
Thread #477569

Not synched.

Bottom Identity
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Haru haru
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Spring forth
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>how do you hold a discussion about employment with someone who is employed to kill you
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none of you lot are giving me a spring boost
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Vaias Infernal complete
20k feathers get
I'll figure out who to evolve later
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you never let me have that
Kirara 🚗
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>hair is coloured 青い and not ichigo
Yeah but people who are named Aoi never have 青い hair.
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Kirara 🚗
goro needs to be loved and protected forever
Kirara 🚗
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Trigger will probably never produce anything as amazing as Franxx.
after Franxx
I don't think they can possibly create another show this good
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FranXX is pretty good.
We'll see if it ends up being their best show though.

FranXX is good, but I think it remains to be seen if it will be as good as KLK from an artistic standpoint yet, since one is complete and the oher isn't.
LWA is also good, especially at its highest points.
Kirara 🚗
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Franxx is going to be in my top 5 anime unless they really fuck it up.

Those other shows are interesting and fun, but they don't even come close to reaching Franxx's level.
Franxx is on the level of Kyousougiga.
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KLK doesn't suit my tastes particularly well, but as a work it's pretty high level and artistic.
I need to see all of FranXX to know if it's going to be artistically more significant than KLK.
Kirara 🚗
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KLK was honestly trash for the first 10 or so episodes.
The script, the story, all of it was really bad until Nui showed up.
It was so bad that I questioned whether or not I would continue watching it almost every week between episode 3 and when Nui showed up.
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>good as KLK from an artistic standpoint
That's not that difficult
Kirara 🚗
like kiznaiver is probably five times better than KLK from an artistic standpoint
unless you mean the quality of the animation
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KLK really isn't my flavor but I have to acknowledge it as a work.

I'm talking about the full package but yeah the animation is top notch.
KLK is something kind of in the vein of panty and stocking. It isn't going to be Kyousougiga but it is good in its own way.

If FranXX can keep up the pace I think it may end up being better than KLK, but FranXX needs to finish strong.
A series that starts slow and finishes strong is better than a series that starts strong and finishes slow.
Kirara 🚗
except for during big fights which they did in really bad CGI
Kirara 🚗
at episode 15, franxx is way better than klk at episode 15

plus klk started incredibly slow
the first 10 episodes was literally nothing happening except for a pointless monster of the week that didn't advance the plot or build the world in any substantial way outside of maybe one or two minutes of exposition every episode
it's really easy to get hyped up about klk because of how amazing the second cour was, but the first cour was an absolutely miserable slog that lowers the show's quality a lot in my opinion
>Franxx is on the level of Kyousougiga
woah now
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's right i said it
franxx is hitting that magical spot that gets a show a special place in my heart that other stuff can't even hope to reach
well I'm still several episodes behind so I can't judge it properly but that's a very bold statement
kyousoigiga is one of my favorites
Kirara 🚗
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episode 13 of franxx is as good as episode 10 of ping pong
without exaggeration
and episode 14 and 15 of franxx are so good too
but 13 is unironically one of the best episodes of an anime i've ever seen from practically every standpoint
Kirara 🚗
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i still rewatch kyosogiga like twice a year
i think i could rewatch franxx once or twice a year, especially if it keeps up like it has been
kyousogiga only has one episode that makes me tear up and franxx has done it twice now
4* stall
3* Arthur
I think I can pack it in now
Not even a pity breaker. What a waste
Time to sleep until I'm deployed
Or maybe sleep until you're destroyed.
No different from death
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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ive only slept an average of 7 hours a night one month out of the last year
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
convert to vampirism, we don't sleep and we drink blood for sustenance.
convert today!
Kirara 🚗
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this is the month i slept an average of 7 hours
Kirara 🚗
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almost managed 7 hour average last month
I'd be interested in seeing what my actual sleep rate is.
I can be in bed for eight or nine hours but still wake up feeling like I haven't slept enough.
Kirara 🚗
i usually feel fine as long as i get more than five hours unless i only get five hours several days in a row
it seems like i consistently spend a week getting 3-5 hours and then sleeping 10 hours to make up for it
id probably be even healthier if i could sleep better but my sleep has been fucked since the beginning of 2015
it's probably not going to ever be normal haha
I was talking about it last night, but the last time I feel like I got a well-restful sleep was like, somewhere around three months or so ago.
I can't even remember when very precisely.
It doesn't matter if I sleep 4.5 or nine hours but it all makes me feel groggy and dissatisfied upon waking up.
It makes it hard to be functional for the first few hours of being awake too, which also makes it hard to build productivity momentum for the day.
The complexity of interconnectedness involved in being a human bean is really annoying.
Kirara 🚗
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Have you considered seeing a doctor?
Yeah, a few times.
I've talked about it with my mother once or twice and she's brought up that I might want to get my tonsils and adenoids looked at again as well.
The last one or two times I've gone to see my family doctor though, I've felt kind of like the things I've asked into have been kind of put aside and just been treated to normal procedure.
So I haven't really been motivated to go back.
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, that sucks.
What about a sleep specialist?
I probably could.
My sister went to a sleep specialist, I think, a few years back.
We might still have the address.
Probably should.
I guess it's just easy to be fatalistic about it.
I don't really want to go in and be told "yeah you've just "// "there isn't anything functionally wrong with you, you just need to fall asleep better".
'Cause I probably don't disengage from engaging activity or pull myself away from screen lights or am active enough in the day to produce the appropriate environment for falling asleep in.
And if it does lean more towards those kinds of issues, then I've got to conquor my own inability to resist impulse.
Which isn't something I've been particularly good at so far.
Kirara 🚗
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Do you use f.lux and stuff?

You probably are developing a chemical imbalance or something honestly
that's like the most common cause of sleep issues
Maybe the year's crazy weather has been messing with your vitamins or something
I've been fairly consistently taking vitamin D, which is a common vitamin you fail to get enough of in long winters up north.
There might be others I'm not aware of though.
I used f.lux for a while but the tinted screens were more of a nuisance when I was drawing, since they messed with my perception of colours.
Though I guess I don't draw much at all these days so that's not a great argument anymore.
Kirara 🚗
i think this is my first time seeing a video of a platypus
Kirara 🚗
what a strange beast
They're kind of like a duck-billed otter almost.
Especially with those aquatic moves.
Cute critter.
Kirara 🚗
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I set my f.lux to disable itself when Photoshop is up.
I dunno what the cause of your issue might be but I always worry that stuff like that might get worse.
Chemical imbalances that affect sleep can develop into severe depression sometimes.

It's almost uncanny.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
How to you become a vampire?
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
this is insane
cops playing soldier in camo with military weapons pointing them into the faces of protestors
Darkest Dungeon is a pretty intense management game in the later parts of it.
Every hit of damage you take feels so costly and you're pushed to take some pretty risky gambles some times to ensure progression and survival.
I mean I guess you could just not care about the party members you assemble, but I've sunk a fair bit of time and currency into these units.
I don't really want them to just go and die.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
You have to be bitten by a member of the vampire cult. I can bite you if you want to convert you.
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This is always an interesting issue to me because it seems to just be a matter of aesthetics.
It seems common sense that cops are going to use heavier gear, or more specialized gear in isntances where things are likely to be tense. You can see a lot of what appear to be non-lethal beanbag guns carried by some of them.
People always say that it's a sign that they're facists when they wear military gear - does that mean that it would be fine if they wore vests and such that looked differently but was functionally the same?
I imagine a lot of what they use is military surplus for their tactical gear.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i think even Boo was better than this, gosh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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holy shit I forgot boo
Someone from the past who should be left in the past.
lemme tell you one thing /moe/
never fly air china
Sounds about right.
Today's gonna be a day
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Have a wonderful day at work
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motherfucking jesse eisenberg
What about him?
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huh why aren't they using urban camo tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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i dunno i just wanted to say something but i don't have anything to say
i liked his performance in Now You See Me and Zombieland
I think the only movie I've seen him in is Zombieland.
I don't watch a lot of movies.
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me neither honestly
i usually just watch them when other people want to
Yeah, that's why I saw Zombieland really.
Friends in high school wanted to go and I tagged along.

One of the most recent movies I saw was because of that too.
He was okay in social network
i didn't watch that one
i don't even have a fuckin facebook
anime >>477653 →
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Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
good kitty
*opens tuna can*
where's Moon at?
I need my music fix
Here's your Morning Moon.
this is the only other song i've heard from these guys
Bobcaygeon is pretty famous, yeah.
I've driven through that town before.
Growing up in Canada at any time in the past thirty years, it's hard to not know three or four of their songs at the least, even if you're not a fan.
An older well-known song of theirs is New Orleans is Sinking.
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oh hey marsh
what'll you have bud
i've really been enjoying this lately
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
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oh oops I messed up.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
that's ok we still love you
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Would have thought they have venom and for that reason you couldn't touch them
I borrowed something from a friend and gave it back to him and then he left it at the store and now another friend is really pissed at me.
That's really cute.
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Which Skull wuld u girl?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I've never played a fighting game, so none.
You've never played a fighting game? That's amazing in a certain sense.
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Anyways this meme came from this Skullgirls comic originally.
Fun fact
Also they're both princesses so I doubt their days are really that bad.
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Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Name a classic game or anything considered to be a great game from the past. I probably have not played it.
I can probably count the games I've sunk my life into on my 2 hands.
That sounds made up so no.
Bomberman, I've heard of that but no never played it.
Keep naming games, this is fun.
Eric and the Floaters
(European name for Bomberman)
Nah, they had to change the name because IRA bombings.
Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XV
Final Fantasy Tactics, Tales of Phantasia
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I have never played a Final Fantasy game, no.
I've never heard of Tales of Phantasia
bye have fun, board games are nice
Gotta go play a boardgame
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relieved bang
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everything is gonna be just fine
Have you been keeping up with FranXX lately Bang?
The past few weeks have been in tents.
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Oh, is that the case? I'm glad it's going okay.
relieved bang
Yes but I haven't seen today's episode
Might save it to watch with zooks, might not
we'll see
Things turned out much different than I expected, but it's much better this way
We're gonna step it down a notch because we like each other much better this way, and we each get the freedoms we want
Good on you Bang
relieved bang
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Good on you Maria for being so you
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I didn't do anything other than offer vague words of encouragement

Good on yuu
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well good luck bang!
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how about you encourage this
relieved bang
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You can be a scuba diver if you want to Anno
You can be just like that anime girl
Chase that dream
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
but what if it's not
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well it's not now that you're here
relieved bang
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possible, but not worth worrying abot
don't worry about things unless you think there's something you can do about them
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
oh. sorry.
but what if it is?
relieved bang
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once you've decided on a course of action, worrying about the outcome is pointless and weak
worrying is only useful insomuch as it provides the motivation to produce a solution
I'm sure the people that do it compulsively are happy with that philosophy on the matter.
relieved bang
I'm sorry that it's not so easy to live that way, but it's at least an ideal to strive for
Optimism and confidence can be forced with enough willpower
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
"just stop being depressed"
relieved bang
It's not that simple but it is correct.
And some people are in more unfortunate or more fucked up situations or given worse tools to do so
I'm not saying it will always work to try, but what's the point in not trying?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
uh huh
oh is that
uh huh
yeah no I see what you're saying there
The key issue with that mentality from my perspective is that it's downshifting the lacking quantity from optimism and confidence down to willpower.
And lacking willpower or motivation is still a common issue amongst people with mental issues like depression.
If it works for you, that's probably a good thing.
I just don't think its a feasible or achievable mechanism for a good chunk of people. Myself included probably.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
You actually don't understand anything at all about mental health issues if you think you can just "stop being depressed" or "stop being anxious with willpower!"
go read a book
relieved bang
I think you're not really getting what I'm saying
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
You can't try to get me off the sheer stupidity of what you said by claiming I don't understand it.
I read it several times.
If it works for you then do it
And if it doesn't work for you then don't do it
Bang's not claiming it's gonna work for everyone because it obviously won't
relieved bang
>I'm not saying it will always work to try, but what's the point in not trying?
relieved bang
my story is only my story, not anyone elses
but there are people out there with similar onces
i was broke, about to be homeless, terrified of social situations and unable to cope with accepting the terrible useless shitbag that i was
i had fears about society, about my future, about who i was, about why i existed
you can check a lot of my posts on /moe/ from before 2014
i was _fucked_ _up_
but i found places to live at the mercy of friends from high school, i got shitty jobs and worked them as hard as i could, i sought purpose through many different channels and eventually accepted not having one (except to live and pursue stability and cherish my friends) and came to terms with the fucked up world we live in
but it wasn't a cakewalk
many times i found myself terrified just to look at people, be near them, god forbid interact with them
when i started out, i almost failed my first interview because of stuttering and shakiness
i eventually decided that i could decide who i was and how i acted, the idea that speaking to people in a casual tone was as simple as speaking to people in a casual tone
no more letting myself hate myself into submission
just fucking do it
it took me 6 fucking years to become who i am now from who i was when i started coming here and i am absolutely going to brag about defeating depression, suicidal tendencies, and myself
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>Optimism and confidence can be forced with enough willpower
relieved bang
but that's just me
if just fucking doing it doesn't work for you that's not my fault, and it's probably not even yours
but you won't know unless you try
relieved bang
is renaldo here, is that you?
do you remember me?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
it's not a matter of "just doing it" it's a matter of emotions/feelings from brain chemistry
you can't just expect to feel better because you want to
only treatment and actions can affect it
relieved bang
actions though
that's what i'm talking about
you need to take the actions to improve your life and destroy the things that depress you
it's not impossible to just have a fucked up brain of course
that happens a lot
but it's not like trying to fix the world around you is the wrong thing to do
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
so what do you say to the people that have severe depression/suicidal thoughts that cannot even make any actions to save themselves?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
"oh they're just not trying hard enough"
That does not contradict what Bang just said
Neither does that
He LITERALLY just said that "if just fucking doing it doesn't work for you that's not my fault, AND IT'S PROBABLY NOT EVEN YOURS"
Along with "it's not imposible to just have a fucked up brain"
For some people there are certain things they can do to improve their circumstances that may alleviate their depression
And for some people there is not
relieved bang
when trying doesn't work, then it's obvious there's more to it
but you won't know that trying doesn't work until you've tried
and defeating yourself before actually trying isn't trying at all
same thing, there is no such thing as a one size fits all solution
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I misunderstood what you were trying to say about people with regular depression etc. and I apologize but I'm still curious what you think about people that cannot help themselves and what you recommend they should do.
relieved bang
what does "people who cannot help themselves" consist of
like people who are physically unable to help themselves because of physical disability
or like people who are actually like in a mental hospital because of something that happened in their life who don't have the freedom to do much about anything
That's like asking what people should do when they have diseases
They should talk to a therapist

No, we shouldn't
But there are people who are trained to deal with those sorts of things
And you shouldn't expect the facts and answers from people who aren't trained in them

Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
So we just accept that some people are fucked then
hmm that's a nice theory but if someone is super depressed they might not be able to make themselves see a therapist
relieved bang
Some people aren't mentally fucked up at all and they're leading happy optimistic lives and then they are crushed by a semi-truck or develop a brain tumor
some people are indeed fucked
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
see I agree with this as well
I apologize for misunderstanding you
I think it's smarter to accept that some people are just in a bad situation, you can't always fix things but you can try and do your best
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I think you've done very well, too.
relieved bang
Thank you, I appreciate it
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
yeah sorry bang I haven't eaten or drank anything all dang I'm kinda out of it i wasn't really comprehending what you were saying
fuck me
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
sure is dead

damn wonder why
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
are you trying to imply that most people aren't awake at 4am? :O
It's 3AM here
I didn't play the boardgame and went and laid down on a couch instead.
These bastards still aren't done.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
What boardgame was it? you should have played they're usually fun! :3
I'm too tired to learn a new complex board game.
The game is called Stuffed Fables
can you tone it down with the smileys please
it's really kind of unsightly
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i am awake once more
Ohio SK
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I got this yesterday.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
no thanks, don't like bowie either
what time is it for you?
That's a goddamn shame.
Apparently this board game about stuffed animals is functionally similar to the Dark Souls game
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
For you maybe, I don't care since I dislike them lol
What's your music cut off date? 1990?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Perhaps even newer.
I just don't care for Avicii
too many gross pop songs
Levels was good for a while but got old fast
hmm if you fall asleep though, you might have trouble sleeping at night
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I'm gonna be awake for a few hours, then I'm going back to bed
I don't like them either, I just thought it was funny.
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>perhaps even newer
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
there are certain artists I like from "the old days" gramps, but most of it is not to my taste
led zeppelin, beatles, ac/dc
can't pretend they're bad but i moved on to new genres
but 95% of old style music is garbage to me
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
omg spy party came out
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
who wants to play it with me
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that looks really fun
25 dollars eh
not today then sorry
mebbe after payday
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
what if i give you a copy
apparently the chinese drink their watrer hot
what a world
I have returned
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For what purpose?
I'd been waiting for that for so long that I'm not as interested as I was nine years ago.
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breakfast has been consumed
Maybe it's not safe to drink right from the tap?
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SK, wich Skull wuld you girl.
I only know about the one with the skeleton tail
That one yeah
She's undead, she's basically a zombie. Also its her symbiote thing.
The lore for Skullgirls is interesting. Its pretty unconventional for a fighting game. Since its not about a tournament and doesn't take place on our Earth.
seems like they think it's better for their health
something about improving circulation and regulating temperature
Warm water is more easily processed by the stomach.
But it also has more calories.
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Anyways as you can see here, Squigly's symbiote is not actually a tail as it comes out of her head.
Yeah it's been forever since last I saw an image
Want me to post more pics?
Is fine by me
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She was an opera singer while she was alive.
Going bed
the latest franxx was pretty good
anyone else seen it?
I didn't know it was still airing
But I also lost interest
yeah it's two cour, it's on episode 15 now
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Guess I'll play a little bit of fortnite, then head to bed

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50v50 is still going on apparently
Kirara 🚗
did your lips taste the kiss of death
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i wanna go vack to sleep
Kirara 🚗
then do it
Kirara 🚗
can't... or won't
fuck yeah
I loved this episode
everything I wanted to happen did
Kirara 🚗
/moe/ doubted me when i told them how good this was
rika wasn't sure if franxx is or will be better than klk
how ridiculous!
I'm not sure either to be honest
I think they're a bit too different, I like them both for different things
klk had some crazy shit and didn't take itself too seriously
Kirara 🚗
klk has an entire work was not great and would be nearly impossible for me to rewatch
the first half is just not interesting
the second half is amazing but the first half ruins it for me
franxx is gonna be up there with samumenco and kyousogiga for me
unless they seriously fuck up somehow it's ranking with ping pong
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I gotta go to sleep soon
what a world
you work nights?
he does this time
this week yeah
Kirara 🚗
only a white person would have the level of disrespect necessary to shoot up breakfast
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
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didn't think it was possible for them to be reversed
Kirara 🚗
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it's a metaphor for relationships so it makes sense that they can be

that guy was definitely a bottom
damn he's into that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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IT's starting to look like I got up for nothing.
She's still not up yet.
Kirara 🚗
what's really interesting is that all the Nines in front have the fake horns
I only saw it with these >>477973
didn't notice the others having it well

oh interesting
maybe they'll turn out to be a bit like 002 too?
Kirara 🚗
i checked, it was on a bunch of them
Kirara 🚗
i think they're probably using some technology that's derived from zero two
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time for sleeps
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
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The Hero Academia OP has really grown on me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
look at that mommy
Kirara 🚗
jan and i have been playing with the ultimate mommy gf lately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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in Monster Hunter?
That sounds neat.
Kirara 🚗
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yeah, she's big, and she's shiny, and she's got super saggy boobies and she gets all soft and pliable if you break them
Kirara 🚗
large milky wilkies, as jan would say
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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you mean that thing
Kirara 🚗
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she's not a thing, ton
she's a big beautiful elder dragon that don't need no man
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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whatever you say nerd
Kirara 🚗
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wow, don't be like that. don't be a dick, dude.
you're just jealous.
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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that's beautiful
Kirara 🚗
i just swallowed a cat treat like a pill because i am a moron
I just swallowed a cat
Kirara 🚗
i don't know why she swallowed a fly
perhaps she'll die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it's okay though because you're a cat
Kirara 🚗
y-yeah that's right i guess it is okay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I think Faye really likes this Alm boy
Kirara 🚗
faye is so great
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>still hungry an hour later
I haven't played much of echoes at all
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I forget I have Brave Lucina. '
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
cute cat
You shouldn't eat cat food.
Kirara 🚗
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I am a cat, but it wasn't my intention to swallow a cat treat.
Well I guess you can treat yourself from time to time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Can I have her
Kirara 🚗
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Time to work more
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Gotta put Drive Atk 2 seal on her to Atk/Spd+6 the team
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you die if you work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
where are the other stats coming from
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh her spear does magic stuff right
big buffos
Kirara 🚗
brave lucina 's weapon
Drive Spd 2 is native
Geirskogul is Drive Atk/Spd 2 for non magic weapons
Kirara 🚗
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>have to write a section on this person's strengths
>they don't have a single strength
usually you can be like, oh, well, they want to get better, and that's a strength

this person was involuntarily admitted after a suicide attempt

and her problems stem from brain damage she got 40 years ago
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Or ... well, it's a seal so I can move it as I wish.
But DOUBLE Drive Atk 2 on Delthea
Atk+6 + Dark Aura's Atk+6
And Eirika's Sieglinde shenanigans would make it Atk+18 in various cases
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Rate this nep
Kirara 🚗
i like to use brave lucina with felicia
felicia benefits from the buffs enough that she becomes usable
I think I'm going to hold onto my feathers until 100k and then just +5 someone
Kirara 🚗
i am thinking about +5ing felicia
i have 90k feathers right now
just make a macro for feather hero merit grinding
but then I'd have to use heroes I don't like.
I don't know who to give Finn's Atk/Def+2 to.
I wish someone OTHER than Nephenee had Atk/Spd
Kirara 🚗
brave lance+ on hardin with galeforce
Kirara 🚗
or effie with bold fighter i guess
why would you sacrifice finn like that
Because I don't need a Lance Cav
But he’s kind of pretty
Kirara 🚗
yeah but he's not good or useful
play with tour dick, not stats
Kirara 🚗
he's not my type
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FEHs are not sexuals
Except the ones who canonically have children
but that's like... pure love shit.
Kirara 🚗
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can you imagine what lilina's mom had to go through with hector
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>The mood is set. Incense. Petals on the bed. And my fresh battle panties.
>What did you bring, Hector?

yn is a stromg woman
Kirara 🚗
>What did you bring to the bedroom
>Sexual Armands
what can they do to armads for brave hector
Kirara 🚗
guaranteed follow-up attack
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Kirara 🚗
+1 special charge on attack
Kirara 🚗
bonuses become extra damage
Kirara 🚗
also built in wings of mercy
Kirara 🚗
i hope brave hector is old man beard hector though
will alolan ganondorf still do 20 damage every turn
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I keep thinking about Snow and Ash
Did I summon the same Gunnthra? That's a yes, I guess.
But did she know?
What if she knew the whole time
What would be worse? If she knew or if she didn't know?
Kirara 🚗
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me when i think about snow and ash
have you tried microwaving your text messages so you can save her
Kirara 🚗
maybe you summoned her like right before she died
that's why her body disappeared in the story
we don't know what it looks like before someone disappears
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This is what I have been picturing
Part of me wonders if you're actually "gone"
Like are you physically gone or did you separate into a separate existence
Sending someone home could just 'merge' them back
and every time you send her home or fodder her away she returns to that moment until she is summoned again
Kirara 🚗
imagine how fucked up all the worlds are where we have summoned people from
like they might be in the middle of a big war and just disappear and their kingdom gets destroyed because of it

oh hmm yeah it could be a clone i guess
but we know about the mechanics of interdimensional travel from awakening and fates, and they usually don't split or anything when they move between worlds
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True but I wonder Brekkablikk Winkel is different.
As far as the Tempest is concerned, it's an actual physical displacement.
But summoning with the gun, sounds way too dangerous.
Okay, let me get this legendary hero from before he saves his world and now... he can't save his world??????
Kirara 🚗
i guess technically the bow we summon heroes with could work differently though
it's a magic legendary weapon
kirara its a gun
Kirara 🚗
oh, i thought it was a gun /// bow for some reason
i didn't realize it was a gun

i sort of like the theory where we summon those who have died
what if time doesnt progress while theyre elsewhere/they just get returned back like nothing happened
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that all of the heroes handle being summoned so well
sometimes they're like, oh, you're a different version of my dead mom, that's kind of sad, but i'm so well-adjusted that it doesn't bother me very much and i value the time we spend together

they're so psychologically healthy
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They don't find out you're their mom though.
It's kind of eerie how they don't notice each other honestly.
>My dear Lachesis, I promised I would return to you
meanwhile Lachesis is right over there
Kirara 🚗
inigo knew that olivia was his mom in the dancer paralogues
or a different version of his mom at least
oh yeah, he did
Kirara 🚗
strangely though laslow, who is literally inigio, never seems to mention it
Kirara 🚗
like literally literally the same person
My free summon was a Sophia
Kirara 🚗
i'm hoping they'll give sophia a unique tome soon
Another reason to hold onto an absurd amount of feathers
Kirara 🚗
yeah seriously
no clue when characters i like will get unique weapons and become viable
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I'm also very tempted to swap Matthew with Saizo since I have like six Saizos
I doubt I'll get another Seal Atk/Spd any time soon. I hope they put it on someone that isn't a holiday unit
Eight Saizods
None are 5* though
Kirara 🚗
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i just realized the ICD-11 comes out in June and I'll be obligated to use the new codes
i'll have to learn the ICD-11 really quickly
since i'll be practicing clinically still in june

i bet a +7 saizo is pretty strong
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Then again, there's no reason to use Matthew's build. Saizo would have Smoke Dagger+ if I 5 him rather than Rogue Dagger
He doesn't actually
Well, with his Dagger he does. But Saizo has more defense as a base
Matthew has a little more Res but it's negligible on both.
...Well, not entirely negligible since the Matthew build is special. It's not just for debuffing. Rogue Dagger++ increases team def/res by 6. It's like a damage output inversion.
The rest of Matthew's BCS skills are to make enemy retaliation ineffective.
If you get +6 to Def/Res and they get -5 to Atk, then you have an 11 damage reduction
Saizo has Smoke Dagger so I wouldn't need to stack his BCS slots with Seal Atk/Spd and Smokes.
But there are no skills that boost your team stats like that in those slots.
Kirara 🚗
doesn't matthew have better defenses?
if the goal is to be a debuffer, then does changing it to saizo really make a big difference?
Kirara 🚗
So what would you put in BCS instead?
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That's the hard part.
I mean, I can do the Res/Def Tactic or Drive Res/Def in C/S
Kirara 🚗
something like watersweep could work as well
or wings of mercy
i feel like saizo would benefit too much from tactics to have the tactic skills on him though
I was thinking those would be good
And yeah, I figured the same thing.
But at the same time, debuff is something you want to initiate with.
Nah, that's right. It'd be better to have those defenses because then he'd be able to survive encounters better.
Kirara 🚗
what teams is he going to work with?
infantry pulse could be a good C skill
Kirara 🚗
or was marisa's tempest trial during the time you couldn't play?
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No I have Marisa.
He's got 45 HP at +7 Merge, so I don't know.
It's funny how Ninian is the best person to put Inf Pulse on. Mine has like 49 HP
Kirara 🚗
what about savage blow? daburu savage blow
debuffs hard and deals an extra 14 damage to enemies
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Still have to work on that Savage Blow seal.
Mine is still stage 1
I haven't quite considered what team to have him on though.
As a debuffer, setting him with Gunnthra is fine.
Kirara 🚗
if you put HP+5 on A and S, you could give him panic ploy lol
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What if I made a Guard team?
Kirara 🚗
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Just a team of defensive units with guard?
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Guard Healer w/ Double Savage Blow
no counter refinement
A good wall
Or I guess two good walls
Oh, I can do Double Savage Blow on the debuffer
And then... hmm
Breath of Life only works if you're adjacent...
Absorb/Guard/2x Breath of Life
Why not
Firesweep/Guard 2x Breath of Life
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My problem with Absorb/2x BoL is that I have an itching feeling that the unit would prefer to use their Heal skill over attacking
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Staff units can only have heal skills in Support slot so it makes things a bit icky
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
that should be threaten atk
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
interdimensional string theory brain
I kind of want to use her but ill need to wait for good ivs
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>(31 C)
Kirara 🚗
a 50 defense selena with enough attack /// speed to resist doubles is kind of crazy
she won't do much damage though
could go 45 def and put obstruct on her S lmao
the wall
vhector without even merges with a single healing super is kind of frighteningly self sufficient
Kirara 🚗
yeah, he's one of the best units in the game, no doubt
he's insane

normal hector is probably just about the same now that he can get berserk armads
Is this the FEH general?
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theres a youtube fellow who uses regular hector but with carrot axe
he basically never dies now that he merged him to +6
Also Ohio?
I think I slept but I'm not sure.
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Beruka, Reposition, Elinicia, kill?
I find it impossible for Eirika to NOT OHKO that.
And even then, there's no way, it'll kill her in one shot either
Kirara 🚗
how can beruka reposition elincia there
i guess you could move morgan out of the way to do it
yeah, exactly
Move Morgan, Reposition Elincia, and she should eviscerate that dude completely
>25 Def
>(45+6)1.2x * 2(Amiti)
You would murder him
And he has glimmer as a special
40 effective damage vs (at worst) 24 res
You won't die
one movement from the cleric
i did a slightly different movement this time and won
oh, lol welp
morgan scored the kill on the green too
i love offensive morgan
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Kirara 🚗
the bond skills are so good
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bond skills
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am i doing it right
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I had to let him know.
You had to let me know.
so apparently hobbit was called in germany originally "small hobbit and big wizard"
sounds like a porn parody
what did you let him know
Kirara 🚗
i would do close defense instead of earth boost considering she can't really be offensive with that low speed and the WF/QR
even with noontime, units often have a lot of trouble keeping their boost skills active
even something like fury would probably be a lot better than earth boost here
especially if you take into account her bad IVs have caused her to have kind of middling stats
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maybe ill feed her my next fury
though close defnse is just a josh away
Kirara 🚗
a +def axe and bonfire could help too
you'll get the same amount of attack out of +4 def as you would from +2 atk when the special triggers
and the +6 def when being attacked will add even more
and then with QR, she'll have bonfire firing off just about every time she's attacked
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Imagine if your chars gained weight from being fed
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thays a thought

though noontime is partly just to prolong her life indefinitely

also sweating
Kirara 🚗
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My policy is generally to use Alm for healing.
You can make a Falchion battery pretty easily. Marth is a good candidate to team up with that Amelia since he'll buff her a lot and can heal her.
His HP won't get high enough to heal her completely, though.

I also have a Genny that I use for healing. She's got Absorb+, breath of life, and rehab. She can also move offensively albeit not that effectively.
Sometimes I use Inigo as a healer. He has his tome and two breath of life 3s, which make him really effective as a support unit.
If I ever get a Shigure, I'll put his tome on Mae and use her as a healer, too.
Kirara 🚗
the units i primarily use all have aether though
except for grima
and i guess sanaki doesn't have it either, but those two don't take that much damage generally
grima gets +10 def when attacked and +6 def from tactics so she has 46 defense when she's being attacked generally
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btw is "america" or "american2 a family name
Kirara 🚗
i don't believe so
yeah doesn't seem to be
This was 100% intentional on the writer's part.
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the hozuki s3 eyecatch screen is so comfy
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But really
>when teamfourstar does better liflaps than studio deen
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>fried fly catcher
it had to be horses
i guess one death is fine if i jump up 1000 ranks
Kirara 🚗
i could never use a team like that in arena
it's not tanky enough
I wonder how people feel motivated everyday to go out and exercise.
I feel absolutely no desire to go outside and torture myself for the sake of my health.
even though I know I feel shit sitting down all the time
Kirara 🚗
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Exercise feels really good.
It being healthy is a bonus.

If it feels like torture to you, you're probably doing too much.
You gotta ease yourself into it and slowly build your athletic abilities.
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wow this is super pretty
When did I save this
I suppose. I just need to figure out how to ease myself into it.
Maybe I need to work on my leg strength.
That'd be amazing, I tried walking but I'm not sure how effective it is and my running is death.
if I run I will die.
it is also super dry here so every time I wheeze for breath it is painful because it is so dry
Kirara 🚗
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Do you want me to help you come up with an exercise plan?
Kirara 🚗
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Are there any exercises that you enjoy or have enjoyed?
Is running what you want to do, ultimately?

Are you trying to lose weight, build cardio health, get swole?
The only thing I ever enjoyed was swimming.
But I want to lose a bit of weight and build up my health.
My level of fitness is pretty low.
I also get pain my legs from sitting down all day and it scares me that I might get blood clots.

I should try and do more
Kirara 🚗
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What do you mean when you say you wheeze for breath?
Are you just completely out of breath and gasping for air?
just kill them before they kill you

i usually have beruka on my fliers for tanking
a 100 push ups, 100 situps, 100 squats and 10 km every day
wow that is a good daiyousei
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I hate that. It's like that in the train tunnels. The air is dry AND filled with all kinds of bad dust.
When you're 2000ft into a tunnel underground, and the only "breeze" you get is from a train that's rushing at you at 20-35mph
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How is it dry in NY, it is just by the sea?
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yo kannags lets go to the gym
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In my experience most subway tunnels tend to be on the moist side due to being underground
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That's in the stations.
I'm talking about in the tunnels themselves
welop maybe it is just them skimping on proper air conditioning
it is USA afterall
yeah those musth ave horrid air conditions
yeah, it's awful
After a while, you just want to gargle your own saliva because the back of your throat hates you
I should eat.
Leg strength is good to have
I need to do more too.
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I ate
i ate
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just start hiking
carrying a small eprson's weight on your back is good way to build it up
Kirara 🚗
like yoda
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the new bags the army uses now can actually fit a person
mats would fit in prolly quite snuckly
Kirara 🚗
just put HEAVY weights on your legs EVERYWHERE YOU GO
we once stuffed one smaller driver inside and then took him on a jog, passing the backbag around
that was fun
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I once did this
Kirara 🚗
how did that go
well not "heavy" it was 1-2kg I don't remember
just had them on my legs all the time Iw as out of the house
show me a sample arena team youd use kirara so incan witness the tanky
don't have them anymore, been thinking of getting new ones
Grima F, Vanguard Ike, two Earth blessed Armors
That's my current team
I guess out of breath.
Sorry for the slow reply, I got called for lunch.
Kirara 🚗
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That looks like an otome game.
Kirara 🚗
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Do you want slim down any particular parts of your body or just lose weight in general?

Do you want to lose a lot or a little weight?
>I Want To Destroy The World But All These Hot Guys Are Stopping Me!!
>Fell Dragon, Fall in Love!!!
That legitamately sounds like a title of an otome game or LN.

I could do with losing around 5kgs to be honest. Although think I'm less concerned about weight as opposed to my fear of blood clots.
althought I should lose 5kgs to be comfortable since I've been so sedantary I've put on a bit of weight.
cursed by cruel fate to carry the demon lord within her, robin is forced to venture into somewhere with 3 brave knights
can love bloom on the battle field?
or something
Also, what is up with Obstruct lmao
Kirara 🚗
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I put it on forever ago as a joke and forgot to take it off.
I didn't even realize it was still on until just now, haha.

I have five arena defense wins right now. Or when I checked this morning, at least.

Do you have a goal for how much you want /// how much or how far you want to be able to run?
I know. which is why I'm wondering lol. How is your Arena Defense going?
I'm at zero wins
When I was at Tier 17, I had 4. Now in Tier 18, I have zero
Everyone is so kowai
Kirara 🚗
my biggest issue is that everyone has a +10 reinhardt because my team has high scores
I'd happy with be able to run even 2 or 1 miles, but I guess 3 miles might be reasonable.
There isn't a lot of flat terrain here.
The hills are quite tiring to climb so I've been walking up and down them to try and build up strength but I'm pitiful.
I had a podcast for some to start running from zero and it said 60 seconds of running and 60 seconds of brisk walking.
I failed utterly.
I cursed a lot to myself listening to voice in the podcast going "YOURE DOING VERY WELL" please
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you have to be koiwai to win
60 seconds of walking is a lot err running is a lot when you consider that, at a certain pace, it's like 1/10th of a mile.
Kirara 🚗
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That podcast gave you really bad advice. Alternating between running and walking like that is good for building stamina, but it's not healthy to do that until you have a basic level of fitness for running. Otherwise it messes up your legs and slows down your progress a lot.

How many times a week are you willing to exercise?
Basic level of fitness for me feels distant. I've never been active in my youth.
I never used to put on weight, I used to be able to just eat and be fine
Now my metabolism is low.
I know I'm not supposed to do everyday like have a day of rest so isn't 3 days a week the norm?
it sounds super low I'm tempted to try everyday but I know I'd probably break something
When I did my running thing before, I didn't actually start running until I did about two straight weeks of walking and lots of stretches. I don't know if that's enough but it got me into a state where I would think "yeah, running sounds good."
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what doy ou mean by basic level?
Like the level of fitness that means I'm not dying running even for 20 seconds or unable to lift even the slight heavier stuff.
I guess. its just basic in the sense that even not particular fit people but healhty people can achieve.
Kirara 🚗
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I generally exercise five days a week.
The number of days you exercise sort of depends on whether or not you're training and how hard you exercise.
I would recommend that to start off, you don't do more than five days since you'll be starting with walking, but when you start running, you'll want to do fewer days for a while so your body has time to repair your muscles.

What is your diet like?
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Hmm I guess you don't get that if you aren't active normally
My diet isn't particular organised.
so far I've had 1 apple, 2 pieces of sponge matcha cake, 1 serving of sorbet, 3 slices of youkan, 2 chicken legs and some cucumber and 1 udon ramen bowl.
Oh shit.
I didn't realise I ate so much.
i love it
make it happen
Kirara 🚗
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I'd recommend tracking your calorie intake just to get a good idea of how much you eat. That'll be important for when you're readY // ready to start running and losing weight.

Good foods for runners are things like bananas, oatmeal, peanuts. Bananas are the GOAT running food, though. They give your body pretty much everything it needs. I can eat a banana when I wake up in the morning and then go run a few miles on what I get from that banana.

In June and July, New Mexico is going to be really hot. There will be days when it'll get around 35c, maybe more.
You'll want to pick a good time to exercise. Probably in the morning before the sun comes up or after the sun goes down, maybe around 9 or 10pm.
One of the keys to getting healthy is having a good routine.

What kind of shoes do you exercise in?
I should try and work out what I've had already.
become a night runner
day time is better you get the sun
Kirara 🚗
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Daytime isn't a good time to train
Until you reach a good level of fitness at least
It can really mess you up and it's damaging to your muscles if they overheat
well I have some flexible boots but I should really try and get some trainers.
My feet don't hurt but I guess It doesn't help with building up speed.
They are boots used by the miltary in the UK so I thought they be fine.
Get "trainers" , by which I assume you mean sneakers.
Omg i'm here fir the first time
perss k to have no regrets
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (335 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Onlin(…).jpg)
I would suggest getting some running shoes. They don't have to be trail running shoes, but those would be ideal.
The best brand for trail running shoes is Altra. They're a little expensive, though.
Those kinds of boots are great for hiking and stuff, and you'd be able to run in them without much problem if you were already somewhat fit, but for now, you'll want running shoes. They're specifically designed to handle the impact of running so they're kinder to your leg muscles.
I use Asics running shoes. They're a lot cheaper than Altra and have never let me down.

Boots are fine for walking, though, running shoes are much lighter, so you'll get tired out less quickly. The weight of boots doesn't seem like it would make a big difference, but it really does.
shit shit shit shit shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
I usually have nikes, but I don't run much anymore.
I need a new pair actually.
I might order some online via since I can't really get out at the moment.
Kirara 🚗
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The shoes are really important, so I'd honestly suggest trying them on before you get them. Especially since there are differences in how UK and US measure shoe size which can be confusing.
It'll probably be two weeks before you start running, so the boots aren't a really big deal for now.
Should I try and do some push ups, sit ups and all that stuff.
I am abysmal at all of them.
push ups are impossible.
What sort of stretches do you do?
I raise my arms over my head and reach over each side like I was taught at PE at school. and stretch my legs out and bend the knees.
You should do dynamic stretches. Also they can be decent exercise in of themself.
Dynamic stretches are the stretches you ought to do first and then do static stretches in midway through your walks/runs. I had to do all that stuff in cross country when I did it in highschool.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't think you need to do that, yet.
It'd be better to >>478226 first. You can just get some cheap weights, like a set with 1, 2, and 5 pound weights, and use those a little bit a few times a week.

Here are some good stretches to do every day and especially before exercising.

How far do you think you can walk right now?
maybe get some weights to build up arm str
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I think the fencing team stretches put me in a good spot
or you can do like me and keep them by your computer and do some while watching shit
>my crew was thinking of names for the third version of itself
>i say a name
>they love it
i did it
Actually Kannagi
Yoga might be a good idea
Kirara 🚗
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At the very least, Kannagi needs to work on the breathing techniques that you learn in yoga, even if she doesn't want to do yoga itself.
Learning to breathe properly changes everything.
Breathing properly is pretty important. I covered it pretty rigorously in martial arts a while back.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 604x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 07 (…).jpg)
Yeah, I learned how to breathe when I did tae kwon do as a kid.

It was pretty grueling and horrible.
A 200 pound dude name Jeff would stand on my stomach and I had to breathe with him there.
I was just a little kid.
by the way
It's out
What the fuck.
That's really fucked up.
I didn't have to do anything like that in aikido.
nani sore?
but now...
you can withstand...
*lengthy pale beard stroke*
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, it was really messed up. My dojo was kind of fucked up. Every time I made a mistake, Master Chung would hit me over the center of the head with a wooden sword.
Not like one of those solid wooden swords, like one of the kendo training swords, I forget what they're called.
Yeah, a shinai.

But I got gold medals at some competitions so I guess it worked.

Oh a shinai
I walk // for work I used to walk around 6 miles a day?
then I started getting lifts.
Here I've worked about 3 miles but I am a little scared of getting lost so I might try stick to the road so I have a recongisable way home and GPS on my hone
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with every shopping trip being 8-10km walk/cycle sure helps keeping in shape
Kirara 🚗
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So you can walk around 3 miles nonstop, but can't run for more than a few seconds?
I can walk far. I can't run far at all.
Kirara 🚗
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How quickly do you walk?
How long would it take you to walk 3 miles, do you think?
Do you know how to bring up the detailed data on google fit?
I try to record most of my movement on it.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_05_(…).jpg)
I've never used Google Fit before.

Would you say you're a slow or fast walker?
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Man, I remember being so excited for Carnival Phantasm.
I don't think I've been that excited for an anime since then.
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Last friday
Kirara 🚗
Does that feel like about your normal pace?
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that is quite slow for a mile
25 / miles I gues.
I am probably horribly slow.
Actually I am really slow.
I should probably walk faster.
Kirara 🚗
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Alright, I think I have an idea of where you're at now.

Are there stores or any landmarks within walking distance to you?
I probably do a 15 Minute mile walking.
i think basic speed should be 10min for a klick
There isn't much. about 3 miles away is a hill past another hill where a green road is.
but I try not to go too far because it is a bit disorientating all the trees and stuff.

I haven't tried running on the road yet.
Running I usually did like 8 to 10 minutes for a mile.
But in cross country one time we did this thing where four runners would all hold on to the same rope and when we did that I couldn't keep up and threw up.
Kirara 🚗
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Is there a direction you could walk out a mile in without being on other people's property or in a dangerous place?
I have no idea about property wise I've told no one cares. everyone owns a lot of property here. I think I can just keep walking.
but I'm going to try along the road so I have an easy way to get back home.
It sucks there are no pavements next to the roads though.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 835x720, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_09_(…).jpg)
Is the road busy?
Not really. it is a bit out of the way here but there are occasionally huge cars.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 595x713, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
Oh, people will probably just go around you as long as you're close to the edge of the road, then.

What you should start off doing is improving your walking speed.
You want to be able to walk a mile in about 15 minutes.

Next time you go out walking, you should try to walk a little faster than usual and time your walking.
Just to give yourself a baseline.

If you want to do two miles, you can, but I'd recommend just doing one mile for the first time you try to speed yourself up, so you don't get tired and have to walk a mile back.

You should probably try to do it 3-5 times a week for now.
If you're going to do it when it's dark, you should try to get a reflector like on a bike, that you can put on your clothes.

After you can walk a mile in 15 minutes and do that for about a week, you should try running for a minute at some point during your walk.

You can walk 2 miles a day if you want to train yourself faster, of course.

You'll need to work on your diet, too.
If you can, eat a banana before you walk, or some oatmeal.
You can also get a belt with a water bottle holder on it, or some bottles have a hand grip that wraps around your hand. You should take that with you and drink while you're walking or running as you need to, to help with your dry throat.

You should also look into yoga breathing techniques and use them to start learning how to breathe more effectively.
I hope!
Okay! I'll set that as my goal and try and do 15 minute miles.
Kirara 🚗
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If you come up with an idea of what your eating habits are like, we can work on a healthier diet that will promote cardio health and weight loss, too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
speaking of being healthy, it's time to eat questionable food from an unknown source
Kirara 🚗
That's the spirit!
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Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
every bite is an adventure
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I got a bit carried away.
Udon bowl with green onions
a quite ehavy breakfast
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, that's a little much!
One thing I've noticed since being here i n the US is nearly all the food as Cancer warnings on them.
Some california 65 cancer warning label on nearly everything.
I know, I think I've been eating out of boredom while I've been here.
I should try and restrain myself and not walk to kitchen to grab something.
get sued or get cancer
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, when you start exercising, you're going to want to keep your calories around 1200 if you want to lose weight.
If you get running around 3-5 days a week, you can probably eat around 1400 calories a day and still lose weight.
I've sort of plateaued in weight loss at around 1400 calories ish.
I don't lose weight and I ocassionally gain it but alway drops down to around the same weight generally.
I lost a lot of weight last year and still haven't put it all back on but I regained about 8kgs.
so quickly.
like it took me ages to lose those kilograms and then I sort of laxed and got 8kgs in no time.
I think I had a dream where my mother told me she was stepping out to pick up some pears.
And when I was in the kitchen just now, I checked to see if there were pears.
She's not even home for the weekend too.

Obviously there weren't any pears.
Do you still use your fitbit?
Kirara 🚗
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Only to track my sleep.
Since I've been cycling instead of running, it hasn't been able to record my exercise lately.
And it's a pain to track my calories.

I can get it to track the calories I burn when I'm on the cycle, but it can't track the distance or anything like that, so I don't bother with it since it doesn't matter how many calories I burn.
Oh it isn't as versatile as I though, I thought it would be able to get all forms of exercise.
Do you think it is worth getting one? google fit isn't all the great and doesn't track a lot of data.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (324 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_06_(…).jpg)
My Fitbit is really good and I've been extraordinarily pleased with it.
It's really good for exercise and especially tracking sleep.
It's good for tracking calories and water and stuff, too, but I need like 2000 calories a day or order to not lose weight and I can't even manage that many calories, so I don't bother tracking them anymore.
in order to not lose weight*
I thought about getting this but, maybe I'm just looking to buy something out of desire instead of usefulness.
It is a bit pricey.

I usually don't eat regularly but lately its like one of the few pleasurable things to do that I've been overdoing it.
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you sure are bad at eating
Kirara 🚗
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It's my ADHD medication.
I went off it for a month last semester and gained 4kg but I also did horribly on all my midterms and got fucked over, so I had to go back on it, and I lost that weight in like a week.

That's the Fitbit I have.
I definitely recommend it if you want to take exercise seriously.

Decreased appetite, yeah.
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I lose about 1-2kg a month each time I quit drinking
so it inhibits eating or something as side effect?
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hello good afternoon
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hello hello
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
good morning rika
Kirara 🚗
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Hello. How did you sleep?
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I overslept big time.
Somehow my old alarm clock got turned on. So it started buzzing way too early, and in my confusion I turned my new alarm clock off as well.
That, coupled with the fact that it's kind of dark and rainy looking outside today, caused me to oversleep big time.
How spooky.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
Oh, it's dark and rainy outside here today, too.
Rainy buddies

I did my penance in the eternal winter so I am damn glad for it.
Kirara 🚗
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The rainy season is here.
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I checked the radar a minute ago, it seems to be dark and cloudy over most of the eastern US.
ame ame
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
can confirm
Kirara 🚗
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Do you think "large build" or "heavy set" is a more professional way to call someone fat?
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"vertically challenged"
I'd go with large build if they were fairly tall but also overweight, and probably heavy set if they were shorter.
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Have you trying to be nice of clinical?
Either way, heavyset is probably the way to do it.
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah, I was thinking heavy set.

I don't necessarily have to be nice, I'm just trying to be clinical.
I'm writing a report right now, so I have to use more clinical language.

"Are you trying to be nice or clinical?"
>Have you trying to be nice of clinical?
Portly and round is used a bit in england.
>a nice way to call someone fat
My mom or family is never kind with words.
my mom pats my stomach and makes a point to remind me of any weight I gain.
"Not apparently concerned with their weight"

I don't really think there's any safe nice way of putting it.
If someone's fine with being heavier than they probably should be, they'll probably slough off any comment on it that's not an outright obvious insult.
But if they're tetchy about their weight they'll probably get mad at you no matter what you imply.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't gotta be nice, just clinical.
Like if someone smells bad, I just have to say malodorous.
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yeah, that's a common type for me.

On a report that the person wasn't going to read, I'd just use "overweight" or "obsese" based on my approximation of their weight.
Kirara 🚗
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They probably won't read it, but they can request a copy of it.

He's really more of a chubby than anything else
Overweight/obese/underweight/healthy weight seem like reasonable words to use but I guess if you don't want be caught out with medical terminology maybe something like
on the large side, or portly.
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here they'd use overweight/obese etc and not give a fuck about the person's feelings
Obesity has somewhat certain set definitions though.
So if you're aiming to be clinical and they're not actually obese, that could be incorrect.
rotund, stocky, bulky
Looking at google it also gives plump, fleshy and corpulent - words I'd never want to be described with!
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Chubby is overweight, fat is obese.
I have never heard this be used to describe someone in a positive tone, hah hah.
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Corpulent is how you would describe him if he were a dark souls boss.
Yeah, corpulent is the kind of adjective you reserve for an undulating mass of flesh that seeks to consume you to add to its bulk.
Corpulent seeker.
corpulent corpse
Nice desu ne
>well upholstered
>corn-fed ?
haha, roly-poly
Kirara 🚗
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The kid is also 10, so he might just be getting ready to hit his growth spurt.
>What lovely corpulence you have, my dear!
I think you're starting to get into the rather tenuous synonyms here.
roly-poly is amusing. you can alternative call them a ball.
Have a serious report and put "a bit of a chunky monkey"
Or a potato bug.
I think roly-polys are called potato bugs in some parts of English-speaking lands.
Yeah if he stays active he'll probably be well-off enough for the rest of his teenage and young adult years.
vertically challenged would be fun one
no wait
Kirara 🚗
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His mom is totally obese, though, so maybe he'll get big again after he hits his growth spurt.
big parents usually end up in big kids
Gotta get him a good mindset to keep active and healthy then.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
He's a total nerd.
He likes woodworking and 3D printing and chess.
that is total nerd indeed
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 595x713, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
he's obsessed with aerodynamics
and flight
Woodworking can be an active activity at least.

And yeah, it's something that can go well towards a career or financial stability too.
Good on the kid.
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At least woodworking and 3D printing and chess are hobbies that can go well together.
People will buy hand-crafted chess sets.
Kirara 🚗
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He's probably going to end up as an engineer or something.
I don't think he'd really handcraft stuff to sell. He's autistic so he's kind of self-centric.
He'll probably end up building America's Next Top Killing Machine or something
I have a handcrafter chess set with marble pieces
modeled after roman gods
Kirara 🚗
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Or he might end up an anarchist I guess
One of his ancestors was a really really famous person that was well known for not following rules and doing what's right even if the law said not to
He's super into environmental protections too

He could become yuor angle or devil I guess
or both
unabomber v2
Environmental protections and activism is a good thing to get behind.
Solid kid.
Search [iqdb] (128 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 11 (…).jpg)
this talk about autistism reminded me of when I was teaching my stepbrother how to steer a boat
>now this part is tricky, you gotta squeeze itno this narrow channel, one little mistake andw e lose the propeller
>okay doing good doing good waitn ot that right
>welp, kid bro, welcome to "you ruined a propeller, group"
Kirara 🚗
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Yeah. Hopefully he'll stay on the right track.

It's a good thing I'm not evil.
I have a bunch of clients that I could easily manipulate into becoming angry anarchists
and that is actually amusing
EVERYONE who has driven the boat has ruined one propeller
though I am the only one who has busted an engine too
Kirara 🚗
is he autistic?
Kirara 🚗
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Oh, I had no idea.
he is a good kid become quite 80% normal working adult now
well cause I prolly mentioned it for the first time
Kirara 🚗
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That's good to hear
he was damn annoying when I first met him all dem years ago
welp he is still at times bit well
autistic so...
well good thing I have max poker face level
Some jack ass just parked in the middle of the alley at an angle that makes it impossible to get around his car. And then got out.
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but yeah, my pop has busted 2 propellers, I have engine and propeller under my belt and the demi-bro has one propeller
so I guess we shouldn't increase the amount of drivers for the boat as so far they have 100% chance of breaking something
also when i busted the engine a new stone got added to the local sea charts
well rock rather
He was probably delivering something, but that's still no excuse to pat
park like a jackass.
and now imagine driving for living and you HAVE to drive through that tog et to your next location
Kirara 🚗
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Slash the tires.
It's an alley, you can back up and take the street.
He already left. Left it there for a good couple of minutes though.
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well think of it as a road and then think 2 other cars behind you
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And that is driving for living in finland's capital
a whole lot of "vittu perkele saatana!"
My friend who lives 30~ minutes away left 50 minutes ago to come get me and still hasn't arrived.
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slow driver
A little,
Oh he's here
Kirara 🚗
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I like this Asperger's kid I have but I'm really not the ideal therapist for him
He needs behavioral interventions like ABA
I'm not trained in that and have no training for working with autistic people, let alone autistic kids
He's really smart and functions well but he should be working with the ABA department

the ABA department of my clinic recently decided they wouldn't work with anyone over the age of 6 though
which is fucking ridiculous because tons of autistic kids are getting sub-optimal treatment thanks to being forced to work with my clinical colleagues
nobody else in the area will deal with autistic kids unless their parents are rich
Kirara 🚗
i'm going to have to train myself in an entire theory and modality for treatment just so i can treat this one kid even though i'm most likely never going to work with autistic kids again because they go to ABA people everywhere else
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If no one else is serving the low income ones, maybe you can open a bargain bin autism clinic and deal in volume!
Kirara 🚗
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I wouldn't be able to handle enough volume by myself to make enough profit to keep my clinic open.
Plus I'd need to get licensed as an ABA person.
Kirara 🚗
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At least I have like a month before I need to know how to really treat him.
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haha, capcha just gave me one of a person being pulled over.
Kirara 🚗
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my supervisor wants me to play with LEGOs with my client next session
it feels so condescending
this kid does 3D printing and woodworking
i told my supervisor i didn't think he'd appreciate LEGO as much as he would enjoy talking about something he's interested in, but she was like, "no, i want you to do something tactile with him, i want you to sit on the floor with him and build something together with LEGO"
she wants me to have him tell me what parts to build of whatever we're building
i don't understand the purpose of it and don't think my kid will appreciate it

at the end of last session, he started opening up to me when we started talking about sci fi stuff and star wars ship designs and space video games and we were like recommending each other games we like and he was super into it

you can do stuff like that with kids because it can build rapport really easily
it works with normal kids, but this kid has an IQ of like 138 and he's intellectually very mature for his age
i can't just treat him like he's some dumbass normal kid
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that doesn't seem like a professional move
Kirara 🚗
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we have a playground at the clinic and sometimes people take their young clients outside for sessions or to play
one of my colleagues does this thing she calls feelings soccer, where there's a feeling written on every side of a soccer ball and they do some shit where you have to talk about a situation that made you feel whatever way the ball indicates you need to talk about it
i don't know the specifics but stuff like that can help train kids to identify their feelings better

that's actually a really good idea
You could bring in a gundam model kit and assemble it with him.
That would totally be tactile and probably more engaging for a kid who digs sci-fi.
Kirara 🚗
i wonder if there are easy to build plane kits
Kirara 🚗
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One of the hard parts is that I don't want to have to spend a lot of money on it
Some of my colleagues will go and dump like $50 into shit for their clients to do but they don't get reimbursed for it and we don't get paid at this clinic
if i build a model set with my client, i want him to be able to take it home with him and keep it so i wouldn't want to spend more than like $10
Kirara 🚗
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i also might have to get cleared to bring an exacto knife into the treatment room
i don't have any qualms breaking rules and bringing my own knife in because it stays hidden but our sessions get recorded so if i can't bring a knife in, that's that
i guess i could bring my nippers and sandpaper instead
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"get well or get stabby, your choice kid"
Kirara 🚗
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maybe a star wars kit
he likes tie fighters

and when i said my favorite ship was the republic hammerhead-class cruiser, he immediately knew what it was
even though it's only shown up in the movies once, ever
lame ship
it has bit more legends appearances and is in several rebels episodes
Kirara 🚗
oh, is it in the rebels episodes?
i guess that might explain it then
yeah there is a storyluine where they get them
from the organas
Kirara 🚗
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Maybe I can find some time to stop by a hobby shop and find a snap-together model plane

oh, huh
HGs are pretty cheap. like 10 dollars max.
I dunno how much planes are in comparison
When I go into dairies I always see these star wars magazines that have little kits come with them for ships and stuff
Yeah I didn't expect the models to be too expensive, the biggest block I imagined was that Kirara might have a hard time bringing in the tools for assembly into the clinic.
LEGO is likely condescending for a kid who's more into mechanical and technical detail but it's (in a sense) cheap, and requires nothing more than the actual pieces.
I can see why it's an easy go-to for tactile engagement.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (368 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Onlin(…).jpg)
why aren't there any franxx models

The problem with planes is that they are either made by American companies, so they look like shit unless you get the expensive ones that require glue.
Or they're made by Japanese companies and all look very good even at the cheapest level, but they all require glue.

I think I can bring in my tools.
I usually use an exacto knife and nippers, but I can make do with sandpaper and nippers.
And there's no rule saying I can't bring nippers or sandpaper.
There's got to be some FranXX models in development by now.
The series hasn't been a failure of popularity.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (335 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Onlin(…).jpg)
You'd think so but tons of mecha series don't get kits
Majestic Prince was really popular and it got one model kit
Trigger's a lil studio and I don't think it has the same connections to toy companies that other studios might have
True I forgot A1 pictures was involved
Well FranXX is a joint production between Trigger and A-1 though, who are scaled a fair bit larger.
They still not -might not have the connections though, that you'd assume something from Sunrise or a typical mecha show studio would have.
Kirara 🚗
I don't think A-1 has the hasbro-bandai connections
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how much wd u pay for this
I wouldn't buy it, so I don't really know.
Kirara 🚗
the plastic looks cheap and hollow, and the paint job makes it look flat and uninteresting
0/10 wouldn't buy
Kirara 🚗
also what's with that pose
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>mmm dat booty
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>the thighs
That's her stock standing still pose from the pv art
Kirara 🚗
all of the american made kits i find that don't require glue are literally just pieces of plastic that you pull out of a box and put together
they don't require taking them out of trays and they're all like 10 pieces
bang without kanojo
can't wait to watch franxx
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 209x147, firefox_2018-04-02_19-41-30.png)
gotta keep it simple for the dummicans
Kirara 🚗
it works in the PV because of the rest of the composition and it works in diagrams because that's just a character sheet but in 3d that pose is too boring
Kirara 🚗
i could do gundam with the kid but idk how his mom would feel about him building murder robots
and i don't know how he'd feel about robots since i know he loves planes
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>it's for construction miss
>it's called a mobile worker see

Yeah I seen it
The PV photos look pretty good
I still haven't seen 2 yet I've been too busy to go to the movies
Kirara 🚗
shit maria
did you know about this
they're releasing an HG gipsy
Maybe look at Metal Earth, Kirara.
They make these 3D model kits that you only need tweezers to assemble.
I think they might be a bit out of the price range or maybe require too much time for assembly.
But they have a line of Star Wars models of all sorts of vehicles.
Kirara 🚗
i haven't seen 2 yet either
Kirara 🚗
i saw their tie fighter on amazon and i was lookin at it
it's like $12 so it might work
12$ is pretty good
I know bandai also did star wars kits but I dunno how those ones work or how expensive they are
Kirara 🚗
apparently it's intermediate level and can require 2 days to assemble though

they look like they need glue
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Yeah, the one video I've ever seen of someone making one was like an hour long and that was even after cuts for time, probably.
I thought time might be the concern.
> A nipper or sprue cutter (sold separately) is required for assembly, but does not require glue.
no glue
Kirara 🚗
hmm, nice
it's a little expensive though
i'd do it if i could get reimbursed
Does the clinic come with a stock of LEGO, or would they be expecting you to bring in some yourself?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 575x610, [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Onlin(…).jpg)
there's supposedly some lego at the clinic but i don't know how much and whether or not we can build anything interesting with it
This on'es about 7 bux
It's probably all assorted colour multipurpose tubs really.
Great for the general kid but I figure someone with purpose wouldn't get much out of it.
Kirara 🚗
yeah that one would be good but it looks like it wouldn't get here until the 26th
i see my client on the 26th so idk if it'd have enough time to get here
Do you have any hobby places near you that sell kits locally?
how does this gun work
Kirara 🚗
it's a laser rifle
Kirara 🚗
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I could probably just not play with toys with my client
it's also a video game so it just werks

crazy talk
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so it is a highly sofisticated pointer?
Kirara 🚗
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After this semester ends, I get a new supervisor
And I won't meet with my supervisor to discuss cases again
And she probably forgot she told me to play with LEGO

I might just bring one of my WWII plane reference books and we can go through it together and talk about planes
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and then watch him break into some weird rant about luftwaffe
Kirara 🚗
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haha he doesn't care about the lame ass nazis and shit

he only cares about superior japanese and american planes during WWII
Kirara 🚗
and aircraft carriers
Kirara 🚗
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It's weird that I keep getting clients I have a lot in common with

With the ADHD kid, I can relate well to his difficulties with ADHD
With my substance abuser who also has PTSD, I can relate to that because I too am an alcoholic and I have PTSD
And this new kid, he loves the pacific war, which I also have obsessively studied
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Kirara 🚗
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It'll take time to get where you want to be, but you'll get there steadily!
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tell me why
I need another pet rock?
You can never have enough rocks.
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I am highest bidder now
Kirara 🚗
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i hate how formal my clinical notes have to be

if i call a client by their first name in person, i should be allowed to in my notes
but i'm only allowed to use a client's first name in my notes if they're a minor
my minor client that just turned 18 recently, i had to start calling him by his last name in my notes
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I was a little disappointed, I thought I was walking quite quickly but apparently not. It is quite hilly but it's only a mile.
I used to walk to town in England in 15 minutes for a mile and a bit.
If it's hillier terrain than you're used to you might be getting a bit more exertion out of it too.
Kirara 🚗
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Well, you'll get there again! What did you do while you were walking?
kaka pisa
Kirara 🚗
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three more progress notes and i'll finally be caught up on my clinic paperwork
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highway to the moezone
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You can do it, don't roll in the papers like a cat and mess them up!
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rolling rolling rolling
Fuck the system.
But I guess a certain level of formality is neccesary in case they need to be consulted by other professionals.
At least yours dont need to write numbers "in letters" and dumb stuff like that.
Kirara 🚗
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We write out numbers when the number is less /// more than ten.
less than 11

Unless it's an age, then we say, like 5-years-old
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>dorcas is about to die to rng
Kirara 🚗
you mean he's about to die to bad planning
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
78% hit rate shenanigans
Kirara 🚗
if you take a risk and it turns out poorly for you it's not the fault of the risk, it's your responsibility

yeah even if it's unlikely
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but TWICE though?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm kind of pissed so I'm going to not sit and be told rng is my fault
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>getting upset over 22% happening twice in a row
you havn't even seen shitm ate
Kirara 🚗
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I'm not trying to be mean to you or anything, but I think it's important to take responsibility.
Yes, the risk you took seemed safe. You had a high probability.
But you still chose to take that risk, knowing that a high probability isn't certainty.

If a commander puts soldiers somewhere he knows they have a low change of getting injured, but still could get injured, the commander is responsible for that to some degree.
Fire Emblem is about tactics, and sometimes taking risks like that can lead to people's deaths. In the end, it's you that made the choice to take that risk.
Rather than getting mad about bad luck, you should use it as a learning opportunity and play it safer in the future.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I've cooled.
Losing progress like an entire chapter over is one of my biggest berserk buttons though.

It was fine though
The enemy missed their 51% to hit him.
I should have had him just sit tight really.
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keep throwing dem men to the grinder
lives are cheap
Kirara 🚗
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It's frustrating to me, too.

I'm a big risk taker, in games and in life. So I always take responsibility when the risks I take go poorly and fuck me over.
I'm not powerless over risks. I choose to take them. The risk isn't responsible for my actions, I am.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh I've finally reached where I was when my save was deleted
praise be
Kirara 🚗
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Wow, we've got 16 hours of rain predicted for the next while, followed by a few hours of no rain, followed by 20 hours of predicted rain, followed by a few hours of no rain, followed by another 12 hours of rain.

The rainy season is going strong.
where the fuck is my rain
in my pocket
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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on a less-frustrated more-disappointed note, Hector definitely got a +atk +spd level on a failed run and didn't get quite so lucky this time
Really digging that shirt
makes you think where the subscribe button and the bell is
Kirara 🚗
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>progress note for my alcoholic client with PTSD or my kid with ADHD
>15 minutes to write the note
>progress note for my dumbass autistic adult client
>45 minutes to write the note because he's so ridiculous and so much shit goes on in each session
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I like the rain.
The rain is nice.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
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i want to get death

Yeah, it really is.
Florida rain isn't quite as nice as the rain in other states, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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did you ever make a comment on which oracle you would want if you could be bothered
A pizza is ordered
Kirara 🚗
top middle > top left > top right
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Wow we agree on which want we want most
That's incredibly rare
Kirara 🚗
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I expected you to want bottom middle the most
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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She's cute but I want Death Erune.
Ele wants Moon Harvin most though.
And Sun but for the summon, not the oracle.
Hanged Man boy is cute too.
Kirara 🚗
and top second from left
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Since they aren't announced for exactly when they're being added, we have no idea what the requirement to get them actually is.
We could assume FLB-ing their summon but who knows
Kirara 🚗
hanged man guy looks like a pan type
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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PAN really likes Ayer so you're probably right.
Hanged Man is also an earth summon
The waffle house shooter is from Illinois.
22% occurring twice isn't even that rare
Not in fire emblem
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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coincidentally, I distinctly remember Bartre getting destroyed in my first attempt to play Blazing Blade.
Bartre is just bad at livign
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...I want to sleep but I can't
This is not good
Good night
Ganbarubii, Blue.
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I decided to burn the 15 orbs to do the full summon on the latest new banner.
I got a Hinoka with bad IVs.
I may use her to give hone flyers to catria or something.
Kirara 🚗
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Does anyone know how long a match in Fortnite is?
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Oh, Caeda, not Catria.
I have a +atk Caeda I may be able to make good.

I don't know about Fortnite but a game of PUBG can vary from like five minutes to 45 based on how long it takes you to die.
They're similar games so the game length may be similar.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Having Caeda be on the receiving end of hone fliers might be better for you
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I guess that's true, yeah.
Kirara 🚗
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Caeda is incredibly easy to make good thanks to her sword.

I looked online and it said about 20 minutes, but I'm not sure.
I figured someone on /moe/ has probably played it.
I think SK plays it but he might be at work right now or something.
relieved bang
oooooooooooooooooh nana
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she does have fortify built in for that extra defense on your buddies

semi ignore the seal
Kirara 🚗
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>Lazarus walks out of the bedroom carrying some of Fish's underwear
Ecchi doroboneko
clean your room!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (504 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - O(…).jpg)
Fish is an adult. She can clean up after herself.
If she chooses not to, then she can deal with the consequences of that.
I'm not going to clean up after her all the time like some kind of servant!
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
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this is an english site please speak english
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
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Lêoflic, æt−hwega weorðlicnes êow tôhwon beloved niht?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
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Oh sorry you meant Modern English, how are you doing tonight friend?
below average
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
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Why was it unsatisfactory? Is there anything I can do to improve your night?
no not really I can't see you of being of service thanks anyway
last night i came home to find my dog had shit and pissed throughout my room and jumped through my window somehow, because presumbly it got locked in my room somehow
there is a fair bit of damage to pay for and I don't have a job and little money to spair
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Kirara 🚗
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owata owata
i didn't manage to make up for the work i didn't complete yesterday but at least i got everything i wanted to do today done today
i'll have to find a way to do what i missed yesterday tomorrow
Just in time to kick back and relax and fall asleep for tomorrow.
Work is never over.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 506x711, [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 00 (OVA)(…).jpg)
Yeah, now I have to take my medicine and wind down for bed.

Tomorrow is another 12 hour day.

I just got asked last-minute to help out at a protest on Tuesday evening, too.
I said I'd go if I can finish enough of my work early and I'd like to go, but I don't think I'll be able to.
I guess if I finish my work early, I won't get to relax, though, haha.
A lot of this is your end-of-term stuff, isn't it?
I know you've got a passion to contribute to activism going on but I think you should really take the opportunity to unwind.
It's unfortunate that it coincides with a work-heavy time of the semester but you should still look after yourself first!
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
sorry :(
that's unlucky
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 397x499, [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 00 (OVA)(…).jpg)
Wait, did your dog jump through the closed window?

Yeah. I kind of had everything handled, but then a take-home exam that we were given on Thursday turned out to be a 10 page paper and an oral defense of that paper.
Which I was totally not expecting and it threw everything into disarray.
I know I should take that time to unwind, but it's important for me to go out in solidarity. I'm trying to build a big network here, since everyone else seems to be incompetent when it comes to grassroots organization. By getting out there and showing solidarity, it means they'll come out and show solidarity with me when I need it. It's an investment in the future.
I don't think it'll be a big or stressful thing. I doubt I'll manage to complete my stuff in time for that, anyway.
it jumped through the flyscreen
well as far as I know
I hope it's not hurt too badly then.
Those fly screens can be pretty tough and have sharp points on breakage lines.
Did any of you ever watch MXC?
oh look kirara
fates characters
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
that show was the TITS
the gameshow? they used to air it sometimes
Kirara 🚗
an amazing banner despite that
kana looks pretty decent and i actually like her
shigure has speed stance and wo dao spear so he's high quality fodder
and finally a flyer with a bow
Kirara 🚗
the new hinoka is so good that she should be a legendary character
i will be rolling a lot on this banner
Kirara 🚗
well, i might wait until 5/1 when the legendary unit comes out
rolling for colorless the absolute madman

i would like hinoka too but >>478538
yeah this
Kirara 🚗
i'm not afraid to roll on colorless
shigure bleh but fliers are welcome
Kirara 🚗
shigure i definitely want
out of all of those units shigure is honestly the most useful
i want like four of him
he's probably the best fodder unit in a long time
Kirara 🚗
shigure's lance makes azura a viable offensive unit
it also allows a new mathilda build that doesn't require distant counter
it improves lukas substantially too
i want axura
Kirara 🚗
with speed stance, i can turn my arya into an incredibly powerful defensive unit
she'll be able to fire off regnal astra every instance of combat without fail and it'll do something like an extra 20 damage every combat round
putting speed stance on black knight will make him nearly unstoppable too
Kirara 🚗
kana is most likely going to be pretty tanky which i want even though i already have a good green dragon tank
her weapon isn't amazing it would shine brightly on an armored dragon like male grima
plus kana has fierce stance already which is really good

hinoka on the other hand is literally perfect out of the box especially if you're using her with a flyer team
her weapon is incredibly broken, it gives her a bonus to speed, buffs units within 2 spaces with atk, and is effective against the most dangerous units in the game, armored units
then she has flyer formation AND flyer guidance
with hinoka on your flyer team you can basically move any unit you want anywhere on the map
and attack/speed bond is probably the best A skill
I wish I could do takeshis castle.
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Post the leaks so I don't have to go look.
Kirara 🚗
just read my posts you dork
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The art is what matters most.
Kirara 🚗
shigure is shigure so who cares
kana is cute
hinoka's art is like 6/10
Hinoka's art is well-detailed and a neat costume.
It's a boring pose though.
Kirara 🚗
the pose is pretty boring and the face is oddly flat but yeah, the costume is very intricately designed and i like it
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You guys are monsters, discussing art I haven't seen.
Where do I have to go to view it?
Kirara 🚗
the face during the attack art is like dangit ron paul tier too

I've got someone on Twitter that always re-tweets the new content videos when they come out.
When Kirara started talking about it I just went and looked for it.
Kirara 🚗
you can also just open up the game and it will tell you there is a new video
Kirara 🚗
it's really annoying that they keep putting fates and awakening characters in the game but at least this time they're not just trash units
the fact that they're not trash units is stressful, though, since nintendo engages in really scummy gacha practices with bait gachas and there's a legendary banner coming up, too
Kirara 🚗
i was kind of hoping the first flying archer would be that one fates unit that was actually the first flying archer though
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That Kana is pretty cute.
That kind-of grizzled woman?
Kirara 🚗
yeah, reina
I have The Shaggs stuck in my head
I have the theme of Lupin III stuck in mine.
I have Born iin tthe USA stuck in my head.
love this AMV
relieved bang
Yes, bang.
I am b a n g
relieved bang
only bang is bang
prove it
relieved bang
don't have to
the burdon of proof lies on you
relieved bang
the burden of bang lies on me and me alone
relieved bang
tell me anyone but bang could say that
okay you win this round
>tfw the burden of bang will never lie on me
sounds kinda gay imho
you sound kinda gay and that's a fact not my opinion
>>478580 →
>>478580 →
Anime thread
lemme tell you one more thing /moe/
if you fly air china, don't eat their meals
I've only ever had in-flight meals when flying Delta, who honestly have been pretty solid.
I mean the meals aren't anything more impressive than microwaved plastic-wrapped pre-made stuff, but they're edible and didn't give me stomach issues.
The flights I had with them over the Pacific also gave us two meals during the flight, which I felt was almost spoiling us.
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my back feels like death
Were you doing a lot of heavy lifting in your shift?
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no, I'm just not used to being on my feet this much yet
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Ganbare Samulie!
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Search [iqdb] (321 KB, 480x590, 1417756632545.png)
sup ya'll howdy howdy
I've tadaimasued
My back doesn't quite feel like death yet but it does hurt. And also my neck.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to a friend's house to watch anime and movies. We were going to watch Kemono Friends but his internet connection went out so we couldn't download it.
We ended up watching Yojimbo and then Spriggan.
With a few episodes of MXC in between. He has all of MXC on dvd.
Do you like Radiohead at all, or are they too old for you?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
MXC on DVD? what a legend!
is kemono friends any good?
I only know that one song 'Creep' cause it gets played all over
it's a good song but i'm tired of it, don't know any others...
oh wait I know Lotus Flower cause I listened to the studio recording on PaladiaHD and it was really good
I like that song
oh shit I know the song No Surprises from HouseMD, that song is really good, gives me nostalgia from that season where he goes to the mental health institute, season 6 I think
I have it on DVD :3
this song sounds kinda similar to Lotus Flower, do a lot of their songs sound similar?
Kemono Friends is really really good
This music video is really weird.
But still good
I actually have it on vhs in a radiohead music video collection thing. I have a few of those for different bands on vhs.
Amanda Palmer has a good cover of it
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seconding this
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I will look into it, thanks!
adding to list!
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missclicked on wrong pic.
whom is this cute girl
I always forget just how damn weird that music video is.
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No Surprises cover.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
that was pretty chill, i like the guitar, especially in the beginning, but it lacked bass guitar which was kinda disappointing
it was pretty and relaxing though
It's ukulele, the entire album was ukulele renditions of Radiohead songs.
It's actually sort of based on the music video for the original song.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
oh shit nibba i didn't even watch the music video, that animation is incredible
ah that's cool!
You like Modest Mouse at all?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I used to listen to them a fair amount yeah, left them in the dust but they're good yes
I've listened to "The Moon and Antarctica" like five times this year. Its such a good album.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
missed the boat and float on are staples
i haven't listened to a song on that album, lemme check it out
still kinda annoyed i ordered $250 in AMP/DAC and doesn't come with cables lol.........
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I'm kinda worried my Discover Weekly spotify playlist will get messed up by my gym music, cause i listen to angry metal and stuff when I'm working out
gotta feel the anger and energy to push through the pain!
I approve
Going bed
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
hmm not a huge fan
it's ok i guess
what are you gonna do with all that spare time? :o
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I'm taking tomorrow off.
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Why for?
Got something else to do?
How exciting.
So your Sunday isn't a real Sunday.
Modern Modest Mouse is pretty good too
except for pistol god damn what the fuck is that song
other than a 4 minute long dick joke anyway
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
ah yeah I've heard this on Alt Nation, I like this song
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Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
music video is stupid though, trying too hard to be weird
i mean the art is cool but like
cmonBruh don't throw the cat
it's rotoscoped
oh my bad there's other animation there too
Search [iqdb] (359 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokuhoudou Yots(…).jpg)
modest mouse is great because of their edgy vibe though
that music video is not very good though
it's too confused
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
i actually saw a video that mocked that art style once, but i can't remember it
it was like "yeah skulls and paint, now let's smash lightbulbs, etc"
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i just watched a 3 minute advertisement before a 2 minute youtube video
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>no adblock in 2018
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I found myself an xbox hueg for 20 dollars
only basic cords no controllers but still not bad
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ads literally don't bother me enough to take the 30 seconds it takes to install an addon after i download chrome
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>giving up minutes and hours to commercials
>30 seconds to install adblock
>jk it's actually 15
literally what
Search [iqdb] (392 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokuhoudou Yots(…).jpg)
i only watched that ad because it was some skit with kevin hart and it was great
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
kevin hart is not funny imo but whatever floats your boat my dude
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i think he's fucking hilarious but he's a terrible actor and every movie role he's had sucked
Same they don't even register to my brain anymore
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Do any of you drink tea? I want to try making some kinda special good tea but idk any good flavors or whatnot
lemon lime tea is good
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my favourite tea is jasmin probably
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
are you pulling my leg or is this real cause i love anything lemon lime
like I'd stab a dude for something lemon lime flavored
will pick some up, thanks
Yeah that's a real tea
idk check your supermarket for it
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
hmm having trouble finding it, is this it?
i think we have some, I'm gonna pour a glass
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
or maybe

that one looks tasty
I don't even see it
big shot
i drink tea all day
either black tea or jasmine or chamomile tea
mint tea and japanese green tea is good too but i only drink it occasionally
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
is there a way to buy like individual tea bags so i can try a ton of flavors without spending $$$$$
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this episode is BORING
some bulk retail stores might do it I know Winco does it here
You should be able t // to find some tasting boxes, with lots of different flfflavours
yeah they sell this kind of thing often too
it's always fun to try
except when i got rooibos tea
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 456x680, image-25.jpg)
never heard of that. Sounds dutch.
>South Africa
same thing lel.
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Kannagi_09_(1280x7(…).png)
I like rooibos
>>478842 →
>>478842 →
>>478842 →
