Thread #331212
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Bottom Identity
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new thread because because
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I'm the fluff in your pillow
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Air shoes gets a lot of figures but they're all lewd.
>>331215 you don't want lewd figures? are you some kind of casual?
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I don't really want lewd figures, no. I want cute figures!
Yeah same I just wanted to test your will I wouldn't want to have figures that I couldn't have out when I have guests over. For that reason I don't actually have any figures at all
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how is everyone tonight? I'm bang and stuff
wondering what to do for fri afternoon/weekend
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Taking it easy.
>>331222 Are you prepared for friday? Are you gonna have a fun weekend?>>331221 Do what I'm doing Go to a gun show with your father and friends
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>>331223 laws make that very much impossible
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>>331223 I am a) not prepared for friday b) going to work all weekend
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>>331225 oh no i feel like i can hear the moment your heart breaks
It's a hard-knock life
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*blocks your picnic table*
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look at this shig
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>>331226 I don't really care that much. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'll sleep in those days anyway.>>331229 that's my wife
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I want to drrop something but people might come over maybe I should try being productive
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i had a carrot cake it helped me not feel worried about big job decisions i wanna be sleepy time
anime >>331235 →
>>331225 >working on the weekend Should be a crime desu >>331234 I like carrot cake But I like banana bread even better
banana bread is goodd i like making milktoast with banana bread
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:25 No. 331241
What the hell is milktoast?
>>331241 I bet it's like a watersandwhich
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lacktoast and tolerant
it's when you cook toast with buttermilk and it gets like consolidated milk and is a pretty gooey texture it's very easy to digest and very rich in flavor but that's not really the point of why i mentioned it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:27 No. 331252
Huh Sounds interesting Not sure I'd pike it though. *like
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:28 No. 331253
Are you that material sciemce person? *science
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:28 No. 331254
Also I accidentally updated android again.
that's moon
mat science is dutch
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:29 No. 331257
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:29 No. 331258
>>331256 Huh I remember hearing stuff about dutch but can't recall what
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The only materials dutch studies are boobs.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:29 No. 331260
>>331259 And?
then he isn't studying you then huh
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:30 No. 331262
>>331261 >>331261 >>331261 >>331261
anyone, banana bread or carrot cake are very soothing to the soul
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:30 No. 331265
>>331263 Lemon bread
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:30 No. 331266
Is also very good
>>331263 I like banana bread but I can't really dig carrot cake>>331265 what's lemon bread made out of again I feel like I've had it before or it sounds tasty
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:32 No. 331274
>>331268 Lemon and bread
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:33 No. 331276
I don't really know There's a few different things that go by that name tjough, one is basically pound cake but lekon flavored I like that a lot
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I think I've had it there's another cake I have in mind that's quite good but I forget also they replaced the char limit on twitter with a 280 limit and then replaced the counter with a little circle that fills up as you type genius
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:39 No. 331279
Any of you like the babd Galaxie 500? *band
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 05:44 No. 331280
Probably going yo *to bed with in the nect thirty minutes or so
good nght
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Night rei
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check put those guns
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guess that wasn't a bikini
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yes, that's clearly shimapan!
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well I mean this one has ribbons so I guesss
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Her bottom does seem a bit like undies, but the top is so obviously swimwear so I'd say that's probably a bikini.
Maybe she's being stupid and wearing pantsu with a bikini top.
is that stupid? i do it all the time
Yeah man it's pretty terminal stupidity. It's okay though, we're here for you.
maybe i'm bang
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maybe you are
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It's cold.>>331327 We could have watched Inuyashiki with you if only you had responded!
NO caps no you couldn't have it's okay
>>331329 hey what are you tryin to do with that image dont do that
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>>331329 >>331334 these girls are cute
>>331335 Maria NO
>>331337 what
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Installing ultra moon now time to go vack to sleep Hibiki is my wiiiiiife
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poor maria
>>331338 ur gay now dude
>>331345 oh no Dad's gonna kill me
>>331339 have fun sleep well
2017/11/10 (金) 07:07 No. 331351
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hey tn
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2017/11/10 (金) 07:26 No. 331359
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>>331357 sup that gun girl is lacking a proper face
beer you? I forgot spoiler that one
2017/11/10 (金) 07:27 No. 331361
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a free day for myself
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>>331360 Don't worry, I didn't.
thanks rika I can always count on yuu
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what about bang
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I can always count on you bang 'CAUSE I FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL>>331361 ah nice enjoy yourself
2017/11/10 (金) 07:32 No. 331366
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Amusingly, I did not get into any trouble despite practically skipping over thursday
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/10 (金) 07:45 No. 331367
I can always show my everything
2017/11/10 (金) 07:46 No. 331368
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flashy meal
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/10 (金) 07:58 No. 331369
when is fuckin Coco coming out
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/10 (金) 08:01 No. 331371
apparently it's already out
2017/11/10 (金) 08:09 No. 331372
>>331370 a loco
>when it's just cold enough that you don't need to refrigerate your bottled water
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my car must have been cold enough to do the same
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what are you thinking about, /moe/? what worries or dreams captivate your idle seconds?
2017/11/10 (金) 08:18 No. 331376
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schemes to take over the world
no pondering ? what about dogs do you think about dogs dogs are great
bout to take a dog for a walk laddie
2017/11/10 (金) 08:29 No. 331380
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kill dogs
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alright /moe/ goodnight i guess
goodnight bang
2017/11/10 (金) 09:01 No. 331384
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wow if the empero had a text to speech device is so great
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>>331385 this is extremely cute
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I have already broken the left stick button on my switch joycon
how even
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>>331389 idk it's a tiny piece of plastic and metal filament it's fragile
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Ultra Moon is pretty decent so far
but now i have to work
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50 years have passed
anon still can't cook meals friday night edition
2017/11/10 (金) 11:54 No. 331398
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and now I must seek hotdogs
stop right there, you pussy cats what the fuck are you doing
2017/11/10 (金) 12:36 No. 331400
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catting around
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I was never cut out for the normie life I should just stop trying
>$6 for a redbull
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you must be somewhere shitty for that pricing
Yeah. No kidding
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Image of my wife
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Nobody even had the decency to try and Go me At least a good scrap would have made it a fun night. How's the rest of Moe doing
not bad I guess
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:39 No. 331414
Truly I have become Ohio
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:39 No. 331415
It's like -5.5°C right now Weather like this is so refreshing Cause if its any warmer than this the clothes I need to wear get too hot after walking for a few minutes.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:41 No. 331417
Cause there's nothing like wearing a winter coat while walking 5 miles in the snow at 0°C while drenched in sweat.
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So bored
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:42 No. 331420
>>331419 Wowme2
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:43 No. 331422
Sup marsh How've you been?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:43 No. 331423
Aw fuck My new pgone doesn't fit in my coat's inside pocket. *phone
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tfw deleted all my screenshot of the siscon
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:46 No. 331425
Whoa I just saw a guy who looked like he had a bunion on his thumb.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 14:48 No. 331427
My stops up Brb Or bbl Not sure yet
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hey ton hows things
work is ok i am big suck leech in granblue gonna play pokemon when i get home
oh that's right I guess there's a silver lining after all
to not having to play guild wars? min contr was like 10-15 mil i hit 2.7 after two hours and was like "ok im done" we superseeded. well they did
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is ika still in hell
yeah he is i think i thought you were him again whoops
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haha that's okay I'm always going through some identity crisis so it's be expected
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i'm Rene, just to clear the air about that
hi rene
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hey anno
how's life on your end
vague and uncertain how about you
probably the same I don't know feeling not great butit could be worse
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there's always good in life but I can never see it it seems
but yeah just being an idiot as usual
>>331446 hows work anyway
all right bland i guess
I had a peek at that yahoo thing crazy stuff
what yahoo thing?
oh I may have steered wrong moon posted that>>331455 oh righto
the equifax hearing that talked about yahoo?
oh okay i understand now yeah its cray
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one of my client's partner has an agressive cancer I'm not feeling too optimistic about it
that is unfortunate i hope that something can be done
so do I
I hope this comedown fucks off too
what you comin down from
just an e
I did two the other night and it was okayish I did one tonight despite what I read
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mr e everything is learning
good luck ive never messed with it im pretty good at controlling comedown though because i always feel like shit anyway i just take valerian root and sleep whenever i feel chemically uncomfortable
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I would probably reccomend against It's good you have a better grip on things
that's probably not true
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Iperspective I guess
I think I'll go visit my client tomorrow we've grown embarrassingly close
such is life -banjo patterson
this is really funny now I that rewatch it
>>>/watch?v=45UAXkZ2YAM idol shitposting
>>331464 stop trying to convert me
uh don't do drugs ton you can go for all traps you want though
wait that isn't that guilty girl is it
guilty gear
that doesnt look like bridget to me
also bridget is a girl (boy) be careful about your worss
false alarm>boorus >in charge of having the pictures I want >>331478 >>331479 I am ok with this unfolding of events
I'd be just as happy with bridget too though
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I guess it's finally time to sleeep for a bit
thank you all for tolerating me
no prob
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 21:08 No. 331485
Whoah So dead
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tweetdeck status: extremely good
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>>331487 hey babe
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Hello, /moe/.
sup Kirara
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Watching some anime. What are you up to, my friend?
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I have an exam in like 3 hours Might try and read over stuff in those 2 hours before leaving or I might just panic Either sounds fine What anime >>331494 >halfcocked
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 22:35 No. 331494
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Saw this at the cd store.
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>>331493 What is it on?
>>331495 International development
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... I am in the process of outdoing myself. You can do it Koi. You're the best Koi.
what are you doing Koi
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My brain had the AUDACITY to think of something nice
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>>331496 Are you ready for it?>>331499 oh no
>>331499 let your brain rebel >>331500 I know I'll at least pass. I did well enough on the assignment and midterm that I could score a 40% and still pass the course
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CAUSE THIS IS - .... .-. .. .-.. .-.. . .-.
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If I can match this speed properly It will be magical
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>>331501 Oh, why the worry, then?
>>331504 I'd rather get a B than merely pass with a C.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 22:50 No. 331506
Reminder that a C for him is (allegedly) 50%.
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My policy is to only work hard if I have to.
ultra moon is pretty solid so far
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 23:10 No. 331510
Someone on Craigslist is getting rid of an entire frozen deer. My guess is that they killed it without the right permit.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 23:11 No. 331511
Oh wait its not frozen.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/10 (金) 23:23 No. 331513
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Cool stuff.
> fick the boat i ride the waves mother fucker
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Is it suffering IS KEKKAI SENSEN OUT oh wait friday mouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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That episode of Yuki Yuna was hard to watch.
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It's always suffering. Yuki Yuna is the kind of show where you fall in love with all the characters and then you have to watch them suffer horribly. S2 is a special kind of painful to watch, though, because it's a prequel and we know how much suffering the characters are going to be in and how much more they have to go through.
Search [iqdb] (457 KB, 899x985, あすぜむ - 最近のまとめ (65724484) 4ページ.png )
Well, I guess that's not a show for me wasp episode tomorrow Curious episode SOME DAY
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Actually... I'm worried about the Curious episode because I don't think any evidence of it shows up in the ED. So Curious might not even show in S2... I would be really sad. That was the coolest B2B chapter. NO WAIT THERE WAS ONE. BUT I'M NOT SURE IF IT'S A REFERENCE TO THAT CHAPTERThe part where the buildings are bumping up and down and then the little copter flies into view. But it transitions into that cat really quickly. SO MAYBE I really want to see that part.
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The last episode of Yuki Yuna made me want to cry! It's just so sad.>>331521 I have a feeling we won't see Curious. I hope we do.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 00:34 No. 331523
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Blue, do you read this?
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>>331521 Maybe that'll be the finale or something. It'd probably be split into two episodes so it might be a good finale. I wonder if that'll be able to top the hospital episode.
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1428x1428, リーリン - まとめ (65709236) 7ページ.jpg )
>>331523 nope>>331524 I don't think that arc is particularly long for two episodes. I mean, if they're about to fit the Wasp episode into one ep, Curious can too. They'd have to elongate the fights. ...WHICH ISN'T A BAD THING
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image of my wife
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 00:39 No. 331527
>>331525 It's breddy gud. It's about a guy who likes making portraits of a particular girl.
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>>331525 Yeah, maybe you're right. They're doing a really good job, so I bet they can fit it into one episode.
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 1304x1303, リーリン - まとめ (65709236) 5ページ.jpg )
it also can't be the finale because how will white come back
she's coming back
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I hope so.
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 1388x1389, リーリン - まとめ (65709236) 9ページ.jpg )
of course
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 00:44 No. 331534
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 00:47 No. 331536
>>331535 Yeah I know Aside from that its good
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 00:50 No. 331537
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thanks for anime
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rika dess
>>331538 you too
>>331539 morning
hello rika
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>>331541 I think you're confused, it's 8 PM in the evening.>>331542 hello!
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yeah thats like morning if you choose pokemon moon
>>331543 Universal greeting time is a useful thing
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So how are we all doing tonight?
>>331546 when is ilyana showing up
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how nice it would be to have Mia (R), Nephenee (B), and Ilyana (G) in one banner
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>>331547 She's one I'll definitely roll hard for when she does! There is a FE channel on the 15th I think. People expect it to have a good reveal.
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Ilyana was one of my favorites. Then she got the nerf bat in FE10 for no reason. It was tragic. I still used her a lot though. At least I don't have to worry about accuracy in feh
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>>331546 p good, just came back from having beers and partying with m8s how about u>
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>>331551 hello dutch, how have you been? I defended your honor the other day! Someone said you were studying some kind of science, and I told them that can't be true, because the only thing you study is boobs!>>331550 Using characters you like is what is most important.>>331552 Hi, how are you?
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FE10 made using characters you like very difficult.
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>>331553 how proposterous thank you for defending my love of large breasts
>>331546 pretty good
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>>331554 Break down the barriers!
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>>331553 I'm okay. How are you?
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Hey Kirara, would you believe me if I said um has had more differences so far than I might have expected
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oh that's right. I was trying to think of a good colorless character to go with that trio. And I remembered Nephenee's lesbian thief friend. I don't remember her name though Heather
There is only one colorless character in feh and thats horse lyn
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I just ate two tangerines in 5 minuts what did you do with your lives? get on my elvel level
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>>331559 I would. Why wouldn't I?
>>331563 I thought you were still maybe skeptical It's mostly the same plot so far but some cool dudes gave appeared
Also, while I really want Ilyana, I really don't need another green tome. I have too many
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>>331564 No, I stopped being skeptical weeks ago!
>>331566 yay im hoping to report that it might be worth your money by the end all im hoping for is a lillie fight in post game thats like all i want
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>>331555 I was surprised people were spreading lies about you!
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>>331568 yeah me too I visit once and suddenly people think I have anything but breasts on my mind
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>>331567 Well, I won't be buying it anytime soon.
>>331570 hai hai
>>331568 you have any noteworthy changes in your life? still have a walk-in closet and insecure about your height and breast size?
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>>331572 Well, I still have a walk in closet but I don't know anything about those other two issues you mentioned.
>a pokemon comes into the pokemon center and heals ypu >nurse joy blows a fucking gasket and yells at it holy shit job insecurity is some shit
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>>331573 good good you still studying? for however long I knew you, I never really knew what you did outside of moo
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>>331575 No, I have a relatively busy job that is especially busy at the moment.
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trying to fight winter in alice in wonderland or something? gimme something you enjoying it regardless of business? busyness I mean
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I work really hard for someone who just wants to take it easy! Maybe I should become a NEET. It's fairly enjoyable I guess though.
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good good NEET life can be fun, but the downside is no money coming in to pay for survival glad you still enjoy it regardless I only work a few hours a month at the moment and it's a pretty decent job too I do it with a friend which makes it even more chill
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Becoming an elite NEET sounds pretty good. I've been thinking about it, too.
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Yeah, I want to be an elite NEET. People keep giving me more responsibility though.
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don't think I have the skills to become an elite neet maybe I gotta practice a bit more
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I'll just marry into money and live my life doing whatever I want
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All you have to do to be an elite NEET is choose to be one! If you can not be a NEET but choose not to you're an elite NEET.
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I found a dank website that offers living space + food in return of work seems like a fun thing to do, been thinking about it a bit ofc not even close to NEET since you still gotta work>If you can not be a NEET but choose not to you're an elite NEET. what
moon communes when
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that'd be some good shit
fully automated gay space communes
>lana doesnt crack jokes during her trial now why this
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I'm gonna wear a dress because no way I am giving up boobies
WAIT WHATher totem is different
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>>331591 gay girls can come too
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>>331593 that's what I'm counting on bby
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>>331595 oh shit
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>>331594 sup blue-san you still working for the train people?
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>still searching for an appropriate disappointed image>>331602 I "did" get it. I just haven't started yet. My class doesn't start until the 27th
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train people are slow.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:18 No. 331600
>>331599 4U
i bought a sweater with a cute bird wearing a winter hat
>>331598 ouch bro, didn't mean to rub it in I thought you got that, but it's been a while so I didn't remember
>>331598 oh nice, so I didn't make an ass out of myself have fun bruv, hope you make loads of dosh
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oh no the RULES
yeah I thought rikka was more on top of the job tbh that image is nsfw as fuck
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>>331603 yeah cheers tits out for paycheckambe
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>>331605 i am LIVID
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me too tbh only sfw shit right now
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at least I can't see it on my ten eighty pee screen now
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100% Koisafe
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>>331611 that pic is me irl right now
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guys what's better cooking manga or eating manga
i like to eat manga raw personally
eating I guess cooking is fun too, but you do it to eventually eat it if you take that away then there's really no point in cooking it so I go for eating
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would be fun to draw like that
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what it's just a manga about noodles
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wow you are posting lewd things in here!
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yeah yeah I'm sorry I was counting on you to delete it right away
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if any of you have spotify you should def listen to Gare a toi by Barbarella or otherwise here;s a life version >>>/watch?v=e3ExZJPs0s4 fucking love this song
mods are awake post blewds
wheres the best place to find good anime
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I usually visit ur mum's place for dank animes
lol his mom watches anime?
yeah just shows that being a nerd is inheratable
would be real awkward if his mum is dead but let's pretend that isn't possible
did'nt see that one coming
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>>331620 I got a text message.
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oehhhh you seeing someone or just a friend?
i got an incrediblylong stare and smile from a girl today, did'nt have my phone with me and i was with someone :/
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why'd you need your phone, you were gonna take a pic or something?
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>This girl is staring at me, maybe she'll let me take her picture
her number yo
>>331635 you heard of fucking paper or writing on your arm m8? or just give her your number
awkward trying to find a pen. true though no excuses ha
how do you even be somewhere without a phone
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well to be fair I went partying today without a phone it's still at my gf's place
>winwdowld: zlhwhb3v type t data this ones a new one
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>>331637 you fucked up son I forgive you though
thank you. theres always next time
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>>331631 Wow, you're optimistic to think I'll answer a question like that!
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yo got another chance to see her? if she's looking at you you're either a fucking weirdo or she wants your dickerino>>331643 doesn't hurt to try eh
maybe, slim chance though so we
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something something more fish something something sea
she hot btw?
yeah 8/10
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damn you really fucked up
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:38 No. 331650
I bet she was staring cause your fly was unzipped.
yeah or he didn't remove his hair between his eyebrows or should I say eyebrow
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:39 No. 331653
>>331651 I need to trim that again very soon.
do it right now you got tweezers right? or whatever they callit in english
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:40 No. 331655
>>331654 Nah, I use scissors. If I fuck up with the tweezers its permanent My mom fucked up one of her eyebrows by tweezing it too much so I try to not do things like that
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>>331655 what the fuck how long are you letting it grow?
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lol what the fuck
>>331658 yeah my thoughts exactly>>331655 just only take out the hairs you want bruv also they'll grow back what are you talking about permanent I fucking wish it was permanent
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:41 No. 331660
>>331657 Like little scissors>>331659 She's missing a good chunk of one of her eyebrows from tweezing it obsessively
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watching people eat is so nice
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>>331657 kawaii
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>>331661 perv>>331662 what
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>>331660 I must be doing something wrong cuz I have to keep removing it all the time>>331662 thanks you too
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>>331663 Oh, I meant to click >>331658 but SOMEBODY posted as I was posting and pushed the new link up into my click.
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>>331663 it's not perverse it's really nice There's so much passion in eating food.
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>>331665 Are you going to punish them?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:43 No. 331668
>>331664 Anyways I have OCD and a predisposition towards picking at my skin so I try to avoid using tweezers if I don't need them.
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>>331668 I can't imagine, but if you think that stops you fucking yourself it's probably a good idea not to use tweezers yeah
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:45 No. 331671
>>331670 What the fuck are those shoes.
yeah they look dirty af you doing a cosplay shoot with dirty shoes get outta here
go get ciggerates at 3am?
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they're like platform sneakers
>>331674 no get cocaine
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:47 No. 331677
>>331673 Dude those sneakers have a disproportionate bottom See >>331675 Yeah basically
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>>331667 Wasn't planning on it.
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does sugoi-san still post here?
I think he got sucked into the wow dimension since they released vanilla he does sometimes
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:49 No. 331681
He comes around sometimes
warframe looks good, like e.y.e divine cybermancy nut third person
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>>331680 ah damn, that's bound to ruin some lives luckily I never played vanilla or I'd probably be doing nothing but play WoW all day>>331681 kewl
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Jun is the realest person that doesn't even exist
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Yeah, Sugoi has been a big time wow addict lately.
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hbu? you playing WoW again?
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>>331686 Nah. When those wow classic servers were popular some of my friends begged me to play so I got to like level 20, but it's really just so time consuming that I stopped.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:54 No. 331688
>>331682 I have a friend who really liked it a lot, but he was recently talking about how some new update basically ruined it.
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>>331687 I feel ya mmos are really just that I quit oldschool runescape a few months ago because it takes so much time for basically nothing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:55 No. 331690
Just join a MUD or something. Or like, join a nethack server
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that sounds like something from the era of irc
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:56 No. 331693
>>331691 We're still in the era of irc. Also I'm pretty sure MUDS predate irc.
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yeah true I actually idle in 6 channels and am active in two xd
>>331689 >a few months ago how long have you been playing...
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>>331695 I think about half a year oldschool runescape isn't that old now if I remember right had to start from scratch sadlt sadly
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:58 No. 331697
Okay yeah The first MUD came out in lile 1975. *like IRC was invented in 1988>>331698 No
did they even have computers back then?
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That stuff is way too ancient for me.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 02:59 No. 331700
>>331699 What is, computers?
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>>331700 yeah, computers from 1975 are. I don't have a spare room.
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just move your clothes out of the closet can fit a nice computer in there maybe it can do 5 calculations a day
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:01 No. 331703
>>331701 The Altair 8800 came out in 1975 It's probably smaller than your desktop.
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>>331702 Then where will I put my clothes?
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I dunno stuff them under your bed or something it's worth it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:02 No. 331706
Also back then you didn't need to have the computer in your house to use it. You'd use a terminal to access it.
good shit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:03 No. 331708
Which is basically coming back now with cloud computing Lol
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>>331705 That's bad for the clothes. You can't mistreat your clothes.
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watch me also I keep getting holes in my pockets from my keys I try to sew them shut, but they keep opening kill me
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I had to get rid of a bunch of favorite pairs of undies recently because they had holes in them.
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you keep keys in your butt or what?
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nah, they were just old.
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I'm having the same problem actually, but it's just at the elastic band so it's not that bad really
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I have a pair I like where the elastic is so old that it's completely dead too. It's pretty bad, that pair is pretty much unwearable. I wore them one day thinking my clothes over them would keep them in place but they just slid down and fell out of place. I was wearing pants so it was fine but it was really uncomfortable and awkward.
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I feel ya man I have one piece with the same problem, but my belt keeps it in place kinda it also slides down a bit sometimes, especially after using the bathroom I don't get it since the exact same underwear I bought at the exact same time has perfectly fine elastic band maybe I wear it more or something
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:11 No. 331718
>>331712 That's Jan>>331710 Put your keys on a carabiner Put the carabiner on yoyr belt loop Problem solved
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If elastic gets too old it loses all of its elastic power.
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>>331718 at the risk of looking like a dweeb? looks like rikka had the same idea
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>>331718 Maybe he doesn't want to look like a tool.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:13 No. 331722
I've been dping *doing It for over ten years, excluding times I was forced to loan my keys to my sister I have been locked out due to forgetting my keys three times.
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>caught up no yada what do i do with my LIFE
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>>331722 guess how many times I have been locked out, dweeb
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:15 No. 331725
>>331724 About tree fiddy
>>331725 yeah give or take 3.50
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I've always lost my keys
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I'm paranoid about locking myself out so I've never done it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:16 No. 331729
>>331728 I've never locked myself out. Other people have locked me out thoygh.
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Getting back in my house after locking myself out is one of the reasons I tell myself to get married.
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>>331727 like literally always? might as well just keep a crowbar with you
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Keys, cell phone, and glasses. I need to know where these three items are at all times.
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I think there was one time I left my keys in a house at Sydney or it slipped into the seam of my car boot I can't remember which
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>>331732 same except glasses, don't really need those much I went out without keys, phone and wallet a few days ago I felt so naked
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:18 No. 331735
>>331732 Wowme2 I do over 99% of the time though.
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i can't wait to have enough money to blast concentrated light at my eyes so I can free myself from this prison of metal and glass
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:18 No. 331737
>>331736 It wrecks your night vision.
>>331736 same gotta have 6 months stable vision tho
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 998x755, リーリン - まとめ (65709236) 11ページ.jpg )
>>331737 Things I Don't Need For 500
>>331739 a wife?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:20 No. 331741
>>331739 Enjoy walking into furniture at night
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>>331740 but what if I get locked out
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:20 No. 331744
>>331743 You'll do it more
>>331733 what happened next>>331742 find a new wife
Search [iqdb] (539 KB, 1062x500, 15@秋季例大祭く-33b - 秦こころ (65374865) .png )
>>331744 doubt walking into furniture at night is life when you have children in your presence>>331738 what does that even mean>>331745 ...but my current wife will open the door
>>331745 the boot thing definitely happened I dunno I guess I spent a week without car keys
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>>331746 what if she is locked out too? '>>331747 how'd you get new car keys?
>he treated me like a piece of furniture i wish at least people take furniture with them when they move
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:23 No. 331750
>>331746 >walking into furniture at night is life when you have children in your presence What does that even mean?
>>331749 damn man :(
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>>331748 I smash the window with a rock. Then I call the police to let them know that I just broke into my own house because if I don't, someone will have already dialed 911 and I'd be looking at my own funeral.
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I was about to say man you like getting shot?
>>331748 I think I had a spare key this was like four years ago
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:26 No. 331755
>>331752 You could call a locksmith. Or have a door that also has a keypad, they aren't that expensive these days.
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>keypads I'm gonna smash my own god damn window that I spent money on. Let me have this>>331753 I gotta be prepared to get shot every day.
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I have to work tomorrow. And maybe a little bit Sunday.
>>331754 it took you a week to remember you had spares?>>331758 damn bruv
>>331759 having a spare wasn't the problem it was just that they were lost and the spare can only open the car not start it
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lol what what's the point in that also is that some new fancy car stuff? Never heard about spares not being able to start the car
I think cars from a certain point can't start without a chip in the key like circa 2000 and something
>>331758 same
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Yeah, I'm really going to need a break after this week!
>>331752 I think there's a chance you'd get shot anyway
2017/11/11 (土) 03:38 No. 331766
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>>331765 dying is easier than finding a new wife
I'm pretty sure if my wife and I are both locked out, at least one of us would have said "I want to die." while trying to unlock out ourselves.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:42 No. 331769
>>331767 4U
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Just break a window.
2017/11/11 (土) 03:43 No. 331771
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Good part of living in a housing company whatever, 24h locksmith services for well reasonable prices still cheaper than busting the door or window
I have got this weird sensation in my fingertips
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 1457x2064, 暮名 - 🐇 (65818800) .png )
>>331770 well... yeah. that's the plan
2017/11/11 (土) 03:44 No. 331774
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Though if I locked myself out, and I'd have atleast my phone I could easily get one of my spare keys well not easily, it would take 2-3 hours but still busfare + time is way less than calling the locksmith But in all honesty, if I ever do lock myself out, I am outsidei n my jammies taking out the trash and just left hek eys on the lock inside
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>>331775 How are you? You've been quiet tonight!
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>>331776 You've asked how I am like three times tonight ! I'm okay. How are you?
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>>331777 Yeah, because you've been so quiet! You're not normally a wallflower.
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>>331778 I'm just not paying a lot of attention to /moe/ is all.
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Oh, I see. Do you have something else fun going on?
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Not really.
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Wow, what's distracting you then!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 03:56 No. 331783
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>>331782 I'm just hanging out! You're so interested for some reason!
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>>331784 It's natural to be curious!
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it's natural to smoke crack
maybe its a text message
good point yeah
not from me
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>>331785 I don't really have anything to tell you! I'm just hanging out.
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i'm hanging up
wow I can't believe you hung on me
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>>331786 No, that's called substance abuse!>>331790 It's friday, you should be rowdy!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 04:07 No. 331794
>>331793 It's not abuse if you use it responsibly.
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>>331793 I think I'm reasonably rowdy. Just not on /moe/.
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>>331795 then a) you are distracted! and b) "reasonably rowdy" seems like an oxymoron!
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>>331796 I know I'm distracted! I think you can be reasonably rowdy. I'm rowdy within the normal Friday standards.
why do we have to be rowdy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/11 (土) 04:12 No. 331799
Going bed Night
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>>331797 "reasonably rowdy" just sounds so lame. I'm not sure about it that!
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>>331800 Aren't you just being bitter because I'm not being rowdy for you?
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>>331801 I don't think someone as gracious and magnanimous as I am is capable of being bitter, so no.
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yeah that's a good point you are pretty magnificant
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>>331802 You clearly are capable of it because you're super bitter right now!
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here's music: >>>/watch?v=NmAyEJ-k0ZE >>331804 I don't think I've been bitter in my whole life. Like I said, I'm not capable of it!>>331803 I'm magnificant too but that's a different word than magnanimous.
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Oh, is that so?
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my client said something rika-ish something like "elephant on the wall" I wish I could remember
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>>331805 I thought it was just a fancy word for roughly the same thing just looked it up and it's p different
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>>331807 There's "elephant in the room" and "fly on the wall" but to say "elephant on the wall" is to mix the idioms in a potentially dangerous way.>>331806 Yes, that's precisely so!>>331808 Yeah. It's not that fancy a word though.
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Yeah, you said "elephant on the wall" once.>>331809 I think you're bitter. You wish that I was here, entertaining you.
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>>331810 I sometimes make mistakes, but I don't think I would go so far as to say something absurd like "elephant on the wall". Also, I'm not bitter! I don't think there's a single shred of evidence that suggests that I could be bitter.
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fancy for me at least never seen anyone use it :o
>>331807 were you the person with the marketing client i only vaguely remember
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>>331811 You totally wish I were here, being rowdy, and entertaining you instead of my girlfriend, though!
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oeh la la is rikka-san jealous?
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Jealous of me. She wants to kill me and take my girlfriend.
2017/11/11 (土) 04:28 No. 331817
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100% so
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>>331814 >>331815 I'm not bitter or jealous.
2017/11/11 (土) 04:28 No. 331819
and tsundere
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>>331818 Then why complain that I'm quiet?
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>>331820 I was just wondering why you were being such a wallflower! It's unlike you.
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it's getting p late, I should probably sleep xd
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>>331821 I don't think I'm acting out of character. >>331822 Sleep well pal
>>331823 thank you too m8 smell ya later
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>>331822 Have fun sleeping!>>331823 And I don't think I'm bitter!
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>>331825 Okay! Well, I don't plan on being rowdy for you. I hope my explanation as to why I'm quiet was good enough for you.
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Well, as I explained, it was deficient in a few ways!
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In what way is my explanation not good enough?
>>331809 it was something like "a bird in the hand gathers no moss">>331813 no, it was a elderly client so it was understandable he has dementia too
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>>331828 Because you can't be reasonably rowdy!
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>>331830 That's not the explanation for why I'm not rowdy on /moe/.
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>>331831 You should be, though!>>331829 That's another mixed idiom! Am I known for mixing idioms?
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>>331832 Why?
>>331832 I'd say you are a bit
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>>331833 Just because!>>331834 I can't recall a time I've ever mixed idioms.
>>331829 i guess i got someone else's occupation mixed up i do that sometimes
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>>331835 That' not a reason.
>>331835 You definitely have!>>331836 it's pretty easy to do
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>>331837 It seems like it is! Did you join team Takumi, by the way?>>331838 I don't think I could make a really terrible error like your examples though.
Yeah that one really is terrible
don't count all your chickens in a basket
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>>331839 I won't accept that reason. If you want me to be rowdy, youll need a better reason. Yeah.
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>>331842 Because it's fun!
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apparently karen uses gin's phone and her transformation is basically gin's>>331843 I don't know if it's more fun than what I'm already doing.
we can't all be neurotypical karen
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>>331844 Didn't it get stated that was the case in the first series? I don't think they named Gin but we knew everything else. What are you already doing?
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>>331846 Maybe I'm misremembering it. I'm hanging out.
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Hanging out how?
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What do you mean how? I'm just hanging out.
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I mean, provide more details!
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What kind of details are you looking for here?
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Details about the alleged hanging out.
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Yeah, but what kind of details are you looking for in regards to this?
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I dunno, like what kind of hanging out you're doing.
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You know, the kind of hanging out you do with your girlfriend. Just hanging out.
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What kind of hanging out activities are you doing?
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You're really pressing hard here! I don't know how to explain it other than to say we're just hanging out. She's sitting there, and I'm sitting there, and we're just hanging out.
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It's a strange phrase so it's natural I'm curious!
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I don't think it's a strange phrase.
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It's kinda conspicious.
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Well, in any case, you understand what I mean when I say hanging out, now, right?
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I think I'm still relatively unclear.
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What part are you unclear on?
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The exact nature of hanging out!
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We're just enjoying each other's company! Does that clear it up?
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Not really! Are you like watching TV and stuff?
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No, we're not really doing anything.
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That's not very rowdy, is it?
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It's plenty rowdy. We're having lots of fun.
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In what way is it rowdy? How are you having fun if you aren't doing much? anime >>331870 →
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Wow, how blind! I feel sorry for you! I don't need to be doing things to have fun being around her!
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I think the whole situation is very vague! It's no wonder I can't understand.
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How is it vague? We're just talking and hanging out.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:20 No. 331879
hrrrgggh hiya
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>>331879 hello!>>331877 that's reasonable but not very rowdy!
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>>331880 I can get rowdy in a conversation. >>331879 How's your wrist?
I sentence the two of you to death by hanging out
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That's just hanging. And you can't kill people by hanging them if they're super strong because their necks won't snap.>>331881 Are you sure about that?
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>>331883 Yeah. You don't think I can?
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>>331884 Well, maybe reasonably rowdy.
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>>331886 That's what I initially said. Do you understand everything now?
>>331883 are you that strong?
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>>331888 Is that really rowdy at all?>>331889 Of course? Has anyone seen Tilde? I need Tilde for anime!
>>331890 Wow how'd you make your neck so strong
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>>331890 I'm offended by your doubt.
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>>331891 Watching anime!>>331892 It's good to question things.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:32 No. 331894
>>331881 i got a splint upgrade so I feel +10% cool also im going into surgery next week aaaa
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>>331893 You should take my word for it. You know how rowdy I can be!>>331894 Surgery for your wrist? Oh no.
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:33 No. 331896
yeah they're gonna screw a plate into it
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>>331895 hmm, do I really?>>331896 Wow, you're getting a metal arm?
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>>331897 Why would you want me to be rowdy for you if I couldn't get rowdy?>>331896 You're gonna be a cyborg?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:34 No. 331899
>>331897 yeah im going to carry a six shooter and pocket sand everywhere I go
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>>331898 Maybe I want to see how rowdy you can be?>>331899 Is the surgery for carpal tunnel stuff?
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:34 No. 331901
>>331900 nope I had a bicycling accident the surgery is to secure a bone fragment
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Can you get USB ports in it? And a battery?>>331900 Well, you'll have to come over if you want to see that!
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>>331901 I remember the accident. It must have been pretty bad!>>331902 I don't know if it's worth coming all that way to be reasonably rowdy!
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:36 No. 331904
Maybe it will give me a passable wifi connection direct to my nerves
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 415x612, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg )
>>331903 I'd amp it up a bit for you.>>331904 downloading everything directly into your veins
Samu 😈 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 05:37 No. 331906
Friday night time to slay with my splint
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>>331905 That's what I was asking for, for you to amp it up!
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>>331908 Well, I'm only being rowdy in person tonight, so you'd miss out on it even if I amped it up.
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Well, you've managed to do a decent job of being entertaining so I'll give you a pass for today.
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I'm always entertaining. Don't insult me.
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Well, you have a passing grade for today so I'm not going to argue!
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I always have a passing grade.
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Wallflowers don't pass!
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It's really your fault if I act like a wallflower.
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How is it my fault?
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You were neither more interesting than my girlfriend nor were you pitiable enough to get my attention until you started asking for it! If you'd been more interesting, I would have been louder!
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I was very interesting this afternoon!
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Sure, but you were up against the most interesting person in my life, and you weren't doing anything special to boost your power, so of course you lost. But raising your pitiableness was a good plan.
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Wow, I'm not pitiable!
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Your bitterness at me focusing on my girlfriend over /moe/ was kinda pitiable.
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I wasn't bitter!
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You sure seemed jealous or bitter or something! But I'd be jealous if someone monopolized someone as great as me, so I understand.
Search [iqdb] (282 KB, 707x720, 1378769874902.gif )
You can't just go around calling people pitiable and bitter and jealous!
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Hey, it's okay to be jealous! I understand.
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I'm not jealous!
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 703x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
You can admit it. You totally got a little jealous that I was being monopolized. It // I'm sure I'd get jealous, too, if the roles were reversed.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
Everyone would just be bored if I were the one being a wallflower!
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Not if I weren't.
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Everyone would miss me!
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Are you saying they wouldn't miss me?
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I missed you!
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Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 835x645, chuuni23 (2).jpg )
And that's why being a wallflower is bad.
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But absence makes the heart grow fonder, so being a wallflower will just make you want me to post even more. That gives me POWER
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Being a wallflower is definitely bad.
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Seems like it benefits me plenty. It's like an idle game. I raise your desire to have me post while I hang out.
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You shouldn't hold out on your friends like that! I have to work all weekend so I wanted a fun moe night!
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Wow, you're trying to guilt trip me!
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I'm just stating my motives!
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Well, I hope you enjoyed your moe night because I'm going back to being a wallflower again!
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 1280x720, 1510368209486.jpg )
Wow, right back to it huh!
We've dropped really suddenly into winter here. It's like -6C where it was hovering around 6C this time of night a week or so ago. It's the worst.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 500x281, 1444011133181.gif )
It's been cold here too. How awful!
Wow send it here our weather is merely reasonable
tfw you workout so much you will never have a cute meido figure tfw
>>331997 You'll have the perfect figure to be a combat meido
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>>331997 Eat a bunch so you get a little soft.
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a pudgy american meido
dont be a wallflrower
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>>332004 one day he'll learn how to open it
>>332004 why is cat sad
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I dunno if he's sad
he's beyond sadness he has accepted his place as a wageslave
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He's just realized that cats actually don't like milk that much, and his perceptions about everything have been shattered.
Cats like milk a LOT. But it's not good for their body in the slightest. Maybe he's realized that consuming it is damaging to his wellbeing but that's a different thing.
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ya anon knows
cats like me a lot too
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I've never known a cat that would actually drink it. My cat turned her nose up at it that time I tried to give it to her.
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The cat is a commentary on consumerism They love the milk, but it hurts them It hurts them, yet they consume
>>332012 Why did god design the cat to enjoy that which kills him
>>332016 rika's oujo cat was too good for common milk
fuck it that's a tweet
Wow what the heck is this shigure hibiki r-18 book i see in my twitter feed just what are you letting your wife do, rika
>>332018 If you want to go down that route, God "designed" humans to be lactose intolerant originally too. It was only after we stubbornly persisted in drinking the stuff that we built up an immunity to it.
>>332021 ton...
>>332023 yes?
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I'm not really sure how to field that post, so I defer to >>332023 Please judge him in whatever way to you find appropriate.
It's a /u/book I was trying to just make another boatwife joke but i did just wake up so words are hard I'd have just posted the cover but it's a little lewd
lol of course it's a /u/book... you are ruining their purity
you could call it a U-boat
Imagine you're a cute little boat just trying to fight your boat battles and then a long comes this pervert ton to make nasty stories about you. I would be mortified
As opposed to then a short coming.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 614x813, 690560a4074227dda62abb4b8abe92b0.jpg )
Im not the one making the doujinshi Dont blame me here!
>>332032 imagine being an anime girl and people on the internet start fighting over who gets to marry you when you don't like either of those nerds
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 693x719, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg )
>my twitter feed is full of hentai but i'm not a pervert
>>332037 no, my twitter field is full of bep artists who occasionally like lewd things so they pop up in my feed
in fact hang on
yeah i dont even follow that artist making tbe book so HA
>>332037 >I'm following all these hentai artists but I'm definitely not a pervert Something seems up here...
The twitter appia frustrating because you cant turn the lewd filter on or off in it>>332043 but non of the art... 99% of the artists i have followed dont draw any lewd
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 533x750, cb0f03bfeeee7b8558fec3abbecdc644.jpg )
I'm serious here! I just want to follow cute beps!
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 631x716, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Kanojo (…).jpg )
I think the phrase most appropriate to this situation is "methinks the lady doth protest too much".
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>>332048 This is always what happens though! People potentially have misunderstandings about something about me and I haaaaaaate misunderstandings.
This is leftover trauma from being called lewd monster for like a year or two!
>>332050 That's a little low cut don't you think? If you wore that people would call you some very racy and not very nice things
Rosetta is a racy girl
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 507x687, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
>>332053 You're still called a lewd monster.
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>>332062 Not as often! Anyway my twitter feed isnt full of lewd things.
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don't lewd boats you monster
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>>332065 That's not really the impression that this conversation has given me!
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>>332070 I'm serious! It's only when these artists retweet lewd things is when they pop up, so I dont even get a choice!
It's okay I forgive you. After all the poster above you is a known yuri VN player...
Search [iqdb] (137 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
Well, setting that aside, I don't want to work tomorrow!
I'm sad to hear you're working tomorrow! Please do your best to have the day fly by
>>332076 eww why are you workign
>>332076 wagie... *cracks whip*
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>>332075 how scandalous
girls can't enjoy yuri... or can they?
/moe/ the move is complete but now i must live in fear of forgetting to pay a bill and having my life destroyed
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depends can guys enjoy gay stuff?
>>332082 gz you did it
>>332083 only if it's a girl(boy) x boy
>>332082 setup automatic payments bruv
>>332086 i'll try
>>332087 don't try just do it
i will see what i can do
>>332082 now the government know where you live they will replace you with an alien
no don't see what you can do, actually do it
i don't think they're all offering autopay services
then your bank probably has a way to automagically wire money also send me a few bucks every month please thanks
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sup kannagi-san
Hey there.
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I'm recovering from being ill. I think have a bit of a flu. How are you all?
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sucks bruv I'm recovering from drinking a bit, luckily it's not so bad
I think I have an ulcer in the top right back outer side of my mouth. Either that or an infection. I can still eat and stuff though so it's mainly just a minor annoyance.
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yeah that shit's annoying
>>332100 Why doesn't she buy a bigger shirt?
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 3272x4429, Kanoe.Yuuko.full.1279285.jpg )
she can't leave the school :(
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ara are you looking at lewd images
>>332102 But she's a ghost anyway. Shouldn't she be able to make a bigger shirt by just wanting one? Or is she stuck wearing the same clothes forever?
Search [iqdb] (925 KB, 480x270, 1359487111082.gif )
nah she wears other clothes like in this gif, with again a small shirt, and >>332104 F A N S E R V I C E
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 10:51 No. 332107
Search [iqdb] (1s, 1.2 MB, 1280x720, Yuuko_hair.webm )
hello samurai-san
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1275x2032, yuuko-stripped.jpg )
>>332108 if this isn't the most perfect webm I made I dunno what is
Samu 🍖 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/11/11 (土) 10:55 No. 332111
get destroyed you purloiner of porno
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 853x480, yomi shocked with ear 2.png )
>>332112 >With ear There are versions without the ears?
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 1280x720, s931.jpg )
I do remember having them, but I cannot find them. I noticed another folder with a lot of images with size 0 bytes, so maybe it got fucked when I copied shit over
>fucked >>>/watch?v=Io8JcpiR1QQ
Search [iqdb] (15s, 2.9 MB, 720x900, fyxucOz.mp4 )
sorry anon-san
So long as you understand it's fine.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, s0l0.jpg )
is it fine though? is it?
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The only thing finer is your smile.
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a-anon-san so sudden
>>>/watch?v=9l0SijByV3I S O O N
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that looks dank gonna download season 1
It's a really good show
Happy to see Renner.
Unhappy to see Climb
Are you jealous?
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No Climb is just annoying
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I assume it's series -> movie ?
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>>332128 There's a movie now? It's likely just a recap movie if so But yeah the series starts at the beginning I think the series skips like, half a chapter or so, but that's about it At the start I mean
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oh yeah I didn't read the discription, it's a recape yeah recap
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>Mahouka movie still isn't out
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 957x1400, 02.png )
yeah I wanna see it too
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waiting for commie to sub the last kizu movie too they were pretty darn cool, the first two I mean
>>332133 >A Dantalian fan You have good taste Anno.
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>>332130 Ya wanna watch together maybe? I'm up for a rewatch if you wanna
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>>332134 thanks anon-san fucking loved the series>>332135 hm maybe, but I feel like watching it alone currently only got 1 monitor
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Fair enough
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>>332136 >Fucking You didn't understand.
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>>332138 dweeb
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first episode was p fun the art in the ED is beautiful too
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It gets better, too
2017/11/11 (土) 12:18 No. 332142
>>332121 hmm so i will have lizrds, empire and some of the momon audio adventures tsch I bet we won't get Empire and all dat glorious juice untill s3
good anime ?
watching shuffle, it's quite good
Oh I remember shuffle It's alright
the interludes are really cool
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The plot is so dumb though, or so I remember anyway It's been forever, so I only rememeber what I thought about it, not what the plot actually is
first anime i'm watching, i like the focus on social interaction
2017/11/11 (土) 13:15 No. 332149
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2017-11-11_15-13-53.png )
potatoes eating potatoes
2017/11/11 (土) 13:15 No. 332150
>>332147 well it is a dating sim adaption...
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 768x768, DM_WYxWVwAABZRP-orig.jpg )
>>332148 It's your first one? Oh man you should watch Haibane Renmei next
woah, i got that on dvd but from another region so i could'nt watch it
You're missing out It's real good
Search [iqdb] (820 KB, 733x1000, 34199361.jpg )
you want an animebytes account? you gotta keep a ratio though
got the cool inserts
ok thanks
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1000x1000, DMvRvD5VoAAIw8I-orig.jpg )
There's so much REAL good anime Kino's Journey, too
2017/11/11 (土) 13:18 No. 332158
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the old not the now airing
U.S Senior was Him?
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I thought Overlord would je be some SAO clone I love it he's so strategic
2017/11/11 (土) 13:22 No. 332161
overlord is best isekai
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1200x1600, DNzOHOWU8AAXgWZ-orig.jpg )
It's great because it's not attempting to be more than a power fantasy The author is fully aware he's not creating like, a different thing, but the characters are all cool anyway
2017/11/11 (土) 13:23 No. 332163
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 425x600, __mikko_girls_und_panzer_drawn(…).jpg )
yup you need some actual talent to make something like LH
2017/11/11 (土) 13:25 No. 332164
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
taters eating taters is it cannibalism?
2017/11/11 (土) 13:25 No. 332165
Search [iqdb] (464 KB, 1000x1000, __mikko_girls_und_panzer_drawn(…).jpg )
>>332162 Dunno about sao if it tries to be anything than harem pwoer fantasy either atleast the first anime wasn't that bad just okay what happened post that is then my guess way too overrated animu anyhow
SAO Is... trying to be something else, I think, you can see these parts in it where it's trying to build up stuff and then it's just ez for MC-kun, despite acting like it wasn't MC is a fucking idiot anyway
Search [iqdb] (185 KB, 906x1280, 95de5602a662b0bc.jpg )
>>331244 unironic best post in this thread>>332037 ironic best post in this thread
2017/11/11 (土) 13:26 No. 332168
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 424x600, 6fb6a40b9e74d6413e5a615c354a45c9.png )
>>332166 Was one of those animus I just watched in one go, cause I knew i would never return to it if I didn't do it like that
Watching SAO is a trial Especially the gun game part Like "Oh cool we get to see guns n-" Oh he's just gonna Jedi this
2017/11/11 (土) 13:28 No. 332171
>>332170 → >>332170 → >>332170 →
2017/11/11 (土) 13:28 No. 332172
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
>>332169 which is precisely why I only watched the first anime I had my fill of "mainstream" anime stuff for a good while