DAMN it, now how am I supposed to replace this?" It's kind of neat that they have the dialogue for that because I'm not sure if it's a necessary event or not in the game.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. nationalism is definitely a way to describe it
I'm not sure how much of it he means and believes, but he's certainly presenting a a nationalist
The market is free, but contained Free within the containment
>>6818 >When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice. Nothing about that statement is true simply through correlation. Hell I'd even argue it's absolutely false simply through correlation.