okay friends im getting confused one day shes trying to get me to send her a good morning text everyday the next, shes ignoring me all day what kind of bullshit
how does anyone type on a laptop without getting like rashes on their skin from the big giant plateau that leads up to the keyboard itself why can't the keyboard be at the front so i'm not cutting off my wrist circulation
>>296603 there's a lot of pause and correction is the problem people talk so fast but they never know how to make a sentence so i have to type so fast and be ready for it but erase so much crap and then maybe not have anything for 20 seconds
Yeah that component looked kind of dumb to me. I'd have to see how in-depth the end-game new content is before I get comitted. The last time Pokemon created game gen sequels they made the best Pokemon games to date, but I wasn't wholly sold on Sun/Moon to begin with.
phyco credit score
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
>>296611 I told you not to worry about it but noooooooo
Also how long have I been out of touch with touhou there's a 4kids translation project?
Mostly I just want Game Freak to get done with this and the inevitable Diamond/Pearl remakes so we can get information on what they want to do for the Switch Pokemon game.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
"UB Burst is Fire/Ghost with a new move, Mind Blown"
burst looks cool i like the design
>>296616 i hope they do it all 3d like they did with sm
I'm not really big on its design. Really a lot of the Ultra Beasts kind of don't click well with me. But this one is a clown full of edges and I can't really get on board with that.
haha I really like the UBs best pokeman ever is mimikyuu though
Pretty dumb. I'm not really bothered by series where everyone fucking dies for the sake of dying so it's whatever. But there's stupid funny things in it, like how he drops his guard for like, five seconds, gets kissed, and now thirty-something people have to die instead of two. That sort of thing is funny to me. It's just too absurd.
>>296654 it was pretty ridiculous i'll give it a few more episodes i think
>>296655 Oh yeah, we'll still have Ballroom this season. At least UTW can't keep a reliable release schedule to save their lives so that won't always be clogging up the day.
i assume nobody is gonna watch tsukipro or dynamic chord though
Tsukipro wasn't the kind of thing I'd be watching by myself. And Rika has some vehement objection against fujobait for the sake of fujobait. Or something.
Dynamic Chord wasn't even out this Thursday so it wasn't talked about.
There are a lot of shows that look really good this season. I don't envy you group watchers for /// who have to work out the logistics.
I want to watch Inuyashiki with Blue, though.
Looking at the list, I see 28-29 shows on the shortlist for things we'll keep watching through the season, and that includes stuff that's high drop potential like Ousama Game and Black Clover. As well as stuff that hasn't aired yet but I figure will at least get trial'd. That just barely squeaks out to four shows a day more or less.
I'm seeing like 25 shows I'm probably going to be checking out, and I'm expecting to keep with at least 20 of them. This season is a little unreasonable.
I thought Black Clover episode 1 was interesting. You didn't like it?
I think spring/fall seasons are generally heavy.
>>296663 It felt like standard uninspired shounen fare to me. >Weak but genki MC with super-talented, kind of reserved "rival" brother-like character >Gets shat on and mocked for his dreams because he's so incompetent >In a moment of almost death his real power emerges and it's secretly the strongest and most "evil" Add in the obnoxious NON-STOP YELLING THAT IS ALL THAT COMES OUT OF HIS FUCKING MOUTH and it was really difficult to enjoy.
I'm not saying it can't redeem itself or get fun but that pilot episode was really annoying.
Hahaha I really love MUSCLE WIZARDS The MC, alto, or whatever, is supposed to become a muscle wizard or something that just punches people or something? I think it could be fun, I'm sort of looking forward to it.
I'll probably drop Ousama game. Maybe Dies Irae depending on the first episode.
green is probably going to keep with, blue is going to check out will add 3-gatsu if i can keep up what a full season
Right now we've checked out UQ Holder, Black Clover, Juuni Taisen, Souma, Konohana, Urahara, Just Because!, Ousama. We'll probably trial everything from Sunday, Net-juu, maybe Evil or Live, Boku no Kanojo maaaaybe, Inuyashiki, pretty much everything from Friday 'cept Robomasters and maybe Garo, and everything from Saturday probably. Though Rika's already threatened to drop UQ Holder if it gets too Kenppoi. I'll probably keep watching it even if we're no longer watching it as a group though.
why would anyone spend money on this and then spend the time to go out and do it
hmm kino and net-juu are out early i guess i need to move those to friday
no wait kino was supposed to be out today it's net-juu that's early
>>296668 i started UQ but every girl was naked in the first few minutes and i just stopped haha
>>296672 I would recommend giving the full episode and see if you like the rest of the content. While the series is done by Akamatsu Ken and therefore is always going to have ecchi elements, that's definitely not the core component of the series.
Jokes aside, exposure is nice but if it's constant it'll be boring. Probably not something I would watch?
Probably reserve judgement for a more accurate understanding instead of jumping to conclusions based off a single statement that barely covers anything?
UQ Holder is a sort-of sequel to Ken's previous work, Mahou Sensei Negima, that picks up two generations after the previous series. It details an organization of immortals and their work to make the world a better place. The series is a bit of a shounen adventure fantasy at heart but there's also a lot of science fantasy involved. Ken also took fighting choreography way seriously when he was writing Negima and at least in his manga the fights are pretty engaging to read.
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
I should have expected as much but it seems that PAN likes Eve
Like there's going to be fan service in the series because Ken is a fucking degenerate but after the sneeze in episode one there's nothing remotely comparable to it for the rest of the episode.
>>296727 Yeah I was doing some precursory checking in. Really feels like the kind of character that Rika's going to go "oh that's me"./
>>296713 oh i forgot i had that quoted i didn't actually have anything to say but i like the picture of robin ok >>296706 wo dao and iceberg seems a little clunky get that moonbow
I can get a ticket for like $5 on the right day, though.
There's a theatre right downtown near where I do my night classes. It would be so easy to just pop in after class and watch something. But going to a theatre by myself is a bit too much for me/
i had a ukrainian mom for a while who made really good meatballs and stuffed peppers i miss those so much right now those are the most delicious things i can remember
I don't mind doing things alone sometimes other people detract from stuff you enjoy
It's not particularly the ticket booths that get me. It's being one in a thick crowd. It kind of makes me super-aware of myself and gets me a little anxious.
yeah on a friday night it would be more strange but in the middle of the day it seems less strange i did self study in high school so i would go to the theater on my own in the middle of the day a lot it was a lot of fun i had these silver AMC tickets that was permit one and you can only use one per day so it worked out perfectly
>>296768 i used to go to the midnight shows a lot i know i saw akira there, as well as the cowboy bebop movie and some others i took a friend there to see a scanner darkly at midnight and my car battery died and i couldn't get us home so we were 16 and stuck in a parking lot in the loop at 2am someone tried to soft mug us but we didn't have anything because we were 16 so he just left
i'm thinking of either switching that HP/Def A slot out for boey's earth boost or the S slot out for panic ploy S although i love the 54 hp it's just fabulous
I mean some toothpastes do work on coffee blemishes and whatnots quite well but if your teeth colour is naturally dark or yellow or something tough luck without bleaching they stay that colour
just use baking soda the fluoride ain't making a net positive fennel toothpaste is nice but CL bought out toms of maine a long time ago
>Moriko Morioka is a 30-year-old single NEET woman. After dropping out from reality, she has taken off in search for a fulfilling life and ended up in a net game or "netoge." In the netoge world, she began her new life as a refreshing and handsome character named Hayashi. While starting out as a beginner, a pretty character named Lily reached out to help her. Meanwhile, in the real world, awaits a shocking encounter with a good-looking elite company employee, a mysterious blue-eyed blonde. wow not high school?
speaking of nazies did you know during ww1, both UK and germany with turkey were trying to get the locals and european jews on their side, by promising them an "israel"
yeah i think UK is the only one that actually made an attempt though although germany maybe would have later if they'd won
Well they were occupying palestine Germany and turkey just went with "gib support and when we win" I mean, if germany had won, finland would have gotten a huge chunk of africa
also speaking of nazis i can't wait for the new wolfenstein game
>May 1, 1945. Berlin. As the Red Army raises the Soviet flag, a group of Nazi officers conduct a ritual using the slaughter in the city to bring back the LDO, supermen whose coming would bring the world's destruction. Their success remains unknown.
Present day. Suwahara City. Ren Fujii spends his days at the hospital due to a violent fight with his best friend, Shirou. He tries to value what he has left to him, but he is haunted by Shirou's words: "Everyone who remains in this city eventually loses their minds." and a recurring dream of a guillotine, murderers, and the black clad knights pursuing them. wow
it is like that fucking weird "east germany defends world from aliens with mechas" that was so bad, but not in the end so bad it was good it was just at the border
it had good animation and while the characters looked like more from some porn production they weren't badly designed either but it was just so bad
Hmm how logn would it take to steam cook pasta? making the gun steam powered and using the steam to cook the loaded pasta would be ebst option you'd still carry a large and potentionally dangerous steam engine on your back though
>>296876 that is p. good but what about ice cold in alex, Lawrence of Arabia, Empire of the Sun,
>>296876 Hrrm I haven't seen that in a while but I remember it being good I'd need to watch it again and also Apocalypse Now Redux within a day or two of each oylther.
>>296882 Yeah, wasn't sure were just talking about WWII movies anymore though. Cause you said "best war movie" Also >>296877 Empire of the Sun was a good movie, but its not even Spielberg's best WWII movie so I don't really think it needs to be mentioned Also I still find it amusing that it stars Christian Bale
>>296867 Oh you would love Palawa Joko's decor. He's like this non-dead lich and he took bones from centaurs and places it outside of one of his strongholds as decoration
finn army had and still has a policy of getting bodies out of the field on the spot made the soviets think we never lost soldiers at times, since they never saw any bodies.
Wait for a new overton window >>296936 path of fire is fun. I don't know if I want to call it short because I kinda rushed it but a lot of the fun is actually using the new mounts and you have to run through about 60% of the story to get them.
>he Nazi Zombies story of WWII takes place in an alternate history, where the Nazis have conducted research on necromancy based on the legend of King Frederick Barbarossa's hidden treasure. The story is centered around Marie Fischer yeah women in the wehrmacht...
and she is german but working for the british apparently
>>296947 There were women in the army and even in the SS, but they were all in auxiliary duties radio, admin and such few worked as prison guards even in the concentration camps and have been executed for their crimes, mind you but it was something like 500k at total compared to what 10 million+ total strenght
take the german mall shooter who got yelled by a guy from his balcony, the guy promptly got sued for hate speech amusingly, was claimed to be part of isis by isis, but they never found any connection tot hem similiar tot he ax train murderer
>>296953 no they don't out of 50+ claims only 3 have been false
And they claimed credit for russian metro or whatever bombing last year, but that wasn't them either and they claimed credit for the russian airplane crash, lol, that killed an entirem ilitary band it was a technical flaw
And the guy was illegally in country and came from god knows where I havn't looked into it, but initially no one really knows where he had first arrived the shitty thing is we don't really release stuff like this to the public so that the cops can actually investigate leads without perps getting to know aobut it also privacy
speaking of horrible people i wonder has serial drowner still been convicted? The guy has costed almopst a 1 million € in the handling of his case fucking ridiculous
Cons are when all your friends go and take pictures with people like the original black power ranger and you get to sit there in sadness because your pockets weren't full when tickets were being sold.
Spains fused when queen of Castille and king of spain married and merged the two kingdoms into spain they then kept all their overseas provinces, meaning aragon's territory in italy, sicilia and napoli and spain's in africa and the budding colonies and amusingly at this point the crown of aragon still held claim to the kingdom of jerusalem, though it had been lost to the muslims ages ago
Also, both spanish kingdoms had first born male gets the crown, which is why the "Iberian wedding" happened
Later on the spanish crown was inherited by the Habsburg dynasty of Austria, Holy Roman Empire, and also the current Holy Roman EMperor dynasty and so the next eldest son inherited both the positions of Holy Roman Emperor and King of Castille and Aragon and whatnot and then through messy business few decades earlier that was the Burgundy succession, when the territories of Burgundy were passed to the Crown of HRE, spain also got the lowlands however, just few decades later the lowlanders had gotten enough of spanish domination and rebelled and formed this state called "Netherlands" Ensue 100 years of war
Eventually the two Habsburg dynasties split and HRE crown returned to Austria alone and Spain had their branch of the habsburgs either removed by france or it died out I think it died out, which launched yes The War of Spanish Succession between France and Austria Which merged with War of Jenkins Ear between spain and England
unresolved issues of this war would eventually lead to the Seven Years War, which caused your rebellion
Now the amusing thing is, that while it was the King of Aragon who became the sovereign of the unified country, it was the Catalonians who became the dominant people of the new kingdom with the capital moved to the modern Madrid, though instead of the old castillian capital, but in the castillian territory nonetheless
While I am not expert in spanish history, I don't think there was that much ethnical tension in the spanish kingdom, aside the inquisition driving out the jew and mooslim I guess I should look into it but franco era started fucking up catalonians at the very least.
I did notice that a couple of those shows are airing at the same time on different channels when I was making that list earlier. It seems like there's a lot of competition this season.
>>297010 Well, I don't envy you guys for having to figure out the logistics.
There is a prime time for watching anime so they all compete for those time slots
I am gonna get around to watching everything! I didn't watch much last season. I had a lot of work and my hearing going out of whack, hopefully this season will go smoothly!
Ousama and Dies Irae are some of the worst things I've seen in a long time. I couldn't even finish the first episode of Dies Irae because it was so terribly written and directed.
>>297014 I can super agree with this list. Good tastes
>>297024 It's about an elite NEET in her 30s with no life or friends playing video games with a girl that's a guy, but the girl that's a guy thinks she's the guy, but they are both into each other sort of or will be? It was really good.
>>297033 Probably. In 2014 or 2015, I made the mistake of revealing my powerlevel, and some low level trash weeb started showing me her gaia roleplaying characters.
an interactive forum social platform where you make an avatar and design it and use it in some game things but also it's what shows when forum posting or there's like hangout maps where you go hang out with people
>>297043 You know if i registered with one of my email addresses on which you're a contact it will notify me whether or not you have an account right if i do that i'm not gonna find you on there am i
>>297053 yeah i didn't know about it but for some reason everyone else would be playing it during computer class i'm // i kept hearing it and i'm like what is that i guess those were the lucky kids who got to play games when they got home or had homes to go home to
>>297080 a real person photograph, but it was denied because it wasn' a straight forward clear mugshot like they really want to tie your identity into the system it's so fucked up i don't know how anyone can do it
>>297081 I really hate how you have to hand over your identity to sites like that. people post their entire lives on their for public viewing. Like all their pictures and everything they do.
My facebook is adrift in the ocean, I forgot the password and stopped caring about it some time ago.
I tried to get in like last year or something but I have a lot of friends and it showed me pictures of them and was like "who is this person" and I Was like "I have no idea!"
>>297118 Yo post your favorite 2hu you know katie mindreader
I shut down my facebook years and years ago. I still have a presence on the site though because I have a fan group which comes up with my name. It's all rather embarassing and I'm not sure how to resolve the problem
My facebook is just me talking about whatever the hell and most of my family have already chimed in saying that they have no idea what I'm talking about half the time.
I sometimes use facebook to inform people about geopolitical events like Catalonia and stuff like that because I don't want to be around people that think Spain did nothing wrong.
I have my dad on Facebook because after my mom tried to destroy his life, he didn't have a phone for a long time and my only way to communicate with him was through Facebook.
the switches between traditional and cgi are bit weird, though
You can find a mention of me thrice if you searchd epe enough, but you can't know that is me there are many people with the same name with a high some presence
You can find information about a few posters and a symposium I did for my FBI stuff on Google, although you can't find the symposium or posters in their entirety there.
Companies just gather the information so for most people you can find where they live online. You can opt out of the electoral register but it takes a lot of work.
I was helping an organization do something and someone called me to coordinate something, and I didn't recognize the number, so I googled it, and it led me to the person's address without even searching for it along with an employment history and address history.
>war dream flashback uhm so mr anime adaption what do you do about "why did people build so many weapons" "why did people wage wars" momentsi n the anime...
THis site is super creepy http://www.192.com/people/ You can buy access to find anyone you like but the free version gives a lot of information away as well.
If you google Fish's name, you'll find articles written about something she /// some research she published while in school.
Oh yeah now I remembered what shoujo shuumatsu reminds me of somehow Gone With The Blastway *wave
>>297163 i kind of thought my assisted publications might come up but not even there's way more people with this name than i'd think despite how everyone acts like it's a weird name
>>297162 there's hundreds of sites like that, they're not doing nearly what they claim to do either they basically clump all related names together and that's about it a lot of people have had their lives messed up because they shared a name with someone who had a sex crime conviction and then they look up "Oh, i wonder what john smith on 123 fake street is up to" and it'll say things like ARREST RECORDS FOUND FOR THIS PERSON CLICK HERE TO SEE
I had trouble getting my drivers license renewed this time because I share a name with a felon!
>>297166 Yeah there was a story a couple of years ago about a guy got burnt alive because people thought he was a pedophile and he was a paediatrician It would be funny it was so goddamn horrifying.
>>297170 Wow, your licenses are really long lived. Probably so old people cna drive waaaaaaaaay beyond the point where it's safe for them to be driving.
My license is from high school, so I have really long hair in it, haha.
In the UK it is every 10 years you update your license >You must renew a photocard licence every 10 years - you’ll receive a reminder before your current licence ends.
noe EU fucked us up but luckily it will never affect me
This little kid on the bus is bragging to a girl about his video games. >I've got THREE drawers for video games It's a little cute in that little kid innocence way.
yeah you can but multiple cups means more trash and refilling means getting up from your meal and all of those means also mixing more pepper with the ketchup
You should try it works with fastfood fries really well felix a swedish, but big in finland company tried actually pepper ketchup once it was around for maybe 3 years but then died out pepper ketchup isn't afterall that tasty aside with fries
with the ketchup cup size it is about 1-2 pepper bags per cup more than that and it is hard to mix it proper and it tastes too peppery and less and it just doesn't taste at all
kebab animal is cute and full of flavour but really deadly they have a really fast lunge attack and can easily chew through your angles in one bite and then they eat on you
that is what makes them so tasty they eat a lot of meat
Coincidentally how do neets in japan fund themselves? I don't think japan has that big wellfare network
parents often fund their neet or hikki kids
what about say the mc here she is 30+
she probably worked until she had enough money to not work i assume
>>297257 family mostly it's considered very very rude to drop family members out on the street >Japan also has public assistance programs to cover basic living expenses, housing costs, compulsory education and skill training costs, health insurance, and funerals. To apply, people must visit the welfare office of their municipality, which checks their claim and usually gives an answer within two weeks. If a household's total income falls below the minimum living expense set by the health and welfare minister, the household is eligible for welfare benefits. Before their claims are even considered, applicants must first sell off any items in their household deemed unnecessary "luxury goods" by caseworkers, though the definition of what constitutes "luxury" items varies among the municipalities, and individual welfare officials have discretion in determining what must be sold off. Generally, items such as wide screen televisions, cars and motorbikes (unless found to be necessary in seeking work), and musical instruments must be sold. In some cases, applicants have been even told to sell their own homes and live off the revenue before eligibility for welfare. Once approved for public assistance, recipients must follow the guidance of a caseworker assigned to them in how to spend their money. The public assistance programs benefit about 1.7% of the population. About 50.8% of these households are elderly people, 26.6% were households with sick or disabled members, and 6.2% are single-female-parent families
maybe or maybe they actually have some basic network
Welp this seems promising, but I dunno will have to see how it develops the video game parts are just so generic and "it is fucking normal mmo not some virtual shit" kinda just weirds me out how they "behave" in game
>>297257 There are lot that get funds from their parents. in the early days they'd just live with their parents and never move out, living a NEET life in their bedrooms. Nowadays it is common for Hikkis to be giving // given apartments and flats and given money by their parents in hopes they will find work eventually.
There is no real welfare system in Japan, at most you will work for a while at some place with Hello Work and save up money and then quit and hikki it up and rinse and repeat.
If you have gaps in your employment history you can generally say goodbye to getting a good job, especially if you drop out of education. It can be pretty hard to climb out of NEET/HIKKI lifestyle
>>297267 NEET covers a lot of age groups but the sick and disabled do get welfare at the expense of freedom that we see disabled people get here. If you fuck up your life in any way really you can expect to have a lot of difficulty finding a job.
Japan still clings strongly to the idea of a job for life. You get better employment based on how long you have worked at a company not by your merit. If you are a dropout and have been a NEET you are really unlikely to ever get a good job.
I imagine a lot drop out of highschool And their parents assume they'll get jobs soon But they just never do And nothing changes
I think atleast one anime in every season drops a random finnish reference
>>297269 I remember reading a great article that talked about how the company you work for sorts out your friends for life and finds you someone to marry. The company is like a father.
>>297274 God bless the company I hear this makes it very hard for start ups to attract talent Because no one wants to go with an unproven company Since if it falls through, they /// the other companys won't hire you You're basically used goods
>>297273 That is the traditional job of your boss. He will be your go-between for your future wife and you, and help arrange the marriage and invitations and such. It does still happen, I don't know how common it is but it used to be very common and usual.
Your company is for life and they take on a social role in your life. You in return have to work hard for your oya So you take time out of your family life to work late.
If your boss calls you for alcohol and helping clients you gotta answer and do the social shit
>>297273 Japan is a country of start ups. Start ups are all over the place, their is a strong entrepreneurial spirit in Japan so their *there is no real stigma to trying to run a company. The spirit of making businesses in Japan is part of why they recovered economically really well after the war. and also before the war how they essential steamrolled through their industrial revolution.
They borrowed the free market and integrated it into their society really well.
>>297276 Huh, that's a lot different to what I read But that's good, good on them
>>297318 It works on one of my computers but not on the other. It's really weird. Same browser, same extensions, everything the same, but it doesn't work.
tano works for me
and megu
>>297333 They weren't cards. They were just named after cards. Mostly because they were named by the same group of people. Later, as more people developed their own stands, they just named them themselves.
Weird tot hink about it as a finn "I am going home" if you directly translate it it just doesn't work in order to make it work in finnish as a directly transalted sentence you need the "I am going to home" just a side note
>>297345 the missile always knows where he is going
also why doesn't ai
I am going to home work as a sentence alone?
like you say "i am going to my car" but if you say "I am going my car it doesn't work
or even "i am going your home" nope you need "to your home"
You say "I am going home" that is in general gramatically wrong, but it is accepted as shortened form of "I am going to my home" home usually means "your home" afterall, especially in that circuimstance and skipping the to is just making it more easier to say which is the general path of language to be more convenient to use
>>297361 yeah I know how it works there grammatically any language but the point is that it is an exception to common usage
one of the reasons why I don't like english language that much it lacks ruels *rules and the exceptions to rules aren't defined enough Germany is a fucking beautiful language when it comes tor ules I mean it has a rule for the exception of a rule hmm hwo the fuck do I say that in english... exception of a rule of an exception of a rule of an exception of a rule of an exception of a rule
The most beautiful thing anyhow was the simple concept of "the exception of a rule's exception" a rule has an exception which has an exception or the fact taht each fucking exception had a basic rule to it which had an exception of course which had a rule
>>297360 yeah naturally why do you think im particularly excited for a collab in granblue about it
>>297373 I got about 20 misnumbered calls from almost always the same person who was trying to reach well for convienence sake touhouwnazi a person with 98% identical name and also 1 number aside identical phone number as me was annoying as fuck
also in hindsight i think every call I got was made by a drunk person would explain a lot
I have been meaning to watch Ten Commandments for ages but each time I start I just get reminded of Prince of Egypt and how it is so much better adaption of the same story and stop right there to watch clips of the latter movie
He's not replaced with a black girl in the NG comic >>297389 Marvel doesn't know how its own sales works from what I've learned. It's a very backwards and complicated mess in comics.
>>297391 there were several "iron man comics" released with her as the iron man and promised to be permanently the iron man and they went back on the decision quite quick when the sales on the comic plumetted after the first time >>297394 No but I saw the figures myself
>>297393 did you read those comics or did you see someone complain about them
>>297391 you know what would have been cool if the black iron man girl was living in some shit hole african village and she reads about tony stark and then she builds her own iron man suit out of scraps, just like tony did and then she goes on and takes down the local war lords
Like, this is what I mean by Comics is a very complex and backwards ass market. Because once you actually learn about HOW things make money and HOW things get marketed and HOW things succeed It's absolutely ridiculous.
>>297412 Exactly. They don't have to sell very much to make a profit
uhh actually, here https://spacetwinks.itch.io/shut-the-fuck-up-marvel This is the best way to catch up on the comic book industry and all the dumb shit. You can grab it for free.
>>297418 How expensive can it be? Higher a few artists and writers, print comic books. The amount of exposure through movies alone should lead to enough sales to make up for those costs.
y'all are just not going to listen to the sentences I already wrote. Comic book movies do not increase comic book sales. And the marketing for comics? L M A O
>>297435 Just know that you're wrong and the assumptions that you've made are wrong as they don't follow the general evidence of trends that marvel sales do.
it goes against my basic security and anti-virus policy
it's a html file took like nothing to download
It's whatever if you don't want to download it. I'm just going to tell you that you're incorrect since you aren't going to do so. Like... just trust me on this. There are people who have researched it more extensively than looking at three months of sales figures.
I'd read it if I could ahve it 100% online without downloading some sketchy stuff
>>297440 Well I have this document here you are never goin to read that proves you are incorrect
If something is 100% online you're downloading it all anyway
>>297440 > just trust how many years have we known each other?
I downloaded it and my computer hasn't exploded
Like, the basic premise of something being 100% online means, in order to obtain it, you need to download it.
I got fucked over by a ver y similiar concept on a very trusted site just because the hackers had hid the thing in the download thingie quite well by hacking that site
and welp that was ages ages ago I still base my shit on that
Nope just nope never again
do you touch a red hot stove again, after getting burnt once?
good for you also you apparently never got burnt
in the literal sense not in my "got trojans" sense
No I got burnt. But maybe the stove isn't as hot this time.
>>297461 same but I alwayus get attracted to "tumpling down tumbling down tumbling doooown"
>>297462 I dunno comic books afterall come around with "prepay to get 5 extra pages" and "also buy this extension to be guaranteed to get he next 2 issues ofr 85% the price"
>>297460 14-17 years ago what has that got to do with anything?
>>297464 Those are consumer problems. I mean issues with development and developers. Although, consumer problems in comics is an interesting thing in itself and adds to its development problems.
>>297525 I'm sure I've mentioned it before. I think my mom is poisoning my stepfather, or at least, was. There hasn't been any further degeneration in the past 6 months, so she's probably stopped after destroying his brain to the degree that she could use him for attention and get disability money eventually.
>>297530 Not really slowly. The degeneration began almost immediately after I moved out and his cognitive abilities slowly got worse for a while and have now stabilized where she wants it, probably. >>297533 Huh? They live together. They're married. I used to interact with him daily until I moved out.
But whatsoever my tinfoil stuff and my bad experiences
your stepfathers degeneration might have just gotten worse as you moved away he might have been degenerating for a longer while but you never noticed and as he lost another contact, you, he startet degenerating more rapidly and as you had less contact with him you noticed it more easily
The thing is just say myu granny motherside was REAL bad in her memory stuff, mostly because of alzhaimers but after she got into a better senior care house with more interraction between her and her compatriots and her caretakers she remembered a lot more recent things and stuff in her past
>>297566 If you had said "she never carries a gun and is black belt" I wouldn't meet her ever but since she does carry a gun it leaves me with ways of defending myself against her, if she does decide to assault me
Well, in any case, I don't know that she's poisoning him.
She keeps trying to claim it was caused by a drug he took in the army like 25 years ago. She claims the drug just suddenly caused brain degeneration 25 years later. It's a ridiculous claim.
Well, it's too late for me to help him, unfortunately. I never really liked him because of his role in the dissolution of my parents marriage and because he'll date a married woman, but I don't want him to die or anything.
My mom abuses him now, really terribly. She constantly berates him for his poor memory and plays games with him, trying to make him remember things that he obviously can't remember. Sometimes she makes things up and says they happened to see how he'll react. When I told her not to play games with him like that once, she said he'd forget it anyway.
My step father recently got a heart condition tat is being treated but still leaves him with constant risk of DEATH or becoming incapable of working but I kinda what do you call it familiar love? well in that kind of love him
>>297588 Yeah and this is nothing like your "lol imats is robot" stuff this is Me level it is being "okay with holocaust" to "are you even human" levels it is taughtable is that a word teachable maybe that
but it isn't healthy and the moments the mental state you learn cracks on you
But it does let you to be maximum insensitive at 99% of times
sorry about this blue but i just got another neph >>297589 shoganai everyone's got their own way i guess
>>297592 none of this matters to me because I'm not going to play anymore Enjoy best girl
>>297592 tsch last time I tried teaching someone I got a mentally inbalanced stepbrothet though I doubt that was my fault but anyhow taht was my only attempt so far
>>297616 It's so much. It's so good. A lot of the later stuff ends up being him just going over various sales trajectories though. but the "It couldn't even beat scooby fucking doo" part was worth.
>>297619 He likes twine, it's easy to host and distribute through itch.io, which is a moderately known service for hosting small independent games but also takes things like his. And if you don't want to read his stuff like that, you can always read his twitter. Which is often the same stuff just spread out in tweets.
>>297617 Yeah, after a bit all the X Y Z, Volume Last sold W thousand copies started to all blend together. After a bit he had already kind of proved his point and was just beating the dead horse. Detailing the direct market pre-order system was pretty informative though. And I didn't know comic issues were going 3-6 USD a pop nowadays. That's a LOT of money for twenty-odd pages of content, even if they are all colour. I wouldn't buy shit at that price unless I REALLY wanted it.
>>297623 Oh, I just got what you were trying to say. I went back and read them.
>>297626 well I dunno about viruses embedded in the page, but I can confirm this one doesn't ask for any information At all You just download a html page
>>297625 The reason for beating the dead horse is to get all the things that people would expect to be good and just shoot that expectation in the foot. But I feel that's obvious.
>>297632 No, I get that. But after a point I feel his message was gotten across, and he could have just written "these results are consistent across any iteration you could imagine", and if people challenge him later, just have the statistics at hand.
>>297625 >20 pages >for four dollars That's like one dollar for five pages I liked when he compared it to stuff like Shounen Jump
>>297634 Yeah, see, that's the thing. I don't think he wants to be challenged later on it. The essay IS titled "Shut the fuck up, Marvel." I felt the same way about a lot of it but having read the things he tweets about at frequency, you start to understand that the horse needs to not only die, but turn into pink mist, and then boiled lest someone raise it from the dead.
>>297638 It's not just that marvel makes bad decisions, but that the comic book industry runs in a very terrible way and the things that Marvel believes are its bad decisions are completely evading the state of affairs. So Colin wrote a long essay about how dumb the industry is, how dumb Marvel and other places, but especially Marvel because they're loud about it, are, and gives lots of numbers and history about it.
>>297636 So if your thing was unaffiliated with marvel
what it would be about?
>>297638 Marvel is obtuse, responds badly to criticism, and sucks a lot at marketing
>>297640 More than that, I think in some cases they intentionally mislead fans to garner sales. Like with the whole Mockingbird flagstone argument, the guy who was telling them to buy volumes -ought- to know what he's saying is a lie. If he doesn't that's a gross incompetence in his role in the company as well.
>>297643 Oh yeah, I forgot about that. There are times where Marvel just outright does shit like this.
>>297639 Well, I can kind of see where the subject matter that each is interested in may overlap some, but it's hard to believe that there's a lot of overlap in terms of customers. Are they going to make comics about awesome missiles and stuff?
>>297640 >>297642 I do believe that industry is kind of dumb. At least that's what I hear.
>>297650 So the defense contractor is basically using them as PR? Still kind of a strange move.
>>>/@ziyatong/916405579379175424 >>297652 Basically. It also goes against the whole tony stark can't be iron man aand a defense contractor because defense contractors are evil thing that marvel is into
>>297651 That's the case as long as anyone's posting