>>454101 is amusing how oft you do die like that due to low hp stumbling in gta5
>>454102 it always feels so bad when the slow mo kicks in
gaaaaa it is so dusty why does it never rain proper when the snows melt?
food acquired
I surrender my soul Odin hear my call One day I'll sit beside your throne in valhalla's great hall Like so many before I'll die with honour and pride
Also fuck I hate this time of year it is like +5 to 10 in the sun but the actual air temperature is -5
yeah I went outside in a t-shirt, but it's p cold in the shade of buildings
it is winter cold still so you need winter clothes but man is it hot in the sun
ALSO DUST why does snow collect all the dust of winter time from exhaust and so on and then just RELEASE IT when it melts
it was lovely when I avoided the shade felt like summer gimme that vitamin D
And it will be dusty untill proper spring begins and then it will be pollen season and then the rainy season begins fuck I hate spring
sounds like you really hate finland
I just hate our spring muddy, dusty, pollen, not warm enough or cold enough
i fuckin hate spring too all these flowers attacking my shit
fucking flowers trying to compete my marijuana away
dude weed lmao
But seriously snow turns blackish gray alongside roads from all the shit they absorb during winter and that then gets released as dust clouds NOW
weed isn't that funny to be honest
3 months of GUNK just wants to get into your lungs
you're going to die
Imagine if this happened in somehwere like china... it would be 100% death
atleast this place doesn't have the capital region SHIT problem, literal shit >there is snow so i don't have to collect my dog poops >3 months of dog poop all get released from under the snows and ice, fermented nice and proper
>>454119 but bruh im like so stoned rn 420it blaze me XD
>>454124 sick I'm thinking about smoking too, it's nice and sunny outside so that always makes it feel better how do you usually consume it?
>>454125 i'm not actually like so stoned rn i'm going to bed soon but usually i just empty out part of a filtered cigar and pack the weed in there like really cheap disposable one hitters
you can get a pack of 20 filtered cigars for $2 so it's a cheap way to do it that doesn't end up with me dropping the fucking pipe
that sounds pretty good yeah I usually vape or use my bong my vape batteries barely hold a charge anymore, so been using the bong more often now
i tried this vape that just heated up the dry herbs and it was pretty cool hard to figure out how much is what kind of dose though so i kept ending up couchlocked
TN !PcAPtAiNJoAnno
>>454129 damn son I have a pretty simple one too, it also only heats up the herbs
>>454131 it works pretty well but without that stopping point of a joint I end up smoking too much i'm trying to smoke less save money
>>454143 I have that with joints already I almost never smoke them, but when I do I usually stop about a quarter in don't even know what would happen if I smoked it entirely, maybe also couchlock
supporting your party sure feels good >>454145 i listened to this for the first time in like 10 years the other day >>>/watch?v=1A-hqZf7xQs
TN !PcAPtAiNJoAnno
>>454148 that's a satisfying hit can you hit it the other way so you can slam him down on the fall down?
>>454148 how much is MHW just "foot slashing" and how much does it actually feel like monster slaying?
one of your youtube songs led me into an interesting playlist >>>/watch?v=IBvf7KUEZ78 at this song now
>>454152 man this movie was so damn good best role keanu reeves has ever played imo
>>454153 for sure d00d how'd you like the 2nd movie?
>>454155 it was really good, the house of mirrors shootout is a pretty played out trope but i'll be damned if they didn't make it memorable there the ending was great too, felt good to see the big bad guy get his just desserts even in neutral territory
i think the gunfights in the first movie are on average more memorable though, 2 only had like two scenes that really stood out
that part was pretty disappointing in 2 and why I think I liked it much less
>>454158 yeah i can definitely see that as a reason to prefer the original movie i think they tried to make up for it with a more intricate story but it still feels a little silly and phoned in at times if all the action was as good as the first one, the second would have been a better movie all around
the new issue wasn't as good as the first one it's interesting though the hunter seems to have some awareness of the moon presence
>>454169 have you tried the yellow suwa yet? i just took some now the taste is a lot tarter also i thought the sample bags were 20g but i guess it's 50g
Kirara 🚗
>>454170 nah i haven't tried it yet my bag says 20g
it looks like it's 20g but the 50 is ticked maybe it's just a mistake i'll let you know how it goes i s'pose
i think yellow is supposed to be stimulating but i haven't been able to find any consensus on what it does everyone just says its rare
my mom tried it but she's so loaded up on corticosteroid injections that she wouldnt be able to tell if it did anything anyway flopping between low and high energy all the time regardless
>>454202 that was easy turn it into a conspiracy twitter
Kirara 🚗
i'm playin it legit tryna get more members and engage effectively with people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Reinhardt has like 27 res so no not really
>>454204 ah I thought you did it for teh lulz, so to say how many members do you guys have in that chapter? also no https on the website smh
>>454202 good question probably not like 27 i think im not sure
Kirara 🚗
>>454206 we just got approved for organizing committee we have 13 dues paying members and like 15 people affiliated with us but like 8 core people we haven't done any public outreach or anything because we don't have a regular meeting place yet i don't really like the DSA but this was the only effective way to get a group of leftists together to do mutual aid we're planning on doing some stuff like paying off the school lunch debt of kids, helping transport people to food banks, fundraising for the homeless, and some other good shit
>teleporting Faye ruins my attempts to quest the tenth stratum sigh
>>454208 cool shit how much of the dues can you guys keep to use for shit like that?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I personally use goad cavalry but that doesn't really help Moon
Kirara 🚗
>>454210 none rn because DSA is literally shit they recently tried to establish a literal oligarchy that would not allow any members to influence elections
>elect a cop and when that fail, morph the party into a corporation
>>454212 that's a bit surprising, I figured only part of it flowed back to the top I don't see much point of having the pretence of chapters then
Kirara 🚗
they've been trying to make it really centralized but the chapters all operate somewhat independently idk what they use our money for i don't think anyone does they have a colorful history of misappropriating money too like after charlottesville, when heather heyer got murdered by a neonazi, DSA did fundraising to help the people affected by the murder and injuries
have any of them gotten the funds? nobody knows because the funds were funneled into all kinds of shit and nobody has a straight story on what happened with it meanwhile charlottesville DSA has a TON of members and they spend like 70% of their time chasing actual nazis out of parks and they're still an organizing committee because DSA national is so shitty recently in a stakeholder call charlottesville representative was talking about how they have had a lot of people injured by nazis and all they have time to do is fight nazis and the people from national are like, "oh, uhh, well, what are you doing for medicare for all???"
yeah >>454213 they elected a cop who lied about being a cop and then took like two months of pretending to investigate to do nothing, and the DSA members literally had to bully the cop into leaving now the cop is a hardcore bernie groupie i mean he always was, he wanted to turn the DSA into a group of progressive democrats and was upset that a socialist organization was radical and was like "THE DSA IS LOST"
they recently drafted sample bylaws for all the chapters and they established a Board of Directors and the Board is elected by the Board and the people eligible for election are nominated by the Board lelouch_democracy.jpg
>>454215 that's pretty bad I saw it as progressive democrats already to be honest, it seems like they'd take any chance to colaborate with the democrats for a small gain like unions do. Kind of missing the socialist character in it. Kinda sounds like the chapters just need to leave this opportunist national shit
I'm bored as shit Need something to watch but I don't wanna watch GTO right now
Kirara 🚗
you gotta FIGHT
>>454216 well DSA was like 6000 people that were mostly like progressives until 2017 when the membership suddenly ballooned to like 30k people most of the new people are radical the leadership is still Old Guard progressives and people that don't know how to make an organization of 30k people work
yeah chapters gotta become independent i'm one of the founding members in my local chapter and a few of us are anarchists so i think we might eventually break off
well, they're libertarian socialists at least, maybe not quite anarchists yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>454217 watch some speedruns, Ai-chan, or people making fun of the internet
Kirara 🚗
teens in the DSA are like overwhelmingly ML which sucks but it can't really be helped because they're teenagers and they don't have the physiological or psychological brain development that is associated with the values that generally drive people to anarchism
I love internet ML, all they seem to care about is anti-imperalism north korea is the best thing ever
They're also in a hierarchial organization to begin with, which doesn't help
Kirara 🚗
>>454221 United States anti-imperialism* they all love soviet impersialism
they need to transcend, like me, and start to carry a deep-seated resentment for western civilization and the imperialism associated with it
Kirara 🚗
but they're mostly westerners so i guess it's hard for them
if only they read marx but I guess that's too much too ask of marxist-lennists
I read this text a while ago, I think you imats and sk will like it https://kanoe.yuuko.tv/redtexts/html/moss_1939_the_impotence_of_the_revolutionary_group.html
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
score how cute this outfit is
pretty much a 10 for me I like the big flower
Kirara 🚗
the flower should be over her eye
>>454231 okay m8 we need to talk you can have that anar-whatever as much as you like, but this goes too far you cannot say things like this
that's actually pretty acceptable I really like her arm too and I think I have a few pics of her too, but cba to look for it now instead more shitty commie memes
>>454233 I like basically all the Drakengard 3 designs
Kirara 🚗
i been tracing my ancestry recently and i've got so much ukrainian and siberian in me no wonder florida is so miserable, to me that also makes me part ASIAN
Damn Kirara, I can't believe I spent all that money on Cagliostro outfits when they just give you the best one for free
holy fuck that is amazing
She's a box?
Kirara 🚗
a sled, technically
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think it's a sled
you're a sled
Kirara 🚗
you're fucking sled, kiddo
I graduated top of my class in the US navy skis
Kirara 🚗
300 confirmed hills
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWEKirara 🚗
300 confirmed grills
Do you play the PP game? I think it's japanese only....
Kirara 🚗
i did but it wasn't very fun so now i just collect cute images from it
Isn't it a puzzle game like PAD?
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, it's kinda like PAD, only the enemies are on top of the orb things that you have to use to combo and you attack them by leading your character along trails of colored orbs near the enemies. It's more like bejeweled than PAD, I guess.
>>454276 Had I known about the SURPRISE SKYFALL at 50% I might have beeno kay But for the second skyfall at 5% he punched Zoi who I was counting on to let me tank it.
Kirara 🚗
sounds like you'll be able to do it next time now that you
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>454278 yeah but like guess what just happened granblue servers are down
>>454288 i dont know if fun. But it's pretty interesting.
Like, they're actually trying to make the kids behave like completely isolated children.
Kirara 🚗
it's really good
THEN I Shall watch an episode and see how I like it
>>454291 try not to judge the show by the protagonist. it's more of an ensemble show, they're trying to develop everyone.
Kirara 🚗
have you seen kiznaiver, SK?
I watched some of it then I lost interest After the episode where one jumped off a bridge I think
Kirara 🚗
oh that was the end, the bridge was the end of the show
No no I mean onto traffic Early in the show
Kirara 🚗
oh that was episode 3 or 4 it's a really good show, it's about bonds between people and how people can come together to understand each other despite their differences you might appreciate it more now as a commie
franxx continues with trigger's theme of bonds between people, but this time it's more about partner bonds between two people than general bonds of comraderie the fighting and robots are used as an instrument to explore the bonds between partners in a sort of coming of age story with franxx
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I want to nurture a bond
>>454297 I might check it out after if franxx is fun
>>454297 So it's like a less depressing EVA, focused on the dancing segment?
Wait you're right. Kizna is a trigger show.. If it was december then trigger would save christmas
gonna lunch brb.
Kirara 🚗
>>454300 it's less depressing than EVA, yeah, and it does have some goofy stuff like the dancing, but it's also got a serious kind of tone to it despite the occasional goofiness
sounds fun enough
excuse me a bird with only one wing?
that suddenly reminded me of that show kenzen roboto damidaler or something similar stopped watching it because commie stopped subbing it
How do they make cheese powdery enough to go on chips anyway?
well it opens strong
Whee, april fools!
you're a day early kannagi-san
Who cares about april fools over here. It all about the weeboo april fools!
something something april fools is part of the spectacle probably
been reading some Debord?
Been thninking about doing so at least There's so much theory, it's overwhelming
it's on my list as well, but like you said the list is large
Yeah I think starting next week, I'm gonna force myself to read a little every day just to get through stuff Cause there's so much and I still have to get through MARX
when you enjoy the book it won't feel like going through it anymore I'm at part 5, chapter 16 of capital now and it's pretty good so far
Yeah, it's getting started that's difficult I think I need to force myself just to get going
>>454321 I fell in love with the first sentence of chapter 1 you may have seen it before if you see it
>>454322 no idea how many hours, but been reasing it for about 3 months now I think
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's why i can't read capital there's no way i can spend 3 months reading something and keep my motivation up for it no matter how great it
you can do it in much less time, I don't read very often but there's also a lot of shorter interesting texts like the one I linked before
You gotta read capital so you can dunk on tanks
they already dunk on themselves
Kirara 🚗
i read mostly essays and more modern books about practice and praxis over theory i read theory sometimes though
I've read or listened to a reading of most of marx except capital itself He's an interesting author, very to the point while still having a bit of flair It's kinda unique
>>454329 having fun is the most important part reading a think book from 200 years ago won't get you much street cred sadly thick*
>>454330 he sure has a way with words I like it when he mocks economics and socialists of his time, he does it with such great language
Kirara 🚗
yeah plus if we ever do get to the point where we can live in an anti-authoritarian or anarchistic society, theory won't actually matter very much because the people will organize themselves according to natural anarchistic ideals rather than what a book about bread said
theory is important for understanding and communicating present conditions But that's about it
yeah that's marx' jazz he and others wrote many things on utopian thinking
There's a good reason most anarchists have respect for Marx despite him being against anarchism He's the introduction for a lot of people I'm pretty sure
Kirara 🚗
marx wasn't against anarchism
Didn't he argue a lot with anarchists at the time? Other than stirner I mean
Kirara 🚗
he's marx, who didn't he argue with?
good point tbh Marx would argue with himself if his name wasn't on the paper
Kirara 🚗
he wasn't explicitly anti-state but his conceptualization of communism was stateless
that's the goal though Everyone agrees on the goal
Kirara 🚗
not MLs
even MLs agree on the goal >>454344 which will then wither away Or so they say
Kirara 🚗
no, MLs want a world-wide state
Kirara 🚗
and what will be left is, in their conceptualization, the state only it won't be called a state
Not the way I understand them But then, this isn't the kinda place for left theory discussion
it is now motherfuckers just done reading this beauty https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/letters/65_01_24.htm he calls proudon's idea petty bourgeois p much
>>454347 yeah but sk has been banned for communism discussion a few times already
haha really? interesting line I've posted so many lewd shit and got 0 bans
i don't pretend to understand it, but thems the rules samu has so
fine fine you guys know what you're watching next season already?
Kirara 🚗
i honestly haven't even looked at what's airing idk how much time i'll have for anime next season i have to be doing like 5-10 hours with clients and i'll have classes next semester
I know I'm wathcing FLCL once that gets going in 2 months, and Hinamatsuri or whatever, but that's it
>>454354 you can watch anime with them Mahou Shoujo Ore seems like your style
>>454355 Hinamatsuri also peaked by interest, will def check it out
Kirara 🚗
i got a client that watches anime so i asked what kind of stuff he watches and it's all just edgy manime stuff
I do not know that show tell 'em to watch strike witches and get some real culture
highschool DxD is getting yet another season, but I will be waiting for the blurays with that one
this stuff is called "coconut drink", but it's not the water inside so I dunno what it is good though
just coconut flavoured water I assume?
naw, it's kinda like soy milk but coconut flavored instead It's like I'm drinking Bounty
that sounds weird but interesting Bounty always had that mixed flavour for me I like it, but also not
It's kinda weird, but really good It's like bounty without the chocolate, I should specify
my step-mum gave me a book called "the soup bible" and it has like 200 soup recipes in it or something already made one of them and it was delicious
Oh shit My dad taught me one soup recipe a fair while back, for chicken in tomato soup It's not advanced at all, but really good
Cheap, too
I usually skip the advanced recipes myself the simple stuff is already tasty enough for me
american bang
my computer is borked
oh no what happened bang
american bang
i miss you guys
american bang
motherboard is big gay
but we're here now how can you miss us
american bang
I'll see you all again someday 😭
you can afford a new one though right?
american bang
some things in life are more important at the moment I'll be back online soon enough
I thought you had money
I had money too until I bought some blow
dude i wanna try cocaine
it's probably not that great though if someone came up to me and asked, I'd try it right away
it sounds great but it's very much ticking all my boxes
have you tried some h yet?
no, don't think I ever will i certainly won't seek it out myself
I actually read an article about dutch criminals in the drug trade apparently cocaine dealing is huge here a lot gets shipped through the docks at Rotterdam
the criminals are into surveillance too now the cops found photos and videos of other druglords and also tracking data of cars
your cops detained some of our jewelry store robbers a while back and they just got let go cause our cops forgot to put out an international warrant or whatever it was hilarious
now that's some sick incompetence
It was just like stealing anyway who gives a shit is not like they used a gun or nothing, they just took shit and bounced WHILE THE DUDE was in the shop, too
Some other guys have been driving south->north the country stealing meat, too They've bagged like 75kg so far, what masters
Truly I am ohio
I ate too much. my stomach needs saving
I too ate too much yesterday
>>454389 they must be pretty hungry maybe one of the thiefs is kannagi
The cops are worried they're selling the meat and stuff but like dude restaurants probably can tell if the meat's bad it's a victimless crime apart from some potential diarrgea
they can probably tell, but will they care?
i mean you can probably sue them Or get your money back at least
nobody's going to sue over some diahrea or however you spell that, my spellcheck doesn't work in moo
Too much pizza.
>>454397 Sounds like a mafia way of saying it. Diarrhoea
i have never known how to spell diahreea I still don't know, and I never will because it is a bullshit word
english could do being a bit more phonetic sometimes
WHY is there an o in it?
Diarrhea? Only in the inferior UK English spelling.
>>454402 don't even try logic rarely enters into the "making" of a language it sorta just happens
>>454415 Were you not aware that chris only decided to "become" a girl because he believes that all girls are lesbians and that the only way that he'll ever be able to have sex with one is by being a girl?
it doesn't matter because it literally takes 0 effort to respect people's gender identity
that address is near a walmart I don't see a gamestop nearby
>>454418 It takes a lot of effort to respect Chris-chan.
You don't need to respect the person to not be truscum
What the fuck is "truscum"? Is this a meme?
truscum is just another word for gender essentialist
I don't know what that means either. But if a person says something like "all girks are lesbians so maybe I can get laid by being a girl" and then changes their gender identity to female I won't respect that change.
that is a pretty silly thing to say yeah all girls are bisexual, not lesbian
Well yes CWC is a shithead and a fucking bigot But that's irrelevant to their gender, which you might as well go along with because it doesn't matter in the slightest to you or anyone else
hm lesbians I need a good yuri show after seeing that shit they call citrus
lesbians extremely good
didya watch Mermaid? Actually of course you watched Mermaid
is that the show where they kiss and turn into weapons or some shit?
I actually only watched the first episode maybe I should try again
Oh no It's good though
I don't even generally watch ecchi but it was super high quality
the animation looked beautiful, like better than most shows even
yeah it's really good
SK, how much of Kemono Enemies did you watch?
>>454437 I watched uh until the porcupine attacked I didn't watch the episode after the attack
I haven't watched any of it. I just read the manga a while ago.
either 1 or 2 episodes
Also I really like saying "Kemono Enemies".
Commie never released the final blurays of Mermaid well fuck volume 5 was released last year april
Fuck Commie
how are the robot faces in this show showing up on the monitors when they don't have cameras in front of them are there tiny flying cameras?
Dude they even have a word for stuff based on that story. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C5%ABshingura
is 15 strawberries ichigo ichigo?
>>454474 Nope Because in Japanese you don't say "number thing" you say "thing number counter" where counter is the respective counter word for the thing you're counting.
well I also did cleaning, food prep, shop run and few other things and am bit drunk
well not really that much, but wouldn't drive a car
FormerRei@mobileTN !PcAPtAiNJo
and nobody stayed over for the night an added bonus
TN !PcAPtAiNJoSamu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
night in the moods
wassup sammy?
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
hackin on a lil side project still in the cawfee shop what's up with you
Is it fun?
>>454581 just had a house warming party with my best friends and it was good
also lent ended
well "party" more like just a well spent evening drinking some wine and eating good food made by yours truly
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
naisu naisu
also >>454569 got some neat gifts which made me feel bit bad since I hadn't really gifted any of them anything thatn ice though none of them have moved or arranged house warming parties/etc recently either
Waking up with a headache is suffering. I can't even rationalize what happened to onset this.
[Barks extranally]
tsch the computer version of two thrones doesn't accept my controller
didn't get paid today guess it's spaghetti and gravy for dinner for me tonight
>>454598 a late pay day again I am not even affected, but I still feel bad about when ever this happens to someone and you can't fuck over the late payer
oh wrong image I was going for a foler folder oh well
well that was weird I first thought a fuse blew but I guess I lost power for a second for some reason
no it's not late i requested it early because i need it which would not be an obligation at all they in fact did come through though just a moment ago so i am grateful in fact to have generous clients who accomodated me on that request
Samu 🇨🇦 !KW2DbpWwls
rockabye baby rockabye i'm gonna rock you
Back from planet cooking.
I ate too much yesterday, and will probably eat too much again tonight.
>there's no Matzoball Chicago Fuck this gay earth
The brisket was not burnt this year. So everything is not fire.
>>454649 I don't identify as male so I'm technically not even though they think I am
>>454651 >>454652 Yeah. It was me, Fish, my mom, my grandmother, my aunt, her son and his girlfriend, and my aunt's boyfriend.
>>454653 >I don't identify as male ???? Are male robots not a thing???
Kirara 🚗
That's good.
How did Fish like the seder?
Kirara 🚗
She thought it was alright She was there for last year's
She made a comment to me about babies though like joking around and my cousin's girlfriend overheard and she's like 18 so she loudly said YOU'RE HAVING A BABY??? so that was awesome
I'm really not looking forward to the high holidays this year. We got our dog on Rosh ha Shanah so I'll probably just be really sad again.
I still can't believe the nearby zoos dont have shoebills.
Kirara 🚗
have you ever thought about how many chairs rich people own
>>454672 No but earthquakes aren't uncommon here I dunno man I can just imagine slipping or something and one of them falling off and smashing everywhere >>454671 That bottled water looks so out of place Why are they drinking bottled water Nice chandileir
if you're near the coast, the water is generally very bad especially on the barrier islands the water in more central areas like orlando is a lot better >>454681 atlantic the panhandle is also barely Florida though
Gulf or Atlantic? Cause I'm in the panhandle pretty regularly and this has never been an issue for me.
a few years ago they found the water in a city a little north of me didn't meet requirements and was Legally Unacceptable so they made it acceptable by very very quickly loosening the standards for what's acceptable
Thanks Rick Scott.
God he's such a fucking piece of shit. I mean he's not the source of all Florida problems, but he certainly causes many.
Kirara 🚗
i heard there was a city that found lead in the water and swept it under the rug too small traces of lead but it was around twice the threshold for acceptable this was around when the flint crisis got into the news
Twice the threshhold is actually better than what I would've expected. I means its bad, but its really fucking easy for it to get so much worse.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i think florida got lucky with that one we still have nuclear power plants leaking radiation into the water though
Groundwater or like the Atlantic? And what type? Because sometimes it actually doesn't do much, its still bad but not really that bad compared to other types of industrial waste.
I hate when people in a city have shit water quality, it should be a priority to city govmt to have reasonable water standards.
i'm the only person that can be the patriarch i'm the only living (presenting) male in the family that's part of the family bloodline my cousin is adopted
>>454715 .C I don't think people here even know what that is.
I know what it means, I just don't know what it entails.
Kirara 🚗
>>454716 i don't care enough about it to bother telling people about it or caring what pronouns people use for me and stuff
>>454719 i don't really talk about it so most people don't know idc if people assume my gender haha i present as male so it's natural for people to consider me as male
honestly i didn't know until basically a week ago. sorry i assumed things
i basically hate my other internet name now, but it can't be helped. and ofc irl is something that i'm not even bothering dealing with.
Did you guys hide the afikhomen?
Kirara 🚗
my mom, cousin, and his girlfriend did
Who found it?
I used to find it all the time as a kid at other people's seders. I still remember at one place I found it but the daughters of the family hosting got a better prize than I did.
Kirara 🚗
the family tradition is that the leader has to go look for it but they act like they can't find it and then the people that hid it ransom it back to the leader
>>454720 >hate my other internet name now what's wrong with it
>>454708 Do you think it will work that way in practice?
Although later the older sister (whom I had a crush on) gave me her Gameboy Color so that was cool.
>>454731 Depends, that place I got a Canadian dollar coin. Other places I got candy, on the rare occasion we had our own seder I'd get money. Like $10. Some other places I'd get money. I think I got books somewhere too.
i just heard they're lowering property tax. soon the chinese will be all over us i bet.
Most places do money. But some people would pick out gifts for each of the kids looking, so it was a bit more personal. A lot of these were big seders so all the kids would get a prize of some sort.
Damn All of a sudden I'm remembering places it was hidden. I think one time I found it so fast that it got hidden again.
Kirara 🚗
We always hid it in the same place because grandpa wouldn't even look for it he'd just pay us to give it back
Kirara 🚗
my family didn't even hide it very well today they put it on top of a fucking lamp
Yeah, that sort of ransom tradition isn't uncommon.
I've found it on pianos under neath the cover, on bookshelves, behind buffets, on record cabinets *in, in garages Man looking for it was so fun.
Wow I forgot how underwhelming this album was.
Basically the only songs off this album I'll ever remember are Stand and Orange Crush.
which group are you talking about now? i was away..
R.E.M. I put on their first album that wasn't very good. It was just okay but had two good songs.
>>>/watch?v=AKKqLl_ZEEY I own the album its from on cassette and on vinyl. It's called Green.
I had a tape player and then a walkman. those disappeared by the time i got into college where i only had digital music. I don't know if I would want some since they're kind of as bad as cds were...
I don't currently own a working tape player. Excluding a very old one thst belonged to my grandfather. But it's not for music, its meant for dictation.
>>454752 they jack? idk the term in english but they get stratches and you loss material. same as cassette.
>>454753 Have you tried taking care of them? Cassette is a worse format, listening to a tape degrades it. Every time you listen it wears the taoe down, but CDs don't have that issue.
>>454754 i just remember they got that happening really frequently back then. Also since it was a walkman, i guess the movement stratched them more.
So the back door at work is all glass. In the afternoon it's very reflective, pretty much a perfect mirror. I was coming in from an errand late in the day on Friday, and my hair was blowing in the wind and I noticed a grey hair shimmering in the light. I stopped and very carefully tracked it down and plucked it, and then opened the door and like three people were standing just inside the door watching me because it was time to go.
I hope no one realized what I was doing.
>>454791 >>454790 nice title I wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't point it out.
I think it has to do with genetics. My dad had a completely grey head of hair before he was out of his 20s. My brother had lots of grey hair when he was 19. I have had more mercy than that since I have a lot more in common than my mom than my dad, but I'm having grey hair show up pretty early too.
Kirara 🚗
My hair is graying, but I look so young. I'm going to look like a 20 year old with gray hair when I'm 30. I have a big splotch of gray hair now. I am probably going to start dying it.
i've had many moments of gray hair it was worst in my early 20s but it's getting back to its reddish brown most of the time these days
>>454804 honeslty that seems cute. Dying is probably ok if it's not a different color from your own. hmm.. I did want to dye my hair once, as a teen. i obviously did nothing since i was such a coward back then..
>>454807 you should go for a light blue or maybe purple idk.
Kirara 🚗
gonna dye my hair PINK
do the curtains match the drapes
Kirara 🚗
i don't have any curtains
wtf you cut your bangs
When I was tiny I was blonde and now I'm brown haired it is interesting that hair can change so dramatically
when i was kid i had brown now is pretty much black.
i went from dark brown hair to a really light reddish brown kid vs adult
My hair's stayed pretty much the same colour since a few days after I was born. And even then I was born with this hair colour, but had natural frosted tips coming right out of the birth.
Kirara 🚗
my hair didn't start changing color until recently idk if i really care once it's all gray i'll probably be ok with it but having it splotchy kind of bothers me
Consistency is nice.
>>454817 Maybe the splotchiness with be like a sign of your wildness.
Kirara 🚗
>>454819 but a wolf must wear a sheep's skin to walk among the sheep!
Kirara 🚗
which is kind of fucked up when you think about it
wait wolves dont actually do that. But people do.
Kirara 🚗
people are fucked up when you think about it
Is like evangelion was right
We're all skeletons wearing peoples skin
We're all people supported by the skeleton inside us.
The skeleton helps us up when we'd fall down It believes in us and our potential Don't let down your skeleton because your skeleton won't let down you
damn you're making me hype now i feel like defeating a mecha enemy.
You're piloting a biomechanical being that has evolved to hunt and eat other biomecha beings isn't that fuckin sick