It started slow but we're at like half a samflam right now.
Yeah after about half a season of relatively normal SoL stuff it suddenly takes a HARD right turn and goes so far off the beaten road, I'm not even sure what constitutes a road anymore. It gets really weird.
Do you think Fish and I would enjoy where it's being crazy? We can sit through a few boring episodes if we have to.
You'd probably appreciate it but it might be a bit too deep into anime culture for Fish to get into the absurdity. But yeah if you cut to episode five you'll start on the plot arc which starts everything rolling.
I think Rat will probably kill everyone or something.
Juuni Taisen is pretty weird. It's NisiOisin but it doesn't feel like him at all. It's completely different from the other stuff he's written, with the exception of Rat who very much feels like a Nisio Isin character.
Fish noticed that in the ED around episode 5 or something, I guess. I didn't notice it and she didn't mention it until it showed Rat winning.
I kind of observed that the first two deaths matched, but it wasn't really a pattern until the third. Then it kept happening up until we momentarily went off the rails with Monkey and Sheep.
Snake was technically the first death, but he didn't show up in the ED until right before Dragon. Which is the way it was in the show, but it threw me off.
>>369127 Yeah, the order of deaths seems to register more when their body is incapable of fighting anymore. Though I guess that's still wrong since Boar was moving about as a zombie for a couple episodes.
It's all a little mixed up. I guess they just wanted to keep the brothers together.
I mean, it was a rough sort of summary of the death order. Technically Snake was dead before he was introduced, so I guess it could just be that he's an exception.
Snake died before he could do his flashbacks so it didn't count.
I really liked how well-contained each character's story was. The original material for Juuni Taisen is a single novel, so I figure it was probably one chapter to a character. Plus there's some highlight gems in there like Tiger's character story.
It's a little unsatisfying the way the overall story went, I think, but the individual episodes were pretty good with how it did each character's story.
I really liked Tiger's story. I wish we'd seen more of Ox's story, though.
I was supposed to go on a trip in October, but the hurricane totally blew that plan away. I can't survive too long without going on a trip! It's been 7 months since I left Florida! That's way too long to go without a trip.
I might be in Washington DC in April, but that's so far away. I want to go somewhere now. I think I'll really do that after Christmas. I'll just go somewhere.
One of the friends I went to Japan with is back in the country for a trip with some other friends right now. Hearing their accounts of the trip is making me wanting to go back.
>>369185 I would imagine that the Wikipedia article on whatever Digimon show she is in would have her japanese name in it. You would just need to copy it and paste it into pixiv's searchbar.
That new person who left !gSd/DIGI/6
>>369188 No need to, Skeet. I got the page already thanks to sweet Kirara.
>>369189 Okay, that's fine I gguess. But it does demonstrate that it is still laziness even though you don't know the language.
>>369195 Yes Because I did that exact thing before I learned Japanese. And I still do it with foreign words in languages I don't know. Err with google rather than pixiv
Not including work-related websites, Twitter is probably the website I use second most. err website i use second most frequently The second most frequent website I use. That sounds better.
That new person who left !gSd/DIGI/6
>>369207 how do you handle that horrible UI. Even Facebook has a better one.
I hate their mobile interface. Infinite scroll down is suffering, especially on mobile. Also they always try yo get me to use their app. Or log in Fuck that shit *to
>>369230 Rude >>369232 It shouldn't matter if he ends up liking you anyways. Trying to change yourself to make someone else like you isn't going to end well most of the time.
You betcha. When I was a kid, going to family Christmas parties, I would always gun straight for the inevitable tray of chocolate-covered fruits and nuts and end up eating probably the considerable majority of the raisins in it. Nowadays they just eliminate the middleman and give them straight to me.
That new person who left !gSd/DIGI/6
>>369246 Goitta brainwash. How do I do that. Subliminal messages in pepsi cans?
chocolate fountain with fruit tray is the best. >>369253 oh no I hope ka will be ok
>>369251 Show him a picture of a tall girl and another of a short girl. Use a tracking device to monitor where his eyes go. If he looks at the short girl, he gets shocked. If he looks at the tall girl, he doesn't. He'll quickly learn to like tall!
>>369262 Oh, you could actually save a lot of money on cocaine if you paired the cocaine administration with a clicker. Then the clicker would elicit reinforcement so you could just click the clicker every time he looks at the tall girl.
Then we can use the rest of the money on drugs for us.
That new person who left !gSd/DIGI/6
>>369263 When I was 5 I didn't even know what cocaine was. What the hell.
haha sk We're talking about how Digi wants to be shorter because the boy they like likes short girls but it'd be easier to just condition him to like taller girls.
>>369272 Yeah, but if he was taller, he'd feel like girls were shorter.
Love can totally overcome the desire for a shortstack, I think.
Yeah definitely. I unabashedly like girls shorter than me, but that's not going to stop shit if someone that works well comes along outside that limitation.
>>369290 tall girls only got long legs. That's about it.
I remember seeing some great quote about super tall people on /fit/ or something It was "Anyone over 6'6" should just jump off their beanstalk and kill themselves"
>>369220 >eb games account I never even bothered with that becuase I knew I'd never hit level 2
>>369294 Tall girls also have a nice figure. They can do the hourglass thing really well Like you don't see many short models
>>369294 Well, half of the shortstack thing is probably viable, at least.
Short girls can have long legs, too.
Yeah, but long legs on a short girl usually means a petit body frame. Which rarely coincides with the other particulars of being a shortstack.
>manhandling her tiny body
>>369296 They all but tossed their store points card at me when I was buying a game there once. And then in any EB Games store I've visited since, I think they've asked if I have the card maybe once or twice. The bookstore I frequent is more reliable in checking if I have a points card with them!
>>369325 Estradol polyphosphate is a hormone treatment that can increase breast size. It's used experimentally for breast enlargement and also used during transitions for transgender people.
>>369351 Almost straight-edge. Close enough to straight edge.
While you were doing drugs, drinking, and fucking... I mastered the blade And now in your time of crisis, you ask for my edge to help? Enjoy your barbarians >>369355 Congrats I know a guy (who is also working on a psych degree) who just had his 1 year soberversary.
>>369364 Trading one drug for a different one that has better side effects and stuff is progress Like going from being punched in the face 5 times a day to just once a day is moving on up
Iara !gSd/DIGI/6
>>369367If If you say weed, I'm gonna screech autistically.
>>369369 >>369368 If you say weed, I'm gonna screech autistically. x2
>>369379 >conflating the product and act itself with the wider culture for what purpose I don't even like weed but taking weed now and then doesn't mean someone's an EBIN420BLAZERxD memelord
>>369386 You better have not or else there will be consequences.
>>369389 I'm gonna cry, I warn you. If you smoke weed I'll weep like a fallen angel.
>>369390 MY EYES ARE BLEEDING FIRE. I did bad shit: Falling for you, falling from heaven to you and then you smoke the MARIJUANAS?! The ganja? The kush?
I wish I could listen to stuff off my phone at work. It would be nice to block out the exhausting caucophony of machinery. But the forklift we have running around the floor is electric and silent enough as is, so the manager doesn't want people plugging their ears. And I know they'd chew me out if I got caught doing that, so no dice.
>>369413 Yeah, they'd call because they were suicidal or in crisis or whatever.
Sometimes I'd play mobage, too.
>>369411 I'd listen to podcasts, music, or news when I was working my desk job a couple years back. Honestly having the lack of freedom to do something like that is one of the reasons I resent the job I'm working now.
>>369417 I fucking love spongebob memes goddamn. Who would have thought spongebob would be perfect for memes back in the day.
>>369418 A bit late to get started now. Also I've got work in the morning so it's probably best if I don't stay up to 03:00 in the morning watching shows.
>>369457 Honestly I fuck with Kikyo, Miroku is a close second though. I like Kikyo because she's a bit enigmatic. You never know what that chick bout to do next. Best ship is MirokuxSango though
>>369462 Oh yeah Sesshomaru is great too. I feel like Sesshomaru is what Sasuke SHOULD have been instead of the dumpster fire he turned out to be as a character.
I also think it's badass how he seemingly doesn't give a fuck about having one arm
he's a real fucking demon not a pussy he can hold his sword with one hand that's good enough but he learns about feelings and shit too and adopts a daughter basically good end
I don't blame Moot Working at google is way better than running 4chan He did a selfless job for 13 years and was constantly dealing with lawsuits and shit
>>369495 yeah lol shit they added 33% to our work load and didn't give us a raise or anything then at Christmas they announced they were giving us all a bonus for working so hard and it was like $25 lol
>>369494 yeah bit fifteen ausbucks are like ten ameridollars right?
I was looking at jobs the other day and some city-sourced part time work was 23.15 CAD/hour. Providing full-time shifts that would probably put me above living wage here.
Kirara 🕎
>>369494 yeah shit's bad working a stressful job like suicide hotline should at least give you a livable wage
>>369500 federal minimum wage is $7.25 there are state minimum wages that are higher sometimes Florida's minimum wage is like $8
>>369500 it rose from federal minimum wage to $7.35 here in 2012 but its pretty easy to find a job paying like 9-11/hr and in my area construction help is always needed you can make enough to afford to be poor
>>369511 Is that your Nowi? That looks like a pretty decent Nowi.
Kirara 🕎
>>369516 It sure is! With +spd lightning breath, she can have 34 speed, too which is pretty decent
i havent opened feh since animal crossing came out tbh
Kirara 🕎
you opened feh four days ago
that was to friend you on the switch lol
Kirara 🕎
haha i figured i saw it said you logged in recently and i was like what
yeah samu added me through it i think so i wanted to see if there was anyone else there can i turn off people viewing my playtime
Kirara 🕎
>Tipped employees by law are required to receive $2.13 as a base pay. Wyoming law defines a tipped employee as one who customarily and regularly receives $30 a month or more in tips.
Kirara 🕎
if they don't make $5 an hour with tips the employer has to pay the difference lol
Wyoming also has the lowest cost of living in the US.
>>369529 Wyoming doesn't have to adhere to the federal minimum wage for some reason.
>>369529 the federal guidelines for wage aren't that important most states have some power to defy federal standards to a small degree
Kirara 🕎
tons of employers just steal their employees wages too and there's really nothing anyone can do about it
my boss pays people in cash to avoid having to pay overtime lol i won't accept his offer though i dont want to work more than 40 hours if possible and j think it would make filing my taxes difficult
Kirara 🕎
i have to provide therapy for free
Kirara 🕎
and the university profits from it
Kirara 🕎
even though i pay like $35k tuition
>>369536 is that 35k for like a degrees worth of tuition >>369539 >for five years Wew How much did undergrad cost
i am gonna go to ikea to look for some cheap shit soon apparently the new ikea they built here is only one floor sounds like a colossal waste of space and time
I like the food at IKEA even though it's the most basic shit ever
i'm not a fan of swedish meatballs and plain hot dogs but my sister likes their stuff too i mainly just like looking at furniture arrangements it stimulates the brain and creativity interior decorating is fun
too bad you need fucking money and a nice house to do it for fun can you even get paid well to do it
Samu 💪 !KW2DbpWwls
help me decorate my place
okay but i am broke as hell can i live on your sofa
The worst part is that it was after I went to the bathroom and finished washing my hands So the toilet seat was down This is going to be a pain to clean up in the morning
>>369616 >not just spitting the chunks out and taking another swig of whiskey i bet you still have most of your brain intact too nerdo
Anyways I just put a bunch of paper towels down and opened the window and turbed the fan on This is of course in addition to all the vomit that made it into the toilet that I had flushed
what the fuck dude you arent going to clean it up?
I am But I can't right now I'll throw up again if I try
huh i usually can't vomit for some time after i do idk i clean it up asap because its super gross
Well I don't know how much I would have left to throw up But I'd certainly retch And that can be really painful It was more painful today than I can ever recall it feeling
oh yeah, i might dry heave that happened to me in vegas lol thank god the only guy that saw me like that was clg
But now I want to talk about other things to distract myself from how awful I feel
want to talk about trains planes and plantains
i do not know about trains or plains but plantains can be fried and drizzled with honey to make a pretty good confection
Oh I thought you meant "Planes Trains and Plantains the story of Oedipus"
i only used those three because i remembered the rhyme from that fake ass essay
I'm not going to chew it I'm going to let it melt in my mouth
i was making an allusion to smoking methamphetamine gomen they call it ice here but might just be a regional thing
they call it ice in Oz too
Though Rei is straight edge so he might not be down with the lingo
i don't smoke meth either but ive heard people use it plenty of times it is a pretty big problem in my metro area about as bad as opiate usage in most other cities
still less deaths iirc but more related criminal activity
Our media call it that too, they labelled it as the "ice epidemic" I think the actual percentage is small compared to other things but it does a lot of damage
Uggh I'm starting tofeel worse again I really don't want to
Do you want to talk about Planes trains and automobiles
>>369645 okay i saw a three wheeled motorcycle that seats two people side by side recently its called a spyder i think and was made legal a couple years ago in my state
>>369655 that's p cool I'd like to take someone out on that
>>369643 the percentage here is relatively high compared with other schedule II drugs but it would be hard to top fatalities due to opiate overdose in the US. >>369657 yeah i wish i coulda gotten a better look at it but i was at work it looked really cool though. let me see if I can find a picture online.
there we go. same color too. funny that the best quality of image came from a site reporting on how it wasnt street legal. it changed the year afterwards.
>>369668 maybe shaq's xl slingshot would be more your speed
its actually not too much shorter than contemporary sports cars, 52" vs the chllenger and mustang at 59" and 57" a difference of like 15-20cm i believe it seems like the seats sit low in the chassis compared to other cars and the ground clearance is quite small, so i can see it being a safety issue vs exceptionally tall vehicles probably not something you want to be on a busy highway in, or near an 18-wheeler
to be honest though being in anything except an armored truck is a safety hazard here people do some dumb shit
It almost looks like you could fall out if you took a corner too fast and hard
>>369671 well yeah it is a motorcycle they have a bunch of warnings on their site about wearing a full helmet and protective leathers
it has seat belts at least so you're probably significantly safer in it than on a hayabusa or something
>>369674 the miniscule ground clearance charms the latinas though
and probably provides some additional benefit in improving handling and preventing such a light vehicle from flipping over and killing the shit out of you
>>369680 IS not the ice our roads just arenät built for that kind of driving and speeds they aren't ment to be flat surfaces, they are ment to be surfaces for cars that are flat enough cause if you really want to build a road that is bumb free, doesn't take frost damage et al. You'll need to dig up 2 metres of dirt away and replace it with specially layered sediments to keep the water from building up and freezing over and even that is maybe 50 year solution at max and still doesn't remove just the plain old "winter tire" damage to roads or just plain weather damage to the asphalt
>>369682 makes much more sense now that you explained in more detail cold weather is really not an issue of much concern with our roads and most near the major cities in the metroplex are in pretty good condition there is some severe damage around the poorest areas still but that might change in 5 or 10 years. my major concern would be avoiding drunk drivers that literally cannot see you in their ford f150 they jacked the suspension up on >>369685 i guess it must be nice to have the kind of money to waste on such luxuries
So whenever I see someone driving around with a sports car with low ground height I am all "so what do you do with a car you can use 3 months tops in the end?"
"and only on the main roads"
i'm not sure i would do the same even if i did have the money to waste though 3 months of use a year is not a lot of time to enjoy it
Besides, i wouldn't get a car whose average speed cranks up to something like 200-300 when using the top gears unless I lived in germany, where THERE ARE NO SPEED LIMITS on the main roads t
there are few places to get up that high here and going any higher than 135kmh on an open road is not legal anywhere but you can still do it on some less busy stretches towards the arid area of the state if you are willing to risk getting deemed an unsafe driver the cops are able to pardon you for excessive speed if you are driving "safely"
about 5km speeding gets you basic fine, 5-10 gets you hmm I think 20 day fine and beyond that you risk jailtime, losing license temporarily/permanently and a crime register
on the train home. no work today
>>369690 here you generally do not get pulled over for speeding unless you are going more than 10 mph over the posted limit though if you are speeding in a low speed area you can get ticketed for as little as 5mph you get fined around 150 bucks and they give you a couple points against your license but you cannot lose it immediately unless you combine it with Dui and reckless driving (which is a separate crime that doesnt require you to be going too fast)
There are limits written to law and excessing them without a good reason, say driving downhill, will always without exception result in a fine and punishment as listed law is not brokered and discussed with the police, the police deal the law as it is written and dictated and you can then argue your case in the courts.
the law is actually written like that haha its not il illegal to be doing 70 in a 60 if everyone else is doing similar or the road is empty and free of hazards if you are going like 65 on the highway the cops cant ticket you for speeding by the state law it's “at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing.”
That is why some foreigners get rowdy here they think they can argue or discuss their case but if cop pulls you over or approach you for disorderly behaviour or something bam that is it and you resist, you get just additional "resisting arrest" laid out for you at the worst, though rarely happens unless actual bodily harm etc was done
also you can't drive away from cops they don't need to catch you they just write down your register plate, and snap a pic with their onboard camera and then they can just mail the fine to you
>>369695 it was certainly jarring when we got pulled over in georgia for going around 70 on an empty highway having spent most of my life with no absolute limit i thought it was bull shit but im not gong // going to argue with the police. I don't want to get the shit beaten out of me
the most you can do when faced with an unfair ticket here is argue you were being safe enough in court and get the charge dropped anyways, trying to persuade the police just makes you look more criminal
>>369696 they do this with driving through red lights here mainly
those fines arent so bad and dont count against your license though just gotta make sure you dont absent mindedly do it because they have red light cameras fucking everywhere
Or the bullshit system EU now forced us >need to renew license every so years odd thank god I was born early enough to get a lciense that is valid untill I turn 75
>>369701 well, the points accrue with minor violations and end up with you paying a pretty hefty fine for 3 years if you get too many. more serious breaches of law like DUI result in immediate fines and potential license suspension.
If you really want you some 1st world problems, you just need to read the rich whining about their 100k€ fines for speeding or DUI-ing, well... if your 30 day income or 60 day income is 100k AFTER TAXES and LIVING EXPENSES THE FUCK ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT?
if i drive drunk and crash my car they would fine me like 2 months of my wage lol
here anything higher from the "slap on the wrist" fines, which are 20-200 are court procedured "day fines" which is X day income, where day income i calculated your income - taxes - basic life expenses = amount you need to pay so if you say earn 3000 before taxes in 20 days, you pay something like 1500 in fines for 20 day fine tax and if you earn 300k in 20 days, well you pay something like 200k in fines for a 20 day fine tax equal punishment for everyone, as in equally punishing Sure on paper and face value fining someone 200k and someone 2k for the same crime seems harsh but actually the dude who got 200k fined, is more likely to be able to throw that amount of cash around much easier than someone getting a 2k fine
>>369702 it's like this here too. I haven't had to renew yet though, they last for like 7 years i think. the most annoying part of it all is having to go to the fucking dmv honestly
And we already see the "if everyonew as fined same sum" problem with parking fines the big rich don't care jackshit if they get a pile of 60€ fines on their windshield that is literally "small change" for them, that they can use for ammo to toss at seaguls
>>369707 sounds reasonable to me but im sure there are plenty of people with power to oppose such a logical system
>>369710 Doesn't stop the rich from whining about the country hating success, but it doesn't it just is treating everyone equally, in a bit weird way, but in the end everyone gets the proprotionally samea mount of hammer from the strong arm of law. If you are big and stronk, you get the sledgehammer if you are small and wimpy, you get babyhammer but you still get a bloody good whack at your head nonetheless.
here it usually goes the other way around the rich and powerful get away with all sorts of gruesome shit by using our highly profitable justice system and their power to throw money around
>>369710 But the beautiful thing is, if you actively oppose the system, you will get labeled as "rich scum fuck" and that kills your pr permanently You can't buy elections here afterall. Or even politicians that easily. They did manage I don't know did it come to effect or is it still n the planning, but change the lower end of the fining system and raise the amount of crimes and misbehaviours covered by the "basic fines", bullshitting it with "well it will save the state money on bureaucracy and adminstration" as day fines do need to go through the juridical system, while a cop can just write a basic fine on the spot.
The logic is solid, but it will still end up punishing the least well doing people more for the same crimes and the more well doing less. I am of the opinion that save for petty crimes and misbehaviours, all fines should be under the "day fine" system.
>>369713 it does seem a bit cruel to the lowest income bracket, but utilizing the proper channels to levy a small fine probably costs the court i suppose
>>369714 day fine is in essence a small court case against you basic fine is just written bill by the state for you, which you can turn into a court case
If you ask me, the dayfine system should just be made more efficient is not like the state hasn't been REDUCING POLICE BUDGET EVERY YEAR since like 2006 asswhores
that's a better solution than limiting the use of a more fair system but i cant comment too much because i dont know the state of affairs in finnish politics
That is why everyone just went" well this is some big rich dudes lobbying the prime ministerial party" instead of buying into their bullshit as the state here never NEVER actually fired bureaucrauts or administrator s well not really never, but government actually cutting unnecessary bureaucracy just never happens tehy do cut services but paperpushers never
haha paperpushers... paperspinners penpusher is the english one
maybe the paperpushers are pushing the pink slips away
Asshats playing into their own pockets and EU are ruining our country and those two groups are also the one and the say >>369723 the finnish word is "paper spinners" though it actually would translate to something like "paper loopers" as in, your paperwork just gets looped around the different government facilities and offices andw hatnots forever, with nothing actually happening
>>369720 they say pencil pusher here a lot i think thats kind of stupid no beaureaucrat worth
dropped no beaureaucrat worth his salt uses a pencil for anything they are warriors wielding their mighty pen and personalized stamp
Maybe I will infiltrate the government become the key paper pusher no paper gets pushed into action unless it goes by me I WILL BE THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT THE DEEP STATE
>>369728 what if the other pen spinners avoid pushing the paper too you and you get fired for not circulating enough paper?
man would that be a motivation to be a dictator >I took over the country so I could be dethroned and proper democracy restored >gotta treat people to some bad tasting medicine every now and then
Seriously, imagine reading through some really awful dictators journals and memorials to find that kind of pondering and being openly disgusted by your actions yet keeping it up so that people remind that the tree of liberty needs to be fertilized with the blood of tyrants
also I bet they would be never released truly censored
maybe someone has done that and we just didn't get the chance to understand
>>369740 But he never really let it, untill the end, affect his big decision making. and his paranoia was most likely an actual mental illness oh and he was temperate so temperate, that people at times didn't want to give him bad news in fear of getting punished for it He was the "shoot the messenger" type to blow up and immediately find a target for his frustration and then actually make a calm and solid decision later after cooling down. Being aware that you have temper is the key to know you need to get it out of your system, before actually acting upon it.
i suppose a dictator without such characteristics wouldn't be much of a dictator rather more like an emperor
Yeah I think those kind of qualities are what make people strong and also oppressive leaders people who don't have that drive to push down others, usually end up just as strong leaders without that dictator or tyrant part.
>>>/watch?v=WUlPNWDvk-c makes you bit sad when you always read or listen or watch about the christmas truce knowing that on both sides, the slow grind of war would continue for four more years.
And over what? a dead austrian prince and blind imperialistic ambitions with no side winning nothing in the end not even enough land to bury their dead.
Also I should see if there is a mod that allows unlimited warfare in Stellaris fucking "make epace without full annexation" or "can't terror bom b a planet to extinction" or shit like that how is that a space game if you can't go full Death Star on a planet?