Thread #499583
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3D Kanojo Black Clover Cardcaptor --Episode 17-18 Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Mahou Shoujo Ore Tenbin Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-6 Rokuhoudou --Episode 5-6 Tokyo Ghoul re
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okay what should we watch Do we have jan tonight? I think tonight may be the no Jan night.
Yes, this is the night Jan isn't around, providing things continue as they have for the past month or two.
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Okay. Black Clover Mahou Shougo Ore Don't we have that Nil show? Maybe that's Tenbine Admirari 3D kaonojo
Oh yeah whoops. I totally messed it up in the List, hah hah. Tenbin Admirari no Tenbin should be Nil Admirari no Tenbin. There's way too many shows with long names this season.
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okay black clover oaky lets start
Kuro Kusoba
>>499615 Do you just cross your fingers and ain -aim in the general direction of "ok" on your keyboard, while coincidentally the crossed fingers are the ones diong the typing.
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So now all those kids are losers without magic?
They'll probably get it back.
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I guess this would be the kind o weapon he's weak against.
Her outfit isn't much of one, aside from the coat/cloak.
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okay mahou shoujo ore okay lets start!
Oh I thought I'd orange'd a post. How confusing.
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I'm guessing that rather than being an illness or something, it will be something stupid.
Maybe it's a certain kind of "sickness".
I guess Saki's a good singer and dancer but not the creative brain of the combo.
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Deep love types never are really good at thinking.
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So did her mother also turn into a burly man?
One would think. The fact that they consistently avoid showing it is making me suspicious though.
Good stress relief I guess.
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I guess there's this, though.
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okay, Nil episode 3 okay lets start!
I do kind of like this show's OP. That's probably the kindest words I have for it.
Ugh whoops.
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Yeah, this show is kinda eh. The protagonist is the cute kind of stupid, I guess.
She's also the cute kind of cute.
The audio feels a bit weirdly balanced in this particular episode as well. Or maybe it's just way richer than the audio of some other shows? Something about it is contrasting against the "norm" in my head.
I guess he needed some training.
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>>499670 Seems normal to me.
I guess it's a three-for-all.
i like the demon hotel anime more
Yeah you mentioned that last time we watched this.
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3D kanojo okay lets start!
4d .
What's wrong with thinking gardening is fun.
This one unscrupulous girl is funny. She can be a decent person without actually being a decent person.
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That guy is being really angry. Maybe he'll like te meido cafe.
Tsuttsun drags a bunch of people into his orbit.
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Wow he overwhelmed them by being really passionate about maids.
dont cuck catears!!
Ishino's roping them into something fun.
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Thanks for anime!
Arri go, toots.