>>499195 now to wait for someone to make it actual art
Kirara 🚗
when jan and i were in utah we were at this restaurant and there was some skeleton looking dude dressed as a cowboy wearing spurs and everything and he was trying to act tough for his date but she lightly hit him in the stomach and it was like "owww" and she was all "awww" and hugged him it was really funny tough guy mr cowboy cosplayer getting hurt by a girl and then getting comforted
well a good case of putting all your eggs in one basket doesn't help that it is a dictatorship with state having way too much control of the economy to boot even a free society that is reliant on just one thing, would get fucked over if the same happened to them
Kirara 🚗
Venezuela will prosper again if oil prices go up but i don't think Maduro has the economic know-how to take advantage of it and diversify the economy
I am not saying trumps pulling out of deals is a good thing, but it necessarily isn't ab ad what makes it silly and bad is how he has nothing to replace them with or even a draft or "let's meet to negotiate new deal" be it the paris deal or iran deal
lol, pulling out haha get it like pulling out like not cumming inside :3 /s
You cannot comprehend the tastiness of olive sundried tomatos spread
Kirara 🚗
>>499258 wow, only one banner? i think the next banner starts 5/21 and it's a seasonal banner then there's a tempest trials banner on the 23rd or something and legendary banner after that
Down side of oddjobs are the odd hours and not knowing how many days a week you work ,especially at times it being "literally knowing on the previous day"
...my sister just "invited" me to go to a con or something that she isn't going to. Her coworker is going >hanging out with my sister's friends/acquaintances I can't even properly conceptualize this
What you mean healthy people with portion control?
why would they order pizza in the first place then?
It tastes nice and is convient food. You know you can portion control unhealthy food? You don't have to automatically eat it all because its junk food.
You also know how the pizza won't taste that delish when it has sit on the table/fridge for hours to days?
Cold pizza is actually nice though
I'm no fan of cold pizza but it can be excellently delicious too if you take leftover slices and throw them in the oven for a few minutes. Pizza keeps pretty well as long as you eat it in a day or two.
There's variable amounts of sunlight and radiation on the moon. Dust storms are also present but not to the extent that we imagine dust storms, usually just relatively small amounts of dust being kicked up by the way radiation and particles move around in space. There's also limited volcanic activity on the moon, but once again not quite to the extent to which life on earth has led us to imagine.
So there is weather on the moon, it's just different and a lot more subtle than it is on earth, due to t he lack of atmosphere.
>>499375 We didn't discuss a price I told her she could have a couple for free 2 or 3
yeah i give a couple of mine out now and again to people i trust can use it responsibly and i always have plenty i was just curious what people value them at mine are actually pretty expensive at the pharmacy for some reason even though they're generic and IR crap basic damphs insurance paid like $12 of it last time, trash insurance
yeah idk i probably could have gotten like $10 a pill from her if i wanted but idk vyvanse street price
i think fish's absence is making me overly generous i might be coping by engrossing myself in other people's problems like my colleague with the dad with cancer and my other colleague's dog might die and im like getting involved and being there for them even though i usually don't get so involved
my mom's cat just had a seizure the day before mother's day and she had to put it down she had to put down her old golden retriever just a couple weeks ago too, and give up her other dog to a new home so she could get a place to live i feel really bad and wish there was something i could do to help her i get really worked up when i feel bad for someone and don't know anything i can do to help them not feel pain
yo what the fuck how long have nintendo awards been a thing how many feathers have i missed
i don't know i haven't spoken to her since before her plane left she could be coming home on the 18th or it could be longer
Oh wow, thats pretty anxiety inducing Is it difficult to keep in contact? I have a hard time keeping in contact here since I only have unreliable internet. and no signal here.
i don't know i got a call from her once but it immediately dropped and i couldn't get her back i don't know what's going on they're rich so they should be able to communicate using satellite phones or something but they're not so idk
I am staying at a relatively well off place and the internet is still shit and I have no other means of communication without the internet. so it could be similar for her? I don't really know but I am sure she is fine.
idk i don't think it's realistic to think that communication is difficult for her they're rich and don't value money so there's nothing that should be getting in the way of fish communicating with me unless something happened she's not the kind of person that would go radio silent on me
Kirara 🚗
pretty much every western nation advises against going to nigeria because the threat of kidnapping and sexual assault is so high
Has she visited her family out there before?
Kirara 🚗
no, she's never been to nigeria before
Hopefully she get in contact with you soon, you are in such an unpleasant situation all the anxiety. I wish I could do more for you.
the nigerian news is full of shit like "Gunmen kill French tourist in Ebonyi, rape his wife" it's so stressful and there's nothing i can do i can't afford to go to nigeria and i don't have a passport anyway i don't even know where in lagos they were supposed to be or if they're even still in lagos all i can really do is check the news a hundred times a day and read about all the kidnappings and rapes and murders i shouldn't have let her go without me i should have canceled my utah trip to go with her and i should have gotten my passport a long time ago
got my paycheck today for 160 dollars for two weeks pay period why shit gotta be so shit all the time
Don't beat yourself up about this Kirara, You don't know that she is in a bad situation. Even if it is unlikely, she might just be unable to communicate because of infrastructure outage. I mean even here I I have to wait days for the internet to be repaired. and this area even for americans doesn't have signal. it doesn't seem too unlikely for places in nigeria to have faults like that.
I wish I could do more than offer platitudes, don't blame yourself Kirara.
if something bad happened to her there, it would just be a continuation of the pattern in my life where everyone i love dies the world is cruel and i'm cursed so it wouldn't be surprising if something bad happened it's unrealistic to think someone with like a hundred million dollars or something can't communicate from anywhere in the world especially places like nigeria which have good satellite coverage it's not my fault if something happens but that doesn't mean i didn't have a chance to stop it from happening i should have anticipated this
>>499400 because life is crappy and we're born to suffer
Kirara 🚗
>In a 2013 poll of 585 randomly selected adults from six Nigerian geopolitical zones by NOI Polls, 34% answered 'What do you think is the most prevalent cause of rape in the society?' with 'indecent dressing'. 29% said they personally knew a victim of rape.[177]
>>499425 yeah i gave a loraz to my roommate earlier because they were distressed about a thing and they said it's making them feel weird and don't wanna take it again idk maybe i project too much from my own processes it makes me so functional and clear-headed but i guess other people process anxiety differently
>>499430 has he taken it before? i feel like a lot of people expect stuff like loraz to be something it's not and don't like the way it makes them feel bc they thought it'd make them feel euphoric or something i'm cool with using stuff like that for some problems like school shit i'd be cool with using it but not for important anxieties if that makes sense
his mom died recently, so it's probably breaking down some barriers that keep him from thinking about difficult things, which imo he needs to do to move forward because there's a lot of things he's ignoring that are important that's not why he took it, it was because of a minor traffic bumperoo today that shook him up
but idk that's personally what i need about it, to sort through that maze of anxiety and make real internal progress that otherwise blocks me up sober me (as in not on anxiety meds or valerian root) is so fucked up that i need to do this process in order to organize my life and feel motivated it's not as though i take benzos to block out pain and hide from the world it doesn't work that way, at least for me
i used to have some very bad habits that stemmed from anxious thoughtspaces because it was so stimulating, but they were terrible things and i'm glad i removed that blockage from my life
I think I drank too much cider. I feel light headed.
i don't really think benzos are good for blocking things out either i haven't really used them a lot but imo they're good for processing stuff after teacup died i used some benzos for a little while and they helped me think about things i wouldn't have otherwise been comfortable thinking about
>>499435 not at all, he's your typical otaku shut-in and a little bit degen, not super neurotic
yeah, if you're trying to block stuff out imo benzos do the exact opposite anxiety is functional avoidance from the things you want to block out, so just hang on to the anxiety if you want to steer clear of confronting things internally take a benzo and your mind is going to loosen up that channel and start processing that backlog of stuff though and it's not going to hurt while doing it either i think they're great and they've really reshaped the way my brain handles anxiety, even if i'm not on them at the time, just due to the normalized channels that i've learned to use
>>499437 that happens a lot to everybody i think i gotta check all my transcripts because i do random shit like that and it'd be a mess if i didn't review it
>>499434 I have a pizza. *had I wonder why I fuck up writing things all the time. like earlier I wrote read and instead of write on a stream I was watching. My brain is broken.
Kirara 🚗
>>499436 for some stuff i value the distress the anxiety causes me even though it's really unpleasant haha i think i would easily get addicted to benzos if i kept them around
yeah same, i dont use it for everything like when my dad passed i didn't take any at all because i'd only get one chance to feel that with the full intensity i thought it deserved, so i didn't take any for a long time probably too long though, and after a few months had some anxiety problems that started pushing people away and being unduely angry and i was getting ... i dont know what the word is like when there's something you don't want to do but the avoidance becomes so obsessive that you can't stop thinking about it, and i made some bad interpersonal choices that could have not happened if i managed my anxiety properly
i might come off as a druggy if you listen to me on /moe/ but i'm actually really responsible with my meds and there's a reason im prescribed them the sober, unmedicated me is really fucked up and it's not healthy for me to be in that state and i cause problems for other people selfishly
sorry this probably isn't really /moe/ material i got carried away gomen
i don't think you come off as a druggy but that's probably because i get it
i wish everyone could get it my colleagues will talk about clients that use drugs and they act like anyone that uses anything illicit is a terrible addict people don't want to admit that you can use drugs functionally and productively it's really annoying to be the only person listening to a case and thinking that maybe the client isn't a fucked up druggy
i dont even use anything illicit i just take my damphs and my baby dose lorazepam and sometimes drink way too much i've had percocet or norco like less than a dozen times for escaping the bone zone but i've never abused them
Kirara 🚗
>If you are concerned about a U.S. citizen relative or friend who is traveling or living abroad, you can call us at 1-888-407-4747. Our Embassies and Consulates abroad can use the information you provide to try to locate the individual and pass on your message. We can also check with local authorities in the foreign country to see if there are any reports of a U.S. citizen hospitalized, arrested, or otherwise unable to communicate with those looking for them. The more information you can provide about the individual, the better our chances of finding him or her. do you guys think it would be appropriate for me to do this
I think it depends on how much time has passed and if you think it is past the point that you think is reasonable.
>>499443 if they can check for a person who might be hospitalized etc, then yeah i think that's reasonable i don't know what kind of burden or disruption that process causes on the person being looked for, though, so i'd be a little nervous about that >>499445 i abuse alcohol way too much and i wish i could stop i don't get drunk or alcohol poisoning but i think i could potentially be giving myself ulcers, esp considering i had stress ulcers in the past (before ever drinking)
I think it would good to do for peace of mind, 2 weeks is a fairly long time out of contact. I don;t know how appropriate it is because if I was scared for someone after 2 weeks I'd probably do it as well.
>The information we can share with you about these searches is governed by the “Privacy Act.” A U.S. law called the Privacy Act protects the privacy rights of U.S. citizens. The Act states that we may not reveal information regarding a U.S. citizen’s location, welfare, intentions, or problems to anyone, including the citizen’s family members and Congressional representatives, without unless we have that individual’s written consent. Although we recognize that this law may occasionally cause distress to concerned families, we must comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act. However, exceptions can be made for the health and safety of the individual and when minors are involved. A consular officer can explain to you how the Privacy Act might impact your specific case. wait what's the point of this then if she's been kidnapped they won't be able to tell me because she won't be able to give written consent i'm not married to her or anything i wonder if they'd be able to tell me
>>499446 i used to get buzzed but i never really got drunk or wasted or anything my tolerance was ridiculously high my genetics are like designed for drinking
i was thinking about this the other day - this is kind of off topic eastern european jews like my ancestors were really close to the romanians for a long time i was reading about their cultural influences on each other and i thought it was kind of funny bc my ancestors are eastern european jews and you're of romanian heritage
I think if they find out she is kidnapped they'll treated differently and if she is in hospital. and I think they understand that people can be couples and not be married.
I'm making a bowl ofof rice for dinner bbecause i don't fefeel llike dodoing actual cooking.
>>499450 do you have anything to dress up the rice with like an egg or some instant curry or a piece of chicken
I think if I have access to substances, I might possibly abuse them.
>>499448 what were their cultural influences on each other is it comparable to our influences on each other >>499453 huh you just plop open the package of curry and pour it on, microwave the japanese drop a raw egg into their rice and stir it up, which is really good, but i dont suggest doing it with american eggs bc we have different procedures for cleaning our eggs which ironically, by cleaning the shells, we make it easier for salmonella bacteria to get through the porous shell >>499455 you wack af
Also I don't like curry
Kirara 🚗
>>499454 they influenced each other in terms of art and especially music
>>499449 maybe but idk maybe i should call but if it comes back and they don't have anything they can tell me then i won't know if that means she's safe so they didn't find anything or if it's because she can't give permission to share information it might not help my anxiety at all
someone should invent a pill that you swallow to make you forget every stupid thing you said as a child
That reminds me Missing Persons is actually ba a decent band.
Kirara 🚗
someone should invent a pill that you swallow to make you forget
how to forget
it's been high on my list for a while but i think it needs to be really good and i've not been writing good copy lately for some reason i can't let that one be shitty
Kirara 🚗
how to get four
How to fiveget.
How to forget four
Kirara 🚗
my four head
how do i know if someone died in my house for free
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
pull the trigger, then you know for sure that someone did and it's free you're welcome xd *THIS POST IS A SARCASTIC JOKE PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY
since i'm a transcriber i've had like a dozen people ask me about the yanny/laurel thing in like the last two hours shit's blowing up i guess people are gonna start to learn the sensitivity of audio now >>499506 some audio clip that people are disagreeing what's being said, the same as the blue/gold dress thing but with audio instead of light it's really just people using different bass level headphones and hearing different things though, so it really shouldn't be getting this much attention never heard of it before today but had a bunch of comments to me just recently and just looked it up now
>>499512 google showed me a bunch of articles like "laurel master race" and stuff
I wonder if there is or could be a meme / trending stock market where you invest in how big a new meme is going to get over a set duration that seems totally easy to do with play money, logistically i bet people would have a lot of fun with that
I looked it up and it sounds like yanny/yuri to me.
Huh Apparently women in present day mexiMexico arare mamarrying ttrees.
>>499520 The stuttering makes that even more absurd
>>499519 it's the audio interference listening to it with the bass removed, it's a normal sounding voice saying laurel the bass is destructively interfering with some of the soundwave, leaving only the treble with an awkward sound if you listen to it bass adjusted, or with transcription headphones that are tuned for voice frequencies, it's super clear hang on i'll get a link
>>499530 yes, please throw money at me so I can waste it on things
>>499530 In some parts of canada due to weird restrictive laws and subsequent work arounds people throw coins at strippers because they are not legally allowed to be close enough to them to hand them bills. Well Slip them into bras or whatever
>>499534 Ton I'm gonna give you this money but you gotta PROMISE me you'll spend it on adult things like rent and food and not spend it all on boat girl related things
>>499535 Huh Show up with a big bag of coins and just sling it at them
>>499538 I bet he'd paint a boatgirl on it Which would be cute I'd pay to see that
>>499533 no, it's probably organic what is really the issue is that there's no accompanying sound context if you were listening to that original audio that it's from with surrounding audio, and not just a tiny slice of audio, you wouldn't even notice it because your brain would already be setting context, the same as your eyes do with light in those images that are like "these two colors are the same" when one is in a shaded region and looks way lighter
i encounter this kind of thing a whole lot in transcription, so i think it's pretty cool that this is getting talked about so people can learn something about audio processing i could go grab very short clips from any of my transcripts with acoustic interference like ambient rumbling and probably get the same effect but when you're listening to the same frequency rumbling for a few minutes, your brain automatically filters it out and focuses on the deviation from that, rather than the entirety of the audio environment, to discern speech
>>499536 you should get him a real boat like the one tn had our has
Nah They're just usually in bad condition Or don't have a title Or both
Kirara 🚗
best time to get boats for free is after a hurricane tbh so many boats never get claimed again and a lot of them need a lot less work than they look like they need can also get one when people evacuate for hurricanes there were some people in hurricane harvey that stole boats and kept them to use for disaster relief after the hurricane
How are they gonna explain his death >Freddy left for his home planet and never returned
>>499553 no i just use regular headphones but i'm really used to the job, so my ears deal with it very naturally you still get awkward shit when it's one word in isolation, but when you've got someone speaking a natural sentence and you have a voice trail to follow, you don't get thrown for a loop when there's some cross-interference that you can clearly tell is not their voice the brain is really an amazing person
Going bed Naito
>>499559 My ears suck. I often have to use subtitles. I lot of stuff doesn't have subs which sucks.
There are some noticable dead zones with moe every so often. I'm not a great conversation starter so either wait for someone to pop up or I post some twitter link
i wish we got some new blood that didn't suck maybe that'd liven things up
>>499567 i am usually up then and working oh 8-12 pm confused me you mean 8pm to 12am im sometimes up in the evening but idk my mood is sometimes trash
>>499585 It means I'm having trouble managing my existence! Which to a large degree is that I haven't been sleeping well and it's been a big drain on my energy and drive.
I took pictures of hummingbirds today. It was pretty hard. >>499592 Take care of yourself Rika, your indispensable for the smooth running of moe! Moe without Rika just doesn't feel right
I have no idea why it is so big, I guess it is a big similar to the dress thing. The dress thing was weird. I saw it as gold very briefly
all you need is more light context to determine what it is same with this, just need more audio context next trending things are gonna be smell, touch, and taste with minimal context
>>499605 I generally don't take things unless there's a really good reason to, and I only take it temporarily. My issues lately just have to do with my head not being on straight, so the solution is to work it out.
>>499616 i get you im doin these because they're just things normally in the diet, like the tryptophan from milk and we need choline i think i screwed up my sleep too much by taking valerian root and heavier mood supplements so it's nice to be normal-ish again
My sleep has been iffy, I fall asleep at normal times which is good but I keep waking up multiple times in the night. I mostly get 4 hours of sleep.
I sleep but I don't think it's particularly restful sleep. I wake up tired and can't stop falling back asleep. My only real indicator for when I've slept "enough" is when my dreams start getting vivid
i can tell if i haven't been getting good sleep because my neurons start firing a little loosely, like i'm really wired out i start making connections that aren't there just because my nerves are a little too strained i think that has been the cause of some of my mental health issues for a while
My fit constantly tells me I get shit sleep. *fitbit
I'm like 3-4 hours a night lately, it's not nearly enough even for me.
4 hours can be pretty hard to deal with. my body can't get used to the dry humidity when I'm asleep. I wake up and hve to try and get a drink or splash my face with water.
>>499626 i used to be able to get by on that, but being a responsible adult really requires a lot more from me now it means giving up my fun time though
My body probably needs 6-8 hours like a perfectly normal human bean. But my brain actively resists establishing it. I can't reliably get tired.
I used to about 4 to 5 hours. Depending on what I need to do though. If I am NEETing it up its fine. but if I have to go to work. I might end up falling asleep in like microsleeps randomly through out the day but that can happen even if I get 7 hours of sleep too.
I think that long 5 hour walk into town might have made me a little ill, I've been having headaches and light headness. the sun exposure probably was pretty bad.
There's been days I've ran surprisingly well on three or 4.5 hours of sleep the sleep before. But I think those had been extremely restful bouts of sleep. If I could perfectly replicate the situations I'd been in to create that sleep, maybe I could go on less sleep like that? I don't really know since I can't ever repeat it.
Well 3-4 hours is pretty bad, are you being overworked? or your enviroment changed a lot?
Ain't gotta do a thing until Tuesday >>499668 I could get a single paragraph into my neverending project of writing about a single fucking concept, and then delete everything one more time in that kinda time The sky's the limit
that's a whole week you could write a book in that time
>>499666 practice by writing a shitty book first that you dont care about
Seems like it'd be hard I can't write once I lose interest
it's really easy just take an idea and try to explain it write a book about why doors are important
The neverending project is exactly one thing I'm trying to find a way to explain at all But I always give up because I'm 50% self doubt and 50% anxiety about being unclear
>>499672 What about a space-faring race of peoples who religiously worship doors and travel the galaxy putting up houses, because you gotta have something to pass through a door into, so it mighta -might as well be a house.
>>499674 that requires a little bit more creativity and runs the risk of possibly getting emotionally invested in its execution it'd be good though
Why is getting emotionally invested in its execution a risk?
it's the biggest obstacle in actually finishing it
NRK is having a strike so they replaced the news with a documentary about pandas What a blessed timeline this is
>>499678 I can understand where you're coming from. To me that sort of thing feels more like fuel for a good tempering fire though. Everything within moderation, though.
>>499681 if he's havin trouble finishing anything then it's a good exercise to finish something bad first
Oh I see, hah hah. With all due respect to him I'd already left him behind and was in my own headspace.
did you guys have a nice anime session
It was all right. The middle of the week kind of wears thin the particularly good things of the season. And we hold a few things over tonight anyway since Jan works through watching time.
i feel like joining sometimes because i like anime but i can never organize myself when it's time
I maen i could do it, we have known each other that long so it wouldn't really risk my employment status with him, but at the same time I don't think it proper
>>499733 I wonder about these people do they ever think just a bit further and realise "okay one day I might be in this position and then by my own rules, get euthanised"
>>499735 somehow i doubt they even are capable of thinking that far or thinking that anything sufficiently bad will happen to them
i mean, it's not like it's really hard to get too disabled to be able to work you can just be walking on the sidewalk and get sideswiped by some drunk asshole and be horrifically crippled for life if you're LUCKY
Besides, killing the poor and disabled would be a waste surely you could round them up in some labour camps where even miniscule production could be squeezed out of them
wait but if we got rid of all the disabled people who would buy the prosthetics and wheelchairs and shit
>>499733 Holy fuck government assisted suicide might be a real thinf What if we sold insurance for it >you've been diagnosed with depression. Luckily your medical insurance covers the cost of the shotgun and ammunition
>>499748 >sir you can't use this bridge for jumping your insurance doesn't cover the jump toll
Kirara 🚗
whenever i get out of the shower my cat lies on my feet and bites them
>>499745 >it seems you have a cancer, your insurance covers up to 50k in treatments or we can mail you rope, instructions on the noose and cover your funeral expenses
>about to jump off of empire state building >phone rings >sir, we must apologize for interrupting you, but your insurance doesn't cover high rise building suicides
>>499749 >Every time someone attempts to jump without paying they send a few guys to catch them
>Our apologies, mam, but your insurance doesn't cover this method of suicide
Or theys top them mid air to negotiate new terms and then drop them off once signed
>we apologise for interrupting your death by uhh cyanide? that is quite original good sir, but unfortunately this isn't covered in your insurance policy >if you continue with this action, we will have to terminate your contract and then your loved ones will not get the funeral paid as originally agreed >however, if you now sign here and pleed us a cut of your inheritance we can instantly upgrade your insurance deal to include death by cyanide
>suicide license imagine a weird future where DEATH is something you need to earn
>“The ones who are disabled and can’t work…why are we required to keep them?” the Chrisforgov account responded. “Sorry but euthanasia is cheaper and doesn’t make everyone a slave to the Government Guys government assisted death programs are just cheaper Come on think of the economic benefits
>>499798 when the work is done, the work is done. But you can't leave until clockout time. So you just sit and wait. Seeing how I had been wanting to take a nap since the shift started, I figured it'd be a nice time to take it now that it finally ended. It was a nice nap that no one (successfully) woke me up from.
>>499802 that is kinda retarded But I guess it being from some older era's system that just never got changed, makes sense I bet similiar jobs have similiar rules here too
>>499803 It's effectively like being on call. We're paid by the hour so we have to stay until time is done. If something suddenly happens, we would still have to work on it. My quarters is actually really lenient. Me being able to sleep there without being forced to wake up or taken out of service is not something that's universal through the system. There's one area here that deploys everyone by 10:30 (compared to mine which often sends us out at 12:00) and then does not allow anyone back before 5:30 (we usually return at 3:30 - 4:00 on a good day ). So it's not so much that my area is retarded, but that I just happen to be blessed with the kind of place that would even ALLOW me the ability to take a nap.
Damn I should've shaved.
Also this train never ququite gogot crowded. Only comfy
I was a big fuck up today though. Lack of sleep ruined me. I felt bad all day. I took the vest that didn't have a whistle in it and we were out with the Level II and he wanted me to flag but you need a whistle to flag effectively. Usually, we just shout out the trains, but Level IIs are more stickler to rules and he had a contractor with him so he wasnt going to be breaking any. I was tripping on everything and couldn't walk fast. I almost dropped a rail.
>>499815 they still want to leave spain the new president also wants to but more because he's hoping to gain financial benefits and power from it than because he thinks catalans deserve freedom like Puigdemont did
Kirara 🚗
new pres says he wants to put puigdemont back in power but i don't trust it
Borb Kazimierz, second of House Estridsen to rule why do my polish games always end up with a swedish or danish house taking over after my initial monarch dies...
hope my space heater comes REALLY soon it's out for delivery been so fucking cold here even though it's may that i'm having heart palps from trying to sleep and work in this bitter cold all day
Kirara 🚗
what's the temperature like up there? crazy that it's that cold rn it's way hotter than usual down here
it got to like 30 degrees in utah though
it's been 50-ish all week, which i normally do not have any issue with and it's not that cold but without heating (or with whatever shitty heating is happening here) i have to be in that all day long and i have been shivering a lot at night and while working and it's very stressful like why do i keep ending up at places that i literally cannot have heat
happened in tennessee apt and they wouldn't fix it happened in missouri because feral cats tore up the insulation and also the ventilation happened here because, i dont know why, all the fucking heat comes out in the loft and only a tiny bit in the ground level, which all of the ducts are placed directly in front of the door?? and my roommate complains about it being hot in the loft but doesn't decide to just come downstairs instead so it's not hot let me have the burning hot room i'd rather that, fuck
maybe i should just eat a whole bunch of milk and get really fat so i have extra warmth built in directly
Kirara 🚗
how does heat usually work in houses outside of Florida? do y'all usually just have AC units that can also heat, or are radiators more common? Is gas heating done similarly to AC in that it emits warm air from vents?
furnace into the ventilation system, AC units usually connect to the same ventilation system or are window units idk about gas heating honestly HVAC is for men to understand radiators in the old homes like 1970s and earlier maybe i have only seen them in public places like schools and hotels though if you're talking about those big honkin radiators that look like rib cages anyway
Kirara 🚗
yeah, those kinds of radiators is what i meant
where is the furnace usually? basement? that's where it always is in fiction at least
utility closet whereever the water heater is usually sometimes the basement yeah, depends on the home
We have an air conditioner and two heaters. We only use one of the heaters, but we also used to have two air conditioners. Actually 3 now that I remember proper. Golly.
Kirara 🚗
>>499840 they're usually like, boilers , right? not like those wood burning furnaces you always see in movies
not wood not sure how they work just big hot metal things with a pilot light
Kirara 🚗
does your place use a furnace?
i honestly dont know idk if gas heating is a furnace i dont know if we have gas heating i have a space heater on its way though, the kind you just plug into the wall and it heats a single room even though i'm not technically in a room since it's just the living room there is a room here but i don't particularly want to use it
>>499845 oh i see I didn't realize how little i knew about this until now i wonder why the heating is so bad there
i think poor ventilation or something
>I have never needed glasses >Compared to fifty years ago a lot more people have been diagnosed with it >Some people seem to be able to see fine at times, it's just in their heads >Have they just tried shaping the fuck up? >Big optics just want to sell glasses and made it up >Just because a kid says he can't read it doesn't mean that glasses will help >A friend of mine stopped using glasses since he realized that he put literal pieces of glass in front of his eyes and that it could kill him or at least blind him.
>>499848 i think this article makes a few good points like there being other things that stims don't treat well that are confused for ADHD but saying ADHD doesn't exist and that people who don't have those symptoms from another disfunction should just do things they're passionate about and use less caffeine (?????) is so weird
>I recommend that they eat right, exercise more often, get eight hours of quality sleep a night, minimize caffeine intake in the afternoon, monitor their cell-phone use while they’re working and, most important, do something they’re passionate about >do something they're passionate about this isn't something everybody has the option to do... i feel like doctors sometimes don't understand this??
Kirara 🚗
most people with adhd never have that option because they need medication to get through school and medication doesn't work for many people plus it's so expensive
especially if they grew up poor and didn't get exposure to certain stimulation to build passion like never got to learn piano or couldn't focus in school because they weren't able to eat breakfast , much less extracurricular activities after school which require a parent to be off work to pick them up and transport them, buy them equipment, et cetera
it feels very classist
Kirara 🚗
ADHD is only a problem in modern society too in the environments humans are evolved to be in ADHD is extremely good and functional honestly ADHD is probably where human evolution was going before we started artificially reducing the fitness of people with it
yeah those tendencies were such strong factors that it became dominant and then we shuffled ourselves into the cupboard to fuck off and be marginalized
>The article in the Times mentions that the “drugs can temper hallmark symptoms like severe inattention and hyperactivity but also carry risks like sleep deprivation, appetite suppression and, more rarely, addiction and hallucinations.” oh shit, we better educate the DSM board about this groundbreaking info from the Times how did they overlook this???
Kirara 🚗
>>499856 which is a big reason why people with adhd are more likely to get stuff like depression or ptsd or abuse substances they're in an environment that is hostile to them at every level
i really blame early pre-regulated corporate marketing that sold the image of a happy family to an entire generation so that they'd overpopulate and have more kids to buy more stuff they became the purchasing power that shaped the following social standards for society and everyone who wasn't a schmuck got janked because of it whole healthcare systems, credit systems, education systems, and political governance based around that disproportionate overpopulation the previous lineage of standards there can't find the right niche in society without having some financial leverage over the average population so yeah, you get a lot of people whose mindsets aren't geared towards the system in place and they do have to suppress other impulses in order to function without friction through society, like central nervous depressants to stave off distraction (intention), and stimulants to focus on social intention
Morning moe.
mornin kannagers
Kirara 🚗
>>499859 man i hate society so much they should just let me go live how im meant to live without giving me nothing but trouble for it
can't even buy your way out of the system even if you own the property you're gonna go retreat from society on, you still gotta pay property taxes and be connected to the system and if you don't own it you're goin to jail
i guess we could go to sea?? but that's not quite the same can you just buy us a plot of land in some backwoods area preferably without bears i'll build the cabin and fish pond
Kirara 🚗
idek where in the backwoods we could make it work everything is so industrialized like the biggest areas of land that aren't are only like 100-400 square miles and most of that is used for tourists to go on trails and stuff and there aren't enough animals to hunt in a lot of places too
montana, dakota, northern arizona, maine, new hampshire, kentucky, tennessee all should be pretty feasible
missouri even works there's so many deer in missouri groundhog and rabbits are everywhere though
Kirara 🚗
i bet maine or dakota would be really beautiful
it's cold in north dakota like really cold idaho is an option as well maybe the oregon coast would be warmer? idk
Kirara 🚗
Tennessee is probably the best place of those in terms of weather and temperature honestly Arizona gets so incredibly hot sometimes idk about temperatures on oregon coast but it's probably harder to get away from people if you're near the coast
Kirara 🚗
and i feel like eventually someone's gonna find us and people would come after us for squatting on land and not paying taxes and shit why isn't there any land we can just be ensured freedom on
fuckin shoot em
Here is pretty romote. There are a few houses around but literally nothing else. I haven't seen another human being when I out for walks.
>>499809 Lol Fuck Catalonia then Well, fuck that guy in particular
>>499870 there's plenty of dilapidated shit in missouri that nobody tries to go through old ranch houses from the 1800s that just fall apart on a few hundred acres and nobody ever does anything with the property probably could just look up what land is for sale in various areas, find a particularly large and unfavorable one for commerce/real estate, and just head there
>>499870 Make a non profit to manage the land Like a kibbutz or something But here
Kirara 🚗
>>499876 would still have to have money to pay taxes
>>499875 wouldn't we have to pay taxes and shit then though
>>499877 Yeah Cause non profits have to pay property taxes
make a fake mega church, get exempt from taxes and make money even though supposed to be non-profit organisation.
>>499877 oh i meant for squatting just something that's in the repository by the bureau of lives that matter but nobody wants
uh, we could maybe just buy something, hand the ownership to someone we trust, and give them money up front to pay property taxes so we can be gone from it
Well they're not neccesarily going to be 100% tax exempt. But they can be
And often are
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
jesus have you ever seen like a hornet or something towards the end of its life they're fucking huge and horrifying
Yeah Hornets are big In
Kirara 🚗
>>499885 which was my point, many non-profits pay property taxes and we wouldn't be eligible for tax exemption because we are trying to be away from society
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Like I don't need flying insects that sting that are 2-3 inches in size in my life no sir
>>499889 Make it a religion then Or a commune for people with mental health issues Or some other not entirely false bullshit
living off the grid in mexico should probably be easy not as many trees but the land is still beautiful the game is PRETTY HARD to get there though javelinas aren't the tastiest thing either >>499893 i dunno we figure out how much we need and get it if we find a crypto launderer i could steal a bunch of cryptocurrency and funnel it to a black market dealer and we could live in the back yard of some billionaire drug lord who's got two thousand acres plus
I think it would be likely considering how anti-spain in the media he is right now. and that that tweet was made a spanish politician
Kirara 🚗
we could just destroy society and then go live how we please
Okay but what if living as I please entaips living in society *entails Then we have a problem
>>499897 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/fervent-secessionist-picked-as-catalonias-stand-in-leader/2018/05/14/e4da58f4-5789-11e8-9889-07bcc1327f4b_story.html?noredirect=on Yeah it looks like the tweet was a spanish politician drawing parralels to insulting the jews I am not sure it particularly helpful though, but one of the arguments was that americans would understand if it was compared to jews
the best i can do is 2038 if you got a quicker plan lemme know
I am sure society will destroy itself .
well yeah they're systematically destroying any incentive for the people who can keep society afloat to put in the work to do so you keep abusing the constituents of your society and that's what happens
Kirara 🚗
i wonder how difficult it is to drop a satellite
to actually pull it out of LEO is probably not possible but shutting it down shouldn't be TOO difficult
Kirara 🚗
i think some have ways of adjusting their orbit slightly if you could take control of that you could probably drop one although it might take a while there are a lot of nuclear reactors in orbit like 40 of them or something
it takes a lot of energy to escape LEO their controls are probably just for lateral maneuvers to stay in/change regulated zones even crashing it into another satellite is ridiculously unlikely they're so small and far apart
That makes me think of east of eden.
if you could get access to its controls it'd be more realistic just to fry it or encrypt it for non-function
Kirara 🚗
you could probably spread a virus that could eventually shut down planes
If you shutdown a shitton of satellites, you'd cripple a lot of media. which would probably have a massive effect.
>>499914 whitehats are so heavily incentivized currently that spreading viruses isn't very effective the amount of time spent preparing it compared to how long it takes to reverse engineer it and stop it is really extreme
>>499916 I think that depends on how quickly it is noticed. you could silently infect a lot of things and then activate them later.
well a satellite isn't exactly like a home PC unexpected activity is pretty easily noticed idk their safety protocols since that's not like published stuff but they didn't spend money putting it up there to manage billion-dollar industries without some protection against malicious activity or even unintended activity due to electronics damage from solar winds and fragmented transmissions
I don't know I expect good security in a lot of places and they turn out to be shitty. The bank I worked at had some pretty bad security, if anyone wanted to fuck things up they could, they hire anyone without security check and if you are even the slightest bit technically inclined you get access to a lot. I was given so many privilleges it was insane because wanted me to do all these different jobs
Kirara 🚗
Could engineer something to destroy the corn crops
the farmers are already getting fucked over and they're not bad people
I'm sure someone is probably fucking around with geopolitics and waiting for the end to come.
Kirara 🚗
Well everyone is going to get fucked over for a while if we're destroying society
another thing to factor in is most ways western society could fall is already embargoed by china they can already switch off the major grid in the US any time they please and a lot more, but they leverage their investments you aren't gonna creep in there and do it under them they won't let you
Wait for people colonise mars and then space wars happen. leave to join space colonies
Kirara 🚗
colony drop
It would cool if the future progressed like cowboy bebop sort of colonised space systems. with massive autonomy
we'll probably colonize them with AI probes for a while getting humans anywhere is gonna lag way far behind but we can put the work in before we get there there are some hypothetical plans already developed for how to autonomously eat mercury and turn it into solar sails to electromagnetically send energy to us, and also back to the autonomous core on mercury for further resource consumption and conversion
Kirara 🚗
what if we trick trump into EMPing us
You'd have to get in line with all the people who are tricking trump. He is like a treasure to people who manipulate for a living.
oh yeah kirara that's another thing we could go somewhere cold and have an underground capsule and then harvest during the spring and summer
Make lots of AI builder robots and have them work automatically to build your underground facility. like they could find metals and smelt them for resources. I play too much strategy games
Kirara 🚗
>>499932 idk if id want to live underground ive been in florida all of my life it would probably take me years to adjust to an environment without natural sunlight so id experience a lot of bad psychological problems
you missin out underground is the best
You can natural sunlight lightbulbs *get
>>499934 aight well even if we're in a warm place i'm still gonna build an underground home just because i can i'd need a lot of ROCKS to grind up an plaster the walls with but it's doable
Kirara 🚗
i don't mind living underground as long as that's just like the living space i guess that's probably what you meant and i misunderstood i was thinking you meant like stay underground most of the year except for during harvest
I have some dwarf fortress experience. I don't know how useful that is but building underground is fun
>>499938 yeah i just meant for shelter and warmth harvesting in the spring/summer when supplies are bountiful and then pickling, brining, preserving
Kirara 🚗
yeah that'd be cool with me i could see myself enjoying a cozy underground home
>>499942 lmao what do you mean "some people hear yanny"? They're no j sound in the clip
I wonder if the people who hear laurel - means they have bad or they have good audio equipment? like it reduces trebel or something or if it normalises things and produces truer audio
My laptop gives yanny/yuri sort of sound. I'll check my phone
tbf people who thought yanny was correct were fucking dumb for not realizing that's obviously not a full human voice you'd hear that and think "okay yeah that didn't come from anyone's larynx let me see what's wrong here"
finally euro hours /moe/ /moe/ always is so bad during american hours
oh are u guys talking about that laurel thing i heard yanny
Yeah I hear both now depending on which one I wanna hear so mystery solved for me
I hear Laurel on my phone but Yanny in a weird robotic voice on my laptop to me it isn't even yanny is sounds like distortion that sounds a bit like yanny laurel sounds like a proper voice.
I wonder if I've had that happen in real life and not noticed. how common is this sort of thing? Does it apply with certain languages or are some language more prone to it.
>>499984 yeah it definitely happens with different languages not necessarily certain ones, but ones the listener is less familiar with, as the brain develops to learn expected patterns and tonal shifts and stuff
yeah it's not somewhat i guess based on learned reception but it's not going to be the deciding factor it's just the comparison to the ambient noise fuck FUCK
>>499992 The Yanny Laurel school of Phrenology is gonna be fucking lit
i guess personal characteristics in how presumptive you are in judging what you're hearing the first time someone hears the non-voice, they should be able to listen again and gauge for more natural human patterns
Kirara 🚗
>>499994 wait are people saying phrenology relates into this
It'd be kinda funny though, if people started a new form of bigotry based on this and the dress
Poor TN missing his quints
Kirara 🚗
>>499995 it seems like some people get stuck on what they heard the first time and refuse to adapt to different presentations of it
>>499996 i was like "wtf do kidneys have to do with it"
One of the audio clips posted earlier, on the first play it sounded like "yanny" to me. But on the first repeat and onwards it sounded like "laurel". That bit threw me off a bit.
>>500003 how do people take such a weak datapoint and incubate it into confidence you have to spend mental resources protecting this newly exposed concept from your own internal criticism and so it has to seem really special to you investing that kind of sentiment in something so trivially is really embarrassing imo
it reminds me of a time i found a website that was selling cat jerky and dog jerky and thinking "man i wonder what it tastes like" and defending the cultures for their natural dietary consumptions and stuff and then finding out it was a fake website meant intentionally to shock people i felt really embarrassed by that because it was such a weakly made site to begin with and should have been obvious i feel the same way for people getting invested in hearing that whingy robotic voice and thinking that's actually a real human saying something
i hear dog is really flavorless and dry cat is almost globally illegal to eat except in small rural regions of china and nkorea i think
reading about it is interesting though https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/16/17360332/yanny-laurel-audio-science-explained-nature-of-reality
I heard that a lot of people age children with black skin or foreigner features as a lot older than they actually are.
ewww vox
I think that article is alright, I don't know about the general quality of vox though
Also who makes a system, that doesn't allow you to backup data on remote storages, ie. memorycards or external drives and doesn't at launch offer a way to back it up online?
Nintendo has a history of not making the best decisions in anything explicitly beyond the enjoyability of playing games. They are damn good at making games. Everything else, hit or miss.
>>500030 They are a very weird entity Even when they make some very anti-consumer decisions, it is purely out of incompetence or lack of understanding than shady business practice or malice.
>>500032 Nintendo is also, in many ways, not an international company. Of course at face value they are, but when it comes to consumer feedback and adjusting to match an image they believe best matches their consumer base, they almost entirely defer to Japan. Which inevitably creates a lot of things they don't think they have to care about because Japanese gamers aren't quite entirely in sync with gamers from around the world.
>>500057 Yeah the humidity is real here Whataburger is the BOMB i love that shit HEB is also one of the best grocery chains i've had the fortune of living near
>>500061 The houses are like huge there. some of them are pretty small though like one room houses small.
The big houses looked like mansions on the street. like big white pillars and balconys everywhere and the streets were pretty huge
>>500066 Yeah I misparsed that as reversed the repeal of the net neutrality repeal
>>500064 That's why I asked you to call your local congressman.
>>500067 HEB was pretty nice. I really liked walking around a proper supermarket in the US. I also found the mist spray for the fruits and veg pretty cool.
>>500076 I wouldn't want to teleport, unless it was some kind of "gateway" tech but just popping in and out of existence like that would leave me with too many existential questions to ponder
you can have a secret mongolia trip with a cute girl instead if you want
Isn't that how Doom happened Teleportation experiments
A secret trip to monogolia with a cute girl cause DOOM> I need to play that game then
>>500098 doom3 was teleportation experiments, with corrupted scientist that wanted hell powah DOOM was them purposefully drilling into hell for the free energy, and then things got bad
>>500103 DOOm actually intentionally or un, copied the Dead Space Shtick a little with Hell preying on civilizations that require insane amounts of energy, with their infinite hell energy just wave it around untill something bites
Dead Space had a similiar thing with the markers, though no dimension breaking involved
>>500115 but you don't have them? you should always have stuff like that around to make a ghetto ass prison spread if you're broke af and don't have anything else
sauce is a waste with pasta you could add cheese, meat, and veggies for flavor instead and get a bunch of protein and nutrients sauce pasta is neither filling nor very nutritious, nor really even cost-conscious
>>500119 you're just making excuses dude come on and it's not even the weekend
>>500124 I'll take my sauced pasta with cheese on top, and usually steam some broccoli on the side. My mother will bring home some meat sauce that's got diced peppers in it from the cottage some times though, that's a really nice thing to heat back up and mix with pasta.
>>500149 you get the same result with boiling, though >>500150 never had rice with ketchup? >>500148 >>500152 I only make a list when I raelly need something specific, and even then it is just for those things basically writing "buy X" on my hand
>>500172 and soup is like >cut veggies >toss into pot >boil them >toss in meat (you may pre fry it or something depending on what you make) >wait >eat for several days
Kirara 🚗
>>500175 you can buy chicken that already has the fat removed and you don't even have to do that if you buy breasts or thighs or whatever bread??????? why are you are you ONLY eating FRIED chicken?
>>500175 literally just put water in a pot and boil it and drop the chicken in boiled chicken and rice is a holistic meal
>>500176 Yeah making broths are pretty easy if you have the ingredients on had.
>>500188 that doesn't mean good food even if you eat a decent lunch it won't matter if you eat low quality greasy processed shit for dinner
>>500189 Yeah, I find it this way too. If you're going to eat freezer chicken like that, just get a tin plate and put it in the oven instead. You'll spend a bit long getting it hot but it tastes better and generally has better texture.
I can sort of understand ToN, I sometimes feel like I just want to eat low effort pleasure food than expend the minimum effort to make something.
Kirara 🚗
you also can't walk up a hill without your heart rate jumping to 200
>>500192 i like to fry em personally oven is nice but frying stuff is so easy
>>500198 raw cut chicken already frozen? seems kinda waste
>>500198 Ah I see. The stuff we were talking about were breaded a fried chicken bits, which are then frozen and freezer packaged. At home you just take 'em out and get them heated through whatever.
You can do it in the microwave but they get a mushy texture and the flavour, which already isn't great, is pretty much non-existent.
>>500200 i dont usually buy frozen either i guess >>500201 oh i see i guess i've had stuff similar in packaged prepped meals but not as like a big bag of chicken pieces
>>500202 I don't think I've seen raw chicken frozen here atleast some more exotic meat is frozen, but usually frozen means cooked or prepared at some level
>>500206 Cooking is an activity, that yes, is generally more work than re-heating stuff and eating like that. But it's work that creates something for you, which is generally a pleasant feeling. Human beans like to create stuff. From the perspective of someone who's probably used to eating what people make for them, or working with exceptionally simple things like frozen goods, it might seem intimidating at first, but if once you get into the habits you'll find that there's simple meals to make that don't require much effort. It's an all around win-win, even if it might increase the time you spend making food from five minutes to twenty or thirty. But in the long scale of things that's barely any time at all, and the rest of the aspects are nothing but positive.
>>500205 i think they might be partially cooked? i dont really know i only really buy frozen vegetables and a few pre-cooked meals for convenience >>500209 like deli meat? or like chicken breasts/thighs? deli meat probably 4-8 dollars depending on the brand chicken thighs can be bought anywhere from 99 cents a pound to 4 bucks a pound depending on quantity
btw how much is say 500g of chicken over there sliced or cut meat so a pound I gues >>500208 with whatever it can be deli or packaged breast or thigh
when i'm feeling super lazy to cook, i just toss vegetables in a skillet with oil/butter, cover, and mix some instant mashed potatoes with milk and add the veggies in, add some black pepper and cheese, and it's at least filling and gives me some nutrients
i dont mean to sound condescending or anything but there are really simple, cheap, and easy meals to make even in a confined kitchen with few resources
Speaking of lazy cooking, chicken wings is pretty much that >turn oven on >wait for it to heat >toss chicken in >boil some pasta or whatever, or just eat breads for the carbs and fibers
>when i'm feeling super lazy to cook, I still toss things on a skillet how powerful
Kirara 🚗
you can get an electric grill and just plug it in and put real food on it for like 5 minutes
>>500213 >instant mashed potatoes I hate that so much I can't even stomach the idea of eating it
>>500212 depends on if you're going for cheap or quality you can buy expensive chicken too but at an aldi or cheap store it's pretty cheap >>500217 they really are not bad some brands are, but they're super helpful to have around just in case potatoes rot and go bad powdered potatoes, you just add milk, maybe eggs, and stir it up
For me a quick meal would be Skillet, chop onions, toss onions there fry them from slightly fried to caramel then boil pasta or rice mix up quick sauce add whatever I have on hand in fridge/freezer, like more veggies or shit eat onion+ sauce with rice/pasta
>>500218 I just have damn too many bad experiences from my scout days I keep beans and pea soup cans for tht kind of emergencies or onion soup mixes
>>500219 that sounds similar to me except i dont often have onions on hand i should get some
>>500215 is it that much effort? it's relaxing to me it's a period of time where i dont have to do anything but stir things in a skillet that's super relaxing
onions and eggs if I don't have either in my fridge I don't feel stocked
>>500217 the bob evans mashed taters are fuckin' dope
Kirara 🚗
i didn't really know how to eat until i stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things so i have been where you are ton but i was there years ago you're a little old for this
I think I have a general repulsion from being in the kitchen because I don't want to be caught in the kitchen. The kitchen always needs cleaning and being found in it means having to spend whatever time I currently have to doing so.
a real simple easy cheap way to go around is to make some dough just water+flours+bit salt then bake that on a skillet with bit of butter/oil now you have bread then if you have some veggies, especially say olives and sundried tomatos, but anything you think go well together works prepare them if need, ie boil then toss them all in a container and blitz them into a paste then spread paste on bread and eat delish pesto style spread with self made bread easy, simple and doesn't take much time
>>500233 But one task keeps me from doing the other. So they are unfortunately linked together. If only people cleaned after they cooked And not left the entire area in a raging mess as they left the house
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>500235 I cooked occasionally but it wasn't as good usually. Either way I either usually can't be bothered or am willing to eat things to stay alive rather than strictly // preference of taste
>>500223 I enjoy the creative process of making food, or well, the creating process. But I don't think I could willfully isolate myself while making the food to enter that relaxation mindset. When I'm cooking fodo -food in the kitchen I'm constantly dancing between the kitchen and my room to do things.
I started helping in the kitchen when i was like 10 and by the time I was 14 I could easily make a hearthy meal for myself and have been doing that since then
>>500238 i dont understand at all and guess i never will don't you ever want to release from that leash that draws you back to doing other things, separating your focus? i just take the 20 or 30 minutes to cook, MAYBE go for a cigarette on the back porch while it's at an idle point, and relish in not being overstimulated for a small portion of my day and also looking forward to the tasty meal
>>500241 The only time cleaning happens midway through cooking is if I make the mistake of letting people know that I'm awake.
Kirara 🚗
>>500237 you got comfortable and decided not to improve anymore and now you're comfortable wasting money and living with your mom so you still don't want to improve cooking is basic skill you have the diet of a manchild you are better than this
Buying ingredients might be cheaper than eating out. But eating out is cheaper than buying ingredients and never using them because you're too tired to cook. College Fact
>>500242 I don't think I ever really feel overstimulated in the way you might be. If anything I don't really want to be isolated . Maybe it's a fascination, maybe it's an addiction, but I really like being constantly involved in something. If the food doesn't need my incessant input, I'm compelled to go find something else that does.
>>500250 I always love it when I make real tasty mashed veggie soup
Kirara 🚗
>>500248 when you're too tired to cook every single day, that's Not Good and indicative of a very big problem one of the ways to address that problem is to cook even if you don't feel like it
>>500257 as a function person, you get used to that like seeing some guy with one left arm be one of the best artists you've ever seen.
Kirara 🚗
yeah being functional makes you weak because your only source of discomfort is your own self-disappointment functional people are so privileged im so jealous of functional people people who aren't broken at a fundamental level and waste their potential really bother me i have to struggle every day to be able to do the things that help me feel like i shouldn't kill myself nearly everything around me is painful to me i have to push myself to the point of self-harm so i can continue to have a will to live
and there are all these people without problems like that who do nothing and don't even try because their lives are so comfortable
>>500253 tbh i feel like we're on the same page somewhat there, but i feel like being invested in the cooking is the most involved action i can do sometimes as in, the alternatives are lacking in involvement i can sit and press alt+D, type D, press enter, ctrl+w, ctrl+t, alt+D, T for twitter, nothing new, close and it bores at my mind so i do something to pacify my impulses for a bit cooking, for me, is super involved because you can toast something, boil water, add spices, cook, mix a drink, even take pictures for instagram if you feel like it
I had a faint admiration for the people around me that work overtime like every week in my transit section but then it's like 60% of them are paying child support And have so many things to be angry about
ToN's diet is similar to mind out here. If I could go out shopping it would better. I try to eat in moderation.
I have chicken kievs, pizza, noodles, bread, honeyed ham and sweet potato. I try to have some honeyed ham with pitta bread. and chicken kiev for dinner.
I mean my diet is pretty bad but I ate least cook. *cook And don't eat fried chicken all the time.
Although I also think I haven't eaten a vegetable in like a month, maybe more.
>>500272 why the fuck not I'll stab your fucking face Why the fuck //
It's god damn hospital food and it's delicious
I ordered green beans at texas roadhouse thinking I'd get a nice healthy side dish It came and was covered in oil and bits of bacon all over them.
>>500274 Hospital food is awful That's what its famous for Maybe your hospital has good food, but I bet it just tastes delicious to you because the food you eat at home is so bad.
Sampled some of the food my grandpa got when he was in the hospital. Did not even know they even had such good options in hospitals. The price was, of course, ridiculous, but welcome to healthcare.
>>500270 yeah it looks easy because i don't share most of my stress and pain with /moe/
but here i am living hell every day and im about to get my masters it's so frustrating
>>500277 I've never stayed at a hospital long enough to need their meals. I almost went to a hospital cafeteria once but the line was too long because there was a party with a ton of free food.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>500279 yo check this shit out I get a good ass meal and a water with an employee discount and bam it's like 4 dollars
>>500288 Not having to pay for anything but food and loans really helps my sustainability. I spend about 20% of a check in a single month and I get paid twice a month
>>500287 you just said you walked 18 miles the other day?? that's too much walking you risk muscle breakdown if you're doing that at once without proper buildup
>>500291 That's what I've heard from a large amount of sources Sure I get that its anecdotal evidence But so are the statements about hospital food being good in this thread.
>>500292 But I didn't walk for the next days after that because blisters and sunburn. I should actually go out walking again today. I also need to walk 4 miles to the mailbox to collect mail.
I walked way too far that day though, I actually felt pretty bad after it but it was nice being able to reach town and see human beings
>>500290 so is the 13 dollaroo mostly work place food or how do you eat during work days?
>>500294 that sounds like a dream even the mailman doesn't get within four miles of your home can i come stay there and maybe build an underground shelter too
>>500303 I haven't walked since that sunday, I should actually move now since my blisters are gone and most of sunburn is calming. still bright red.
>>500304 I don't have breasts Although I ddid briefly take a medicine that had gynomastica as a side effect. There was a class action suit aboit it too
>>500302 if i'm doing a planned meal like something with fresh meats i might spend five bucks on the meat for that night but between eggs at two bucks a dozen, pasta at .50 cents per two-person meal, sausages at 1.50 per half pound, mushrooms at about 20 cents a serving, bread being basically free, and some cheese which is somewhat expensive, it averages out really low >>500306 i am pretty sure you do have breasts all people who have torsos do
>These aren't people. These are animals! I'd like to think that was his response to watching a youtube video of animals doing human-like things and struggling to discern for sure
Summer has its perks being able to keep a window open 24/7 especially when I have one with insect net and shutters that prevent antyhing from climbing in