>>315405 giant erect green p◯n◯s with an arm grabbing it
>>315416 Blue collar jobs versus quite possibly the end of the world as we know it It's a pretty easy decision Coal is the largest contributor to global CO2 emissions
>>315424 Yeah which is an issue, but we should see something like the court cases against the tobacco companies against US fossil fuel companies soon. A RICO whatever
>>315420 Not in the short term We need those votes
I mean the average politician will have died by the time it really kicks in so it's not their problem
>>315428 We have like twenty years until it gets super terribly bad But it has already started kicking in See recent record breaking hurricanes and temperature records being broken all over the world
>>315520 yeah but they shaved him! they said it's because it's too hot in the summer, but dogs don't sweat like humans do. how could they shave such doggo?
Because of this neogaf shit , a bunch of /v/ nerds are hitting up the feedback board /qa/ it s it's so dumb >>315540 wow, congrats? >>315542 I don't know it's just nobody is allowed to talk about it in certain places it seems
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
good lord
she wants to see me again
>>315539 What NeoGAF shit, did it finally die? Also why is neogaf automatically capitalized by my keyboard?
Also I was reading about cold medicines and was reminded about the incredibly stupid and irritating thing that is legislation encouraging drug companies to rreplaxe pseudoephedrine with phenylephrine
Even though phenylephrine is only as effective as placebo!
>>315551 if people stopped synthesizing methamphetamine then they wouldn't have put such restrictions on pseudoephedrine and ephedrine
>>315583 Replacing it isn't the problem, replacing it with something that does not work is. Also while that law has lead to a decrease in meth manufacture in many parts (if not all of) the US meth use hasn't declined because people started trafficking it from Mexico.
Also the first google result for Dirichlet Indicator function was the Wikipedia article on nowhere continuous functions
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
how appropriate
>>315666 Nice digits Anyways the tl;Dr of it for those interested is IQ(x) equals 1 if x is a rational number and 0 if x is not rational. Oh shit the subscript got removed Anyways its I sub Q
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
SHAKE3 has more realistic security bounds than the overdone SHA3 functions and you can get arbitrary-length hash output out of it can just keep asking for more bits it's sweet
>>315733 oh, okay. i thought it was idk what then verilog is the hardware one right well that's not my area
>>315736 Well it's a hardware description language and programming language, but yeah. I have a few cs friends who covered it so I thought maybe you had too. Anyways ASICs are the shit
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
wait what
>the sound when you snap isnt from your fingers rubbing together its from your finger hitting your hand...
>>315753 yeah i thought it was just a mountain for a long time
you are now #woke
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
wow i'm now super work woke
earlier today i learned about how internet mattresses are fake news https://www.fastcompany.com/3065928/sleepopolis-casper-bloggers-lawsuits-underside-of-the-mattress-wars
what the hell is an internet mattress
Sam Do you onow about super polylogarithmic sub exponential functions? *know
sam can you make a pipe bomb with only what you can find in my garage?
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>315761 poly-log-arithmic sub exponential sounds pretty complex
a gun can be made with the most simplest materials
>>315763 They're faster than any polynomial times a logarithm but slower than an exponential
>>315759 explain is that article fake news or are the reviews or what i'm confused
and how the fuck do mattress chains afford to have 3 stores at every street corner who is buying a new mattress every week uhhh month uhhhh year uhhhhhhh
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>315766 allegedly Casper was attempting to bribe and or sue the fuck out of some online mattress reviewing site eventually it was taken over >>315767 yeah i don't know those damn mattress middle men
so i went with Tuft and Needle
check out their page: https://www.tuftandneedle.com/about/truth/
what the hell i'd never even heard of them i just bought my mattress on amazon from the same company that i bought my desk from
>>315765 Err Asymptotically >>315769 You buy furniture on Amazon?
Well, being in the Chicago area I guess I have a much better selection of used (and new) furniture available on the market near me.
i mean there's a fuckload of places to buy furniture in austin and on the internet but amazon has cheap furniture that from what i've experience is of the quality i consider acceptable or exceeding
now i don't know how cheap tuft & needle is, it looks like i'd have to go to Lowe's to see about them here in Texas, but I bought my foam mattress for 300 bucks which is really fucking budget and it's better than any other mattress i've slept on, save a week at a resort when i was younger
I have a nice art deco dresser I got on Craigslist a few years vack for $60. *back There's a ton of art deco furniture on tthe market around here left over from the worlds fair in the 1920's or so
oh no i don't want that
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>315774 sounds good to me the twin is 325 the queen 575
what am i doing reading an essay about internet mattress marketing schemes at 1:30AM
>>315778 Are you that guy in Downers Grove or in Texas? I basically can't tell the difference between anons unless I'm having a conversation about a very specific thing.
here's the one i got https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0125QZO1G/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 i forgot that the 300 dollar price i mentioned was the mattress AND the platform frame that i bought for 90 bucks
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
>>315782 hot damn if that's good enough it's quite the steal
>>315783 yeah the mattress industry is so propped up on the marketing charade it's hilarious the mattress is great, it's just that amazon doesn't need salesmen or storefronts or anything, foam mattresses can be compressed and shipped easily, and the manufacturer is smart enough to pick up on selling mattresses at slightly less than they'd sell to a big seller for at what is probably a massive volume
>>315782 holy shit they're even infesting this tuft & needle ads right below the listing for a cheaper, higher rated mattress that says "why pay more for a lower rated mattress?" why indeed
>>315789 I'd say about 30% on my back, 60% on my side, and some weird 10% i accidentally fall asleep on my stomach which is awful and gives me heartburn
but that's my acid reflux
also i usually fall asleep on my side but i often wake up on my back
i can't seem to fall asleep on my back but i wake up on my back a lot fuck you bang i was going to say it first
I either sleep on my side or occassionally sleep on ky stomach But I try not too because its unhealthy
i always sleep with my head on a thin folded pillow and my arms around a big thick pillow it's not a body pillow but i don't mind sleeping with those either
>>315798 Honestly I've had more trouble falling asleep ever since wwe got rid of my body pillow Although my cooling pillow helps some
if i don't sleep with my arms around a pillow, i often wake up with one arm asleep and that shit sucks and is probably not good
>>315800 I do something sort of like thst, but not ccause my arms will fall asleep if I dont I put my head on top of one pillow and hold my cooling pillow over it
my dresser is too big i need to get rid of it only problem is it wont fit through my doorway right now
i use like three of the 12 drawers this massive thing has
Also I don't even use my dresser for cclothes right now I need to get the boxes in front of moved somewhere else I just put my clothes on the shelves in my broken bookcase or on top of tthe box in between two tall stacks of boxes
you have boxes of stuff in your room? what kind of stuff?
>>315810 Books mostly Two of my bookcases broke during the move but they wete still put in place so I'd need to move a ton of stuff to even get them out
>>315813 why don't you just get another bookcase then?
>>315814 Cause I'd need to move a ton of stuff sonewhere in order to clear a path And my parents will be fucking pissed if I move the stuff downstairs Also we're probably moving within a year or two anyways Oh and then another issue that led to this is the shitty layout of the room
>>315815 surely they will understand you are just trying to get rid of the shitty broken ikea bookcases. When you get rid of them you can move the boxes back to the room.
>>315817 Yeah And also it would be a pain on tthe ass I should get rid of it soon though
having a bunch of boxes sounds like a pain in the ass. i have like two plastic totes full of random crap in my closet. it's not even mine. i don't know what is in it, i've never opened it. my sisters were just "cleaning" and that involved moving boxes of junk they had into my room for some reason. they said they would take them back after they finished cleaning and reorganizing but they never did.
that's what it's like to have a sister though sometimes they just thrust shit you don't want onto you
You just got given a free box of dragon dildos congrats mate
Uggh I just took a look at the stuff and remember ed how much of a pain in the ass it will be This is like 375lbs of boxes I'd need to move down stairs And then back up In addition to it being like one of those tile puzzles but in 3D Well 2.5 because of gravity
I think I may have accidentally become nocturnal This hasn't happened for a whipe. *while
i'm watching the pilot i've only seen a few eps here and there before christ this show the awkward humor
its so good
man i just had home-made pumpkin bread with crunchy peanut butter and an apricot jelly
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
christ kill me >>315830 oh damn that sounds good can you mail me bread
i actually can if i seal it right, it will probably be fine, too
You should fax instead It will get there faster
bread, by nature of being a baked product, will hold unrefrigerated for a long time i could probably grab a loaf that's freshly baked, cool it quickly, seal it in good plastic wrap, and then priority mail it to you
Are we just going to start mailing eachother food? Cause I'd totally be up for that.
also i'm kidding dogecoin is a memecoin that died really fast
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
i thought it was still alive wow it's worth nothing
i mean it is it has like yeah no value
part of me is kicking me over bitcoin like everyone else but part of me is kicking me over bitcoin from like literally just a couple months ago or even a week ago
but it's like i'll never do anything because i can't really afford to put my money into it anyways i have money but if it isn't liquid i become a scaredboy
>This is an open offer by the way.. I will trade 10,000 BTC for 2 of these pizzas any time as long as I have the funds (I usually have plenty). If anyone is interested please let me know. The exchange is favorable for anyone who does it because the 2 pizzas are only about 25 dollars total, maybe 30 if you give the guy a nice tip. If you get me the upgraded extra large ones or something, I can throw in some more bitcoins, just let me know and we’ll work something out. — Lazlo, May 18, 2010
>drop phone while running to bus >only notice on bus >get off pivk phone get on next bus >late4work due to traffic >slip while carrying stuff during work >pants tear what a lovely start to a week
#8ball (EEEEEEH?!)
it can only get better from here on or worse it could go both ways really
you guys remember that fucking barcode that my dad told me to put on this invoice that he wanted me to make look like it came from a legitimate company? Well, my dad stopped being an idiot and realized that it wasn't a barcode that makes an invoice look official. You know what makes a company's invoice look official?
Do you understand how much energy it took for me to call my Dad directly to ask him about this invoice in the morning? I was expecting to be done within the next 10 minutes. I was legit about to go back to sleep after emailing this dumb thing out. I want an extra hour. I set an alarm for 6:30 just so I can wake up and shake off the "I still have work to do" panic. ah... this is really setting off my addictions.
>>315956 Oh, and no, that's not something that has been discussed. However, I will be. I'm most definitely going to get money from this.
But right now, I'm just flipping through ideas and stuff. I dont really know /exactly/ what this company is other than the name. The things that they're doing with it is... varied. Which is what makes designing a simple logo difficult. It can't be something that exemplifies just one thing. I can make one of those lame logos that signify nothing like this example of an invoice he gave me But I'm a family member and they're going to throw this thing at me when they die and I'm not going to have some trash ass logo represent me.
>>315974 In terms of retaliation and also missiles are a lot harder to shoot down no matter how hight ier bomber
oh yeah these aren't for retaliation
best way to nuke someone anyhow nowadays is a mirv with each warhead being just a few kilotons stronk minimal radiation, maximum destruction and practically impossible to counter, since it splits in upper atmosphere into the smaller parts
the best way to nuke someone these days is to throw them in the microwave tbh
Supposedly it was an improvement on their high cavitation thingie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VA-111_Shkval that would go underwater at those speeds and then at either predetermined point or when shallow enough it would pop up from the sea and split into smaller mirvs or just a conventional missile the point was that it could be launched from somewhere in the middle of atlantic way off USA coast and by the time it was detected it would be too late to even properly hit red button to counter the coastline would be lost but I never heard anything of it then that one internet leaked paper decades ago so it might have just been a rumour
Thinking about it now, it mostlikely was just confusion and speculah about some new submarine launched missile maybe russia's first submarine mirv
But I wonder could low flying small caliber nukes be an effective thing of course the problem is launching them since their range would be quite limited
>>315992 i want to open this i am in public for lunch what a crisis
https://thecorrespondent.com/6942/bermuda-guess-again-turns-out-holland-is-the-tax-haven-of-choice-for-us-companies/417639737658-b85252de >Here’s how it works. In theory, a company pays tax in the country where it’s incorporated. Now suppose a copy of Guitar Hero is sold in France. You’d expect the revenue to go to Activision in America; after all, that’s where the company that makes the game is located. So that’s where the profit should end up. In 2009, however, Activision assigned its intellectual property – that is, ownership of its games – to the Dutch-basement-dwelling ATVI CV. >That’s how ATVI CV, a company with no employees whose management lives in Bermuda, was able to receive some €4.3 billion in royalties and turn a profit of €2.3 billion between 2009 and 2014. Profits on which Activision paid precisely zero in tax. Just wow fuckign wow
I don't want to learn how to drive by anyone that I know because if I drive us into an accident at least my teacher is someone who professionally took that risk.
I know of very few cases of trainees getting into accidents moreover most practice cars have that extra break pedal on the shotgun seat accidents as in something serious, I do know of bumber bumbs by the trainee or to the trainee when they suddenly stop due to mistake ro just stalling the engine
Listening to the guy doing the CDL-A test three times had me like "oh okay, maybe if I do all these super extra things, I'll be a lot more comfortable driving"
>>316071 Shin Megami Tensei V is coming exclusively to Switch, by the way.
Mm, and say you are an editor for different authors and your contract included "can't publish the unedited texts" how would you fucking show any of your work ever?
Somebody might go >buy new shoes but why would I buy shoes that will get muddy/broken/dirty and so on in just one week of work >>316113 I dunno running barefeet on asphalt sucks and running in snow barefeet is hell
>>316093 I wore the wrong kind of shirt to my job and ended up wearing a hole in the front of it within a couple hours because of roughly-sawn pallet edges. I'd only owned the shirt for like, less than three weeks too. A little frustrating but it was sort of my fault.
>>316129 im having fun there are way too many girls and im running into the problem that I will inevitably romance one and potentially lock myself out of others
>>316138 >hard copy required time to shoot the lecturer
>>316140 Send in the digital component, cross fingers, and go talk to the professor as soon as I can. And again be pretty annoyed by having to live with people that mess with my orderly life like this again.
>>316140 oh ok cool i thought your opinion when i asked if she was your favorite (because i got mixed up) was a lukewarm one