>Not everyone, first of all, is enthusiastic about the concept of a postconventional morality. Hogan (1973, 1975), for example, feels that it is dangerous for people to place their own principles above society and the law. It may be that many psychologists react to Kohlberg in a similar way, and that this reaction underlies many of the debates over the scientific merits of his research.
This is the sorta thing I mean with how the stages kind of assume a certain moral framework as ideal Or at least, communicate it as ideal, whether that's the intent or not
Signed up for Amazon Prime because I didn't want to travel halfway across the city just to buy a book that I need by Monday. At least I can goof Amazon into the six month student trial. Just have to remember to shut it down if I don't have good income by December.
Several of the criticisms listed on this page are about its implication that the beginning is not ideal morality, certainly, but that the end is. It's the end stage and it's interpreted to mean it's the 'most good'. So people who don't see it that way are against it, or predisposed to anyway
We are all, always, eating out of the trash can
And, by the way, I'm not saying their criticisms are actually 'wrong', at least some of them, just that I don't know if those criticisms invalidate the theory.
making an average of 10 an hour at least i'll have health insurance and stuff probably only oging going* to do the two jobs thing for a few months i just need to catch up on rent and stuff from not working for a couple weeks and then pay back my mom a couple thousand fortunately my total expenses right now are really only like 700 a month so if i'm making 700/week gross, then i'll have an extra grand or so a month a few months of this and then i can go back to a comfy 40/week all paid up in debt
>>514420 rent is 1700 split 4 ways utilities are ~500 split 4 ways phone bill is less than 50 always spotify/hulu are like 12 a month or something crunchyroll / ps4 / etc are like 30 a month total so at the end of it all my monthly outgoing is like 700 >>5144220 house with 4 people, and that's electricity, gas (stove/heater/oven), water, trash collection, internet/cable/phone, renter's insurance
500 on electricity and water? that is quite much, even for I suppose quite large household, since that large rent
>>514421 Huh, here a rent is basically water+trash+community fees + how much landlord wants to profit weird to see those as separate bills
here it totally depends on the landlord I also have to pay water, etc. separately, the rent is purely for the house though 500 is still quite a lot, I also live with 3 others and we pay 140 a month for all utilities
b b b b b ang
i mean my landlord could totally do it that way if they wanted but this way is easier for them and cheaper for me probably >>514424 most of the electricity is for the AC during summer and i'm including internet as part of utilities (which is more expensive than any other singular part)
the other thing that i'm not mentioning is that i'm conducting the finances for the house (as in the roommates pay me and I pay the landlord) and i'm charging $500 split amongst us 4 evenly at a flat rate, intentionally higher than the actual amount, and leaving the excess funds to carry over into the next month, so at the end of the lease there should be a sizeable amount of savings to split 4 ways and help cover deficiencies in the depost (for carpet damage, professional cleaning service, etc)
so 500 is a lot, but it's not actually 500 and whatever is excess goes back to everyone at the end and it makes payments easier for my roommates, who only need to worry about a flat number for each month
I'm reading the book she wrote now, and to me it seems like she's taking as essential to women this different way of approaching moral questions, rather than as a result of the socialization of women in current society Though she might be right, too
>>514425 Heh, I did the same when I had roommates all utilities and such were in my name, though we both paid the landlord directly Amusingly, in the current system, how our contract would have been signed, we'd have been counted as "registered couple" in terms of bureaucracy when dealing with the state benefits office
what a coincidence, I also take care of all the finances for my roommates it's indeed much easier and for things like utilities you can't even charge 4 different people a split way
b b b b b ang
yeah the dates for the different utlities and internet and such are all different too, so this way is much easier for everyone i charge them early as well, leaving a good buffer time in case they're late
>get powerbill, insurance bill and internet bill >roomie goes on 1 month trip to usa and then 1 month trip to russia >bills stack up double >he hasn't paid me back for any of them >summer and didn't find a job so no income that was a fun time
>>514429 same, but one almost always manages to be late anyway should've charged them earlier I guess
damn that sucks TN-kun I always pray my roommates are nice and just fucking pay would be such a pain if one didn't anymore
b b b b b ang
I have VERY trustworthy roommates on the lease one is my beloved kouhai and the other is a very steadfast and responsible young man the 4th roommate is a bit of a wild card but he's not on the lease
I didn't know any of these people before they came living with me we held some kind of meeting night and picked the best people out of it been lucky so far
My first roomie was my best friend from highs chool and still best friend second was a very good friend from middle and high school and we went tot he army at the same time, so we began to hang around talking sophisticated shit and drinking free water at the university cafe post both getting out and then I asked him "I am looking for a place, intrested in sharing" Ended up sharing that appartment in tapiola for 4,5 years with him he was a chill dude and we both annoyed each other equally so there was almost never any problems
In the sonichu universe, Ted Bundy is canonically innocent, and half sonichu He is one of 3 half sonichu human beings in this universe
sharing a house with (a) friend(s) sounds pretty nice yeah, if you know you can rely on them at least maybe I'll do that in the future to save some money, cba to pay for a place just for myself
when you share a small 2 room appartment with a guy for 4 years, wash your laundry together, share food budget, always hangaround shirtless and in boxers only when at home and so on people begin to question it a bit
TN-kun I've been reading some sick yuri manga lately you ever read Ano Ko ni Kiss to Shirayuri wo, Yagate Kimi ni Naru or Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru?
I am realizing that I didn't actually watch Inuyashiki and holy shit this is hilarious
Kirara ๐
it was really good haha
>Now, let's continue >da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da
I'm wheezing. someone please help oh my I did not think that this would be THIS GREAT
Kirara ๐
there's no breaks
>>514477 yes I will claim it with my sword of +75 holy dmg
>>514555 They're both things that are generally considered to be required for humans to live. Hit me up with some medical articles explaining why sleep might not be required and I'll ponder it. But I don't like doing appeal to common sense so I can give you some about lack of sleep killing people.
Your argument against one thing which is generally considered required possibly not being required is that some other thing that is generally considered required is definitely required? that's not only boring, it's just plain bad
And I guess with some strong enough stimulants you could do it too
if someone else hasn't already done the research to evidence something, then it's not a question worth asking ok thanks for the wonderful conversation
Lack of sleep is highly correlated with a variety of negative effects on the human body so pardon me for being skeptical.
Kirara ๐
so is talking shit
>>514564 If I have doubts that sleep is necessary, and your response is that "Well unless you have evidence, I don't believe that it's not necessary" is not only a boring conversation, but actually not even a conversation at all? do you see that* ... is not ...
Kirara ๐
why do you think it isn't necessary, moon?
i have a suspicion that it's a byproduct of our productive energy cycle, and all cited evidence about sleep was conducted during periods of social pressure to perform under a certain standard i could imagine a human state exists where sleep is not necessary whether that's a condition that's met currently is something separate
>>>/@Pixeljade/1004820535941869568?s=19 some // sometimes i see stuff on twitter that really gets me thinking like why do people do this an entire thread concocting a story about having "headmates" and how fun it is to have multiple personalities and wow! they communicate with me, they're so nice!
lol i have multiple personalities and didn't notice XD
But jokes aside, I do think humans would most likely evolve to be able to sleep less and less and if not, we will do that to ourselves with tech implants or genetical engineering >>514574 dafug when did tumblr leak into mainstream space?
>>514574 yeah we think thats pretty thought provoking
that podcast i oisten to did an episode on these kinds of people
>>514581 Well I hope they at least stopped pretending to have autism and complaining about people with the privilege of having been actually diagnosed.
>>514581 I wonder could you claim that a mean tweet gave you did
Kirara ๐
no that's not how did works
>>514585 no, people still claim autism constantly too
>>514587 there was some woman who apparently had like "23 different personalities" or some shit and trained her whole family to recognize them the only account of this was some media news story that people now know more distinctly than any clinical information about it and i reckon the woman just called up the news media to do an exposรฉ on her such fucking attention whoring i stfg
completely unrelated, but if gods were actually created by faith or mentions "fucking god" would be quite popular
it's so aggravating that people will pretend to have a mental disorder just for attention it's so offensive on so many levels, and it tends to be the same people who are easily offended
I wonder even why they do it? MEntal illnesses aren't usually something people treat positively
yeah you can't harass a victimizing person without reinforcing their sense of oppression give them any reason to feel oppressed and they'll run wild with it, even if they never have been
the python visualiser is pretty neat, you can visual see how it loops and also get help from others I tried it once with someone online and once on moe. it was fun to see a moe watch me code but it was also weird with the internet guy since he was really bad at coding and kept going "wait a minute" and got fustrated about the loops
The realtime environment was pretty neat but the visualiser did nothing for me. I didn't really understand what was going on in it while I was looking in on what you were doing.
yeah it is a bit confusing at firstg. The box at the top is the output but it is tiny unless you expand it to see the real output
columns like in that image. fucking backspace ended my post.
To check for numbers that have been certain positions. I'm going to do this until it hits something it can't fill in and find it out why it fails. at some point it won't have enough clues so I need to find a way for it to figure out with a different method
Didn't they just send it back to the lower courts?
Kirara ๐
no, the baker won the right to deny service
Guess I heard wrong
>>514679 It's actually stranger to be nothing. Because of the uncertainty principle we don't know for sure that seemingly unoccupied spaces aren't actually occupied by electrons. And related to that sometimes they just pop in an out of existence. *in and out Same with positrons And those virtual particles pair annihilate eachother.
how can you be nothing Then you aren't being anything
i dunno existing as myself in this moment it's so strange in any moment to be me or anything else it's just strange
Kirara ๐
context is so important i think we underestimate how important it is my house is so quiet but it's just as quiet as it is now if fish and i are just watching the rain together like im doing alone right now but it feels so much quieter alone
>>514679 i think it would be stramger to be nothing
>>514686 that is why it wouldbe so strange you can't be nothing and nothing can't be anything yet you are nothing
Tires *tired Night
fuck i am become routalempi
Kirara ๐
being nothing seems more reasonable than being anything else imo
Out of the billions of life forms you could have been, you ended up being you. What odds
Kirara ๐
to even be a life form to be anything at all it's strange to experience is strange
Kirara ๐
light enters my eyes and i can just tell what's around me that's so weird sound enters my ears all of these things are just constantly flowing into us like rivers it's so strange
experience is so strange
Kirara ๐
the electricity lighting up the sky is the same shit that makes our bodies work
>>514707 What is this meme? I have been hearing it everywhere the last week. It's the worst kind of meme. It's not funny, it's just repeating a phrase and the other redditors who know the meme are like ha ha yeah dude I know that meme we live in a society
>palace forces you to go back to the real world i-i still completed it in 1 day technically right
after the pregnancy too.
Kirara ๐
you don't need power to have a kid people did it without electricity for millions of years
No, but it certainly helps with mortality rates.
how will you charge the babies battery without power
Hold it up on a stormy day.
>>514718 what if it goes out when you're in the shower and it spooks you though? I only want all the power in the world to go out when it's convenient for me
Kirara ๐
>>514725 like many problems, a very western one in pre-western indigenous societies, those mortality rates were believed to be very low mostly because those societies had good ideas of health and care which the west didn't have until relatively recently
Oh why do I ever say anything. Everything comes back to this in the end.
Kirara ๐
sorry, i won't correct people's misconceptions anymore
it's pretty fucked up to bring up mortality rates to a soon-to-be parent too
>>514734 i caught it from yer mum and now i can't stop
I don't really know what currently going on. but I just learnt how to pick basic locks. I have on lock that I can't pick the pins don't seem to stay inside. >>514736 Yeah. Its suprisingly easy for really simple locks. but one of the tumbler ones is for some reason resistant to the pins being pushed down
cool basic tumbler locks? I don't know that much about locks in general
it's rebelling against your tyranny
Well I tried to unlock for nearly 3 hours and my hands hurt now from holding the lock, the lockpick and the tension bar
>>514746 you also get rid of literally everything else you own to do it It's a huge meme but the fact that they took a meme and made it a card is great.
>>514747 Does that include your deck or just what's in your hand and on the field
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
not your deck because that's where it gets the blue-eyes from but everything else you own is banished it's cute.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh you also banish them face-down that's literally "you never get these back ever"
'Aoki Me no Gekirin (Rampage with Eyes of Blue ) Quick-Play Spell Card During the turn in which you activate this card, you cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters, except โBlue-Eyes White Dragonโ. (1) Banish all cards in your hand, field and Graveyard face-down, including this card, and if you do, Special Summon up to 3 โBlue-Eyes White Dragonโ from your Deck.'
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
banishing things face-down makes them untouchable by basically anything. It's a curse
Now I need to figure out how to rule out 9 I mean 8 because 9 is in row two and row three it is to be in row 1 therefore it can't be 8 and has to be nine
Lynx are pretty cool looking. They're a neat cross between big cat and small cat.
Yeah they 're pretty cool wish I could see them outside of zoos
I don't know if I'd go that far, hah hah. Big cats are predators in the end. It's best to admire them from exceptionally safe distances than engage with them.
that's true I fogot how big they can get forgot these keys are all jammed up
managed to get it to solve 4 numbers and then it failed on the last one. if the first box. this might where it doesnt have enough info. I need to check
I'm gonna go to the library once I wake up and ask if they have this goddamned book They likely don't, but maybe they can get a copy
>>514804 I get them often enough. My mother's got the same problem. I just grit and bear it.
genetics, huh
Potentially. I probably just have sensitive gums or something. Maybe I should look into getting a kind of toothpaste that better caters to that particular to see if it helps.
must make it difficult to give bjs, i'm sorry genetics are butts
I can thankfully do without giving them, so it's no big deal.
>>514894 ok >>514893 yeah this is really sad Bourdain was one of the rare people in the business that actually cared about his impact on others >>514897 epic dude
>>514896 theres nothing ok with anthony bourdain killing himself
>>514896 i got to do some of the raw footage transcripts from one of his more recent shows nothing really revealing there but just the comparison of the actual experience compared to what gets aired it must have been frustrating to have the media industry put its own lens on your experience and paint a different picture about it idk, maybe that wasn't an issue being a writer is really hard though, to try to capture something elusive and then cheapen it for digestibility
Kirara ๐
im kinda jealous you got to see that stuff tbh
it was lots of technical crew stuff mainly it seemed like a really big chore how you gonna relax and enjoy travels under so much constraint and pressure with 12 guys with cameras hovering all over and a director saying "do this, do that, wait, put that down so we can do it again, someone get tape to cover the brand names on that bottle"
Man I can barely believe it I really liked Bourdain's show
Kirara ๐
>In its quest to find molecules that could point to life on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover has struck a gusher. Since Curiosity landed in 2012, it has sifted samples of soil and ground-up rock for signs of organic moleculesโthe complex carbon chains that on Earth form the building blocks of life. Past detections have been so faint that they could be just contamination. Now, samples taken from two different drill sites on an ancient lakebed have yielded complex organic macromolecules that look strikingly similar to the goopy fossilized building blocks of oil and gas on Earth. At a few dozen parts per million, the detected levels are 100 times higher than previous finds.
I hope we wake up ancient sleeping ayys
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara ๐
>>514906 same i hope they kill humanity with a super virus
>>514908 I hope they lob a bunch of rocks at super high speed That'd be cool to watch
>>514910 Yeah but can you prove the Earth and its ability to sustain life is inherently and objectively better than my short lived enjoyment of spectacle? Checkmate
Kirara ๐
that will damage the earth so that would be very bad
Kirara ๐
i don't have to prove that
The first aliens we find will probably be something boring like bacteria anyway
Kirara ๐
or tentacle monsters
Kirara ๐
or testicle monsters
>>514913 >tfw no alien octopus gf why are we here just to suffer?
>>514914 Sounds too physically vulnerable to survive in the wild
Kirara ๐
humans can't walk if you hit them in the knee with something hard ants die if you apply miniscule amounts of pressure to their bodies butterflies can't fly if their wings become even slightly more heavy nature is full of physically vulnerable animals
>>514916 Yeah but a testicle monster seems like its vulnerabilities offer no benefits over another design. Those animals have weaknesses, but it's a tradeoff for another strength. Sure you can break a humans leg, but the leg is still far more practical that whatever a testicle monster would have
>>514918 >>514919 Damn I didn't consider these evolutionary advantages I heard that testicle monsters could rapidly grow in size as a display of strength to dissuade potential predators
Kirara ๐
testicles full of testosterone that allow it to enter an incredible berserker rage
Kirara ๐
also acidic pee that is stored in the balls
Why am I born Will I fail to rise again Another Crucifixion for Another holy war Can't stop what's going on
Kirara ๐
>>514917 testicle monsters are probably demons, ryo
one of my professors keeps checking on me to make sure i'm keeping up with the work because i got this reputation for being incredibly unconventional and doing whatever i want whenever i want and sometimes not turning in assignments because of that it's kind of annoying but i can appreciate it
>>514927 >Akira didn't you hear from the pastor? Being gay is a sin and demons sure love sin! It's all part of the plan bro >j-just part of the plan
>>514928 >Damnit Kirara you're a loose cannon! >But you get the job done
haha yeah actually when i get my end of the year evaluation with all my professors' comments on it, it's gonna be crazy everyone thinks i'm like a super genius that just does whatever he wants because i never look like i'm paying attention in class and i still participate a lot and i know a little bit about a lot of things, so i can touch on the surface level information for pretty much any topic that might come up, which nobody else in the program seems to be able to do i don't even study school shit i was thinking about it yesterday but i have a reputation for being able and willing to do anything, i think i wanted to try to reign that in a little but i'm not getting any opportunities to do so
last year, i was the lowest rated student in my cohort by faculty everyone was like, "oh, he's so smart but he fucks around all the time and he doesn't talk to his colleagues in class" like yeah no i don't talk to others while you're teaching i do now though
one of my professors wants me to start organizing my research for my dissertation like this so i have to fill this shit out but this is not a good way of organizing it imo
synthesis matrix sounds like some bullshit from a JRPG
>>514930 wow truly mc study skills there. Getting roped into side quests constantly. >I can touch on surface level information for any subject that comes up Does that mean you just need to be capable of scratching the surface of anything for class discussion?
I bet you use the synthesis matrix to pair up your characters for bonus damage. It needs a proper misuse of English words.
>>514935 I can just add a lot to any class discussion because I have information from various disciplines. People will say dumb shit and I can easily swoop in and correct them and teach them something. But it's all like, surface level stuff. A lot of it, you could learn from an hour of research into the topic. Like, I had to explain how viruses that are engineered to attack cancer cells work, for example. It blows my mind that people don't know stuff like that.
>>514938 you gotta use the right sequence of skills from the right party members to activate a Synthesis Matrix attack makes perfect sense but don't forget to take into account the Affinity Compass
Maybe my expectations are just really high. I retain information easily so I can learn stuff like that just from reading articles once usually. I just have this expectation that people constantly scrape whatever they're reading information and retain it, I think. But even so, I think grad students should have a decent knowledge-base outside of what they study. I'd rather be a jack of all trades than someone who is only useful in a few environments.
Find a nice place where you can hang out outside, isolated from others, set up a chair, bring some drinks, and just read. It's so easy to read when there aren't other people and no technology. No distractions.
I have to start reading like 5 articles a week to prepare for my dissertation, so that's what I'm going to start doing. One day a week, I'm just gonna go read outside at a campground or something.
Even the library in the buttfuck nowhere town I grew up in had an online search back when I was in high school. Like 12 years ago or something at least.
They have a search but it doesn't actually work Pressing the button doens't do the search
Honestly I wonder if you could quote a pornhub comment as a source on like, a phd or something Like if someone laid out some actual research via the comment section
What if he subconsciously avoids giving students Ds, going for Cs instead just so he doesn't need to hear the joke one more time
>>515006 oh no the person who told ke to get on is a coworker who wants to chat and doesnt know i just happened to notice becuase of a message sent over messenger back in 2015
however this does make the answer of โprobably notโ a litt e fucked up
Zizek has a facial like, involuntary muscle contraction, and my dude is such a HIGH LEVEL THEORIST, he finds an analogy for our political landscape in it >>515020 Naw, like a permanent thing
No, it's just Zizek being exstremely good at metaphors The man operates on an increible level
Still sounds like apophenia to me
Kirara ๐
zizek is weird i don't understand his appeal
are you talking about slavoj zizek or is this a modern thing
Kirara ๐
what do you mean slavoj zizek is a modern thing
more modern i mean, like current
Kirara ๐
oh no, we mean slavoj he's still worshipped by many leftists
i wrote about him and lacan in one of my college lit papers my professor really liked my thoughts and had a lot of feedback for me i had such a crush on that fella he was an adjunct though at a community college i felt really bad for him
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/acp.2874 YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I wanna see this replicated with a bigger pool of participants.
Kirara ๐
>>515030 any clue if he's moved on to better things?
no idea i talked to him once and he said he wished he could hire a prostitute just to cuddle with and talk about things and nothing more i would have offered tbh
i had a philosophy prof in community college that knew like 17 languages fluently and worked his way through college by destroying his body working for a shipping yard he was a south korean gentleman he influenced me a lot he is probably one of the top 5 people that have influenced me in my life i always felt so bad for him being at a cc where he wasn't appreciated
>>515034 i guess it's more of a generalized thing that if he'd hire a prostitute, that's what he'd use them for, and the desire for such a market need to be met
does a satire blog really put out articles about a celebrity's suicide idk i think that's kind of fucked up maybe i'm overly sensitive
like i totally think "man, anthony bourdain died. how can we make people laugh at that?" idk
I think this was in good taste.
>>515039 btw i should give you fair warning i suppose the mc of D4 is an alcoholic whose wife died, so if that's something you wanna veer away from it's nbd it's not a particularly serious game though
>>515043 yeah im prolly just being a negative nancy
Kirara ๐
>>515044 thanks i think ill be fine bc i know it's kinda wacky but we'll see when we get there
>>515046 i think so too i just didn't want it to be a surprise or nothin
i hate that i have to share my creative process with my professor for this class turning my process into something my professor will be able to understand is stressful and annoying why can't it just be a personal thing
very few people can understand me unless i put in a lot of effort to be understood communication becomes weighed down with all this bullshit when you're fringe
I don't understand most people. I don't even think I understand myself
Kirara ๐
>Hurricane Aletta became the first tropical storm of the eastern Pacific hurricane season on Thursday, and by Friday morning it had spun up into a Category 4 monster. The storm might not be done ramping up, either. lmao
>>515054 you can probably understand yourself if you try
>>515056 they occur less frequently than 1-3 so in that sense they are rare they are becoming more frequent as the oceans warm though
>>515057 It feels like I keep hearing about cat 4s but saying that they are probably really newsworthy so I hear them more or I am paying attention to news more about hurricanes
don't tempt it it might just speed there to spite you
yโall fucked
Kirara ๐
i hope florida is wiped off the map and i can just live in the wilderness
Like imagine the hurricane going all "hahaha time to fuck with the pacific ocean" but then it suddenly hits the breaks with a screeching sound and goes "SOMEONE IN FLORIDA INSULTED ME"
Living while you're alive is a rather redundant statement.
Kirara ๐
no it's not
You can't live when you're dead so wanting to live while you're dead is kind of unnecessary.
you can also not live while youre alive dude
Kirara ๐
being alive and living are different
Not necessarily.
Kirara ๐
yes, necessarily within the context of the statement, being alive and living are necessarily different the sentiment that the two are separate has been established for a very long time
>>515104 you and jan for me, i think idk if jan's got a lot of tolerance for it though
Kirara ๐
>>515106 probably jan for me as well but with jan it's a little different communication with jan feels more like there's a bigger emphasis on messages being understood at an emotional level whereas with you i think it's more balanced not that there's less emotional level with you just that with you it's in more domains
>>515107 i feel like with jan, talking is unnecessary at some level we're both so absorbent that more is communicated without the noise of articulating thngs, and the vocal channel is left for trivial bullshitting
>>515116 do you have work to do iver the weekend or is it finally time to relax?
>>515117 yeah that is a good way to say it i hope we three can get together again soon
Beef stew sounds nice.
Kirara ๐
im choppin up potaters now
I think I'm gonna have some leftover chili myself. Which is also pretty nice.
>>515120 i'd say something witty here about the audial sensation of food versus gustatory but i can't think of anything so i'll just toss it out there in case someone else has something consolatory
>>515124 water you havin for dindin i've got swedish meatballs with mozzarella i dont think mozzarella is really part of it but i had some i needed to use
>>515122 do you put sour cream on your chili i had some the other day and did i like the flavor combination
>>515128 I don't mind the flavour but the texture difference between a dollop of sour cream and chili is a little gag-inducing for me. I generally don't put it on myself but I'll eat it if I get served something chili with it on top. I generally just put a very redundant starter to my sentences it seems. Usually I'll put a layer of grated cheese in the middle of the chili bowl then another layer on top. A good sharp cheddar doesn't offend my texture obsession and gives a great flavour accent.
>>515130 my roommate made a similar comment regarding the texture of chili and why they couldn't eat it "i'm a texture person" or something like that idk, i love flavor so much that i dont mind texture i mean, texture people probably can't even enjoy natto
>>515131 Yeah , I understand. It bugs me that texture can mess with me so much sometimes but I mean, I'm not exaggerating when I say something that bothers my texture problems will make me gag a bit.
Though in natto's case the sheer fermented smell might be enough to put me off even before I get to the texture.
>>515140 Did circumstances make you certain it was supposed to be that, or was it just really phonetically emphasized and you had to transcribe it close to phonetics.
>>515133 are you okay with missing out on that >>515145 it was recitation of an email, hence the accompanied spelling
>>515146 I've made peace with not feeling compelled to try everything the world has to offer. I still might in the future though. When I went out to Korean barbeque last week I had a chance to try grilled tofu after a life up 'till now of not handling it well because of the texture. Was surprised to find it much less abhorrent than I remembered it being.
>>515142 It's true! You are just used to mass production love going into your food, you city boy! I put real love in my food! Straight from the heart! Kyun!
>>515152 i was watchin a survivalist video today and this guy had a hen and a rooster and he kept the hen in this p well made henhouse and stuff but he made a wormbed and was trying to feed her worms and she just kept squawking relentlessly at him so he put a worm in her beak and the hen just kept it in her beak and wouldnt eat it and stared at him
idk why i got reminded of that when you said "yall dont know what love tastes like"
>>515161 It ain't that they're surrounded by terrible restaurants it's just when you live in the middle of nowhere that's the only flavour of restaurant you've got.
>>515188 How am I supposed to choose when I know neither of their arguments? If it was super racist, how am I supposed to pick a side without knowing which one of them is a racist
>>515191 I stole it from a meme page Froge btw LV raised a really great point that Lizard might just be something of a hanger on. Froge seems more like a real friend while Lizard seems like a student
>>515200 No Froge betrayed me if he was the racist one, and I think he's more likely to be the one than lizard, and neither will tell me what the deal was
lizard having a role model means that he acknoledges he has room to improve he sounds naive cause im a fucking god awful role model, but he has a good head on his shoulders i'm looking forward to meeting the person lizard will be in 10 years
>>515205 Additionally, if I am his role model, he was likely the one on the side I would stand if I was in his shoes It's not possible to make a certain guess here
Also I had something like that happen a while back but I stayed friends with both of them. I just couldn't mention one in front of the other.
>>515208 lucky him i wonder if my underworld spirit gave him a message or not
>>515214 My point is that the argument's case for frog being good relative to lizard is that frog got me with my high school crush. Which ten years down the line both statistically and anecdotally for me is something I don't give a shit about anymore. People don't really tend to stay close to their high school crushes except in the rather uncommon situations that they end up life partners.
>>515225 i feel this guilt from both ends way more than i feel comfortable with it would have been easier to have never made friends
>>515225 That's gonna be once i go back on *be me Actually nah I'll probably make it less awkward I'm just nervous about having to ccatch up with a ton of people at oncw
Kirara ๐
my stew smells so good
Kirara ๐
i wish i could share a smell digitally
i would have smell headphone's blowing the ocean breeze into my nose 24/7
It wouldn't be headphones it would be called teleolfactors
>>515233 big feeling I love the salty smell of the ocean
>>515234 rei what part of your body is your nose located on
>>515237 ehh i vary it up some but the ocean would be a go to ocean and jungle
>>515247 i've been listening to this song on loop for hours that has a sample of a woman sobbing violently and it just makes me envious i wish i could fucking sob like that right now i really need it
I'd probably like the smell of oncoming rain in a situation like that. At least around here it's a nice, fresh scent.
>>515251 it's such a good feeling, despite the headache and nauseau but i can't do it i haven't been able to in years i'm constantly on the verge but there's just a stoic barricade and i can't do it it's pure torture
>>515273 I don't find any other search engines that are better.
>>515275 Old google is better Also o e thing that i like about duck duck go is that instead oof giving me unrelated results for a query, it just ssays no results which google rarely ddoes now
Kirara ๐
>>515271 google is basically incapable of working for any kind of search that isn't something frequently searched it's so annoying it's impossible to ve productive with it sometimea
>>515301 the government has access to all of the DNA records those companies keep on the service's users and people have been arrested because their DNA was linked to crimes and shit like that >>515300 damn right >>515297 damn
>>515299 It has been disturbed massively by tourist legal and illegal, when people go there they see things being moved so that someone could get a better picture of it. it is a really famous spot for people to go
>>515304 yes but chances are, unless you go in a group, you will be there alone
>>515312 what I mean is, if you go there you can't expect it to be perserved, it has been made into an attraction by how many people disturb it to set things up to be picturesque
ofc it isnรคt i mean people live in the vicinity too
Kirara ๐
>>515307 yeah but they keep your genetic profile and government agencies can access it
when the government decides to get rid of the jews, they'll have a database of people that are probably jewish they can also use that genetic profile to compare it with dna from crime scenes
>>515313 more preserved than most cities The point is that it's abandoned and that's cool
>>515313 It is still an abandoned city, which are neat those are what I want to tour
i really want to visit those stone cities up in the mountains i actualy don't know what cultures those are from
like that one town island in japan
I'd like a world where everyone disappared and it was all empty and abandoned
yeah that'd be sick i'd snoop through everyone's drawers
I thik that would be a neat game
Kirara ๐
like that episode of billy and mandy where mandy was the only person left on the planet
>>515319 You mean Machu Picchu? Those are Incan, in present-day Peru.
I dunno where you travel between empty world and normal world or stuff
It'd just be peaceful and of course I'd probably die without other humans but it'd be less complex I think
>>515325 yep, that's the one i was thinking of thanks tilds
>>515327 fresh water would be first issue food would last for decades as canned food and such preserved would last practically forever then it is just location making sure you aren't near any nuclear plants and so on after that it is just >>515330 learning the skills as the free picks start to dwindle
>>515328 I think it's a really neat piece of history. Definitely somewhere I'd like to visit and walk through at some point if I could.
What would be neat would be being in a world where everyone shuts down at the same time and you are the only one who is still around. and they start up at the same time too
Kirara ๐
my stew is so good omg
had a big steak earlies and now my tummy is nice and full
>>515308 the movie stars elijah wood (who looks exactly the same) and is p funny because of the portrayal of the ukrainian youth who accompanies him on his heritage tour the book is incredibly better, its humor all tongue-in-cheek and incredibly poetic it's one of my favorite things i've experienced in this awful world
>>515339 "I fucked up my vote lol" is an inredible powermove
Kirara ๐
>>515337 >it's one of my favorite things i've experienced in this awful world this is incredible praise
>>515344 >โI am doing something I hate for you. This is what it means to be in love.โ โ Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated 408 likes Like โWhen I was a girl, my life was music that was always getting louder. Everything moved me. A dog following a stranger. That made me feel so much. A calendar that showed the wrong month. I could have cried over it. I did. Where the smoke from a chimney ended. How an overturned bottle rested at the edge of a table. I spent my life learning to feel less. Every day I felt less. Is that growing old? Or is it something worse? You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.โ
oh man i keep forgetting i can't do that but yeah oh wow it even quoted the likes amounts how fucking cringey
Kirara ๐
i want to protect myself from sadness without protecting myself from happiness
and probably the deepest quote of the book:
This is the sixty-nine," I told him, presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers -- two of them -- on the action, so that he would not overlook it. "Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?" he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity. "It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor." "What did people do before 1969?" "Merely blowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus
Microsoft decided to install updates without asking because windows 10 is shit
That's why I still have seven installled
If it weren't for the fact you probably need Microsoft office I'd recommend you switch to GNU/Linux
Kirara ๐
unfortunately i have to use windows bc the government says so im not allowed to access some of the fbi shit unless i have windows installed bc their software only works for windows and im technically still contracted by them even though i haven't done any work // research for them in a while
i use windows bc i dont have the time to figure out how to make each new thing work in linux i'm not that good at it
>>515364 There's definitely a similar kind of intimidation factor for me in the concept of a switch. And also I have never had pretty much any of the problems people have had with Win10 so I don't have a reason to not use it.
The major update Microsoft is pushing this week has asked me if I want to update twice now but I'm allowed to keep kicking it down the road.
i'm already havin to convert my work files into different file formats so that i can even process them adapting to a new system where i don't know what rules that entails is a whole lot of re-learning for a job i'm already overbooked on
>>515363 Yeah I knew you had something like that. Although there's actually a GNU/Linux variant partially developed by the CIA and or NSA
>>515371 This is a major OS update for Win10. I don't really know what they're updating but that's probably part of why it's going to take a while.
Kirara ๐
i was fucking doing something reee thank god i finished my work before it kicked me off for a fucking week
I looked it up, SELinux is developed by the NSA in part
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
or you can not answer me that's fine I guess
Kirara ๐
windows 8.1 is absolute shit the design is horrible, it barely works half the time at least windows 10 is functional when it's not updating and it's not bad to look at i would expect someone like you that does computer shit would have some level of awareness of how bad windows 8 is
Can I just get Windows 7s look with the functionality aspects from 10 like directx 12
For real though he probably knows enough about computers that he knows its worthless to spend time pining over a better OS that doesn't exist Windows exists and is good enough. Thats why its successful.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I need to just accept that I'm always fucking wrong No matter what I might experienc e I'm just fucking wrong
Actually I ve heard a lot of mixed stuff about 8.1 10 I've pretty much only heard negative things about
ToN, you do any programming recently?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no, not since I graduated
I've barely programmed since I stopped having Mathematica access. That language spoiled me rotten Writing code in any other language just feels like a chore.
Well Mathematica and Wolfram Language are almost interchangeable. Anyways here https://www.wolfram.com/language/gallery/make-a-table-of-graphs/ It also has really good integrated machine learning capabilities In addition to being a computer algebra system
>>515398 chopping wood is the best gardening is great too i wish i had the facilities to blacksmith or i'd do that instead but basically those are my go-tos after sitting at a fuckin keyboard all day transcribing and needing to burn energy oops sorry twanscwibing
>get in car >ask boss if the delivery is late or not >he says it should be on time >asks me if i'm coming in >say yes >he tells me to come in an hour from now fucking reee
Kirara ๐
>>515399 lets get jan and become blacksmithing wood elves
idk if i'm happy with the comments im getting from the internet regarding bourdain "regular" people just dont understand MH.
>>515403 i'm p sure like three years ago i somewhat unseriously asked you about a loan to buy a forge and start blacksmithing i don't have the property on which to do it anymore though
what if there were a game called mental illness hunter
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that sounds dangerous
>>515409 slay mentally ill monsters to get their parts and make armor that gives you bipolar disorder
Kirara ๐
i want to take my child into the forests and teach them to survive and we will live like elves as one with nature and fish will probably complain a lot
>>515411 no you diagnose them and get boosts to your monthly salary for recurring visits
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sounds like a good time x
>>515399 Chopping wood is really great Whenever there's a storm I hope a tree gets knocked down so I have an excuse to get out the axe
>>515411 No it's like pokemon you gotta diagnose em all
>>515412 i want to teach my artificially intelligent child how to kickbox and use the internet properly
kirara the kyousougiga tv series is the one you like right
I would like to play the first one at some point. By all accounts it seems like a pretty solid game.
Kirara ๐
it's very good with a really good story
>>515423 did you play it? i thought you didn't play it
Kirara ๐
fish and i played it a few months ago
i thought it was really good matthewmatosis commented that the "puzzles" were tedious, but i felt like that was intentional it really forced the player into a mentality of earnestness, where you don't want to have to do shit but it's part of survival in that way, it was more immersive, even though it was sometimes repetitive and the animations that went with it really gave a granularity to the exhaustion of hiking that far and then having to tread water while pushing a pallette or carrying a heavy af ladder around like, that's stuff you'd really have to be doing and you'd have to be doing a lot of it i got a lot of sensation out of the recognition of effort and the exhuastiveness and how precious energy was, as opposed to just craving some novel challenge as a video game
Kirara ๐
that's how i felt too the parts where you play as elle were really powerful imo like when you're hunting that deer the game was so immersive that it was easy to get really invested in the characters i think i projected onto joel a lot
there was a fair amount of immersion breaking in the combat sections though pretty dumb that your allies just straight up walk past an enemy or stand in an awkward spot but it's ignored because they're not the PC there's a really cool part though when you meet up with that guy and his son, and the son wants to take that mecha toy but he's told "only what's necessary", ellie stays behind around the toy and will pick it up, but will -only- do it when joel isn't facing her it's super cool
>>515445 i am at like 40% updated last i checked not at computer rn but i can see the blue lights illuminating the entire living room still so i assume it's still going because fuck Microsoft
can you // wait I think I answered my own question
remember when obama pitched a baseball
Kirara ๐
i pitched a baseball once obama isn't special
Kirara ๐
i wish people wouldn't invite me to social gatherings how do people go to so many there are several every week i don't want it
idk, and they feel like they mean nothing too there's nothing social about them i can't stand shit like that
Kirara ๐
just gonna stand around together and barely interact several times every week
a social event imo is like when me and you want to take a project together to film something or when i want to collaborate with someone on a publication or deployment of a new program over several weeks shitting with people for a couple hours while drunk isn't social it's a distraction
Kirara ๐
yeah it doesn't feel truly social unless you're interfacing with others some kind of joining even collaborative discussion i don't want to go do nothing with a group for an hour or more
visiting another artist's studio and critiquing is social going out with them for lunch and margaritas is just getting lunch i'm a little personally perturbed by this current phenomenon
Kirara ๐
it's frustrating i can enjoy just hanging out with someone but it's not really social and adding a big group just makes it unsustainable it's not worth the energy or time
a buddy trip to a waterpark with me, you, rook, and jan def counts as socializing though just sayin get that money black man
Kirara ๐
building a water park together
i didnt mean to type that last line transcription overload i guess
I'm set to meet up with some friends from high school that I haven't seen in like six or seven years since gradutations. I was really close with a lot of them back then but between usual life complications and the way I shut myself off from a lot of the immediate world in that -in those past years, I'm really anxious over meeting up again. They obviously have a mental image of me that's dated six years back but the same goes for me and it's worrying to know I'm probably not the way I was back then, or knowing they're not the way they were back then and that I might be abrasive because of how I'm working off that previous portrait.
>>515466 I mean, I do want ot -to see them again. I still consider them people that I was close to. It's not like we parted on bad terms, just natural drifting apart. And I don't really have a lot of people immediately around me that I can lean on and engage with face to face easily. It would be nice to have something like that. But that doesn't quash these feelings of unease and worry that anticipating the event bring up in me. I tell myself it's not going to be as bad as I worry it can potentially be, but doubt is pretty insideous. In the end, it's only one day later that it'll be all over with. That's not much more time to have to deal with this concern. I can deal with it.
tell em you dont want to that's what i'd do
>>515465 to me, stuff like that is destabilizing i figure you to be someone who values consistency while it might be fun to see a blast from the past, what good is it gonna do you it makes me feel all confused afterwards and tilted with uncertainty but maybe that's just me i'm super high anxiety
It's a hypocritical aspect I kind of struggle with. I do like consistency and structure, but I can only handle so much of it before I start feeling like I need to run away.
For me personally too though, I also crave a manner of face-to-face conversation and being around people I can be comfortable with. I've noticed this after stuff like the Japan trip I took and the Philly road trip. It's easy to not notice it I guess, when I go extended periods of time without really engaging in more "normal" conversation, but it's definitely apparent to me how much I miss it in the immediate period after having to let it go. Though I'm also still aware that the hypocrisy I mentioned above still applies here. I'll appreciate and crave the consistency of this social interaction until I can't take it anymore, then I'll have to hide myself off from it all, probably. But I'd like to have options to have something like it.
i wouldn't view that as hypocrisy that's too binary of a view i love the expansion of my worldview as well, but i know that unless i can maintain it, the recoil is very painful and discomforting sometimes the exposure is a catalyst to make an important change, and sometimes it's unnecessarily getting my hopes up regardless, it's not a hypocritical action it's just probing and exploration to understand better my current condition and re-emerge myself into the possibilities i think that that is always a good thing in the strive for growth but at the same time, i'm very jaded and cynical and don't want that hope sullied by something overly superficial, or something which does get my hopes up and drops it painfully
it's not hypocrisy imo as much as it is fickleness and caution
I guess I'd say I'd rather err on the side of hope rather than cynicism. I deal with what feels like at times heavy mental absue from the parts of me that are extremely fatalistic and expect things to go horribly before I even try them, that I will stubbornly cling onto the things that I even think might turn out good.
Big insight from a guy who has had a ridiculously similar experience recently We are actually even CLOSER friends today (after a 5 year long seperation) than we were when we were in middle school Even better, they've since made like-minded friends, who have now become my friends that I'm easily getting along so well with because they've passed through the friend filter
As a side note, it is somewhat disheartening to see how little people have changed over time But I guess it's also good that they haven't deteriorated or gotten worse personality wise
>>515470 i definitely hold the idea that everything is going to disappointment me always, just because it's a safer option than having hope, and everything i've clung onto until now in my younger optimism has left me in tatters i'm not so jaded as to think that good things can't or don't happen, but as a practicality, i 've lost my receptivity to their call
>>515471 That's good to hear, I'm happy things turned out well for you.
The fact that the ones that reached out to me are four friends of mine that even amongst the four of them were pretty close friends back then, kind of eases my worries a bit. They've either all changed as a group or haven't really changed much at all since then, and in the weird rational of my head, I feel my chances favour the latter.
actually the fact that i've made these statements is distressing to me a younger me would have been very upset at this sorry for trying to disincentivize you through my awful cynicism and negativity
Well it's all right. I've already committed to showing up, and my principles wouldn't let me ditch out last minute after agreeing. I'm just stressing out a bit and trying to clarify my thoughts by talk-typing it out.
>>515473 Is the scenario: >you've all drifted apart from each other or >you solely drifted apart from the friend group while they all stuck together
I don't know the full scope of it, but probably the latter. I totally checked out of that social group like six or so years back and haven't kept track of them. It feels like they've all stuck together to some degree over that time though, from what I could gleam from the phonecall I got from them a week or two back. Apparently since I dropped out of contact with them they've talked about trying to findm -find me again over the years, but only got around to it recently.
i have a lot of people i wish i could reach back out to i just assume it would all end horribly and the anxiety of waiting for something that may never come puts me off
Maybe I'm just desiring being wanted again and I'm throwing myself at the slightest hint of it.
>>515477 In my case, I'd like to think I have changed a lot over the past 5 years, but I guess I wouldn't know since I don't have an objective 3rd person perspective So either I was similar enough to my old self for them to still like, or they just also like me as my new self with all my changes both cool and are two different good paths your day might go
Yeah, that's a good point. As far as people go, I feel like if they want to like me, pretty much whatever I present will probably be likable, providing it's not a sheer contrast from what they're expecting.
i wonder if my old friends would still want to hang out with me if i was dead
>>515478 I can sympathize though. They got back in contact with me by talking to my brother on facebook, and I let him give them my number, since I don't really have many vehicles of communication. The period between giving out my number and the moment they actually called me was really terrifying. I was pacing the length of my house running over the the "what ifs" and if giving out a phone number was too much or something in that situation, or if I was too pretentious in responding to a facebook inquiry with my number, or something. I am glad it paid off but that period of time was really, really stressful.