
Thread #282424

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last time the team rushed singing bear and smashed him and saved archie
and they've returned to the mansion

ooc >>282426 →
it has been about a week since the team returned to the mansion
archie was pretty surprised to see eddie and have him shipped off to a hospital so he doesn't die in bed (sicily didn't really care)
samuel has already recovered from his wounds surprisingly
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas has been talking to his pal Peter lately.
Archie has called the team into his office. The tomes the team has recovered are strewn about his desk.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas gazes at the tomes intently, listening for their readme calls.
Felicity Davis
I join the group in the office.
"So, after that last adventure, I think you owe us some explanations as to what is going on."
Archie nods. "Perhaps so."
He's standing in front of the window beind his desk, looking out of it.
"A colleague of mine has recovered a tome. If you bring it to me, I promise to explain everything upon your return." He turns to the team and nods at them.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas nods back. "Gladly, at least that's my response. Can I also get a refresher on how your brain doesn't get all noodly checking out the tomes? I remember the last time or two that happened with me and there was some freaky tentacle stuff involved and it was dont interupt me felicity gosh anyway it was weird."
Felicity Davis
"Where would we be running off to this time?"
"You should explain things now!"
He clears his throat. "The next tome is located in Montana. Our pilots will get you there, and my colleague will be waiting there with the tome. You need just pick it up and bring it back. Once I have this tome, I should be able to explain everything to you."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas pouts noticeably
Thomas O'Neil
Felicity Davis
"And this time, to the BEST of your knowledge, what dangers would await us there if we were to go."
"I think we both know it likely won't be that easy."
He smiles. "No danger, this time. The tome was recovered in secret, and nobody knows we have it!"
Thomas O'Neil
"Well that sounds downright fantastic! But not that we are lazy, but could the friend in question not have delivered it here by means of themselves or a third party similar to ourselves? Not that I'm complaining."
Felicity Davis
I walk up close to him, staring him levelly in the eyes. "And where we might go, would there be any folklore in the region of some creature that preys on humans? Any indiginous people's tribes nearby that might have a bone to pick with us?"
He nods to Thomas, "My colleague is quite busy. He can't up and leave. And you three are the only ones I can trust to transport one of these tomes." He turns /// meets Felicity's gaze.
"Well, there's folklore like that anywhere you go. The local Natives don't know about this tome, either, so fret not, friend! It was unexpectedly recovered in a site dig."
Felicity Davis
(Assess Honesty #d6+2 (6 + 2 = 8))
He doesn't appear to be deceiving you.
Felicity Davis
I breathe a long breath out.
"Fine. I'll agree."
"I am certain that this will be far mroe complex than you think it is. But fine."
He claps his hands together once. "Wonderful. The pilots are already preparing so feel free to join them."
Felicity Davis
I swing by Hamlin's weapon closet, making sure my guns are clean and fully loaded, before going out to the airstrip to board the plane.
Kinzo and Battler are hanging out by the plane. Kinzo is looking senile as ever in his bathrobe.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas waves at the lovable duo.
Felicity Davis
"Off to Montana then this time, boys."
Kinzo shuffles into the plane to warm it up.
"You all keep pretty busy, huh?" says Battler. "You don't really believe in all this magic stuff, do you?"
Thomas O'Neil
"I dunno, seeing is pretty believing at this point. Also I've got like a literal spirit wolf hanging out with me whenever I want so at this point I don't think I'm just losing it."
Felicity Davis
"It's a better alternative than going stark raving mad."
Battler looks skeptical but climbs into the plane.
Battler waits for the missing party member.
VV hops in the plane.
even though planes in 1934 go like 100mph it feels like the trip is over very quickly
the plane lands on what looks like a makeshift air strip
as the plane came down, the team noticed what appears to be a large dig-site near the landing strip
the doors open and battler gets out
"I'll be waiting for you guys, like always. Stay out of trouble."
Thomas O'Neil
"Even though planes only go 100mph in this year of 1934, that went by really quickly!"
Felicity Davis
"I really hope we can." I sigh as I get out of the plane.
Pausing a few steps out, I turn back and knock on the cargo door.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas starts observing the dig-site.
"I am certain that this will not be as easy as it was described to us."
Archie's colleague nowhere to be found.

The cargo door opens and Sicily steps out, yawning, in response to Felicity's knocking.
Felicity Davis
"We're in Montana for another book pick-up, if you're interested in looking around."
"Sure, might as well." she starts walking towards the dig-site.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas also starts heading towards the dig-site, trying to keep an eye out for anyone in particular. Also, he keeps an eye out for any signs of what kind of dig-site this might be, though he has an educated guess.
"It's more accuate to say that we're awaiting impending misfortune."
Felicity Davis
"That's what I'm dreading, Miss Vane. But it's useful to remain hopeful."
#5d6 (6, 2, 6, 2, 4 = 20)
The dig-site is just a short walk from the air strip. Surprisingly, there doesn't appear to be anyone around.
"Maybe everyone's inside a cave or something?" Sicily wonders aloud.
Thomas O'Neil
"Maybe." Thomas listens for the sound of life nearby, sticking his ear towards presumably a nearby cave. He expects either conversation or some form of digging/manual labor.
"I'm sure that they were hunted and consumed by some unspeakable horror."
It sounds pretty silent aside from the team's footsteps.
There is what appears to be an entrance to an underground tunnel deeper ino the dig-site, and how nice! there's a ladder for the team to climb down into the site with.
Thomas O'Neil
"Oh beans. I guess we head on down? "
Thomas peers down the ladder.
Felicity Davis
"All I'm thinking is, getting back up a ladder isn't easy when you're in a rush."
I look around for any structure or pavillion the dig team staff may have set-up.
"Oh yes, I think I've heard this story before. They unearthed something unspeakable and it ate them, yes?"
There is a pavilion down in the dig-site, but there doesn't appear to be anyone there.
Sicily starts climbing down the ladder.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas shrugs and follows Sicily.
"What could possibly ... no not that one, um...
L-let's find out what's up by getting down with this dig-site? Yeah that will work sure."
Felicity Davis
I groan quietly and head down the ladder.
Sicily peers into the tunnel. It's incredibly dark. There appear to be lights hooked up to the ceiling of the tunnel, but the generator connected to the lights is out of gas, from the looks of it.
"Do we have some sort of light?"
Felicity Davis
(Preparedness roll for flashlight in bag #d6+2 (4 + 2 = 6))
Felicity finds two flashlights in her bag.
Felicity Davis
"Strange, there was only one I put in there earlier."
I flick the light on and shine it down the tunney.
Tunnel, even.
"Perhaps we should try to coax some life out of this generator."
The tunnel seems long and twisty. The light only goes so far.
Thomas O'Neil
Preparedness roll for literally gasoline
#d6 (6)
Thomas has gasoline in his bag for some reason. It's doubtful that anyone will question it.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks over the generator and attempts to refuel it.
roll explosives to refuel the generator

Thomas refuels the generator successfully.
"That's certainly fortuitous that you had some fuel on you."
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas quietly fistpumps to himself and turns it on, if it wasnt already
"Right? I dont even remember what that was doing there. Maybe I had it for an explosion trick I thought up."
The lights flicker on, illuminating the cave.
"Who wants to take point?" asks Sicily.
"This seems much safter than just using flashlights. Let's go."
VV heads down the tunnel.
Sicily follows VV.
Felicity Davis
I stow the one flashlight and follow along.
The group continues down the tunnel until they reach an open area. There's a body lying on a mat. It appears to be breathing.
Thomas O'Neil
"oh phew thought we were in trouble there for a second. Not a corpse."
Thomas approaches the presumably a person. "Hello howdy hi?"
Felicity Davis
More warily, I approach the body.
#4d6 (6, 2, 3, 6 = 17)

It slowly gets to its feet and turns to face the team.
It's an odd looking man with a long nose and a very square chin. He smiles. "Who might you be?"
His voice sounds a little hoarse.
Thomas O'Neil
"Ah yes, we're uh associates of someone sent to go and speak with ... one moment. Huh, well a colleague of our benefactor."
Thomas tries to answer VV. "I fall asleep in a lab all the time this is basically the same thing."
"Why are you just welcoming us like nothing is odd? Do people just sleep on the floor in mine shafts in this country?"
"Ah, you must be here for... the book..." He looks a little absent-minded.
"Is that why you're here?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Yes we are here for."
Thomas turns to face the camera
"The book."
Felicity Davis
I roll my eyes. "Yes we're here to pick the book up. Did some band of magic Indians come by and swipe it or are we still good on this deal?"
He removes a book from a nearby box and holds it out.
"Yes, the book is... here." He clears his throat.
Sicily swipes the book from his hand.

"This guy is fucking creepy," she says loud enough for him to hear. "Let's get out of here."
The man looks a little sad.
Thomas O'Neil
"Don't worry fellow researcher. I dont think you are creepy."
Felicity Davis
I pull out fifteen dollars from my bag and pass them to the man.
"Take care of yourself, sir. Thank you for contribution." I nod politely and turn from the man.
"There's surely something going on here that we haven't discovered yet. It won't be this easy."
Sicily starts walking out as the man takes the $15 gratefully.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas waves farewell and heads out too
Sicily stands outside near the ladder, waiting for the group.
Thomas O'Neil
"We did it gang. Another mystery solved."
Sicily climbs the ladder.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas climbs the ladder
Felicity Davis
I head up to ground level with the group.
Sicily heads back towards the plane.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas heads back towards the plane
Battler seems very surprised to see everyone returning so quickly.
Thomas O'Neil
"Everything went better than expected."
"We aren't back yet. I don't know why you are so confident that everything will be fine. These tomes have caused us great hardship every time we've encountered one."
Felicity Davis
"Sure, but I'm not going to sit around waiting for the terrible thing to happen. I'm ready to go back."
Kinzo warms up the plane and Battler climbs in.
Once everyone's inside, the plane takes off.


The strange man at the dig-site lies alone on the floor. His ears are bleeding. He's laughing hysterically but tears roll down his cheeks.

[Back on the plane]

"So what do y'all usually do with these books?" asks Sicily.
Felicity Davis
"We give them off to Professor Hamlin. Then I, personally, try to forget they even exist."
Thomas O'Neil
"I occasionally look at them and have lapses in my sanity and witness horrific things and gain knowledge otherwise unknown to myself."
She holds the book out to Thomas. "Sounds like you'll have more fun with it than I will."
Thomas O'Neil
"What could possibly go wrong!"
Thomas takes the book and starts reading.
The pages all appear to be blank.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas closes the book.
"What is it?" asks Sicily.
Thomas O'Neil
"Well it's blank to me, but the last time something was blank to me Boss could read it I think. Wanna have a whirl?"
"I suppose we should have checked it to see that it was legitimate. Or perhaps it is supposed to be blank?"
Sicily takes a look at it. "Can't see shit."
Felicity Davis
I wrinkle my nose in disgust, but take the book and flip through the pages.
Felicity sees nothing but blank pages.
Thomas O'Neil
"It's probably fine."
Felicity Davis
"Damnit, nothing," though my tone is relieved.
"Yes, let us just return it and act as if we were none the wiser."
Felicity examines the book closely and finds a written receipt folded and hidden inside. It seems this book was purchased somewhere.
The book does seem fairly new for something unearthed at an archeological dig, as well.
Battler watches what's been going on.
"What, is it not what you came for? We can't go back, you know. We don't have the fuel."
Felicity Davis
I sit back a bit "Damn. God damn it."
Thomas O'Neil
"Maybe we're being tricked into thinking it isnt the right book."
VV sighs.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt for me to take a look at it."
She peers at the book.
VV sees nothing but blank pages.
Felicity Davis
"We go back to Hamlin, be forthwith, and discuss what to do next, I guess." I turn to Battler. "Unless you know of anywhere we can land and find the fuel to sufficiently complete the trip back to the digsite and home.
"I'm afraid not. We'll have to refuel back at the mansion."
Felicity Davis
"That's that, then."
And thus the plane returns to the mansion with a less than happy team inside.
"Why don't you all give the boss man a status report while we fuel up?"
says battler
Felicity Davis
"Yeah, yeah, let's get on that." I say as I slouch towards the mansion.
As the team enters the mansion, they're assaulted with the powerful scent of iron.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas follows, hoping that maybe the book is something.
Thomas' concern increases greatly.
Felicity Davis
I gag at the smell. "Oh no, not again." And beeline for the study.
Samuel is sitting against the door of the study. He looks like he's sleeping.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas carefully removes Samuel.
His body slumps forward. It looks like someone scooped out everything that was inside him from the back. Even his spine is missing.
Somehow his skin maintains its shape, but everything inside is very clearly gone. The skin in the back is missing, revealing his missing insides quite clearly.

There isn't even any blood.
Thomas O'Neil
Felicity Davis
"Well, so much for moving sublty and in silence."
"He is not normally like that, is he? I must admit I have not looked very closely."
Felicity Davis
"No, I would think not."

I carefully turn the doorknob and open the door to the study.
The overpowering stench of blood wafts out from the study.
You can see where Samuel's insides are now.
They're all over the study, covering everything except the desk, which is quite clean and barren.

Archie is slumped against a wall. He doesn't appear to be breathing. A large portion of his head is missing as well. It doesn't take a doctor to figure out that Archie is dead.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas looks on in indescribable horror.
Felicity Davis
(#d6 (1))

Turning out of the doorway I make it ten steps down the hall before vomiting.
Thomas O'Neil
#d6 (6)
well this is awkward
#d6 (3)
Thomas O'Neil
Since Thomas is feeling so level headed, he starts searching around the room.
(I think I have evidence collection I can spend?$
"This is certianly a gruesome scene... I suppose we don't need to worry about the business with the tomes anymore."
Thomas notices two bloody footprints made by bare feet.
Archie and Samuel were wearing shoes, he notes.
Thomas O'Neil
"It reaaons out but some other party was involved; there's a set of bare footprints."
Thomas tries to see if there are any more prints that may give more clues.
There don't seem to be any other footprints. The whole scene is a bloody mess.
The clean desk, however, catches Thomas' eyes.
Felicity Davis
Leaning heavily on the wall outside the doorframe, I say, panting heavily. "Tomes. Where are the tomes?"
The clean desk has also caught Felicity's keen eyes.
The tomes are nowhere to be seen.
Felicity Davis
I make my way into the office, over to the desk, and start opening drawers.
Felicity finds plenty of loose papers but no tomes.
Thomas O'Neil
"Beans. No, worse than beans, we've been super had.

You dont think Archie knew this was coming and sent us away on purpose?"
Sicily walks in and sees the mess. "What the fuck did you guys do?"
Felicity Davis
"Don't know! Came back to it!"
"Well, there's another big problem waiting outside."
Thomas O'Neil
"Like what? Police or worse?"
VV takes a close look at Samuel's back.
#d6+1 (1 + 1 = 2) first aid looking for abnormal stuff
"The former president, Hoover. Says he's here to see Archie."

even with a terrible roll like that, VV can see that everything is just missing which is very abnormal
Thomas O'Neil
"Well we can probably let Hoover know Archie has become uh, yeah that. They were pals so surely it won't come down on our heads or something."

"wait no I forgot everything in my shock that's BAD NEWS USUALLY."
Felicity Davis
His vice-president wouldn't happen to be with him, would he."
"It's just him. He seemed pretty impatient. I dunno how long he'll wait."
As if on cue, the team hears footsteps.
Felicity Davis
I take a deep breath and stand up straight, steadying myself.
Thomas O'Neil
Thomas tries to look natural and composed, while probably intending to look as one should in this situation?
Hoover steps into the doorway.
"Poor boy's gone and gotten himself killed, I see." He carefully steps over a puddle of blood. "What a stench! My word."
He looks at the team, seemingly quite composed. "I'm sure you have some guesses as to what occurred here?"
Thomas O'Neil
"Somebody did some messed up stuff to my Archie and his manservant and made off with the books and doesnt like footwear."
Felicity Davis
"We only just got back from a flight out of State ourselves, sir. And while we've seen a number of terrible and vicious ways that people have died, I can't say this one is one I've seen before."
"Yes, he's quite dead. I guess it's time to begin packing."
"Packing? You're planning on avenging him, then?"
"Oh, no. I doubt that he'll make any more reuqests of us in that state, however."
"This isn't something you can run from, you know. A very dangerous man has a very dangerous power, now."
Thomas O'Neil
"I'll be exploding the one responsible soon."
Felicity Davis
"No sir, we don't really know. Hamlin has been keeping us in the dark almost absolutely this whole time. We were supposed to be informed upon our return here, but I suppose he is unavailable to do that for us now."
He looks quite serious.
"Then it is time for you to learn everything."

Thomas O'Neil
Thomas stands ready, poised to understand everything.
