
Thread #306797

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last time hoover explained everything and then the team reunited with archie and samuel in an unpleasant fashion and are preparing to go find curtis
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas is admiring his collection of explosives he has assembled.
"I've located Curtis," Hoover repeated even though he just said it.
"As I suspected, he's in Washington DC."
Thomas O'Neil
"Why would that be something you expect?"
"It's where I would go if I wanted to destroy the government." Hoover looks like he's thinking for a moment.
Felicity Davis
"Seems reasonable, considering it's the seat of the federal government. So, how do you want to go about getting there. Plane ride as usual?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Would that be inconspicuous enough? Bad guy is pretty good at being a bad guy."
"Flying would be advised. However... I believe there may be a large dust storm as a result of Curtis' machinations. Hopefully, you would arrive before that."
Thomas O'Neil
"It's a good thing I'm all prepared and stuff-whoa hang on there VV. It is probably not a normal dust storm and they dont typically occur in big cities."
"Are dust storms not commonplace in this country? One would think your pilots would know how to deal with such things."
Felicity Davis
"Not in Washington, they aren't."
Thomas O'Neil
"We havent consulted our friends in a while now that I think about it."
Hoover steps out to get the plane ready and stuff.
VV grabs her package and boards the plane.
Thomas O'Neil
"How is he going to get the plane ready if you're in the plane?"
Hoover is getting the plane ready by talking to Kinzo and Battler so VV can easily get on board the plane.
Sicily follows VV.
Felicity Davis
I climb onboard as well.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas haphazardly hops into the plane
Battler and Kinzo board the plane and get it started up. Hoover also gets onto the plane. "Ready for the journey?"
Thomas O'Neil
"I am ready to explode a man"
Felicity Davis
I nod. "We've been doing so much flying lately, I've come to look forward to it.
"And then promptly worry about what's going to keep us from a restful night's sleep when we arrive."
Hoover laughs as the plane gets going.
Sicily looks pretty uninterested in what's going on.
several hours later of slow, bumpy fighting, Kinzo shouts something unintelligible. He sounds terrified.
the ride gets bumpier
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks around
Thomas can't see very far outside the window. It seems really dirty.
Felicity Davis
I grab tightly on to -the side of the plane.
Battler starts screaming. "We're going to fall! We're going to fall!" Hoover looks unamused. Sicily looks a little annoyed.
The plane definitely feels like it's going to be thrown out of the sky.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas leans forward and covers the back of his neck with hos hands
Felicity Davis
Over the noise of the plane I shout "Hoover, can't you do anything about the weather?"
He shouts back, "I'm afraid not. I'm a geologist and politician, not a weatherman!" Sicily gives him a what-the-fuck look.
VV shrugs. "These things are commonplace, are they not? Are these pilots not well trained?"
Sicily gives VV a what-the-fuck look.
The plane feels like it's starting to lose altitude. Battler is still screaming.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas hasnt moved from his duck and cover position
Thomas O'Neil
Actually he looks up for just a second and says to VV "Just what kind of place do you think America is anyway?"
The plane is falling rapidly now.
Battler screams, "Prace for impact!"
yes that was intentional battler is so scared that he said it like that ok
everyone roll a d6 for me please
Felicity Davis
#d6 (3)
Thomas O'Neil
#d6 (3)
#d6 (6)
Thomas and Felicity get pretty banged up in the crash. VV escapes unscathed. VV is the first one to wake up from the wreckage. It's hard to see through the dust storm, but she is surrounded by rubble and the unconscious bodies of Thomas and Felicity. Sicily, Battler, and Hoover don't seem to be within her sight. Kinzo, unfortunately, is probably dead, VV surmises, judging by the fact that his entire upper torso has been crushed.
VV, being a medical expert, goes to shake the othres until they wake up.
they do in fact wake up thanks to VV medical expertise
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tries to ascertain his surroundings and, when he does, checks his. bag to see if everything is intact.
Felicity Davis
"Oh fuck, that hurt. Maybe flying isn't so grand after all."
Thomas O'Neil
"I cant believe kinzo is fucking dead"
"Well, let us go outside and be on our way. Judging from who is missing, I would wager that we have arrived at our destination."
Felicity Davis
"Yeah, but where is our destination?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Probably the capital building?"
There is a nearby road with a sign saying /// indicating that Washington DC is quite close.
There are still cars on the road despite the dust storm.
"Oh, we are not quite as close as I thought we'd be."
Felicity Davis
I go up to the nearest one and yank on the driver's door handle.
Thomas O'Neil
"Wow boss that's a crime. You're committing a crime."
The driver looks at Felicity surprised. "W-who are you?!"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas shrugs. "We need to commandeer your vehicle for very important government b-"
Thomas falls to the ground.
Felicity Davis
I elbow Thomas hard in the ribs. "OR, you could give us a lift into the city. We'd pay for the ride"
He looks terrified. "A-are you gonna steal my car?" His eyes water up.
"P-please, I gotta get home to my wife!"
Thomas O'Neil
"That's what I thought was happening but I guess not." Thomas chokes out.
Felicity Davis
"No we're not going to steal your car. Now can you drive us in to the city or not."
"I-I'm a senator, you know! You can't do this!"
Thomas O'Neil
"Does the name Hoover mean anything to you?" Thomas wobbles to his feet.
He looks confused and scared.
Felicity Davis
"Oh, a senator? Listen then, sir. I'm a reporter. I think I could definitely arrange an article or editorial in my paper for a particular concern or platform of yours, if you want to give us a lift into the city."
"O-oh, a reporter, are you? Ahem." He straightens his tie. "Yes, very well, let's go. Can't leave a fine member of the press out here in such strange weather!"
Felicity Davis
"Excellent, sir. And the other two, they're my indispensable camerawoman and, well, assistant. Having someone to carry all the heavy stuff around is nice."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks down at his lab coat, then back to Felicity and the driver, and sort of gives a nod.
The senator stares blankly at Thomas, then at Felicity. "He's not the brains of the operation, is he? No matter. Get in, my friend!"
Felicity Davis
"Some times I wonder if he's got brains at all."
I climb in, motioning out of the senator's view for the other two to get in.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas pouts and gets in
VV throws her case in the back and gets in.
He sets off down the road. "Say, reporter, have you heard that new song? Ginger Roberts sang it in The Gay Divorcee. Damn good movie. It's called the Continental."
Felicity Davis
"Oh I wish I could have had a chance to go to the cinema . I've just been so busy with work these past months, there hasn't been a good time."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas is observing the dust storm outside the window.
"What a shame!" the senator says as he barrels down the road at an incredibly fast 30mph.
"Quite the storm out there. Never seen anything like it. Have you?"
Felicity Davis
I shake my head. "I've stayed out of the Midwest most my life, so I've never seen anything like this before. Chicago's wet and rainy when it's windy."
"I'm from Alabama, myself." He looks into the back of the car at Thomas and VV. "Any ideas as to what's causing this?"
The signs outside indicate that the team is close.
Thomas O'Neil
"Probably a horrible person channeling wicked magics."
"These things are quite common in this country, aren't they?"
The senator looks surprised by Thomas. "The work of Satan, you think?"
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas again stares at VV incredulously.
Thomas O'Neil
"That might be the wrong mythos, but it might as well be."
"...R-right, then." he focuses on driving. "I'm heading to the Capitol Building. Will that be an alright place to drop you off? You can get a bus to wherever you need from there."
Felicity Davis
"That would be perfect, sir. I'll give you some directions on how you can contact me at my paper when we get there. If you check in, in about a week -- I'll be back in the office then -- I'll make the arrangements for your article.
"Wonderful. You're a good girl."
eventually the team reaches the capitol building and the senator parks in the senator parking area. "Maybe you ought to stay inside the building for a while. It's getting really bad out here. Dangerous."
Thomas O'Neil
"Thank you for the ride. We'll be careful."
Felicity Davis
I write down the paper address and number on a slip of paper. "We'll keep in mind if the sand gets too much. Thank you sir, you've been good to us."
Shielding my eyes with one hand, I get out of the car and try to make out what the city looks like.
The city looks like a normal city, aside from the massive dust storm running it down. Very few people are outside.
"Yes, this more or less conforms to what I thought America would look like."
Thomas O'Neil
"But why though?"
"It's a dusty place is it not? With frontiersmen and cattle herders. And of course natives, it's hard to forget the natives after what we've seen."
Felicity Davis
"I wish Hoover had been a little more specific on where in Washington Curtis was hiding out. It's a big city." I shrug. "Guess we could take up the senator's offer and go inside. Curtis should be familiar to the people of Capitol Hill."
Thomas O'Neil
"Honestly I'd expect him to be inside. If we need to I'll ask my pal Peter."
do you want to ask peter
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas turns to wherever Peter is in his mindspace and lets him know if we get stumped that he will be counting on him.
Felicity Davis
I walk from the parking lot into the capitol building.
Thomas O'Neil
Yo same
I mean
Thomas follows boss
The front /// the entrance from the senator parking lot is open and unguarded.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 600x600, magical realm.jpg)
Felicity Davis
Frowning, I slow down a bit, crossing through the entrance and into the building proper.
Thomas O'Neil
Athletics roll
#d6 (4)
Thomas attempts a cartwheel while entering the building.
VV simply walks in and looks around.
Thomas cartwheels and lands next to the unconscious body of a police officer.
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh hey, dodnt see you there. Hey boss theres this sleepy guy over here."
The body doesn't respond.
Felicity Davis
I kneel down and look him over. "Out cold. We should be careful from hereon in."
The team hears a shout from down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, there appears to be a large open lobby.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tiptuoes down the hallway and sneaks a peak
peaking peek
The senator from before is on his hands and knees but there isn't anyone else in the room.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas turns to boss and, when she is presumably closeby, quietly says "your friend is acting weird."
Felicity Davis
I look in the lobby. "Nothing but him in there. Does Curtis have another invisible creature hiding out around here?"
"I see nothing," the bird suddenly replies in Felicity's own voice.
Felicity Davis
"Sunnofa" I flinch.
I edge into the lobby, keeping to the wall.
"It seems our friend has found himself in an unreasonable situation. Or perhaps he's just having a bad day."
Thomas O'Neil
"Or perhaps he is infected"
The senator looks up at the team. "It's you... You should get out of here. That damn indian is doing something." He looks like he could lose consciousness at any time.
Felicity Davis
"Ah, don't you worry, sir. We'll be fine. Just relax and try not to overwhelm yourself."
Felicity Davis
I try to see which way I can go to go further into the building.
The senator points ahead to a doorway leading to another hallway, which leads to the senate chambers.
"He's... in there..."
"Well, I suppose we should get on with it then..."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas cracks his knuckles.
Felicity Davis
"Yup, let's go say hello to Curtis again."
As the team enters into the hallway, they're met by a familiar face - Sicily. Her eyes are glowing green. She's very clearly possessed.
Also she has a shotgun. Minor detail.
Felicity Davis
"Oh. Well, I don't figure you can hear us, can you."
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh no"
She groans. She sounds annoyed. It's not too different from her usual interaction.
Thomas O'Neil
Sense danger
#d6 (5)
It's Sicily with a shotgun. She feels very dangerous.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas nods to himself
Felicity Davis
"I don't really want to shoot her, you know. What else do we have that we can work with here?"
Thomas O'Neil
"What does she like a whole lot?0
"Perhaps there's another hallway?"
VV directs here deer at Sciliy to out-brainwash the brainwasher. (hopefully)
#d6+1 (2 + 1 = 3)
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas assumes a cheering on pose at Vv
#d6+1 (3 + 1 = 4)
Sicily drops her shotgun which fires into the wall and falls to her knees. "What the fuck is going on?"
Thomas O'Neil
"You got brainjacked for a bit"
Felicity Davis
"Magic hocus pocus again. Do you remember what was happening last to you?"
"Hoover and I were looking for Curtis here. I'm not sure what happened next. My head fuckin' hurts."
Felicity Davis
"Do you think you can lead us to where you were last with Hoover? We need to catch up to him in that case."
"We were in the big lobby, I think."
Felicity Davis
I crane my neck past her. "So probably further down this hall, then. You want to rest up or you feel like coming with us?"
"I'll catch up with you." she says as she sits down, holding her head.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas reaches into his bag and pulls out a bottle of water, a granola bar, and some headache medicine, assuming that all of that would be found reasonably within his satchel of unending items, and gives them to Sicily.
Sicily seems too worn out to be rude and merely thanks Thomas.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas smiles widely.
Felicity Davis
I nod in affirmation and turn to continue walking down the hall.
Thomas O'Neil
Thonas also follows.
It's a somewhat long hallway but at the end is a set of double doors.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas puts his ear to the door.
He hears laughing.
Thomas O'Neil
"Somebody sounds like they're having too much fun."
Thomas tries to see if he recognizes the voice.
He cannot recognize the voice throuh the door.
Thomas O'Neil
"I can't tell who though, but we should prepare for bad times.0
Felicity Davis
"Not really much in the element of surprise, going through doors like this." I pull the handgun out of my bag. "So might as well get ready before we go in."
Thomas O'Neil
"Fair enough"
Thmas reconfirms his explosive content in his bag.
to be con tin ued
