you must carry on my legacy, Maria you must get everyone to post in this thread so i can have a wonderful thread to post in when i get back from Feed ME
I only want to touch lightly on this topic, but conspiracy theories are really mainstream now. My super normie coworker was talking about a vegas conspiracy theory she saw on facebook. It was like the kind of thing you'd normally see on 4chan!
It's kind of a problem that they actually teach you to only question certain things. The power of those theories is that they establish someone as a "knower". Someone knows the truth, and you get the "truth" from them.
It's exactly the same as trusting the mainstream narrative, just generally more ridiculous.
Trusting no one is the same thing as blindly trusting the official narrative in the end
>>295839 we didn't get to hang out last weekend sorry whatcha planning this weekend, anything? i could cook up something tasty and we could have a movie
>>295842 I am gonna super relax but I need to get some tax and bills done first.
It might neat to watch a movie with you. I could finally get around to watching that movie The akira kurosawa one.
Memory is so fucking weird to me. I hear the name Akira Kurosawa in my head and I doubt it so I googled it and it was right. How does that even work. you just faintly remember something. That happens all the time with Japanese words I sometimes don't even know where I have learnt the words from.
>>295849 We should watch it at some point! I really have strong memories of it from a very long time ago. I've been wanting to watch it again for so long!
>>295846 The Japanese manga I buy has way nicer paper and covers than the western translated releases and yet they can cost way more than the Japanese volumes.
Dreams is such an apt name for that movie It has been in a recurring fragments of scenes in my dreams since childhood. I can barely remember it.
Dreams was really good I haven't seen it in like 8 years or so though.
>>295851 you oughtta grab some valerian root to help ya relax this weekend and we can chill out and watch it
>>295901 Yeah, I was excited for the series because Himura Dairy is doing the character designs but there was a really nice emotional sentiment to the episode. Especially the second half.
>>295904 No you were meant to say it was Just Because
Yeah I gave you such a clear and obvious set up and you ruined it all
>>295903 Nice moon really lights up those clouds nice Cool buildings too. >>295904 That moon is very bright
Another thing to dread about this incoming cold season is how DRY everything gets during it. And my hair generates an absurd amount of static electricity. By the worst of it I'll probably be able to take a hundred steps, touch a metal pole, and get static shocked.
>>295927 While this is true in theory, sharks often stop to rest at places where the current is strong. The water runs over their gills and they don't die!
>>296009 Everyone thinks everything he does is part of his plan, but I think he just does a lot of random stuff!
>>296006 ive been trying to not do that this past week or so but before then i had just finished like a 50-some hour job in three days and since then i dont feel okay my neck vertebra feels like it's grinding and i keep feeling a whooshing sound like fluid is sliding against it
there's like a 45 year old woman who visits my profile page on the transcription forums like three times a day and is hearting (like a like feature) my posts from days/weeks ago >>296015 i hope i get a break in my neck and die instantly
>>296008 Panic Ploy is super annoying because the AI gets a completely abnormal health total like Luke with 68 HP. But he only usually has 40 and it's like... so what
>>296043 it's probably something to watch on your own and not with fish it's old school england gangsters i know time's not on your side lately but if you ever get a chance i think it's something you'd connect with it's one of my favorites
Urahara, Just Because!, and the Furry Japanese Inn shows had pretty good first episodes. UQ Holder is about what I expected and I enjoyed it. Juuni Taisen had a fun pilot too. Plus it's nice to get more Souma.
Black Clover was as obscenely low-grade shounen as I expected it to be. According to threads on /a/ the MC eventually stops SHOUTING OBNOXIOUSLY AT EVERYTHING eventually but I don't know if that would terribly improve the experience.
Dogs are allowed, but I've never heard them howl. Plus it's October and a full moon. Seems like a weird time for my first time hearing a neighbor dog howling.
>>296070 I can dig it a little. The watermelon might be a bit too thick though. Or maybe I'm just imagining it completely sogging the bread on first bite that white dude put taco seasoning on watermelon so anything is possible
if it's cold it won't be soggy also that bread looks like a thick bread nevermind no it doesnt it looks like toasted white bread i thought it was like a ciabatta or something
>>296074 the japanese like their melon with ham but i dont think that's watermelon i think that's cantaloupe or something though some prosciutto might be pretty nice
>>296073 No, I watched it solo today because it's been something I've been a little excited for. I'll be around for it tonight I just had time and ample curiousity earlier.
in my experiences accidental leaks are usually not accidents
so they just decided to randomly let russians get their secrets?
and it just happened to be when north korea is getting boosted cyber capabilities yeah it smells so bad of a red herring that it seems like a weak tactic
I'm just too fast. You can do so many things in almost no time at all. My mind is too fast and I do things too fast. 10 minutes /// 1 /// 10 minutes passes sometimes but it feels like it's been hours
A Hat in Time is finally out on Steam. I feel that game has been in dev limbo for eight or nine years.
That game looks like fun. I thought it would never come out and they just ran off with all the kickstarter money. 2017 has been an amazing year for video games.
>>296127 Because well-off white people don't have as many worries as everyone else in 2017. Everyone else is constantly in a state of fear.
I'm literally the opposite of a WASP.
>>296123 In its earlier iterations when it was developing even before Kickstarter was a thing, it was a collectathon 3D platformer with an artstyle inspired by The Wind Waker. Think Banjo-Kazooie, Super Mario 64/Sunshine. I drifted out of paying attention to its development cycles a long time ago so admittedly I don't have a very good idea of what its final form is now like, but it's probably safe to assume some of those aspects remain.
>>296133 a) I don't really see how it's offensive since I generally can't tell the difference between jews and anyone else b) I don't think it's any more offensive than being told you're having a good year just because you're a WASP
>>296129 It looked kinda cute in the few screenshots I saw. Maybe I'll check it out.
>>296134 It doesn't matter if you look white or not. That's not what it's about.
Why is it offensive to be told that you're having a good year because you're a WASP? Nearly every demographic other than well-off white people are having a terrible year.
>>296140 That's because you're well-off and white. That feeling that your race and religion has nothing to do with it is very prominent among people who share those characteristics, while nearly every other demographic feels the opposite.
All of the people on /moe/ in America that are minorities are very uncomfortable with 2017! Because it hasn't been good for us.
>>296141 I don't really see in what way it has been any different than any other year. but I'm just going to be told I can't understand because I'm a white person.
>>296159 The fact that there are actual literal nazis and that they're actually literally acceptable and actually literally encouraged by the government is very different.
>>296162 Haven't there always been actual literal nazis? Skinheads aren't a new thing. I don't think anyone takes nazis any more seriously this year than they did last year.
>>296164 Oh, come on. It's different now. They're not just fucking losers that nobody wants to associate with anymore. They're part and parcel of everyday life now. People can walk around with Swastikas and nobody does anything. There are Nazi rallies.
>>296164 Seriously? You know what, don't even reply to me. Kirara's replies are much more important.
>>296165 Aside from people being edgy on the internet, what is there? Naziism is one of those things that is just completely unviable in America. If you show the average person a swashitka or however you spell it, their initial reaction is always going to be negative.
>>296167 Uhh, there are rallies? There was a big incident where several hundred people carrying torches and shouting Nazi slogans walked around while chanting that they wanted the Jews gone, and the president called them good people? Even after they attacked people? There are people in Seattle walking around in broad daylight with Swastika armbands.
>>296168 Didn't nazis and KKK people have rallies in the past, though? I don't think anyone took the people in Carolina seriously, and they came off looking like monsters because they ran a bunch of people over.
>>296183 Those specific people may not want me dead, that's correct. There are plenty of other people saying that they want all white people dead, though.
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop hold on >>296194 cool simple tutorial stuff I took an After Effects one and an Unreal one. anyway, let me slowly scroll up
>>296199 I will on October 19th when they have a rally in Florida.
>>296202 Yeah, basically no one but corporations wouod pay the listed prices.
>>296204 you don't understand its not about selective marketing the actual business plan is to list large prices and then rotate sales to selected classes
....oh I see now. I am going to very delicately NOT touch this.
>>296206 Yeah, I never said it wasn't. Incidentally if they didn't do that corporations are the only entities that would be willing to pay those "list" prices.
>>296203 Well, I'd be curious to see if it's just a handful of mal-adjusted cosplaying idiots or something actually substantial.
Instead of telling me that my normal American white opinion doesn't matter, you should trust me when I tell you that the idea of nazis running around hurting people is absolutely incomprehensible for us and we wouldn't tolerate it!
>>296211 I'm not saying that my opinion is the only legitimate opinion. I'm just saying that the idea of nazis running around and being taken seriously and being anything other than barely tolerated in the name of free speech violates my sense of normalcy in a way that makes it hard for me to believe that it is happening.
Naziism is contrary to American values in a way that it will never be accepted by the primary component of the population.
>>296218 How is it dismissive? I don't approve of them, but aren't they just barely tolerated in the name of free speech? If they actually tried hurting people they would be hauled off to jail or shot.
>>296222 But they HAVE been hurting people, Rika. Nazis HAVE been hurting people and NOT going to jail or getting shot. It's dismissive because these are FACTS and you are IGNORING them and saying that everything is OKAY when it is NOT OKAY.
Well I'll admit that I work a lot and miss a lot of the news. Has it been happening at any greater incidence than other hate groups have been beating people up?
I thought most of the violence was just protestors beating up protestors from the other side.
>>296225 Google "Charlottesville protest car crash"
>>296225 Protestors beat up protestors because the Nazis start beating people up, and then counter-protestors like Antifa come and fight the Nazis.
And yes, this is happening frequently. There are white supremacy-related hate crimes every day (as there have been for decades) but now they are increasing in frequency.
No, because I don't want to get murdered by a Nazi. Although I've been asked to black bloc at the Nazi one on the 19th. I don't think I'll do that, though, because that's a surefire way to get the nazis AND cops trying to kill me.
>>296231 We go to synagogue Also a synagogue near me got defaced recently
>>296232 Well I am certainly concerned about what has been happening at protests lately, but I was under the impression that normal people going about their daily business don't really have any more to worry about than they did last year.
>>296258 You think this because no one tells you about the other violence. Because that violence is just normal incidents that happen. But when you measure it on a scale of how often they usually occur, it has increased. >>296256 Generally. But at this point, I really can't dive into this kind of emotion with /moe/.
>>296262 Well I can tell you that at least if that sort of thing were dramatically increasing here, I would see the effects of it due to the nature of my work. I can't really say how things are in other places I guess, but things are normal here.
The reason I don't want to go into this on /moe/ is because it is always dismissive. I can tell you what's happening. I'm not really going to get far into how I feel about it though. It's not that you can't understand but I just don't expect it from anyone but Kirara or sk. So it's not something I bring up unless I'm talking to them directly anymore.
>>296268 I'm probably dismissive. What do you feel like I'm being dismissive of?
That's why I really felt bad when sk got banned because I would've spoken to him had I been at my computer. But he went off ranting and got canned. >>296275 He was banned for like two days. And it was partly because I didn't know we all had a new thread and that's what he was talking about so I was just discussing stuff with him. Then I went to find food and he was removed. I went ahead and removed myself for two days because I felt bad.
>>296272 It's something that's hard to put into words. I don't like it when I'm treated like I don't understand stuff because I'm well to do or white or something.
In fact, I deal with a disproportionately large number of disadvantaged and minority people due to the nature of my work and the fact that they're generally the ones who get into bad situations and need help. I do have a pretty good understanding of what it's like out there.
>>296280 We are trying to cut down on some of the political posting (which I am currently not being very helpful in that regard I suppose) and I guess he got whacked with the ban hammer just a little bit.
>>296282 I'm sorry that I treat you like that sometimes. I know it's unfair of me, but I just get so upset about it.
To be honest, it's not like anyone posted any links to hard data in the previous discussion. Like "this shows hate crimes increased by x% in the past year"
SK is an endless machine of political diatribe these days. Like that's all he talks about a majority of the time. He's been told to lay off it several times and hasn't complied. I don't think the punishment is unjust.
>>296282 It's sort of a perspective thing. These are things that Nvm forgot what I was saying
>>296290 Wouldn't there be data for things like people being convicted of hate crimes? Although you could then argue the system itself is ignoring them but that's a whole new ball game.
Yeah I'm not touching this
>>296292 the funding and execution of such a study is inherently with bias it's impossible to have hard data on it
>>296292 there will be some cursory data in 2-5 years
>>296292 You can use the difference s between hate crime convictions on a year by year basis
>>296297 convictions aren't great for hard data either because that's subject to the ability to interface with the legal system
>>296302 Better than nothing You can also compare hate crime convictions versus non hatecrime convictions
>>296299 Oh, no, I meant that thing you were talking about before the topic swung into me somehow I was just reading the thread back, didn't realize I'd been mentioned before I hit Done
Hate crime kind of occupies a weird space in the legal world anyway. Prosecutors get a lot of discretion on if they want to charge something as a hate crime, and a hate crime is really just a normal crime with an additional aggravator (based on a presumption of motive) so hate crimes end up being very subjective and based on the opinions and guesses of prosecutors.
>>296303 convictions aren't great for hard data either because that's subject to the ability to interface with the legal system being able to push something as a hate crime is almost a political maneuver
>>296305 Yeah honestly its sort of a dumb designation
>>296304 ah well, I'd rather not touch it anymore than I already have anyway non-touch solidarity
Well The southern poverty law center tracks a lot of stuff related to these kind of things They have statistics about white nationalist grouos and what not
>>296301 That's cute as shit Imma dip out and not disturb this though
>>296310 yeah SPLC has political funders who they yield to in their choice of causes
No actually I'm gonna drop this before I go back to bed There are church members who got swarmed by literal nazis and might only be alive today because Antifa showed up and beat the fash senseless The cops did nothing
Anyway, I wasn't talking about politics and stuff when I said 2017 was a good year. I don't care too much about politics and current events, I just work and take it easy with the rest of my time.
I mean video games were undeniably great this year Specifically video games
>>296319 you should have thought about how dismissive you were being before you said you were enjoying 2017
>>296318 I do not approve of it when anyone beats anyone else up. Divisive politics are bad. Throwing labels on people so it makes it easier to hate them is bad.
The only way to make the world better is to collaborate with people.
Well I have a good bit of disposable income right now and still would not pay 30 dollars for a game if it didn't have enough content to justify that price!
I'm thankfully not you though.
you'd have to be a pretty intense gamer to waste 30 bucks on a game
>>296361 You shrank? oh, no you're making fun of me. I hope you do shrink.
old age comes for us all bye
This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving and the next weekend is reading week for my classes. Er, next week. So I can add that nine day vacation to my, uh. Two year vacation?
>>296387 Yeah seeing the first one in theatres was amazing. It has such great visual direction the first movie does. Like all the low shots they use on Jaegers or the lighting in the hong kong fight scenes. I'm so excited for it.
>>296389 Oh yeah that'd be super cool With surround sound and stuff too for rumbles Every time a jaeger steps the seat vibrates
>>296391 They got some toys but they're all like a hundered bucks I think Gypsy got one model kit I want a Striker Eureka though Imagine how amazing a bandai kit would have been though
I'm still mad no good model kits for Pacific Rim
>>296390 and none of them are models either not even a revoltech toy what a shame
>>296393 I really appreciated the Australia spotlight in that movie Every fight is so good I wanna get webms from them all That sword scene was so cool
the Australians got such a rare part of being best boys in such an AMERICAAA type movie
I can't remember if they were actual australians or americans with Australian accents
>>296395 I like that it's not really a USA USA USA movie though It's more like a USA works together with the world to save the day and everyone is friends to FUCK KAIJU I want a real kaiju invasion it'd be so cool
Building the walls was fucking dumb though who the fuck thought that'd keep out the kaiju
>>296417 I play many many fighting games: guilty gear rev2, Mortal Kombat X, King of Fighters 13, well those are the ones I can remember. But it all started out on Sonic, Mario and Megaman X since then i've been in love with bosses fights and got my actual tastes for fighting games.
>>296420 Im a full-stack, though im unemployed right now. But im good at coding basically anything. I have an Arduino and a Raspberry PI. I'd post some video here but it's just too soon for this. 'Cus i've just met you guys. I don't wanna be in a hurry.
>what kind of code do you look at? To be more precise at your question, I code genetic algorithms right now. Just basic pathfind stuff(without using Djiskra). 'Cus Djiskra isn't really genetic, Djiskra is rather based on actual math which is faster than genetic pathfinding algorithms > .>
But aside from that Im also on a IRC Network called Rizon. But I bet nobody uses IRC Network around here, since doushio suffices all those needs.
depends a few around here use xdcc >>296421 huh, never really looked into that sounds pretty interesting
>>296421 I used to use irc. But a lot of those people flocked to Discord
>>296429 It's okay. sighs Discord is starting to feel like old shitty skype to me with no friends to play with. Must admit im not very popular for being too ugly.
>>296438 >Oh, it's you >I thought it might be >No, kori has never been in here So, you do remember me? It's okay to tell the truth. I won't hurt anyone.
>>296452 Have you tried Im not sure but i think they've been blocking foreigner IP address(IP Addresses that come out of brazil) due to people abusing the proxy-servers.
>>296456 Yes, you need IP Address from south america I think. You can blame me, that was totally my fault for abusing it to play with kori. Also, did you know kori?
I like how this is all pre-fingerprints, so the cops just go all touchy feely on everything hahah
>>296469 For sure, but I wanted to make my own genetic algorithm and not just copy someone's idea of genetic algorithm from some book. It only took me 1 wekk (week) to figure out everything.
Yes, i made from scrap, just reading the theory from wikipedia.
>>296473 C/C++, didn't bother much into doing full C or full C++.
Ah Wait I may have actually done some genetic algorithms before For like numerically solving differential equations or approximating roots of polynomials
>>296479 I know some combinatorics from last year. Not sure if it's enough.
>I come from more of a math background than programming background though so I'm probably a bit biased I live in the city where the first jew sinagoge was built. It's a SJW city with lots of bad teachers, bad employees. Considered to be the worst of Brazil by the non-SJW.
>>296476 it's fun it ran like crap on my laptop though
>>296480 Better than nothing, calculus is also important
>>296482 That's exactly what I lack. I can do some combinatorics, which is easy. But calculus has always been a problem.
>>296484 Yeah, they are >:3 I managed to learn some binary arithmetics as well and network IP arithmetics too.
But things like calculus and statistics is my downfall. Like I said, IT Guy with no Math Suite.
Combinatorics is actually pretty important too
>>296483 If you're up for it I can recommend a really good video lecture series on calculus (and more) Also Khan academy has good interactive problems
Sakura-chan !WBRXcNtpf.
>>296485 I Need statistics for next semester, do you have any? My actual IT Course doesn't have calculus(thank goodness), but it does have combinatorics and statistics.
>>296487 How come? Statistics and Probability are just as important. >:3 You can use them in Big Data
>>296486 Not sure about statistics Although I always find it weird when No I mean I don't know of a good video lecture series for it I know statistics and probability pretty well, although I'm out of practice Also I find it weird when people learn probability snd stats without knowing calculus
>>296487 Really? So that means Stats and Probs is way more difficult than Calculus? Im in for something :< Last course (4years ago) I dropped because I couldn't keep up with calculus.
>>296494 Sorry I don't really have a good analogy for you But like there are certain things in statistics and probability that if taught to students who don't know calculus will require a little bit more memorization
>>296495 He was here before but not for long. Just one day until that weekend.
>>296496 That's okay, im in no hurry. I've plenty of things to read through this semester. The only reason i've dropped is because they gave me a shit book to read and put me in an online course with no teacher, just the book.
>>296499 My problem isn't calculus per si, but anything and everything that precedes calculus. Kindergarten stuff figuratvely speaking.
it's not much of a story i was just driving home from my friend's place after a night at the club and when i was driving past the strip club, the devil's temptation almost overcame me
>>296503 It's not easy living your whole life in a SJW city where Jews built their first New World Sinagoge Lots of unqualified professionals here and poor fuck people.
So I just end up getting a very low educational results. The only reason I joined IT was because computers were the only thing I was good at. Anyways, depressing topic apart.
If you get some nice material on Stats and Probs let me know.
>>296505 you wish and wish granted check out my insta
>>296504 Of course you didn't go in. Your wife Shigure would never approve of that.
I had something to tell you but I can't remember what it is.
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
tell me the first thing that comes to mind
Earlier today (yesterday) I was about to apply for some jobs on an actual reputable job website when I noticed that the url listed for the company seemed wrong, I went and tried to open it but my browser blocked it for security reasons I did a whois on the domain and a whois on the company's actual domain name and they did not match Luckily I didn't send the application yet I was really irritated though
>>296527 Well they didn't Also wouldn't that require hacking into Uh, damn I forgot the term Are I don't even remember quite how whois stuff is kept track of in the first place
Also that article on encrypting grammatically correct English into Grammatically correct English was really good It was in one of the PoC || GTFO issues
>>296536 Ah Well, I'm pretty sure most of these listings weren't created by people that sophisticated Really whether or not the whois cameback clean I was already highly suspicious of it since my browser blocked the site
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
or rather the domain owner sets the nameservers that serve the info oh nvm talking about whois
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's a decent signal
Also the funny part was that on this site there were plenty of phishing fake job listings But the facebook ones were legit Or at the very least, the guy/bbot posting the listings for it didn't make the mistake of posting the wrong url for the company
Oh yeah I just remembered I saw an RFC vanity plate on a car on the highway last year I don't remember which one it was though