Thread #400024
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miira koi wa ameagari yuru camp Hakumei to Mikochi Toji no Miko Grancrest Senki Beatless Dagashi Kashi S2 mahoutsukai pop team XD carcaptors slow start darling franXX cirtus 3gatsu
i have to open tomorrow :( won't be awake much longer
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I will allow you to choose two (2) shows that we save for you.
pop team koi wa
or pop team franxx
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We're still here! We're just waiting on Ika. Who I messaged. I'm cleaning my room some more while we wait.
How nice of you to join us.
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okay let's try to do 5 tonight at least. We'll see where we go from there 3 gatsu dariling fan XX citrus this will be mahou if jan, or toji no miko if not slow start then we'll see where we go from there so tilde is orange, so orange for 3 gatsu okay let's start! \
Ready. There's a good chance we'll have Jan along at some point tonight unless something has come up for him. We've probably got enough on the pile to have easy stuff to swap in and out though. EFFICIENCY
When are we going to get shogi again. I miss shogi.
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Feels like we're moving back toward shogi.
Poster envy.
What is this colour commentary.
The old codger must be pretty good at shogi.
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He needs to toughen up!
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This Souya guy is going to MURDER him.
He already murdered Kiriyama's mentor, Shimada, so yeah, it's probably a forgone conclusion. Though Kiriyama was the only one who seemed to see the one chance Shimada had of winning in that one game so maybe he can take one game off Souya.
Man I want to relax in a hotel room like that.
whens the match
It'll probably be a best of five or seven over as many days. Kiriyama said "the start of four days that I could never have imagined" so there'll probably four games.
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It starts next episode I bet.
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Souya sure is aesthetic.
You're just biased when it comes to that shade of hair.
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I am, yes!
He's quite the gentleman though.
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He really is a bit offbeat.
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I'm looking forward to the next episode.
It's going to be some INTENSE shogi.
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darling franXX okay lets start!
Da ri n gu
All their names are built off their codes. And then they've got her, Zero Two, who's name is a pun. 0-2 "Oh ni" Oni
>Papa The organizational structure of this institution is kind of disturbing.
This manlet is kind of cocky.
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They sure are giving a lot of attention to how lewd those suits are. wow and the positions in the robot are kinda lewd too. The girls have butt handles.
Yeah these robots have REALLY suggestive positions.
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So does Darling-chan ride Protagonist-kun in their setup?
The robots are all distinctly female too.
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Oh, he's talking about piloting the robot. Maybe he just went TTGL mode when driving her.
Okay more than cocky he's kind of just an asshole.
Hah hah. She put her hand to her cheek, remembering the lick from before.
The constant subtexts with this show are pretty amazing.
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I guess it's to be expected from Trigger.
Oh he choked.
Like holy fuck.
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This is going to be awkward.
>A man and a woman can only "pilot" properly after kissing
This is killing me. It's too good.
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Wow, wrecked!
Ichigo ended up pretty determined there.
>When the guy apologizes for being a bad pistil
she reminds me of that girl from flipflapperse
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Yeah, that's who she was reminding me of. okay cirtus citrus too oaky lets start!
Time for DORAMA
She kind of took the fact that she's in love with a girl with considerable stride.
Oh no now she's going to kill her step-grandfather.
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I was about to say that barging in and acting like a bitch doesn't solve anything but I guess it did
i sthis the angry old man from last ep
Yeah, it's Mei's grandfather, and the MC's step-grandfather. He's the headmaster or chairman or whatnot of the school they go to.
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I guess he'll probably start liking her since she saved him. And she's dressing like less of a whore.
Almost dying has seemed to make him less of a crochety old bugger.
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I guess her hair is still super bleached though. That's probably against the rules.
She's going to problematic material for advice with her love life.
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She's a mess.
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Why does she think this is a good thing?
She's pretty prone to flights of fancy.>>400201 Eternal optimists.
Oh no.
I mean once the hole is this deep you might as well just keep digging.
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The bitches are probably going to see.
At the least that one that spotted her running in the hall.
Oh well I guess she was too SLOW to catch them in the act.
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Yeah I guess she just really took her time.
Looks like she figures something is going on though.
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no jan, so toji no miko! okay lets start!
They're still in their keion-bu outfits.
What a laidback sempai.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 (…).jpg )
A gaijin!
I guess even gaijins can master the sword. She seemed to be a haafu though.
She's super technicolour.
Hah hah hah. She just grabbed the sword and threw it off.
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slow start! okay let's start!
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grrrden weeku
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This show is so well animated.
It's kind of weird really. Not that I'm complaining, but it's objectively weird.
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I'm not really sure why it would get such great animation. Maybe they have figured out some kind of cost cutting technique that allows them to do this. It's hard to imagine it being high budget.
It's being animated by A-1, who would have the resources to put a lot of detail into a series. But it's still weird to see that sort of thing allocated to a show like this.
Eiko's either harem-tier dense or being really flirty there. Wow.
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Oh, looks like she was describing Comiket in a way they normies would understand.
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she went duhuhuhu
Happi Ba
She's got a real hang up on being a year older than them all.
They REALLY like to bully the little one. The moment Eiko leaves they just pounce on her.
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okay how are we all feeling? Like going for six?
I could go 'till the cows come home.
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Maybe Ika fell asleep though.
Must have been partying too hard before he got home.
hi i can do one more
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colo(…).jpg )
okay! yuru camp! okay lets start!
Lazy Camping
That's really not much of a shed. It's like an outdoor cabinet.
And that's more of a pavilion than a tent.
Nadeshiko's onee-chan is pretty 10/10.
>When you stalk your classmate to a specific camping ground to get her to cook hotpot with you
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Maybe she just knows where she'll be.
There's a particular Michael Jackson or Jackson 5 song that this OP always reminds me of.
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It looks cold there again!
They're really dressed for winter. Though it's probably still only hovering around freezing point.
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The artist or character designer or whoever is responsible for this is really good at coming up cute and comfy looking winter clothes though.
Women get all the good fashion.
>Fifty gyoza dumplings That is a LOT of food. On an empty stomach I could do maybe twenty or so.
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Yeah that sounds really hard to finish.
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The sun is down now but they're wearing less clothes!
It looked like the hearty hot pot meal heated them up.
They're back in the full dress now.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 (…).jpg )
Camping at the foot of Fuji like that is probably pretty cool.
I really like the sound of accoustic songs like this over a tinny speaker. Like what's going on here. It's a really relaxing feeling.
Man I haven't listened to a radio show like that in years.
Nadeshiko's sister is a really good sister. Sleeping in the car with her so she can go out to a camping ground with a friend.
She's also a 10/10 onee-chan.
this show is so fluffy looking
Poka poka
Wow she just barges into her tent like that.
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 (…).jpg )
It's cold and she's sitting in a wet seat but it still looks comfy.>>400293 I would too, to get out of the cold!
Well that was an interesting picture.
A very interesting picture.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 (…).jpg )
This was a comfy episode. I think this show has established itself as the comfiest show airing with this episode.
There's a lot of competitors doggings its heels though.
Less of a mouthful than Nadeshiko though.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 03 (…).jpg )
Top notch episode! thanks for anime
RIP Next time Squid is taking like a bazillion years to show up we should start with Cloudcaptors or something.
thank you