>Is the EU a community of values and principles, or is it a club whose membership grants the right to do anything within its own borders, master about catalonia
also still no comment from high eucrats
>>292722 Really though both of those sides apply fairly to either side of the conflict.
oh wait there was >referendum eas *was against spanish law. it is an internal issue lol
but Spain said there was no referendum?mm
>Finland's 100th anniversary of its unilateral and "illegal" declaration of independence could, at the helm of its government, clearly take the view that the European state represses and fights people who seek to promote peacefully and democratically the same legitimate goal - national independence moar from master man google translator is scary good
>>292752 No even better shooting molotovs at people in an event where tshirt guns are commonplace wrapped in tshirts and molotovs are not made of just ethanol or shit but napalm or such, something that sticks and spreads
Like... phenomenally bad. He has the lowest rating out of every 5* unit I have at 40 His rating actually matches with the 4* units that I have at 40 He's the equivalent of a Gunter+1 at 4*
what a waste I'd like to make a build for him but the only thing he's good for is singing and maybe healing. I don't even want to give him a Breath of Life 3, I feel like it'd be wasted.
Not to mention that I won't be able to compete well in Arena since his rating is so trash. If I make it to rank 19, it wouldn't even work out well. I hope I have a better bonus unit Oh, Black Knight should be in there. Nice.
Not with Shigure. I'd have to run an armor team just to compensate for the rating loss, but if I did that, I might as well just run Black Knight anyway.
I seem to have ward armor hone armor and like fortify armor all throughout some of my units so i could probably make an armored team
It's just unfortunate because there's no unit that I want to give his tome to. Every blue tome is just a damage spike and not very useful in support. The only person I can see it going on is Robin but I don't have a 5* Robin
death toll up to 58 injured up to 515
jesus christ do they know anything about the shooter?
>>292794 And even if it was the case you think they would do it legally? This is like "hey we banned all these weapons so terurists can't get any, oh wait what is this a 10000 cash of assault rifles in france?"
Aren't assault rifles a real thing whereas assault weapon is a political expression?
assault weapon is a legal classification
Assault weapons is to firearms manufacturing as third trimester is to medicine. They're both legal terms that come from legislation rather than actually coming from their fields.
I love how "idle" status in steam has been translated to "toimeton" which also means "worthless" in finnish
I want to get all my family and friends into my work environment Working here not only makes me realize how many fucking available jobs there are in my area, but also how fucking easy these jobs are to do, and to get GOD THERE'S JUST A MILLION GREAT JOBS EVERYWHERE
also apparently they made a Churchill movie with gary oldman as the lead seems kinda "might watch" https://dropfile.to/8cBAeSX here a sonk from hearts of iron mod to fit this post
>>292831 I'm the nurse aide I've been curious about becoming a desk jockey for a while now, and now one of my acquaintances has become one and apparently they get paid more than me I also have friend and a family member looking for good jobs right now but I don't want that friend and family member to meet and work together and talk shit about me
>>292847 nurse itself is kind of an aide to a doctor so what is a nurse aide?
>>292848 That's actually quite the cuck Nurses work pretty seperately from doctors (outside of the ER, and even then) >>292850 The nurse aide is basically the SLAVE UNDERLING of healthcare
am not talking about making a whole meal just something to stave off hunger for a moment all houses have some rice or pasta or something lying around
The online service the school I use for my night classes is prompting me to take an anti-phishing test/educative thing. All I can think is "bitch I don't even reply to emails this isn't relevant to me".
Tom Petty was just taken off of life support. There was no brain activity so they pulled the plug.
>>292909 I am lucky in that there is only about .3 btc on my phone's wallet but that's still a lot of money I also haven't connected my FEH account so unless I have someway to do it without my phone screen responding, I have lost all my characters.
yeah but my credit is garbage so it's like nothing
i got no savings at all you're doin p good
what 1000 usd isn't wealthy at all? If you have to pay rent, electricity, water, gas and food bills it gets used up and whatever you pay for travel and other shit.
anyway, the rise in price happened when Japan legalized the use of crypto for commerce. the recent dip is because China banned the use of crypto for funding certain kinds of projects. Called it illegal fundraising
>>292965 It's a warm series of cute girls doing cute things, but if you read a little deeper you might even come away with a better understanding of some artistic and composition fundamentals. Or at least the manga was like that.
also I hate overcast it has been like this since friday man I wonder will this year turn like that one year >a total of 6 days of sunlight between october and january that was fun
Not Yet! I wanna read some stuff and do some stuff!
I just feel mentally tired. I am still physically awake probably because of the energy drink I had! >>293036 A few mango. a few wuxia novels, a few e-mails and probably mope about on moe! I don't look forward to work tomorrow.
I saw a really weird fly a few months ago. I took a bunch of pics but my phone's autofocus screwed up most of them. The best description I have for it is "a dire housefly".
>>293067 you mean modifying the exposure or adjusting the Apeture and shutter to get decent exposure? >>293072 You don't spend even a second googling tom petty I don't think I would doubt that you are gonna look up basic camera terminology
It's all simple stuff anyway exposure: amount of lewdness Aperture: amount of science Kannagi adjusts her lewdness for scientific purposes. Because she can.
>>293085 This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine
>>293089 >>293088 It is interesting learning about depth of field. I had to learn how to adjust how to get the best sharpness at the right aperture. F5.6 is the pretty much the best sharpness but has a really small depth of field.
is the fun part EU can't interfere with spanish cops shooting spanish people but they can interfere with hungary and poland and such making laws that reduce "human rights according to EU" or refusing refugees by national policy
We use fucking more than 2% already of our budget on army we have one of the biggest armies in europe and are fucking historically death zone for occupying and invading armies
why wouldn't you want us in your military alliance against an easter force?
>>293125 I'd like to say I'm normally better than this. But this isn't the first time I've gotten my days and classes mixed up. Thank you for the good luck I'll treasure it.
>>293131 maybe??? nobody knows probably not the LAPD never responded to his home meaning he most likely never had that heart attack and coroners say they do not have him listed as dead
>>293137 He was allegedly pulled off of life support >>293140 Dude what? He's in the hospital And hasn't died yet
>>293144 practically yes you can turn that against the majority religion or the minority
>>293141 it was reported that tom petty was found in his home unconscious after suffering cardiac arrest and was brought to the hospital by the LAPD this report is false
>>293145 You know though, if it turns out that they were right the whole time, they're gonna be pretty smug.
So i bloody fucking hope that islam can find its "martin luther" and have its own reformation and become a peaceful religion that most of world's religions are nowadays
I hold that christianity is the ultiamte truth bu that doesn't mean say judaism is false it just means they are partially true, but that doesn't mean they are wrong and beyond salvation
and islam imo is similiar they just have it also bloody wrong and should be aided to atleast a situation that they can reach enough "salvation points"
Anyways Kirara, it wasn't the LAPD who responded it was the LA County Sheriff's department. Since Malibu is not in LA the city but is in LA County.
>>293233 Two reasons. One was that I forgot what my Nintendo account info was. The other was that I wasn't sure I wanted to link that account. I could have started over. >>293236 You link it to your nintendo account so that it can be attached to it and you can save your stuff and access it on other devices. As well as participate in some extra things.
>>293233 why would your account be linked to nintendo account? >>293237 so why wouldn¨'t you link them to origin because mass effect was previously linked to stuff
>>293236 >why would nintendo thing be linked to your Nintendo account
>>293238 mass effect got irrevocovbaly whatever words linked to EA and biowarebullshit by 2nd installment and it hammered down on the experience of any player
it's not like that though.
>>293234 Those won't work. My charging port is broken. I can't connect any kind of peripheral like that.
I think three is kind of disappointing for a word like mass. If I was told that an accident had mass injuries and then three injuried people trickled in, I would feel kind of misled.
>>293301 mass killers don't happen to get caught first time they intend to
>>293303 What do you think would happen if they police just decided to let them go? Would they get bored and wait for // wait a few days until they do another attack?
>>293304 they would kill people and then themselves probably but police would never do that mass killers intend to die about 90% of the time
>>293306 is there anything scarier than someone who's angry and has nothing to lose
these people have things to lose the vegas shooter was a multimillionaire
>>293308 If he intended to die that night then he probably didn't value that very much did he?
i think that's a gross oversimplification
What do you think the complicated version is then
i think you're oversimplifying it with that question too
there are a lot of things that go into this this man was probably a broken and mentally ill individual his father was on the fbi most wanted list he gambled $70k away before the shooting his family said he had no guns but he had 13 or something in the hotel it's all very strange
We need to address the material conditions that lead to this kind of thing
There's more than one material condition but the liberals that scream and bitch say there is And they say that because they want more control over poor people
There are a lot of them, like the toxic gun culture the NRA pushes, or the way cops treat people, the fact that poor people are disproportionately targeted by all crime laws, the fact that there are dangerous nazis, that the government is against us, that people can't afford health care, that people can't afford rent, that people can't afford things in general a gun does not make a person a killer it's the combination of a hundred different things - the things that make american life so difficult and miserable for most of the country - that leads to this stuff
there are reasons that most mass shooters are white males with a history of domestic abuse there are material conditions that lead these people to do such things and those material conditions are more than the existence of a firearm
nobody can even confirm that tom petty is in the hospital lol
I've had one of the most interesting subway trips in recent memory tonight. Was sitting next to a what I could only guess to be a young couple. One of them struck me as a panhandler and he was just
And I don't mean the " hah hah oh less of what I wrote came out than I thought.
>>293339 just what? I'm surprised a panhandler can afford subway.
He was just fucking with his partner. And I don't mean "hah hah, that's so cute" kind, this shit was probably actually abuse. He was constantly insulting the other guy, accusing him of always lying to him. He'd go in to flick or soft slap the partner's face only to stop at the last moment and then chuckle as he said "I'm just joking". He demanded his partner give him a sip from a drink cup then got all pissy that there want anything left,
Oh you meant the train not the restaurant. There's some pretty messed up sights on trains.
>>293347 That's good I like green tea and I like ice cream.
at this rate i begmyself to have something amusing happen today oh well back to aslerp and hope for boring
Gee thanks phone.
>>293343 complaining about being thirsty and telling his partner it was all his fault he was thirsty. They moved shortly before I got off but I passed near them as I was leaving and the abusive guy was now spitting on his partner They also both seemed kind of mentally unwell. The abusive guy was constantly shifting and fidgeting in ways I've seen people with mental disabilities act before, and his boyfriend didnt seem to have a graap on language and didn't seem to know how to react to the abuse.
>>293343 this dude sounds like an anime character the kind the MC beats up
>>293344 How's commuter rail system like in new Zealand?
>>293352 I dunno I never ride it. I only take the bus which has always been pleasant In Australia there was a lot of drunken activity on the train. Occasional drug deals I think. Saw a lot of arguments. One guy in Australia banged on the bus windows and started shouting about how he'd kill all the cunts outside
Which one was shuumatsu? Oh, is it a new one? Probably whatever night it airs, but we can save it for a particular night if that's what you need to watch with us.
Are you sure you two don't mean Osomatsu.
>>293357 $40 but still i had to cancel my card and lose 40 bucks and now i gotta spend a lot of stress and time to get a new card and hopefully that money back
>>293377 Shuumatsu is about the two girls exploring. I'll just wait until it airs.
Oh that show. There was just another series that started with Shuumatsu that aired a few seasons back. So I was wondering if that had gotten mixed up with Osomatsu.
I haven't seen the new Shuumatsu air yet so I don't think it's out yet.
>>293384 at one point the youngest of the children looked up at me with a tiny fistful of change and was like is there anything in the store i can get with this much left and i scanned my whole brain to find out that yes there was a 1oz beef jerky snack stick you could buy for thirty nine cents and i went over there with him and he was all excited and we had none left
>>293385 When I was really young, I got recruited to do some kind of, I'm not even sure what it was. Maybe a consumer testing session? They had a bunch of kids and I think we were watching video clips or something. There was snack trays and drinks, the whole event felt pretty fancy as a kid. Afterwards they gave me a fifty-dollar bill, which is still the highest denomination of money I've ever had on hand to this date. I felt like I was super rich for having it. I held on to the bill for what felt like eternity, when really it was probably just a few months after which I broke it on buying Pokemon Gold I think.
>>293391 >>293392 after i apologized for being wrong to him i went back to ring some more people up and he was back in the line. he found three quarters. i sold him a juice-flavored drink.
he got the green apple one. i asked why he wanted the green one and he said cause it's green. fucking kids get // thats not how i wanted to start that sentence kids get me laughing every time
>>293395 Green's a pretty good drink colour this kid has good taste. Kids are hilarious. I've tried playing yugioh with my little cousins a few times and they always make up rules so that they win.
>>293395 That anime girl is super ccute. >>293393 You've never had a hundred?
Never. You'd be hard-pressed to find a retail place that would take your hundred-dollar bill really. I never bought anything more expensive than that Pokemon game before I had a bank account and after that I just paid for everything expensive electronically.
A lot of places near me dont take hhundreds Some don't even take fifties
>>293400 Weird. We definitely took hundreds in KFC
>>293401 Those aren't real dollars. Also it's cause hundreds and fifties are generally the most counterfeited. And I live near an urban area. Plus there's like actual mafia around here.
>>293402 Hey I'll have you know the Dollarydoo is doing quite well at the moment. It's the kiwibuck that isn't real.
There are many people around here that generally get paid each day, in cash. You know what I mean, right? Lots of places are willing to break large bills, but generally not at night.
Yeah I'm picking up what you're putting down. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of construction jobs 'round here do similar shit too. Though you'd still have to deposit it if they're paying you in large bills. I think even fifty bills have a hard time getting accepted in general stores too.
>>293407 I don't really hahave any stories. . Ah There was this one time my friend and I were in tthe wwoods llate aat night and tthought wwe hheard ggun shots
Oh and I went to highschool wiwith the son of a mob lawyer.
It happened while I was at work, 2 buildings down the street.
Hrrm I think I'm gonna go attempt sleep. And if I fail to sleep within a few hours, I'll take some nyquil. Luckily my throat and sinuses aren't bothering me as much right now.
Have you tried Melatonin?
>>293441 Yee Doesn't always work, although tonight if I have troubke sleeping it is likely from my cold or whatever it is. Cause I got up pretty early today.
>>293442 Oh, I see. Nyquil puts me out like a light. But 25mg diphenhydramine and 5mg melatonin does the same and ensures I sleep for at least eight hours.
I don't like to take that stuff because dextromethorphan makes it really hard to focus on anything, though. I prefer to just suffer when I'm sick. Most of the time.
>>293447 Same here, I rarely take otc stuff when im sick. Mainly cause im on several prescription drugs and worry about interactions though.
Can you rhyme anything with your name? My coworker asked me, and I said he was Big Dick Patrick. Or Balls Deep Pradip, for his non-anglicized name. I can't think of a good rhyme for my own name, though.
>>293528 This image is very comfy. A snow barbecue sounds intensely comfy. >>293530 That sounds like a pretty bad storm. Usually barbecues are more fun. We can't have a barbecue here because the wind's too strong.
A few years back when we had a really bad ice storm that knocked power out for forty or fifty hours, my brother and I did breakfast on the barbeque because it was the only source of combustion available to us. It's not really something I would want to do again unless I had to. Barbeques aren't that great for finesse cooking.
>>293547 What? Why does your scalp itch? that sounds really annoying.
Beats me really. It was feeling a little scratchy during class this evening but thankfully wasn't that bad. Maybe my house is just a little drier than I can take at the moment.
>>293553 what if you bought one of those humidifier thingies aren't they good for the skin and improving respiration while you are asleep
I'll probably be fine if if I just massage water more enthusiastically into my hair next time I shower. Those other benefits aren't big issues for me so it's probably not worth the investment. At the moment at least.
I'm unsure the benefit would be any bit important compared to the negative effects of smoking, though. so things like that are not useful for me. but I've heard good things.
>>293562 Funnily enough I'm pretty sure we've got a dehumidifier laying around, but I don't think we've got a humidifier. Though we do have a bunch of weird devices that I don't know what they do.
>>293565 i think the air in my room is dry, but I don't have a hygrometer, either. >>293570 they just want to make sure you don't make any sudden movements. if you move they want to know.
>>293580 I've hired a lovely secretary. this way i can [wheezes] post and do whirly birds at the same time. My secretary is underpaid and underappreciated if anyone is looking for 140 wpm contact at antoinette@doushio please i can't do this anymore
I had to go home from work Dizzy My left ear is doing that thing again and it's making me more dizzy and disoriented and the only way to stop it seems to be putting my head horizontally
I don't know why this is happening I dunno what causes it
It could be stress, it could be my heartrate because of my ritalin, it could be random It's been more often lately too
>>293620 He's placed very well at japanese tournaments recently. You can hear them screaming about his yoshi in nip in some locals in this newer video >>>/watch?v=GP3cckpuk70 they get so excited about smash it's funny
Samu ☕️ !KW2DbpWwls
seriously those plays were insane
>>293621 That does sound weird Maybe you need to lie down or something
I'm giving these yoshi plays a really big thumbs up
>>293624 I am Sent a message to my doc asking if he knows what could be causing it, or at least if there's something I can do about it I don't like having to go home because of this, I don't like hearing my own breath like a fucking hurricane in my eardrum
>>2936281 >>293628 Hopefully he knows something about it then.
alright the dextro is starting to hit i think it's sleepytime for this bangaroo
>>293629 Hope so. I hate how much is wrong with me Maybe just taking my anxiety meds would stop it but they're benzos and I don't wanna fuck around with that without at least a green light from my doc If this is just a result of stress they will help it i assume, but that doesn't necessarily mean I should take them for this. Using benzos more than necessary is scary
>>293632 It's probably better to wait for him to respond before taking them yeah. Also, I have Kemono downloaded if you wanna watch a couple episodes before I go to bed
I have no idea if it will, but I didn't take it today cause I was alright going to work without it, and I havent had the problem the days I have taken it But like, it's only been since Thursday so
I took one before work yesterday without really needing to, though, cause I was a bit worried I'd stress out if the Catalonia thing got brought up and people around me started defending what went down there I'm trapped at work when I'm there so I wouldn't be able to escape I dunno if I would or not but I didn't wanna take the chance cause I get emotional
It'd likely be fine, I can handle people having different views and all, but it's hard for me to tackle that sort of thing when I can't like, leave the situation
I don't really notice much of a difference whether I take them or not unless I'm in a situation where I'd usually start getting anxious, though, which is strange I thought these things would be a lot more noticeable There's some changes but not anything as big as I expected
I worry a bit when meds I take aren't like, obvious to me as being in effect while they are It's a bit uncomfortable to have stuff in my system altering me without being aware of it beyond knowing I did take something
>>293642 If you notice you aren't as anxious, then they're working well though, right?
Yeah, but it's not like I'm always anxious either 8 mean there's a constant guard that gets lowered a little, but I'm not on high alert and stuff all the time, so
I dunno I figured they'd mellow me out more than they do, which is fine, just unexpected It's more like they prevent my reactions than actively do a certain thing, at least that's what it feels like Iunno if this is making much sense, describing my head isn't something I'm good at
So instead of you going WHAT it makes you think oh
Mmm I dunno It's like it just maintains where I'm at and prevents extreme swings rather than moving me somewhere in particular, I think I dunno, I haven't really had a big meltdown since getting them other than an angry outburst at my dad, which did die down gradually after I took them but I dunno if they even do anything for that, I just also often get really anxious when I calm down from my anger, and I didn't wanna deal with that
I have a real problem with accepting my own anger and I spend hours afterwards being worried I was wrong to be mad at all, usually I did have a little bit of that anyway, but I think less than usual
The shitty part about being on ritalin is i can't really sleep or nothing while it's doing its thing I can relax a little bit at least, though
Does it keep you up long?
Naw, it wears off before bedtime, but until then it's pretty hard to sleep I usually only take half my dose, cause it's not like my work is extremely in need of alertness and concentration or anything
I'd struggle on half if I was studying or something though, I'm pretty sure Just don't like overuse of any kind of medication