Thread #395026
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3-gatsu no Lion Cardcaptors Sakura Citrus Darling in the FranXX Grancrest Senki Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Mahoutsukai no Yome Miira no Kaikata Pop Team Epic Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Slow Start Sora Yori mo ANTARCTICA>>395031 By "still do that" you mean not drop a show that doesn't strike as outright terrible off the first episode, yes.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:06 No. 395031
>>395029 >citrus you still do that?
2018/01/14 (日) 05:07 No. 395032
>>395029 well yeah By 1st episode it doesn't yet all those slots but atleast by third have fun
I read the first dozen or something chapters I know what goes down. Honestly as long as everyone else isn't sworn off it I don't really care. It's not offensive enough to me.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:08 No. 395034
>>395033 it is one of the worst yuri manga I have read and I have practically read them all
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Wow what a horrifying list of anime. I think Citrus may be fun to watch just for the trainwreck factor.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:09 No. 395036
well whatever that was my message have fun
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There's a chance it will make me mad and I will want to drop it. Who knows though I know that it will try to make me mad so in that respect I'll be ready. I'm trying to get Ika.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:11 No. 395039
I am just being polite and warning you
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I think we all know what to be prepared for. Citrus is pretty infamous.
2018/01/14 (日) 05:11 No. 395041
anyhow just think about it it is a yuri manga yurinut tn didn't like
is this ep 2?
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yeah it will be ep 2 did you watch the first with us?
i don't think i did
i don't remember the name citrus is there another name again
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It was the one with the girl that wears too much makeup and the bitch with straight black hair and they kissed. Surely you would remember that if you had seen it with us.
No it's Citrus, in English. We didn't watch this one with Bang, we watched it with Jan.
Last Saturday we watched Citrus, Grancrest Senki, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Toji no Mikata, and Slow Start with Jan. It looks like the releases of some shows have been juggled a bit and we're getting some of the stuff we watched with Bang the day after today, like Pop Team Epic.
im not watching sakura
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Which one was Sakura?
>>395059 Cardcaptors, Rika.
>>395059 cardcaptor sakura
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Oh yeah, I knew that.
wait so does that mean i'm behind on all of today's anime
The things you're probably behind on or are not watching are 3-gatsu, Cardcaptors, Citrus, Grancrest Senki, Mahoutsukai no Yome, Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san, Slow Start, and Sora Yori mo etc.
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hmm probably not. THere are also some things on episode 1. I'm still trying to get my head around this huge list though.
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He can probably get away with starting at episode 2 on Ramen Daisuki. It's not exactly a hard premise to grasp.
Yeah. Most of these shows really are episodic or still early on enough that jumping in on episode two isn't a real loss.
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I'm thinking what we should do is this. 3 gatsu (and while we do 3 gatsu bang watched the first episode of Sora Yori) hmm bang have you seen pop team epic?
Not to make your head spin more than it is but there's a chance Jan might show up later tonight too, hah hah.
He watched episode one with us.
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Ika do you mind doing five shows?
I was here for pop team i'll definitely watch that
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okay Here is my prospective plan. 3 gatsu for us, Sora Yori for Bang Pop Team Epic Sora Yori Slow Start Dagashi Carcaptors that's 5 for ika, six for us We could reverse slow start and Dagashi. Slow Start is episode 2 but it will be fine for you Bang, this show is comfy. You can go back and watch ep 1 if you like it.
Dagashi is a half-episode too.
dagashi is shit why did it get a second season im not watching it i think i like the desgins bu t its so boring
Because it's popular.
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oh okay I guess we can do dagashi when we do cardcaptors from here on. Does that list seem good to everyone? We can do a fifth ika show instead though. We could stick mahou in for dagashi if bang gets involved. er jan>>395095 >>395096 well okay I was curious about it too let me redo the list.
also orange is the best
I kind of wanted to do FranXX but I'm a patient man.
>>395095 im looking forward to this
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3 gatsu for us, Sora Yori for Bang Pop Team Epic FranXX Sora Yori Slow Start Cardcaptors
okoik 3gatsu might be realyl goo d sensei last episode was kakkoii
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okay 3gatsu bang watch sora yori ep 1 okay let's start!
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The fact that we get to do this right after watching the other one makes me happy that we managed to put the other one off for a week.
Until there's another exciting cliffhanger at the end of this episode and you have to wait ALL WEEK.
I feel like this OP features the sisters a lot. I mean they're always a component of the OP but I feel this one has a lot of focus on them.
She's really jaded to the unfortunate-ness of life at a really young age.
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well she's at about the age for chuunibyou to be natural.
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I love this teacher though. He's almost best girl at this point.
Good teachers are really important for kids that age to have. I like good teachers a lot.
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Wow they're really going all out.
Hina has a heart of JUSTICE burning passionately within her.
Finally after one and a half episodes, the MC returns from his absence.
Yeah, citrus acidic stuff like oranges and tangerines are probably kind of bad on a flimsy stomach like Shimada's. Some mornings trying to get down a glass of orange juice gets my stomach a little acting up.
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I think people probably have different kinds of stomachs. My stomach is very weak but I am find with citrus acidic stuff. Greasy stuff will upset my stomach really easily.
this girl is fucking GENKI
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Yeah you really shouldn't eat cookies straight out of the oven. Let them cool a moment.
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It's impossible not to ship these two.
Yeah it's kind of hard to ignore the writing on the wall.
I like her outfit here too. Though she's wearing her indoor slippers while out for a walk along the river. I could never do that.
okay i watched it i would've kept the one million yen
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Good timing! We just finished up. Okay we're giving bang a minute so he can take care of a quick one.
i need a minute tho pls
quick one
WA TA NA BE A KI O Though his endcard kind of just looks like the character designs they're using for the anime. Which is probably the case he gets involved with most character designs for SHAFT shows.
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pop team epic XD okay lets start
Ready. Poptepic
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That was a good OP.
Are theyj -they just going to get different seiyuu for these two each time. I think Yuuki Aoi is the short one this time.
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There's a ghost in the room isn't there
even worse....
Nani the fuck.
Cute dolls.
this show is so silly
It's doing the original justice, really. bkub is a special kind of what the fuck.
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There's certainly never a boring moment.
i'm realizing that i'm at a point in my life where i'm sitting alone in my bedroom watching felt dolls dance
Would you rather be in a crowded place watching felt dolls dance?
somehow, that situation sounds like it might be more interesting
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I laughed really hard at this.
I had one of those at the ski jump xylophone skit. That was really funny to me for some reason.
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ah yes the ED at 11:00 Sometimes other shows haven't even played the OP by this point.
I wonder if all the episodes are going to be the same half-episode with different seiyuu for the two girls.
this one certainly is i think i like the male VA's better
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This is a better OP than this deserves.
Are you saying Poptepic doesn't deserve the HIGHEST quality OP possible.
the bit about the VA's is actually different
Yeah the adlibbed stuff is kind WAIT IS THAT SUGITA.
guess that's why they show both versions?
Nani the fuck.
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The ghost is still there though. I guess the other ghost is weird though.
They changed the bit hiding under the couch though.
yo did you watch slow start yet
Nope.>>395098 This is the order of shows for tonight. We're about 3/4s the way through Pop Team Epic.
oh i get that bit now you take a photo and see which frame you land on
Koi no doroppu doroppu!
>>395250 what is franxx?
>>395254 Studio TRIGGER mecha original.
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Darling in the FranXX just need banger baaaaaaaaaaang well okay bang can just catch up with us mid episode it's been 10 minutes let's start!
>>395255 downloadan
But really who comes up with these names,
i think it's frantastic tbh>>395252 plz respond
Red oni
sorry was unable to post but i'm watching
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>>395264 Oh, well that works.
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dude what
maybe she wishes she tasted like grapefruit or something instead of flesh
;_; Poor bird.
This old half-cybord hakase is pretty cool. Reminds me of Ryuuko's father from Kill la Kill.
what time
4:55 5:00 5:05
I like the red eye shadow she's got going on.
She's getting his clothes all wet.
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>when she held out that hand >I had a raging boner
Okay Kira.
>She's not the kind of pistil anyone can handle That's a weirdly sexual way of describing her.
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Wow, is he getting arrested?
;_; Poor bird.
For all its splendour that's a pretty macabre speech to give kids.
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they were born to KILL
>Official parasites
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Is Naomi going back to her home planet or something?
She's going to hell, looks like.
This is some kind of sci-fi tyranosaurus rex.
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Looks like some kind of Rex-box.
Is this Zoids.
transformers beast wars
>What are you doing in there, that machine obviously purposed to fight these sci-fi dinosaurs
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It's really nice of the monster to wait on them.
i read the to love ru guy does the manga for this
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>>395318 i thought he was asleep or something
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It's suddenly very Trigger in here.
is this star driver
>>395324 It sure is UTSUKUSHII
So if the girls are pistils are the guys called the stamen. Because that's a little fucking weird.
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well this looks to have a lot of promise. oka u sora yori>>395334 yes this is the antarctica show hmm i wonder if bang is there watching but not posting again okay im going to assume the answer is yes and start okay let's start!
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that was a cool first episode looking forward to more of this don't let me down trigger>>395332 this is the icicle moe right >>395331 you need stamina for your pistol makes sense to me >>395332 maybe he is always watching
I think even if civilians are allowed on a boat to Antarctica, them being in high school is still a bit of an issue.
>>395341 bruh
>>395343 Yeah but they're sounding like they're just gonna fly down to Freeland and jump on board.
Glasses-chan seems to be pragmatic about the whole thing though.
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It's really hard to get the lead back in when you do that.
I'm a pro at getting it back in.
this show is comfy now but i feel like it has the potential to be very very tragic later
>>395350 surely nothing bad happens in such a harsh environment
They're all gonna DIE out in the frigid cold of Antarctica.
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Wow did she just suggest compensated dating
I don't think she realized what it was.
you gotta do what you gotta do
speaking of which when are you going to send me that money
That's pretty Lawson's there.
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Yeah. She got a job as LAWSON.
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at lawson, too.
This girl is pretty powerful.
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picture of me every day
im standing on the milk crate
You on the left?
This is a fun Kana Hana role.
This series is getting my Wandering Soul all afire. I want to travel somewhere again.
Oh man it's Shinjuku. Yeah I want to go back to Tokyo.
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Shirase is kind of dangerous. So far she's suggested compensated dating and seducing people to get what she wants!
Oh that was the fourth there.
More insert music, eh. I wonder if the whole series is going to be musical.
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That head bum looked pretty painful!
It was a real asshat.
Hah hah hah. This shortstack is my favourite so far. She's great.
In cruel reality a million yen would probably not really be much in terms of sponsorship. For an academic-oriented expedition to Antarctica really.
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slow start! oh i see, okay let's give jan a minute
Time to wiiiinnd down
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I need a couple minutes.
slow oh
One of the sort-of problems with shows like Sora Yori is that is always depresses me a little that my youth is already gone.
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Youth is something you carry in your heart!
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my plan of quickly taking the laundry to the dryer was ruined when i hit a toolbox. i am ready now though.
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Slow start! okay let's start!
A slow start indeed.
Mumps? More like chimpmumps
Chipmumps, even.
I wonder how many kids in Japan get stuck behind a year like this because illness or some kind of misfortune makes you miss application periods.>>395405 Yeah it's kind of weird. You'd think there would be some kind of alternative application you could do for public schools or stuffl -stuff like that.
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You can't take make up tests?
lots of shows this season about cute girls and lot of them
shion is the best
Wow Tama that was a pretty big leap there.
...What is this conversation thread.
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this show is really weird
She's really hung up on this. Understandably so for us, but she must look like a total nutter about it to the rest of them.
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She has a complex about exams now.
i wish shion would cook me dinner
I wish someone could cook me dinner.
Wow they're all really dame dame at athletics stuff. Except kind of Kamui.
how do they even walk
Walking is pretty unintensive.
someone who is really into useless-moe is getting their rocks the fuck off right now
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She's a genius,
Holy fuck Shion where did that BRUTALITY come from.
This show was pretty standard Cute Girls Doing Cute Things fare for the first episode but this episode has gotten a little bizarre.
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this show is funny as hell
Yeah it's pretty good now that things are kind of weird.
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it's a show about how getting held back turns you into a damedame.
thanks for anime have fun for with** the rest!
thanks for anime! this is a jam-packed season oh shit
>>395430 theres miore
seriously thoug this season is packered
For those of us that aren't aquatic there's still Cardcaptors to watch tonight.
there's a ton of stuff to watch and most of it seems good
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yep cardcaptors 2 is anyone else watching this with us? okay well maybe bang is being quiet again let's start!
THE SECRETS OF THE CLOW WERE ALL A MYSTERY BUT WHEN THAT MIGHTY BOOK WAS OPENED THE POWERS WERE SET FREE One of Jan or Bang watched it last episode I think. Then it was probably Bang.
i didn't watch last week i think but i will watch it this time
I wonder how this new Cardcaptors series is going to tie into the Clow Mythos that CLAMP's worked into so many of their series.
Wow a <Rare> Cheesecake Recipe.
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Sometimes she sounds like Cag's sugary voice and it's hilarious.
Hah hah hah. That was a dumb pun.
There's a lot of SoL stuff to each episode. I guess from what I remember of the original Cardcaptors they did a card to an episode then too anyway.
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when the cheesecake is bigger than you are
I wish I had a cheesecake bigger than I am.
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I still hit the alarm and roll over and then have to hurry getting ready.
It happens every now and then.
Oh yeah these two guys were pretty fucking GAAAAY in the original Cardcaptors too, if I remember correctly.
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I never wake up to the alarm.
Her onii-chan is a bit Suzaku-y.
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Wow that thing is really eating.
oh shit she's operating in HD now
Those spirals make me think Steel Ball Run.
>>395460 they need to use the staff and the golden ratio
>It's THAT
This seems kind of dangerous.
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It seems very dangerous!
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It looks sometimes you have to take a chance and pop the whole world though.
oh no i wasn't being quiet i am watching cardcaptors with someone else sorry i meant to tell you guys that
>>395469 It's pretty Cardcaptor-y.
Oh shit it's a frog costume next week.
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thanks for anime! We got a lot watched tonight.
Jan will you be alive at all tomorrow night.
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domo arigato animatomodachi
>>395476 yeah but i will be getting off a little later than usual from now on it probably will not affect anime on the days i usually am here i think
Aight, that's good to hear. We've got some stuff you've been following we can probably do tomorrow then.
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>>395477 So I heard you also like card captor ♫