martial arts is good for you much better than just getting in fights
even if i did get really good at martial arts i know I'd still have an intense mental block against fighting people for real i was reading some mean comment on the internet and one of their lines was "i bet most of you have never even punched someone, full force, with your bare kunckles, or been punched that way before" and he was right
so what
Kirara 🕎
as someone who is done that, i can tell you that it's nothing more than self-satisfying bullshit you do to get your anger out it's not something you do to stand up for yourself or someone else it takes hate to do you want to hurt someone and that's generally bad
Kirara 🕎
as long as you know how to hit, you won't be afraid to hit back when someone comes after you in a fist fight at least and that's all you need
Kirara 🕎
also sparring is real fights
Kirara 🕎Anno
havin a fist fight havin a fish fry
>The world isn't going to get better any time soon so why are you selling your coins you are absolutely right, myself. I almost forgot
>>367914 how does her libido make her able to fight animal shaped aliens
>>367916 Dunno Maybe you'll have to read it aand ffind out Also this is the second manga I've heard of this year with a plot involving people with high libido needing to ffight aliens.
Koi...- - -...
you know how the aliens in the m night movie were weak against water?
this cool scar on my hand is starting to fade i kinda dont want it to, because it looks so cool
What's it from?
Nagi, do yoyou like The Stone Roses?
How are we all doing today? Looks like everyone showed up around the same time.
I have a terrible headache Well Two headaches, one mjnor one terrible The bad obe is from going too long without my meds because the person who was supposed to go pick them up forgot to
>>367946 I haven't heard of them before. >>367947 Heyo I'm tired as always! I intended to be super productive today and I wasted my day away!
I'm doing well! Not looking forward to tomorrow though. It will be a busy week.
>tomorrow Mondays are the WORST.
It's already monday here and I can confirm it is in fact shit
>>367950 They're a really good band from Manchester. They were part of the Madchester scene, but the only ever released two studio albums. Their first Al *album The Stone Roses is really really good. I'd probably put in the top 1% of all the album's I've eecery listened to *ever.
Kirara 🕎
>>367951 I'll be busy tomorrow but then I'm pretty much free.
I should commission someone to alter this card to have fhe flavor text be "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.".
Also by alter I mean physically alter aan actual card using paint and ink. Since photoshopped the card aand printing a copy wouod not be tournament legal. *photoshopping
Kirara 🕎Yuu
Too bad tomorrow is monday!
Would /moe/ be interested in a holiday season murder mystery event game?
>>368015 did you go to work for the first time today
Koi...- - -...
>>368017 it was some jackbox party game you drew a thing everyone draws a thing and everyone tries to figure out what it is or trick people into thinking its something else
Kirara 🕎
ted cruz and mark hamill (luke skywalker) are arguing on Twitter about net neutrality after mark told the fcc chairman he was unfit to hold a lightsaber
>>368027 the opposite really if youre ood they guess ight right and you get more points if youre bad its easier for people to get tricked into wrong things
this song doesn't have anything to do with the discussion previously held among yall i just wanted to post this song separately i was going to do it before i saw any of what you were doing
>>368063 you're just applying the bandwagoners definition watching /r9k/ from the beginning, the normies reee culture had some fucked up roots and it's actually kind of racist
Kirara 🕎
We've explained before that we're talking about riajuu! Not /r9k/ normies!
unlimited bangarang
>>368067 then say riajuu appropriating culture is fine except when you appropriate the culture of some seriously demented people in need of help
I wanted to play my Switch but I'd forgotten to charge everything since I last used it. So I guess that'll happen later.
The Japanese idea of normies is a little different.
Kirara 🕎
Yeah, and riajuu is usually translated into normies.
>>368067 Okay this aactually explains a lot >>368072 >usually It was translated as normalfag until like three years ago.
>>368073 Sure. Now it's translated into normies because that's the word that is used modernly to represent that idea. It's now usually translated into normie.
>>368074 All translators are shit meme translators.
Memes are pretty difficult to translate between languages. They tend to either be really abstract from literal definitions of things, or involve playing with language.
That's what literally pages of translator's notes are for. See for example the official English release of SZS.
Also normalfag was always a terrible translation for riajuu anyway. While riajuu is generally an insult or demeaning way to talk about someone, it doesn't inherently -doesn't use inherently offensive language like normalfag does. That's already warping the understanding of the word for English people.
Kirara 🕎
yeah riajuu is also self-deprecatory whereas the other is just a hateful thing
>>368079 They're both chan terms though. The inherent offense in it is just a product of 4chan.
No, the inherent offense is the fact that it derives from faggot, which in most English-speaking communities, is understood to be an offensive word.
I would argue that it isn't offensive in the context of 4chan, though. People call themselves fags on 4chan all the time. It would have been normal to address yourself as an animefag in a conversation about source material, for example.
Kirara 🕎
riajuu comes from "real" juujitsu and refers to people satisfied with their real life the other one's etymology is definitely offensive to many people
>>368083 4chan doesn't matter SHIT here. This is about what someone who's hearing the word for the first time would understand in a relatively normal environment. You don't cater translation to some small corner of the Internet.
>>368082 Seriously dude? For You should know that in this context it just means person See also, moralfag, christfag, winfag, macfag etcetera
>>368085 Yeah, but we're talking about chan culture here. Chan culture is as much a thing in Japan as it is in the west.
I don't think it's wrong to translate one chan word to another chan word, even if the western version is more offensive.
the point being made here is that riajuu is not derived from offensive words while normalfag is and thus normalfag isn't the best translation for riajuu
The tendency of 4chan to put -fag behind everything was as much about keeping people out as it was being offensive, I think. I don't really think channers are hateful people, it's just part of the culture to be uncensored and offensive.
Anyways I really don't like the connotation of the wword normie. It comes from a really fucked up sense of self aand sense of rage at the wworld.
Would the average you know forget it
Kirara 🕎
>>368092 we know but that's not relevant to the point of the argument tilde is making here
unlimited bangarang
>>368093 it's a boogieman it's something you call people who aren't into the same shit as you are you generalize and rationalize their "ignorance"
sk 🖤
the reddits are upset trap has been replaced with femboy fuckin' idiots
>>368096 Wait, I thought that was normalfag? You know wgat I don't really care anymore >>368097 Seriously? You know actually i don't think tthat bbothers me Depending on the context
Kirara 🕎
where is blue to say he hates words
anyone bothered by the word normie i'd remind you you're posting on a board about moe
Many as in we didn't do a fucking pew poll on this one
>>368117 I didn't look up in kanji I just used kana So either jisho is wrong or it's slang or something
>>368118 Okay, but none *all of You know wwhat Actually I don't care anymore The word's been around for a while, and iif that's how they feel about it, sso be it. I can do nothing about hhow tthey feel about a word I consider to be relatively iinnocuous.
>>368120 Because there's a generally-used "otoko no ko", meaning "young boy", and then net/youth slang which uses a different kanji for the "ko" which makes the meaning be a "girlish boy".
sk 🖤
AAAAAAAA It's cold as shit in here, what the hell
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
hewwo fwiends it has been a bit of time since i said hello its been like a couple days and hi
>>368126 Undermine people's identity? What does that even mean?
Kirara 🕎
>>368127 I don't do Christmas, but the season is alright. How's it for you?
>>368129 It means that a transwoman being called a trap is having their gender identity undermined by being misgendered purposefully.
sk 🖤
>>368126 More like it carries the idea that trans people aren't real, but are actually men trying to trick cishets An idea which have gotten people killed
>>368130 do you partake in other holidays ? its been really nice for me ! lots of gift giving and i made a lot of cookies to give to friends and their families !!
i super duper like the hot coco and pine candles :3
>>368132 o lillian i haven't been called that before ! o.o i like it. how are you annooooo
>>368126 I don't really like when people come along and tell everyone that widely used language is a slur and that they can't say anymore. It feels like language policing to me. I guess it's debatable that trap was widely used or not, but it feels like that kinda thing to me.
>>368127 I'm good I'm walking to the supermarket Today I worked on the RG Exia What sort of cookies?
Kirara 🕎
>>368134 Yes, but not all people being called traps are traps. So those transwomen that don't want to be considered men are offended by it.
>>368134 Yeah, there's a few words like that Like faggot, and nigger Or kike
>>368130 is that the context it's used in? that's pretty awful
>>368137 Many people stopped caring about faggot or calling stuff "gay". The vast majority of gays i know use faggot as an insult and call tthings "gay".
>>368137 Sorry, I don't see it like that. That's just an emotional argument. Trap doesn't have the derogatory baggage that those other words have. Half the people who use it are trap enthusiasts, in fact.
sk 🖤
>>368140 I'm really not gonna have this discussion
>>368135 oooo post pics !! and also lots of different kinds of cookies ! big variety.
sugar cookies with christmas cut outs, chocolate with m&ms, big crunchy squares that arent cookies, peanut butter cookies etc
>>368136 i have a couple friends who celebrate hanukkah. do you do any hanukkah specific traditions ?
>>368143 I've only finished a leg so far. I wanna somehow make a real metal part for the GN blades since plastic isn't as convincing This is the last kit I finished
Sugar cookies are good. Like short bread that's the good stuff
>>368136 At that point the problem really isn't the word though, it's individuals being called by the word. They wored itself would be fine.
>>368145 I don't really agree, and what he did was an obvious appeal to emotion. Calling a word that I'm asserting bad as bad as words that are more or less universally agreed to be bad is an appeal to emotion!
Kirara 🕎
>>368146 All arguments are emotional. It's a simple statement. It's impossible for a human to make an argument that isn't influenced by emotion.
>>368150 Math isn't real and that's not even the same kind of argument that I'm talking about, which you're fully aware of.
>>368147 All words are technically fine, and the problem is that people are using it to harm people.
>>368133 I'm okay that was my autocorrect it's nice to see you again
>>368147 Wow, I butchered that sentence. Let me back up.
Associating a word that I'm asserting isn't bad with a bunch of words that are more or less universally agreed to be bad is an appeal to emotion.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>368144 OMG SUCH A CUTE ROBOT !!!! proud of u. i really hope that i get the bear robo that i asked santa for for christmas
>>368149 hee hee i think maybe if i was older then lillian would be good but. im not THAT old.. SPEAKING OF !! my birthday is soooooooonn. like. couple days soon. also ty for having me ! glad to be here <3
>>368148 Just because you don't consider them to be the same kind of argument doesn't mean I don't. Debates use logic in the same way that math proofs do. They're both just different more specific versions of tthe general idea of an argument.
Kirara 🕎
>>368153 ok, but you're wrong math is different from an argument that we're talking about and you're probably the only one that would claim otherwise
sk 🖤
>>368151 They got to be considered almost universally bad somehow, and it wasn't bigots just deciding to be less trash one day
never has politics been discussed on moe this is day one
>>368152 Did you ask for a bear guy? I've got a Camouflage type Jegan in the mail which I'm excited for because the design is FUCKING SICK EVEN THOUGH JEGANS ARE USED IN SPACE AND HAVE NO USE FOR CAMO Are you gonna paint it?
>>368163 Ah yes >because it looks cool My favourite Get some fine sandpaper it makes nub marks look so much better
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>368162 I DID ASK FOR A BEARGGGGGUY this one !! also yaaaaaay camo jegan !! they have a use for camo ! its called. (style)
and also no ? i am still a baby when it comes to gundam stuff. i just have like. snippers and tweezers. ;-; not even anything to make lines
>>368154 I'm definitely not the only one who would claim otherwise. But iit's ffine for you to believe that.
>>368167 if it's harsh enough for nails it may scratch or discolour the plastic. But you can test it on spare hand pieces or whatever Best bet is to go look at sand paper in hobby stores. They should have numbers. The higher the finer. I use 1000 and 600
If someone sees tilde, point him to the anime thread. We should be able to start a little early tonight.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>368171 aaaa i meant like. theyre not for nails. but theyre in like. the bar thing. so its not sandpaper alone its like. hang on.
I don't need jesus I need a new job
Amen to that.
I should probably also get a job.
it's a good idea
>>368180 Yeah, if only all the places I applied to thought that as well.
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>368171 wait a minute. my dad uses super fine sand paper all the time. i should just ask to borrow som. silly silly meeeeee
Speaking of jobs, having quit kancolle is weird.
Oh, I thought kancolle was more of a lifestyle than a job?
Oh also I just now realized one of the points kirara made earlier and then remembered why I don't care.
A whole lot of free time now and nothing to do in it.
Well, it wasn't really taking a lot of my time because I've been too lazy to do weeklies and dailies and whatnot for like a year. I was just doing events.
>>368208 she'd be cuter if she had more clothes on :p
That actually is true, yes. Her face and hair are drawn really cutely but the sluttiness of everything takes away from that.
It's hard to get excited about the new units too since they're kinda boring armor units. Tharja is the most exciting of the group. Not sure how much I'll roll on that banner though.
Kirara 🕎
I remember when you said they were getting wise to people liking old characters.
Yet still no old character event banners. I'm starting to think you might have been mistaken!
Wow, you're cashing in one this i told you so really late!
Kirara 🕎
It's not like told-you-sos expire. You can just hold onto them until their value is higher.
>>368217 Yeah, but it's not nice to say it to me! I'm supposed to be the one telling people that I told them so. Besides, we just had like a super popular banner with Mia on it!
gotta work a full day tomorrow i don't know if i'm in a condition to i'm not looking forward to it i can walk now and can lay down but sitting upright is hell for some reason and i got like eight hours of deskwork
>>368231 I think the thing I said was more likely.
>>368232 I have a lot to do tomorrow too. I'm kinda dreading it! It can't be helped though.
>>368243 there's really no good place for her on a // an armor team lissa and chrom are good additions but are outclassed by amelia
>>368244 yeah it's getting better now a little i can walk with some assistance for short periods sitting upright is worse than walking though i might have to work from bed
Oh, it looks like she already has a QR like skill. I guess she would be a good enemy phase unit.
>>368244 I have a super good Amelia so I can't use Lissa or Chrom, they are both worse in every way.
Tharja is interesting, but I don't know if interesting is good enought. If you want a strong enemy phase red unit, everyone already has Black Knight. Arden is also amazingly good, though he is a player phase unit.
>>368256 it wouldn't be getting better then though, would it?
>>368260 The last tempest was old characters though!
Kirara 🕎
>>368261 sure but it's pretty interesting how much attention this very small set of characters gets
>>368260 it can still the progressive damage is small compared to the temporary strains the weakened tissues can make you more susceptible to damage from overexertion, muscle fatigue, stuff like that the downward slope is gradual -- you'd still have to heal up from sitting too long in a car for a long distance drive for example, even in healthy conditions but the intensity of the temporary damage comes on a lot stronger because of the lowered baseline
ive overworked myself plenty of times before and thought "oh no this will hurt for a while but i'll just take a day to heal up" but that was the first time that it was so bad i couldn't walk and ive been healing for almost a month -- two weeks with little or no work too bc of it so it kind of sucks but it's what i gotta do it'll be all right probably
>>368262 Well, FEA did pretty much save the franchise.
>>368264 Yeah, but don't you think it's ridiculous to ignore most of your franchise? There's absolutely no harm in making other popular characters holiday units.
yeah i stocked up on food yesterday it's getting pretty cold here and it's rural so i gotta i try not to whine too much about all this but i gotta sometimes
>>368268 Well, I hope we do get to see some good limited units from other games this year.
Kirara 🕎
>>368272 I want a holiday Alm! And a holiday Sonya!
>>368327 Yeah. Corrins are easy to come by though.
Kirara 🕎
I'm going to make a +4 5* nowi
I think it's time to respec my robin 57 hp is great and all but it's mostly just fluff she barely uses 30 of those hp in a tough engagement i should probably put -- do one of the ploy skills have an HP comparator? i know one is res
>>368329 Nowi is good. You can get just as good of results in mass dueler with a good Nowi as you can with a good Corrin. Nowi needs to be built QR though.
i think brash assault is okay for nowi -- wait nevermind i'm sorry that was a dumb comment brash assault is only when you're attacking
>>368337 hmm i could put close counter on her but i didn't sacrifice a swimming robin's HP+4/Def+2 for nothing >>368340 24 or 25 i don't remember distant def would probably be good but seriously nothing kills her anyway that one red mage bitch that people put life and death on sometimes two hits her i can't remember who the fluffy bitch but that's about it
What's her RES?
sk 🖤
well of I go
bye sk thank you for that image i like it
sk 🖤
I'd link the artist but I forgot
close def is a huge benefit in playing her as anticav but cavs in arena are a non-issue because i reject anything under 692 anyway and cavs are garbage for arena score i deal almost exclusively with ikes and armoreds
I have a cool Faye now who beats all the ranged cav units, except for merged/buffed Cecilia. but she has low BST.
Kirara 🕎
mad that falchion can't be upgraded
unlimited bangarang
nayu nayu nayu nayu nayu
>>368356 nigga like that thing needs a buff it's already such a strong """""""Unique""""""" weapon
>>368356 Yeah, it's surprising that they didn't give some love to falchion users.
Kirara 🕎
i need to upgrade alms falchion
It's kinda surprising they didn't give them some upgrades since the whole point of the upgrades is to combat powercreep. The falchion users are all outdated by now. It's surprising they'd let Lucina be bad!
dire thunder couldn't be upgraded either if that makes you feel better
Kirara 🕎
brave weapons, gem weapons, tons of unique weapons, can't be upgraded
>>368369 How can you say you love someone if you can't colonize their body with armies of germs and contaminants?
>>368370 Dire thunder is a good example of the powercreep they're trying to fight!
Kirara 🕎
fighting the power creep by giving fury 5
is there a fury 3 s slot yet i don't see anything wrong at all with letting someone have +12 to all stats that should be fine
Kirara 🕎
no, not yet soon surely
maybe i should put fury 3 on my robin? oh wait let me say above i meant +6 not +12 fury 3 let's see, she'd have 53 hp that's no shortage there 38 def 51 atk 37 spd 27-28 res
Well, fire emblem is all about overpowered stuff I guess.
Don't let her see a post like that. She'll buy one of the remaining vials of smallpox.
Kirara 🕎
You joke like she hasn't talked about getting me sick so I can't go anywhere before.
>wow look Kirara all this snow just happens to be covering the doorways and windows to our apartment what a wild coincidence guess we won't be going anywhere today
You have it tough!
>oh my gosh kirara there was a nuclear explosion guess you and me are gonna have to spend the next decade together in my fallout shelter
Kirara 🕎
It's not that bad. She knows I'll be miserable if I can't leave, so she wouldn't hurt me. Even if she wants to make it so I can't leave.
as much as i would like to be shorter i think. my height is okay.. the other day though. my dad was like. youre growing !! and im like. pls no. im almost 19 i want to be done growing. i do not want to be any taller ;;
Nothing wrong with being strong and tall
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
but i dont want to be strong or tall ;; at most i'd like to be fit. but not like. strong ? if that makes sense.
winco is the greatest invention in mankind where else can you buy 30 pounds of gummy bears
>>368541 Yeah. It was a total rip. I didn't stay long.
really though if everything is 50% off why not just use the label gun a second time instead of sticking another annoying sticker to peel off or put a sign designating the area
>>368545 marketing psychology doesn't rely on logic. >>368542 I left JB after I saw Justice League in the anime section.
>>368546 i would literally pay full price to get a version without 10 stickers on it that stuff gives me the auts
i went into gamestop to get a real box for my used game just the other day i didnt even buy anything fuck you gamestop
>>368547 >not relishing the thrill of ripping stickers off a new box
It's better than sex.
..I'd imagine.
>>368549 they always leave part of the paper and adhesive behind im a fucking loser cant even peel stickers off right i know i always end up using adhesive cleaner to get stickers off
maybe like 1/100 times it will all work out flawlessly but it seems like everyone is pounding the stickers on to my fucking box make sure it really isnt going anywhere for the next 5 years
dont the japs pay like 3000 yen for 2 or 3 eps F THAT is insanity
That's why buying anime is disgusting and degenerate and I would never do it for anything other than gift purposes.
I only buy anime I really like and treat it like donating money to the studio
>>368560 tbh I've seen similar prices around here and in Australia
Annoワンパンマン-1-特装限定版- 5600 motherfucking island shekels for four episodes
shit chrome ate my url
>>368562 Very little of the money someone spends on a hard copy of anime goes to the studio that produces the work. Even less if what you're buying is an internationally licensed and localized work.
>>368568 See if your preferred studio sells some kind of good or merchandise. I know Trigger does small goods that you can buy from an online store; I would imagine a good place to start would be to see if the studio has an online shop or a particular goods manufacturer they work alongside.
>>368566 What's a better way then? >>368566 Gundam makes like 90% of its revenue through plastic so that's pretty much covered I didn't know Trigger had its own online store though, that's new Weren't they talking about setting up a patreon?
>>368564ワンパンマン-1-特装限定版-Blu-ray-古川/dp/B015ZAEIG6 the 2 disc english release is only $35 USD
>>368568 I think the store is worked into their website or something. I remember when Tattun was really involved in LWA threads while the TV anime was airing, questions like this came up, and he mentioned buying goods and merchandise as a better means of sending money to the studio than buying hard copies.
>>368569 credit where credit's due that is a p cool cover
>>368571 That's like a win win then Since if you just buy DVDs you don't really get anything since you've seen the show already
on the upside it's a lot cooler >>368572 you and I both know I can't do that
liliana !ajLiLiAnAA
>>368571 >just act less gay so just be asmelly boring stinky :)
>>368573 having a bunch of boxes for each show makes your collection look swaggier too thats how they trick otaku into giving them their moecoins i think
how much money have you spent on anime and related goods /moe/
nothing lol
Probably a couple hundred dollars. I've got a few series in hard copy and a small collection of figurines.
someone bought me a $30 statue of ryuuko though thanks whoakun still the only piece of anime bullshit i own
Oh wait it's probably more than a couple hundred dollars I forgot I own a shittonne of manga.
Buying figures is totally different since you can't just download them.
i will never buy an anime figurine its a waste of money and i would get too into collecting them nintendo already got me with those fucking amiibos i botta be careful
>>368584 Nah you get your hands on a 3D printer and you can totally download figures.
My Mugi-chan doubles as a home defense weapon. Her keyboard is solid as fuck. Could break some cunts head in with it.
how do i phone post here without it breaking and making me type the first letter of every word twice ???
If I phone posted here I would just troll
>>368649 i have that problem on my work phone it's usually something to do with the keyboard if you click that options menu in the right hand corner it has an auto-correct option that if you check it , it might help otherwise I dunno
You've merely adopted shitposting. I was born in it. Molded by it
Ch motherfucker. It's all I know. I got a body count of like fucking 277 brujah.
>>368708 I shitpost through ignoring your weakass shitposting
Uh huh and yet the motherfucker can't pos hype ass shit and merk the fucking conversation like nothing. Come back to me when you've fucking the whole board scared.
When Australians are four years old they're separated from their parents and shipped off to a special school. There they spend 16 hours a day rehashing dead memes, and calling anything that moves a faggot. By the time they're 9 years old they've already shitposted more than most adults will in a life time. and it only gets worse.
>>368713 Are you gonna knife me through the tubes?
>>368714 Australian public schools are the best places to learn shitposting from
Nah bitch, you already got chopped the fuck up. Be quicker thnx
Australian public schools must be slow as fuck then.
>>368717 What? Not even. There was a guy at my high school who knew like 80% of the alphabet. >>368715 It's part of the standardized testing.
>>368718 I remember a foreign exchange student at my school went to a mental facility because he couldn't handle the shitposting and it warped his sense of reality
That's a fucked fate. rip his sense of reality
Yeah this is why Australia needs to ban boat people it's for their own safety they can't handle the shitposting Tones knew what was up
Motherfucker couldn't even handle a single Nazi post like HAHAHAHA
They can never stop the boats.
We're gonna build a wall and New Zealand will pay for it
tHE // The money would be better spent on killing all the whales at your shores. Keepo
sk 🖤
nazi posting on the moe?
Gas the colonists we space war now
tfw the big 3 posters are silent RISE UP MFERS
oR AT LEAST gross Make your fucking mark.
I know y'all be looking at your WoW guilds and saying These bitches be lame as fuck It's because the fucking are. merk em
so what are you guys going to do for Christmas?
sk 🖤
Gonna eat food unwrap money gifts do as little as possible else
>>368731 hang out with family entertain cousins Give gifts Receive gifts I'll probably watch the disapperance of Haruhi again
Fucking part and probablt get blacked out and shitpost here. Kappa party anyway.
remind me to blast some arca when I finally set up my leet badass stereos up as a sound range test
>2 volumes of shoujoapo blasted in one day wow the anime did ressurrect the manga
They better be 7.1.
I think they are gotta just engineer some shit before they are compatible with my computer the actual hmm the fuck is the word well thing they plucked in to got fried by a lightning strike which is why I got them for cheap so little bit of wirecutting and attaching and they should fit into my shit juust fine but I need tog et some parts first
Koi...- - -...
the room is full
Koi...- - -...
there are no more seats
deseat someone
>in 2010 one finnish student bought a beer with 100 bitcoins >now that same beer would cost you, if it still had same btc value, 1,5 million euros a quite good bargain aye?
Bitcoin will hit a mill Blue you be reading this save that shit
tiny birb
>>368773 >arca and eva that sounds like a combo alright
sk 🖤
Nobody's playing TOXIKK
The vid fucked me up and I played it on laptop speakers. lel
Koi...- - -...
i got my id lol my hair my mom will be frustrated
You're telling me you have a drivers license now... Or nah.
Koi...- - -...
no an id
And all that shit does is get you alcohol or into a casino. Maybe try the casino, I'm good luck, you'll defo get $700.
Koi...- - -...
this id is for free transit i can travel the city free
I'd want a free transit poass for life for all public transport
Anyways at the store I go to to play mtg they get a lot of people calling and asking if they can come in and sell their Pokemon card binder or yugioh card one. And they usually think its worth several hundred dollars. But usually its only worth like $4 to $12 and then when tgey come in after being told the value they ask for like $100 because they read something online saying tge cards were worth more. Anyways it wastes the manager's time. So he offered free entry to all their events and one free booster box for every magic set yet to come out to a person who would murder those people.
>>368797 he denies it but I told him time and time again that those dicks weren't going to suck themselves
such is the life of a digsugger >>368799 working in a store like that sounds kind of fun sometimes but probably not as fun as I think the guy I bought manga off a couple times is pretty manic most //all of the time
>>368802 It's at least fun enough that he quit a better paying job to own the store. For stuff like this the owners do it out of a passion.
Anyways the owner was blaming clickbait videos on YouTube with titles like "Did you know tgat your childhood yugioh/Pokemon card collection could be worth thousands of dollars!!??" .
>>368802 I may apply for a part time job there. Or at the very least something like sorting a bunch of cards whenever they get a bunch of stuff in every once in a while. Cause I sort stuff pretty quickly.
hey, by all means it's worth a try and beats a lot of other jobs you could maybe even try voluteering
They're probably not hiring. But ill try anyways.
Kirara 🕎FormerRei@mobile
>>368806 Although another similar thing i thought of was becoming an apprentice to a contract record collection cleaner and sorter. I saw a bunch of business cards for a guy who does that at a local record store. And cleaning off objects and sorting them is something I'm very good at.
>>368810 Yeah I'm pretty sure he plays grand strategy games too. Although if he doesn't, he definitely plays the kinds of board games that that entire genre is based on.
I'm not gonna hurt cha, I'm just going to bash your brains. I'm gonna bash them right the fuck in.
okay johnny
b good
uuh nice 3,39€ for battlefront 2 on steam this is a must have
my mind went to the new one but nah the old battefronts are supposedly the best ones and I wouldn't doubt it
>4,99€ for the MONEY GUY for kf2... I think that is delishiously dickish and ironic but no I am not going to pay for it also I think I have it modded in already somehow
>>368817 bf2 was da shit the first one was kinda... okay? it had a lot of issues and was clunky as fug but the second one was golden I had it on ps2, though
and jedi outcast that was a damn solid game academy is more fun, because of the customising stuff, but the overall story in it is just crap and then there are some just fucking "why does this exist" missions completely boring and not fun at all both the rancorn missions, the desert planet with worms and few others that are just tiresome to run through
>>368823 got eyes... fascist. see these hands? kinda big... fascist blonde hair? fascist they ain't even tryna hide it
sk 🖤
But the thing is, Greaves likely considers antifa to be class collaboration, because he's in that weird sphere Which means antifa is fascist
I bet he thinks they are fascists
Kirara 🕎
yeah he thinks everything is counterrevolutionary except for factory workers killing their bosses
sk 🖤
The ML fetishization of factory workers in particular is fucking fascinating
Kirara 🕎
factory worker is some sexy aesthetics tbf
sk 🖤
Ya that's true It's the 1984 aesthetic So it makes sense tankies, who the book kinda were about, think it's cool af
>>368828 By the time we are geezers ranting in retirement homes, the factory worker revolution will be more skynetish than marxist, though.
Also I think that is a big problem in society we are kinda stuck in terms of reacting to our technological advancement. Though that was the same untill ww1 and 2 which kinda shuffled the deck
Just would hope societal change could happen without millions dead for just once.
sk 🖤
Skynet is just dictatorship of the proletariat when the working class is all machines
>>368836 sounds like finnish summer >>368837 am not talkinga bout anything in terms of commie revolutions or shit Most likely the next big change will be something no one can really even predict or imagine, especially the end result it will just need to happen at some point. Systems that govern us just are falling behind in terms of managing the modern world
Kirara 🕎
someone was trying to tell me that the Singularity happened in November 2017
>>368839 I replayed singularity on 30.11 in one sitting so... true?
Kirara 🕎
huge if true
I wonder how bf2 is to play with m+kboard for space battles I would use a controller
It did though. How else did my girl Kizuna AI get born.
oh right kirara what do you want different on my lilina i used tonuse death.blow but i wanted more double attacking
Kirara 🕎
you're not going to get double attacking with liliana haha
whaaaaat sure i can
Kirara 🕎
anything less than 34 spd shouldn't be expected to make double attacks and honestly anything less than like 37 speed shouldn't really be expecting to make them with high frequency
brash assault if you want double attacks since you've got raurraven it's not like you're going to be attacking melee colorless units
for that matter, triangle adept so that you have color triangle advantage over two separate units it'll boost your damage vs colorless as well and with lilina, you're not supposed to need a second attack anyway
though i'd say life and death could definitely be an option if your heart is set on the speed nah nevermind i forgot she's got pretty good res i wouldn't do that
is 4chan not working properly for you guys? Mine is having some issues displaying the page.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think some people in my granblue crew were having trouble earlier.
>>368914 Chinkmoot set up some sort of anti adblock thing
>>368912 I had a rough work day i gotta do it again tomorrow Good luck
I feel better now
>>368916 Even with adblock disabled, I am still having trouble. I imagine I'm blocking a script that is messing it all up. Do you have any idea which of the new scripts need to be enabled?
>>368917 Yeah, I'll be working hard again tomorrow too.
>>368919 One sec, I think I have a link to something.
Nvm I can't attest to its accuracy.
actually it's still broken even if I allow all. He really did something that screwed it all up.
Yee Also it's some suspicious stuff avcording to what I've heard
Makes a connection to a server in the Ukraine, according to the rumors.
Well, I'll just do nothing and wait until it works again. It feels weird not having something to refresh occasionally though.
Kirara 🕎Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you wanna know when it really hit me that I had a job when I left I left and I walked towards the train station and then I remembered I can actually take the train for free FREE TRAINS
It hits me every morning when I have to get out of my warm bed and out into the outside world.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wow sugoi, free train
>>368928 Are you done with the unpaid training part yet?
Kirara 🕎
How is everyone today?
>unpaid training who told you that?
Oh I thought you mentioned the training being unpaid I must have misremembered
>>368932 Well, it was a long day so I feel like a zombie I'm so tired. But other than that pretty good!
I listened to a few of their albums and really liked them Time is a really great album and the only reason I picked them up was Daicon lel
Kirara 🕎
They're good.
Notso is a really big fan of them.
I have like four or five of their albums on vinyl. I even have Out of the Blue. But I do not have the cardboard spaceship that it originally came with it (I got it used).
>>368948 I'm not surprised I'd heard it before I even saw Eva though.
>>368950 Do you have an actual vinyl player to go with them?
>>368967 I guess you'll have to admit that you like seeing her.
>>368969 Well, I've never seen this one in person before. There would be an undeniably awkward feeling to it though.
I was dreaming until a moment ago until in the dream samu sent me a DM on twitter and I snapped awake 8 guess even the surreal world of dreams have a breaking point
>>368972 The last time I "just went for it", I messed it up, and then we both emotionally tumbled around like an avalanche for a year or so. It'll be fine though. I'm just having memories.
Hmm wonder why japanese manga uses so much those hmm screentones? the cut and paste "dots" that form up the grayshades in practically all mango
Is it to save on ink? I mean sure when you do print million copies of stuff, the fact that every gray area isn't actually a solid plot of colour does save you some money?
>>368971 do you ever dream about liveboard posting too?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes, I have dreamed about being on /moe/ before
Sometimes I dream about posting really dumb friemship ending stuff and I wake up and feel relieved because it was just a dream
>dreaming about posting on moe
>>368973 Just go for it! Going for it is great even if it ends badly.
Kirara 🕎
I've never dreamed about posting on /moe/.
I can't remember ever having dreamed about posting on /moe/, but that doesn't mean I haven't.
I'm gonna order a pizza, what toppings should I get?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(and pepperoni, clearly)
>>368974 Cause it's easier and takes less time than doing it by hand.
Pepperoni and black olives make the best possible pizza.
i think i'll get olives, pepperoni, and bacon to make it interesting
>>368981 Nah, I would much rather live my life never having an episode like that again. "going for it" would require a mental state in which I am sure it would succeed, or at the very least, end peacefully.
which is likely but still
>>368992 I read that the secret to success for pickup artists is to go for it again and again and again until they're super good with women.
Kirara 🕎
I don't think Blue wants to be a pickup artist.
Well, I'm sure you can use their techniques to get a girlfriend.
I'd rather not. I'm not so worried about my technique as I am with my own crushing self-doubt.
That's why you have to do it, to become immune to the crushing self-doubt. It's like shooting yourself with small caliber bullets to become immune to larger caliber bullets.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
fucking puas
>>368994 Succeeding with 1 person out of 100 isn't a very good rate
It is a very good rate if you only need one person. That's the success engagement rate with email scams. >>368998 I'm not a fan. The self-doubt isn't about them, it's about me. Rejection is easy. Success is an ongoing upkeep. I had a mild panic today from the orientation. They're discussing 401ks and 457s and pensions and all this stuff that you can collect at 55 after 25 years of service. And I haven't even considered living that long. One of the people presenting actually said "Did you come here to die?" and he looked right at me and I responded "Nah" but it's easy to say things.
>>369000 I assume that your success rate goes up as you become more proficient.
>>369001 You shouldn't doubt yourself, just go for it! 401ks and whatnot are actually frightening, you don't need to feel bad about that stuff.
anyway, me "going for" "that person" "whom I have ruined in the past with my own insecurities" is not something I am going to think about for quite some time
Kirara 🕎
We all have to go at our own pace, but sometimes we do have to step outside our comfort zones, too. When I'm running, I'll never be able to run longer or farther if I just do the same run every time.
I think you're the one that knows what you want best, though.
it's really weird though. Because now I'm like >hey, you really can go for things now >you can have dates and go places and meet people >it's okay >...but how does any of that shit work
Beats me.
To say "I think I'll be fine though" goes against my principles. I'll deal with it. Somehow.
Kirara 🕎
I used to be incredibly indecisive and doubted my own decisions all the time. It was a real problem. I guess this was around the time I was in high school or just getting out of it.
Eventually I just decided that I was going to follow my heart and do what felt right no matter what.
The difference between you and me is that once you stepped up, you didn't step down. There's a lot
>Follow my heart Yeah but this only works if your heart isn't a traitorous backstabber to your cause
Kirara 🕎
My heart self-sabotages all the time, but my head gets things back on track to where my heart wants it.
Most the time my heart odesn't -doesn't even know what it fucking wants.
Just don't think about things! Become like an animal. Animals don't think about things, they just do them.
That's not how I want to live my life at all... I'm 18 years too late to shut that off.
Kirara 🕎
>>369014 Well, you should just do things, but you should still think about them.
People have different styles of thinking, though. Some people like us are doers, and others are thinkers, and some are in between.
Although I think if you "stepped down", you probably never got to that level you're talking to in the first place. I don't think you can step down once you step up.
I think you're trying to make excuses to allow yourself to avoid changing.
Just do things but just do things with good judgment. That's what I do! Things that are bad I just don't do things.
>>369014 That sounds like a good way to make bad decisions on impulse
>>369016 I didn't really know where I was until I stepped down. But I got too scared to step up again. Even when the option was thrown at me. And there were excuses. She called them out too. We both knew. It's not so much that I'm trying to avoid changing but that I am afraid that I won't adequately change enough. BECAUSE IT'S A BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY THIS LIFE
Kirara 🕎
>>369019 Change is a process. If you don't change enough, you can keep going. I've always felt like you have a lot of potential to be someone really great, but I think you hold yourself back a lot. I know it's hard to find or make a place in the world and hard to get where you want to be, but I really think you can do it.
i am viscerally afraid of being someone great
maybe not viscerally I just really like that word
Kirara 🕎
I can tell you're apprehensive at least. But I do think you can be a force for positive change in the world at some level. It seems to me like you want the world to change, too. I think that's why it's important to let yourself change a little bit, too. The world won't change if you don't.
Be like this eggnog. So assured of its own self-worth that it doesn't need to cite SHIT to assure you of how great it is.