>youtube took over a week to react to the viral sudoku forest video >still permanently demonetizes and limit states political dissident videos in matter of minutes
I told someone in my cohort that I was getting a cat and the news spread like wildfire. Everyone wanted to know all about the cat. Someone is going to give me some cat toys, though, which is very nice.
I invited some of them over to meet my cat because I wasn't sure how to properly respond so now some girls are coming over next week to play with my cat.
you know what's a good idea when you switch to using HDMI from those other thingies, you actually set your monitor's channel to HDMI preferably before you get upset about things not working.
okay It took a litlte bit of effort to fit that thick, long thing into my computer but overally installing it was so easy that I'm wondering when the suffering is going to start.
>>392341 I have a friend who had to use a saw to fit in a new gpu into his computero ne time was fun following it in logs >4am wakes up "damn I am hangover >5am "back from buying a new gpu" >6am "shit can't fit it in, time to go buy a saw" everyone awake was just "the fug you doing"
Well my day was trying and I was feeling a little beaten down when I got home. The fact that this card only took like 20 minutes to set up and seems to be working fine though is a definite good point!
So my client is in his late 20s, and he has problems with hearing and speaking. He's deaf, has cochlear implants. His sister told me he wanted her to come into the intake session because he was nervous, and I thought it could be helpful in case I couldn't understand him well, so I agreed.
So we start the intake and I'm trying to go through and get all the information I need from him, and he can talk fine, it's slow and labored, but I can understand him without any real difficulties. But his sister won't let him talk. She starts answering the questions I'm asking him as soon as he hesitates in his answer. She starts contradicting him, and then, she tried to start a division so it would be me and the sister vs the client by claiming he thinks he can't understand things as well as "people like us" (implying a separation based on non-deafness) and shit like that. She started putting him down by saying things like "people get mad at him when he screws up" and talked about how he doesn't understand why people get mad at him because he thinks they're being unreasonable. Then she lied to me about his allergies?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? she said he had an allergy and then he had to correct her and say that she was the one with that particular allergy, not him
I asked if there was anything else he wanted me to know or to talk about, and she's like "do you want to tell him or should i?" and she spun this bullshit story about how he always does X and when I probed to find out how often he does that, she was like, "well, h-he only did it once, but..."
i tried to get her out of the room by asking my client if he wanted to talk without her for a little bit, but she shot him a look and he said no i should have said we needed to talk alone a little bit but i'm learning, whatever
she also started talking shit about him to my friends at the front desk for no reason
his sister is an actual fucking cunt
but this shit gives me
my three day weekend becomes a one day weekend the next week
none of my colleagues starting therapy right now with me know what they're doing really so i was able to connect with them pretty well today as we tried to figure out how to do all the admin stuff together it was a good day
>>392371 what sort of therapy are you giving out anyway
Any kind of therapy my client needs. We can generally use any type of psychotherapy we think is necessary, although using CBT interventions is generally the first thing people start with.
I can't provide family or group therapy, but I can provide any kind of individual therapy I want.
There was someone a few semesters ago that used Jungian therapy, even. It didn't work because Jung is a hack, but he did do it.
He had some kind of horrible undiagnosed mental illness or brain disorder.
One time I was sitting at a table, talking to a short, skinny, extremely white girl that I know. He walked up to her and said some random shit and walked away. He later explained to that girl I was with that he had mistaken her for a professor. That particular professor is tall, large, and black.
The program allowed him to finish up his master's degree because he was only a semester away from completing it, but I think that was a huge mistake. He's not fit to be a therapist.
>>392393 The guy that was having trouble making connections in the cohort group and you may have also made a joke about him possibly becoming a soree killer. *spree
Lately I've seen funny posts of people running Todd through those neural nets that change people's race. And then posting ethnic versions of buy skyrim with it.
>>392439 Yeah those would work fine There are like 16 Sephiroths in the U. S
>>392442 It's not super bully material but it is a bit weird
>>392436 Honestly even for an ethnic-neutral name it's really not bad. It's a little weird but there's a fair amount of weird names out there and I think for people not in on the reference Reimu is pretty unimposing. It also shortens down to a pretty decent female nickname, Rei.
I'll have to write up a lot of stuff this weekend, though. I have 72 hours from the time of intake to write up my intake report and I have two intake reports to write this weekend.
>to get 100% clearance on xenoverse extra mission defeat 6 characters in 5 mins >to get full Z rank you must go solo >all enemies just run away from you and use moves that only waste time and don't realyl deal damage fuck who ever designed that match also >6 enemies in 5 mins You out right just made this impossible without having player as a partner
>I will just have a little fun doing games >this seems fun mission >realise the only way to get it fully done is 100% unfun and most likely won't get me full score because of shit nonstylish anal gameplay it forces me to do Game design, how to not make your games 101
I'm going to invite people over to meet my cat next week. I guess I already did but I'm going to invite more people over.
>>392497 Assassins Creed Rogue is getting a remaster for PC and PS4.
and it takes 30 seconds total to cross from stage 1 to 2 to 3 meaning 230 seconds to beat 6 guys and each time one of them uses a "evasion move" that wastes 5-10 seconds depending on the move and each one of them can possibly use it about 3 times before I kill them meaning 15 to 30 seconds wasted on doing nothing
And you can't ultimate spam them o anything, because computer just cheats through some moves at times
>>392498 neat never played it though also that is what i ma goign to do now go play pirates that atleast despite all its bugs and issues is 100% fun game
fug azumanga is on a hdd I have mispalced the powerchord to I should really do away with that external HDD
Kirara đ
oh shit fuck yo the shadow of the colossus remake comes out next month
haa I was thinking of getting ps4 with some of the money I normally could have sliced off of the ny gig but >noo you get 25% less pay than last year gee thanks
The most annoying thinga bout xenoverse 2 is immoratl frames >fire blast at enemy you just punched away >they recover and jump back in >your blast just flies straight through them LIKE COME ON budokai 3 was still the best dbz game ever made or anime fighter game
Did you see Sothe's dagger? >After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-4 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn.
Sothe has low BST, luckily, so you and I probably won't run into him. And pretty much all dagger users have low BST, so we're probably safe.
Micaiah's tome is good, too. >Grants Res+3. Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Against armored and cavalry foes using bow, dagger, magic, or staff, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%.
Kirara đ
micaiah's speed will be too low to make her decent though unless you can upgrade the tome
COOL&CREATE has an album. It's alright, though not the kind I normally recommend. It's just really getting me in the heart because these two voices are married and it makes me feel so happy to hear them still singing together.
>>392538 He also has a generic 13 mt blue tome. I think he's just supposed to be a joke. There is no possible way to make him good. He's not even armored.
distant def 3 and close counter couldn't even make him good maybe close def close counter and glacies for big res but even then there's no way to make him better than every other blue tome
I'm a little disappointed that the banner is so uninteresting. The only new character with a new skill is Zelg. Micaiah is going to be hard to build in a way that works because her speed is low. and who cares about sothe i guess he has life and death
And Zelgius is only slightly better than Black Knight.
He does have Fierce Stance which is an interesting skill, it's the one that grants +6 atk when attacked. I'm interested in playing with that skill but I'm not going to roll for Zelgius for it.
are ya talkin about a banner that's out already or will be out soon
Kirara đ
comes out in two days
was info linked here sorry for my low diligence
Kirara đ
https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg they're on the front page here
and there will also be https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/hero/oliver with GHB
>The Knife (çćŁ Tanken) is a weapon type that debuts in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. wow, well, I guess that explains why He was two games too early for a dagger
That's 100% totally right Oliver's trash in FE9/10 as a character and as a human. And now he's trash in FEH. At least you don't waste orbs on his existence.
Well, Sothe, Micaiah, and Black Knight are more of a story thing together in FE10 So "thematically" it isn't bad. I like Sothe's dagger. But Micaiah is, once again, lacking.
>>392592 i still can't believe they put in fucking shigure over actual popular dancers over a special ninian or even instead of introducing nils or any of the dancers in the other games
If they add Reyson to the game, Ninian would hit the bench so hard
Kirara đ
>Effective against flying foes. If foe uses magic, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%. Grants Atk+6 during combat if foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff.
>Grants allies within 2 spaces Atk+3 during combat. Grants Atk/Res+5 during combat if within 2 spaces of a flying ally. sanaki's tome gets an upgrade now too
Pretty soon I'll be an advertising and recruiting person and adwords account manager i gotta do some certs first i guess but this might be a slight move upwards
>After the main story of Super Mario Odyssey ends, you'll be able to continue your adventures in Mario's epic new world with the help of Luigi. Mario's brother will open up access to a competitive Balloon World mode where you can work to asynchronously hide balloons for other players to find, or search for balloons hidden by other players. You'll be able to move up in a global leaderboard by both being good at putting balloons in hard-to-find spots and by quickly finding hidden balloons.
It's a neat mini-game but it's a bit of a shame that Luigi has been delagated to an NPC role again.
>>392623 greentext implying luigi could afford a mansion he's B-list in nintendo's books even wario would be earning more than luigi. warioware was huge >>392628 that wouldn't even have to be a haunted mansion to be scary i get the impression that you'd go in there and it'd just be in shambles from poor upkeep waluigi's got that useless brother-in-law feel to him
Kirara đ
what if waluigi's mansion
shields are dope
Kirara đ
what if the mansion is full of rich people and you have to eat them
Mario is such an esteemed hero that you can never feel like the mushroom kingdom is actually in any real trouble they should canonically have Mario DIE of lead poisoning from plumbing so that the mushroom kingdom will really be in trouble without their go-to and luigi has to try to actually do something that would be a little more immersive
>>392634 Work hazards creep up on you way later Warren Zevon died of mesothelioma from when he was a young guy working construction in the asbestos era
it's weird how two of them are just at completely different angles
L seems to have a little scoliosis problem
the booty bandit
this guy is now just straight up playing music in the library through his computer
Kirara đ
it kind of looks like it's supposed to be like, body positive or something but then you got F which is like a caricature of obesity
>>392642 yeah body postive doesn't work when you really make proportions strange (like her head is way too small for that body she'd be in cardiac arrest) and also making some dress sexy and some dress frumpy
J can't really be a musclegirl AND have boobs like that either it just doesn't work that way believe me ive tried
For some of this new work i'll be doing, I'm supposed to bill // invoice per hour like per actual hour of my own work time but it's a little unclear how much time they want me to invest in this i need to be mindful of the client's budget but i don't want to underserve them i have no idea what their budget is like there's a lot of confusing stuff
what if you eat your keyboard s
it would be very difficult to digest just like you
>escort missions >majin buu 50% hp remaining to clear perfectly >all enemies just ignore you and dart instantly towards majin buu JUST FUCK THESE DEVELOPERS
and jokes aside that is I think a skill that you can learn it involves some meditative practice learning to push away intrusive thoughts and counting on distractions when sleep isn't just coming, like reading and shit phone/tablet usage always makes you more awake btw but just listening to somethign while lying to bed that is quite sleep inducing especially the meemy asmr stuff
Not everyone is equally capable of pushing off those intrusive thoughts. It's not something that's so simply "everyone can do it". For enough people those thoughts are a constant plague and can't just be pushed away.
I kind of just fantasize about things. It sounds kind of lame, but even if it's something that can never happen, I fantasize about situations which would bring relief to my anxiety or make my struggles irrelevant, like bringing someone's consciousness back to being in the future using synthetic intelligence and back-tracing ambient data. Or winning the lottery and building a giant underground facility where I can build it however I want. It pushes some of the bad feelings aside or helps me sate them, even if it's in an irrational way, so that I can sleep and my brain can rejuvenate from the day's stress.
The both of them are such dorks, it's unbelievable The video title isn't even a joke, they're afraid Alexa is programmed to actually be a liberal sjw, possibly a cultural marxist
Haa I would have loved to do a cooler copy as a frieza race man cooler in his 5th form is DEADLY in xenoverse 2 super high attack stat with super high stamina even rivals my tomato saiyan
>>392710 xeno 2 has hit and his timeskip moves they are quite fucking neat though hard to master
Though Hit himself is "wish only character" which is bullshit if you ask me
Also supersaiyan is no longer temporary transformation it is on as long as you have ki remaining, which is almost always and you can even turn ss3 also the gameplay is just million times better
>>392701 I'm generally idle enough in bed to realize when I've got a line of thought that's toxic and hijacking my conscious, but I can't really do much about it. I'll try to divert myself with other thoughts, fantasies, or story ideas, but it's beyond easy for me to slip back into the intrusive thought. It's like my mind wants to slip back into the thought and the moment I relax, I'm tumbling back into it. Which of course, it's kind of hard to fall asleep without relaxing, so it's sort of an inescapable fate, it feels like.
huh there is custom dialog for ss4 goku and vegeta vs beerus that is kinda fun
>>392722 it probably helps that i do mentally fatiguing work when i worked physically fatiguing stuff, i'd // like UPS package handling, i'd come home and my mind would just be way too wide awake and i felt tired but not sleepy nowadays i'm almost always sleepy but usually not tired
maybe you could keep some little brain teasers by your bed to occupy your mind when it's feeling restless
Yeah, that sounds kind of nice. I'll see if I can find something that feels engaging.
My job's pretty physically exhaustive but not really mentally so, so I kind of get where you're coming from. But I'll often be doing a lot of mental math in my head while I'm working because I feel compelled to process the logistics of what I'm doing there. I'll calculate the number of beer cans that'll ship out of the run I'm handling or how long it should theoretically take to finish a run. That might be serving the same purpose and might be why it's so easy to collapse asleep when I get home after work, I'unno.
It's not like I have a reason to do those at my desk when I'm just playing around so on off days I might not be getting that same kind of mental stimulation.
>you a god of destruction, what kind of deity allows dragon balls to gain this much negative energy >Last time I checked that was under a different god >'s authority. Me? I am the god of destruction , let me show you what my domain is >I'll tell you just // fuck well that was beerus vs omega shenron shittalking but I forgot the shenron line
I am beginning to be bit pissed of at the inconsistencies at the gameplay between player atleast me and the AI >ai takes one little side step >dodges any move I do >Ai can fly through my blasts when charging at me
>I can't side step Ai blasts as they always fix the aim AFTER firing it >I can't fly through ai attacks as they will then hti me
also >AI teleports out of moves that player can't teleport out of >AI dogdge movevs out of moves player can't dodge move out of
>>392781 welcome to japanese fighters AI difficulty is synthesized by giving them frame advantages and other hacks been that was since SF2Turbo
Are you still at Panera? I went to a Panera in Germantown, Tennessee, an affluent neighborhood people were really mean to me there so i never went back
And here this is where TN ragequits the game today truly when a MOVE hits him 180 behind the enemy that is launching it >how do I hitboxes -namco bandai
I had a healing item left and I won through initial challenges now to just win through the main fight THAT IS ALSO AN ESCORT MISSION
>>392809 like the people working there? if the managers aren't constantly at the employees about Warmth, it's easy for them to struggle with it not everyone is born a god of service like me
>>392826 There's like two service registers, you know? one that's over by the pastries, one that's kind of a little more over to the right only the one by the pastries was open when i went in, two people in line, so i stood there then the other spot opened up so new people coming in went over to that one then when it got to me the girl closed up the register and was like "you gotta go over to that one" but now there were like six people there and nne // none of them were there when i got in line which was really weird or whatever
and ive got really bad eyesight so i wanted to get like a closer look at stuff >>392837 uh, i don't think so? i went into it the once and everyone, including the customers in the other line, were being real snobby at me and i had just wanted to order a single bagel with milk i ended up just leaving and crying as i walked home
as good as this game is don't play it don't buy it way too much trouble
>>392828 that store didn't have ipads for ordering?
I heard back from the guy at the company, we're likely having a meeting on Monday or Tuesday.
>>392828 that sounds awful yeah i can't speak for other franchises there's like two or three reasons that would have never happened in my store you said it was an affluent area too?
>>392839 yeah, germantown was like a business/commerce district and everyone living there // median income there was like 103K or something everyone in business suits and stuff at a fuckin panera being so pissy at me for just being some common riffraff wanting a bagel with milk in my riffraff clothes and shit ive never judged people before but man ive really learned to hate rich people ive never dealt with the kind of shit i dealt with there
>>392840 When I had more money I used to go in my "modern snuffkin" get up to drink at the most expensive and most respected cafes in the capital just to cause frowns at the rich fucks in suits there
I've gone to fancy restaurants in just a t shirt in jeans, usually I get a few glares. Maybe people should pay more attention to their food instead of other people.
>>392839 the weirdest part was just that they closed it right when i got up when two people were there and then the girl just left i misstated earlier when i said she told me to go over there -- she actually just left the register and closed it up, and the girl at the other register told me to move over there i was so confused. i thought i had like gone to the pickup area or a spot that was only for ordering the premade pastries and not placing prepared orders but she just left me there confused i was so miffed
I tore one of those little strips of skin/nail that wind their way under the side of the nail. Only it was definitely more attached to my finger than I expected and I yanked it down the back of my finger a little bit.
>>392880 Because I habitually keep my finger tips close together when they're idle and I can feel the stiff bit of hangnail poking into the finger next to it and I can't ignore it so I have to get it off.
>>392881 Your genes are weird hangnail overgrowing your nails in width?
It's really hard to explain accurately without being able to demonstrate. But I trimmed my nails the other day so I had sharp edges at the points where the nail "ends" along the side of the nail. Those end up bothering me because of the reasons above so I usually attack them with clippers again until they're smooth enough to not irritate. But genetically I get a fair amount of hangnails (Thanks Mom. Or Dad. I know I get it from one of them.) so sometimes clippers aren't enough and I got to get nitty gritty and yank it out.
Maybe this is weird form of finnish genetics coming into play
Generally I don't look forward to trimming my nails because I instinctively want to get them down as close to the finger as possible. I end up with a lot of bloody nail sides because of my pursuit of perfection in this situation. It's not uncommon for me to have one or two fingertips bandaged up the day or two after trimming my nails.
>>392893 But my nails aren't as wide relative to the finger as yours are or your camera distorts them to be. So there's an upwards ridge where the side of the nail for me meets the finger. That's prime estate for these snags to rise up in.
>>392898 it doesn't though that is my index derpy finger
I wish I could portray the crookness of my index fingers but oh well it doesn't carry on to pics and I can't draw it
My hands are kind of freakish things. Full of double joints and weird fingernails. They're also not very elegant hands.
I wish I had nicer hands.
like take your index finger and point it outwards start from the knuckle if you are me by the time you hit the first join your finger by then is pointing about 10-15 degrees say it was left hand to the left now continue by the time you hit second joint of your finger it is about 45 degree angle to the left and same continues to the tip peaking at abouit 50 angle
>>392915 wow your wrist looks like it has invaded your arm
I've popped the thumb joint out of the socket; that's why. I guess it's not something that is as apparent in a picture. I'd need a video clip to properly show it I guess.
I also can't swing my pinky fingers from the knuckle without popping them in and out of the joint at certain points, It's almost like a gear shift, the joint moves up/down relative to the plane of the hand as I swing the finger in an arc.
I guess even on moe standards my index finger is "the fug"
Normal for reference.
>>392934 are you trying to force push that door closed
Totally. People barge into my room on a regular basis I wish I could close my door from my desk. The people that come in here don't shut it on their way out.
>>392939 I just throw shit at my door when that happens Even if it doesn't close it properly
Breeze just closes mine >>392941 okay mr moneybags
>>392941 Living in the city's expensive. My parents are kind enough to not charge rent, why would I willfully spend money I don't have the time to gather.
>>392964 Winter driving isn't scary to me. Or well, being driven in winter. My whole family once came somewhat close to having our van turn perpendicular to the road on a pretty steep hill where the road was topped thick with snow. Getting the van unravelled from that was a lot of work and after it the only reason I dread being driven around in the winter is that I might have to do work getting the car operable at some point in the ride.
>>392966 >you will never play chicken and both lose >>392967 okay let's do that
I am actually most likely most boring and safest driver on moe unless I get into mood to show off
>>392969 >you will never go street racing with a rival that you simultaneously hate and respect
>>392968 I have been in one rear bumb in my entire life and my father wasn't the one at fault
I think that tells a lot about the so called "average skill" of drivers here when they really concentrate
as for people i hve been on board with I think my oddjob boss at the greenery company is who I give the highest score that guy is plain insane at times and NEVER according to him has crashed with him on the fault
If I can manage my whole life without having to be responsible for a car driving from A to B I could pass away happily. Honestly I really like taking public transit and there is a HUGE amount of anxiety I have geting behind the wheel.
And he has no reason to lie to me about that but that guy is an epic person I hope future gens will have people like him to guide them onward summer jobs and oddjobs will stay necessary and people like him I hoope, will stick to those posts that produce those summer jobs for future gens
>>392973 public transport is nice because you just sit there you can read and shit play games whatever
No worries
Obsessively profile the other people taking your train/bus/whatnot.
My current public transit has been turned into >go from A to B wait in B for 10 mins go from B to C it was in 2.1.2018 go from A to B in which B was C basically JUST ONE FUCKING TRANSPORT TO THE DESTINATION
>>392977 that's how I got to and from high school >take train to bus station, take bus to school home was >take bus from school to next bus station then take another bus then walk a mile home
I need to take a bus to the nearest subway platform if I want to go anywhere, really. Theoretically I could just jump from bus route to bus route since Toronto's TTC allows you to transfer between bus routes and subway lines indefinitely with one fare paid, but for most destinations it's far faster to just ride the bus to the subway and take a subway somewhere.
>>392978 Supposedly the METRO LINE FROM B TO CITY CENTRE IS SUPPOSED TO SAVE MONEY AND TIME AND BE SUPER CONVENIENT but I already know it will cost me 15-30 minutes in time and also because it costs me more time it might force me to buy a SECOND TICKET so cost me more money
ffun fun fun fun fun fun fun ufn ufnufnufnufnufnufnfunfunfunfunfufnufnufnufnfunfunfufn THE FUCKING WEST METRO WOULD BE OVERLOADED BY THE SHEER AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THAT WILL BE COVERED BY THE NEWLY LAID TRACKS BY IT
I get that you're using /moe/ as a vehicle to express your frustration but none of us really have the context to accurately get what you're so mad over.
some kid got shot at church and they gave him a 100 vehicle convoy escort home rich white kids are the worst they get all this shit if i had gotten shot as a kid, people would have just told me to get better
if i got shot now people would tell me i have to complete my assignments from the hospital
Kirara đ
do the d a n c e
>>393003 Do you wanna lift the other kids up or just tear this lil kid down
>>393009 >Raiden, for what purpose do you swing for? >this paddle is a tool of justice >turn off my pain inhibitors doc. It's Jacks turn to serve... serve some revengence
is this site supposed to crash when I post an image? anyway aren't spiders just fuckin freaky you know how they move? they have this hydraulic system where they pump blood to their legs, kinda like a boner Imagine a spider crawling on you - eight tiny dicks instantaneously going from flaccid to erect all over your skin. that kind of weird shit should be illegal there need to be RULES OF NATURE
the admin at the clinic im working at is watching Overlord II
Are you going to silently observe the fact and then say NOTHING?
tell her you've got a bone to pick
Kirara đ
nah he asked me if i watch anime and i said a little so that i could bail if i had to he seems low power level though so i didn't disclose any moeshit though he's a pretty cool dude overall though
Yeah it's not really a big deal anymore for kids your age to watch a little bit of anime these days.
>>393048 trying not to die in the student work room at the clinic
>>393047 yeah pretty much my colleagues have a vague idea that i like anime anyway but i don't want to go as hard as i can since that would be really bad
I am also home now. My intake today went so good. My client is such a good guy and he has such supportive parents and he has an amazing relationship with them. And he's not fucked up. He just wants to improve his ability to plan and deal with some of his ADHD symptoms.
Meanwhile, Koi had a hard time doing just about everything. Hammers, shovels, picking things up, finding things, seeing in general, wanting to carry a conversation All failing rolls.
Part of me can't wait for job training to be over so I don't have to be around my current group anymore. But then I'm reminded that there's no telling what other kinds of weird and crazy I'm going to be around next. These people are characters but not characters I really feel like wanting to know. >>393066 I need to shift to IT
>>393070 Also if it ever comes to it asking a finn about their sex life either results in awkward silence or way too much detail just a general warning
I didn't expect that id enjoy seeing clients so much I thought it'd just be work and it'd kind of be a pain but it feels so good even though it was a mess yesterday i came home in a great mood and im in such a good mood today too
>>393081 yeah! it's exciting it would suck if i came all this way and didn't enjoy it at all loo
I guess that is good since it meansyou will somewhat enjoy your future work or atleast a possible work
>>393080 it s nice that you enjoy what you're doing I need to find something I enjoy doing or find myself surrounded by people I enjoy doing things with because I'm not there yet and I'm not sure if staying in this spot will get me there
if a /moe/ with a bachelor's degree wanted to get into psychology, i could train them to administer psych tests for work and it'd get them into grad school easily
>someone who hates humans as psychologist that would be amusingly anime
It seems like you're enjoying seeing clients. I thought that might be the case. I think I even said I thought you would. I hope I said it, I like saying things that come true.
It was totally like something out of a sitcom, though.
The dad had a 70s looking mustache and he was like, "Well, let me give you a man's perspective, because, you know, there's a woman's perspective and then there's a man's perspective, and men are solitary by nature"
>>393119 Sure, but that's not me helping them, necessarily. I can only help them in that I help them to help themselves. All of the change that occurs is their responsibility, not mine.
Kirara đ
>>393120 never thought i'd see you say something like this
>>393121 I don't know if I really agree with the distinguishment you're making there. I think that applies to anyone who helps people. People have to help themselves no matter what. Even if you're a doctor and you slap a cast on somebody they're not going to get better unless they stay off the foot and eat right. Even if you're a lawyer and helping someone with a legal problem that's probably not going to get better without the person who got into the legal trouble in the first place sorting out whatever caused it. Helping people help themselves is how professionals help people.
>>393123 Pretty often, the lawyer is working much harder than the person they're working with, though.
Compared to the work my clients have to put in, I'm not really doing much other than guide them and teach them to use tools. There are a lot of professions where people help other people, and plenty of psychologists would say that help people, but I think it's an important distinction to make.
All of the change is the responsibility of my client. I can't take credit for any of it.
>>393126 I dunno. I think I play a crucial role, but I'm pretty messed up myself, so I know that these people have to put in a lot of work More work and pain than me I think it would be wrong to take credit for the work they do.
>>393131 I help people help themselves. I don't want to say I help people, though, because I think that phrasing implies that I'm responsible for their change to some significant degree. I don't want to take responsibility for their change.
I think that after I have my master's and can get licensed, I want to do some free community group therapy for anxiety and stuff like that. Or maybe just have it really cheap so I can afford a space for it.
>Louisiana Teacher Arrested For Questioning Superintendent's Raise
>>393146 >I see, so you're addicted to violence and have anger management issues? >That's okay, I can help you treat that >THAT IS IF YOU CAN SURVIVE THIS *UNSHEATHES KATANA*
>>393147 >merely questioning >arrest nani the fuck is this shit
She questioned the raise in a discussion about the contract which contained the raise A discussion which involved her Because the meeting was about the contract >>>/watch?v=vtOZYQjUHvc Kyle over here has the video if you wanna watch
I don't think the simulator gives real meaningful conclusions there. team comp matters way too much i can't see him being much use besides like fortress res, QR, some C slot, heavy blade seal (can ranged use heavy blade) and the iceberg oh atk ploy for the c slot i forgot
I think it's a good way to test the viability and general ruggedness of a unit. And it's a great way to see how defensively effective you can make a unit.
Kirara đ
ranged can use heavy blade but his attack isn't going to be high enough to get meaningful increases to it
oh that's right heavy blade is based off atk isn't it i forgot that was a component of it uh, give him HP+5 refined weapon, fury, guard, threaten res, and HP+5 seal then give him reprisal one phase charge and a potentially huge reprisal hit
>>393188 I was thinking about maybe a nuker support build to go with a magetank team i was thinking ditch brave for firesweep and death blow for sparrow strike (is that what's it's called i forget) the mercy wings or instead of firesweep, even the new modified first bite+ from the weapon refinery would be a huge boost to your team
i wish there were more interesting challenges that made me need to use team strategies sure some challenge maps you swap vantage for axebreaker for a niche need or for whatever but i'm thinking of ways that i could counter other people's builds but there's just no satisfying way to have that challenge, since you're only fighting people's defensive-set arena teams, never the teams that they use to get through the arena week themselves
+5 def/res to units within 2 spaces in my example that means she can still be a heavy physical nuker while still supporting a tank team, who would probably be positioned with swap and stuff so with wom, if she popped in, boosted the frontline's def/res by 5 while simultaneously doubling someone with sparrow strike, (quick sparrow was it?) then the tankies swap her to safety and can engage player-phase with the boosted res/def or prepare for the enemy phase with boosted def
i feel like it's a good strategy, but one that isn't worth anything at the moment since the challenges provided by IS doesn't meet up with the sort of teambuilding that makes the game fun
>>393204 that's why i was thinking magetank -- hold on >>>/watch?v=jDSriOuWM10 okay back to what i was saying I've got a similar setup going now of my frobin, katarina/sophia, boey/cecilia, and bridge cordellia even though bridge cordelia is great, i feel like specifically with frobin/kat/boey you've got two owl tomers, all with swap and buff skills for adjacent so hoarding up people close can be really strong it's a tactic i just don't get to take advantage of in any current scenario though i can set it up as a defense team but that's not a very satisfying challenge if the AI doesn't follow my strat
I'm hoping they set up PVP where i can pre-set teams and then give them basic AI prioritizing like, "this unit should prioritize staying next to this unit" or "this unit needs to buff this unit" it's not particularly complicated to integrate that but they way ive been watching them do their market research, i think they'll just value more heavily what their guided surveys suggest and weight reception over game contact points
There are some mage tank builds for her that revolve around berkut's lance and distant counter. I don't really have strong feelings for her as a mage tank though because of the low res and the number of good green tomes.
I think probably the best build for her is some sort of windsweep build.
>>393207 sorry i think maybe i was vague by magetank i meant tanks who are mages, like my robin, or katarina/boey, stuff like that i meant that she could be a backline supporter with WoM who can pop in (since mages have two range), blow up someone that happens to be high res and give the mages a def/res boost while doing it, then be swapped to safety by boey or robin
she has a unique ability with first bite that she can support while attacking not a lot have that and she can't survive an enemy phase so instead of supporting her, blend the roles and let her support while blowing people up
>>393211 Sorry to drill a point here, but i see it as a game with such high customizability all the challenges presented are either the arena meta or the "challenges" from the special maps there's so many fun ways to want to make a unit useful, but the sad part is you don't have to because there's nothing you can directly interact with in the game that allows you to utilize such intricate team-building i feel like that's really what the game's big selling point is, too yeah, you always want the big-name units, but you also want to make use of all the resources you've got. they're really not tapping into that resource part hard enough when you consider 3* and 4* units as resources
i mean, freakin mario universe lets you place hats for people to find?? sorry, balloons why can't FE have like a mario maker kind of platform where we can just set teams up as challenges defense arena just isn't quite satisfying in that way let people upload maps and make custom challenges, you can see how many people beat it vs how many times it has been attempted and so forth
>>393214 i wouldn't stretch that far, i transcribe market research callouts like this all the time, though not surveys necessarily sometimes they'll ask about things like that in hopes that someone can provide insights on how to make it feasible market-wise surveying usually involves a range of upper-bounds and lower-bounds questions things that are in consideration of dropping, still leave questions about it in case you missed something people can glean insight on or things that seem desirable but out of possibility in hopes that someone gives a meaningful perspective that can actually make it feasible
Kirara đ
the end game of every mobage is OSOBOS it's a universe rule
Kirara đ
i believe they're working on something like that if the survey is to be believed
Kirara đ
the city defense mechanic was one of the most popular aspects of Fates they're obsessed with Fates so i think they'll probably implement it plus city building games are incredibly popular with normies
>>393212 I would always love new modes, but my philosophy when it comes to units is that I like rugged generalists. It's hard to fit Bridal Charlotte into the way I play because the margin of error for making her useful is so low.
Kirara đ
i hate the word rugged
Kirara đ
because it's not pronounced similarly to every other word that's spelled similarly there's literally no reason for it to be pronounced like it is
>>393219 yes it is that is the phonetic differentiation between an adjective and past-tense verb
properly, anything ending in -ed in that sense has a separate "id" sounding syllable for if it's an adjective, and just a trailing d sound if it's a past-tense verb
when you hear people pronounce learned as learn-id, that's because they're referring to someone who has done a lot of learning, not someone having learned something
in this case it means that he's like a rug not that he once was a rug
hey can i ask /moe/ a thing how many of you feel like there are things you shouldn't still enjoy because it's immature and you're an adult and maybe a professional and you still enjoy it anyway do you know what i mean
i don't really feel like there's anything i shouldn't enjoy
>>393225 I know what you mean but I don't think there's anything you "shouldn't" do so long as it's not harming anyone If you're a professional then your free time is yours.
>>393227 you don't have to subscribe to the idea, just recognize it as a prevalent one i worded it that way to include both sides of that divide
Kirara đ
yeah, it is a prevalent one i'd agree with that a lot of people seem to think you shouldn't enjoy things because they're immature
getting a full night of sleep is one of the best protective factors against burnout though
>>393240 sucks man see you next time sleep tight don't let the ekus bite
i said soon
>>393241 the pain is that i have to work at 5am it totally puts a giant wrench in my sleep schedule but if i don't go to bed early enough i won't be able to snap back to normal by the end of the tomorrow
snap back to spaghetti
Kirara đ
>>393244 schedules that aren't the same every day are lame