the berber pirates get quite op when you unite them all in one nation then you get to pirate and plunder every 10 years the whole christian coastline of the mediterraen alone that is something like 1500 money in each run easily 5-10 years income of a nation of your size in few months + some 4000 slaves forced into your navy also you deal a lot of damage to the coastline too and ebst ofall they can't do anything about it directly
So in this alternate universe, when the iberians living under the dominance of the caliphate of andalucia settle the caribbeans, the sugar plantation slaves are white europeans
dw bro they put a black censor bar in there it's clean
>>488007 this yellow suwa is pretty smooth by the way but it tastes really fucking ripe and that's coming from me who likes the taste of green and red just fine
haha the boy asked a dwarf why his brother's skin is blue and his isn't and kratos was like BOY! like he couldn't believe his son would ask such a rude question
>>488026 Well neither did kratos boy in first game just blessing and a lot of rage and then when he got god powers he lost them in quite a flash
Kirara 🚗
the circumstances are a little different here plus they said in this game that boy wouldn't inherit powers like kratos
But he is a demigod still and zeus' too
>>488028 but itwould fit both the nordic mythos, many sagas are about revenge and it would fit the greek stuff too man the first game was such good writing actually shame the 2nd and 3rd were just plot to justify splattergore
They still were fun, but kratos essentially became a parody of himself
Kirara 🚗
i think this game will end right before ragnarok starts and the next game will start with ragnarok
>>488032 considering who the boy is... though that begs question, how much do they change from the source I mean loki has a few kids who play important part in the actual mythological ragnarök
Kirara 🚗
>>488033 well, loki's kids are all in the game i think already, plus fenrir was depicted as a dragon that was born a dwarf, and the world serpent is already around
>>488034 dragon, curious but then again they mucked the greek mythos around quite amusingly too so hope for da best I so wanna play da game
Kirara 🚗
it got cracked for PC i heard
as if my toaster acn run it
Kirara 🚗
i found another valk that stomps on my neck and calls me unworthy
relieved bang
>>488020 no it's in the picture you dumb dumb it's POCKY
what if the sequel isn't even called god of war but god of trickery or something god of lies
they actually go into the gods of other pantheons in this game, they talk about how Tyr visited greece, egypt, china, and some other places. i don't think you get to see thor in this one though even though it feels like the game is definitely building up to it
i saw my mom and grandma the other day and my grandma had these clearly very expensive earrings on with a matching ring and they had like greek figure motifs so i asked about them and she didn't know what they were, so i said the earrings had athena on them and the ring had artemis, and my mom got super bitchy and was like, THAT'S NOT ARTEMIS. WHY IS THERE A DEER WITH HER????? and then started talking shit about how the earrings clearly had Poseidon even though it was obviously a woman so she looked them up and obviously i was right but then she started claiming that i was the one that claimed the earrings were poseidon
I hate arguments with people who forget what they original said and by end of the argument you have no idea how to deal with it because the premises is all fucked up. I say forgot but its weird for me, I can't tell if people do it on purpose.
she didn't forget what she said she knew what she said
Kirara 🚗
my stepdad had another neuropsych eval done but she won't let me see the results, i'm pretty sure she's lying about it all she claimed that they said he got too frustrated during the testing to complete it and that they would try again in a year now i've done neuropsych batteries and i'm a trained psychologist and a member of the society for psychological assessments and shit so i know that's bullshit
at this point i'm like 90% confident that she's been poisoning him with heavy metals and he's got brain degeneration from it
it was probably her intention from the start to destroy his brain who better for someone like her than someone that can't remember what happened an hour ago? she talks shit to his face all the time and then laughs it off because he won't remember it it makes me so mad he knows that he can't retain memories and she'll just be like, "do you remember what you had for breakfast?" "no" "of course" like whenever i see him he barely talks anymore, he's always been quiet, but now he doesn't even have a brief conversation he's starting to lose old memories now, too he can't remember most of the stuff he did in the army a few months ago he fell down randomly in the street and said he forgot he was walking he's so fucked up
it's all such bullshit idek what i can really do about it unless i manipulate him into granting me access to his medical information, but i don't want to do that, it's not right
What the fuck
That's sounds like fucking Munchhausen by proxy Christ every time I learn more about your mom I hate her that much more.
Kirara 🚗
i'm just lucky she didn't pull this shit with my dad she probably never had a chance all of my stepdad's problems started immediately after i moved out from their house
do they do autopsies for people dying overthere especially if they die at home?
Kirara 🚗
everyone who dies gets an autopsy generally and yeah, if he dies, and he's been poisoned, they'll probably find traces of it the speed at which he became impaired would only occur if there was a tumor, a stroke, or some kind of prion disease those are the only real reasons this would happen other than heavy metal poisoning and those three have been ruled out
so yeah if they find stuff in his blood that implies she has fed ehr extra...
Speaking of prion diseases Someone in a town near me died from creudzfelts jakobs disease a few weeks ago.
My mom keeps talking and talking about how worried she is about him, and "oh, one day he'll forget about me! T_T " bullshit
She lets him play with guns though This dude can't remember to wash his fucking hair in the shower if he turns around after putting the soap down, and she lets him go shoot an AR-15 and a bunch of hand-guns at the range he's still a good shot but it's still very unsafe imo
Prion related diseases are scary.
>>488117 If you're lucky he'll shoot her by mistake.
Kirara 🚗
i don't think he'd do that, he still loves her i'm pretty sure he doesn't think she's the one that did this to him
my high school didn't even care i could just walk off campus at any time i wanted my buddies and i used to go see movies and shit or walk to the store to buy magic cards and shit like that
It's to prevent students from ditching class or something I don't know. It's stupid, they treat highschool students like trash instead of adults. I remember when they instituted the ID policy where you had to wear your student ID at all times. Its so stupid.
>>488131 you had student ids at your high school? Wow
>>488136 We live near the city of chicago so there are actually security reasons for it. Also student IDs are pretty common in highschools. They made us fucking wear them in middle school too.
>>488138 You got in trouble wnd had to fill out a fform and get a temporary id. And if you did it more than a certain amoubt of times you got detention or something. I never forgot my id though. The only time I got detention was for ditching gym. Ah wait, maybe for ditching a mandatory school spirit assembly too.
i don't think anything was mandatory at my school\ when i took college classes during high school i'd ditch them half the time too for ENC1101, i skipped like 7 or 8 periods
The mandatory school spirit assemblies were so fucking lame. Like it was such a waste of time. I'd really seriously rather be in class.
kano has a population of 9,401,288 Jigawa has a population of 5 041 500 and yet every day, 3 million bottles between the two? if that's true, that's hardcore
Maybe, but his anger is what basically kept him alive and climbing out of hell and so on unless it was something like >save BOY from thanos I don't see him killing him all "calm"
yeah you just carry around his head the entire game, he hangs out, makes banter, tells stories, provides lore
>>488198 then he isn'ät alive, but in the state the ancient war left him
Kirara 🚗
no, you find him merged with a tree at the highest peak of midgard, where odin tortures him daily. he asks you to cut his head off and have it resurrected so you can carry it around with you
>>488200 wow this odin is way douschier than actual odin
the actual legend goes something like >two god races wage war >okay peace time >lets exchange hostages >odin side tries to dupe them with useless idiot + mimir, with mimir using his wisdomskills to make idiot seem like super duper wise king >works for a while, but eventually gets found out so they kill mimir >odin find him dead and takes the head and asks it for council at times as mimir was his good friend
Kirara 🚗
in god of war, mimir came from ireland or something, and tricked odin into letting him be odin's adviser, and he was just doing whatever he could to help odin fuck around, until he started to care about the world, and tried to contain odin a little, so odin got pissed and stole one of mimir's eyes so he couldn't move between realms and merged his body with a tree for daily torture for over a hundred winters
Just finished watching "metropolis" a 2001 rintaro film. i dont know what to say except that i feel more confused than before seeing it.
>>488203 wow actual odin while at times a dick isn't a cunt like that afterall he is also god of magic, wisdom and all dat shit
Kirara 🚗
>>488205 the game deviates from the mythos quite a bit. he's called the allfather not because he had allsight but because he tricked everyone into thinking he did by stealing every bit of knowledge he could get his hands on and destroying prophets and stuff like that. there's also stuff like, baldr being unable to feel anything at all and he hates his mom so much that he spends a large portion of the game trying to kill his mom for revenge, although they kept the part about mistletoe making /// mistletoe hurting him
guy hang himself from th world tree to gain secret knowledge and sacrifice his other eye to gain allsight
But talking about norse dickery when they wanted their new home to be built they tasked a jotunn to do it for them the jotunn asked for an unreasonable price, so they set up a condition to it "you must finish it within time limit" thinking, that this way he won't be paid what he asks I don't remember what he asked for payment, but quite practically "sun and moon" and then when the jotunn seems to be succeeding, they send Loki to find out how and he discovers it is because of his magic workhrose so loki turns into a female horse and seduces the workhorse away so the giant fails, but still builds them their castle and then loki falls pregnant and births Sleipnir the 8 legged horse and the mount of Odin
Kirara 🚗
yeah, they told that story , well, mimir did
in it, jotunn wanted to get revenge on thor for killing his dad and then tricks odin into letting him build walls around asgard which he purposefully put in weak points so that ragnarok would have an easier time getting started
But while ragnarök is treated like "end of times" in the actual mythos it is just "old world dies new world is born from the ashes" and the very beginning of the mythos is basically the aftermath of the previous conflict, but as it happened in the older world, no one knows of it ofc.
Mythology is super neato to read and hear about
Kirara 🚗
yeah, that's how it's treated in the game, too the start of a new world
Finnish mythos is fun the goddess of air takes a dip in the world waters and then a bird lays an egg on her leg and that breaks when it becomes too warm, and the air goddess finally let's it drop and it breaks off and from the splinters off the egg, the heavens are built and contents, the lands are risen and while dipping in the sea, the goddess got pregnant and gave birth to the ancient magus, väinämöinen who went on to set order tot he world
and then there is the dilemma of Ukko the god of thunder and rain is he "chief of gods" as his title is "overgod" or does that just mean it literally, as in he is the god living up above us so "over god" title means both
The cosmic egg mythology is pretty interesting in how common it is Ah ignore the local link to Norse Mythology on that page
it's too bad so much of the slavic stuff has been lost
then there is the trouble of one oak growing too large, so it covers up all the stars and the sun and the moon so a midget rises from the sea, grows into a giant and cuts it down So I guess that is how our world tree story goes
>>488222 A lot of it has been incorporated in other religions, specific bit of slavic mythology is in christian tradition. A lot of stuff was supressed and insidiously converted by Christians in europe.
>controls comfortably >looks good >FULL HP HEALS BETWEEN ENCOUNTERS i-is this the secret best nep game
>>488225 Yeah it sucks that christianization of those regions pretty much destroyed and supressed the culture.
Christianity did its best to get rid of paganism, although it is hilarious we use christmas trees and candles on them at the time of brith christ. What an amusing use of cultural appropriation
Amusingly, the "ukko" name most likely is not his actual name but an euphenism, so that people could pray to the old gods, but when caught, they could just say "I ment the lord ofc"
MM the teutonic ones though how true the accounts are, are debated supposedly sweden did 3 crusades to finland too, but... some of the accounts are sketchy as fug, so more likely they were just conquest campaigns later called crusades.
V Sweden in crusades is amusing
And then bishop henrik arrived at the farmhouse asked for food and drink and fodder for his horse and either was given them freely or forced his way and the wife of the house was left baffled so when Lalli, the man arrived home, the wife told him "bishop came and stole our shit" and so lalli took his skiis and went after the bishop caught him upon lake ice and promptly brought down his axe in fury upon him and so died Bishop henrik
basically karelia was "the hem of finland's skirt" so if finland is antromorphised, to do it accurately she would lack her left arm, have a huge scar on her side and wear a skirt missing a piece of it
Oh yeah, i'm fine. I guess that's kinda foreboding. My uncle isn't doing so well, I planned to see him tomorrow at lunch but it seems like I might should go tonight.
>>488268 Take care! I was worried you had cut yourself or something and casually started an anime thread while bleeding over your computer and then running off to the hospital cheerfully
I went from that twitter to this guy >buy expensive car >can you pay for my gas >women should only admire one // you or they don't love you
>>488290 Fisherman friends are great for when you have a cold or bad cough. I quite like they otherwise too
>>488291 i might be i have to do my backyard and might have to raid, because somebody is going to be absent, but there's like 7 of us on bench and i dont know if we know who's being subbed in
>>488293 mmh but I like them otherwise too long nice flavour
Well, good news for me and you. They stabilized him and hauled him off to the ICU.
Which means a) he'll probably be okay, at last least for the night and b) there's no point in me going now because family isn't allowed in the ICU except for 15 minutes every six hours.
>>488305 ICU is a lot of stress. I hope you are alright about it, I don't really know how close you are to him. I had to go to the ICU a few months ago for my mom.
oh, that’s good
>>488305 hopefully he gets out of there and not stuck in chords for the rest of life
>>488328 No, it was way over. It feels heavy and greasy in my stomach even now.
>>488332 Oh that is pretty bad, I get pretty sick I have greasy heavy food. My stomach feels tiny most of the time eating something heavy makes me feel unwell for most of the day
well jokes aside >i'll take a short bath before setting out >start to relax |intense drillparty.flac >guess i~ll just shower and set out >arrive, ah atleast here is peace of relative quietness |drillfrenzy.ogg >dsfug, go ask wad dis drlling >they renovatimg upstairs fug
>>488359 what time do these drillers start working? >>488362 8 pm? >>488363 oh gee sorry for not having my mind perfectly in sync didn't know we were doing 24 hour time why do you go to bed at 8
It was very peaceful last Saturday due the lack of new episode. I was expecting a few more threads, but not really. Hero Academia was the most popular one, if I recall.
ditf? i think there are two different drillers today
Maria! You learn anything interesting in school today?
>>488393 We were learning about GMOs today and discussing at which points of risk governments should intervene
They're pretty cool huh.
I like the idea of GMOs but there's definitely potential dangers involved There was some cool stuff though like they, I think they took a spiders webbing and spliced it with genes from silk worms while it was fermenting to make stronger silk That was cool
You know about the goats that make spider silk?
>>488397 yeah they mentioned those That's pretty cool
>>488397 spidrt goat såodet goat eats your babies kon a web spins you up in his web then he eats you too spiiiider goat
It's 3:22 I should probably resume my attempt s toward sleep soon™.
hide in a house? he eats it up drive a tank stuck in web chomp chomp chomp goes the goat he eaaats your tank along with you the deeeevil goatspider
try to slerp? no avail he haunts your dreams day and night while you sleep climbs in mouth gets swallowed eats you from inside he iiiiis spidergoat
Someone turned off the central fan. No wonder I couldn't sleep. This is my first summer since I started that new medicine that messes with my heat regulation though. So its not super surprising I can't sleep. *first Spring
That's what makes it so strange. You don't know until that moment that shows you that you are. Things that stressed me out in the beginning stress me a lot less.
unless i can measure it with a weight or something it feels like I can do the same thing I have always done but it has a different effect
>>488457 Needs that shin comic edit >at first I was angry >but then I thought about the 91 thousand people who benefitted from me being such a weak bitch
I think I'm going to save the free close counter. I have some places I could use it, but if they come out with a red bow Alm or something, I might want it at that point. That would probably be the smartest course of action. At least until we get a new Alm unit.
LNs always have weirdly out of place sex scenes. >MC 's body is covered in neurotoxin >have sex with random girl who suddenly likes him >doesn't die Disappointing.
lns have forced sex scenes? i thought that was mainly a vn thing. gotta sell books somehow i guess, not everybody can be a nisio isin
LNs have shitty sex scenes in them too, It is less forced and just because authors who suck tend to write shitty sex scenes. Unfortunately I like isekai
I mean the MC as part of his tactics even cuts himself to spread to neurotoxin even more. but when he has sex he is like completely forgotten about him being deadly poison. Please. I'd rather you be in despair than be happy having sex and constantly going on about being a virgin. please THis was supposed to be a despair all you can eat series
>>488526 no don't worry, the 'oh' was me remembering
>>488525 I'm not sure it'd be easy making friends with the right people. I definately would have a hard time being friends with the type of person who thinks like that. In fact I am sure they'd blame everything but themselves for anything that goes wrong
>>488525 their problems generally stem from ineffective interpersonal styles coupled with poor coping skills and an extreme tendency to externalize the reason they don't have friends is the same as the reason they have these other problems people who develop into self-identified incels would basically need to be broken down and built back up as a new person in order for them to be successful interpersonally because they have so many different problems in so many places and they all feed off each other
It weird how hypocritical they are. >male looks are important which is unfair. >I only want pretty women not land whales. >>488533 Yeah I'm reading that
>>488520 oh you are reading the dungeon raider or whatever i read the manga and man was it just "lol this became generic"
>>488532 the moment he first leaves the dungeon it becomes so generic shounen
>>488532 to them, it doesn't seem hypocritical because their worldview is that women are inferior to men therefore it's completely reasonable for men to be selective while women have no "right" to be selective
>>488530 sounds kinda like a introverted type of narcisissm a unique complex that could only develop in our day and age
>>488540 i think a lack of empathy towards those your interested in is pretty fundemental to the incel mindset, and that's hard to have when your interested in the same gender
I wonder if there are incel gays Possibly?
Kirara 🚗
maybe ones that refuse to recognize that they're gay
>>488540 the same phenomenon exists in gays, but you won't find us wearing that incel label (not that it applies to me) there's more social camaraderie and they tend to be the more empathic of each other i feel like the incel nonsense stems from a very big misunderstanding in the gender divide
Kirara 🚗
>>488539 well it has its roots in a patriarchal, authoritarian mindset that has dominated the history of western civilization only relatively recently did their behavior become considered unacceptable - or at least, their abusive behavior people like them exist everywhere and are prevalent in managerial positions, but the difference between those and the incels is that incels lack the interpersonal skills and level of awareness necessary to successfully navigate the world they see women being successful or doing what they want or having rights, and the incels say, wait, men are obviously superior to women, why are we letting these women ruin everything for us? and they get mad
>>488549 it's very cheap and janky it wouldnt even take any air at first and then once i got it to do so, it lost like half of the air of one pump every time i pumped >>488552 i'm not so sure i feel like utter trash after work today and i'm a noivous wreck
>>488553 i don't know a lot about her, but she's the poor miko that's always begging for $$$ for her shrine or at least that's how i've seen her depicted
>>488551 does it have holes in it or something? that's shit
my roommate's loft is totally decked out in touhous figs, those big squashy face pillows, wall scrolls, keychains, lanyards touhou playin in his car radio 24/6
like post a pic of a 2hu i probably don't know and i'll come up with a good name for them
Rename clownpiece
>>488605 if we ever do social departure into a camper trailer without technology let's take a whole bunch of touhou scans and just rewrite the whole universe
>>488622 like freaking out about clarification on insignificant things and over-replying to emails, like five or six in a span of ten minutes thinking that it'll look prompt and professional to get back quick but then realizing i didn't gauge the whole situation beforehand and didn't need the last one, so advance on my own and try to make accountability consolidations it seems totally fine to have rapid response when i'm working, but then i see them not respond for hours and they probably think it's insane
is /moe/ hideously slow or is it me? my connection seems really solid on everything else but i can't even load an image here
>>488641 Everytime you do this I die a little inside
>>488633 i've only tried to push away that legal contract because they were disorganized as fuck and janking me over my main client who was my recruiting client i had to back off of the recruiting thing because there are some thing that cause my brain to lock up in paralysis the recruiting efforts was one of those, and today i had another one when one of my client's customers had some changed formatting that i couldn't feasibly process i'm not trying to push anyone away, but i express concerns about something, get re-affirmed from them about how it's to be handled, go forward with it because they're counting on me, and then ultimately it's an impossible task (for me) and i feel terrible about it so i panic and say lots of sorries and stuff and feel really insecure
the added pressure of trying to maintain professionalism while hiding the fact that i'm poor, can't get mental health treatment, and am chronically homeless really boosts that anxiety and paranoia stage up to 11 too some of these are pretty strong
i forgot how fun collecting fan art is i should start back up
Kirara 🚗
>>488645 so you think they're gonna get weirded out by that stuff and stop using you?
>>488655 no probably not because i'm being so perfectionist to the point that i'm bothering them over the smallest pettiest shit nobody would even notice my work is so solid there's nobody else who's gonna be able to transcribe three hours of cutting-edge pharmaceutical market research in 12 hours dealing with all that medical terminology i'm just an eccentric looney bin who's at least valued for her talents that being said my next paycheck is only for 120 dollars because of the lack of work so idk i still screw up a lot of shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what taste does the front of the tongue cover My soup was a little too hot I need to know what I'll be missing out on temporarily
only rich people are granted permission from the government to have relief from physiological pain
Kirara 🚗
someone told me that their favorite vendor was breezy trees and they let me try some of their shit, it was a blend between white and green, and it was really good but i'm lookin at their site and i don't see it there it looks like people online were talking about breezy trees' stuff until just recently i wonder if they aren't selling anymore
i left a half kilo back at home i'm so bummed i guess it'll be there for my mom though
gave my roommate five milligrams of my adderall so he could get 17s on sound voltex what a good friend i am i should prolly tell him it's gonna make him have to poop as soon as it kicks in though
well people usually call crepes pancakes, cause they are quite identical and think of crepes, when they are >>488705 this stuff filled with something and rolled up
I think when I was younger most kids didn't think there was a difference or rather parents didn't want to waste baking powder and rising agent so I didn't know americans called pancakes flapjacks. How fucking backwards
would you like a kilishake
We also call them pancakes I thing flapjacks might be a regional thing
Next you'll tell me gingerbread is actually not gingerbread but some sort of other thing. Americans are terrible.
>>488713 Crepes are a very particular kind of pancake. Flapjacks are just another way of calling pancakes in some parts of the world.
>>488727 Though I'm Canadian, I've been in various parts of North America, and I can't ever recall anyone actually calling them flapjacks. My understanding of the situation is entirely from media, so I don't really know how commonplace calling them flapjacks is anymore. But it doesn't seem to be a widespread thing.
>>488733 it is Also, don't you think Flier teams will have a problem with Lyn being the legendary and a bonus unit this week? In fact, you got two archers in here.
>>488741 you mean think about how much bullshit and food i can buy on my trip
>>488743 that's cool i didn't have to pay taxes this year
i got a tax return it went to granblue
Kirara 🚗
how much was your return
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
me or TN
Kirara 🚗
ton but you can tell me too if you want
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
somwhere around 420 #blazeitfaggot
Kirara 🚗
nice last time i paid taxes they only gave me $70 back because i'm on my mom's health care and was in school so the government refused to recognize that i also pay $1150 a month for rent
but jokes on them because i make a lot of money under the table that doesn't get reported taxation is theft though, last time i paid taxes, it was about 20% of my income for that year
the good bad thing about finland is the error in the tax system everyone's get about 1-5% tax refund in december
bad as in, state is holding up good part of your yaerly income for most of the year from you, they do pay interest on it, though good as in, you get that income back during december, on average most expensive month in the year
But global rule is "you earn more with stocks and investments" as those are always taxed less than general income
Do you have to do your won taxes in america? In the UK, we just get it put through automatically.
Kirara 🚗
i used to make $10/hr at the suicide hotline
>>488767 generally you pay someone else to do your taxes or pay for a program that does it for you lmao
>>488767 same and we get that note in april about corrections or deductions or anychanged we want to or need to do and report on how much refund we get in december
but man i can see the charm of proper pancakes man the fluffy texture of the dough is heavenly and any sublte flavours you add into the mixture comes out so much better
BUt seriously happy sugar life what is with weird yuri works getting adapted first ntr then citrus I wonder what next oh yaeh HSL is >high schooler kidnaps loli, murders some person and steals their appartment and then they live "Happily" together
>>488826 in niger it can be quite too rainy it being tropic and rainforest
>>488827 that is a dn shame i would pissibly enjoy a comedy on that premise
>>488829 is the thing they could do lot better adaptions of the lighter stuff like say sakura trick was or do some of the subtext stuff like two sisters cooking delish food
nigeria is quite insane, though 200 million population
damn, that's more than finland has
I wonder what the boredom as a feeling is. It doesn't seem to cause you to do something, like when you are bored your body does make chemicals that make you motivated you feel shit.
Kirara 🚗
bored is like hunger but for stimulation you are uncomfortable because you're not stimulated enough and that theoretically should tell you something's wrong we probably didn't evolve something more intense than boredom because boredom has only been possible in the modern era
I could try some in house exercise. maybe that'll wake me up. I feel like I'm submerged in sleepiness >>488858 Yeah, I even had ice-cream out of a desire to get energy
>>488860 Eat some real food. Pita bread is low carb. And low in good calories. Do you have any bananas or fruit or anything like that? If you exercise after eating air, you'll get sicker.
The natural sugars in fruits are pretty good energy for the body. They'll also have nutrients that are beneficial to energy and general well-being as well.
I only have access to some apple. I actually feel like I'm weighted down. If // My appitite is pretty low right now.
I warned you! That's why I said you'll have to work on coming up with a plan for more proper food consumption. Dieting is more about replacing unhealthy food with healthier food and exercising properly
What has been your average calorie intake this week?
Dieting can often harm more than it helps, and generally doesn't achieve long-term weight loss goals.
>>488864 Try a short walk. Like just walking around the immediate area, maybe circling the property you're on if it's of a decent size. Something just to help remind your body that it's not a sedentary lump.
>>488867 not to mention lifestyle changes like somewhat set eating times and healthy day rythm
>>488867 I don't really know probably low, I didn't eat much except dinner yesterday. I can't honest remember monday at all. I'll try and eat healthier, I think my abundance of noodles and nothing much else might be a shitty thing. >>488868 Yeah I might try and go for a short walk instead of 8 miles I was doing last week
For now, you should just eat normally and record what you eat. Once we have a good idea of what your normal diet looks like, we can make some adjustments and replacements. If you don't know how to diet and exercise, it can help to have someone else work out a plan with you.
Instant noodles are pretty bad standalone health-wise, hah hah. They can be fancied up into something okay but it's still not great.
It just a pain that I can't go to the stores myself. I don't hav e a lot of access to what I used to. >>488874 It not really that easy, I can't pick up a lot of things because my family has specific things they want. and they rush through the supermarket in like 5 minutes for whatever reason. >>488875 My mom went out and said you don't have enough food, I'll get you a shitton of noodles while we are away in the middle of the day
It's weird that they're buying fish. Fish is really good for you, but it's really expensive to get where you are because you're so far from where they'd catch the fish.
I think my mom's partner likes fish , salmon at lot but it took a lot of getting used to because he liked to have the skin on and whatever the brown stuff on the otherside is. and everything he cooks is rare. Rare is super gooy for me. I've // >>488885 I just have to put it in the microwave and cook it longer.
>>488888 I don't really think of it as grim, I'm probably just too reserved to ask for food in someone's home I guess. >>488896 Yeah, I have my card but we go through shopping when I'm with them way too quickly and I think try and avoid letting me pay for things
>>488895 If you knew exactly what you needed to get while you were there, you could manage it even if you have to get it quickly, right?
>>488898 I suppose but I have no idea bout american brands. The fact that a lot of stuff has corn syrup is a bit off to me as well, I don't really like the taste of corn syrup
We can work together to come up with a plan for what you should buy at the store. It will be hard to find stuff without corn syrup, though, save for stuff like meat.
But I can recommend energy bars, for example, that don't have any corn syrup.
They're all mostly edible.
>>488900 What sort of stuff do you get? any thing // any meals you can think of. I might just try and make a note of things for when my mom goes out shopping again.
My guilty pleasure is red meat. I eat a lot more beef than I should.
I usually have beef stew every other week. I like to get burgers, too. If I get burgers, I'll have a burger two days in a row because the pre-shaped burgers at our local supermarket come in packs of four. I generally only eat fresh meat, so I go to the shop often because I don't want to freeze my meat, although that's not so easy for you.
I like to grill chicken breast, too. I eat a lot of fairly plain food, so dinner for me would be, for example, chicken breast and a baked potato. I like to eat lamb, but it's even more expensive than beef. There are some cheap cuts of beef that I like to get.
I also like to make beef or chicken fajitas, which I generally just put meat, onions, and some lettuce in a tortilla, for that.
Baked potato actually sounds really nice, I could maybe get Tuna and sweetcorn for a baked potato. Maybe I should ask for some meat that I can exclusively use but I would even mind some veggie burgers if they are alright in the US. Also you mentioned turkey bacon which sounds interesting before.
I could have omelettes too. Maybe I should make omelettes for breakfast instead of skipping breakfast all the time
>>488904 Eggs are the best. I eat about a dozen eggs every weak. week too
My breakfast usually consists of two eggs, four slices of turkey bacon, and four slices of toast, turned into sandwiches. I don't eat throughout the day, so I eat a somewhat large breakfast.
I only eat breakfast and dinner because of how my medication affects me, so I eat a big breakfast to get me through the day.
If I don't have time, I just eat a small energy bar, which is like 250 calories, and it can keep me going until around noon, at which point I get hungry again and eat a banana or something/
>>488913 Potatoes and eggs are the most important things you can have!
Yeah if I work I too lean on the "big brunch + hearthy dinner" rather than eating during the day
but for a light meal all you need is say some onions, rice/pasta and say bag of frozen veggies fry the onions to your taste of cookeness if not all the way to caramel cook the pasta/rice toss in the veggies season and if you fancy it, make it into a sauce and then eat with the rice pasta
Oh right I could get some pasta too, that is really quick to cook. Oh do you guys have Heinz soups/stews here? Tinned soups of different flavours?
I don't think so. Most of the tinned soups are Cambell's here. I don't think I've seen Heinz. I don't buy tinned food, though, so I might just not be in the know.
Minnestrone heinz soup with bread is nice. >>488924 oh? how so
>>488920 a can of peasoup is a must lasts forever and can even be eaten as is
Kirara 🚗
eating canned stuff can be dangerous here
oh right >>488922 standards exists and are good, if memory serves, but like most things aren't enforced that well
Kirara 🚗
>>488922 botulism loves to hang out inside canned foods and our standards aren't that great so sometimes it slips through it's probably generally safe to eat canned food but it's a coin flip i'm not willing to take personally
Well that sucks. But thanks Kirara, you gave me a lot of ideas. I might for now go for ..tinned tuna should be fine right? Tuna, Sweetcorn, olives, potatoes, maybe smoked salmon and turkey bacon and egg and some pasta too
>>488926 USA is kinda funny like that there are good legislation, regulations, constitution and so on in place but so rare are they fully enforced or regulated
Even if you live somewhere that canned food is safe to eat out of the can as is, why eat soup out of the can as is? Like unless you don't actually have means of heating it up I don't see how cold soup will ever be better than warmed.
Kirara 🚗
>>488928 a lot of the regulations aren't that good they have a main law that says something good, but then there are addendums that allow people to get around the regulations because the regulations are handled by people that were food industry lobbyists
like you have places like russia which just LACKS those things where some sketchy shit is legal but then you have places where the laws aren't in placed but enforced selectively or not at all
On the bottom of so much food are like millions of warnings with THIS CAUSES CANCER, THIS CONTAINS STUFF THAT CAN DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH all over the different things >grains can kill you so much anxiety!
>>488932 Well get back to me when doomsday swings around and I'll admit you have a point.
Kirara 🚗
>not just buying those blocks of "food" that last like 50 years
>>488934 he did gave superman a beating and then died
That's fiction, TN.
Kirara 🚗
>>488933 yeah, don't worry about that too much companies are afraid of getting sued so they cover all their bases most of it is fine
>>488937 explain that to my neighbours and to that crater
>>488944 if it has a nice box with decent graphic design, it's probably safe if the box is like 70% or more just solid colors and it just has a picture in the middle, it's probably off-brand
There's a brand up here that's styled in the sense of an offbrand, it's kind of funny. It's the No Name brand, run by one of our groceries oligopolies. Pretty much just lower quality food for generally one of the lowest prices. Perfectly healthy and good to eat though.
Well there is a shitton of tacky boxed food in the supermarkets.
>>488954 That sentence is kinda fucked up. >the UK stuff is subtle. >>488958 Yeah, over time I've built up what brands I like and trust and I rarely buy stuff elsewhere unless I want to try something different
their canned meat is damn good and they have damn good pizzas and good deals on mince meat
My family has pretty much lived by the policy of "ignore brands, buy cheap". It's worked pretty well so far, the odd time we've hit something that's just bad to eat or whatnot we just don't buy it a second time and get the second-lowest. I guess we've been spoiled by never having major health concerns with our food.
I base on experience for example a cheap local brand of sundried tomatos is much better than the more expensive ones with fancier names
I've always brought cheap but of certain brands. Certain brands are good value for money and good for taste.
but forexample soup stock cubes are better if you buy a more expensive brand, instead of the cheap ones
A hummingbird just smacked into my window and then floated there and started at me. I am not sure how to react.
>On food packaging, the term "vegetable oil" is often used in ingredients lists instead of specifying the exact plant being used, especially when the oil used is less desirable to the consumer or if a mix is used, such as palm, canola, soybean, and safflower oils, (whereas coconut oil and olive oil may be perceived as more desirable). Odds are it's probably just canola/rapeseed oil.
Google is really annoying how regional it is I search something it enforce american search results. I never realised since I've never really used google outside of the UK. most of my browsing hasn't felt so region locked. I go on any website and instantly goes to the US version with different content on it.
It feels so sinister. I don't know how to describe it like your being forced to view the world from a different perspective.
I mean if you think about it, most Americans would probably want the American version of the site or service. It's more intuitive for people born and raised in the country; it's just kind of unfortunate that you're an outlier.
>>488982 It seems like most people never have been to them. They're all in places nobody lives! They have these hashbrown things they call Potato Oles that are really good, and they have some really good breakfast churros. I've actually never had their tacos.
>>488983 Taco bells is gross crap. Taco Johns is really good.
>>488980 That looks like how British brand food looks. Probably because most of the stuff is just translated european food.
>>488979 seems damn sketchy why not just call it rapeoil
>>488986 Because most English-speaking people can see how stupid that is.
>>488986 Cause rape is associated with you know, rape. That's why its often labeled as canola oil.
>>488986 Also most oil which is functionally identical to rapeseed oil in North America is canola oil, which is a cultivated breed of the plant specifically for making cooking oil.
>>488983 Taco Bell isn't good and isn't mexican food. It's to actual tacqueria food as American cheese is to cheddar.
>>488985 aside from oil and tomatosauce which are lidl stuff they are all finnish produce
Rapeseed oil is called rapeseed oil in the UK. I never heard of canola oil before though.
well tuna and ananas (canned) ofc are imported
Kirara 🚗
The only mexican fast food place I know of is Ay Jalisco and I've never seen one outside of Florida
>>488992 Canola oil was a Canadian project. CAN-OLA, Canadian Oil (ola). It's not something the Old World probably had any reason to invest in, since rapeseed already flourished well over there. Canola is a breed of rapeseed plant that probably is better suited to growing over here.
>>488994 Fastfood or like a tacqueria sort of thing?
There are a bunch of mexican food places here but I've never been to them >>488995 Oh it is specifically canadian oil I guess that makes sense.
>>489002 It's all right up here. I don't think we've ever had health concerns from the chain. But it's also stupid expensive and easily reproduced at home, so why even go.
Kirara 🚗
>>489004 at least taco bell doesn't have a crisis every single year where they spread e. coli and other shit
When I go to texas, my friend wants to take me to five guys, wendys and all these different fast food diner places. Apparently american milkshake is very different. I don't know if I'll be able to stomach a lot of fast food haha
Kirara 🚗
wikipedia is like 5 Food safety 5.1 March 2008 hepatitis outbreak 5.2 April 2008 norovirus outbreak 5.3 February 2009 Campylobacter jejuni outbreak 5.4 July 2015 E. coli outbreak 5.5 August 2015 norovirus outbreak 5.6 August 2015 Salmonella outbreak 5.7 October 2015 E. coli outbreak 5.8 November 2015 E. coli cases 5.9 December 2015 norovirus outbreak 5.10 Consequences of the multiple incidents in 2015 5.11 July 2017 norovirus outbreak 6 Data breaches 6.1 2004 data breach 6.2 2017 data breach
So wait rapeseed is a turabaga relative we do turnip relative as our vegetable oil it is called rapiseed basically, with one letter difference rapsi being rapeseed and rypsi being our own thing
>>489009 Go to carls junior and what a burger, those are actual regional chains. Wendys are all over and five guys is also spread out well too.
Kirara 🚗
carls jr might be called hardy's too idk where it's called what
>>489009 Wendy's makes pretty solid burgers. Their fries are average so I'd recommend cutting those if you want to decrease some of the stuff you eat during that time.
Kirara 🚗
wendy's food is good but they're anti-worker so i try to avoid eating there usually
When you drive west from the capital on highway 1 about 30 minutes or so before you arrive in Turku, there are few bridges crossing over crevices that give out a huge stunning vista to very large fields of rapiseed if you happen there during midday summer, it looks like the fields are glowing gold I want to photograph that someday
>>489023 Chick fila is good but the company is pretty evil They're super Christian and force their values onto their employees really hard Like firing women who have kids because "mother's have a duty tobraise ttheir children" *to raise
>>489025 It made for a pretty good story at the least. I hate ordering through drive-thru though. Let's never wait that long to find food again.
Kirara 🚗
>>489023 i've never had jack in the box, but jan says it's really good sonic is decent
Do you think I can ask if they can make sure my food isn't too greasy? I get ill if its too oily. >>489032 I guess I'll have to do that!
Kirara 🚗
>>489031 no haha you can blot the grease off with a napkin though
>>489023 Dairy Queen is an "ice cream" place. It's less ice cream and more that frozen dessert that gets passed off as cheap ice cream. But it's less terrible than the kind you can get at McDonald's and some other fast food places and they give you a lot of options to mix into the ice cream.
Kirara 🚗
>>489029 >we could stop and get food but we're only an hour away from the city and they'll def have lots of food there
You should also go to A&W Which actually i don't think I've ever been to
Kirara 🚗
the only ice cream that matters is dippin dots
just kidding it's haagen dazs
It super neato that you guys go on adventures and have stories for them. >>489036 Haagen daz is super nice
Oh yeah kirara I do don't actually like hash browns so I'm probably not going to that taco johns
>>489037 Some of my best memories are from my trips with /moe/! Like the time I almost flipped our car in the countryside while Tilde, Jan, Rook, and I sang Bohemian Rhapsody. Or the time Jan missed the train to his flight home and panicked and was like, "Jimmy Neutron it, man!" and Blue got us organized enough that we could get back to my car and drive at like 100 mph to the airport while blasting Persona 5 music. Or hiking up a mountain we weren't prepared for and getting super fucking tired.
>>489037 You've got stories too now! You almost got attacked by a rattlesnake and ran into a tree! It's important to enjoy the experiences you have while travelling, and the stories will come naturally because of that.
>>489039 Wow. It sounds like you've all had a load of fun together. >>489047 It probably wasn't a rattlesnake but I did run into a tree. Doesn't make for much a story though!
>>489049 >>489042 if you ever travel in europe don't count on things being open especially on weekends
Oh Culver's is also good
>>489051 Oh wow. How'd the escape room go, I've seen some of those in Cardiff. but they are so expensive and I know literally so few people to go and do them
>>489051 And that was only because we bought a bonus hint by having you hold Jan up at gunpoint to do the Macarena.
>>489055 Haha, yeah, that was funny. Jan didn't even know what was going on, he just saw me shouting at him to do the Macarena while holding that gun to his head.
>>489054 Based Rook actually paid for all of us at the escape room we went to.
>>489054 They're designed as a group activity and are generally accounted that way in pricing. If you find a gang of five or six people I think the cost can be a little more affordable.
I know like 4ish people
If you visit me I'll take you to one. I live within a couple miles of two escape rooms.
>hey kannagi visit me, i will take you to an "escape room" kay...
My hope is that we can get Rook and Jan there this time
The first Philly trip, we saw the posters and made a promise all anime-like that we'd eat that ice cream together some day ;_;7
speaking of ancient chinese secrets I wonder how you make those bentou omelettes you see in the cartoons?
Big tray you pour the egg into. I think you just fold it over after its made solid through cooking.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i have one you just fold the egg over itself indeed it's hard to do though you have to fold it while its cooking you scramble some eggs and then fold it, and it's like, layered with how you do it, too i haven't mastered it yet
>>489072 oh right one of those trays I wonder does it work without some better stove
>Watch another youtube clip about cooking in Japanese >suddenly blonde foreigner sitting on the panel normally >>>/watch?v=dfWlqkTiTMM That was weirdly sudden to me.
well best way to remember how it is said, is just saying Åke outloud
Really, å is much closer to o and \\ than ø is At least the way English uses o
I don't really know to pronounce any of the accented characters. A bit of a shame, I wouldn't mind learning some nordic languages. My pronouciation would probably be horrible.
You don't think about it that much, but spain was the king of the hill in europe for a good chunk of history and it wasn't just because of gold from the new world, but because the tomatos were so damn good at waging war
And I took them on during their peak war capacity fuck that was bad, luckily for me I had more ships well not more ships but more ships geared for one thing "sinking other ships" and then being an european great power during reneissance, amusingly they got stuck in not one, but TWO succession wars while also defending their homelands from me the muslim invader
I truly say the best part of european universalis series, especially in the 4th game, is how quickly things can go from "duudidumdumdum" to "okay what the fuck is going on and who are in war with who?" I have once been at war with someone while being on their side on another war
vic2 has that first world war simulator, but it isn't that well implemented and you can see it coming not something "a king dies and half the continent is fighting over the crown"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's hot now
I've been able to keep my window open the past few nights without risking my room ending up feeling like it's 5C. This is about when I start enjoying the weather again.
I'm at a tacqueria and a guy from a chicken wing restaurant just delivered a bunch of food to the cashier.
>>489144 perfect i need some time to wake up and shit anyway
wake me up
TN !PcAPtAiNJo this should get an anime
Man how hard is it for people at a restaurant to not put things I ask them to not put on my food. I have this problem all the goddamn time. I order a burger with just cheese and bacon and then it comes with lettuce tomato onion and mayo Or I order a burrito with just steak and cheese and it comes with minced tomato and lettuce
>>489161 hmm guess explains some stuff about my stepbros eating, especially when he was younger
I'm not even particularly high on the spectrum and I have huge issues with texture in food. Like my ability to swallow just locks down if I'm trying to get stuff that flags my texture issues down my throat. At that point I don't give a damn about the sophisticated or nuanced flavour it has.
my only issues are the built in ones as in "this is rotten" gotten over most of them, due to having eaten purposefully rotten food
I've gotten a lot better about it in terms of like Not involuntary spitting every thing out if a bite of something has food I dislike in it, but after that it makes me nauseous. I used to throw up a lot as a kid because relatives would force me to eat things I didn't like.
I knew someone that was force fed vegetables as a kid and now won't eat any vegetales or green stuff just meat
Like I'd tell them "If I eat this I'll throw up" Then they say "don't be a picky eater" and just harass me until I took a bite of whatever it was Which I would then spit into a napkin before going to the bathroom to vomit. I still sort of dislike my aunts because of it.
I like eating clean looking food. I don't seeing anything that looks off. *I don't like see I used to be super picky when I was a kid, I would eat in a certain order. I still sort of do. like I never eat and drink at the same time. and any black bits in chicken have to go.
I'm still a fairly picky eater if you look at it in terms of what I enjoy eating. But I'll eat mostly anything I can swallow.
Here I feel a bit bad because I feel like I complain a lot about how rare the meat is. I really can't stand meat that isn't firm and is gooy rare.
I don't like rare meat either medium it needs to be and pork should be done slowly cooked so that it melts in your mouth slowlycooked for hoooours
I like a very, very conditional medium-well for my meat cooking. So conditional that I don't even bother asking for it that way when eating out. Or I shouldn't, at least, because no one ever gets it right.
When I asked for a my meat to be cooked more, I got told I ruin my meat.
Kirara 🚗
okabe's PTSD in steins gate is portrayed really well
>>489175 Yeah it's been really emotionally engaging because of how they've done it. It's nice in a different way too, since it really shakes up the tone of the new series. Just more of the same of the previous Steins;Gate would have probaly been all right, but the series is made a lot better because of the theme shift they have in 0.
It really cold right now. New Mexico is usually fairly cold especially when it is windy. but no matter if it is warm or cold its always dry
>>489180 You don't have AC in England? Here in Florida, you can't even go to a school if the AC is out, usually. It's illegal.
>>489174 How much did you ask for it to be cooked?
>>489182 Nope, the only place you'd see aircon is like in big business offices or temperature controlled place. We rarely need AC, no one has them built into their houses.
>>489182 I asked for what I usually get in the UK which is medium but it was pretty red and gooy. >>489181 They are joking but it is a little hard to deal with.
>>489183 Is still just so weird say they fry it on a pan, all they need to do is have your meat be there a while longer or in the oven just a bit longer or if it is a big roast, just toss the cuts y ou will eat into the afterheat of the oven
Kirara 🚗
even if they don't like how you want your meat there's no reason they shouldn't cook it that way
I think they have always cooked their meat super super rare and are not sure how to cook stuff more well done.
I guess I don't have much a sweet tooth. I can't imagine eggs and maple syrup goes well together. But I haven't had it.
Yeah it ain't much different from an all-natural ice cone. The places that sell it also don't just shovel up snow and pour the syrup over it. They're pretty clean and responsible.
this golden malted flour makes amazing waffles fuck they're so good
Kirara 🚗
we won't be in a marriott the night we're in a hotel so no golden malted for us
i'll have like seven people with me we can probably beat the cops tilde, blue, and ton probably won't participate but the rest of us can beat up the cops no problem
Haha, when I got pulled over in Georgia, Tilde couldn't understand the cop when he asked me for my license and registration. He was kind of hard to understand, though, even for me.
>>489244 That's really rude Most cops don't even fire their weapons while on active duty