nevermind. i fixed it now it's connected to something I can recover it later. I also got like 3 5* just now I rolled each banner and got a 5* from each. None of the focus characters though I got a Leo, Roderick and Lute AND WITH LEO THE CAVALRY BLADE TRIANGLE IS COMPLETE
Also did they ever improve the ssytem from HM? the floating thing just... is annoying Really fucking hard to combochain or juggle or anything when some moves blow the enemy up and some down not to mention dodging shit when it works like a bloody rubber band didn't like it at all
I was putting new sheets on my bed yesterday and my hand slipped and I accidentally punched my alarm clock. I punched it kinda hard, it broke the skin in two places.
>flying spaceship with kbm AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I need more brandy also is it immoral to drink brandy that was technically a christmas present before christmas?
This alarm clock is actually super good. It flashes a really bright light a minute or two prior to the alarm going off. That usually wakes me up and I don't have to hear the buzzer.
WHO MADE THIS PORT fuck I want to use a cfucking CONTROLLER
>>369861 I don't have one of those but sometimes I wake up before my alarm anyway It's nice because I can catch up on the internet and then have time to spare as a result.
>>369872 Jan recently got a tablet that he's really happy with. The one he got is a newer version of the one I've had for four years and have been pretty happy with. I don't really know a lot about them in general, though.
>>369872 they're like a phone except bigger but less like a phone You can do stuff more like a phone but kind of like a laptop a little bit They're probably useful especially since they'd be able to watch things on a screen bigger than a phone but in a slightly more conveniently size than a laptop
And should you choose to get an ipad like some sort of apple person I noticed things looked really nice on it at least. >>369876 Sometimes knowing what something is and understanding what something is are different.
>>369874 I'm wondering what the specs are liek that I should get. How much RAM does an average phone have? I have a galaxy s7, how much ram does that have?
>>369877 I'm looking for an android tablet I think.
Phones do not have a lot of ram, but I wouldn't know exactly. I just know from my iOS programming course that you have to be careful and constantly deallocate memory when you aren't using it with your apps.
seriously? That's a lot. I guess my course was a bit on the outdated side. We were taught uh... what was it now whatever apple was using before Swift. And now there's like Swift 2.
The RAM on the Tab is probably enough for her, then.
Jan said that his (which has 1.5gb or 2gb of ram or something) runs games about as good as his phone or better, and handles websites packed with ads pretty well.
man i hadn't even been thinking of christmas it's right around the corner sheesh i wish i could get my mom something nice we'll be doing giftless christmas though
Christmas snuck up it doesn't even feel like it's Christmas
>>369906 Probably. I know it can run stuff like FGO, too. And Starlight Stage.
My Tab E 8 has served me well for about four years. It's kind of slow now, but that's something that happened in the last few months. I've been using it as my work/school device for taking notes and writing papers throughout grad school until just recently when I got a laptop.
I'd be comfortable recommending it or a newer Tab.
One problem with my Tab is that it's stuck on Android 5.1.1 so it doesn't get the newer Android security updates and stuff.
>>369923 Oh, I dunno. I might just have better amazon search skills because I make so many purchases through Amazon. I'm not sure how to explain what I did to find it.
>>369926 Some of the Logitech bluetooth keyboards are pretty good. I've never had any problems with them.
Whatever I needed, generally. Clothes, books, computer accessories, software, food, games, clothes. oh i said clothes twice I don't really buy that much clothes through Amazon, though.
candles, knives, camera accessories, a VR headset, a monocular telescope, soap, shampoo, a paper shredder, a clothes iron, badge reels, melatonin, batteries, plant pots, a bookshelf, shaving gel, electric razors, an epilator, a home waxing kit, a shoe rack, a standing mirror, a body fat caliper, a scale, a delicates bag, moisturizers and other skin care stuff and some secret stuff
>>369936 What if they were really good purchases and very cost-conscious ones presumably they'd also have your bank info to make sure that they're not spending what you can't afford
I ate some saltines Hopefully I can keep them down
i need a professionalism assistant who can help me do professional things like establish a business entity to be legally recognized and to do things like interface with companies to engage their business and how to do that kind of hard stuff or a business mentor
especially how to make initial contact for services that a company won't have an RFP out for because they dont even know it's a service they need how do i propose when they're not requesting a proposal all the stuff is just really daunting and keeps me from working towards it it's hard to want to write up a formal proposal for something i dont know how to logistically move
Also Pick a better story >we were forced to do this because of mind control chips or >What I remember about the rise of the Empire is ... is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order Sixty-Six came down, and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word.
>>369955 I think the second is more interesting regardless of canon
>>369953 he actually made a list above just scroll up
>>369957 just post the link to that particular post
>when you could have just remade the original battlefront 2 and gained million bucks without any dlc, lootbox and other bullshit >but you instead chose to BULLSHIT being EA
>>369963 seriously everyone who played bf1 and 2 would have bought just a HD remake of that game for full price not to mention a fucking well done remake of the game instead of EA
uh, I don't remember. I need to play some of that too, I just haven't had time to really sit down and enjoy it. I think it's the kind of game best played in long sittings.
i finally arrived in indol last night haha all of the other areas are 5* development now though i hope ill actually complete the game before MHW comes out. There is probably a lot of post game content to mess around with. >>369975 I have 110 hours.
>>369984 Not that many. I do field affinity things but I just let everything else unlock naturally. I do side quests if they look interesting or don't seem like a lot of trouble but a lot of them seem like too much work.
>>369983 Wow, you accused me of something because of your mistake! I don't think I've ever called you dude.
>>369985 i only have 2 million as well haha ive done every side quest and merc mission ive found did you run into the core crystal thieves in torigoth?
no wait the one im thinking of started in argentum
Samu 😘 !KW2DbpWwls
tfw still not allowed to trade BCH
>>369987 i dont think so. i just bought some info from some vendor and it caused an event in an alleyway in torigoth, near the market. you get attacked by twin blades and then morag gets the imperials to help you catch them.
That's pretty funny. At college there was this one parking space near a building I had classes in that you never wanted to park under. It had a tree over it. It was a weird tree and all its branches kinda just went over that one parking space. If you parked there, birds would poop all over your car. So that was always the last parking space to go and you only parked there if you were running late and the parking lot was full.
And that is simply because >one shot any hero >one shot any unit >2-5 shot any tank their main weapon is just so IMBA of course it takes 5 seconds or more between any shots but that fucking shot has RANGE and anything and it doesn't lose its deadliness with atleast 50 metre range it is like bazooka but 1000% faster and your unit can fucking FLY
>>370007 The Pentagon says aliens are real and that there was a 22 million dollar program from 2002 to 2012 to investigate UFOs. They're saying they recovered alien alloys from a UFO event which are unknown to man and have "amazing properties". They're stored in a facility outside Vegas.
maa ii ka I enab led streaming if anyone wants to watch me suck at BF2 classic steam stream stuff >>370008 I think this was already proven to be a hoax
>>370008 YES I can understand 2 million a year program to identify UFOS because fucking hell people invent military vessels that defy logick all over the time but Aliens HAHAHAHAHHA HAHAHAHHA
HAHAHAHHA HAHHAHAHA HAHAHHA HAHHA AHAHAH AHAHHA AHAHAH AHAHAH AHAHAH AHAHAH AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH>>370011 so what happened to that "official government report" and "former nasa report" and "former whatever report" and so on and so on
Kirara 🕎
>>370009 ????? it's an official government report...
>>370008 Oh yeah, I remember reading the thing about the government investigation into UFOs from 2002 to 2015. I didn't read the thing about alien alloys.
But the thing about the headline that really made me wonder was why would it be cancelled in 2015? If they found proof of aliens you'd think they probably wouldn't have ended the program.
Kirara 🕎
>>370010 what are you even talking about the report was released by the Pentagon along with videos
I kinda assumed it was a thing where the craft was ours but the left hand didn't know what the right was doing. And it took 13 years for them to figure out that it was our craft.
Kirara 🕎
>>370012 They said they didn't have funding anymore. The videos the Pentagon released are pretty spooky.
>>370027 There are three videos and the objects in them move in ways known aircraft cannot and do weird rotations and also change their heat signatures.
>>370028 They're saying that an alien aircraft left alien alloys. As in alien alloys from space people.
>>370029 I can blast you with 200 videos of "objects moving like our aircraft can't" most of those are just wacky natural explanations and that is that
>>370029 Yeah, the TR-3B is supposed to be some kinda anti-gravity craft that can do crazy stuff. It's kind of one of those conspiracy theories that it even exists. There's lots of footage of crafts like that though. It's a triangle with four lights on the bottom.
WHAT everyou say before my fucking own sources confirm this before I get also that my government confirms this I won't fucking believe anything that is said here or anywhere else because this just reminds me of the fucking "mars invades"
>>370030 ok but this is video released by the us military and that's different from YouTube shit
>>370031 The videos show different objects. Only one of them is triangular. And if it is the TR-3, the military wouldn't be releasing video of it and claiming it's a UFO. They'd just do something fake that you won't think is a US aircraft.
im going to go and grab my popcorn now
it all makes so much more sense when you remember that the term ufo doesn't have to refer to ayyys
I like conspiracy theories like that. I like the theories where the nazis built UFO like crafts but couldn't get them working quite right, and then we stole all the nazi scientists and used them to develop stealth craft and who knows what else.
>>370033 Well, it's also kind of a weird way for the government to release info about aliens being a thing that exists. I think it's just as likely that a group in the government doesn't know what is going on with experimental aircraft and releasing info about it.
And like you said >>370040 The UFO has been using aliens as a cover for the development of experimental aircraft for a long time.
Kirara 🕎
>>370037 that's actually verifiable historical fact >>370038 google it
>>370039 I don't know, I think it's more likely to be a trick. Assuming we recovered alien alloys with "amazing properties", we wouldn't be releasing that we built special facilities to store them outside Las Vegas unless we were inviting global scientists to come see them.
On a somewhat related note, I also like conspiracy theories where the nazis built UFOs and went to go live on the moon after they lost. Stuff like that is cool.
>>370037 yeah that's not a conspiracy there are conspiracies that stem out from that but those aircrafts you're talking about in this post are a thing they had them, we had them, and everyone had things more interesting than that at the time too that weren't even thought of as a big deal like the manned hover gun things from snake eater
UFO research I will buuy because that bloody lickely means 100% of times actual enemy state shit but "alien shit" hahahaha name your shit better alien in our minds means extra terrestial and so far NOTHING is extra terrestial
>>370069 Yeah, there's probably a plane with that pattern of lights.
There's probably no TR-3. The alleged TR-3 is actually alien conspiracy stuff, that it's reverse engineered alien tech. Which is the only way what it can allegedly do is possible.
>but what about the finnish media well for example finnish media was the first one to say a damn thing about the afghanistanian invasion when soviet union did it and after that we have been credited to be MOST NEUTRAL MEDIA EVER
Took a sleeping pill Sleep Soon
>>370071 i get really grated when people mention reverse-engineering alien tech like oh man i don't know how people could come up with that so it must be stolen tech
>>370075 to be fair, if there was a plane that could go mach 9 and stop on a dime without killing everything inside, it'd have to be alien tech
>>370083 no YOU think for a second my sources are CLEARLY conspiracy theorists that i think are crazy im just talking about what people say about these things
>>370082 think about this for a minute think about your sources can you copypaste them? can you relocate them are they on youtube, twitter anywhere else and then again rethink about them >>370082 if we were in the same room you would have gotten soem breathing problems for about 23 seconds
>>370082 Or sufficiently advanced Earth technology (magic)
>>370071 It doesn't have to be aliens. I'm sure we've developed lots of crazy technology.
>>370082 the VTOL crafts kept blowing up a ton of shit including the R&D team there's some probably not true reports of deers that they flew above just spazzing out and disintegrating
Kirara 🕎
>>370085 there's no way in hell we have developed tech that can go mach 9 and stop on a dime without killing everyone inside unless you're claiming >>370084 the government has magic
It could be a UAV with cryonically frozen people inside
>>370084 we should make a Sufficiently Advanced Technology: The Gathering
>>370087 Well, I'm not a scientist or anything, but it's the sudden change in inerta and the fact that people are squishy that would kill people in that situation. If you were able to dampen the inertia with science they would be fine.
>>370089 Yes There's already a Science the Convergence though.
Kirara 🕎
>>370090 yes if you had magic, you could make it work
>>370095 Yeah but I don't know science! Well, not that kind of science.
Kirara 🕎
>>370097 im not saying the tech is impossible im saying we don't have it now
you were just the other day claiming that metal gear is weird because they have nanomachines in the 80s and now you're claiming we have tech like this in 2017
>>370098 i like when matthewmatosis was reviewing snake eater and complaining about the immersion being broken with the floaty guns and that there's a stretch already with the nanomachines in the 80s, but to be putting manned hovercraft guns in the 60s just ruins the immersion and was a bad decision by hideo and then people had to point out to him it was a thing it's interesting what tech people do or don't think is possible, and sometimes it's stuff we've had forever
>>370098 Yeah, metal gear is pretty weird. It's weird if we have crazy spacecraft too. but maybe we do The government sure does spend a lot of money on military stuff.
Kirara 🕎
>>370100 you were just talking about how incompetent the government is and you expect them to be able to hide like a hundred years of technological progress
Well, UFOs have been showing up near air bases for decades now.
I don't really know that aircraft that can stop on a dime or whatever exist though. Just that whatever the TR-3B is seems like it may exist since there are lots of videos of that pattern of lights flying around in the sky.
Kirara 🕎
if the TR-3 exists then planes that can stop on a dime exist because that's what it allegedly does in some of the videos
>>370105 Maybe the reports of what it is capable of are exaggerated a bit!
Kirara 🕎
>>370108 they must be exaggerated to the point that the TR-3 as we know it does not exist then it would be a completely different aircraft from the one we're talking about if it were toned down enough to be realistic
>>370109 i don't know. I think it possible that the government does have things that defy common sense.
Kirara 🕎
>>370110 I don't understand how you can simultaneously believe the government is so incompetent that they'd release a video of their own aircraft and call it a UFO and that the government has tons of common sense defying tech of which no actual evidence exists you can't have the government be incredibly competent and incredibly incompetent at the same time
>>370111 I don't think they are contradictory beliefs. I think people are generally clever but stupid.
I mean just look at me. I'm good at some things, but I'm also the kind of person who accidentally punches her alarm clock while changing the sheets and bleeds for awhile. People are clever and can come up with nice things, but are prone to terribly lapses in judgment and making stupid mistakes.
A single person being smart and doing dumb things is totally different from thousands of people working together for decades to create highly advanced technology which is secret while also simultaneously releasing videos of that technology because they mistakenly believe it's a UFO.
Lots of technology has. Not technology that's 50+ years ahead of the rest of the world. And the tech that was kept under wraps doesn't involve thousands of people over decades and decades who also post videos of that technology online.
Well, it's not like it was particularly well-kept. There have been lots of UFO sightings since around the time they started picking apart German technology and developing the stealth bomber and the flying wings and whatnot. I mean it's so poorly kept that a bunch of weebs on the internet know about it like it's common sense.
What's clever with all that is how well they diverted all the attention on that stuff with the alien cover story.
>>370115 controlled release of information sometimes involves measuring social reception with little test bits
Kirara 🕎
>>370117 and that's a different circumstance from this >>370116 oh come on they're not hiding advanced tech if everyone knows about it how can we have an incredibly poorly kept secret that is actually secretive enough to hide decades of technological advances
>>370118 This is a "this is this and that is that" situation. It's kind of like how we've invented really cool prosthetics that people can control by thinking like it's a normal arm, but we still kill people by marking the wrong things on their charts and giving them the wrong drugs.
>>370119 It's totally not like that. There's a difference between that example and what we're talking about.
You're trying to argue the existence of a magic plane that can break the known laws of physics because there are some videos of a weird aircraft with lights in a triangle.
>>370122 That's true, anything could exist. Most people have trouble living in a perpetual state of simultaneous open-mindedness and skepticism, though! Not me though!
Anyway, I know it's just a crazy conspiracy theory. I think that if these craft do exist and can do the things that pilots describe them doing, that they're probably man-made rather than piloted by aliens, though.
>>370118 is it? if we're talking about development, i don't know why it has to matter if it's attainable at this time like the aurora would have been outrageous for the time but it could be caught up now with modern tech advances, and it wouldn't be strange for some R&D to be going on that would have stuff in development if the circumstances are different because you're specifically talking about the TR3 then i guess i mistook the conversation for being about a topic
>>370123 Well, yeah. The chances of this stuff being true is very low.
>>370124 It matters whether or not it's attainable at this time because we're arguing whether or not something exists at this time. We're specifically talking about the TR-3.
>>370125 That's all I was saying in the first place! If they do exist they're made by people and not aliens. I think the idea that aliens show up to Earth just to fly laps around fighter jet pilots to be a kinda fantastical one.
>>370125 it looked like you were talking about how tech could possibly be developed then accidentally leaked that seems like a more general thing than just the tr3
>>370135 There's this thing called the EME engine or meme engine if you're one of the cool kids that works by running microwaves or electronics over the engine or whatever, and it produces really cheap thrust.
>>370142 do you know about the casimir effect and the ability to have negative energy pressure? it's neat and all, but in order for that energy to be used for work, you'd have to have it act against something, so pull the two plates apart, which takes the same amount of energy, so it can never be usable
em drive isn't negative energy but it's the same concept it can't generate thrust, through the mechanism of action it describes is real the folly is the plan to use such mechanism to generate thrust
Oh, it looks like it was tested in space in 2016 and the thrust was still crappy. It looks like the scientists said they need to figure out how to scale it up for it to be useful.
>>370154 I like the EM drive because it's nice and clean!
That thing that nukes itself is too ridiculous to be practical.
>>370157 the kugelblitz? there's some that are feasible without exploding suns of energy or negative energy there's just some longer buildup time, but it's not as ridiculously long as we'd think >>370156 paralyzed not too good
>>370158 No, the thing I'm thinking about is that really old design that rides nuclear explosions. The one with the piston in the back and it drops nukes behind itself and rides the nuke.
>>370160 oh yeah it drops the blasts behind it and gradually boosts that's a shitty idea because of the cargo alone ion thrust is essentially the same but just with tiny single ions instead of nukes
i dipped out on physics so i probably really shouldn't be spreading my opinions with any credibility anyway rei's tbh probably more diligent in the field than me
anyway, if we can talk about real science here for a second i just want to take a moment to remind everyone that the earth is flat and any "UFOs" if there are such things are either angels or demons
>>370173 Next time you're in an airplane take a close look and you'll see there's no curvature. Satellites aren't real and neither are the pictures of Earth NASA shows you. Trust me on this, I read it online.
>>370182 Yeah, the airplane windows are actually slightly curved which can create the appearance of a curvature at certain angles even when there shouldn't be a curvature.
You can see a curvature on top of a mountain, though.
>>370178 I don't remember the earth being a giant dead robot in eva >>370177 I don't think I'll be respected in the guard Cannon fodder isn't highly respected is it?
>>370186 >>>/watch?v=Rh898Yr5YZ8#t=5m45s where this starts at should have about 30 or 40 seconds of content giving a decent explanation if you want, from someone more well-versed than me
>>370186 I like to take pictures from airplanes and the tops of hills and post them on Twitter and claim that there's no curvature even if there is one. Especially if there shouldn't be one at the altitude I'm at.
I recently made a tweet claiming that every culture in human history except NASA believed in flat earth and it got a bunch of retweets. It scares me that some of these people will believe such ridiculous things when I try hard to make it obvious satire.
>>370194 Yeah, it's really fascinating. Some of these people really lose it, though. Flat Earth twitter is convinced that the California fires are caused by lasers shot by NASA drones at houses. A lot of them are anti-vaxxers, too.
So even though it's an interesting commentary, they're kind of dangerous.
>>370200 You know what's funny? The whole Meijin persona is a tribute to a real life dude Meijin Kawaguchi is a real person it's great
>> >>370205 I love that the dramatic reveal is just Tatsuya being chuuni He's so cool
>>370200 I think it's interesting commentary on a larger scale than that. It's the kind of thing that really makes you think. You only know that there are California fires because someone told you, or you watched the news that someone put together. I mean, you can't really trust anyone, so how do you know it's not just propaganda or something?
Back before modern times people didn't really need to know much more than what they could go and see or hear. So maybe it's a regression caused by the times.
>>370209 At least some of the battleogue shorts were cool Like the one where they get the Ai Ribbons to fight Ai Char Or the one with the Renato brothers are larping with gunpla and Tatsuya brings in a giant PG Exia for shits and giggles
>>370209 This fight is so fucking cool So much passion and energy to it All of the meijin fights are really good But Bloodhounds is the best
>>370211 Doesn't it really make you think? Kind of like how the people in 1984 thought they were at war with the other countries even though all they really did was sit there.
>>370214 It doesn't really make me actively think, no. Those are all things I've thought about a lot a long time ago and this stuff doesn't bring anything new to the table to think about it. I have a passive awareness of what you're talking about, though.
>>370214 There could be a war in 1984 It just doesn't need to be
>>370214 hahamph the war was there people died but the point is that the war ever shifted between that one enemty or the other the war was real >>370220 No that one guy who tormented winston kinda confirmed it
>>370224 Well, they actually think the world might be flat because there are many scientific experiments that people can do to "prove" it. They're willing to believe that "evidence" because they can be skeptical about what you're talking about, though. That skepticism allows flat earth thought but it's not why they have flat earth thought.
>>370233 It bloody hell does but it paints even shittier picture of the world, when you think about that all the three big powers of the world actually deal in the same business of fake war and fake alliances and fake shit in all forms
>>370232 that guy who allegedly before was in the rebellion and then tortutered winston gave him 2 major points of information *3 1) there once was indeed the "counter revolutionaries" 2) he was part of the group that wrote the book of "counter revolutionaries" that winston read 3) other countries did exist
The bullshit was Ailas whole character arc Playing for real and for fun without allowing others to use her like a tool She might have lost the battle but in the end she was far happier for it
>>370250 She won the most important thing Our hearts
Let this game begin Watch, my children watch me You've all com to die FOr this battle is lost, Lost Losing their minds, Losing their souls Hush, now hush We don't talk we don't care anymore I will seal every door!
We don't care anymore! I summon the Nine now confirm the alignment can I get through?
Now round and round we all shall lose ground Nor praise, I'm the one We will never fear, we will never fear , we will never feat hem again! Oh an here comes the son, the SOOOOON! He's gone with the shadows along with the stars No more gords, no more lies!
No more gods, no war, we'll be free here, we are one, our will is strong!
No more lies and no more tyrants, it all becomes real when the sealing is over
Say goodbye my friend, here's yours promised end Be a part of the GRAND PARADE along we're driven on and on it's a grand parade we're one, we're so sorry to say: it's all the same, you will see ON THIS GRAND PARADE
>>370275 GM sniper was so cool it got to damage a fancy mobile armour instad of just having a gundam do it Any GM that gets to accomplish anything is cool
That picture reminds me of when my HS anime club had a big poster with a list of banned anime and stuff
>>370317 Well go ahead and market us as a group of writing to them or you as singular but actually use as moe as your inspiration
>>370314 Can you imagine if Sunrise hired gundam fans to write for them I bet it'd be full of historical revisionism to make Zeon look like the good guys The Earth Federation is made up of self-loathing bleeding-hearts who blame the Zabis for every ill in the Earth sphere, and elitists suffering from power-envy, bitter that the its colonies' only superpower can do what it likes without having to ask permission. The truth is that Zeon has behaved with enormous restraint since the death of Garma Zabi. Remember, remember.
Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of Garma phoning his girlfriend to say, "I love you," before he was burned alive. Remember him charging to his death from inside of a burning Gaw. Remember the hundreds of crewmen incinerated. Remember, remember - and realise that Zeon has never retaliated for Garma in anything like the way it could have.
So a few Side 6 tourists got locked without a trial? Pass the Kleenex. So some Southeast Asian wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily fired their semi-automatics into a jungle full of Zeon mobile suits? A shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.
I love Zeon, yet Zeon is hated. Zeon is hated because it is what every country wants to be - rich, free, strong, open, optimistic. Or do you really think the Principality is the root of all evil?
Tell it to my brother Garma Zabi, who was incinerated by the Federation warship White Base. Tell it to the nursing mothers whose husbands died in that battle, or were ripped apart in the explosion. And tell it to the millions of young widows whose husbands gave their lives for the Principality. To our shame, Zeon Deikun gets a worse press than General Revil.
Remember, remember, Garma Zabi. One of the greatest atrocities in human history was committed against Zeon.
well They need enough at least to get all of the buffs and goad skills in. Dragons as a category need a +6 buff or a goad for offensive stats to make them as legitimate as armor or horses.
Kirara 🕎
I think their well-rounded and generally high stats make them pretty competitive. Especially considering every single one can get built-in distant counter.
You don't often see dragon emblem, though. You usually see dragons mixed in with other teams.
There are a lot of good dragon units, but they don't really have their separate identity like the other unit types. I'd like to see some dragon skills.
I bet we'll see Myrrh sometime soon and she'll come with one of them.
>>370364 Mostly because of her popularity. I' I am feeling like we will see some orb draining banners for a few weeks and then they'll hit us with a really popular unit that everyone wants. It may not necessarily be Myrrh but she's a candidate for it. I'm thinking there will be a banner like that early/mid January.
Kirara 🕎
Is Myrrh popular? I don't think I've even seen fanart of her.
They usually hit us with old popular units every other month or so.
Also, good night!
bridge cordelia's cupid arrow plus takes the buffs from +2 res/def to +5 res/def for units in two spaces i'm gettin that shit and gonna drop the brave bow
>>370382 Charlotte's spear does the same thing, and also applies the +5 buff to her. I want to figure out a way to build her to be good.
yes but im not sure it's charlotte's MO to be a support it's nice with cordelia due to the range and also the atk/spd boost now i have the option to boost atk and speed or res and def and she's soul paired with robin so i will make a lot of use out of it
Also, unfortunately, I think I've read more Don Rosa's comics than the number of teeth you have on your mouth. Well, yeah. I was reading them when I was like 10, if I recall. They were in french or english, my mom used to have some originals. Sorry fam.
>>370427 i spawned with a pistol, and my objective as a scav(enger) is to grab as much loot as i can and high-tail it out normally you spawn early on and there's other players that do as well, and then ai that are called scavs players typically shoot anything on sight except for their buddies they came in with and then you loot what you can and leave before you die if you die you lose everything if you leave alive you keep what you have on you about once every 45 minutes on average you get the option to spawn as one of the ai, with a random gun and some ammo you spawn late into the game (the other players may have died or left or what not already) and then you just scavenge the dead and fight whoever is alive but the ai are friendly unless you hurt one so i found some measly loot and was making my way out when i found a player and a heavily-geared ai duking it out, so i ended both of their lives a little early and took all their good shit and then bailed they just both happened to have AKs
unlimited bangarang
the armor and helmet i found are the highest tier it was pretty much a perfect scav run
>>370432 no w i don't really know what to do next after that i have more than one set of super-high gear so i guess i use one set for the hell of it until i die
#8ball (0.1%) I knew you'd do what I want you to do fucking bitch >>370433 wat game is it even?
unlimited bangarang
Escape From Tarkov it's not quite done yet but it's very fun and very addicting
>>370435 hey bongu what games did you even play say did you play diablo 3? or grand strat games or I dunno I think we have each other on steam anything shared there?
>>370436 not quite the loot is persistent you have a stash inventory where you can store things after games so when you go in, you'll have gear to fight with already or you can go in naked and hope for the best
Foot on the pedal, never ever false metal. Engine running hotter than a boiling kettle. My job ain't a job, it's a damn good time, City to city I'm runnin' my rhyme.
Brothers of metal We are fighting with power and steel fighting for metal, metal that's real Brothers of Metal will always be there standing together with hands in the air!
On location, touring 'round the nation, Beastie Boys always on vacation. Itchy trigger finger, but a stable turntable, I do what I do best 'cause I'm willing and able!
Ain't no faking! Your money I'm taking! Going coast to coast to watch all the girlies shaking. While you're at the job working nine to five, Beastie Boys in the Garden cold kickin' it /LIVE/
The north star always guides me, when winter skies are gray and I wait foer the sun whe all ate one I shall not betray Calling at me I'm waiting whe ll are led astray
Carry on My sons forver carry on when I am gone Carry on for when the day is long Forever Carry on! for as long as we're together then forever carry on!
God his contribution to humanity's future must be extreme, considering the life he leads Surely, nobody can top... hawaiian shirt dude in terms of the advancement of human happiness and comfort
I mean, I like fashion design myself but not as luxury lifestyle helping yacht-owners not have to change their shirt between work and yachting isn't a real noble goal
i hope i win the lottery this week so i can have my underground data center and improve people's quality of life in meaningful ways
It's disgusting, because he could be doing something with some fucking purpose in this hellscape we call global society, but instead he's just hoarding it and making bullshit hawaiian tourist shirts marketed to bourg fucks
Kirara 🕎
he's a koch this is better than him doing what his dad does and bribing politicians everywhere to drill in Antarctica for oil and shit
I don't really see the allure of being famous If I was super rich I'd be very far hidden from the world prop up a business entity that the world can identify maybe, but not me personally
sk 🖤
I don't think I could stomach being that bizarrely rich
Kirara 🕎
i would be giving most of it away
i wouldn't, not to be selfish but i'd be using most of it and if there was a cause i wanted to fund i'd probably materialize it myself
i'd probably try to build some mental health hospitals that actually do a good job though
Kirara 🕎
id be supporting minorities and impoverished people as much as possible id probably do full-time activism too
I'd probably get my little underground bunker in arizona but after that I think I'd set up a few women's shelters and substance abuse centers that actually treat people like real humans going through trauma and not like degenerate garbage and probably have a live-in facility for children with trauma where they can be reabsorbed into a warm and emotionally healthy environment
i'd like to build an academic center too for children. maybe it can be the same thing. but an academic learning environment that's not a gross crammed school with loud clangy bells, but like a garden like the botanical gardens and with class setups that aren't so formulaic, but brief, specialized classes, probably mostly focusing on botany but also having a lot of specialized math and physics classes would be like one-week credits that children can move through based on how engaged they are with the subject matter, and not be committed to massively long classes >>370500 kind of it's something me and my ex kind of came up with in visiting the botanical gardens weekly it was my idea but my ex would ask the right questions to probe my imagination so i consider it collaborative
just fostering a healthy learning environment and not the traumatic experience that a public school in the US currently is
im gonna test my fear of heights tomorrow tight spaces soon
Kirara 🕎
why do you have to go somewhere high?
Koi...- - -...
because there are tracks there
Kirara 🕎
what how high does the train go
Koi...- - -...
depends he said this was 25 ft which should be okay
Kirara 🕎
i believe in you
Koi...- - -...
break over
Koi...- - -...
teacher forgot the password to the flash drive >gonna CALL IT
Koi...- - -...
>installing update >1/1i9 189
>>370507 i like tight spaces over open spaces open spaces make me uneasy
/moe/ its such a generic thing to say but, everything feels so pointless right now obviously i want to enjoy life as much as i can, and minimize suffering and such but both pleasure and pain feel like they don't hold any value or meaning
pleasure and pain are pretty base-level feelings you've just transcended beyond that illusion, that's all you'll start exploring more meaningful feelings from this point on, and you'll have those feelings sprinkled back in at some times but it will be okay time to start discovering parts of yourself and your life that you didn't know were there
that's pretty generic too but in my becoming an adult ive understood how a lot of these things pass in my own life maybe it's careless for me to extrapolate my own life onto others, but with it as my only reference point, it's the only response i'm able to give
>>370521 ive probably asked this before but why does the word psycopath have a criminal connotation to it
Kirara 🕎
>>370522 probably because psychopathy is associated with violent behavior to some degree
what's the difference between psychosis and psycopathy? besides that psychosis can be episodic
Kirara 🕎
psychosis is a disconnect from reality while psychopathy is characterized by a connection to reality but a disinterest or failure to conform to moral norms i.e. they don't care about the well-being of others and don't feel guilt for harming them
Kirara 🕎
also psychosis rarely results in legitimately violent behavior
oh that makes sense not to be pedantic here but why come the psychologicians get to judge what reality is the nature of our brains, we're all kind of inherently disconnected fro reality i wonder if it can be measured in some specific realm, like social reality weird
Kirara 🕎
that's a question i wish psychologists would ask I don't personally think we should and there are some lines of psychological thought that are based around the subjective reality that the client experiences but as a whole, cbt and related therapies just assume there's one reality and the psych knows what's best for the client i hate that shit
the reality i live in is a pretty strange one i think a clinician would deem me disconnected from reality but i just think they're a little pragmatic in trimming off hard to verify realities
i think clinical psychology has a really big problem where they think every deviation from the norm is a problem it's all about making people fit into the societal box that people are "supposed" to fit in are you sad? we'll make you able to deal with it so you can keep working
do you see the world differently? that's weird, here's how you need to see it. reframe your thoughts. think different thoughts. punish yourself if you think that thought because it's a bad thought and you don't want it.
cbt completely invalidates people's past experiences like, oh, you've been betrayed a hundred times, so you don't trust people well that was just bad luck, let's make you trust everyone again
they're telling that person that their life experiences aren't valid and that pisses me off
i hope my psych isn't pissed that i missed the appointment i still have to reschedule that but i can't do it with her directly i gotta go through the office gremlins at the facility where she works
oh tn yeah if you ever see @everyone in game chat assume i mean my players
i cant wait to finally finish the first campaign
>>370530 well, there's apprehension and earnestness, intrigue and repulsion, struggle and triumph, retribution, redemption, confusion and resolution, fatigue and relief just to name a few some foundations through which pleasure and pain become precipitates, byproducts, rather than endpoints it takes a little more energy to navigate the paths but it's ultimately a much more flavorful life than the balancing act between pain and pleasure
apparently my cousin almost divorced her husband because she found out that he was watching porn ?? is that a big deal or something then an uncle of mine was saying something in regards to the FCC about how pornography should have never been legal in the first place
is it weird to do that or something like it's not my schtick but ive never thought people who watch porn are weird seems like a normal thing to have a libido i guarantee my uncles had dirty mags float around the barracks when they were in the army
So i have a plant that has just gotten used to its new position, but too bad for it before the end of the year IT WILL GET MOVED TO A NEW SPOT MUAHAHAHAHA
would there be a meaningful metric for evaluating work performed from nodes to implement simplified blockchain technology for resource allocation of a system
It's like the rule 34 equivalent for computer architectures and vms If it exists it must have a lisp interpreter And Doom ported to it
>>370581 it is TECHNICALLY my birthday in my timezone in about 5 hrs thats pretty cool and today i finally get to like. relax. the past 5/6 days i've been busy hanging out with people and today i'm just gonna play va-11 hall-a and sit in threads !!!!! fun time.
My stomach hurts again I was up and around doing some cleaning cause my sister is going to get home tonight. And she has to sleep in my room because I slept in the basement (her room) while I was sick.
>>370599 Oh yeah you are inferior person who can't eat this stuff willy nilly Most yoghurts are naturally stomach friendly, though and there are even special products that ease your digestion and all
Also we don't have any yogurt in the house that I'll eat.
I hate that NEITHER of my local stores carry the vanilla strawberry yogurt which is hte only flavour I like really
So I've determined that the distribution of letters in nanes of magic cards is pretty different than the distribution of letters in regular words.
Do any of you listen to actual radio?
yeah sometimes like the alternative station or one of the oldies or the one where the read stuff for blind people
There are like two or three (depending on where you are) good radio stations in the Chicago area. But there's a radio station back in st Louis that I still listen to about once a week. I've been listening to this radio show at least twice a month for 20 years.
>>370611 Depends The station I'm listening to right now is a public radio station and its commercial free.
Maybe the pop ones are the alternative one is funded I assume by the government so it's not so much ads
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
rika, did you roll your free rolls
Also the commercial (not not for profit) station in Chicago i listen to is maybe 10-20% commercials. But they have things on there schedule where they only play music and dj chatter for extended periods of time. *their
>>370619 your friend does public radio? or is he oh that's pretty cool I've wanted to give that a try how old is he? what does he play?
>>370622 Yes He's had this show for 23 years, my dad met him at a concert in the late 90's. He visits us in Chicago a lot too. He was just here a few weeks ago. Hes in his early 50's iirc. >>370624 Yes, not on for another 36 minutes though.
>There are 10 minutes remaining in this session. Finalise your printing and save your work now. !
Description of his show from the website >From intimate English-garden pop to next month's dance-floor sensations, Rob Levy's bag of transoceanic treats is comfortably crowded with nice things you'll like.
wow just the image I wanted >>370644 sorry I'm gonna break your heart I probably live no where near you >>370645 why would you want to do that fun fucking sucks
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>370646' well DUH i doubt anyone here lives anywhere near me
Fun is just a buzzword.
Anime is just forced fun
Forced fun killed my family and burned my house down.
i'm looking at data about occupational /// educational attainment by people diagnosed with ADHD the best data there is out there on it says that only 15% hold 4-year bachelor degrees compared to like 48% of the general population but 48% is a much higher number than most other estimates so the 15% may also be high
but it also found that 0.06% of people diagnosed with ADHD manage to get graduate degrees compared to 5.4% of the general population
apparently people with ADHD on average make $2 less an hour and are 11 times more likely than the general population to be NEET they're more likely to get fired, laid off, and quit, too
>>370676 Yeah, but not breaking it down just makes the study less useful. I wonder who is worse about that stuff, the hyperactive people or the intattentive people.
>The projected aggregate income change attributed to ADHD in the United States by age level is summarized in Table 3. All 4 configurations demonstrated loss of income as a result of ADHD, with annual loss estimates of $67 billion to $116 billion. this one article found that the existence of people with ADHD costs a ton of money in lost productivity
>>370682 combined is the worst inattentive is the second worst hyperactive isn't that bad
the general population has a highschool dropout rate of like 15% or something according to one of these studies inattentive drop out was 28.6%, hyperactive was 22.4%, and combined was 32.3%
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
what if i could transfer my brain into mafuuyuu and then im mafffuuuuyuuuu
>>370681 Great now that we've identified the problem We just need to kill everyone with adhd noman noproblem
Kirara 🕎
>>370686 you'd still miss the income unless you replaced them somehow
there are also a bunch of articles trying to argue that people with ADHD should just become entrepreneurs because impulsivity and hyperfocus can be positive for entrepreneurship but they completely fail to take into account that people with ADHD tend to be poor
parents with a child with ADHD are super likely to get a divorce so these people grow up in poor conditions pretty frequently, then can't save money because they have to work unskilled low-end jobs but they should just become entrepreneurs
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
i love ordering my favorite cheesebourgousie from mcdonalds
Kirara 🕎
here's an article about how ADHD can make you better at sex due to hyperfocus
Hyperfocus is a symptom that occurs frequently in ADHD inattentive and combined types. Someone's focus becomes completely set on one thing and they focus on it almost obsessively and are difficult to distract.
ADHD inattentive isn't a low attention span, but poor attention management, technically. So people with ADHD often fluctuate between not being able to attend to something reliably, or overattending to something.
When I get into hyperfocus, I can work for hours without eating or using the bathroom or drinking anything, and I've hyperfocused on stuff for like 8-12 hours before. But I can only hyperfocus on things that I'm absolutely interested in, like work I'm doing, or a game I'm playing. For example, I was hyperperfocusing on what I'm writing now all day until Fish made me eat dinner and broke me out of it.
>>370712 I obviously don't know how you operate in your daily life, but based on our interactions over the last like five years, I've never had the impression that it's something you might do.
There's not a lot of research on it because it's not something people can harness. It's just something that happens. Most research on it is case studies and stuff. It's hard to create a situation which would elicit hyperfocus reliably from people with ADHD.
>>370728 haha hyperfocus can be broken easily by external stimuli
but it'd be very unpleasant i think because hyperfocus is very directed and narrow in what is being focused on so the person would probably be overdoing whatever it is they're doing and if the partner didn't stop them, they'd probably be doing it for a really long time
>>370732 ive done 30-40 hour work sessions before due to overloading and/or procrastinating lots of times for some reason it's easier for me to do that than 5 eight-hour work sessions in a week i don't know if it's hyperfocus or benzo usage but it's a pretty intense thing either way
Which would you rather do? Work you need to focus on or work you can focus out of and think other stuff?
i don't think there's a difference
>>370737 nah some say manual labour or some are quite automatic processes giving you plenty of time to think stuff but say like moon's stuff needs you to kinda focus in it
Kirara 🕎
i think a lot of moon's stuff could be done automatically hearing something spoken and typing it in is the kind of thing that you have to do mechanically because thinking about what you're doing can slow you down but you can focus on something else while you're doing that generally
i think that focus is probably a balancing act you can focus on either repetitive or diligent tasks and do things in the background either way but it's just which one you're focusing on that determines what's going on in the background
>“In the seventh grade I was failing my classes and I even failed my math TAKS test. Things got so bad that I was placed in a remedial class. Also, I was getting into fights with the few friends that I had, almost every other day. I felt so frustrated that I acted out at home, constantly destroying things…punching in windows and the screen on the TV. I finally got tested in the 9th grade, and it was evident that I had ADD. I was placed on proper medication and I was better able to focus my attention and complete tasks. I am now a high-achieving student leader in college, graduating with a 4.0 GPA.” This is just one of the many testimonies of children affected by ADD/ADHD in paramount ways.
>>370755 The argument is that because people with ADHD have deficits in working memory (which they don't - the alleged deficit is the result of attentional processes) that if you tell them one thing at a time and make them repeat it back to you, they'll remember it better.
So for example, if you want your son to clean his room you would say "first, pick up the legos. what do you do first?" and they said "pick up the legos" and you say "yes, good! second, you will make your bed. what do you do first and second?"
it's ridiculous
>>370758 oh i know haha it's so fucking ridiculous
>>370751 that's because it's not it's ghostwritten because someone who didn't know about something wanted to fill marketspace so they paid a filipino 150 dollars to write something that they would briefly edit and get paid several hundred more dollars to publish believe me i used to do this line of work it's hogwash
>>370757 I have no input to that, but from what I have seen of add/adhd and such "special" kids the more special you treat them, the less they develop usually
>>370757 maybe if the kid is 3-6 or something then that makes sense but beyond that it just sounds fucking humiliating and hmm like talking to a pet disrespectful
>>370757 have i ever shown you some fuckin digitalpoint forums posts from content creation man it's a fucking hoot and a half i don't know how many hoots you can handle but if you and fish can each handle three fourths of a hoot then together you could handle it
Kirara 🕎
>For example, if it is time for the child to clean his entire room, instead of saying, “You can’t go out until you’re finished”, tell your child that he must complete the task of cleaning his desk-area and he may then take a 5 minute break. >For example, if a child constantly forgets to brush his teeth, he may function by memorizing the fact that he is always supposed to brush his teeth after he does his chore.
>>370761 yeah exactly it's fucking humiliating and disrespectful it's exactly like talking to a pet
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
only 5 minutes left of this radio station it has been a long journey
btw is there any particular reason we have so many 8chan tripfags here?
Kirara 🕎
>When acknowledging each accomplishment of your ADD/ADHD child (even a lack of undesired behaviors exhibited) it is helpful to say things such as “You know, I am so proud of you for making a B on your spelling test, I know you were studying very hard” and “I really wanted to let you know that I noticed you getting along much better with your sister this morning, that really means a lot to me”. This acknowledgement provides children with a reward for their behaviors. When recognizing the achievements of your child, it is essential to use specific praise, rather than general praise, because of the messages that each send to the child. General praise would be “You didn’t hit your sister, you’re a good boy!” which sends the message to the child that if he did hit his sister, he would become a bad boy (lowering his self-efficacy).
>>370765 chain migration but the ones we're getting really arent bad ones at least they're decent individuals
Kirara 🕎
it's ridiculous that ADHD is viewed as a disorder it's only viewed that way because society is designed in a way that makes it impossible for them to be successful even though people with ADHD have strengths in areas other than being a mindless worker bee it's just a different style of thinking and navigating the world if people with ADHD had the freedom to do what interests them they would flourish
>>370766 You're such a good boy for not physically abusing your sister :)
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>370765 like me ? hee hee i only actually use one board on 8ch so i dont think i'd count myself but maybe u would o well its nice here
>>370772 in the meantime look at these fuckin design logos for men's jewelry fuckin lol not to mention the fact that a men's jewelry company is holding a $30 brand design contest it's so fuckin stupid branding for a serious company is like a six figure product for a single consultant but usually they go through market research first and test messaging for a low-ish seven figure thing which i doubt this company can afford to do so why are they in jewelry i want to personally email anyone who orders from them and send them this link to show that the owners of the company thought this garbage was okay
Kirara 🕎
>Abstract: Introduction‐Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Do you have trouble concentrating in meetings? Do you find yourself forgetting what you just read? Do you constantly fight a losing battle at “getting organised”? Do you become “depressed” too often?
Kirara 🕎
>Definition of "Real Blingy" = very shiny
Kirara 🕎
>ADHD and me: What I learned from lighting fires at the dinner table
>>370797 those weird what were they even the weird "spiderman fights princes elsa" whatever stuff the really weird vids with people in costumes doing just something No idea what they contain, but for some reason they had 2-20 million views
Kirara 🕎
kids youtube is like some sick, twisted joke
listening to the indians sing the song with procedurally generated random distortions to avoid autoflagging is my favorite part
>>370835 >you don't even know the finger family song. you're clearly disconnected from reality. Sorry, but we'll have toa dmit you for special treatment