Thread #484251
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Everything's getting darker. Everything's getting colder. The fires are starting.
I watched the first episode or that, it was pretty good
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but on the plus side I have food>>484253 I'm not watching much but I' enjoying it too maybe I'll pick something else
someone was saying megalo box was good but I would want to see hajime no ippo first
why ippo specifically? just go straight to the source and watch ashita no joe
that's like three hol animes I can't do that
I believe in you friend there's still oxygen in your muscles watch harder boy
punch out anime when
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>>484260 punch out vr when
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love this meme
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nani the fuck
>>484264 real neet hours who teh fukc up
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oh fug it's a cover
how embarrassing for you
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Is there a screenshot shortcut that skips the Save as.. dialog in MPC HC?
wasn't it just f5?
oh I see it thanks
Search [iqdb] (348 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - (…).jpg )
i bound it to middle click so i can capture all the best reactions and memes
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okay I think I got it
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>>484275 888 I need to start this show it looks cute
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>>484277 if you don't move around while drifting in mario party you don't know SHIT about video games
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>>484279 I don't know shit about anything trust me>>484278 I was a bit on the fence about it at first but I'm warning up to it
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>>484281 How am I supposed to trust you if you don't know shit?
oh FUCK you got me there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 11:23 No. 484285
respect for the jan man
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this skin makes me hard
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damn I slept long
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>>484288 that's me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 12:15 No. 484290
Sachiko is Sachicute
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my first ratio
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>the dish is called asian beef >it's just beef with onion and tomato That's just food That's not a specific dish
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I have so many iffy takes but never a ratio I think it's become expected of me that I'll say weird shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 12:24 No. 484295
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get comfy
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I don't understand the story in Beyond Two Souls I understand what's happening, but I don't know what story is being told at all because it's in a messed up chronological order, and there seems to be no connection between each part
mommy gf is pretty fun
Gun Gale?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 12:35 No. 484300
>>484296 Isn't it written by that guy who can't write anyway
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It's david cage, yeah
4'33" did indeed suck
>>484297 yeah isn't she
jan and I just double dante'd her it was a blast they've finally improved on the boring "fight giant monster" quests from before
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>two enemy pilots are stranded and have to work together to survive I love this cliche so much
haha nice culvers-chan is really fun im excited to see what the next monster in the rotation is
according to this the titans in shingeki no kyoujin turned out to be Jews that got big from Nazi experiments or something haha
lmao I knew he was a shitty author after the whole bullying metaphor thing but this is next level is that confirmed true? aside from that one panel I mean
>>484307 haha what the FUCK i legitimately thought this series couldn't get any more retarded
maybe he's just out of ideas or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 12:58 No. 484311
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It sure is a shame you missed out on that attack on titan granblue crossover event huh
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>>484307 I am speechless
>>484310 yeah that's what i figure i thought the show was supposed to be self-insert shit about fighting the bullies that harassed the author in school
story, not show
i like the part about this all taking place on another continent they didn't know about so the early shit doesn't even matter
it being on an isolated island is fine, it's kind of a cheap way to expand the scope of the story but it could be done well this shit stupid though
claiming the villains this entire time are actually the not-jews that are put into camps because they're bad is somehow really funny to me i don't understand how the story can go from there do they just have to final solution?
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train ride begins
bye bye st. louis
finally going through these trip photos we added a bunch of people to this google album so there are way more photos than I expected
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i guess I'll have pizza for breakfast at 3pm
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such a good friendship
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tfw my lips won't taste the kiss of death tonight
it's a shame your kiss of death is on a vision quest pilgrimmage maybe I could be your kiss of death tonight
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:16 No. 484326
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>>484323 looks good to me
>>484325 alright but only if you promise to give me death
I'll promise anything as long as I get to die first
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>>484326 they're true brothers in arms
whose gonna kill me if you die first it's gotta be the same time
I've got all kinds of unfinished business on earth so I'll definitely become a ghost and kill you don't worry
just finish your business before you die loser
that sounds like a pain I'd rather just let it happen already
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:21 No. 484334
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So someone showed me this and I felt like sharing because it actually made me uncomfortable. ME.
oh no I was hoping you'd say it made you smile so I could look at something that might do the same for me this is the opposite of what I wanted
what i don't get is why it's in english
it's a honeypot to catch westerners
why does it make you uncomfortable, ton ilya is 18
>>484334 Imagine if we ran advertisments through this>oniichan buy me mcdonalds And she stays mad until you go out and buy some maccas
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:24 No. 484340
>>484338 oh is that so That alleviates it a bit.
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That is a child and you can not convince me otherwise
>40 new voices >(including lullabies and breathing sounds)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:24 No. 484343
>>484342 but yeah this part that's the bit that made me a little uncomfortable.
>>484340 in fate/stay night at least
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:25 No. 484345
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What about in Fate/Kaleid Lewd Lewd?
well there's two ilyas in kaleid liner, one of them is the fate/stay night ilya and one is a new ilya that i think was also not a real human so she might be older too the series actually got really good about a year ago when shiro became a fighter and killed shinji and stuff but i haven't read it in a while
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:26 No. 484347
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If you could sacrifice one day of your life to triple your kills in shooters would ya
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:27 No. 484349
>>484346 I think they have a movie for that part now.
>>484348 no
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I would It's one day
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maybe if i could sacrifice a year
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the hero academia OP grew on me really quickly
It's alright
I like it but I get carried along by hype stuff really easily I keep my ideals is good shit
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No shame in enjoying energetic shonen music
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:37 No. 484358
>Go for a walk yesterday >I'm out of my allergy medicine >realize what I've done to myself >Now I'm paying the price
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shit like this gets me so hyped
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what a fucking loser
oh shit I didn't know 42 was out
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:45 No. 484363
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She seems to have a bit of a snaggletooth Here let me get the pliers
>>484358 rip in pepperonis >>484363 NO
>>484360 *what a fucking legend
>>484365 >29 failed murders >3 successes this is a horrible ratio
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>>484366 They're just tenacious. Even if it takes ten attempts per murder they get their target in the end
That girl is a terrible person so the pliers are fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 13:50 No. 484369
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Oh that's good to know
this new hero academia was directed really well
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Crashing this plane With nyo survivors
>no one cared who I was before I put on the nyask
toga is better without the nyask
It'd be very painful to take it off though
she's a big gyaru
For izuku
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:01 No. 484377
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Are you guys being weird again
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Well it's hardly the best BR out there
well yeah, it's hot garbage I wonder how much longer cliffy b can try and milk the current hot genre and fail before he tries to make something somewhat unique
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turn that frown upside down
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:19 No. 484383
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cute girl incoming
turnt hat frown upside down
im waiting for the cute girl
it's me
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 14:22 No. 484388
I woke up and am now really amxious. Thanks Obama
congrats on being woke
>>484387 tranquil lasers
>>484391 what the fuck is real life
>>484388 >>>/watch?v=RqRLDaKexe0
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:27 No. 484394
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>>484385 You need to clean your eyes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:28 No. 484395
summoning rika
>>484395 >changing breast size reee>>484392 idek
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:29 No. 484397
>>484396 Shigure with a bust is fine
it's saying "shigure is not good enough and i can improve her" horrid
wow rude how can someone think such thought?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:29 No. 484400
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I feel like you're extrapolating more than you should
>>484399 it is so sad
maybe that shigure can lend rika some of that boob
>>484400 you're not extrapolating enough
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:31 No. 484404
Search [iqdb] (1004 KB, 980x1575, 1bb106e2b8dad4a381efde8437cdceaf.jpg )
>>484403 I'll extrapolate YOU
you wish you could
>>484402 the only boob here... is YOU
oh no
lend yourself to rika
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:34 No. 484409
>>484408 you can't pay me enough to move to ohio
which /moe/ would you prefer to be enslaved by
probalby tilde he'd just make me brew tea and fetch snacks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:37 No. 484413
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define enslaved
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>>484418 pan it is then>>484416 that would be cool dril should make something like that but an actual game
en·slave inˈslāv,enˈslāv/Submit verb past tense: enslaved; past participle: enslaved make (someone) a slave. synonyms: subjugate, suppress, tyrannize, oppress, dominate, exploit, persecute; More rareenthrall, bind, yoke; disenfranchise "the few on top have chosen to enslave the masses and keep them ignorant" antonyms: liberate, emancipate cause (someone) to lose their freedom of choice or action. "they were enslaved by their need to take drugs"
>>484414 is this the crab nicholson sequel?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:39 No. 484417
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>>484415 Uhhh I dunno then I found another bep that isn't a nazi this time
just say PAN and get it over with
i want to be enslaved by kirara
congrats you are
i will kill my master and become free
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:40 No. 484422
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you know PAN used to punch me in a friendly manner in middle school I sometimes miss that
wait you two go that far back?
lmao dude gaaaay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:41 No. 484425
>>484423 3rd grade literally childhood friends
>>484425 >>484424 it's so perfect
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you're gonna have to get gay married it's the rules
>>484426 I can't wait for them to get married
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:42 No. 484429
I guess comiket or something is coming up because there are more doujinshi in my twitter feed than usual
well yeah summer is coming
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:44 No. 484431
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I wonder if there will be a good summer character to spark in grabble
praying for you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:46 No. 484433
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>>484432 you missed my screenshot I won't be spending real cash on them this time
>>484411 This goes without saying
>>484434 haha
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:52 No. 484437
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I love my boat wife
um that's a child
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:54 No. 484439
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tfw russians steal your wife and deface her for years as revenge for you beating them in a war and it's ok because you like it
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:57 No. 484442
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>>484440 Uh, no?
no to what part
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:59 No. 484444
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When did I say I liked that
just paid 5.50 for one bud light on the train lol fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 14:59 No. 484446
>>484445 what were you thinkin
>>484445 damn highway robbery
>>484445 what the fuck lmao
>>484444 just sayin what it looks like
is there a subset of highwaymen that only steal from people on railways are they called railwaymen
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:01 No. 484452
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 763x1080, e732a64dd3928bde9b749bb736528728.png )
>>484450 Well I don't like that!
i could have easily just stuck a bottle of bourbon in my bag dang
back when i did that 24 hr train ride they let us bring booze
people get so uppity about alcohol in public idk why its a big deal to keep a flask or something
it is kinda weird like, I ain't driving just lemme drink a bit
yeah it aint even gettin wasted just calmin the nerves and shakes
hate when I gotta calm my milkshakes
made him a shake
made him a milk steak
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:10 No. 484461
Search [iqdb] (846 KB, 932x1030, d0eacc6596e48b7a3018ee67f479ac5b.png )
how to shake steak
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:10 No. 484463
I'll have my steak stirred, please
steaken, not stirred
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:13 No. 484466
I went to steak and shake like a week ago. It was okay
baked milk
i coulda bought almost a gallon of Milwaukee's best for the price of that one beer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:15 No. 484469
Search [iqdb] (746 KB, 920x1473, 14b843e82281daf44b3008a6c5322c46.jpg )
Steak and Shake is pretty strong
>>484468 I can't stomach milwaukee's best I'm pretty sure that's the second worst beer I've ever had
i dont mind it if its mb ice premium its light beer is def the worst
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:16 No. 484472
>An erg is approximately the amount of work done (or energy consumed) by one common house fly performing one "push up," the leg-bending dip that brings its mouth to the surface on which it stands and back up. Neat
>>484471 I don't know which I had but it was terrible the only worse beer I've had is that walgreens brand you can get for 50 cents
fried almond milk
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:18 No. 484475
>>484473 Is that really a thing?
grated avocados
>>484475 big flats
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:20 No. 484478
I'll make sure to not get it then.
avocado pie
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:21 No. 484480
Any of you ever watch Mystery Science Theater 3000?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:21 No. 484481
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 3572x2784, b6f85a9106fcd263da52ff51254faa0f.jpg )
What does avocado taste like
my roomate bought some 420 vegemite pies I wonder if it tasted good
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:21 No. 484483
>>484481 Avocado
>>484481 you've never had an avocado?>>484480 used to
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:22 No. 484485
>>484484 I haven't ever had avocado either.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:22 No. 484486
>>484484 no
and you call yourselves millennials
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:22 No. 484488
I don't though
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:22 No. 484489
I have autism and dislike a lot of foods. ToN has no excuse though.>>484488 Do you just say "Gen Y" instead?
what if ton has autism we don't know that
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:24 No. 484492
That's a possibility
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:24 No. 484493
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 1000x1400, c7ce78bf5d3b7c9a43dc9f924aba68de.jpg )
I have a tendency to not like things that are green for food though that's been changing recently.
avocados are my favorite fruit
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:24 No. 484495
Sounds like autism.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:24 No. 484496
>>484494 More than peppers?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:24 No. 484497
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1447x2047, 927abf93f8d4286b7da50789cfb69d87.jpg )
Sorry, I'm not the type to self-diagnose.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:25 No. 484498
I don't self diagnose either.
avocados don't taste like anything really
>>484497 kirara can probably diagnose your austism
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:25 No. 484501
>>484499 They taste gross.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:25 No. 484502
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 680x960, 6b45fa705439d8e7236944ca625a8add.png )
It's not particularly important for me to be diagnosed or not. At least not to me
>>484499 I disagree>>484501 I disagree
>>484497 want me to diagnose you
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:25 No. 484505
>>484503 I disagree
>>484505 let's agree that we both disagree
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:26 No. 484507
>>484504 if you want
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:26 No. 484508
>>484506 Okay
good the contract is sealed
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:26 No. 484510
>>484507 Weeaboid Personality Disorder
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:27 No. 484511
Multiple Waifu Personality Disorder
>>484507 you have the gay for pan
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:28 No. 484513
My diagnoses are funnier though
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:29 No. 484514
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 700x980, 4baff57aae3a463ee6346bb458219c50.jpg )
>>484512 I mean probably.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:29 No. 484515
How the hell did someone wake up one day and say "I'm going to measure the amount of work consumed by a fly doing a push up."????????????
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:30 No. 484516
*work performed
Search [iqdb] (196 KB, 1667x1654, DaznQx-VAAAmPah.jpg )
how the hell did someone wake up I would just go back to sleep
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:31 No. 484518
Sometimes sleep doesn't let you back Happened to me today ;_;
sleep's tyranny has lasted too long
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:32 No. 484520
Search [iqdb] (737 KB, 1194x1200, f443cdddb32d48cc2214b28f1a2afd33.png )
>>>/watch?v=fhJ5x08sOrI Here I posted something fun
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:32 No. 484521
Nice bep
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:33 No. 484522
It'd be a shame if something happened to her
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:33 No. 484523
Also I almost got a Soviet sailor cap a while back.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:33 No. 484524
Search [iqdb] (798 KB, 768x1024, c1b938bc5aaab0cf96266f6bdbd5ba12.png )
Wow Rei are you okay? You shouldn't just invite death on yourself like that.
something did happen I think kirara posted it somewhere
>>484520 MMD? no siree
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:34 No. 484527
Yeah She sanknoff of Vladivostok
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:34 No. 484528
ToN should go there and pay his respects to his shipfu.
Morning. People who wake up refreshed are liars.>>484531 It's 9:34 which not that late. Am that is.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 15:35 No. 484530
Attempting sleep agai.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:35 No. 484531
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1068x1080, ce42eff47150682ad2a05994cb88c1ae.png )
Isn't it awful late where you are, Kannagi, to be saying morning
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:36 No. 484532
oh right you're traveling
>>484520 yeah I guess that s kind of fun
Yeah I'm in new Mexico,
Kirara do you wear your tracker all the time? I learnt yesterday it can be turned off, which is weird to me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 15:38 No. 484536
>>>/watch?v=73-OXUC7JQA this is also fun
US govt mandated tracker everyone in america has to keep it on
>>484537 Fitbit
so just corporate america
Isn't that the same as US govt though.
hoho oh that's sad
>>484541 the lines are blurred
it's not like android phones were tracking you with your permission or anything rael tinfoil hours who woke
I slep
If only pizza and burgers were the pinnacle of healthy food.
are you enjoying the food?
I haven't had much. Mostly fish, gyōza, lamb chops and broccoli. We did have homemade beef burgers, which were nice.
Search [iqdb] (461 KB, 1230x1278, Da_KEWiUMAA_8Fk.jpg )
i want to cry
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:04 No. 484551
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 760x1000, eda9ad61df704a82f02522c85d118e72.jpg )
What's wrong friendo
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1433x2024, DZTJVU0UQAAryMi.jpg )
I'm reading a thing
Search [iqdb] (558 KB, 1000x1431, K5.jpg )
it's painful in places Rich People are terrible
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 858x681, cube-san.JPG )
Oh that manga.
>>484553 looks good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:14 No. 484558
look at this fucking cat
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 603x864, Dbg6y00UwAA0ZyX.jpg )
>even though I'm empty inside, I feel so full
>>484558 okay
What is everynyan up to?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:45 No. 484562
video games soon'
filling the empty hole in my heart with... no images, I guess
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 600x620, 1003037_569245203141901_339969979_n.png )
Watching youtubes
grocery shopping wonderful daily life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:51 No. 484567
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 679x515, love.png )
>>484567 What game is that?>>484564 Your hato will be filled with cute.
Search [iqdb] (564 KB, 1536x2048, DbxiaSuVMAAKcMo.jpg )
>This submission will be deleted in 16 hours oh wow, people really are using that feature on pixiv
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 16:53 No. 484571
>>484565 I love this image.
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 592x781, Dboxaz2U0AAyAca.jpg )
>>484570 That's terrible Wy why
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 16:53 No. 484573
>>484570 Why do Japanese people love deleting their art so much?
>>484570 Goddamn that is annoying. Technology goes from convinience to inconvenience.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:54 No. 484575
>>484568 Hello Charlotte I recommend the full set of games. You only have to buy two of them
>>484570 but why
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 2894x4093, 子野日@お仕事募集中 - 2つくくり魔理沙 (68425793) .jpg )
Because you don't want to have it up all the time. Just want to show it and then have it gone.
hmm it looks like I'll have to become an artist to understand
It sucks when pixiv artist delete their pixivs. This pixivs no longer exists is the worst
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 627x880, DbivqD7VQAAA-XF.jpg )
>>484578 We have a world where Snapchat exists. It's about the same thing except with your work.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 16:56 No. 484581
>>484579 ;_;
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:56 No. 484582
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 760x1000, e54b089804365bca4051e609aa387b34.jpg )
Kannagi if I can convince you to play those games for a combined about 6 hours or so I would gladly get them for you They're cheap as heck
>>484575 I can check em out.>>484582 No way, I feel bad when people gift things to me. If they cheap enough I might get em.
>>484580 I get it but it still feels different
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 16:58 No. 484585
>>484583 Be careful, the one called "Hello Charlotte" on steam is actually Hello Charlotte 2. You'll need to look for the first one, it's on or so
>>484585 Sounds like sensible naming. Oh is where Momodora is from I think Also autocorrect changes Momodora to mom's odour. Thanks phone.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:00 No. 484587
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 675x519, whathaveIwalkedinto.png )
The first one is cute kind of
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:00 No. 484588
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 762x683, Db1la9gUQAAYkCk.jpg )
X: Fun Y: Strength
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:01 No. 484590
I don't agree with that at all unless it means how they're played.
>>484590 that's exactly what it's refering to.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:01 No. 484592
Search [iqdb] (1014 KB, 1063x1500, b14f66d1e580ca6df936cefc1db51c15.png )
Wow I like playing mob boss
>>484589 ok now which ones are which moes
Me, TN, and... that's it, I guess
wait which one is TN again? he posts like thirty twohoes
The peach girl
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:10 No. 484598
Kasen is like my second favorite 2hu
I guess TN could be suika, too
where's the sunflower girl I can't tell because of flux
不倫快 and 倫快 to me is like faithfulness From unfaithful to faithful.
Search [iqdb] (899 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0178.JPG )
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Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1620x1080, DSC_0176.JPG )
Search [iqdb] (947 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0198.JPG )
Oh wow, you've got such good photos, my squirrel and bird pictures look terrible, alway blurry or not sharp enough. Yours great. Lots of great detail and clarity
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:15 No. 484607
>>484600 She's not there
>>484600 she's not in the game
>>484602 cool buggo
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:19 No. 484611
>>484609 Wow Fucking Dropped!
I guess there there's do re mi sweet at least
Search [iqdb] (657 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0193.JPG )
>>484606 Sometimes! Not always. Sometimes I mess up.
Search [iqdb] (446 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0452.JPG )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:28 No. 484615
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:28 No. 484616
Bad Orb
Search [iqdb] (478 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0455.JPG )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:28 No. 484618
Trash borb
Shirobako is getting a movie. Not sure if it's original content or a re-cap movie though. I hope it's a new story about them making a movie though.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:29 No. 484620
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 500x387, lk6o0eq11cgz.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 750x727, Da7mV5MW4AIpX0T.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x738, vlcsnap-2018-04-28-19h29m30s895.png )
How are you capable of not watching everything hbomberguy makes
Search [iqdb] (479 KB, 1620x1080, DSC_0412.JPG )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:31 No. 484624
>>484622 Cause I don't know who that is. Check mate
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1280x738, vlcsnap-2018-04-28-19h30m04s347.png )
>>484624 You are LOST
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:32 No. 484626
>>484625 nah, I'm in my basement I know where I am
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 400x400, Da3aNDNUQAYO8zl.jpg )
>>484622 I did watch his video on soyboys that was alright
Yeah He basically doesn't make bad content
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:37 No. 484629
Search [iqdb] (734 KB, 1128x1600, x6(2).png )
>>484626 but do you?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:37 No. 484631
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:38 No. 484632
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1128x1600, x15.png )
Holy Shit
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:44 No. 484634
Search [iqdb] (675 KB, 1128x1600, x7.png )
>>484622 he's got shit opinions about DaS2, that's as far as I got with him
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 800x947, DbEM_H1UQAA6OHv.jpg )
I haven't played DaS at all so
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:48 No. 484637
I forgot I had elona installed on this laptop. I haven't got very far in this game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:51 No. 484639
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 878x1280, d6f1f1167fd3ea1592dc566183de3d32.jpg )
>>484636 DaS1 remaster is soon give it a go
I will once I get money
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:53 No. 484641
>>484639 That's friggin lewd.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:54 No. 484642
Search [iqdb] (637 KB, 1000x1375, f5fb36376538809c31bf9cb9be469231.png )
You're looking at my wife a little too closely
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:55 No. 484643
You're showing her off. Of course I'd look closely.
none of you are free of sin
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:56 No. 484645
Sin is a spook.
>>484644 except me
>>484638 It's pretty hard to get far in that game.
>>484644 How can I be sinful If sin isn't real.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 17:58 No. 484649
Very carefully
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 17:58 No. 484650
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 800x1131, 576ee7b4ce7d44bb597bb1a8171e335e.png )
>>484644 Yes, I know how deep my sins run
>>484647 Death comes in amusing ways
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:00 No. 484652
Search [iqdb] (338 KB, 926x1400, b39.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:01 No. 484654
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:02 No. 484655
Search [iqdb] (798 KB, 707x1000, 4e7ba366ea1e57abef9982ceac9b1026.png )
>>484654 You called?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:02 No. 484656
>>484655 I almost forgot you had two wives.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:02 No. 484657
Incorrect. Utsuho transcended the throne of waifu
ground control to major ton
unya makes me think of nyarlko OP
>>484658 >>484658 >>484658
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:03 No. 484662
Is that what you identify as now?
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 2592x1856, 65724243_p0.jpg )
No I don't know what I am Probably cis
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:04 No. 484664
Cis horse?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:04 No. 484665
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1600x1171, 732e1d5fa15896e2902ad1b3c9744c5b.png )
I know who you are the leader of lost souls
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:05 No. 484667
Wait Are biological males allowed to identify as cis female?
>>484666 nice>>484667 no, cis means you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth, your birth sex if you identify as female despite being born biologically male you can't be cis
Yeah cis just means you don't deviate from what society says you are
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:06 No. 484670
I was making aad *a bad joke.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:06 No. 484671
Haha I was just pretending to be wrong
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:07 No. 484672
Asking a question doesn't make someone wrong. This sounds like bullshit to me>I gave up carbs >decided to fight fellow motorist >my lack of carbs made me a monster. Like what, you are just an asshole not because the lack of carbs are to blame.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:07 No. 484674
Search [iqdb] (3.8 MB, 2369x2265, c5919b52057aaa67ac016b0bb5dc273b.png )
I was going to say 'retarded' but I backed out for something else and picked the wrong word.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:08 No. 484675
>>484673 >explains hanger Wat
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 942x907, DZYtDR5U0AAIct7-orig.jpg )
hanger is when you're hungry and also mad
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:08 No. 484677
That's stupid and hilarious
being hungry makes you irritable discomfort makes people irritable you don't need brain magic to know that
I've been irritable because of hunger, too
yeah but it doesn't make you fight people unless you're really starving
Search [iqdb] (301 KB, 2592x2220, 67921666_p0.jpg )
It might have
HANGRY is a terrible word.
>>484679 I get pretty bitchy hungry. Though I tend to reach for snide and passive aggressiveness when irritated so it's fairly in line.
I fought a LOT growing up, dude
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:10 No. 484686
That's why those Snickers commercials are so good.
I don't get angry when I'm hungry, I usually feel really tired.
>>484685 sure but kids fight for no reason at all I expect more from an adult
I don't really get hungry until like 12+ hours no food
I am always hungry I'm like 75% jan
It takes a fair bit of time for me to get hungry generally. I can eat pretty regularly though.
I can feel hungry and then if I get distracted forget that I was hungry and end up super hungry hours later. the longest without food I've been is two days.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:13 No. 484693
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 18:14 No. 484694
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 706x900, 81b8f31abddc315bde9e2d4357dfa0e9.jpg )
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I've gone a few days without food before I've gone like 30 hours without water This is kinda hilarious. The content put out by bbc america is so different from bbc uk
>>484695 Did she find her egg? I couldn't fast. I went two days without food because I stayed at a friends and they refused to feed me and I was young so I didn't care. when I got home I felt really light headed.
I think my time without food is around thirty hours at most. I can't remember how long I've gone without water but it was probably pretty close to that length too. Depressive sulks make it pretty hard to care about eating or drinking anything.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:16 No. 484699
My parents were thinking of going to see Infinity War but apparently the next four showings for today are pretty much all booked up. The only available seats are those ones right up at the front of the theatre where you have to crane your neck upwards.
Search [iqdb] (310 KB, 1766x2539, C9mu-bGVwAE2DfQ.jpg )
>>484703 what about diseases and all that jazz
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 788x558, GUNS CAN KILL.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:17 No. 484703
Guns don't kill people People kill people
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 859x624, This is how real humans speak.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:19 No. 484705
>>484704 Switzerland actually has a lot of guns and a low violent crime rate.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:20 No. 484706
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 800x1067, happy-gilmore-guns-don't-kill-(…).jpg )
I kind of want this shirt.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 967x639, w.jpg )
Such real debating.
let's melt the guns down and make them into houses
>>484707 it looks pretty real
like that simpsons episode
>>484709 Its so polarised, all my options are rude as fuck. YOU AMERICANS LOVE YOUR MURDEROUS TOOLS. ITS OUR RIGHT.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1253x1770, bc92e0b6531896fc40cae0566096c9(…).png )
Debates are rude
I got asked for directions from someone the other day and they didn't use please or thank you at all. I was shocked.
if only I could carry my steak knives with me to eat my delicious steaks
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 500x400, DYLFOBZUMAA76af-orig.jpg )
In 3 out of 32 boroughs in London, more than 80% of babies are born to at least one parent outside the US UK THE GREAT REPLACEMENT
London isn't even majority British I don't think. the only people who can really afford to live there are very rich foreigners.
shake knives
shank knives
and every night i play the fairyland tango
Search [iqdb] (419 KB, 752x1062, 66606586_p0.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 634x756, DbdD1_cWkAEFK4J.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:32 No. 484722
The oldest spider in the world died.
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0017.JPG )
fuck why did tje bus come when i just noyiced the sun set
the oldest spider in the book>>484722 how old was the spider don't forget that guy who died recently
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:33 No. 484725
43 years old
>>484725 almost as old as our oldest poster
>>484722 Barbara Bush died a few days ago
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:35 No. 484728
Yeah but I don't really care too much. She was very old, its not particularly tragic.
>oldest spider dies after wasp attack How can we stop this senseless violence
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:35 No. 484730
Give spiders guns
give the spiders drugs
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:37 No. 484732
Give the drugs spiders
imagine if you opened a bag of coke only to find it was spider eggs
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:38 No. 484734
Bags of coke are usually transparent, so you wouldn't have to open the bag.
I mean might as well snort it could be some coke in there
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:42 No. 484736
Search [iqdb] (257 KB, 800x1149, 003_1495014324.png )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:45 No. 484738
>>484737 Lol
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:46 No. 484739
Azerbaijan is a cool place, I'd like to visit it sometime.
what do you find cool about azerbaijan?
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:48 No. 484741
It has a wide variety of biomes and interesting wild life as well as significant sites of historical interest.
i think a friend of mine wants to go this year unless he meant somewhere else he went to uzbekistan a couple of years ago
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:50 No. 484743
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 600x600, 600px-Azerbaijan_map_of_Köppen(…).png )
The varying climate is the reason for the reason for the wide variety of biomes.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:52 No. 484744
Also Mud volcanoes
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:55 No. 484745
I always think of this whenever Uzbekistan is mentioned.>>>/watch?v=b0duNFtM4Uw
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 726x1200, DKpCImUUQAAgDMr.jpg )
I want to at least travel my own country some time
travel is the best
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:56 No. 484748
That part of the world has really interesting folk music.
do you have some examples? i love folk music I can't listen rn but i will later
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:58 No. 484750
Uh This band is inspired by folk music from that region and I like them a lot>>>/watch?v=hY19Q2Wuyzk
tfw you lost ctrl again>>484745 neat
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 18:59 No. 484752
This is actual uzbel folk music. *Uzbek>>>/watch?v=67D5oOsjxjs
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:02 No. 484753
I ought to get a violin
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FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:15 No. 484757
Search [iqdb] (556 KB, 864x1200, x22.png )
>>484754 Idolm@ster: Criminal Popularity!!?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:16 No. 484759
Search [iqdb] (2.5 MB, 1500x2149, 2f691c96ca102d07ef8c0f7aed74fc66.png )
>>484746 Astolfo is well designed
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:17 No. 484760
Draw a girl, call ot a boy is not ggood design *call it
>>484760 Yes it is
astolfo looks androgynous, he's not drawn as a girl
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 200x279, 443004.full.png )
>finally go through spoilers >card mentions Radha RADHA
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1000x562, DaQp0sLUQAAbvu1-orig.jpg )
Astolfo is just a fairly feminine boi He's not even that girly
he's a legendary lady's man
>>484763 From the thumbnail and not really knowing anything about Magic's lore. I thought this was gonna be a Dad of War joke or something.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:20 No. 484767
Search [iqdb] (621 KB, 994x835, ea4f93d7361822dca459ee1de5405c01.png )
>>484762 This Astolfo manages to be both cute and also handsome.
Search [iqdb] (475 KB, 278x292, 1378368419323.gif )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:20 No. 484769
>>484763 I run radha in my most recent edh deck.
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 764x1200, x17.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:20 No. 484771
Yeah Welcome back to dominaria motherfucker. You are super late to the party.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:21 No. 484772
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 595x841, b5b37ef556253cd0ca6c1c5e6f8c8530.jpg )
>realize I'm effectively planning a date with PAN fuk
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 1000x1000, 皆村春樹 - POP | CULTURE 8 (68395875) .jpg )
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>>484768 hello>>484772 That's cute.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:23 No. 484775
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 600x600, c54d07f95357039ef52bb549ff06db58.png )
>>484774 help
oh batman ninja is out
the what
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:24 No. 484779
>>484773 The Jaya planeswalker?
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1024x1024, 赤木 - ねこ姉さん (68270999) .png )
ah, she's 5 mana though triple red too...
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:25 No. 484781
>>484780 Right? She's not that good. But you can get her out for 4 with a thing
what the hell, there's a new tremors
>>484777 >>484778 >>>/watch?v=CwPFxcefpdU
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 682x963, Dawuk3SU8AAgetA.jpg )
HOW MUCH is one mana in fate You know what the fuck I'm asking don't fuck around
>>484776 nice
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:25 No. 484786
>>484784 One lightning bolt Or a giant growth
Are we talking a cup or a bucket, is really the question here
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:26 No. 484788
Oh, did you mean "one mana of semen"?
>>484783 haha what the hell>batoman and joker fighting with katana >>484782 what why I'm so confused by everything these days
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:26 No. 484791
>>484790 Like 10cc
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 200x279, 443056.full.png )
>which would we be unlikely to reprint >all those people who said Llanowar Elves fuck that
>>484789 apparently there was a new tremors in 2015 and this iis the 6th movie what the shit
>>484791 huh
>>484789 >>>/watch?v=8mVTKEc-mu8 Here's a better trailer.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:28 No. 484796
>>484792 I did not get tthe full art promo
Sweet mercy, Green looks strong as hell
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:29 No. 484798
>>484797 Yeah but check the meta
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:29 No. 484799
>>484794 cc is a measurement
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:29 No. 484800
Cubic centimeter
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:29 No. 484801
and a cute girl
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:30 No. 484802
Blue The spoilers have been out for weeks, why are you only checking now?
Radha is super cool
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:31 No. 484804
>>484803 I got one
>all these multicolor cards Shiny as hell>Oath of Teferi W H A T
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:31 No. 484806
The new one I mean
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:32 No. 484807
>>484805 You can search for it wwith captain sisay
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>Jaya has arrived >Teferi is a Gatewatcher He's not Venser but he sure upholds him>>484809 so it seems But I care more about Teferi than the gatewatch anyway. He just wants to help even though he kinda fucked up
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:34 No. 484809
The gatewatch is going to dissolve though.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:37 No. 484810
Also they made the common set symbol be white.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:37 No. 484811
And the cards in the new set feel different They changed some stuff with the paper
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:40 No. 484813
>>484812 Animorphs is really fucked up
Animorphs was a really weird story. I never read all the books since I had to borrow them from the public library. I guess it made it easier on my child brain to not have the entire series in continuity.
yeah it was good shit but it was so fucked up
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 19:41 No. 484816
I also blame it for the furry community.
I'm sure it helped
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:43 No. 484818
>>>/watch?v=YqVOKt77wX8 high level mmd
I do not undertsan MMD
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Teferi is a fly dude
that dude got stuck as a bird how shitty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:45 No. 484822
>>484819 You don't understand making cute anime girls dance?
>>484821 As a kid a part of that always sounded kind of appealing. I can see it as a rum hand how, as I'm older. But kid-me found that totally cool.
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>>484822 More than you know, but MMD just seems strange to me and I dunno why
it is kind of strange
>>484822 >cute that's debateable, I think it's kind of uncanny>>484823 I kind of went through the same thing for a bit but I distinctly remember thinking his situation sucked before I stopped reading the books
it's not that strange>>484826 cute is always debatable
>>484826 Yeah sayaka is a tough sell for cute
My internet is dying left and right today.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:51 No. 484830
>>484828 sakuya?
both really, but yes
Kyouko is cutest maguka kuu kai
>>484832 Truth
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Homura is the cutest
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so how are we all today?
Trying to deal with shitty internet
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>>484835 I'm okay. How are you?
doing O K
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 19:59 No. 484839
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>>484835 My wrist is sore from an excess of granblue I'm going to have to tough it out though'
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>>484837 I'm doing okay. Taking it easy.
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>>484840 Me too, kinda. I'm at my dad's house. I thought we'd watch some movies like usual but some dumb liberal comedy stuff is on instead. I'm watching Bill Maher get shit on by his guests while he tries to defend rapists, though. So it's not all bad.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:04 No. 484843
I'm laying in bed waiting for my laundry to dry so I can shower.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:08 No. 484844
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>>484846 Wow trains have layovers?
>>484835 in layover waiting for another train
>>484846 How was your train journey so far?
feel a little numb idk what to do
how much more train do you need to ride?
>>484849 How many breads have sucked in your life
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:17 No. 484851
About tree fiddy
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>>484845 When I did that 24hr train trip, we had a layover in Chicago.
whats your favorite information
mine's oscillation
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>>484853 That's weird, I've never done big train rides.
>>484855 a classic for sure nice
>>484856 yes for sure they have diverging routes
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>>484856 My 24hr one was great. Except for sleeping on the top bunk. If I did another one with Fish, we could just share the bottom bunk, though.
2018/04/28 (土) 20:32 No. 484860
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what is wrong with top bunk?
it's so shakey that i almost threw up while trying to sleep
2018/04/28 (土) 20:33 No. 484862
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Hmm never found them that shaky
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:33 No. 484863
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>>484862 on a train?
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>>484859 oH I remember that train trip now. I don't know if we knew her as fish then.
>>484865 That wasn't Fish, I think.
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>>484865 That wasn't Fish. That was, I guess we called her Train.
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Oh yeah I guess it was someone else.
we did
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I should get this haircut bah
2018/04/28 (土) 20:38 No. 484871
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I hate how because I have several time bit a part of my lip real badly, it has permanently swollen a bit, so that I bite into it even easier making it each time bit bigger and easier to bite into
how much is 1ccanyway
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Train is the one that lives in Ohio. I haven't spoken to her in a long time, though. She got a boyfriend and changed her last name and stopped communicating with me. Not sure what happened there.
>Ohio oh no
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:42 No. 484876
>>484872 1cc is one cubic centimeter
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>>484873 Oh well that's not too big a surprise. That kinda thing happens!
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:42 No. 484879
As expected of Ohio.
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Now for a hair shortening adventure
2018/04/28 (土) 20:44 No. 484882
>>484879 it just devours you
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:44 No. 484883
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2018/04/28 (土) 20:44 No. 484884
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:44 No. 484885
>>484884 Cut it off
2018/04/28 (土) 20:44 No. 484886
I'd loose good part of my mouth
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:45 No. 484887
No, just the swollen part.
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>>484877 I think it's a little surprising. We were pretty good friends at one point.
2018/04/28 (土) 20:45 No. 484889
also having once had my mouth pierced by my teeth, that can be quite painful
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>>484876 so 10 is ike 1 cl?
2018/04/28 (土) 20:45 No. 484891
>>484887 at this rate I bite it off
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 20:46 No. 484892
>>484890 Yes
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wat kinda max mana do servants have in fate?
what do you mean
do they not have a mana cap?
there's no theoretical limit but each heroic spirit has different levels of mana depending on their aptitude
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that seems like a complicated question
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>>484888 There are a lot of girls that cut ties with everyone after getting boyfriends.
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>>484900 We were also colleagues! We've published symposiums together. She's still in contact with some of the girls we worked with, I think. But she's not the kind of girl that would get told what to do by a boyfriend so I don't know. It doesn't really matter, though.
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>>484900 are you gonna
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>>484904 No way, I'm not that type.>>484903 You never know!
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>>484905 Well, it's whatever. I don't care that much.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 20:52 No. 484907
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SK you seem a little too fixated on the mana semen thing It's not like that's the only way to get mana.
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There are more ways to get mana?
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>>484905 i dont like the jealous types who dont want you to have friends
mana is usually supplied to a servant via a link between them and the master, facilitated by a holy grail sex was just because shirou didn't know how to send or receive mana
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 20:53 No. 484911
>>484908 the only reason Shiro had to fuck Saber was because he's so bad at being a master see >>484910
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>>484911 He was so bad at being a master he got to fuck Saber?
rin also fucked shirou for mana reasons there are other instances of it
>>484915 shirou needed mana that time rin or rani have sex with whichever servant you use in fate/extra as well for mana reasons so it works for lesbians, too>>484917 nah they haven't elaborated on how that works
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 20:55 No. 484918
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starting to seem like nasu just does whatever if it can shoehorn in a sex scene
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Nasu absolutely hates sex scenes. They were told they had to include them in Tsukihime and Fate. Nasu writes them really poorly on purpose. They're pretty happy that Fate is big enough that they don't have to do sex scenes anymore.
There's a reason after he became famous, not a single future project of his involved explicit sex.
also there's a lot of rumors that nasu is a woman
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wait really
yeah, nasu hates sex scenes
Honestly sex is really dumb to write unless you're blessed by the divines of erotica or something.
nasu always wrote in mollusks and stuff
There's a translation project for the Tsukihime fandisk I ran through once. The translators added a bonus feature to run a special scene they composed of 4chan people riffing off of Nasu's sex scene imagery. It was impressive to see how creative they could get with aquatic creatures.
wat the fuck is a mollusk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:10 No. 484930
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A shelled creature of the deep. Meanwhile If Sakuya isn't cute I can up the ante>>>/watch?v=E7kLuKEpuvk Improved
not necessarily of the deep but close enough
yeah i sti,ll think it's strange
>>484929 The opening "mouth" of mollusks kind of resemble the opening of a certain female anatomical part.
mollusks don't necessarily have shells snails and octopuses are both mollusks
snails have shells you DINGUS
yeah that's why i said snails
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Nasu's sex scenes combined with the crappy translation of Fate make a really funny combo
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>>484935 #notallsnails
2018/04/28 (土) 21:12 No. 484939
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giant slugs
>>484938 What do you have against tall snails?
>>484936 no that's why I said snails
>>484941 no, that's my horse
2018/04/28 (土) 21:15 No. 484943
>>484930 good song except the quite awkward itsu daaaaate
>>484942 there are many doors, ed boy
>>484944 open the door, boy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:18 No. 484946
>>484943 yeah that song is pretty dang strong
>>484945 how far are you? my dda // dad is getting really strong
i got to the top of the mountain yesterday
oh, you're about the same as me now then it's a pretty fun game so far>>484950 I played the mainline ones
2018/04/28 (土) 21:20 No. 484950
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btw have you played all of the gow games before?
2018/04/28 (土) 21:20 No. 484951
well rather 1-3 and not the spinoffs
>>484949 it's so good did you meet mimir
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:21 No. 484953
Ah yes. The Kizuna Ai Alter from the heaven's feel route>>>/watch?v=b_8X4RI0GCA
yeah we're gonna be good buds
2018/04/28 (土) 21:21 No. 484955
>>484953 it needs more autotune
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:22 No. 484956
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The song? I like it when the vocaloid songs aren't done by vocaloids.
2018/04/28 (土) 21:22 No. 484957
if you didn't realise it has so much autotune, but I guess it being vocaloid song makes sense
naptime GOOD BYE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:22 No. 484959
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>>484957 most mmd songs are I at least like it when they can trick me into thinking it isn't one
>>484953 reol is good
>>484954 he's really funny the banter is high level
2018/04/28 (土) 21:23 No. 484962
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all this dad of war makes me want to replay gow3 though I will know how that will end up>plays it through on hard untill that 3 judges thing that is just neigh impossible to complete
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:24 No. 484964
nice eyebrows
2018/04/28 (土) 21:24 No. 484965
if someone has that kind of eyebrows, they are painted
Search [iqdb] (241 KB, 715x861, 43109469 - 城ボット - 25.jpg )
The new GoW is really good. I like it a lot more than the old ones.
2018/04/28 (土) 21:25 No. 484967
I wonder why they changed the va was the old guy too busy did they think he couldn't do a calm dad of war
i dont have my comfort kitty im so worried about her
the VAs basically sound the same it's probably money stuff
2018/04/28 (土) 21:26 No. 484970
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>>484969 yeah I didn't even notice it untill I looked it up I dunno, the new guy and the old guy are about same level fame, so most likely same level fees
2018/04/28 (土) 21:27 No. 484971
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It just is the "removing the guy who acted the character" first thing Especially in vidyagames when studios really at times don't seem to think that voice acting is important at all and vas can just be switched around willy nilly or replaced with big list hollywood actors
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NL playing Beyond: Two Souls is too real
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2018/04/28 (土) 21:28 No. 484974
But if I had to guess it is either>old guy didn't want to come back/couldn't >they didn't think he could do a calm older kratos and went with someone else
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 21:29 No. 484975
>>484973 what's up
2018/04/28 (土) 21:30 No. 484976
fuck the guy who does kratos now as in star gate
>>484968 Did you have to leave her behind, or do you have someone that might bring her to where you've moved later on?
2018/04/28 (土) 21:32 No. 484978
seems like it is>they did movement capturing and the old guy just was too small to be used for thatk ind of stuff >due to that kind of acting, the new guy performed better due to being 6'3 and having better chemistry with BOY actor, who actually is a 12yo kid
My mom asked me to go to wendys and i always like to look at calroies for what she gets on things this titals to about 1800 but at leasg shes watching her carbs
which /moe/ would you want to have with you when you get into the Cash Cab
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 610x656, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 06(…).jpg )
I like wendys. The spicy chicken sandwich is good.
>>484980 ypu
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 21:43 No. 484983
>>484980 Moon
yeah id say moon or rei
>>484981 i thought about getting the regular one but i decided to just eat food from home
which /moe/ would you want to be trapped on a desert island with
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:04 No. 484987
Kirara That way the other /moe/ wouldn't need to borrow my knife.
>>484986 Dutch
>>484987 nice
>they ask to borrow your knife and fucking lose it
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:07 No. 484991
>>484988 Dutch would kill and eat you
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>>484986 I'll just die
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I have many knyf
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:10 No. 484994
>>484993 With you all the time?
>>484992 we can survive
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:10 No. 484996
My knife is within arms reach 95% of the time
>>484994 Yeah
>>484996 same
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send me to a dessert island
i sleep with a knife >>484999 which /moe/ would you prefer to be stranded on a dessert island with
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:12 No. 485001
>>484999 You'd get diabetes
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 497x1262, DSpRQf1UMAAnf4A.jpg )
Crowbar under my pillow
>>484986 me
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:12 No. 485004
>>484999 SK cause he hates chocolate
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/28 (土) 22:12 No. 485005
Meant to reply to >>485000
>>485001 >>484992
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>>485000 you because there's gonna be sweets tonight
2018/04/28 (土) 22:14 No. 485008
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melt the dessert island
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>>485007 kyaaaa
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>>485010 haha
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2018/04/28 (土) 22:22 No. 485015
>>485013 I would have rather taken s2
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this is me
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You need to cut your hair, hippy.
>Shirobako movie is all about how studios fail to get an S2 for a show and have to deal with turning them into an anime instead
movie* instead
>>485017 i would take offense to this if I didn't just cut my hair
>>485017 Actually my hair is getting pretty long it's buzzed to like a 1 on the sides and back but it's like 6 or so inches on top and really curly
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>>485015 In this world we sometimes have to take what we can get>>485024 Then please go down to P.A Works and force them at gunpoint to do season 2
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I wanna rewatch TTGL But I don't wanna alone IMATS we gotta watch the JJ as well sometime
2018/04/28 (土) 22:31 No. 485024
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>>485022 I take what I can and give nothing back!
2018/04/28 (土) 22:32 No. 485025
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>>485022 give me tickets to japan and a live finnish to japan translator
>>485023 yeah we do I probably can't until after the 9th
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that late, huh? ell I can wait
2018/04/28 (土) 22:33 No. 485028
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weird to see jj typed
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pls PLS
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2018/04/28 (土) 22:36 No. 485031
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 2048x1899, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
can I have a cafe catte
Search [iqdb] (753 KB, 666x986, DbuIZnvVMAAepbX.png )
I want a cat cafe I sh0uld start a cat cafe
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2018/04/28 (土) 22:38 No. 485034
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 1000x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
there are few here never been to em though
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1561x1590, DayqwmTWAAEGKxv-orig.jpg )
2018/04/28 (土) 22:38 No. 485036
expensive always filled
entry fee?
2018/04/28 (土) 22:38 No. 485038
yes and you will still have to most likely order something to stay any longer time than I dunno 30 mins
Are there cat cafes in philly?
2018/04/28 (土) 22:40 No. 485040
oh they have gone down from 15 to 5€ entry fee
>>485039 according to Google, at least two
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 728x856, DbhAnY7VwAE28M4.jpg )
We gotta go
are you comin to philly this year?
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If I get money I'm coming next year
oh hell yeah we're probably gonna need a minivan this year haha
if we end up with more than like 7 people eventually ill have to get us a limo
2018/04/28 (土) 22:45 No. 485047
now tht would be fancy
maybe i can get a small schoolbus
wow a bus is cheaper than an RV
2018/04/28 (土) 22:48 No. 485050
Search [iqdb] (527 KB, 768x1024, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
you most likely need special license for dem bus
>>485049 well yeah you isiot
rude i weep
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 2592x1856, 65724243_p0.jpg )
>>485046 A limo would be bourgie and cool as hell
>>485049 what's a RV?
>>485055 recreational vehicle like those campers and stuff>>485054 idk if i could drive one haha
>>485056 ah... Like a Van?
I don't have a license but I'll drive us #illegalism
wait today they did a franxx recap? fuck.
>>485057 no, it's like a living space
>>485058 gonna get us killed lmao
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>>485061 Don't worry I'm white
>>485063 wow i might have to hate you know.
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my dad is smokin weed outside he asked fish if she wanted some and she wasn't interested though>>485063 you'll get us in an accident yo
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I can drive a forklift, a car can't be much harder
2018/04/28 (土) 22:56 No. 485067
free salmon
>>485066 is that your job? i hope they pay you soon.
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>>485065 Wow you have bad taste ing irl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 22:57 No. 485070
Search [iqdb] (897 KB, 1062x799, abf105f90dab3afa35d637bcbb7548b1.png )
who needs some smooches
>>485068 I hope so too, but driving forklifts isn't really my job It's something that happens now and then
>>485070 depends on whos the schoocher..
2018/04/28 (土) 22:57 No. 485073
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 780x990, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
man I got a lot of free food from the funeral
>>485070 only from a grill
>>485074 a girl also works. or a grail.
>>485075 No a girl doesn't work Only grills
>>485076 ok.
2018/04/28 (土) 22:58 No. 485078
Search [iqdb] (731 KB, 1120x932, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
though what the fuck do I do with 30 cooked potatoes, though
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>>485069 what
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>>485080 Doesn't even weed
2018/04/28 (土) 22:59 No. 485082
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Also I guess the charm of cremating is that you don't need to carry the coffin
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>>485081 i don't either fish will use kratom and she dropped acid once
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you have reasns
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Lots of people have reasons not to like weed! Fish follows the law, generally. Also >>485087 She knows I don't like the smell. Plus she doesn't like how it makes her feel.
2018/04/28 (土) 23:01 No. 485087
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Like the smell
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Most of them very bad
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>>485086 Oh, she's done itbefore? I retract statement
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>>485089 She's from a rich family. It'd be odd if she didn't have exposure. Her ex-boyfriend was abusive and made her use some stuff.
like, guilt of sorts? since you said "follows the law"
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>>485090 Rich black people though I figured there'd be a level of "don't act black" in her upbringing
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>>485092 White people are really into drugs. Especially the rich. And the boyfriend thing.
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>tfw someone gives a fuck near me whatever feel
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>>485093 I guess But I was under the impression that at least the upper strata of black people distanced themselves from it
>>485095 well it's mostly the ex-boyfriend thing
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fair enogh sounds like an asshole
he got arrested for CP last year
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WOW Oh that reminds me one of the electrifcians at work, In know was in trouble for that while we were in high school I guess he didn't do any time cause he was in high school
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>>485095 A L O M a 4koma
2018/04/28 (土) 23:12 No. 485101
>>485098 wow
yeah apparently you could see it through his front windows
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>>485100 I'm a white norwegian ok Im dumb
>>485102 oh so I do remember this story
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>>485102 ....what the fuck
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>>485106 praxis
2018/04/28 (土) 23:15 No. 485108
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>>485102 there is idiotic incompetency and then there is this
>>485105 who knows what really happened haha
>>485104 As do I.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/28 (土) 23:22 No. 485111
i got issues and you've got em too
2018/04/28 (土) 23:23 No. 485112
Search [iqdb] (262 KB, 734x1000, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
I've got issues but a sammy isn't one of them,
there's a show called Live PD where you can watch live feeds of cops arresting people
oh boy we get to watch people get shot on tv wooo
2018/04/28 (土) 23:26 No. 485115
>In a controversial incident on a July 8, 2017 episode, Senior Deputy Chris Mastrianni was called to a fight in progress at a large house party when a car (leaving the same party) went right past him going about 90 mph (according to the deputy). S/D Mastrianni initiated a traffic stop on the vehicle, which then proceeded to evade him for several minutes. The car then turned a corner before jumping a curb, hitting a power pole's support wire and rolling over. The driver then crawled out the window of his vehicle with his 2-year-old daughter in his arms, and began fighting with S/D Mastrianni. The man then released his child, who was taken to safety by the Live PD field producer. After several minutes, Cpl. Mark Laureano and S/D Katelyn Jasak arrived on scene and aided S/D Mastrianni in handcuffing and arresting the man, as well as pushing back the rapidly growing crowd of bystanders whom were watching the events unfold. The toddler received a broken arm in the incident.
im watching a cop scream at a black person for being parked in front of a motel >>485117 its on tv my dad has cable
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>>485116 i need link
>Two girls, Ichinose Haruko and Nikaido Natsuko, bump into each other by accident, resulting in a kiss and them swapping bodies. The only way to swap back is to kiss again...>37 chapters >ongoing
>>485118 >Last translated chaper: some time in 2016
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/28 (土) 23:29 No. 485121
>>485118 it can't be done!
2018/04/28 (土) 23:29 No. 485122
>>485118 gets damn repetive and boring real quick and comedy is quite meh>>485120 naw it gets chapters monthly
What a boring twist.
lol it turns out the black person didn't do anything and the cops are like "be more careful next time"
2018/04/28 (土) 23:33 No. 485125
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 800x681, 1b5973949369baf8e558341c4948bfde.jpg )
that reminds me of>This year we the cops are going to fine 60k MORE speeding tickets than usual and my first reaction was "don't you have better things to do?" we don't even use fine money to fund cops
>>485124 Good adivce, they might open fire next time
oh they actually successfully swap back in the first chapter okay I thought it was like >37 chapters >NO KISSING
2018/04/28 (土) 23:35 No. 485128
>>485127 no they do it in every chapter
my stepmom is trying to tell me elvis died last month and his death was faked by Nixon she saw it on Facebook
Elvis' death being faked conspiracy theories have been around for decades though, haven't they?
2018/04/28 (土) 23:36 No. 485131
Search [iqdb] (198 KB, 500x607, 2e97d87ecac8c2b3f7ee056377d4ac54.jpg )
Elvis isn't deadI am Elvis
>>485129 elvis is a latin american artist now. i think. forgot his last name.
2018/04/28 (土) 23:37 No. 485133
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
2018/04/28 (土) 23:38 No. 485134
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
look at dis legendary yokai
>>485130 yeah but ive never met someone that believed it
2018/04/28 (土) 23:40 No. 485136
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hozuki no Reite(…).jpg )
I am usually either informed of the legend or the episode explains it well enough but skellingtons vs crow tengu the fuck is going on?
2018/04/28 (土) 23:41 No. 485137
Search [iqdb] (836 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2018-04-29_02-41-28.jpg )
even the show agrees
watching this guy on an ATV escape cops by driving into the Nevada desert lmao
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/28 (土) 23:43 No. 485139
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2018/04/28 (土) 23:44 No. 485140
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a neet legendary youkai
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 617x539, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
my dad is sittin here talking about how easy it'd be to kill the cops in this show his dad was a cop lol
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [Davinci] Girlish Number - 05 (…).jpg )
never gonna break never gonna break not for a part of any gamut in the dark
2018/04/28 (土) 23:49 No. 485144
>>485142 well is not like that implies hew ants to kill a cop
i said you could just use smoke bombs or something and he was like, no, you gotta kill them so idk he didn't used to be very radical he's like a primitivist now
Oh shit. Redbull is looking for a "Gaming and Esports Specialist" in my city. What the fuck is this. I have found my calling.
2018/04/28 (土) 23:53 No. 485147
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 700x700, __chen_hinanawi_tenshi_inubash(…).jpg )
>>485146 but what esport?
>>485146 that's you
>>485147 They really don't say. I think they're looking for someone who's savvy in the culture to help with marketing.
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>>485145 Daddy Kazynski got to him?
>>485150 idk he just thinks internet destroyed the world and says we should get rid of electricity and go back to keeping everything local and use horses
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I walked faster today 5ha Than usual but heart rate is lower. I spent so little time in cardio compared to before. How frustrating
Oh I found the expected job requirements. Just another bachelor's expecting job.
>>485152 sounds like you're getting stronger at least
>Kannagi: "I am growing more powerful each day"
2018/04/28 (土) 23:56 No. 485156
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>>485151 Introduce bread book
>>485157 nah he can't read a book he's too ADHD
introduce also stimulant
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>>485159 he doesn't like them
I went up to the city limit. Almost 9 miles of walking
>>485161 aw'
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Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg )
>>485164 Swap swap is cute
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:01 No. 485167
>>485162 Congrats
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:02 No. 485168
meowy wowy
This job posting is written in the douchiest way possible. Like everything about it oozes snide insults and "look at me I'm a cool tech start-up".
>>485168 hewwo sam uwu
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:03 No. 485171
i'm gonna write a job posting in the Deutshest way possible>>485170 h0iiiii
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Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:04 No. 485174
Search [iqdb] (5 KB, 272x175, Intolerance.PNG )
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:04 No. 485176
>empathic customers so where do all the asshole customers' tickets go
Search [iqdb] (8 KB, 556x126, Disqualified.PNG )
They literally have a part telling potential applicants to pretty much fuck off.>>485176 Considering the tone of this posting, probably just tossed in the bin.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:06 No. 485178
okay that's actually a policy i could agree with
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 08(…).jpg )
Anything that sounds too good to be true probably is.
I don't even think this sounds like it's too good to be true I just think whoever wrote this has a crazily-inflated idea of what their workplace is like.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:06 No. 485181
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/29 (日) 00:07 No. 485182
yeah that's a lot of BS and it's doing them no favors
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All this for a "Customer Service Representative". Honestly though the pay isn't bad. If the location wasn't literally on the other side of the city from me I'd give it a shot.
>>485184 wow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/29 (日) 00:10 No. 485186
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Nanatsu no Taizai - Im(…).jpg )
>>485180 Customers that aren't evil sounds too good to be true!
>>485184 but DO you have what it takes?
>>485188 Probably. It doesn't really sound difficult. I'm fairly convinced part of the reason the posting is writting in this asshole tone is to scare off people who are under-qualified. Written even.>>485187 Again, written by someone who has a crazy idea of what working there's even like. Evil or not, customers don't really intimidate me.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 700x891, CbJbugQUcAQfVIS - テトペテソーン - バレ(…).jpg )
dad: so y'all gonna get hitched soon? me: ああ fish: I want to have kids. dad: that's a good idea
how lovely.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2018/04/29 (日) 00:14 No. 485192
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 600x600, 0b4b4d3f3a77417f7fb17a03101f161d.png )
Build a skeleton out of bones build a human out of a skeleton and meat lots of meat and meat on bones and bones on skin and bones and human become human transcend skeletal form
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 12(…).jpg )
>>485190 How funny.
>>485190 It probably is a good idea to have kids. To have them NOW on the other hand.
>>485190 Wow, how did you reply in that situation?
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 885x1300, 1524512009646.png )
>>485195 laughter>>485193 It's not that funny. Everyone is conspiring against me!>>485194 Yeah.
Oh I could become a certified Apple Genius™. Kekkou desu.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:17 No. 485198
Search [iqdb] (612 KB, 700x990, __cirno_hinanawi_tenshi_ibuki_(…).jpg )
oh yeah btw in case you missed it, there is currently a russian floating nuclear powerplant sailing on the baltic sea
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:18 No. 485199
>>485198 Wait what
>>485197 pretty sure you need at least four years post-graduate education for that
2018/04/29 (日) 00:18 No. 485201
>>485199 it will be permanently floating up and splitting atoms in the white sea sometime this year or next
That job posting sounds like the kind of job where they fire people easily or people quit because the job is shit.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:19 No. 485203
>>485200 Really?
>>485198 yeah it's pretty fucked up
2018/04/29 (日) 00:19 No. 485205
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1000x541, 1042335539.jpg )
>>485204 I dunno, it is just a portable stop gap measure of russian engineering to deal with low power production
2018/04/29 (日) 00:20 No. 485206
also, everyone was "you are going to LOAD IT FULL BEFORE TRANSPORTING IT!?" a while ago
2018/04/29 (日) 00:20 No. 485207
luckily they didn't
>>485205 it's incredibly irresponsible
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:20 No. 485210
>>485204 Why?
>>485210 because it's very irresponsible and dangerous to have a nuclear power plant on a boat like this>>485212 yes, they're going to use it to power some oil rigs
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:21 No. 485212
>>485211 Is it loaded with fuel right now?
They also are going probably have pirates try and steal shit probably considering the security at most plants s
>>485203 yeah. sure. why not? they're geniuses, after all
2018/04/29 (日) 00:21 No. 485215
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1480x990, __hakurei_reimu_and_hinanawi_t(…).jpg )
>>485211 yeah in case accidents happen, it will directly pour into the sea also naw it isn't loaded it is being transported to archangelisk for fueling and then moved to its final location
2018/04/29 (日) 00:22 No. 485216
it is a prototype and the final production line will essentially be a portable thing they can move to coastal industrial areas to save on oil and coal consumption
2018/04/29 (日) 00:22 No. 485217
also designed by Rosatom
>>485184 I would say, "Fuck you, pay me"
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:24 No. 485219
>>485211 You know we have nuclear powered aircraft carriers and submarines right?
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:26 No. 485221
Seaborne nuclear power plants aren't a new thing.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:26 No. 485222
Although I'm sure the Russians did a terrible job.
>>485219 that's a little different clearly
Can't wait for the floating castles powered by nuclear energy.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:26 No. 485225
Search [iqdb] (763 KB, 825x860, __hinanawi_tenshi_and_yakumo_y(…).jpg )
>>485221 >>485219 "Don't worry, grigori, we have already sunk plenty of nuclear submarines, what possible could go wronger this time"
>>485224 Then we just need moving castles powered by nuclear energy. And we'll finally make Heavy Object a reality.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:27 No. 485227
>>485223 in essence is the same, one just has a lot more fuel on it
>>485226 Heavy Objects are so amazing that they can take a nuclear blast no problem but if a tiny human hits it in the wrong place with a spanner it will die.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:28 No. 485229
also apparently soviets have nuclear powered ice breakers
>>485228 Well, they're designed to fight head-on with other constructs armed with big weaponry. Before the MCs started doing their thing, no one really tried taking Heavy Objects on from a human size.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:28 No. 485231
"soviets" russians
2018/04/29 (日) 00:29 No. 485232
Search [iqdb] (178 KB, 566x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou__b29d(…).jpg )
>>485230 Why build a complicated war machine when one man armed with a rocket launcher can destroy it 100 out of 100 times
>>485232 Well they are supposed to be laser to death but some how the two guys just keep getting lucky. I just think if a spanner can damage a part that a nuke can't that is one hell of a spanner. even the explosives are dumb, like it can take a nuke and your gonna blow a few sticks of tnt in its leg.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:32 No. 485234
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 800x800, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
>>485233 well if you can get those sticks inside the superstructure it might work at some level
>Glory Hole Doughnuts The audacity of some people.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:37 No. 485236
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m5s, 5.7 MB, 512x288, 814d54ed1aff0a0b.mp4 )
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2018/04/29 (日) 00:40 No. 485238
>>485237 I now know what i will do next NY
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 610x656, [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 06(…).jpg )
>>485237 what the fuck did he hit the other guy on the bike?
2018/04/29 (日) 00:43 No. 485242
Search [iqdb] (♫, 50s, 5.1 MB, 640x360, 5075d39be7ced3f3.mp4 )
It is really annoying that paid editing of wikipedia articles is allowe.d
2018/04/29 (日) 00:45 No. 485244
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>>485243 >paid editing of wikipedia articles nani that sounds increadibly corrupt
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 00:48 No. 485246
Shit still gets reverted
>>485245 i'm going to ask you to make that post again but if you spell incedibly so atrociously this time i'm going to hate you forever
paid by who tho
>>485247 >incedibly
i rescind that and all previous statements and my existnec e
I went for a walk out of boredom now my walk is over. I'm back to being bored. at least the internet is actually working now
I've been a little stir-crazy today. It's not really all that nice outside and I don't have anywhere to go either, so I don't really have a reason to go out. But that doesn't really make my stir-craziness much better.
2018/04/29 (日) 00:58 No. 485255
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 512x512, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg )
stir some veggies then
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1200x1600, DacIWSnVMAoLudw-orig.jpg )
tim 4 slep
FormerRei@mobile 2018/04/29 (日) 01:04 No. 485258
RECOMMEND:>>485259 → >>485259 →