>>316177 I did! You know I don't give too many deets out about this stuff. Physical appearance is relatively high on my list though, so cute is a given.
The character list does suck this time. I am just going to do it at 20%, it's not really that big a difference.
I don't think you should worry about any big lifestyle changse for me any time soon.
Guidance is pretty interesting. It's extremely strong, but one thing I do like about it is that it gives you some use for armor units outside of armor emblem teams. I think it should only work with infantry and armor units though.
>>316181 It was just a casual little thing. There's certianly no need to start filling out the wedding invitations.
Anything that causes units to fly around unpredictably makes arena harder. I just phone arena in for orbs and stuff anyway. I think I will pair Arvis and Amelia, and use the seal to let Arvis throw Amelia at blue units he doesn't like. I like that it makes Ameelia a lot easier to use. Once Sophia is finished I may put her in Arvis's place. Arvis is pretty good for it though since he's constantly regenerating health and will be able to use the seal often.
Oh congratulations Rika. I'll start digging out your grave in the cemetery of anime watchers.
Turns out my professor for today's class is pretty generous. Since I submitted the digital copy on time I can get the physical copy to him at a later date.
>>316200 Irma is dead and gone. That's a good reason!
It's kind of funny that you're still mad. I didn't think you were upset enough to keep a grudge about it since you never lectured me.
>>316199 >body count is higher than what I deem acceptable Lmao I bet this faggot doesn't even lust for battle His GF has a higher k/d ratio than him what a loser lmao he should just give up
>>316203 I'm touched to hear you care enough about my well being that you'd hold an eternal grudge over me risking my life pointlessly. Or maybe it's Fish you care about so much. It's touching either way.
>>316240 Restarting isn't very fun either. Rewatching Space Dandy 21 > Restarting FEH The hollowness is deeper with Dandy though. She really ended ... no wait, I don't have to worry about spoiling Space Dandy you all watched it But she really ended herself for him.
>>316256 No, this is a very important point. And it's why time travel screws with me so much (and why I have so many feelings about it). She told him he can't go back but can send him to a new dimension. But does he "leave" the current one when he goes to the other? Or is it like a copy/paste thing? Because if he just duplicates, I guess it's whatever. He exists in Limbo on one dimension and on the other, he's back on his ship after escaping the Dark Nebula But if he doesn't, then that means that even after she did all that to get him somewhere else, he CHOSE to stay dead with all the Limbo people. I think I have to watch the last episode again. To remind myself how it works.
>>316259 I could see an animal crossing mobage being pretty fun. It depends on how much the pay aspect intrudes on it, I think.
The mobile game I'm waiting warmly for is the Disgaea game.
>>316258 She waits for him and he comes back. That's all that's important!
Animal Crossing would adapt pretty well to a smartphone without much mechanical change. And it would serve as well as the Switch would in giving a version of the game that's not DS-tier ugly resolution. If Nintendo has no upcoming interest in developing a Switch Animal Crossing, I'd try a mobage of it out.
>>316262 You only think this because you assume he went back to life. Which is probably the right answer. I'm thinking too much. There was just this really heavy feeling of "What if he just decided not to?" and somehow, I feel empty. But most likely, he didn't.
There's a Nintendo Direct coming out soon explicitly talking about an Animal Crossing mobage and nothing else. So we'll see what exactly is going on pretty soon.
>>316270 because the previews and stuff showed it'll be a smaller map than FEH unless I'm remembering incorrectly
>>316274 omagash i thought you were just doing a hypothetical ahhh i'm gonna make some animal crossing earrings and hats to launch off my new etsy store
>>316274 He probably goes back alive, lives however long, dies, and gets buried in the suit that he shows up in at the end. It's nice but I still feel like a carved pumpkin A love so strong that the planet will kill itself for your happiness
>>316280 some guy crashed into another person and flipped his car then he got out of the car, abandoning the woman he was with, and ran from the scene to evade the police. >>316281 yeah, why?
>>316314 I guess I thought it was funny cause I know the song and am ostensibly into "hipster music". Also it was pretty much the song of summer in 2007.
>>316322 Also, welcome to music as of ten years ago.
Yeah Young Folks was an all right song. You didn't really need to be a hipster to enjoy or listen to it. I still end up whistling the bit from it every now and then.
I didn't even think it was that hipsterish
>>316325 Oh yeah It's so good I've been getting it stuck in my head for like ten years.
That one flight safety video with the men in black was weird
>On Peter Bjorn and John's 2008 Australian tour, Victoria Bergsman's vocals were performed by Tracyanne Campbell of Camera Obscura. Yeah, it's a hipster song.
my coworker brings her kid around sometimes, and he has a water bottle with the lol face with the tears coming out of each eye. It's such a shitposty little face.
I am returned My left shoulder hurts so much all of a sudden. I think it just remembered that I was laying on my side for three hours straight not falling asleep past night and decided to resume hurting.
I'm getting my dslr soon. As soon as my sister mails it. Oh yeah Sam, check this out. >>>/watch?v=3PpM6W9EHqU I laughed harder at this than anything else in quite a while.
>>316472 Samurai leading us back to a golden and pure age in which salacious heathens are destroyed
>>316471 I could jjust quote my earlier posts. That would be much more efficient. But I think it won't be funny if it gets explained. It's probably only funny to me cause I know the song and have known it for a long time and am into "hipster" music.
Although my friend I was with when it came on tv thought it was pretty funny too. But he laughs at a lot of things. Like my really bad jokes.
well, the closest walgreens is like one mile away.
>>316481 I thought that Narcos were classified as illegal
>>316484 narcotics are a certain type of drug that is also often sold or prescribed illegally drugs in the class include opium, heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, fentanyl, and so on.
>>316484 Depends on who you adk *ask It means different things in different contexts.
Although the narcotics that are legal are still controlled substances.
All narcotics are controlled substances in the US, as far as I know. They are still used for remedial purposes for moderate to severe pain in typically short duration.
It can be difficult to get prescribed some of the more powerful narcotics depending on where you live. In Texas at least, I know several people that have been given nothing stronger than Tylenol with Codeine after being in car accidents or similar.
>>316491 That's cause of tthe opioid epidemic. A lot of doctors are afraid to prescribe more powerful stuff because of new regulations or pressure from medical boards and what not. And also it was recently determined that several commonly prescribed powerful pain meds were much more pikely to result in addiction that previously thought. Although I think in the cases of a few of them the manufacturers knew about that and just lied.
she was a good unit until they shut the game down in the west.
Uggh I have a physical in 7.5 hours Which isn't inherently bad, but I'm also supposed to get a flu shot. I'm irritated with myself for getting so worked up about shots.
>>>/watch?v=BcgxyvX1rVU Violet Evergarden is still looking insanely amazing from a visual standpoint. Hopefully it has the substance to go with the style.
>>316508 >>316509 I was joking, but there are plenty of people who actually think that.
No I'm in bed, I'm fine. My heads just not working with me
>>316511 You should say you're discombobulated I like tthat word a lot. I usually use it to describe myself when I wake up and I'm not processing things right
>>316510 Kyoani? More like Kyoanus! Amirite lads? Bam, gottem.
That sounds close Maybe I'll sleep again, unless I get up instead Dunno, feeling weird
Mosha mosha was one of the best parts of Alice to Zouroku.
Heh From a far future post post apocalyptic archaeological perspective I bet they'd think that anime figures are idols.
I don't think anime figs are really made to last that long.
I should write a short story about that. >>316521 Plastic does not biodegrade so if its just buried somewhere or something like that it will last for a very long time.
>>316524 After an archeological dig, we found a drawing of what we think they believed to be the knights stallion
>>316525 these sorts of scenarious are way more fun when we don't apply that sorta thinking
Anyways it'd probably be about Akiba being considered to have been some sort of temple complex of great importance. >>316527 For you I like realism in my science fiction.
>>316530 Akiba is leveled 2000 years ago during a nuclear war of catastrophic scale. Humanity has conglomerated into one unified society due to radiation destroying most life on the planet. In the present age, you have salvagers scouring the ruins of yet un-developed land before they resettle it.
>>316531 >due to radiation destroying most life on the planet Suspension of disbelief already destroyed Quite a lot of ocean life would be fine and things like plankton comprise a great proportion of life on earth.
Let's say that around half of africa and all of antarctica, the desert of australia, greenland, and the northern province of canada are spared. Probably random swathes of russia, as well.
>>316537 Dangerous amounts of radiation from nukes don't actually last as long as usually portrayed in science fiction. Hiroshima and Nagasaki have had people living there for a while after all. Although the Bikini Atoll isn't quite habitable yet.
*pulls**up**armchair* pullsuparmchair humanity has reclined
>>316531 Have you ever played Armored Core 4? The story is focused around the world being an irradiated wasteland due to the overusage of Kojima reactors. A bunch of mega-corporations are fighting over the resources left over while the rich live in flying airships called cradles.
>>316538 Yeah, we're talking about a truly world-shattering event here. Much bigger bombs than little man and fat boy. From all sides. >>316541 I haven't played it, is it fun?
>>316541 I thought cradles were only a thing in disregard this post I suck cocks
>>316542 I have half a physics degree so I have plenty of knowledge to base my complaints on. Also nuclear wasteland fiction is really cliched so I'd rather not write a thing about it.
>>316545 I was. I forgot they were in 4 because you barely see them Orca was right
Anyways I'd write it so thst you only realize at the end that they're talking about anime figurines in Akiba.
>>316542 I would say it is a very good game. One of my personal favourites. It is especially good if you like mecha. If you can be bothered then I would watch >>>/watch?v=OCuiO_xnuWE as I think it is one of the missions which gives you the best idea of what the game is about. You get a briefing before every mission which is voiced by surprisingly great voice actors. You are also able to customize your own mecha, choosing different head, body, and leg pieces, along with different weapons to suit your playstyle. In 4 and 4 answer you can even do booster customization, tuning your mecha to lean left and boost more quickly in that direction if you want to. The customization is really impressive in depth actually. >>316549 Well there is a reason that your character's base was attacked at the end of 4. Can't have a competitor for the cradles. >>316548 >Half a physics degree You're in your second year of physics courses?
use is a verb or noun, but usage is a noun, and using is a verb. english is complicated. >>316575 you put asterisks at both ends of the word you want to italicize.
>>316599 If you buy six cups of coffee at 7-11, the seventh cup is free with the 7-11 app. You can get whatever size. You can even get a free refill of a 128oz jug of coffee if you want to be a dickhead and waste my fucking time.
>>316609 If they have 7-11 where you live, you can do it there too. You don't have to buy the drinks at any specific 7-11 either. You can buy a cup of coffee in georgia, three slurpees in virginia, and three sodas in texas and get one drink for free.
>>316614 >tfw you fall in love with the qt boy working at 7-11 and you just wanna spend more time talking to him but you upset him and ruin his day by asking for the jug and wasting his time why even live huh
>>316613 Oh it applies to other drinks Now I'm even more interested since I don't drink coffee.
>>316615 I'm the kind of person who visits their friends during their shift at a store or restaurant and bothers them.
>>316617 This can be pretty bothersome Having someone try to hold a conversation with you while you're also tending to the counter and deal with peoples orders
When I get off work I like to go to a different convenience store and get some stuff and bitch about how our jobs suck dick.
>>316619 When I worked at KFC I'd eat my lunch at McDonalds because I didn't know what was happening in their kitchens I'm sure it was disgusting but it was out of sight
>>316620 At least McDonalds has coke. Also that's basically every fast food place. Depending on local health code and what not, but still mostly the same.
>>316626 But the only reasonably priced grocery stores are a 15 minute walk away, while the dominos is a 2 minute walk away. The only reason to buy any fast food is for convenience anyway, so I am using Dominos as intended. >>316630 You seem like a very healthy person.
Think Gordon Ramsay's show where he helps small restaurant businesses, but for all kinds of businesses, and also with a thick layer of being an asshole overall Gordon wants to help, this show merely presents the aesthetic of wanting to help, while actually doing very little to help out
I love what little I've seen of it, but some of that is a mindset thing
>>316640 Naw, they're like... businesses that do OK, I think some of them are even part of chains But there's a fair bit of making fun of the enitre genre they're presenting as The jokes are less at the expense of the business people themselves than the genre
Like in the first episode, they got ice cream that tastes like actual human feces for a PR stunt It's just dumb, borderline unethical things being done for the sake of boosting business
Anyway it reminded me because in one of the episodes he helped out a gas station by giving this HUGE discount you could only get by wasting a ton of time going up to a mountain on foot, doing riddles, camping for days There was no discount, but only 2 people stayed the course anyway
The people who stayed the course were a little miffed, but at that point they'd gotten a camping trip and some new friends, so it ended like a feel good TV show I'm not sure how much of the show is scripted, it seems somewhat genuine
Like they were middle class anyway, the $15 or so they'd save wasn't exactly the prime concern I think they went because they wanted to prove the people behind the discount fuckery wrong, to spite them FILLING THE VOID
>>316656 Isn't it how most shounen is destined to end, since all of them continue beyond the point where it's peaked? HxH can't end anymore without being a worse end than Chimera Ants, for example, and I love that goddamn show
>>316661 Laplace's box was not useless at all in the proper hands. If not for Minerva and Banagher it would have helped Neo-Neo-Zeon a significant amount. All Full Frontal wanted to use it for was to buy time, which would have succeeded if he were not defeated by the weird crystal stuff. The charter is written by the Earth Sphere's ruling body, and states that spacenoids should be allowed independant governance with the rise of Newtypes. >>316667 I do not know. Perhaps. My mistake then. It has been a while. Though it would not be hard, I think, to misuse such wording for your own causes.
>>316661 I guess Really though, I think the idea of the One Piece not existing is kinda cool It doesn't exist for the audience, anyway, it's just an end point, and the end point could be anything
Like nobody's actually reading One Piece to see Luffy get it at the end, nobody would sit through years and years just for that So really, so what if there's no One Piece?
>>316663 Actually I have to ask about what the Earth Elite was thinking when they wrote that charter What made them think space would start changing humans? Did they already have evidence that Newtypes might become a thing? I believe the specific term was that the evolved spacenoid would be given "priority" in governance, possibly implying that they'd be given priority over earth. I don't think it specifies independence.
>>316664 Reading this made me feel a little jolt My teeth just can't handle that Yours are stronger than mine
>>316688 I think it was his way of timing how long it took himself to do tasks, in order to help him schedule his day and keep in line with that schedule.
I spend most of my time grinding in video games or watching movies. Well, I listen to music while I'm grinding, usually. >>316698 Do you like shoegaze?
It relaxes me, but if I listen to too much of that kind of music I get depressed! Sometimes I need to listen to high energy stuff to get my spirits back up.
>>316708 thailand has this warm ice cream that's served with bread it's really weird it's like ice cream at room temp but it's softer without being runny or melty
>>316721 why stop there? let's get really fucked and trip balls.
>>316723 they're trying to release some products in the UK but for some reason it's really expensive for them to do that i've been wanting to buy kannagi a pint once it's in mainland europe it could probably get up there easy though
Yeah I mean I'm not gonna go down to the shop and withdraw money while tripping balls and stand in the queue with the money for 15 minutes like "dude are you seeing this? the money's folding in on itself"
i'd microdose personally but that's how i do everything i take my prescribed adderall 5mg at a time and they're 20mg tablets
they are generally far more dangerous to themselves but might behave in an endangering way by coincidence, I guess. I don't think they are dangerous at all to a sober person that knows they're on acid, though.
We should have a societal norm that if you go out high, you just put a pin on your shirt or something like "I'm fucked up atm, so don't worry if I seem a bit off. please keep me outta traffic, thanks"
you know you're prone to anxiety though so be careful about tripping i wouldn't cross that threshold until you're used to mild dosing first if i were you but you do whatever
>>316738 probably valium or something. >>316740 oh, what was it then?
He can't get valium Former addict
Uh, I don't remember honestly I know he said he'd been wanting to get sobril like I have but he couldn't >>316742 Still got like... 15 or something of those
what about your benzo do you still have that or did you get that changed out
i'd probably kill myself if i lost my benzo scripts
Sometimes I wish I had some bars but I know I would abuse them so I don't buy benzos or opiates. >>316741 Your benzos would probably work great to help end a trip, too. >>316747 Yeah, they should be fine.
Cause I've got 5 And I don't think I'll pop one each week, that's way too much for this boy
benzos work so good as prescribed that i don't know why you'd need to abuse them not saying i never have but the steady stream is so much smoother than the rebound from taking a bunch
It's fake! But I don't really understand it I don't know what it is to feel like either of them That doesn't mean anything to me I don't feel like a boy any more than a girl, I don't know what either feels like to begin with
i know right it's so arbitrary everyone's only got their own frame of reference and they're all trying to say it falls somewhere specific but how would anyone know
my cat really loves rubbing her fat lips all over my laptop haha fuck
my cats mostly like to attack the one tiny piece of paper on the floor like their life depended on it or sit in the window and chatter at the fucking squirrels
also they wont drink the water but they think the condensation on my beer is delicious
My cat loves to drink water dripping from the tap so his bowl sits filled for days on end.
varied there's a bike trail along the river called riverview that goes all the way from the gateway arch (very metropolitan area) along the river for a long way, and it goes through old rustic industrial areas like boat yards and stuff, through wooded areas, down into old towny areas >>316803 the cityscape is metropolitan but small downtown saint louis is real small for a city but it's pretty with it they've got horse carriages everywhere with those big brown horses with the frilly white feet
So like, suburban?
I wanna visit one of those cities like Tokyo that are just skyscrapers and really claustrophobic
I just wanna experience that depressing feeling of these concrete jungles Where nature has been replaced, and gets only these small pieces of land where it's allowed to exist
>>316810 that much makes sense to me, but I don't really do things I think won't be fun or anything. even though i want to see the same thing as you, it's for a different reason.
>>316826 tell you what, coming to saint louis would take so much time and money i'll give you a recipe for some toasted ravs and a bloody mary and we can watch a baseball game livestream together for a night and you can set your desktop wallpaper to the arch basically the same as being here
there's a good branding opportunity here just a platform where people can pick a city or country and you get a nice little interface with some local livestream and some scenic routes on google maps you could tread through and some suggested recipes for whatever's on the livestream
>>316829 it'd be fun to do for young families especially homeschooled kids have a traditional mayan lunch and then watch some stuff about mayan culture not old historical culture but modern
shit does anybody remember sagwa i want to watch that shit
>>316840 it would have been pretty good with some beans and rice actually but not a standalone thing like to crack one open and just enjoy it by itself
i bought sour pickle balls today tasted like emptying a salt shaker of salt soaked in pickle juice it almost made me gag probably the most horrendous sour candy i can remember trying
why did you do something like that you Numbed Skull
i thought it might be cool
did you drive a baby
no i got home and set it next to the TV and forgot about it until now
you gotta drive some babies man
i gotta get my rogue to 110 first i'll probably watch it before i go to sleep anyways i don't work until 10pm tonight
>>316862 why don't we just take their nice cars to chop shops and get rich maybe smash a few of their other cars up and cut the ignition to prevent any tailing
>>316865 it'll be easy for cops to find us if we're in an expensive car unless we do it Drive style and not Baby Driver style
>>316867 It depends on the age and the circumstances. In general, if I believe someone will be faithful, it doesn't matter how many partners they've had - especially if most or all of them were in sexual relationships rather than romantic ones. Of course, they need to be clean, though.
At the same time, though, if someone's had like 40 partners at age 25, I'm going to be weary of them, although I wouldn't say it's a cutoff or anything.
People are free to do with their bodies what they please in my opinion. Creating arbitrary cutoffs like that is just another way for men to try to control the behavior of women.
>>316868 I see. I'm not sure if I could agree that it is entirely just a way to control the behaviour of your partner, at least, not for everyone, but I can agree with the rest, on principal at the least. Though as a person with no experience at all in that regards I can only agree on principal due to having never been in such a situation myself.. >>316870 I would say they are generally. Repeat offences really are awful..
I think the same could be said of most forms of intimacy. I think people just become more numb to kissing/etc due to doing it more/it culturally being more of an open act that you can do among others.
Without wanting to get too deep into the topic I do recall seeing some graph that suggested the number of sexual partners someone had had pre-marriage tended to be linked to the failure of or breakup of the marriage but I've never even been in a relationship so who am I to say. I like to think it would come down to the individual .
>>316876 Isn't the player/playboy term a thing because it's a bloke that you would not want a long term relationship with, but just a fling? It's true I've only really heard it used in movies or tv shows, but I'd imagine the too many partners thing would not be limited to only one gender. Whether or not one gender goes on about it more often is another matter though. >>316877 Have you played many SMT games?
Oftentimes, women want someone with more sexual experience because they believe that person will be better sexually. Men usually want less sexual experience in their women, sometimes to hide from their insecurities, and sometimes for other reasons. Women don't generally care about the number of partners but are more concerned with faithfulness. They want someone that won't sleep around while in the relationship and will stay with them throughout the relationship and hopefully be stable.
>>316878 I haven't played any mainline SMT games actually I keep meaning to play SMT4 but things keep distracting me from it
>>316879 I see. I have not really talked to any women about such things, so I can't really say if I've observed the same. I do have a few sisters, but they may not be the best people to talk about that kind of stuff with, understandably.
You mentioned mainline, so is it correct to assume that you have at least played a Persona game then? I am a bit curious about how you would rank your personal fondness for the games, since many people are split between 3 and 4 in particular. I have only played Nocturne and the Persona series myself.
>>316881 Yeah, it'd be kinda awkward to ask your sisters, I guess. In general, I just think it's kinda messed up to say stuff like "she's had more than 5 partners so she's a whore" like some of these twitter people do.
I've played all the Persona games. and Devil Survivor 2. I think 5 > 2 = 3 > 4 > 1 in terms of story. I don't think 4 or 1 are bad, though.
>>316882 I would agree. A person's value is in their personality, not their past.
I would also rank 3 over 4. I don't think I've played enough of 5 to rank that yet. I am trying to sync up with a friend of mine who is also playing it, so that I don't get too far ahead and can discuss some things like the suicide attempt early on for example, but due to both of us being busy that has been difficult. I should also mention that I am emulating 5 also, which I actually prefer as I do not generally like playing things through speakers due to where I live. I do feel like The Answer should be ranked lower than 4 if you're counting it as separate for FES though. I remember trying to get into one of the earlier persona games years ago, but ended up stopping fairly early in. I should probably get back to that. Wasn't Persona 2 translated poorly or something?
I did really enjoy Nocturne a lot. You will probably also like it a lot more if you are a fan of Devil May Cry. I still think it's really cool that they did a crossover.
>change youtube layout back >why don't you like it: it doesn't look good >please describe: Looks as good as H. clinton, but then again you lot seem to love her
>>316884 i'm still waiting for Devil May Cry 5 featuring Satan from the Shin Megami Tensei series
>>316884 Are you enjoying 5 so far? It sounds like you might not be too far into it yet. I think The Answer would be ranked above 4, too. I love Adachi a lot but 4's story just didn't do anything for me. Maybe it wasn't edgy enough for me. The original release of Persona 2 was poorly translated but the rerelease that came out a few years ago is actually pretty good.
I do like DMC. I want to play Nocturne but everyone says I should SMT4 first.
SMT is more better more edgier
>>316887 just download PCSX2 and play nocturne then SMT4
>>316887 Well I thought to rank The Answer lower due to gameplay. Since it is basically just plot and fights it seems unfair, if taken as separate to The Journey, to rate it higher than 4. Though I do prefer the Persona 3 characters to the ones in 4.
Did you ever end up playing DMC4 the special edition? Virgil and Lady are pretty fun to play. I never really got into Trish, but she could be argued to be too.
My thighs are sore from raking leaves. well, probably not the raking but picking them up. or maybe both I did end up having to drag it out for the entire afternoon. I really hope this doesn't affect anything that I need to do tomorrow.
>a little raking It took six hours And no, my arms and shoulders are fine. It's mild there, I can feel it a little but it's completely negligible. but when I scratch the back of my leg, I can feel it.
Though I guess someone might live in their forest plot which is 20square clicks or larger even here but doubtful I bet soem bureaucraut would have a fit if you lived in investment land
Oh yeah I heard a fun story about some finnish millionaire who didn't give a fuck >buys a plot of land with "historic" house he doesn't get permit to demolish >does it anyway and pays a fine >submits plans for his new house, but the proposed roof gets denied >builds it according to original plan anyhow and pays a fine it must be fun to be so rich bureaucracy can't do shit to you
or this guy >parks a big usa imported car infront of his travel agency >is illegal spot >gets fined daily >always still parks there >keeps every fine on the window board >gets constant news and tabloid coverage of his "doesn't give a fuck" attidute >free advertising for his company that covers the daily/weekly parking fines
>>316929 I dunno just owning forest land doesn't make you that rich especially since most is just land you inherited from your ancestors or bought waaaay back when it was dirt cheap
>>316930 You fail to understand Owning that much forest doesn't make you rich, no But buying it, and just having that WHOLE area as your yard? You have to be LOADED to even consider that
>>316932 Yeah that would be fucking weird really bad use of land, since 10-20 years is what it takes to grow decent lumber just there and get millions each "harvest"
Anyway the point is, these people don't live in the same world we do Those huge plots aren't like things they saved up for for decades They just... wanted them So Now they own them
...The Comprehensive Personnel Document is super thorough. Far more thorough than anything. They don't just ask if you were fired/disciplined from a job. They also want to know if you ever resigned from a job while disciplinary action was pending against you or to avoid termination/disciplinary action in the first place.
>Start with the school you attended last and work back in time. Fill in all boxes that apply. Include internships, certificate programs, fellowships... I'm glad I didn't do too many things.
yeah stuff like that is crazy i know an agency that does disciplinary hearings for railway staff it's huge and that's all they do i'm trying to get a contract with them to do their transcripts but i missed the deadline last time
>>316924 There are a few people in a town near me that are trying to destroy some historical register houses legally but can't. They probably have enough money to
And if they did it legally their neighbors would still sue them and the town would find as many legal ways to harass them as possible. Ah, the town would probably do that part too if the people did it legally.
Historically and Architecurally significant houses are serious business there. As expected of an area with a shit ton of Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan houses.
Same reason I don't watch a lot of movies people say are really good. I don't doubt the quality of it, but I'm sorry, some one else's opinion on something isn't always enough to penetrate my apathy on things.
Nah and kek glasses I ment to say these are too weak but when I went to get my eyes checked they gave increase from 0,75 on both to 1,25 and 1,5 and then I went "hmm I most likely fucked this up by sleepign 2 hours that night" an didn't go get glasses with that prescription and after that havn't had the time to really go get ones
and I don't dare to get another free eye exam from that store...
I know.
I don't even know what my glasses prescription is. The guy who did my sight test was pretty doctor-y in terms of handwriting and I wasn't really in the mood to decipher it at the time.
>>316985 they don't print you it outfrom a computer?
Also these are "marisa" glasses only made for women so noway they can fit me but fucking MARISA GLASSES
>>316986 I dunno man I've been to all of one optometrist sight test I'm not gonna speak on the whole here. I got my prescription written out on a form.
One? they didn't do it in high school or when you got driver license?
I need to do a sight test when I get my license, but it's not like it's graded. They don't give you back any sort of information from it. My high school didn't do any health stuff.
Amusingly MEN here get a really good health exam including eye exam for free when they are turning 18 since the army requires it women need to book a time for it
>>316990 Come to think of it I can't really remember did high school do health checkups they had several in my time, because of the pig flue and whatnot and of course the army checkup but I don' think there was a yearly check up like in basic education
Middle school and maybe elementary did dentist days. But I regularly went to the dentist back then because my mother has good dental insurance as a public servant. Dental is more or less entirely privatized here so I get why it can be a good idea to get a dentist for public schools once a year or so.
There wasn't a high school dentist visit at the very least
That one i do remember cause I went to dentist last in middle school and next time I visited dentist was to get a wisdom tooth removed just before I went to army
actually if the snow is flowing like thati n the air like in the shot the temperature is too low for snow to be in form that it can be made into balls like that
That bothers me in lot of cinema and stuff especially anime >have easty to move in snow and such clearlty indicating proper frosty snow >yet you can make snowballs and snowman out of it >snow is then wet >but no one gets wet do you fucking even SNOW
Which movie started the >slow song during trailer thing? I remember one movie doing it with Everybody wants to rule the world but something did it before that
> Alfredson blamed the short filming schedule in which 10ā15% of the screenplay wasn't shot during principal photography. This led to huge narrative problems when editing commenced: >10ā15% of the screenplay wasn't shot how is this possible
> TWU President and board member John Samuelsen raised the possibility of riders and workers taking "legal action to force City Hall to rethink its obligations" and accused the city of "abrogating its responsibility to the MTA and the riders." Asked how New Yorkers could plausibly sue the city over the operation of a state-run agency, Rich Azzopardi, a spokesperson for Governor Cuomo's office, replied via email, "Why don't you ask the guy who said it???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" 71 question marks
>>317029 I wonder what would remain of hollywood if everyone who had harassed and shit was arrested aaand he was just a subway pitchman oh well point still stands
I just rounded up some numbers and well it is just amusing how much vegeta is older than goku now He starts out just 4 years older then becomes 5 cause goku dead for a year then 6 because he spends 1 extra day in the time chamber than 13 because 7 years dead by goku then 14 in super since he spends another extra day the time chamber
Also I had a theory about the unvierse 6 saiyans since they never migrated to planet vegeta (formerly plant) and they are way SHORTER than the normal saiyans Maybe Salad has stronger gravity than Vegeta explaining why they are quick to adopt super saiyan and such despite not having gone through such deadly trials like goku and vegeta they are naturally stronger >>317066 no one knows Only canon explanations are >they are all extinct save for the Cold family >frieza is rare even amongst his own species for being that strong
>>317078 We just don't kmow *know It could be from my meds though Well it is generally from my meds, but one of them got its dosage upped recently so that's probably the cause
>>317094 those are the two tricks of gaining piece of mind either empty it or fill it with some story I master the both over they ears
Actually I usually start doing it automatically when I get half asleep.
third option is asmr mimikaki
but really meditation is something I recommend to anyone learning to detach yourself from your thoughts is a good ability to have
>>317098 I used to meditate but then one day I just stopped being able to >>317100 Highly unlikely, it was in a class taught by a professional.
you most likely did it wrong no offense
my favourite trick is to have something to focus your eyesight on never close your eyes a candle light to stare at is really good since fire is bit hypnotic anyhow a street light can do too or just a spot on the wall suit yourself the point is to have something to focus on so if you snap back to your thoughts or a distracting sound you can just focus on that point
>>317099 a pro or a pro at ripping off people who want into new age because of the void in spirituality left behind by western secularism
>>317102 A professional martial arts teacher in a martial art with a moderate to heavy emphasis on meditation
>>317106 A lot of scanlators aren't native English speakers. Also as you learned English from a different perspective you have a much better handle on certain aspects than many English as a first language speakers
>>317107 I have never met a foreigner who knows finnish grammar better than I that Is nigger stream their staff is practically all english 1st speakers mangastream
ACtually do you have yearly "motherlanguage" lessons? lasting practically every course from elementary to high school?
>>317110 More like we covered it in school a fucking long time ago and also English is weird. >>317111 Sort of
english is easy it has some pronounciations that I had difficulty picking up like purple or quarter but aside from that both swedish and german were more difficult especially german wher you had to memorise so many
exceptions of a rule's exeptions of a rule's expections of ar ule's expecionts
>>317113 Really? I've heard German is easier to learn than English >exceptions of exceptions to exceptions Sounds like English
>>317114 once you pick it up it is easy but it has a lot of rules to remember
>>317114 if there is a rule that rule has an exception and that exception has a rule and that exception has rule wait vice versa and that exception has a rule and that rule has an exception
>>317118 Same with English but shit gets weird when people use the wrong rule because they thought a word had a different language of origin
>>317119 Seriously english and german have similiarities but it is like comparing watercolours to oil paint
Anyways we have a bunch of different rules for language constructions whose technical terms I can't recall because of all the different languages English pulls from
So to short it up speaking to someone you don't know in singular is rude in general especially if you are in customer service or any kind of position liek that so generally when strangers speak to each other they speak to a plural you even a You with capital Y if you really want to emphasise it
then there is an expression "sinun kaupat" literally "yous bargain" which means to stop being formal with eachother and start being informal/familiar
final addition, in the army if you use singular for a superior, you can be punished by that superior officer or not even if you have "traded yous", it is still a sign of disrespect towards your superior, not that it is rarely actually carried beyond just chastising or a menial quick task
the word "teititellƤ" "to You someone" literally basically to speak politely/respectfully to someone means just that to use the polite "te" on someone
amusingly you can also insult someone by using polite speak when not necessary or if it is ironic/sarcastic clearly at times
Also amusingly finnish lacks future case "finnish has no future"
you just use presence forms or active presence forms and context delivers the meaning that it is a thing you will do but there is no future case nonetheless
>>317147 how heavey would this be n64 controller already was bit tiresome to carry as a kid especialyl with the rumble pack or gameboy port
>>317150 Remember the original Xbox controller s ?
no never used one only x360
also those are fucking heavy >xbox is superior to ps2/3 then why are your analog directional buttons so shit why are your joysticks so shit why is your controller so heavy and too big? why are your triggers so bad?
>>317152 The original was fuck hueg A bit after release the default controller was changed to the Japanese one.
sup rix? >>317173 anyhow how much do you kinda know?
>>317178 There were 9 gods that got their realm invaded by something I can't remember if the crow was an invader or one of the gods I think you said the crow was the saviours best friend In the end the saviour gets the grail I think And it resets to cycle again
9 god realm is invaded by fallen son (of one of the nine) he wins crow and one or two others flee successfully with the captured inform the chosen of the situation, crow previously befriended him he starts his jorney there he needs to find the grail to properly fulfill his role he fins his way there Fallen son gets dethroned and rage quits chosen one finally makes his way there and the cycle resets, though with some modifications
>>317188 If you can figure the "Ceasar No man's world It's the Ides of March Then from the ashes of eternity A new spirit will rise A new order shall take over"
what that applies to? cause there is talk of the world where the chosen one comes from and the dictator ruling there
especially the chorus of Ashes of Eternity "The gods will ignore your end They'll defend the elder The lords won't salute you The saints they won't save you They'll defend their guardian The savior won't heal your soul" who is it referring to?
the song ends with someone promising the chosen one the grail or someone else the grail but who?
"You're getting your grail But there's no place to go Longing for a new shore Eastern winds they blow cold The saints you will bring them down The savior won't take the crown Let my spirit fly Let it fly
>>317194 "the king will come" basically it refers to the savior (chosen one) becoming new king of the promised land but he doesn't want it is clear from many of the songs but who is the "you" or my spirit
half a year I have been fucking dedicating part of my brain to this task and still it is a mystery haa why is internet so useless at times
>>317197 Nah. It's easy work. I'm purposefully working a little slowly. Fish and I are just hanging out while I slowly do some stuff.
>>317198 there is stuff hidden in the album in the vinyl in the special order of both and so on but I have heard accounts of what both have but I really do need the actual copies to make out the final parts especially the original gemran ones since the english translation has mistakes
First place I went was the blind guardian forums but they didn't have the answers really they had good theories and proposals but it wasn't enough they missed a lot of stuff they interpreted the wrong things they concentrated more on symbols and lesso on story
For example a single line in grand parade wasn't mentioned by anyone "I summon the Nine now Confirm the alignment"
Today, I asked a question about what we were supposed to be doing with a handout during a student presentation and one of the presentors was like THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE ON THE BOARD and i was like haha ok i didn't read it and then someone leaned over to me and was like "when she was mean to you, everyone had your back" so i was confused because i'm thinking, who was mean to me? apparently everyone thought that girl was really rude to me and were rallying behind me or something? i said i didn't even think it was mean and someone told me everyone got mad for me then later, someone from that group apologized to me about it
What a weird thing
>youtube ad of 6 seconds showing youtube logo okay
>>317195 I Have no idea This is dumb, but maybe it's referring to you in the most literal way As in the audience
>>317232 I don't know. I don't think she was an outsider. She's in our cohort.
>>317231 did any of the jojos think so before setting on their stuff?
>>317235 fair enough i don't know if anyone in my cohort is a stand user though
The fridge might go to "time to deep freeze" while I have the door open due to temperature rising so to avoid that happening, atleast when the door is open and all the temperature lowering is going to waste I turn it off if I am keeping it open for more than 1-2 mins
welp the meat in freezer is still solid block of icy meat so no harm done
also whatever energy I saved on not having the fridge on is lost by me activating quick freeze on my fridge/freezer
>>317234 Oh, is that so? Well, they were still being protective of you.
>>317244 The fridge probably has something set so it doesn't do thst while the door is open. Also after shutting it off it takes more energy to start back up, so depending on how long Actually it probably doesn't use that much powering on
>>317246 I know that much. It was just a weird thing that happened. It's weird that they got protective of me when I didn't even realize anyone was being mean or rude to me.
>>317247 no it doesn't atleast older fridges fridges from 00s didn't do it and newer fridges from early 10s didn't do it and this is from 80s at earliest
>>317250 Honestly that's a fridge feature I've not heard of Or at lleadt not in the context of leaving your fridge door open
>>317251 I base this on the fucking SOUNDS i hear from the fridge I know the sound of the cooling system activating and i have heard it from my fridge and other fridges going off while the door is open
>>317255 I think it's just a sign that you're accepted. If you had been a girl, the situation would have progressed perfectly naturally because you would have felt like she was being a bitch to you.
>>317265 Well as much as it is a meme and a joke it is less dangerous to your health by just value of no tar and carbon monoxide entering your system so I wouldn't really mock it hat much
>>317263 fortunately no facial piercings are banned at work actually
Nicotine on its own isn't that dangerous to you, if I recall right though vaping is still unkown territory, but it is just hot nicotine+water vapouri nhaled, and water vapour or steam breathing has been a thing since ages
>>317268 ehhghhh im not really as into her now probably this was an elementary school crush and she isnt thr red headed goddess the other elementary crush turned into
yall remember shit that far back wow
>>317275 I certainly don't I don't remember much before high school other than parts of middle school
i barely remember last week the past is useless to me and someone i haven't talked to since they became an adult is probably not the same person i knew before
>>317275 i remember every girl ive ever crushed on yes
i remember in grad school a girl told me she had a crush on me and i thought she meant she wanted to crush me and i started avoiding her because i didn't want to fight her
>>317300 I presume you are both prescribed those and those are their intended effect not a side effect of a drug ment for a completely different thing
i cant stand the idea of losing memory
>>317301 it's a side effect of my anxiety meds do you know what it's like to function without trying to record memory everything is so fluid you do everything with so much more feeling and productivity because you're not trying to log every action
the medication didn't make me lose memory it made me fail to make memories
not being able to record memories is almost the same
>>317323 I have a friend who has memory issues from being prescribed too high a dosage of it. He discontinued it years ago and still has problems. He says his memory has been improving over time though.
>>317326 We're talking about lithium carbonate. It contains lithium, carbon, and oxygen and is an extremely simple chemical compound. Lithium salts have been used for medication for over 200 years and are immensely effective.
>>317327 yeah, it's crazy how badly poor dosing can mess people up >>317325 hello
>>317330 Yeah figured it out, but many things we are even composed of are still toxic to us in high amounts and we aren't composed of any lithium as far as I know but yeah if it is a compound with just few mols or whatever of lithium it wouldn't reallty affect health aside some minor effects
>>317334 we can consume minor amounts of lead too doesn't change its toxicity
>>317332 A few moles of lithium in a single pill would probably kill you. Also fun fact: People who are exposed to lithium in an industrial setting (working with molten lithium and inhaling fumes) have dreams about chopping people up and other strange shit.
I had a dream last night that someone broke into my home and robbed me so I tracked them across the country and killed them and took my stuff back. I've been having dreams every night lately.
they sell bison burgers at a place nearby so i could but beef is better tbh
i've only had a buffalo burger once and it was completely unremarkable maybe i just got a bad one but idk
>>317358 It might've been cooked too much or seasoned too heavily.
>>317358 half of the reason burgers are so good is because ground meat doesn't need to be of any special quality as long as it isn't garbage and bison isn't an especially good meat, it's just like gamier beef
also apparently some are trying to bring them back which >>317371 is
Stardew Valley is a good love song to the N64/GBA era of Harvest Moon games. There's a lot of quality put into the game. It also recently got a Switch port.
It doesn't seem bad but the art style gives me eye cancer. Lazy pixel art is bad. I'd rather just play story of seasons, it looks better and it's cuter.
>>317383 I agree. That's why I don't respect the choice that a lot of developers make when they go for pixel art because they think that 3D is too hard. Low-poly 3D looks great and isn't that much harder to do than pixel art done well.
I think there is good pixel art out there, but that stuff is usually done by masters.
>>317384 It makes you a bit hypocritical though since you're much more close-minded about anime than I am about pixel art.
>>317385 3D isn't hard thougb *though 3D is fucking easy Like get unity, buy/steal assets Slap together a shitty game and you're fucking done
>>317385 so many good games would have been left undone if they hadn't made use of cheap engines that allow that pixel style or well are also limited to that pixel mind >>317385 well aren't we a pair then?
>>317369 interesting animal lineages are always interesting to me
i was fine with a video game and then expansion packs the way it is now is a little ridiculous
cosmetics and stuff like that who cares but when you unlock game changing stuff behind pay wall and say "well you can just earn it through RNG system that you can use after playing 1000 hours 10 times" that just turns you into a scumbag
>Who cares? Not enough people. Cosmetics alone only catch a certain amount of people.
>>317444 oh and constantly throw in "pay 10 dollah to instantly gain 10 rolls"
i preorder games i know i'm going to buy anyway because it saves me money
>>317445 yes but they don't actually affect gameplay
>>317446 Mobage are cancer >>317448 Gold hats make you easier to spot
>>317447 And you can pre-order a game at a moment of free time. There's always a chance you might be busy when it's about to come out.
why would you pay for a product before you can get it? and it isn't even delivery thing it doesn't even exist proper when you preorder it it might even get ancelled at worst case scenario or delayed for half a year
>>317455 You don't have to pay for it though Most places take like give bucks as a down payment At most
Securing a supply of say nintendo america's shit is a given since they suck at it anyhow but digital preorders why would you do it? why would you pay before hand for a product that isn't limited in any way? yet people fucking do it in troves
here's Elohim i saw her play recently she's really talented
>>317465 You didn't specify digital pre orders in your initial bitching about pre orders post
>>317466 Rune Factory 4, either of the Story of Seasons games, Monster Hunter if you feel the grind is your thing. There's an Animal Crossing game for the handheld. The Pokemon games for it are good Pokemon games.
>>317466 Story of Seasons, Rune Factory 4, Fire Emblem.
Let's have a poll >>317447 Did you mean preordering a physical or digital copy? >>317452 Physical or digity? *digital
>>317466 SMT IV and IVA Devil Survivour Etrian Odyssey IV Kid Icarus Uprising Monster Hunter Project Mirai DX
>>317477 I bought 2 and I really wanna like it but the combat feels so fucking shallow I know it's an anime titty game and I shouldn't expect much but still
>>317476 A digital copy with preorder bonuses that are practically tack ons of crap and you get it for same rpice as not preordering it in advance, save for the tack ons Why would anyone prebuy it?