trying to google functions within the workday finance system for work and google suggests "work day meme" pretty soon you can just start any search query and "[query] meme" is just gonna be the suggested result because it will constitute 85% of the searches for any query fuckin normies ruin everything
Saturation sure is fun, eh.
I've got a final in like twelve hours and here I'm up at 07:00 and I've got to sleep somewhere in here at some point. My head doesn't want to sleep though.
and god forbit i have to include google in a query to isolate information that relates to the company google because google just shits itself if you search "[company] client google" it has no way of understanding that you want to see if google is a client of that company it just thinks you wanna google that company >>467439 good luck
And it still omits small joiner words like 'of' right.
Pretty much all I've used Google for in recency is word definitions and getting to websites I don't want to use the URL for. And the weather and currency exchange I guess. I don't think I'm standard Google use really.
>>467441 >search for joan of arc >only find joans in arks smh
>>467444 i actually like this idea, having said it one thing i really want to do is write a book from the perspective of an AI in the future that's trying to datamine human history without proximity context like an archival bot and it takes information about subjects from search engines based on statistical prevalence, just like CLINICIANS fucking do and so it'll compile all of carl sagan's biography and research, for instance, but attach the google image of carlsagan42, the super mario maker streamer / youtuber
Kirara 🚗
>google a ship >google gives me photos of anime girls >google astolfo >anime astolfo
someone applied for the job who is a biology phd i guess it makes sense that phds need some extra dollars too but idk i dont feel like a graduate degree is required to do a decent job on this fugging application but that's about the only people who are doin well >>467449 BU
>>467437 trying to make my girlfriend have a miscarriage meme
isn't that just loss
oh man my buckley face got fucked up but yeah that's already a meme
buckley comics are real funny in an ironic way
merry winter een mas
there was really good build-up at one point where some rich dude wanted to steal ethan's girlfriend from him, a former fiance of hers or something, so the dumbass mc challenged him to a sales thing at the store and whoever sells more games wins her so he invoked his wintereenmas whatever or other and sent out a message to everyone that games were half off, so a bunch of people came in and bought their shit
and if buckley knew a fuckin thing about the games industry he'd know that gamestops et al only make about $3-$5 on new game sales, buying them at $50 and selling them for $55 or whatever meaning that fuckin idiot would have cost the company several thousand dollars that day alone and as the newly appointed manager, he would have been liable for all of that and had to repay it, lose his job, and lose his girlfriend because he's a fucking loser
but then like three weeks of plot just got handwaved away as "ah lol you win" and nothing happened i only know all this because i was so angry at how dumb the comic was that i was following it so i could make shitty edits of it
the only reason the rich ex fiance came into the picture anyway was ethan was being a stupid piece of shit and she wanted out but he literally just writes it out of her hands and he wins her -- oh wait no the challenge was who wins ownership of the shop, i forgot and the idiot does that shit, meanwhile while he's doing that big sale day, the ex just flies his girl down to bermuda or some shit and tries to marry her realistically ethan was being a blind , neglectful child and not paying attention to her, caught up in dumb competitive shit, and rich boy didn't even want the shop, just did it to distract him while he made off with his girl man i dont know how he tries to write ethan as the protag that dude is so abusive and such a piece of shit but "oh haha everyone likes him he's such a lovable dork" destroying the lives of everyone around him what the fuck is wrong with buckley seriously
i didn't realize how much you can still hate something after 10 years of not thinking about it man i used to be a sperg
>>467463 remember to tell them that your greatest weakness is that you hate hierarchy and have problems with authority and long for the day the bosses die
>>467464 I already have a plan for that question I tend to ask for help more than what's perhaps necessary
Kirara 🚗
i sent charlie kirk a nice message yesterday but he ignored me keikaku doori
my greatest weakness is that i'm a ball of crippling anxiety and nervous energy that makes everyone around me uncomfortable so don't put me at the front desk
nobody cared who charlie kirk was until he put on the diaper tbh
im gonna build joan an ark
>>467483 if he's putting on a diaper all i care is that he stay away from me
Kirara 🚗
tpusa really became a joke after the diaper thing\ nobody really cared about it before, they were just annoying losers that kept owning themselves but when you own yourself by wearing diapers in public, you don't come back from that
how do you unwittingly get your own site's data sold
Kirara 🚗
well like the news said, zuck is only 33 years old this is his "growing up" moment
that's not fair why does zuckerberg get to be a kid for 33 years
Kirara 🚗
i didn't even get like 5 years of it
oh shit that's how he stays a kid hes stealing children's childhood
Kirara 🚗
probably uses those lighthouses
Kirara 🚗
yeah there's a conspiracy to steal children's organs and the organization that does it uses a light house as their symbol there's one at disney zuck must use the light houses to drain people's childhoods
by replacing his organs one by one with fresh specimen, he retains his youthful vim and physique
Kirara 🚗
but legit imagine having the luxury of growing up at 33 wtf why do people treat him so nicely
because if it wasn't for him they might have to use some primitive form of communication instead of facebook like myspace or talking to people
Kirara 🚗
yesterday i had to explain to a class full of graduate students that meme was a word before people put captions on images
yeah meme has been a meme ever since metal gear solid 2
Kirara 🚗
yeah when kojima invented culture
kojima invented so much of the modern world we should be zuckering his cock instead of the facebook guy
darwin saw mgs2 and thought what a fuckin meme
Kirara 🚗
i'd zuck kojima's dick if he gave me a release date for death stranding
mgs5 basically invented ancom
>>467509 he's already getting off teasing his fans with that why would he need you?
I've only played the tony haw part of mgs2
Kirara 🚗
he gets to hang out with shirtless normal reedus and gdt all the time kojima is so lucky
Kirara 🚗
i can't believe gft /// gdt is gonna be in death stranding
now that nobody can stop kojima from doing what he wants the world is saved
Kirara 🚗
kojima is gonna lead a revolution and topple the worlds power structure all so he can make games without publishers giving him shit
I've been wondering if it was the same manga the whole time because she kept making faces like this and then it happened. But now I'm caught up, I guess. All the girls want sex with the MC but they're leaving it to the first girl to go first but they're both emotionally awkward with each other.
>google mark zuckerberg hearing >linked to medical documents about the state of mark zuckerberg's sense of hearing and auditory processing fuck off google now youre gaslighting me
he's such a pile of shit i hope he contracts a terrible illness but is rich enough to avoid treatment so that he lives but he remains paralyzed from it and has to spend the remainder of his 50 years+ of life in one position unable to move and has to watch ads on repeat targeted directly at him about, "Suffering from paraplegia? Wish you could make your own sandwich? CLICK HERE"
Also I'm rereading kekkon yubiwa now. Thanks for reminding me it existed. Well I didn't actually forget. But i was having trouble deciding what manga to read. These days I soend more time trying to figure out what to read than actually reading. Just cause I read so fast that I'm current with so much.
>>467581 it's a lot of work man why not reach out to scanlation groups and apply for a position with them or something
>>467583 If I start a group with my friends we can pick what we scanlate. Also existing groups have annoying hierarchical bullshit and drama. I've been in a couple before. I mean I don't have to do a grouo with friends *group >>467585 I guess, but I'd be doing it for fun, when you bring money into it it sort of corrupts the hobby Now obviously I'm not assuming blue would join and expecting him to do a bunch of work But I think we could find something to work on that we both want to see get scanlated
i wouldn't ask anyone to spend time on a project unless i was paying them for it i mean it's not like employment, but any service should be rewarded a bit you'll find that a lot of the scanlation and TL groups actually do this as well and if you're needing some scrap cash it's actually something you can do
bringing money into it enables the hobby if i have a fun project i would put a little budget on it and compensate people a little bit for helping out not like a paid job because i can't afford it, but at least paypal them 15 or 20 bucks or something per release >>467587 there's nothing to corrupt if nobody is able to spend the time on it to begin with you're buying time, that's all money does you're buying them time and yourself time to work on it together nobody can really do that inert
Bringing money into it corrupts it, in my opinion.
sorry i'll stay out of it not my business anyway
I get what you mean, and I do appreciate the input. Even if I disagree with it.
>>467590 If it's something I want to do with a group of friends then yeah. I don't pay the guy who runs the D&D game I'm in.
that's mutual entertainment though, there's an exchange on a more sentimental and appreciative level what's the incentive to scanlate over enjoying reading manga yourself it's several-fold time spent doing something less fun it's rewarding if you have a viewership that is supportive of you kind of, and you're building merit but that's a steep commitment
Last time I checked, blue doesn't know Japanese. I mean, we shouldn't be arguing about the specifics right now since its a hypothetical scenario. But there are plenty of people who scanlate for their own enjoyment.
yeah but they've also got twitter followings
This >>467595 Scanlation has existed before twitter. Anyways, this is between me and whomever I contact about doing this. I'd appreciate it if we end this discussion.
so has media distribution, but i'm speaking in modern terms it was the same in the past through the medium of the time
Fuck I just remembered I had something to tell you but now I cant remember.
the nice thing about crowdsourcing is only a small percent of people will donate, but even the free requesters still promote you so you do stuff for the free crowd, publicize it, and people that want to keep it going will share the real resource is the marketing and publicity the amount you can make from it is directly related to how much time and effort you spend publicizing and building a following, but it's not hard to have a few patreons contributing a modest amount >>467604 well, if they're making money, they're not so much doing it as an internet artist as they are being their own marketer for their product it's a little contrived, but not altogether inorganic
Now that I'm working, I've been putting more thought into stuff I want to do. I love my free time very much and I don't need to break my back with overtime right now. But I want to take something more seriously than I have been now. >>467602 I'd end up with like seven patrons but like 170$ a month because of foolishness.
maybe i should be a marketing agent and help people build patreon followings to do the things they love to do i would market myself if i could do anything well besides market
>>467608 your photography is really good though maybe we should cross-promote you take pretty pictures and i paint my rendition of them and then blue models them in zbrush
>>467610 >a really long time more like forever the more you learn to get better, the worse your art feels that's the focus for an artist you build something, learn from it and gain awareness, and the product is a precipitate to the process to be discarded perfect art is also really boring, and what makes the art valuable is tha // that it shows what flaw a person wanted to discard i think
There's always space to improve but I want to get to a place where I can say I'm good at this thing. It's not so much about reaching perfect but being happy with your output.
i think we're happy with our output even if it's not up to par, because it's still something we invested emotion in i'm an extremely shy artist personally, and i do think a lot of it's really awful or not ready for the public to let go of it kind of hurts i think collecting art from an artist is kind of like collecting their pain points and insecurities that's why, in my mind, art can be so valuable sometimes we're always happy with it, if not entirely satisfied, you know?
i've got a real thing for seeing other people's art even -- especially -- at the infantile stages when it's most insecure it feels so personal and warm to get to see it
It is fustrating seeing what I produce in terms of drawing because I think I have really high aims. whereas I don't really know if my photography is good or not, I don't have any real baseline to compare. I mean some of it I like more and some of it looks bad because blurry or not exposed enough etc but I don't have the same sense of fustration as I do with drawing and painting.
there's a technical procedure with photography that could be interpreted as good mechanical and technical knowledge of how to best capture your subject within the constraints of the tool you're using, but photography is not about technica it's still an artform around identifying the object and theme of your project little technical details help you in giving you better control to get exactly what you want, but even a blurry or out of focus picture can still capture the object in the right context depending on what you are looking to do it's an intuitive process, but your intuition has more controls the more you understand and master your equipment but the object classification and theme is entirely separate there, same with painting
becoming a good anything is really about connecting with your theme and object the technica comes with your determination and pursuit to capture it in the way you feel represents it the way you want it to be represented imo the only bad photography is the photography which ignores the passion and is an illustration of technique because that's not photography, that's showboating or exhibition of skill
i know i'm a little eccentric, but i don't think i'm wrong i think people use skill and proficiency as a sense of grounding so they don't make any mistakes that can be criticized but you can't ever really achieve art if you're bound by that concern yes, artists become proficient and highly technical in their craft, but it's not a pre-requisite and it doesn't guarantee valuable expression either it might guarantee deviantart commissions, but it's also boring if you're not really digging deep to express something, but just manifesting the imagery of others who can't draw so want you to do it for them
t. an aspiring children's book illustrator
zuccboi looks like he's always on the verge of crying in these hearings
>>467616 That is a really nice explanation. I don't really conciously thing about making a good photo in an artistic way, I just think I like something and want to capture it. I wonder if I can learn more about artistic photography.
You just see your object, pull the camera out, and adjust it to what feels right, right? Trying to think detached like, "How do i make this look artistic" actually detracts from the focus and the feel of the image it looks artificial in a way it's fluid if you have technical expertise from experience, but just learning technique and then trying to apply it feels so empty i see photographs like that and i can tell that the only thing the photographer was feeling was uncertainty and restraint, and it's so disheartening Feel! You have to feel! You've got to photograph those asiatic clams! Stop making excuses!
>>467616 I am trying to find where I have a problem with this and the closest thing I can come up with is
I find it hard to separate the exhibition of skill and technique from the passion of an artist. I don't know much about camera technique, I know there are lots of number settings and lens decisions that you can make beforehand that'll make certain kinds of shots easier to represent. But I think a lot of those things, small as they probably seem, end up as a part of it.
Kirara 🚗
i think feeling is a big part of it and skill comes in later
feeling is what creates a good picture the "artistic skills" that matter are things that improve the picture for example, realizing the lighting is bad right now and deciding to take the photo at another time with different lighting is an artistic skill that is valuable but it doesn't matter how skilled you are artistically if you don't have the feeling
>>467620 Don't think, feel. tanisin I think I take a lot of photos and maybe like 3 or 4 of them I like out of like 300 or so It isn't particularly technical, just mostly which ever I feel I like the best or the colours that feel right to me.
That said my instragram is broken, any new photos I upload get deleted instantly.
I have some ink paintings floating around /moe/ if they're ever posted, you can see that i don't have a lot of technical detail but i think you can see the passion with which they were drawn nonetheless
art is about communicating something art appreciation is about how well it was communicated and the latter is a little more restricted from the masses but art still exists outside of that nit-picking the same way a grammaticist will nit-pick your sentence for using a comma splice or not capitalizing, but that's not going to detract from the feeling
Though, I do remember one of the most important things that an instructor warned me about. >You spent so much time trying to make it look real that you forgot to make it look good.
So, I can understand the idea that you're putting out. I just feel like it's incomplete for me in terms of defining art.
>>467622 Yeha I think I can understand that, I just wish my drawing was less comparative, that I could just be happy with one or two pictures instead of feeling like I have very long way to go before I can describe somehting I like.
>>467623 i think the best photologers learn their technique by being too slow to capture the great shot they wanted that, and for stiller shots, spending four or five hours meticulously calibrating until they've got it how they want you seriously can learn more in a weekend than a semester of a photography class -- though ideally anyone taking a photography class would be spending those weekends out photographing anyway which kind of makes the class insignificant except giving them a grade to reward them for their effort
Kirara 🚗
for still shots like landscapes, extensive equipment calibration is actually pretty weird since that's generally shot with film and it doesn't have to be perfectly focused just kind of generally focused the equipment is the least important part of photography by far and i'm personally against changing the environment in a significant way for a photo
>>467626 >You spent so much time trying to make it look like a girl that you forgot it's a boy
i got two big presentations next week, a big ass report due on monday, i gotta do some dumb shit all day on sunday then i got another big report due the next monday, a literature review I also have to teach myself logistical regression on the fly so we can get this hurricane decision making paper out by the end of the semester
>>467648 one of them is a group thing that's intensive but easy the other one is about feelings of shame and guilt in trauma survivors and how it affects treatment such a paaaaain
ass reports are the worst want any help with your presentations
some of my professors want me to go get therapy because i am too self sabotaging they're not wrong but the reasons they think im self sabotaging are wrong
>>467647 > I also have to teach myself logistical regression on the fly so we can get this hurricane decision making paper out by the end of the semester this doesn't sound like something coming out of your department
Hmm so what is logistical regression in a nutshell?
Kirara 🚗
we're basically trying find out what predicts whether or not someone will evacuate during a hurricane the logistical regression takes a number of factors and tells us whether certain factors predict someone will evacuate, won't evacuate, or that the factor doesn't predict anything
>>467655 hmm I guess the term just is confusing "logistical regression" followed by hurricane, and a layman most likely thinks of "damage caused by hurricane" or something or post disaster degradation of infrastructure due to human misconduct or something.
Kirara 🚗
yeah the regression is just a statistical analysis we're doing
But that is a curious study For example, how much would a news report during last hours of evacuation window about "roads being blocked by traffic" affect the decision making of the people who havn't evacuated yet, but were considering it up untill that point?
or just a "people have emptied stores of supplies" increase the amount of panic amongst the populace
>>467647 >feelings of shame and guilt in trauma survivor oh damn it's like just like in my animes except instead of animes it's my nightmares every night
So that's why I only have two Clarisse units. I was thinking that I fed one away but I actually like Clarisse and throwing her away for Poison Strike didn't sound like something I'd do
15 minutes in and zuccy keeps saying "i'm sorry" like four times already breh you aint talking to a middle school here
>>467678 ??? he's doing the same thing he was doing 10 years ago 15 even in 2003 he was like "oops sorry i didn't know" he's still doing it he hasn't grown up at all the only reason he's here in front of a committee crying is because he's spooked
>>467678 >growing up moment Rich idiots sure get away with a lot
>>467682 Maybe that is the issue in depth, all silicon valley big wigs are just giant babies
>Zuckerberg doesn't like doing TV interviews. He told me that weeks ago as we sat down in the ice-cold conference room code named "the Aquarium" where he holds meetings. Known for sweating at inopportune times, he wanted to talk in a place where he was comfortable. WHAt
>>467691 Nothing much, I was just sitting drying out from having a shower and now doing nothing. I should get up and walk for a bit don't wanna sit for too long.
the clinic i work at keeps trying to give me autistic children i do not want to work with autistic 11 year olds in any capacity i cannot have them cluttering up my case load
i will have to get rid of at least one of them somehow
like autistic kids are incapable of being treated with the treatment modality i am trying to gain experience with and i don't even have a child friendly demeanor i am not received well by doting mothers of autistic children I have no training with autistic children our clinic is not even supposed to get autistic children
>>467696 hey, i know this isn't addressing your concerns but i have a concern and i'm being greedy in that interaction my psych will only schedule me every six months i kind of take it as a sign that i'm a stressful patient she does not want to deal with, but i'm not sure any thoughts on that?
maybe i didn't present myself well as // if i seemed stable i took kratom before i went because i can't handle that 90-minute drive without it it's too much bone pain to drive 90 minutes to see my doctor, so i was prolly pretty calm and stable when i went, though my anxiety about my living conditions was apparent kratom seems to be a potent mood stabilizer for me though, which is probably what i need but i didn't have the presence of mind to ask about it at the time because i was stable
Kirara 🚗
it could be out of concern for your finances, too usually if you don't want to deal with someone you just refer them out
i wanted to maybe see about some serious psychotherapy or something but i'm riding such an emotional high when i do go once every six months that i dont realize how much i'm struggling so i forget to mention it i think i'm probably several years into developed scizophrenia as well although i know that's a very commonly self-misdiagnosed thing
I ended up making eggs and pasta.
>>467696 do they really want to get rid of you by weird harrasment practice ro just bad luck
I would like to say "Why is this so hard to understand?" but it really is terribly written
>>467720 yeah i thought it meant it only worked for everything but horses basically
they could just say "non-cavalry" units in that case. But it really does read like that. I realized it quickly though since I got both Valentine Lilina and Siegbert around the same time. >>467723 Those are called movement types, so it's not like they're "wrong" Maybe we should just read less fast. They did rewrite a bunch of skills to look more obvious.
they should probably word it as “but only if type of ally (infantry, armored, etc) is <= 2”
>>467722 well yeah but movement type is slightly lemore vague could just have movement type and my parenthetical there
Should I ... yeah Curry chicken
Good choice.
i really want rice from the chinese spot though
>>467712 is there a test for it? my dad got discharged from the navy with that diagnosis -- mind you, after spending a long time in a sunken sub but that was a long time ago and diagnostics were pretty loose even compared to now
I can get curry chicken from the caribbean spot and white rice from the chinese spot....
>>467730 maybe you can find a caribbean x chinese chick in between??
That sounds like a pretty high-power combination. Tasty food.
>caribbean chick in rice
It's like the opposite of that mythic way of serving sushi on the body of a naked woman.
i think it's the same way, but just different amounts like a whole lot of rice
>they added calroie cojtent to the food at texas roadhouse why would you do this to me
I remember remarking on that when I was last in the States. Kirara and Jan said it was part of guidelines set in place by the FDA? Something like that. We've got a similar thing up here though. I kind of like knowing the counts personally. It doesn't stop what I choose often, but having the information is nice.
For fun
almost walked out without my keys whew wouldn't want THAT happening again
>tator skins just for starters - 1500 calories damn
>>467749 It can be really hard to move on from something long-term and something you were comfortable in like that. I'm sorry it's something you have to deal with. It's rough and with no easy reconciliation.
bonus of needing keys to exit your appartment you can't forget them not that i ahve EVER actually forgotten my keys
minus: possibly a fire hazard
yeah well it would bee asier for me to exit through my window anyhow
Kirara 🚗
>>467728 not really some tests can kind of help a diagnosis of it i guess
>>467758 enjoy the food ill be uh truing not to keel over finishing mine
>>467763 Weekly reminder that you should really try learning some simple cooking to do at home. It's way easier to control the size and cal. content of your food when you're the one making the portions.
>>467764 well yeah but we went to texas roadhouse for the sake of going
Then why don't you just, don't go? I'm sorry this isn't really something I get.
>now realizing that Emil is actually singing City Ruins
but man is risotto fucking annoying to do especially when you slow cook some pork and onions and then start the whole risotto process takes almost an hour
>>467782 >>467785 Here ya go,
>>467788 so i just need someone else to cook me a meal premade and put it in my fridge so i can make a risotto out of it on a whim when i realise I havn't eaten at all today kay should work just fine
>>467789 Rely on your past self to make yourself future meals! Write yourself a note flr your future self even.
past tn is a dick who only ruins shit
>>467790 besides I like spontaneous cooking of whatever i happen to come up with i decided it was going to be a risotto while cooking the pork anyhow
Man, you're making me want to cook some risotto myself, but I'm waiting for my folks to come back with supper... >>467794 breddy gud.
down side is, I am going to have to eat leftover risotto tomorrow and day after
Could be worse.
>>467712 i dont tell you like half the shit if i said my /moe/ persona was the more sane half you'd probably believe it but not understand the extent of it
>>467796 yup but reality is that making just one serving of food is damn hard 2 servings is pretty much minimum, unless you can store raw meat somewhere for few days unpacked
In Negima's defense Ken didn't want to end it when it stopped. UQ Holder was pretty transparently a sequel to Negima as well.
McDonald's up here runs one dollar any size coffee a lot. Seems to happen for two weeks every three months or so. It's a good deal on pretty solid fast food coffee.
>>467838 well those are pretty terrible IVs. You probably have a better speedy red sword than that? Though a bad IV Ayra is still better than most speedy swords. A Mia with okay IVs or a Lucina is probably better.
>>467844 Hata has a new serialization out. After the first two chapters, there's a special guest chapter by Kumeta which is just him talking all kinds of shit about the concept and Hata himself
>>467859 it's so stressful that it's making me want to die i had to do fucking breathing exercises to calm down because this is so ridiculously difficult and stressful
both i have to get them through my school's employee assistance program which gives me 6 free sessions and then NO HELP AT ALL and 6 sessions is literally enough time to figure out what needs to be done for treatment so it will do fucking nothing for me and i'll have to pay the rest out of pocket so i have to find someone affordable that's not a fucking loser but the EAP provider search is horrible and incredibly stressful the only low cost therapy in the area is the clinic i work at so i can't get help there and elsewhere treatment is like $300 without insurance but i have to get therapy if i want to stay in my graduate program
do you not have insurance anymore? i thought you did or does it not cover it
Kirara 🚗
i used to have insurance through my mom and technically i still do, but she works at a hospital now, so my health insurance is basically nothing and even if it was good, i can't possibly risk my mother having any knowledge that i am in therapy so i wouldn't be able to use it
dang it's too late to take advantage of the tax credits if you got your own too can you get your own or did the age change on that or something
Kirara 🚗
if i get my own, i'll have to stop being on my mom's, which means she'll find out, and then she'll freak out and do everything she can to make my life hell
can you just disappear from her life that's what i'm about to have to do like sometime this month if i'm lucky
Kirara 🚗
i can once i am out of school until then, i live within 40 minutes of her and she knows where and i live in the only livable apartment complex in the area i'd have to rent a house which i definitely can't do
What will she do if she finds out you're in therapy?
Kirara 🚗
she will use that information to manipulate me and will disseminate that information to everyone that i could potentially come into contact with my entire family will know friends of family will know everyone will know i will lose all semblance of privacy the second my mother knows a single fact about me that i can't have complete control over i need her to die
no that would be illegal probably i wouldn't reference illegal activities in public
Kirara 🚗
fish is like "i'll pay for it for you" and it's stressing me out even more
pay for the health insurance or the taking care of
Kirara 🚗
the therapy
Kirara 🚗
i think it's wonderful that we live in a society where trying to get help makes me want to die
Kirara 🚗
this website lists everyone's specialties and shit and like idk exactly what i need what if i pick someone and they're like, oh, you're fucked up in a way i don't deal with, and hand me off to someone else it'll be way too stressful
>>467885 well if it isn't something that will kill you tomorrow for not doing it today, maybe try doing something else for the rest of the evening give some time and thinking on the matter instead of pushing it all in one horrid go
i mean do you think just talking with a friend might help i know it's not healthcare but i could listen for an hour a few days a week no charge ehh sorry dumb offer im just tryna help
>>467890 If we were talking about someone else, I would say, yeah, that's too much. But I think it's probably a small thing to her, so small she doesn't even understand the true value of it.
Fish is bad at a lot of things and you help her out a lot. It's fine to let her help you just this once. Seems like you need a little help right now.
It's also in her best interests for you to be as stable as possible because she relies on you.
>>467894 My judgment is a lot more objective on this issue than yours at this current time. You don't not think it's fine, the situation is that you feel it isn't fine. If you had objective reasons you'd be arguing with me a lot better right now.
It's fine to lean on her every once in awhile, she leans on you a lot.
I can understand be hesistant to borrow money let alone huge amounts of money. it is an easy thing to ask It really sucks that the therapy is so expensive. It only there sort of grants and stuff to help deal with the costs of payment programs.
>>467900 i dont think so accepting help there involves accepting the hoard of bullshit circumstances that shouldn't be there in the first place that prevent the normal solution
>>467900 i don't agree with you i can't just accept thousands of dollars especially not from my girlfriend that makes things incredibly complicated and stressful
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kent is great holy shit
The current song on this bookstore's PA started with the opening vocal note of Blue, off the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack and I got excited for a moment.
>>467903 Why? Because you'll be imposing on her? Even though normal people would consider it an major imposition, it's minor for her. And she imposes on you all the time. Friends impose on each other a lot and you two are even more than friends.
But that's okay, I won't press the issue further. Just keep in mind that I think she would like the opportunity to help you.
i shouldn't have to get therapy in the first place this is so stupid this has me so stressed out that i don't think i can even do the work i needed to do tonight i should just do drugs
no i'm the only one being forced to go through therapy >>467909 maybe another time, i'm going to take a bunch of kratom and go to sleep so i can wake up early and do my work then with a better headpscae
>>467908 >pun pun one of these things is not like the other
>>467912 You say that, but that black book on the right on the bottom shelf is Junji Ito's Uzumaki.
I finished my Psych final in like an hour, so I'm feeling pretty good about that.
Honestly I've been a little surprised how easy my courses have felt this semester. Social science-like courses I've taken in the past haven't exactly been my best marks, but both Microeconomics and Psych this semester have felt pretty easy. Sure they're both introductory, but they're still more complex than any academic course I've taken on the material.
>>467924 I can't speak for your other friends, but I don't need another Fae. I have two Faes on my friends list, one is +10. I also have a great +6 Myrrh on my friend's list, as well as my own distant counter Myrrh.
Soleil would be great with less teleporters to smack her until she dies which doesn't take much. Uhhh I could send you my suicidal moonman but he will also die if anything touches him.
>>467931 That only applies to his Fae. His FMorgan is actually more unique, and thus more useful, than his Fae because good green dragons are a diamond dozen.
>>467984 >>467989 I don't talk about green day
Anyways it was a joke
I hold nothing against Green Day
boulevard is a fun song to sing in karaoke
I'm mad they got into the rock and roll hall of fame. And thats about it. Well, I akso dislike them intensely. Although some of their early stuff is okay.
>>468002 yt luckily has most of that, shitty on phone nonetheless
There is Swing Holic,Flip+Flop,狐の工作室,Tokyo ActiveNeets quite a few I can't remember. I had a pretty extensive foobar playlist from several years of comiket.
nvm fixed it >>468038 those are good. or at least 7 is but they also do not support it anymore so can't you get viruses? debian i have heard is good
Debian is fine >>468040 7 is still supported And I use Common Sense 2019™ I've literally never gotten a computer virus. Although I'm currently not using my comp because i need to repair it, but im waiting for some specific Windiws Patches before repairing it Because their spectre and meltdown patches cause issues As did the patches patches And the patches patches patches
Rei I listened to like half the album before getting to class. It's good. I think Cadillac (is that what it's called) is pretty stand out so far. It's got some really good harmonizations in it and I really like the harmonica in that song.
i only had a virus once on my netbook but i think my friend gave it to me to mess with me i had to do a lot of registry fixing >.> >>468041 what does this mean? i honestly don't know what mainstream vs extended is
>>468043 it means they won't update it but they'll still fix bugs
>>468063 or just cheaper english booze imported there
>>468064 As a stress reliever. in the UK I can pick up a pack whenever I like but here I'm so far from stores that I don't have the convience of relaxing with a cig.
>>468065 american spirits are a brand of cigarettes
>>468063 Maybe I should. I was thinking of importing some american cigs years ago but they were pretty pricey.
Cigarettes are like $10 a pack by me. They're probably cheap near you though.
ah, maybe you can't order them online because it violates some sales tax regulations every state has a different tax on smokes so illinois has it rough and it's like 10+ a pack of 20 missouri you can get them from 2-3 bucks for 20 or 6 bucks for american spirits
>>468071 Cook county has extra taxes too I know people that drive up to Wisconsin or over to Indiana and stock up every once in a while
>Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company American Spirits seems like I would be able to find here.
>>468073 specifically, the purchase of cigarettes online seems to be what's illegal, or rather regulated you can mail tobacco, but purchasing across the state lines seems to be fraudulent
>>468075 Is he? I've never seen him post outside tano or tea
>>468076 There were sites for international sale from what I remember.
so the QOS enable and config was what made me go from nonstop lag over wifi to no lag in my games, but how would I configure this for a game like overwatch that uses a million different ports 1/2
>>468080 by having better interwebs and don't use wifi
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
i have a strong internet connection, it was entirely the router config that gave me lag. and i had a 100 foot ethernet cable going across my house and down the stairs but it's kinda annoying for everyone else in the house apparently, so not a permanent solution
You would be surprised, you can get good deals on used artbooks if you look around. Also for context I mean like art artbooks. Not anime/Vidya/etc artbooks. Although I should maybe get some more of those.
>tertiary level meme >judging memes that is some autism
>>468186 I'm not surprised by the fruit But I am a little surprised by the bird eggs
>>468189 with touhou sometimes you gotta ask yourself "do I like this character? Or do I just like the meme version of the character" Although half the appeal of touhou is secondary stuff so I wouldn't disparage someone for liking a secondary interpretation over the ingame representation
>>468189 its pertinent with touhou because of secondary materials And tertiary memes
hey guys im back my girlfriend opened up to me today about the issues of my flaccid penis, lack of girth, lack of skill, and over abundance of weight shit sucks
>>468198 listen l i s t e n the thing on the side that im worrying about even if i do ditch this relationship, im STILL gonna have a limp, skinny penis
>>468201 shitsux but I'm sure you can find a girl who doesn't mind. She's probably exagerrating anyway
no ive lost erections inside of her, mid intercourse there have been times where i cant get a good stroke going because im too limp
That's really weird Well actually I don't have much frame of reference but it sounds out of the ordinary That's like, go see a doctor
shes told me about her sex life before me with her ex and then she tells me about how much of a shitty awful person he is and i cant stop thinking about the r9k meme of girls riding the cock ccarousel with abusive chads and then settling down with beta providers that they dont want to fuck (me) it is crushing
You'd best throw out any frame of reference that involves believing people from /r9k/ know anything more than shit-all.
>believing chad and beta male shit.
I think you might actually have medical problems with your dong and you should see a doctor if you can Not just because it interferes with your sex life but also because it sounds weird and unhealthy
>>468214 chad and virgin isles are real things, though
>>468217 but yeah marski here has a point, that doesn't sound normal and should be checked up
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
ED is pretty common supposedly, and easily treatable ye keep some scripts bruh
make your penis rock hard again
>>468213 >>468214 see you guys say this but here i am with my real life, first hand example
>>468224 they are as real as finland what are you some tinfoilist?
>>468223 your individual issues are not generalisable to human existence.
>>468224 Chad is in Africa, the virgin isles are in the Caribbean.
>>468228 i wont say that i may have misspoke what i should be saying is my girlfriend love being dicked down by a constantly erect, thick donged abusive bastard, and was always willing to fuck him whenever and wherever and do all kinds of experinental shit with him but now that she is with me, she doesnt even want to have sex on a bed and he is the only guy to make her orgasm with penetration
oh I was more willing to believe you were pahetic rather than you making some joke. my bad.
>>468231 Is it just with this gf or is this issue a trend?
>>468231 You sure are talking about your girlfriend pleasantly online.
if your problem is being bad at doing it could you just like, improve at it? See a doctor about the ed, work out a bit, find out what the gf likes in bed
we have good communication, and we tried to make a list of problems and solutions >girth literally nothing i can ever do to fix this >ed viagra >>468244 Fair
If you're just going to complain about your penis issues, take it somewhere else. I don't think we particularly care for your troubles.
i feel like pummeling something with a hammer and that something should be soft and squishy
Go make some mochi then.
it doesn't squish or crumple when hit
It definitely squishes when hit.
but it doesn't have any hard bits
You can include those if you want.
A single juvenile ant shows up in my room pretty regularly. Not that I suspect it 's the same ant, this has been consistent over years. But it always gets attracted to the light off my monitors and makes for an annoyance. I don't like killing them though.
>>468255 Infestation is a bit extravagant a word, but ants are pretty much all over the place in the area around my house.
Correct, I am not human >>468280 Damn fucking straight
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
hmm looking to buy some headphones for the gym
needs to buy something that actually stays in your fucking ear or is over-ear, not cost a billion dollars and decent noise isolation quality can be meh