Thread #478580
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Nanatsu no Taizai Caligula Cardcaptor Comic Girls Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-4 Hinamatsuri Mahou Shoujo Ore Major 2nd --Episode 1-3 Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Rokuhoudou --Episode 1-2 Shoukugeki no Souma SAOA - GGO Uma Musume --Episode 2-5
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Oh I made the thread and realized Ika cna't watch. Do we have jan?
Might help to link the thread in the main chat in case he's not sitting on the front page.
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Oh yeah that would help, thank you.
alright what the FUCK did i just watch just caught up on franxx jesus christ
It was pretty good right.
By the way the show is also going on a one or two week hiatus.
yeah no prove it or you're full of shit
prove it AND you're full of shit
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oh hey it's jan so what do we have that we can watch?>>478591 >>478590 confirmed it's going on hiatus
Where's Jan?>>478591 >>478592 I know it's in Japanese but they're running a special segment in its timeslot next week talking about the making of the series and staff interviews and stuff like that.
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Oh sorry I confused you with jan you look similar sometimes.
i'm gay
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i really want to watch nanatsu and GGO
What a suave motherfucker.
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hmmmmmmmmmm I really want to watch nanatsu and GGO too but Ika isn't here we can watch cardcaptor at least
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>>478600 he's the best boy of the decade >>478601 oh okay what all can we watch without ika i'll be here tomorrow
Let's pick one of them to watch. Squid can catch up on one show.
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What ep of cardcaptor are we on? 14 or 15?
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okay let's nanatsu, I think Ika is more likely to catch up on that.
Which do you want to start with?
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I need just a second to get cardcaptor. We'll start with that. I'm stressing my internet out at the moment.
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okay cardcaptor 15 okay lets start
The secrets of the Clow Were all a mystery But when that might-y book was opened The powers were set free
i made waffles
What'chu put on them?
cheap ass artificially flavored syrup
Lame. I ought to see if I can bring you some AUTHENTIC Canadiana maple syrup when I'm down there next time.
they're frozen waffles
typical mario kart gameplay beaten by a fucking stuffed animal because of item bullshit
Yeah pretty accurate. You can keep first place the whole race but get blue shell'd right at the end and get eighth.
>>478618 this is super bad in 200cc particularly playing that mode with limited items is really fun though
I haven't played any of the more revent Mario Kart games. I've watched a lot of content from 8 and 8 DX though. Watched someone clumb all the way to... 10,000 MMR? 1000 MMR? One of those in the ranked mode. It was neat.
I have 8DX it's a lot of fun but the joycons as controllers are like the worst thing i have ever tried to use unfortunately i only have one extra controller so if there's 3 people two people have to deal with the nanocontroller
Hoeeeengrish more like.
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>those two sure are fuckin gay
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Who is this new girl anyway?
New girl? Do you mean Tomoyo- Wait isn't that Mei Ling?
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The black haired girl.
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Yeah, that makes sense.
yeah she's wearing her hair different in like every episode
She's totally a different appearence with her hair like that.
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gaslight mode mei ling was great
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
2018/04/23 (月) 05:36 No. 478634
oh god i ate some deathly hot sauce and it destroyed me i could not eat more than 1/3rd of the burger
>>478634 I've never had hot sauce that could do that to me. But I do kind of stay away intentionally from things that might be too spicy. And also yeah this is the amine thread.
this is the ANIME thread sammy
oh no
>>478634 i feel for you
I wonder if this is video straight from the original series or if they're re-animated stuff from the original series. I never watched most of the original Cardcaptors so I don't have any memory to base it off of.
it looks re-animated
All the background students in the shots from a distance are so lazily drawn. They're like what the CLAMP meme is well known for.
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She's going wild.
Oh no Tomoyo. Yeah she's been set alight with passion.
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and snuffed out just as quickly
Wow Mother Nature really doesn't like Tomoyo's singing. Shame too, it's such a nice voice.
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Kinda late in the episode for a card to appear.
it wasn't that bad
>>478650 maybe this is a 2 parter
Well there's been cards before that have been resolved in really short timespans- Tomoyo PLEASE.
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they don't even draw the main characters when they're in the background
Sakura's been having to be super sneaky about her casting because of all this. Hah hah poor Tomoyo.
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kero is actually useful in this series
This music is like something out of Super Mario Brothers 64. At least up to the cut-off.
this music is vaporwave material
It's got a pretty great AESTHETIC.
this bunny is a shit-starter
Yeah they seem a bit like an ojou bitch. I hope it gets to be alive in the series at some point.
looks like the next episode is gonna be action packed!
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okay nanatsu!>>478666 probably nothing! okay lets start!
Nana nana nana nana TAIZAI>>478666 I was thinking we could maybe do an episode of Gegege since Ika seems to not like that show and probably wouldn't complain about being ditched for it. Other than that I don't really know what else is good.
okay what are we watching after this?
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do you guys not want to try rokuhoudou?
i've had that downloaded for like three weeks
I do. I've been curious about it since episode one aired. If it's good enough to watch though, and we leave Squid behind for episode one, it might be hard to convince him to catch up on his own terms.
fucking RIP jericho
Yeah she was just running from the stone ball. Could have veered hard left or right. Or just stopped running in between its bounces and let it go ahead.
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YEah we can try that.
>>478671 i mean you saw how slow that shit was even like a 15 degree angle maybe
Well Jericho's not the brightest apple in the shed.
escanor is the fucking strongest btw
I'm familiar with how his power works.>Master of the Sun Oh maybe he'll be around this episode.
Gallad's playing golf with them here.
Wow Jerichi. Jericho even.
jericho is a real man
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Ban needs to level up his quirk.
She's all muscle and willpower and no brain.
>>478680 How do you even level up "not being able to die ever" though.
>>478682 he needs to level up his ability to steal other people's power his capacity for power is too low if it was higher then he could weaken the demons and strengthen himself even more he took in too much power and that's why he's so fucked up right now
Yeah that's true.
escanor has been so scared shitless without the sun he's been trapped in a cave for like 10 years
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>>478682 The reason he's on the ground now is because he took the power of two of them and got feedback. He needs to get strong enough to take in more power.
His storage room is a literal vault.
Geez louise Gallad isn't that overkill a bit.
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Hah hah they're both boozers.
Get these dumbasses drunk and they just start talking about their plan right out in the open.
well they were probably planning on killing him anyway
here's where he gets fucking tricked
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He's a scaredy cat but I'm assuming he's going to be absurdly powerful.
Yeah, playing games with demons is like playing games with faeries. They always rig the game so the odds are crazy in their favour.
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They are kinda unlucky.
He fucking calls himself Escanor-sama.
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only during the day though
notice he's almost as fucking tall as galand
Oh fucking RIP
galand summoning all of his power to try and win
Little does he know that the darkness can't win against THE SUN.
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I guess he's going to die here. Pulling out your trump card this early means you're going to die.
He's got such a funny head for how RIPPED he gets during the day.
That's pretty much in line with how I expected Galand to go. His power was going to have to be his own downfall.
Oh fuck that is pretty brutal.
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Looks like that soul isn't agreeing with her.
>kicking a solid stone lol
Like I said. She's all muscle and willpower, but no brains.
>>478712 you can't eat the sun!
Oh that's heartwarming for King too.
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I guess Elaine gets to just be alive now?
He didn't even have to see his sister in full yandere-mode too.
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>>478717 i think she said she was going to die eventually in the last episode
Oh we're finally back to Diane and the giants.
even fully beefed out he still says merlin-san
Even the embodiment of Pride has to have a weakness somewhere.
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okay i have one more in me What do you guys want to watch?
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let's give rokuhoudou a shot
At the worst it'll be kind of dull. I don't think it's the kind of show to be particularly dramatic.
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okay we're all orange let's start!
now that's a fancy entryway
Yeah they've got a really extravagant piece of property there.
>cafe hidden away in a bamboo forest lit by sunlight filtering through the trees
The interior is super nice too. Looks like a great place to relax.
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the other half is spice
He's missing everything nice though.
Latte art! That bunny is kind of creepy though.
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look he's not a great artist he's a barista
I kind of want to learn to make fancy coffee that has that kind of quality to it.
The parfait caught her eye.>>478747 Yeah that's a crazy complex parfait.
that parfait looks amazing
The Japanese really are something else when it comes to fancy dessert making.
this is a chill show
Yeah it's been nice. I like that these guys act like normal guy friends and not fujobait material.
so huge
he must be like six feet tall
Hah hah he spooked the girl.
The red-haired guy is so tiny in comparison. Though he's probably more normal height for a Japanese guy.
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they seem like good friends
Yeah it helps make the show nice.
These guys are such gentlemen to their customers at least.
Oh shit that is some FANCY eatin'.
>This makes me want to try the other things on the menu Caught, hook, line , and sinker.
They've got such an old-fashioned cash register too.
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i would eat at this cafe every fuckin day
With this kind of service? Hell yeah.
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There sure are a lot of shows aimed at girls this season.
Yeah. This one is kind of nice since it doesn't really lean on fujobait. I'm fine with handsome guys as long as the show isn't trying to get them to be gay with each other.
>>478773 yeah it's great
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oh fuck he complimented me my only weakness
>When I rest, I rest A good life mentality.
Latte guy might be a bad artist but he's pretty reliable outside that it seems.
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he's the brawn of the operation
That was pretty fucking comfy. I enjoyed it.
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yes this is a good show Gure best boy
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thanks for anime!
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grazie grazie