the switch's box is unexpectedly small usually nintendo boxes are hueg i was confused by the package size
>>323201 Konohana Kitan or Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
magus bride has videos for extra part things on cr confused
There was a three-episode OVA series that is unrelated to the main story which started in the television series this season. Just find whatever aired in the past four weeks or whatever.
does shoujo shuumatsu hahaha another name
GIrls' Last Tour
i thought maybe i didn't finish akashic of bastard teacher now i remember that the ending was just really unfulfilling
people tried to switch shifts and came into work hungover and sick today! I ended up working with some big black dude I didn't know. He was pretty funny.
remember that one anime about the having club and the riajuu bakuhatsu yandere girl I'm finishing that
>>323315 yeah you only see pibb in grocery stores and fancy soda fountains here too something is clearly wrong with houston
i was wondering if coke had hold of the market more strongly up north where blue lives Dr pepper/7up super strong in Texas so it's weird that I've seen so much pibb in Houston
The sooner you get that bag, the easier it will be for you to do all your mundane shit to clear a shift. The BAG. Lust for it
man i blew like 700 this weekend
damn that's a lot of blow
oh God there BlazBlue anime I'd been so happy living my life having forgot
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
dam i would like a coffeh
Samu π !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like there's something i'm missing in Odyssey
the highest i can get on a wall seems to be
backflip into wall jump into cap throw into dive at cap it feels like i ought to be able to jump onto the cap instead of diving at it (and smashing into the wall)
I like ice. But I don't know if it's okay to put it in juice or not. I have drank juice solely without ice in my life until now and only just realized.
I don't know if it would wake anyone up or not. I've never made a smoothie at 2AM before. But I don't want to wake up my little sister, so I won't be making any smoothies tonight.
The only enabling I endorse is putting people on a vibe, like how I feel rn after hearing >>>/watch?v=F94b2MYQVpc this shit. I know people tryna get of alcohol and shit, slowly but surely. I used to drink whole 2 sixes by myself way back in 2015, shit gets fucking hazy after a while.
Got you on that vibe, I guess. The one reason why I'm not a daily drinker is because I'm a parent. And the grave is much too easy of a goal. I'd rather have more challenging endeavours to look forward to
>>323395 >>323401 we put water in juice ice is just water that's solid I don't think it's weird at all
I've only had liquor three or four times this year I think. Well, maybe more. I did go to Taco Cabana a lot. Their frozen margarita is good. One of those times, it was from a bottle I purchased last year, too.
CH, I been fucking keeping tabs on that ctOS shit since 2014. >>323420 I actually don't even remember much of this year, it's all been a huge ass blur. Party boy like me needs to slow down sometime
>>323442 Well there's much frame of reference for you but it was Bowral which is past Sydney and 200ish kms from where I currently live or 124 miles It was a rare event for that area though I think I really want to see snow again
There's something amazing about walking the lonely streets on a freezing night. Emerging from the cold into a warm room with friendly faces is a great feeling, too.
>>323453 Yeah, I heard how they can only operate mainly for 4 or 5 months a year and the rest of the year it's so snowed in they only have a skeleton crew locked in an isolated bunker with the outer most chambers inaccessible due to heavy hoarfrost creeping in from the smallest cracks. It sounded fucking awesome.
>>323453 I bet he's gonna hit up those unearthed pyramids. Seriously tho, I'm super jelly that dude gets to experience condition zero. that shit must be the most intense thing a scientist has to sit through lul. >>323456 You can hit that up opening time, might give you less exposure to others. I'd just patch myself up though, i'm on the fence about that modern medicine shit. kidding
>>323457 We were talking at the bar and it sounded p crazy he was telling us someone landed a heli on a crevace and I guess fell in and died
I split the purchase of 2 packs of cigarettes with my coworker to save a few dollars, but I don't really like the ones he smokes as much as my preferred brand. Life is so tough guys. God damn.
>>323459 Imagine how well you get to know your fellowmen locked in a metal cage in the furthest reach of the world, alone with nothing but your supplies and data to parse.
>>323464 Getting eradicated by The Thing would be a suitably heroic death. I'd try to stall for my friends to evac. >>323463 There are no jobs for idiots. There are jobs that don't require you to have a degree in a biological field, though. You can help maintain the electronics and monitoring equipment on the station as someone who works either during favorable conditions, or as part of the skeleton crew, to clean the ice from the outer rooms to ensure they are habitable by the next time the cold wanes. If breaking and disposing of ice in subzero conditions sounds like a fun thing to do for the greater part of a year, you could look into that.
Apparentely the med staff are just ordinary plumbers and electricians, trained appropiately
Being a plumber or an electrician isn't a job for an idiot. Because idiots can't do those jobs is why it's such a lucrative field.
oh no I wasn't saying that, I just thought it was interesting I did a short pre-apprenticship course for an electrician and wasn't something for idiots
My dad worked as an electrician doing home installation a long time ago. He would bring me with him to help carry his tools and hand him screws or do simple things like wiring up outlet boxes and feeding cables for breakers. He would pay me part of his commission. Now he does installation for specialized stadium lighting. The kind they use at baseball fields, auditoriums, that kind of thing. >>323470 >>>/soundcloud/officialantwon/perrier-prod-hugh-myrone-feat-andre-martel
>>323481 I think episode 3 and 4 is when I decided I loved the show. The rest of it is just great. It's a real thriller. The whole "otherworld" thing is something I like a lot, though. Reminds me of Stephen King a lot too, who is probably my favorite author of all time.
I had to go home because I was so sick at work I puked on the floor. I mopped it up and bullshit to my boss and later doctor that I was just sick because I was actually not 21 yet.
I might have puked that night too but I don't really remember what happened. I didn't know a hangover could make you feel bad enough to have to quit work before that, haha.
I think the girl that was going to work with me today experienced that for the first time, too. She couldn't even stay out of the bathroom or on her feet long enough to do anything. I talked to her and got her to go home, though.
>>323501 Do you like wonton soup? I've only had it a few times and it was okay. I am not a huge fan of soup though. Stew is better to me. >>323500 I hate when that happens. A lot of times I try to power my PS4 on and it gives me that screen where it scans your HDD for faults after you experience a power surge with the HDD powered on. Pisses me off. There's never anything wrong but it has to waste a couple minutes of my time.
>>323502 My old ps4 broke because it refused to recognize controllers for no reason Everything other than that was fine but it'd cost 250$ to fix anyway
>>323502 Because I'm lazy af, every time I boot up my PC I have to skip the disk check for my broken HDD Cause I can't be fucked to figure out which one it is and just unplug it THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME I didn't mark any of this, i thought it was gonna last forever
Really though the "crash" was just the power going out at some point
>>323503 What did you do when you saw your parents? Why did you stay up all night? That's not good. Did you at least have fun doing it? Who harrassed you about your life?
>>323507 Yesterday? When the day clocked over I was at work. I worked until around 6:30. I came home, took some sleeping pills, and played world of warcraft for about 40 minutes or so before I passed out. Then I woke up at noon, went back to work, got off at around 10:30, walked home and then smoked a joint. I'm not sure what I did after that I think it was play video games. Around 7AM I fell asleep today, woke up at 11AM and went to work. That's when I found out my coworkers had switched their shifts and stuff around, somebody had too much to drink last night, I had some other guy from another store come to fill in for her halfway through my shift, around 3/4ths the way there my usual coworker came back from the airport where he was dropping his parents off on their trip back to nepal. I stayed until about 11pm where upon I went home, smoked again and then started watching anime with /moe/. I had a couple beers during and some wine and several more beer since.
This radio ad for a store chain that has like, general bullshit keeps pronouncing it like heroin, too, it's weird as hell It's like "we have all the stuff you need for halloween, so come buy shit" But the pronounciation makes it change meaning
>>323508 It was my sisters birthday so we just sat around and shot the shit over cake I don't know why I stay up late, it's not like I have problems falling asleep I just do it for some reason I just sat around and fucked around while listening to a podcast
My clients and a former careworker-workmate were harassing me about my work life because I'm not doing well with hours and shit I understand they were trying to be helpful but I ended up feeling sort of pissed off >>323509 That sounds alright, you're definetely more busy than I What's it like working such late hours, I'm thinking of maybe getting a job like that maybe Actually I'm still not quite sure I just want something to vfill the void at least
>>323505 Just disconnect random drives while running the PC. I'm sure nothing will go wrong. You probably should have taken a sharpie to them to make things easy in case of this exact situation once you slaved more than one drive, though. >>323514 As long as you don't have anything running from that crashed drive somehow, I don't see how it would affect it to unplug it while it's running. If all of your slave drives are just for storage and don't have any programs being run or reading them when you disconnect the drive, it should be fine. >>323504 I'd rather be sorry than safe. If I lost all of my data on all of my games on all of my accounts everywhere it would matter less to me than waiting thirty minutes. I really don't give much of a shit about the value of digital statistics and shit. Yeah it's cool that I can say I've completed Bloodborne or Sly Cooper 1 entirely, without a shadow of a doubt. But does that really matter? Fuck no. I have like 20,000+ hours in WoW now, and almost every mount and pet in the game but it wouldn't hurt me to lose all of that data. It's nothing to me. Only the memories of what I have done matter. If I didn't remember doing it then it might as well not exist.
I'm pretty sure that'd work, actually, but uuuuuugh
>>323519 More seriously, he would definitely hurt himself if he acquired Deku's quirk and tried to use it beyond his actual physical limitations, same as every other user of One for All.
>>323511 Also this is late but I don't know if I would say I'm really busy. Everything I do is pretty much bullshit. Working at a gas station barely even registers as an activity in my brain. What I do when I'm not at work is way more interesting.
I've already run out of what I would buy. These last two beers are my dad's, but he owes me a few from the last 6-pack I bought. I drank two Steel Reserve 24oz cans, one half of a bottle of Barefoot Merlot, two bottles of modelo, and now one can of Michelob Ultra light beer. There is one can left.
It was a rhetorical quesiton anyways, because I was going to drink it no matter what. At this point I might as well. I might have taken a magical pill or two to help me feel nothing, too.
>>323583 You definitely do think you won't fall asleep! You literally just three minutes ago said as much on this very same imageboard. This kind of self-defeating is really detrimental to your personal well-being!
>>323584 >Also in my case i probably won't be able to fall asleep >probably won't be able to >probably
>>323585 >I'll just end up laying in bed for another siz hours doing nothing >
>>323586 Okay fair point, ill make sure to put tjr probably in next time I say something like that
>>323587 That's really not the point. The point is you should really go to bed when you realize you should. Don't make insomnia worse by acknowledging you might not succeed in resting.
>>323588 I did And it didn't work I came on /moe/ after it didn't work the first time
>>323589 You really don't get it. Do you need someone to drag you to bed and keep you there? Where are you at? I could move in. I'll cook you dinner and drag your ass to bed every night if you pay half of the rent.
>>323590 Ive spent most of the past 12 hours in bed Anyways night, returning to bed
>>323597 I'm reading about it now that you've mentioned it. Seems strange for someone to hold such a thing in for so long, but I can't disbelieve it personally. If such a thing did happen I bet he does not actually remember it.
i agree that he probably doesn't remember it but i think coming out in the same statement as addressing it is just not appropriate
>>323600 I think you're right. It's really not a good look. For him or anyone in general, really. There surely has been plenty of better opportunities to do so. Maybe this is just a diversion to cover up an actual sexual assault, though. It's hard to be certain with the way the world is now.
kevin spacey is probably my favorite actor so im a bit disappointed tbh
>>323602 Are you talking about his timing or the allegations?
well, both idk if he actually did that, but I'm disappointed in how he addressed them the way he addressed them were kind of a lukewarm denial if it was something he knew he would never do, i think he would respond differently but his response was like, yeah, that could have happened which is gross and fucked up
My doc's like "do you think you'll be able to go to work tomorrow?" My man this shit has been going on for a while now and I don't know 'm not clairvoyant damn
one day, TN, when I have more money than I have now, I will fly you out to Austin for a weekend of beer and liquor and live music and you will leave Austin thinking "i was wrong on october 30th 2017"
I will melt
Austin is pre probably the best place in Texas
>Zun's gonna start publishing touhou on steam interesting
>>323660 A good move if you ask me so far, the only way to really get a 2hu game in the west is to pirate it but then again this requires them to actually TRANSLATE them
>>323663 I've seen them for sale at anime conventions. That's how I got Great Fairy Wars.
>>323663 There's another obscure digital access channel you can get them through but it's obscure as hell You could argue that this goes "against the doujin spirit" but Zun's been doing this for 20 years and has a family now I don't blame him and I'll buy a few
>>323664 in the west is more than USA and I bet those people are resellers with questionable products
Of all the games to buy why the fuck did you buy gfw
>>323672 You see no singular creator would do this aside from going insane or such but a studio like enix... yeah in a flsh without even thinking about it just >>>/watch?v=rrYnZ7ZxRe4
i think my phone is broken it's not charging i'm going to try another charger, and if that doesn't work i'm going to have take advantage of that sweet sweet insurance i pay 5 dollars a month for >>323679 considering the rough treatment my phone has endured, this is _probably_ my fault >>323680 yeah it's USB-C
My coworker's phone is broken like that. She has two batteries she uses some weird charger for and switches them out as her phone dies. It seems like a pain in the butt.
my sister did that for a while my phone does not have the capability to remove the battery but i will get a replacement phone for a 69$ deductible
>>323684 what kinda phone she has, since she can swap out the battery?
Amusingly, if you had a nokia phone and dropped it and saw the backpanel and the battery fly out that was a durability increasing feature. part of the force was expelled like that, so it didn't damage the phone's circuitry quite bloody genius
and also amusingly the "durable" phones of nokia were LESS durable as they didn't have that feature they didn't even actually design it that way it just turned out so
so calling it a feature would be bit sketchy, but they did make sure every model after the not so successful "durable" phone attempts had it so at that point you could call it a design feature.
I only wish I had wintertires or rather a bice that could host real wide tires with lots of metal in them
I just ordered my replacement phone
I found a guy getting rid of magic cards for ccheap on Craigslist, but it seems like they made a typo while entering their phone number. Cause it goes to a snowplow company in Pennsylvania.
Oh nvm I misdialed the number It actually goes to the phone losers of America
Who are apparently still around.
So I'm probably going to get three dozen prank calls in the next week or so.
>unlimited black lotus on craigslist >only 1999.99, mint >put ex's phone in the number field >??? >profit
Also I didn't misdial it, their current voice mail message is about being a snow plow company.
>>323705 Nope, I actually worked my butt off. I just got word that there was a decent enough resolution for now, though. I also had really good luck rolling for units in fire emblem.
>>323707 I can't help it. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to make someone think I'm really about to buy some fucking hawaiian timeshares. I talked to that guy for like 50 minutes before he hung up on me.
The Pumpkins also had a lot of really good music videos.
>>323734 so this sites tells you to fuck the poor people who HAVE to do telemarketing instead of taking it up to the corporations who benefit from the shitty practices and the quite crafty business models they have
>>323736 Oh, I'm surprised to hear that you had bad luck. Now I feel slightly bad. Lucina is good but she's been powercreeped on a bit and you already have Alm. The good news is you have a lot of time left. Who were you going for?
>>323731 >>323732 I like to imagine I'm ruining their day as well as wasting their time. I hope they get fired or quit and get a less soul crushing job.
>>323738 I'm glad you got what you wanted, at least. I usually get bad luck when I'm feeling bad, so I probably should have waited to roll until I felt better. I want Nowi and Jakob or Sakura. Preferably all three. Henry would be fine but I don't have my heart set on him.
>>323741 Nah bulshittery through high potentional commission pay and such works around in EU most definitely works around your less on point legislation in the States
>>323743 I mean waiters can make below minimum wage base pay because minimum wage is lower for jobs with gratiuity. But I'm pretty sure a base hourly rate of $0 is illegal
>>323744 A telemarketer can potentionally make like 200β¬ or more a day but most likely don't same goes to f2f marketers and d2d marketers that is how they bullshit it compare it to that penn and teller episode from way back about the get rich quick schemes which were in essence legal pyramid schemes
>>323742 My Nowi is -def +res, which I guess is slightly more favorable than a neutral IV but not really that great. I'm not complaining though. I don't have a problem with those IVs. Jakob is -atk +spd. That's like a worst case scenario. I plan to pull for another Jakob and hope I get one with better IVs. Even with those bad IVs though he's a good unit. I can't remember what Sakura is, I think she's -spd +def or something. I know she's -spd which makes me a little sad. I also know she isn't +hp or +res because she can survive Reinhardt buffed with those so I made note of the fact she didn't have it.
>>323744 I have been doing telemarketing for 3 different companies, each one practically paid you 0/h and did it legally >>323748 Once more we have much stricter much more encompassing much more worker oriented legislation here not just on national level but on EU level and you think, your telemarketers have it better?
>>323744 You can pay people who make commission or piece rate 0 dollars an hour if they end up making more commission pay than minimum wage would have paid them. You can't pay people less than the minimum, but you don't necessarily have to pay them hourly at all.
>>323740 they work that job because they most likely got nothing else
Telemarketers are people who got fooled into it, thinking they can get anything between earth and sky and people who just went "better than doing nothing"
If you think the telemarketers, f2f sellers, d2d sellers and such are bad wait untill you see the peons of the industry, who have ascended into management levels those guys main business is to bullshit the peons who sell, into selling more and fooling more people into signing as peons to them basic telemarketer employer doesn't stick with the company even a month *employee
BTW each time I worked for a telemarketing business, I cheated the system I signed a contract that made me a "permanent employee" and thus got full pay for a 2-4 week training on some kind of industry standard whatsoever basically making about 10β¬/h not much but money anyhow + the commissions I did and then after that training period was over, and i had my fill or realised the whatever product they sold didn't sell anyhow and I wasn't making money I quit the trick being, I could terminate the contract with no bloody punishment on my part whatsoever, despite on paper technically promising to be there atleast for a year or more.
I love reading the fine print in contracts and playing it against the corporation.
Okay I looked it up You can technically work on commision only But if the total amount you get divided by the number of hours you spent working is lower than minimum wage The employer is legally obligated to pay you the difference.
So if you work commision only and have no sales You make minimum wage
>>323755 I think a +res Nowi is easily workable, too. I'd use her as support. She's incredible support for a Summer blade Corrin. Especially if you give her fortify or whichever the combat buff is, I always forget, and then // oh, spur Give her spur something for C skill or Hone Fliers and a seal that also spurs something
>>323759 btw the situation here, I had to check is because of National Coalition abolishing general "minimum wage" some years back which in general doesn't affect anyone, because of Unions for Every Field but telemarketing has no unions so no minimum wage sot hey can be worked 0β¬
>>323759 but also still most likely gets them fired, for not making any sales here the system of telemarkting doesn't get you fired, it just encourages the employee to get out of it since they make no money or minimal money the fun part is, that telemarketing, f2f, d2d, b2b, never fire people the employees always quit on their on face to face door to dfoor business to business
>>323762 Yes But they legally must pay you the difference between your commisions and minimum wage if you make less
>>323760 I'm very pleased with Nowi. Her IVs aren't the best but -def +res is a favorable IV so definitely not worth being upset about. She comes with Hone Flyers innate in her kit. I have goad flyers on a 4 star +5 Palla that hangs out on my flyer team, and Cherche is Summer Corrin's buddy who has fortify flyers. So it all works out to a very buffed Corrin.
But going back to that script yeah man did they have good strategems for you to use I noticed in general, that following the script and just laying it ouit and somehow keeping a positive attitude and you made like 70-150β¬ a day easily but making even that much ment about 300 calls at minimum a day with half of those un answered and half of the answered ones being someone really pissed off that you called at them or someone employing the stalling technique it really just gets you damned vexated just few hours in, so keeping a positive attidute after that is quite impossible
Not to mention havint the company announce every hour who is leading in sales and shit like that
>>323767 Hone and goad stack, so if you really want to go all out you get both of them. It would be much more ideal to have hone on palla and goad on nowi. Even better would be goad on nowi and hone on cherche. I may do that if I get some more fodder. It's still a good setup the way it is though because the end result is Corrin is really buff.
Yeah, that's ep 5. I was reading an interview weeks ago about how Yoko Kanno made the song that plays towards the end of that episode without it being requested and then Watanabe was like "I'm gonna make a scene just for this."
I'm pretty happy. I worked my butt off at work though, I was thinking for a bit that maybe my good gacha luck was just a trade in for bad luck at work. Stuff worked out in the end though, even though I still have lots of work left to do on that particular item.
>>323796 Lots of reasons. 1) it didn't do well in Japan and did well here instead. I think they also wanted to sell toys but that didn't pan out either. The way that the show came about was very abnormal to the usual process and very risky.
Essentially, there are no more shows like it because no one is going to throw enough money to develop a show like it.
I feel like if Space Dandy were to not have been released then, but be released now, and receive even a paltry amount of marketing wait damnit TN I was reading your post while typing if Cowboy Bebop were released now with a paltry amount of marketing compared to Space Dandy, it would skyrocket across all kinds of charts
>>323808 THIS in the past the "shotgun" method all entertainment industry usedw as a lot less refined while they still shotgun pasta at wall and see what sticks they have a lot more idea about how much to cook that pasta
>>323808 yeah in the past there was so much shit and so much wasted potential, like they'd go all out for 50 episodes and pace it TERRIBLY
but i think they never made shows like that frequently and they still don't
and that wasted potentional buried legit good shows like joshi kosei and fuck what was that show space show about girls destroying meteors or whatever 4 something rika halp me
>>323810 And that was the other thing taking a show that was barely finished but making a 26 ep or such series out of it but with maybe 12 episodes of actual material >>323813 nah it was just a show, but it was bit different from the rest JK was an outlier, if you ask me
>>323808 I think production values tended to be higher in the 90s though, especially with OVAs. You can argue their stories were messes and I'd see where you're coming from, but I think there were more anime that just looked great. After all it was the glorious bubble economy
The background art and settings in Bebop are just so detailed and intense THE REAL FOLK BLUES
Still, the vast majorit of shows from more than a decade ago can be hard for me to watch some art styles look like eye cancer to me and also a lot of them are just boring
one of the things that gets me pretty often in anime from all times is the outright refusal of so many production teams to seek out proper experts or sources for things getting an italian to voice two lines from a two-second-cut to an italian saying something in italy finding out the way a certain device actually functions or looks (which could even be done by a non-expert with 5 minutes in wikipedia) they often miss really small details that could take maybe an hour or two of labor at most and make a big difference
also they have to sign quite few odd contracts just to get that 2 lines out of someone be it the main studio or some underling working for the studio and so on
and add to that japan is like 99,8% japanese
Take Samurai Champloo from same director of COwboy bebop he got TWO english people to voice the main americans in that baseball episode and everyone else were japanese doing their best to speak english
No glass shard in sight It must have disappeared into the void. Set up a fan to air out the room though >>323838 Nah, I'm wearing pants so it couldn't have gotten through them without also making a big tear
>>323837 it is in your leg have fun having it there for a month before you really notice it
>>323839 Wearing flip flops Also it's not a sliver
>americans take shoes in doors to such lengths they wear flip flops when not wearing shoes
>>323841 I actually just wear flip flops most of the time
no one in my family wears shoes inside the house except on the way from the entry to their respective bedrooms, and then usually takes them off there i'm the only one who always wears socks though i love socks
I must go My planet neess me *needs
>>323844 why not ness you? or can you not comprehend the attack of giygas?
i don't think it matters enough do you keep your toothpaste on the counter, in a drawer, or in a medicine cabinet do you place it from the front to back or back to front how much toothpaste left in the tube do you allow before purchasing a new one do you buy spearmint or peppermint
>>323849 do you take your toothpaste to the outside streets filled with lots of stuff that are deadly to the human body, allergenics, and other general filthy stuff let it absorb some of that into the soles of that paste and then bring it back inside?
>>323850 those things have literally never mattered like ever i'll let you know when i die because i wore my shoes up to my room
>>323851 so health issues aside do you like less or more dust?
there has literally never been a difference in the amount of dust because of that
you know what whatever you do you I do less hoovering
"whatever" is the whole point
in terms of "overall dust" it actually isn't fucking different same amount of dust on shoe soles and such gets carried inside but when you practicalyl always take the shoes off in the entryhall you leave that dust there so that part of the house is bloody dirty with the stuff that gets carried along with the shoes and the rest gets spared of it but in the end you clean up once or //once a week or once every two weeks you still clean up and youc lean up the exacrt same amount of filth anyhow the difference lies in that in take off shoes in the entrance that particular filth is always in the entrance in the "take of shoes whenever or always wear them" it is everywhere
though that is just general case in terms of arctic and shit, keeping your shoes on and walking outside the entrance can be fuckign damaging to the flooring because in general the entrance has been planned to take on the snow mud and other stuff that the seasons create while rest of the house not
>>323860 uh b berseria, a is abyss, l is legendia, e is eternia, ... oh the first t is hearts a is xillia, z is zestiria, n is symphonia, g is graces, s is tales of versus a is vesperia uhhhhh the f reminds me of the mobage?
ganymede was properly colonised also... >humanity is so advanced it can colonize the moons of the gas giants and mars >and make life normal on there >but not travel beyond solar system
>but tn that makes Aria seem inconsistent well they never say we havn't gone beyond solar system event he name Manhome implies humans live on so many more planets
Actually since it seems to be of conversational material as we are lacking any less do "what did you eat for dinner today, /moe/?"
I for one had a lazy man' s dinner: quattro frozen pizza with fresh tomato slices and a lot of bacon cut on top to give it some actual content felt lazy, was lazy and by the timne I did make food, was 21:00.
>>323899 I dunno I bought it because I couldn't be bothered cooking I don't know what stock was used Actually it was pretty average The beef strips were quite thin And the wontons collapsed and fell apart easily
Good answer me neither I never make it bloody right and it is alwayus disappointing vs bag onion soup quick meals
but me myself I am good at making hmm mash soups? boil lot of veggies spice em up add some other stuff and then run through a "stick blender" and what results is a smooth broth of divine taste
>>323954 I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it'll help this time. Well, maybe it will. There's actually a lot going on right now. I'm sure I'll be alright eventually. I'll think about your offer.
You have peaked max attention and past fucking every round since 1st round of "what food" it has been more interested in what food than "what rika food" and even now it is "what food X had" than "what X rika had"
>>323958 Feel free to ask! I think I'll be able to help at least some.
>>323960 Max attention for me is just like snapping my fingers it's so easy. You can't even call it attention whoring at this point, it's just how I am.
>>323961 translated >attention whoring is so normal to me >due to my special case, I can just demand it and it is given to me well event his is serving itno that so yerr welcome
>>323964 It's similar to rice and often compared to it. And used interchangeably with it in some dishes. But it's actually a pasta.
>>323963 I understand, it's tough being a tsundere!
Oh technically TN guessed shrimp pasta earlier so I didn't think it was orzo shrimp and orzo sounds good though man i miss shrimp too bad even the smell of it makes me cringe in fear now
i don't see people eat orzo very often in fact i think i've only seen orzo like 5 times in the past decade and once was because panera had a soup with it
>>323983 Yeah, there's some other stuff, too. It's mostly stuff that I'm working on but I'm still messed up about it.
>>323983 so you had acini di pepe or some shit what the fuck did you have that is like rice but not orzo are you sure? ARE Y O U SURE
>>323983 So so far translated "I had shrimps with a side of bitch and I am a bitch and eternal bitch and only will tease likea bitch and then taunt like a bitch and act about said taunting like a bitch" kay
and also in case you pull sexism card here no doesn't apply bitch here applies to behaviour not actual gender of the person behaving like said behaving adjective originally implies them to be
i'm legit stumped i actually don't know what pasta you had it must be some made up pasta or not really a true pasta or something with a different name than orzo that is technically orzo
Yeah I reverted back to that point "insult rika for whatever reasons" but while you can argue about every previous time this time she brought it upon her self
>>323994 oh i wasn't really wrong about it not being a true pasta if it isn't italian it's not actually pasta, but something else like how noodles aren't pasta, they're noodles couscous is made from wheat but isn't actually pasta but that sounds delicious
>>324005 so someone just teases a thing infront of you never revealing it with no intention of actually revealing it but then continues to taunt you with it and does it on and on and on and on and on and on MO
and I will just stop here my goal complete of my getting vexed
oh god i just started thinking about a spoonful of broth underneath the fat dripping udon noodles that hang from the chopsticks why is japanese food so good help the closest place i can get udon from closes in 20 minutes and it's too late
>>324006 So what is invader zim? also have you heard of RΓΆlli? or "Pikku kakkonen" or "titinalle" or "hugo the troll" or "leo lion and gold pig" or "santa claus and the witch of the north"?
invader zim is my new avatar i am rescinding the name "bang" and you may now refer to me as THE EMPEROR AND KING OF ALL HUMANITY, ZIM
>>324019 the show was probably pretty good if i remember right but i feel like it was largely responsible for the rawr xd and the edgy lolxdrandom crowds in highschool
>>324029 Wow, what a disappointing batch of terrible answers. It's like everyone turned into TN for a minute.
>>324028 I'd say the PS2 Its library is enormous Even if only 5% of its games are good, that's like 500 good games
I'm somewhat disappointed that the DS wasn't included in the running
>>324035 If we're counting backwards compatability in, you might as well say the Wii instead of the Gamecube Since it can play Gamecube games anyway
>>324036 The comparison isn't helped by the fact that the PS2 has an extra dimension which means its games play totally differently It'd be more apt to compare the Snes to the Genesis or something
The Gamecube is a meme answer but I do think it's got some of the highest highs in the 6th gen Rogue Leader is possibly my favourite game from that gen. It still looks stunning today.
>>324033 are you kidding me? windwaker and twilight princess, as well as a disc with all the previous console zeldas as well as the GBA add-on part that opens up that entire library, double dash, double dash, sunshine, double dash,
I think both SNES and PS2 are amazing consoles with great libraries, so it's just hard to compare.
>>324035 Gamecube is a total hispter answer. That isn't to say that I don't have respect for some of the games on the Gamecube, but the PS2 and SNES both have many games that are on thel level of the best Gamecube games.
the SNES is absolutely not better than the gamecube
super late but the gamecube is the most amazing system of all time purely because of the design of Four Swords Adventures anyone who has played it with 4 players understands
The big solid A button the gc controller was a great design decision
Also the gamecube has the two best party games of all time. Melee and Mario Party. The PS2 has a lot more good games if you are a nerd with no friends. But the Gamecube was the king of couch coop/vs for me.
Between SNES and PS2 though, I'd definitely say PS2. In addition to the expansive library, PS2 emulation significantly improves the experience of playing PS2 games whereas SNES emulation does nothing to the game visually, besides probably displaying it on a nice monitor and messing up the art.
>PS2 Has Ace Combat >Snes Does not have Ace Combat
>>324097 It fits fine into my hands. I wouldn't mind it being a bit bigger though. I actually like the size of the 360 controller better than the Dual Shock 4s
>>324100 I'm not a big fan of the dual shock layout overall
>>324099 Yeah it just needs to be a little bit bigger, the XL controllers I have found are a b it overkill. The size of the DS4 is good. The DS4 is my favorite controller of all time. My only complaint is that the rubber on the analog sticks tends to wear off after extended use.
oh and sorry bang this isn't ment to make mockery of you, but rather make a hilight that rika is always trying to trigger someone most of time kirara poor guy
Mario Kart Wii is great, yeah. Very good course selection, and motorcycles are way better than that weird double racer thing that double dash had going on.
Well, the incessant blue shells were a real annoyance in Mario Kart Wii. The thing it does well though is the motorcycles. They offer a much more tolerable balance between going straight and power sliding. Mario Kart up until Wii is just about power sliding over and over and over to go fast. It's annoying.
>>324113 It's basically the same game as goldeneye, made by the same people more or less. The first game isn't that great but it was an early entry on the new console. The second and third one are great, and the series is chock full of wacky characters you can choose from in multiplayer modes, which are varied and unique in their own right. In addition, the game had a rudimentary level editor included, so you could make your own multiplayer maps to play with your friends, and store them on memory cards you could take to other consoles. The games were on PS2 as well, but I have heard conflicting things about the quality of the port.
okay han we are ready for you now you can bring jan too
hans solo
alright time for bang to go to sleep fortunately i get off work at 4pm tomorrow so i will have moetime god it's so nice working normal hours it will make up for the hell that my workplace has turned into while i was gone it's nice being important but not so nice being this important
i had a super comfy vacation this weekend and i want to thank moe for always being there with me you guys get me through it all oyasuminasai! >>324148 arigatougozaimasu! >>324149 gambarimasu!
Jesus came to my birthday party when I was seventeen. I thought it was a dream, but I know I seen him standing there. With his long hair. I know I seen him there.
That was a long time ago, and I haven't seen him in a while. Now I'm down in the city and I think I see him in the eyes of the strangers that pass. In the eyes of the poor.
>early access, survival, open world and crafting The four cursed tags
It's free, the crafting is meaningless It's PUBG, but arcade and f2p
Oh Hrrm Well it's moot cause im probably not fixing my comp anytime soon
How's your ear?
Also whoah I'm burning through my battery faster than usual
>>324182 I want to buy halloween candy and had to go home because I forgot my debit card Then when I came back the store was shut and no trick or treaters came anyway
What about you *went
>>324201 Nothing interesting Well I accidentally blew out a cfl bulb in the basement so there's probably mercury vapor in the air I did set a fan going and left it for like 8 hours though But I couldn't open the window I'm sleeping in the basement cause my bed is covered in stuff since im in the middle of cleaning up my room Also how do you forget your debit card?
>>324202 Honestly I don't know I found it wedged between my drawers and a clothes basket
>>324203 wtf Mine is in my wallet 99% of the time That's where its supposed to go
>>324204 I think what happened was I used it and was too lazy to put it in my wallet so I put it in my jeans pocket Which is stupid
Imagine somewhere calm. Imagine somewhere safe. Imagine yourself in a frozen forest. You're standing in a clearing. Trees around you so tall, they touch the sky. Pure white snowflakes fall all around. You can feel them melt on your skin. You are not cold. It cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart. Can you hear it? You only have to listen.