i should replay sands of time or rathet all prince of persia games
>>401803 β have you considered stopping it's such a waste of a feeling anymore can't enjoy shit and it just saps anything resembling a personality away
>>401809 actually yes just need to fimish one more bottle of ru, rum then i am dry of things that can make me drunl not gonna stop drinking, though jist gonna stop getting drunk at home
i am never gonna pour shit away like mats and keeping it around is just not good for that goal
i anyhow will need to deal with lots of stuff coming year that i have just pushed away and being tn is not good for that
though i wonder what will become of me i only feel really emotions outside of anger when i am drunk
Man I want to fucking nap. Every time I show up to these fucking 07:00 starts I'm reminded of how much I hate having to be up and out of the house at 07:00. Well three hours to go, I guess. Whoppee.
Truly I am Ohio Although I've actually been Ohio for like an hour.
Might go to this tomorrow. http://news.lib.uchicago.edu/blog/2017/08/28/red-press-radical-print-culture-from-st-petersburg-to-chicago/ I bet sk is jelly.
>>401836 please explain this I am computer illiterate
In a little bit, im in transit
Hrrrm I don't know if I could explain it very well.
This is a really abstracted analogy But basically if we imagine a program that gets input and has output Like if you give it A it always outputs B But if you don't know how the program does it *you don't know how We can imagine A as the starting point on a roadtrip and B as the destination. If you have them on a map you can draw out a path. But there's more than one path that could be taken that gets the same result. Now cars can go forward, turn right, turn left, go backwards and make u-turns and also stop. Ignoring complicated things like one way only streets you can get get to your destination (ignoring pathological counterexamples) by only making left turns and going forward, or only making right turns and going forward. Now doing this would take much longer, but you could do it. This is kind of like that.
The one out of eight happens after three trials. Stage 2 is a test Stage 3 is a design challenge THEN the public assassination rounds begin elimination*
>You will be free to do any research for the multiple-choice test (look up articles and such), but you're not allowed to get any help from other people. Using outside help will be grounds for removal from The Great Designer Search 3. Please do not share questions or answers with others.
>To advance to the third trial, you will need to be among the very top scorers. You see that last sentence. That translates to: You can't get a single question wrong.
It happens on Friday. I have work Friday. until 4 but then I'm free. Still, it's a sizable handicap. I don't know how long the test will be either. It's "multiple choice" and it can require researching articles. So, I'm not sure what to make of it. I figured it would be rules questions to see how much you know of the game but I don't know what I'd need to search down articles for in that case.
I haven't thought of it like this but... I really really REALLY can not allow myself to get a single question wrong on an open book test. Making it to part 3 will be great but if I fail because I got something wrong, I will be incredibly mopey.
>>401878 skeletons are white We are skeletons You fear the truth We are all white people >>401886 fool your brain merely controls a skeleton wrapped in skin
there was a proposed elevator to help disabled people get into the subways and officials said it was not a terrorism risk so luxury apartment people paid "experts" to say it actually was a terrorism risk and can't happen because they're evil and rich
I think the one I got is a piece of shit. It was a gift from someone not using it so it's not like I paid for it, but it doesn't work very well.
After we got rid of the old one id gotten uused to making more stuff in the regular oven. Also the toaster oven cooks unevenly, it doesn't matter for some stuff but it messes up pizza.
our new toaster oven is very nice i lke it
Our old one was a little bit smaller but still worked fine. It was just kind of dirty. Not like food dtuck to it *stuck But burn marks leftover from stuff that fell that wouldn't come off easily. My mom thought it was really gross so we got rid of it
I need to swap out the rear tire but the skewer is so rusted that I can't remove it I didn't even know I had a bike I'm not even sure it's my bike but apparently it was in my mom's garage and she said it used to be mine
I don't kknow exactly how badly rusted it is, but did you try wd40?
Kirara π
yeah, but no good i might be able to break the skewer and remove it like that
I know of a lot of ways to remove rust, some of which use random stuff you probably have at your house anyways.
>>401931 It's probably better that I just buy a cheap new bike. I'm not sure there's a way to remove the skewer without breaking something. The gears seem like they're fucked up, too, but I can't get them to work fluidly. When I change the gear on the bike, the chain starts catching on the lower or higher gears.
maybe just people talkinga bout it died? i used to see people talking about it constantly on like 6 different discords and now just one guy posts about it from time to time
I see people talkin about Fate Go and FEH But I don't see nobody talkin bout animal crossing mobile
The ones I've been using have been 10-15 dollar basic headphones.
Don't ask how but I bashed my head on the wall and broke the ones I've been using though. So I got some new ones.
i use my headphones for like 12 hours a day at least so a hundred or so for a pair that's going to last me a long time and be good is worth it i've had expensive ones last two or three years and cheap ones sometimes get faulty wiring or other problems within a few months i'm not really saving money by buying cheap stuff i feel
>>402009 It seems kinda suspicious, don't you think? You'd be able to tell me what you were questioning if it were innocent!
>>402011 Oh yeah, that's become a big meme. I guess that's like the big meme at the moment.
Kirara π
emoji movie on Netflix in February
>>402013 Do you think Netflix paid for that liscence Like, how much money do you think they spent in order to acquire the streaming rights to the Emoji Movie And why would they do that
>>402012 yeah i cant get away from it >>402013 yeah i cant get away from it
>>402014 i doubt netflix paid anything it was probably part of the original marketing agreement that it'd be included in netflix since it's so ad heavy
>>402017 I feel like being associated witht he emoji movie is something of a cost though
>>402018 why it's a movie parents will put on netflix for their kids who may download the free apps they advertise no harm done tbh even if it's garbage
>>402019 Because it was universally panned and thus can lead people to subconsciously believe that netflixes catalogue consists of garbage movies
Kirara π
better the emoji movie than kids YouTube
>>402021 man i bet you like four dollars that in 20 years when these kids are adults and have careers we're going to see some shitty saw-type horror movie where someone chops off people's fingers to make their own finger family and sings the song real creepily
the fuckin teenage mutant ninja turtle family disguised as trees and built a haunted forest to scare the jumbo finger family out of town this is fuckin crazy
>>402059 I think innocence is about knowledge, not about what you've done. Adam and Eve lost their innocence when they gained knowledge of good and evil, after all.
>>402060 That criteria just makes me even more right the other day you were bragging about how you didn't know how to do bad things like kidnap people you are proudly ignorant when it comes to the things that would reduce your innocence
How can someone be innocent after going to prom 3 times
The sound quality is good, there's no lag, and I can get up and go to the bathroom and not take them off and still hear my computer. Maybe they were worth the price.
I wonder if I could talk about Fuch's Theorem on a talkshow on network television.
Sam >>>/@xoreaxeaxeax/951052854881636353?s=17 https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator/blob/master/README.md https://github.com/xoreaxeaxeax/movfuscator/blob/master/slides/domas_2015_the_movfuscator.pdf?raw=true
>>402228 well let's see here this is one of my favorite easy-taking mixes >>>/watch?v=gFNBjrNn9Sg if i've already shown it to you or you're not a wubster then lemme see...
oh, it's 2018 armin's got a new yearmix out i'm sure have you listened to it yet i haven't
if you're hoarding, here's one to put in your collection you may not ever listen to it but it's like a rare collectible >>>/watch?v=JWM3rRXywxg an entire youtube community built around this dude just making sad trap music pretty interesting
check out laconic spartan on youtube and dig through his mixes and uncover some gems in there, he's incredible but has so much stuff i've found a few gems but kind of go back to the same half-dozen mixes instead of exploring any more of his mixes it really feels like you're on the hunt when you come across good mixes and can tuck them away in your collection
Burnt-out, but in a kind of satisfied way. Like when you throw yourself into an emotional investment and it pays off but it's still sort of drained you but it all feels kind of nice.
You got me looking through my music archive and i'm finding all sorts of gems i haven't listened to in almost a decade speaking of getting pumped, >>>/watch?v=Ihr0y7ayGV0
here we go
>>402248 uhhh good game, to the trash dump shitty rectum thieves im just guessing
>>402284 she has lots of tags 60m rotates characters every day koi shows up once a month at least and then we have may 14th and may 26th for kokoro and the two weeks between them are koikoko days its good times
So that's how it is I don't keeep up with twitter things often
>A comprehensive search is ongoing for the relatives of an oil magnate whose pending settlement had been overdue since two years ago, but unable to locate the client. The reason for contacting you is both of you have similar surname. Please respond at your earliest convenience so I can send you the details to get this process in motion. >Regards, Rufino Lagac
How do people fall for this spam?
>>402295 They just need 1 person out of the millions they send these to
I'm alright hate to be annoying since I mailed you this already but I figured this was quicker report function seems broken doesn't retrieve the captcha iirc it was a text captcha like the legacy one and it seems 4chan don't support it anymore might be a coinc
I've got a new thing in the city for a while now, I guess It doesn't pay more, but I THINK it's like a 6 week thing and then they try to connect me with an actual J O B
that sounds good I'm gonna try some shifts at the bar down the road not a job there but something at least >>402304 it could be o it could be a real pain won't know until I try
I mean just about everyone has heard of the three other ones, even if Schumer is hotly contested in terms of even being A Comedian But I haven't even heard of her before
I guess on some level I just don't care if there's discrimination amongst the elite Fuck it, man
Guess I'll check out her stuff tomorrow or something though, just in case she's a hidden gem
Ah, I forgot to fill a form for actually getting paid for tomorrow, but whatever it's one day I think it's too late now anyway, cause it's already after 12
>hey do you wanna hang out today >uh I might be free >me and so and so are doing x thing you should sleep over ???? that isn't today at all
>>402365 Yeah. I managed to get home for dinner, but I only had half an hour to eat before I had to run back out. I'm home now, though! I haven't been sleeping well and I had a pretty long day but I don't have class until 4pm tomorrow so I can maybe sleep in a little if I can manage it.
this dude i know had a kid the other day and he and his wife named it after Trotsky
which is a little uhh weird
I just got back from the trip yo that exhibit on communist stuff.
>>402375 It's a better name than Chicago, or Apple or one of the literally hundreds of thousands of stupid fucking names.
Kirara π
chicago is a great name tilde understands
>>402379 Not for a person. Also it means "smells like onions"
Oh yeah, this library also has a huge collection of field notes and recordings from an anthropologist who interviewed thousands of native Americans in the early 20th century.
Okay he's having a really depressing conversation on speakerphone at max volume now.
about what
>pull yourself together >you are a father >you are someone's brother >you are someone's son >and you are someone's man >you can't keep living like this
Yeah, my burner. I plan on getting a second one which will be a 3310.
I actually have a few decade+ old cellphones that probably still work. Like a motorazor and an original nokia I really wish I still had that super sick color screen phone from like 2002 though It had monkey ball on it.
it's a feedback loop /moe/ is boring so nobody bothers with it
>>402406 We could chat about something fun Like math
>>402407 Yeah, I know. But establishing that as the case doesn't put much towards resolving the issue. I guess we could get into a recursive conversation about how boring /moe/ is therefore establishing a constant that /moe/ is boring but I'm kind of too pooped to run it.
>>402414 Tell me about him Why's he wear that mask?
>>402411 I finally had what feels like the first good sleep in like a week yesterday. I'd been putting in like ten or twelve hours of bedtime, slipping in and out of sleep for a while. Finally I got home from work yesterday afternoon after like twenty-four hours of being awake and just conked the fuck out, Maybe I just need to run on twenty-four-awake/six-asleep schedules or something.
Shame the rest of civilization would get in the way of that.
>>402425 That one with the rotating blocks is pretty funny
>>402425 Honestly I'm always impressed by the layers of traps games like these think up. Like sure it doesn't really make for engaging gameplay to just fuck around with your player like that. But damn it shows an impressive depth of prediction on the developer's part.
Kirara π
yeah seriously i could never play a game like that id get so frustrated
Really I'm fine with absurdly trickster-y platformers like these for the most part. I find it neat to see just how far they'll go. What makes me put off or refuse playing them is how they'll often go that extra mile and incorporate stupid old-school platformer life systems. And if you lose all your lives you get to start over from 1-1 all over again. I don't care for that shit it's just an archaic mechanic left over from a time when they couldn't easily incorporate proper saving mechanics.
>>402430 I haven't beaten IWBTG I beat ththe Japanese flash one.
>>402434 I think that game has multiple endings. I killed Tanasinn once and only once
I never got past Mike Tyson in IWBTG I didn't quit because it was harxd, I quit because the fucking boss intro animation took a long enough amount of time that I didn't feel like waiting through it hundreds of times.
>>402436 The boss animation is the worst bit. Normally the game's way better about getting back into it after a death so I don't know why the boss intros are so drawn out
I'm gonna go back to reading that shitty web novel.
Maria https://int3.github.io/open-syobon-action.js/ Dozo
>>402439 this isn't the one I remember but I do appreciate it
Hi h ffuc *oh fuck Really? Go play it right now.
yeah the one I played was entirely ascii art after this other game
>>402442 FYI Trap Adventure 2 is ios exclusive and costs money for the version that gives you more than one life.
God I forgot how fucking cancerous and predatory the mobile app dev community was. Especially fucking shitty ass soundboard devs. I almost want to develop a generic decent soundboard app skeleton and then just implement ad free versions of all the most popular soundboard apps. Just as a fuck you to those cancerous devs.
https://www.novelupdates.com/series/while-killing-slimes-for-300-years-i-became-the-max-level-unknowingly/ Help Can't stop reading bad isekai
Hrrm I should start expanding my foreign currency collection again. I think I'll start getting some really old (400+ years) coins.
Hrrm I found a $14 buy it now with a make an offer option that ends in 24 hours on a 300~ year old coin. You guys tthink I should make a lowball offer?
Ooh And two more coins around that price whose auctions end tomorrow from that seller.
you should get crypto coins if you're gonna spend a lot of money on coins
I'm not planning on spending a ton of money. But unlike crypto coins, these coins value changes at a much slower rate. But yes I know I should.
Darling in the Frankly I'd tap that
Anyways, I'm seeing a lot of variation in the prices of coins sold by this seller. A lot are being sold for much more than their collector's (and currency value), but there's also quite a few that are going for much less than their collector's value. Well, not "much less" but somewhat less.
Thank you nz post Whoops accidentally spoiled it Anyways I put in a sort of arbitrary low amount for size But I doubt I'd actually ask for an entire kg of coins from him
no way would I send a kg I'd send like 10 in an envelope
>>402549 Yeah but, I'd be paying you for shipping and the converted coin value Also I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to put coins in envelopes for international mail.
maria's the kind of guy who takes payment for the shipping but not for the handling if you know what i mean
Also I should get in on the ebay contemporary currency racket This dude is selling five one yen pieces from the 2000's for like $7 and other similar shit
I could definitely do it with us coins, but since I know Canadians and mexicans I could also get coins in bulk from them too.
>>402552 I'm the sorta guy who mails a birthday present and it gets lost in the mail because I didn't know the recipients last name
>>402563 Heh Your postal system must be broken in the wrong way if that causes it to be lost in the mail.
>Paper money only. Sorry, no coins can be accepted or ordered. Foreign to US conversion rates are updated weekly by our broker. The US to foreign conversion rates are provided at the time the order is placed. Our broker can ship any currency you desire to our location in 3 business days or less! Fuck these faggots
Well, I bet I could get some currency at nearby consulates but I doubt I could do it regularly.
>i could buy these useless coins >or i could be buying actual supplements to maintain mental alacrity from infowars.com do you guys SEE this cuck
Or you could buy DIGITAL COINS
Also Reminder that quarters minted from 1932-1964 are worth $4-$6
yeah i used to have one from 61 and then i laughed to my friend about it and used it to buy a candy bar for less than a dollar because i don't give half a shit about a quarter that's worth slightly more than a quarter i have important shit in my life to worry about like jerking off and watching anime
Most of my coins aren't worth more than $20. I have a few that are worth several hundred though. Also I payed $0 for them.
Of my coin collection, everything was either a gift, inherited, acquired as change (at face value), found or aquired as change by mistake (when you buy something and get Canadian coins as change and technically lost money)
Oh wait, there was one coin I bought in Chinatown for like $2 cause it looked cool.
>>402698 In the song War! there's a line that goes "War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing (say it again)" So when you said "absolutely nothing" and the rest of your post hadn't appeared yet I said "say it again" as a reference to the song
>>>/watch?v=gt6CLLn539o what ever happened to real anime ο½ο½ο½γο½ο½ο½ο½γο½ο½ο½ο½ γ ο½ο½ο½ο½γο½ο½γο½ο½ο½ο½
you could totally sample 3:15-3:42 cap this post for when some electroswing producer comes out with it
oh it's coming up to the 2 year anniversary that a friend of mine died
I wanna say something to my friend who was close to him but it would probably rub salt in the wounds
I'm sorry. Losing a friend is hard.
thanks I don't think it gets any easier unfortunately
A few of us lost some good friends in these early months back in 2015. I'm good at being heartless and distracting myself with things but it's a really, really hard time for some.
yeah if anyone understands that concept it's moes who were around that time
https://promo.kadokawa.co.jp/gamecountdown/ The YUME NIKKI countdown is less than twenty minutes now. I kind of want to wind down and sleep but I want to see what the reveal is first.
>>402785 >hit castle flag >fish kills me during a cutscene this is bogus dude
Maybe, although it might be a result of being up late Not quite sure
I lowered the temp on the thermostat a few hours ago so maybe I'll be able to fall asleep soon. Recently I've been having trouble falling asleep while laying on my right side, which is bad because in general I ccan only fall asleep on my sides. And my left shoulder and upper arm never really fully recovered after the dislocation, so iif I sleep on my left side the next morning my upper arm will be really sore
ever hear of that "grass" shit rich folk got in their lawn? well listen to this shit buddy the really rich fucks? they got grass, sure but they got grass on big ass wooden sticks
barely got any pics from my road trip before new years it was so rainy and foggy everywhere with nice scenery winter trips are always like that i guess
My best friend is going on a five day trip tomorrow and didn't tell me until just now.
It's kind of wild how much of a difference being on the train fifteen minutes earlier make in how crowded it is. I'm not even going in the rush hour direction.