some opera singer started following my twitter and not any of my niche twitters either it's my personal twitter that has two followers, one of which is also me and makes almost no posts i'm so confused tweets* not posts
Kirara 🚗
a lot of people have bots that slowly crawl through bios and names and old tweets and auto-follow people sometimes there are bots that use aggregated data to find people to follow in hopes of getting their name out too
I only had bot followers Although one of them tweeted random "really makes you think" tier quotes
>>383940 yeah but my aggregate data is so small that i can't even imagine bots randomly hitting it i have to imagine that it's a specific bot strategy, to follow low-engagement accounts because they're more likely to respond with a follow that would make sense
Kirara 🚗
it happens all the tine time people with fewer tweets than you probably have get bot followers like that
hey what was that greek story about the guy who made the humanoid figure and fell in love and had the gods bring it to life or whatever i can't remember for the life of me what was the name
dollar general is a small supermarket chain that is responsible for feeding poor communities across the country
Maybe I should watch a movie.
>>383985 stores where everything is 1 dollar don't exist anymore inflation is a thing and there wouldn't be much business in a store that sells pieces of lint and used plastic bottle caps usually they're places where everything is really cheap, like under 3-4 dollars or like maybe they have really cheap versions of things for 20 dollars that are normally 40 or 50 off-brand stuff like pots and pans
Sept 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
<Hack long sentences in two; and stop worrying about starting your sentences with And, Because, or But. Because it helps keep your sentences short and easy to read.
>>383991 I bet that person thinks prepositions are an okay thing to end a sentence with.
You've heard about bottled water, supposedly clean and better for you from you know, another tap in the county it was bottled But have you heard of uh, bottled... unfiltered, contaminated water, for like $37 a gallon? Which is selling so well, they're having problems keeping it in stores I'm not joking either it's not a meme it's a real thing
>>384007 nobody here is surprised by it though i'd suggest just avoiding any silval news or information you're scraping the surface of a shitheap too big even for you
>>384036 The composition of your bones in your leg will be a lil different
Kirara 🚗
you're comparing completely different types of systems on completely different scales with completely different modes of function and completely different histories
>>384035 yeah mao was pretty bad at keeping people fed
It's okay they could melt down steel to make soup
>>384031 man maybe we could have prevented Rabbids from going extinct
>>384055 it's a useful case study in learning about how information evolves
>>384056 actually I have a friend who's studying animals at uni I'll ask him
>>384058 Stop Oh okay Thought you were gonna tell a weird story
>>384052 yeah of course other animals can have you ever been to the zoo it's basically a typical sight at the zoo at least once you're gonna see it >>384062 yeah
>>384061 you gotta have an object for whom // i fucked that up value to whom or what
im seeing you writing, fuck you piece of shit, your mother haha im just
your dead now cocks*cker
Might go out for ice cream
Fuck It's 9°F That makes it significantly less funny to go out for ice cream
significantly less funny for the power to go out too hope it stays on tonight
Kirara 🚗
>>384067 in other words, without humans, intellect has no value, right?
>>384073 human intellect? it wouldn't have much functional value without humans obviously if we just went extinct and still had plenty of archives then it'd have some value to systems in that infosphere that could decrypt and engage with it
What if everyone went extinct Including the animals And the flora And the bacteria And all the ayy lmaos
>>384083 i actually do like arma a lot this game has more similarities with arma than say, call of duty or quake 3 but is still very very different
i tried playing arma with nine and wulf many times but it was over my head i felt really dumb and couldn't figure much out, much less what was even going on
it is something that takes a bit of... research to get into i don't mean any offense to nine and wulf by this either but it might be hard to just jump in with a group that plays how they do they're rather advanced and it can be hard to keep up with i felt the same way and i even do things like this
i miss nine wulf doesn't let him talk to me anymore
who r u?
renardo moog
i kinda miss nine but i never really knew wulf he always kinda striked me as a fag not like the gay kind that's fine i mean like the not very strong stances or beliefs kind of person
i met his family they're very nice people i'm not sure what wulf's problem is that sounds mean but i dont mean it that way he can be pretty kind but something troubles him pretty deeply i can tell he just loses it sometimes
nah i get you well maybe i don't now
people who spend as much time on the internet as a lot of people in the related circles do tend to have one issue or another
>>384091 I never got the sense from Wulf that he doesn't hold beliefs or stances He can provide ar
>>384096 Oh I'm fucking stupid disregard this whole post I suck cocks
i always assume anyone who names themselves "wolf" "fox" or something similar or related is probably a furry or latent furry or secret furry
yeah but wulf is named after momiji i think it doesnt count for 2hus
it doesn't count if they're just anime kemonomimis or what not but that doesn't necesarily mean he's not also a furry
it's like how taking painkillers that you're prescribed doesn't count as opiod abuse but that doesn't mean that someone using them can't be abusing them
Bang Do you like Electronic Light Orchestra
he janked me hard on my enfields too i went with it because i wanted them to be in a friend's hands but he fucked me over a bit on them i agreed to it though so my fault
i have so much fucking loot in this game and yet i still always try to use the bare minimum it's like the whole "you have to spend money to make money" but i always try to go in broke
it just ends up working out because i am good at video game
>>384148 Give into the dark side and spend 5 everytime you have 5!~
this one everyone on /moe/ needs to hear this no actually everyone on earth needs to hear this at least once in their life >>>/watch?v=UdPOCQGYwrk
Kirara 🚗
i have 50 orbs now but i haven't done any of the dailies except for the ones that expired and only have like 20k in tempest right now
>>384150 he doesn't really fit into any of my teams right now i'll need to start crafting some more units i'm janky and build my teams out of 4* +10s because i at least have some control that way
>>384155 I'd love it if they released event characters from older games I'm not really interested in rolling for these event characters and I got the new Takumi from the free roll.
>>384156 Coming from such an expert in fags like you, it must be true.
>>384158 all these kimonos and no kimono Olwen how about a fuckin new years Zeph that'd be rad as h*ck
>>384155 Even if she's OP, I don't care for Azura that much. If it were a flying Corrin, I'd be spending tons of orbs trying to get her.
Kirara 🚗
new years ninian would have been a million times better than azura
Kirara 🚗
>no Santa hector like these people are so bad at their jobs it's remarkable
An Eliwood with non-fucked eyes would be fucking great.
yeah tbh i was really bummed out seeing the new year banner same fuckin shit again i mean they couldn't have tossed lilina in there or something instead just for flavor?
Kirara 🚗
im pretty bitter about every single event character be the same characters for the entire year
Kirara 🚗
>like 16 games >only use characters from 2 of them
>>384171 is there potentially some licensing issues? i dont know
Kirara 🚗
>>384173 no it's just that the only games particularly popular in the west and the game that revitalized the series are awakening and fates so they're terrified of straying from using those characters because it might mean reduced money fron the westerners
>>384174 oh i see what's fucking happening they're doing the focus group fad and doing data-driven decision making fuck i love market research but this isn't what it's for
>>384177 yeah basically it's fucked up it makes me mad
they're gauging reception and going with the popular ideas i need to set up a business consulting people on how not to instill bias in their market research if you're going to do data driven decision making you can't funnel the data like that
that kind of funneling is very useful like when you're testing receptivity to messaging if you've got a bunch of copy written and you want to test which message has good receptivity and what unexpected things might make you want to change messaging, yeah but they're like using only that method for the whole process you can't probe unmet needs through funneling you can't explore pain points qualitatively it should be pretty obvious i wonder if market research is different in the east japan's been making great consumer products forever so i'd imagine they'd have it down
wondering if kratom competitively binds on opiate receptors the pharmacodynamics aren't real clear on it so i can't tell i'd like to have some but i took an oxy just a bit ago for me bones i don't wanna waste it
>>384185 i'm pretty fucked up in the bones and i don't enjoy prescription painkillers very much kratom offers some pain relief for me but also anxiety relief and not-jerky stimulation it helps me not smoke alcohol or drink cigarettes as well so that's why i'm usin it
if you're askin about the plant itself, it's a mild stimulant that works on the opiate receptors (two separate features it has, not stimulating through the opiate receptors) pretty calming
all these instructors keep saying stuff about how if you are unsafe, have an accident, what happens to your family, spouse, children, and I feel left out.
i die, people get sad and get money and their lives dont get ruined. all these married people with children and responsibilities around me
Yeah I know how that feels. So much of institutionalized accident security is tailored for people whose families are dependant on them not dying for well-being. And it feels kind of useless as someone who that doesn't apply to.
Koi...- - -...
You can get some Final Fantasy gear and a Chocobo mount in Assassin's Creed Origins. I wasn't even expecting this until I did the quest that gets you it.
All this criticism of it makes me really wanna watch it
Kirara 🚗
it was nothing but shock value the entire last episode was nothing but torture porn and gore for absolutely no reason someone got hit by a car in like three episodes so that wasn't fun for me but not really a quality problem i guess every episode except one, none of the tech was remotely realistic and the "warnings" were basically not even there one episode was literally nothing but someone running away from a robot dog for 40 minutes with no backstory as to why the world had ended or why there were robot dogs or anything
at least the other seasons were remotely engaging usually this one was bad enough that i told someone i gave it a 5/10 earlier and then thought about it and felt i rated it too high
Holy shit sounds like they really missed the board entirely on this season
Kirara 🚗
one episode was like "what if you killed someone and then an insurance agent read your mind to find out about an accident you witnessed so you had to kill her too?"
the last episode was so pointlessly full of torture and graphic gore and self mutilation that it made me, someone with a lot of experience with some horrible shit thanks to my fbi work, very uncomfortable
You know what's even worse than all that. Having to shower in the winter with no hot water. The fuck is going on in my house.
I am F R I G I D
Kirara 🚗
that's probably not worse than all that but still bad
No it's the worst. The WORST.
Like "I am going to willfully and intentionally cover my entire, unprotected body in a substance that is going to lower my body temperature in a few minutes in an environment that is already colder than it should be".
>>384291 I didn't know until I got innnnnnnn. And then once it started I was like "oh well I might as well just wait and see if it's just being slow to warm up today". And then once it wasn't warming up I was already wet and decided to clean up the best I can.
>>384290 don't you like test your water temperature before you get in?
>not checking your water first are you insane
>even going near a cold shower
Kirara 🚗
cold showers are amazingly good shit in the summer
>>384293 The shower is kind of old and generally doesn't go from cold to hot immediately. So there isn't really a clear indication of it not behaving as it normally would when I first get in. Combined with no hot water being an extremely rare occasion in my house, there isn't really predecence for me to assume there won't be hot water for me to shower with
Kirara 🚗
you don't know the half of it yet
Kirara 🚗
im watching this cool show now called travelers
it's about people that jumped into bodies from the future one guy jumped into the body of a junkie so now he's stuck addicted to heroin it's really interesting
Oh god it's cloud computed and just runs within the same game also
Definitely seems like something's off with my hot water. Though it doesn't seem entirely broken but everything in the house is only a fraction of how warm it can actually get.
I mean I just have so many problems with this Some of them just immersion breaking because of stuff like "Oh yeah the spit on a coffee cup contains an up-to-date copy of the person's memory, as well as their entire physical frame" Others like "Why doesn't he just exit game lmao"
>>384351 I guess everything eventually turns shit once you produce too many seasons of it
Kirara 🚗
there's an entire episode where the whole thing is "the world ended and there's a robot dog chasing me" and the entire episode is 40 minutes of someone running from a robot dog that is after her for trying to steal teddy bears from an abandoned warehouse the episode is 40 minutes long and that's the whole episode
s4 is complete trash it's all shock value and no substance to the stories
Is it like Worst thing on a TV screen bad? >>384361 Christ
Kirara 🚗
i would rather sit down and have a conversation with a guy covered in swastika tats than watch it a second time
Kirara 🚗
the entire last episode is nothing but stupid, gorey torture porn the only thing in the entire episode is torture porn
sk 🖤
Oh I'll skip that one probably
Kirara 🚗
it was so bad and overly gorey and full of self-mutilation that it made me uncomfortable even though ive seen kids in worse shape with my fbi stuff the writing in that episode wasn't even good it was nothing but an excuse for torture porn
Kirara 🚗
episode 3 was horrible too "what if technology resulted in an insurance agent finding out you're a murderer so you had to kill them too???"
>>384365 That sounds like an okay concept actually. Almost
Kirara 🚗
"and what if you also had to kill a BABY" like it's shock value bullshit
Kirara 🚗
it was stupid and bad and the tech didn't even continually work the same way through the episode
you know what they say don't let artistic integrity stop you from milking a cash cow
*no one actually says that
Kirara 🚗
it's all shock value stuff one episode is like WHAT IF SOMEONE SECRETLY GAVE YOU AN ABORTION
like fucking come on
it's hard to go for shock value when the very first episode had the prime minister sodomize a pig on national television there is barely anything more shocking than that shit
Kirara 🚗
haha that's super small time compared to what they do in the last episode
The thing is the shock value in previous seasons was a tool
Kirara 🚗
WHAT IF your boyfriend trapped your soul in a teddy bear for all eternity and you couldn't die
sk 🖤
Oh this is the Arkangel episode
Kirara 🚗
that's the only one with a warning or message but it goes completely off base from where the beginning was clearly leading it and goes for shock value again
oh yeah imats i finished xenoblade 2 it only took me 220 hours
Sounds like good value.
Kirara 🚗
>>384379 impressive im chapter 6 or 7 or something
>>384380 it's almost as much as i got out of Nioh before the DLC came out anyways >>384382 shit gets fucking real in chapter 8
and then it keeps getting realer
sk 🖤
Love too implant my child with literal mind control
sk 🖤
CORPORATE mind control
Kirara 🚗
can't watch a single show without seeing a hundred car accidents and suicides and shit now content warnings when
>>384387 "we need to out do those isis people producing their goreporn"
Kirara 🚗
>>384390 yeah it goes pretty off the message but it's kind of there
sk 🖤
Essentially the dealio is this child is now permanently on antidepressants, in effect, right? And for that matter, gonna be incapable of actually responding to a real threat
>>384398 totally and completely all the problems it should cause in that regard are completely ignored and never have any impact on where the story goes
>>384431 now? like 10 years after it stopped being relevant
I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. >>384435 I would give you three, tops. The height of its cult fascination was definitely in the heart of the indie games it inspired and the indie film stuff of Marble Hornets.
Don't forget the Slenderman murder I think it was a murder, it was the teen girl
Kirara 🚗
yeah wasn't that like 2012?
it was almost a murder the two girls left the guy alive thinking he'd bleed out and he crawled the road and was found i think he survived but im not 100% sure
>>384438 Nah, that is when it was used as good pasta and story material and then it started becoming too formative and main stream so slendy kinda died in the "spook" scene
I don't give a shit when it left your hipster neck of the woods, the height of its cult fascination was once it entered the mainstream because on the Internet that's HOW THINGS GET BIG.
and that is when it became a meme the cult phase would be the smaller phase and when it was treated "seriously" as serious as the pasta writing etc can be.
The public fascination at that time was non-existent, which is what's important to people making movies.
Kirara 🚗
it's still in the mainstream that's all that matters
Oh yeah, in the very early slenderman mythos he wasn't actually faceless per se but rather you couldn't comprehend his face the "white face" just eventually replaced that same with some minor details like hat, red or black tie and gloves
Kirara 🚗
>>384459 yeah i thought so at first but then i switched to the wrong one thinking it sounded right spelling is hard
the demogorgon was pretty spooky
I thought that was just TN saying which one he was thinking of.
>>384476 not the traditional interpretation of a mindflayer no
>>384473 that's one of the worst ones imo i may be biased by the fact that there are like three car accidents and i watched it yesterday of all days though
Reminder that mindflayers are actually humans from from the far far future that traveled back in time
Well I'd be would be a good trade for nonstop rain that turns all roads into pure ice though it has been fun just sliding my way from halfway point from the bus stop to my door on just pure downhill momentum
Kirara 🚗
coldest winter in a hundred or more years hottest summer crazy
coldest winter, hottest summer though I guess instead of freezing over with gulf stream funlandia here has just kept getting warmer
>>384490 It's almost as if scientists have been warning that increasingly ballistic seasonal temperatures is another potential result of climate change.
>>384495 Those big climate conferences never really accomplish anything except a good pr show and a might fine picture with all the big honchos posing together
Kirara 🚗
>>384494 I've heard about this, it's pretty impressive
>>384494 There's a few imperfections, AllHipHop became "Al Hiphop"
Also is it really impressive when a synthetic voice can produce a tongue-twister without getting twisted up?
Kirara 🚗
>>384497 better than nothing even if i think the impact will be minimal
>>384500 Like only countries that do give a fuck are at level, that even if they went 0% pollution, it would affect the total sum with 0,00000000000000000001% levels like us or sweden well atleast we are researchign tech into the field, maybe we can pull a profit off of that
Germany is a top contender for the worst place though >hey7 let's be more green with solar and wind power and also shut down all our nuclear power >now we just import coal energy from france and poland and actually pollute waaay more than before
>>384501 China is persuing an aggressive cleaner energy campaign and is involved in the Paris Accord. I get you like to fall back on pessimism disguised as cynicism for everything because it's cool and refreshing but it's a bit over the top to ignore that there's entities involved in the Paris Accord that, in reducing their carbon footprint will have an impact on the world.
Kirara 🚗
the paris accord is the first step towards the world working together to find solutions it may not be effective but it can be built off of countries sharing research working together to find solutions that's what we need
You got everyone on it on some level even china though they did skirt out of the financial part or something I don't remember but I do remember them bargaining some clauses off of their back and then USA the leading country goes "nah, I don't think this is agood idea"
And China and India are world leaders in advancements in solar energy, in both efficiency and affordability.
In an ideal world of mine we'd have people not be so fearful of nuclear power and we could provide a lot of power to needful areas with it. But in lieu of that, solar power is by far the best clean option. Hydro is devastating on the environment and is immensely situational, and wind power just doesn't have the oomph to scale up large enough. Solar is clean, modular, and is improving all the time.
Kirara 🚗
China is putting like 400 billion into it
china is working to make their country greener too
Solar is jsut damn expensive to produce it is afterall quite high end tech and the materials needed are expensive to mine, which makes them on short term actually quite polluting and well super expensive and even the maintenance cost is surprisingly large but still, long term it is quite cheapish form of producing power, not to mention cleanest
>>384518 The biggest issue will be the areas that become uninhabitable and the solution isn't just "eu can take them all" other countries need to bloody fucking extend a helping hand
The Bread Man is such a good writer Bread Book good book
Is that like the ant man?
>When you finish washing your hands and immediately start reaching towards an electrical plug to pull it out from the outlet and only realize mid-reach that this may not be the most ideal way of going about doing this.
>>384567 Black Flag is one of those bands that's been around for a while and the punk scene has always been anti establishment and whatever And people have been wearing the tshirts for over 30 years so its just really cliche But not as much as wearing a ramones tshirt
Also the lightinh in that picture doesn't do it justice It's a bit darker and redder
took me 4 months to slice myself a big wound huh shouldn't play around with scicssors and knives
I probably autopilot'd tonight's green Thai curry to be a bit too bok choy-y. The ratio of peppers to bok choy is really going to favour the latter. Not that it's a big deal but it is going to make the curry pretty leafy.
It's a weird build. Galeforce is cooldown 5. On a unit with 23 speed? Unless the plan is to get double attacked to charge it? Lancebreaker is a weird choice, too. Maybe he's really tanky with summoner bond.
>>384593 Yeah, distant counter would be great. He may not have a Hector to feed to Berkut. He seems to have a good atk number though, I don't think death blow is really necessary.
>>384611 not quite it's the cover of a koishi doujinshi censored by a magic the gathering card and I was going to say "wow I didn't know blue had a japanese twitter"
>>384631 I can at least understand love for male Corrin.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>384636 ok first effect is once each turn when you slap a weapon on TN you point at something and say its effects don't work while you have your weapon second effect is when you don't have any weapons on the field you can remove one of the materials used to summon TN to add a weapon from your discard to your hand
Is that really love or just bad luck
how many of you can say you spent an hour filling 400 capsules with some new age hippie drug for your mom
i'm sure you can spend an hour filling 400 capsules with some new age hippie drug for your mom but have you tried spending an hour in the bible
Getting rid of it was the only option I kept it because I thought I'd go sober for a little bit and prove to myself I was okay and I could drink again It was probably so I could sabotage myself honestly
I wish I didn't have to do it but the bottle was taunting me and this is the hardest time of the year for me and all I've wanted to do yesterday and today is get high or drunk. I'm not going to fuck everything up for a $15 bottle of rum.
I wonder is tht even good rum or not your lot alcohol prices relate no way to ours
>>384685 >that one scene where Fellini didn't recognise Kirara because she was dressed up like this and not putting on the idol airs I thought that was a cute moment
>>384712 man you dont even play it what are you going on about
I am questioning the game itself Though I guess it does suit if it also offers "pay to get stuff" option
>tfw 5.25% becomes 5* Maria
>>384714 no paying occured the measure of 3.75% isn't about what chance i had to roll the unit i wanted and not getting it, it's about how many rolls are spent in this context because it starts at 3% and escalates with so many rolls until you get a 5* unit so me saying i was up to 3.75% was an indicator of how much i rolled, not that it's ridiculous that i didn't get one at 3.75%
Yeah, the kids they put in were crappy. They should have picked better kids.
There's no WAY that's Xander's son. Why the FUCK would Xander name his child Siegbert when his sword is Siegfried
>>384720 i rolled until my pull chance was 3.75% that's quite a few rolls for free orbs this is what i'm communicating to the people who play the game and understand what that means it's not that i'm surprised 3.75% didn't get me what i wanted
>>384724 aaa now i get it so the chance got bigger per roll but how many rolls does one get then?
and still didn't get answered is paying an option like pay to get orbs or super orbs?
>>384730 yeah you can buy orbs it's not really worth it imo the amount of orbs i'm likely to spend getting a unit i want would cost just about as much as buying a fig of the unit i want
yeah it's entirely possible to play for free you can earn orbs through quests and the storyline and so forth, but you can only earn so many that way sometimes special units come out that people really want and may not get using free orbs, and they may buy orbs to get more chances at it i don't bother with it though because, while i could afford to buy some if i wanted, i would be really annoyed if i got more garbage with it
It offers you an option to speed it by by using money but you can somewaht easily accomplish it by spending time >>384739 oh right you spend money to maybe get things not get things well kidna shitty but I am comparing it to fucking western fee to pay practices where fucking 59.95 dollaroo games ALOS HAVE SIMILIAR BUT LOT WORSE systems in place
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No, it offers you an option to gamble harder by spending money
>>384738 the time spent to earn orbs is not particularly large it's more about a limit to how many quests there are that offer orb rewards so you could farm up 100 orbs in a month, let's say, and then there wouldn't really be a way to earn more if you've already completed the storyline until the next month's stuff rolls around if you're brand new to the game you can farm up just about as many as you want with the storyline on three different difficulties and the extra modes
I don't know. Spending $30 to play Darth Vader rather than playing the game sounds a lot better than ... every gacha game ever
So if it actually was decent, it would let you BUY characters outright not currency to maybe get them >>384741 except you don't buy darth vader you maybe get him
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>384742 welcome to granblue fantasy where you can occasionally buy a character of your choice as long as they aren't among the rather small selection of limiteds.
>>384741 and at this point you have even before dishing that 30 dollaroos paid like 80 dolalroos for the game
>but games still cost the same as they did 5 years ago yeah, but you get like 30% of the content for the price
just don't make content
why do people CUSTOMERS defend companies?
>>384742 i don't see what's decent about that really it would be kind of annoying it's a game about resource allocation so the characters function more as resources than anything else rolling to gather resources and using resources to earn rolls is kind of what makes it rewarding
>>384749 well yeah maybe but I say if I spend money to get things, I want to get the thing I want rather then get something so buying a currency that I can maybe get the thing I want isn't the same as buying what I want
imagine like going to a restaurant to get a pizza and you buy dominobucks which you use to roll to get a pizza and then you just get that pizza but not the pizza you wanted just a pizza
>>384750 hunger is a pretty intense drive that needs to be sated quickly collecting things is more of a subdued drive that is rewarded through being diligent and resourceful and patient it just would make the game boring
and it's not like gachas are exclusive to digital content either, merchandising has done this for a while with the surprise boxes that you don't know which figure is gonna be inside and so you buy them with your spare time and hope for the ones you want, and you engage with the community to trade and bundle and do lots of fun things that can't happen if you just plop the money out straight for the one you want
like those german eggs what are they called kinder eggs the fun in those is the collection you build over time
or you go to a car store and buy carbucks and then use those car bucks to roll a car you wanted to get a mitsubishi lancer but insted you get a toyota corola and that is what you get unless you buy big amount of carbucks again and reroll
also you can't sell yout corola bnack or refund it or anything
>>384752 just because it has happend for a while doesn't make it okay maybe if the product itself was sold that way that "buy a mystery box and maybe get what you want and maybe get actually your money's worth of items, by our standard," still doesn't make it any less predatory and gambling that it is
>>384755 and in this you're also getting the fun from beating some challenges while you earn the orbs for the rolls
also the fucking touys in them are all bullshit nowdays no 10 to 30 minutes spent trying to figure how to build it and no fucking fun gadgets or anything just latest [big child friendly movie related product figurines]
i fuckin make a tweet to someone i know who is a chaturbate model (no judging here) and some typography twitter added me // followed me and liked my tweet for it fuckin i don't get it
In my opinion if you spend money on a product, and it isn't advertising itself as outright gambling, you should always get atleast SOMETHING out of it I have no problems with gambling but gambling is supposed to be gambling >>384762 yeah but legally it isn't gambling because of bullshit laws
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but tn it's a gacha game as in haha gacha money
>>384761 oh you always get a unit when rolling you just don't know what unit you're getting all units are useful because you can use them for resources >>384764 well you get units when you're buying too but i don't think that's what you meant
Well whatever gatcha is sketchy and most likely inspired a lot of western AAA business practices but atleast it isn't as shitty as the fee to pay stuff I mean, since most games that use it are free and there is just one in game currency not freemium and premium currencies
this isn't unique to japan or new we've had business models like this since the 80s in the west even before if you've ever been to starclipper or any kind of comic and games store, they have gacha-type merchandising that's like the 10-figures-to-collect-in-all and they're only out for a season and you might end up having to buy 30+ to get all 10 of the figures which makes the collections pretty valuable
any kind of card game already is semi-gambling anyhow you buy a pack of cards and get what? something like what is the actuatyl chance of pulling that shiny holo charizard? like 0,00001%&
but the point kinda is that they weren't that accessible and kinda adverstised the risk they were making
there is a big difference to going to a store and buying a thing than clicking a button on your phone or computer game and just having more premium cash arrive to you
well yeah card games are an easier example i was thinking about figures though there are usually seasonal releases from well-known companies that might have 6-15 different collectible figures it's not about collecting all the super rares from hundreds like in pokemon cards it's just about sparing the $10 when you're out shopping with friends and want to build your collection
or rolling more loot boxes or keys to open said loot boxes
>pay money to get a loot box >pay money to get a key >get something
I sold all my pokemon cards at 1€ per cm some of those atleast in the usa are sold now in 100 dollar+ range I think even in thousands I wonder did the kid ever get anything out of them I sold them to
>>384766 I have not been to starclipper in like 15 years.
>>384781 let's fuckin go to one do they still around
I was unaware that there was even more than one. I'd been to the one by the baskin robbins and the one in the u city loop, which I thought was where it had moved
oh was it the one in the delmar loop i used to go to that, i thought it was a franchise haha
sorry that was mean i don't even know who you are a better post would have been suggesting you to make the new thread i'm a compulsive shitposter i can't help it